Syllabus: Economics 805, Part 1 Evolution and Learning in Games
Syllabus: Economics 805, Part 1 Evolution and Learning in Games
Syllabus: Economics 805, Part 1 Evolution and Learning in Games
Department of Economics
University of Wisconsin
Fall 2017
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce a variety of topics from evolutionary game
theory ( = myopic disequilibrium dynamics in games played by large populations) and
the theory of learning in games ( = disequilibrium dynamics in games played by small
groups of players) We will start with an extended introduction to the theory population
games and evolutionary dynamics using both (some) simulations and (mostly) formal
analyses. After this we will more briefly consider a variety of topics, with candidates
including (i) evolution in extensive form games; (ii) geometric game dynamics; (iii)
stochastic evolution in cooperative games; (iv) learning via calibrated forecasts.
All of the topics we study in this course require some knowledge about dynamical
systems and Markov chains. Some topics require more advanced knowledge of
probability theory and an assortment of other areas of mathematics. We will cover the
essential mathematics in lecture, but we will likely sacrifice mathematical diligence in
favor of covering more game theory models less rigorously.
Course requirements
In the first portion of the course (about 8 lectures), the basic reading material will be some
combination of my chapter from the Handbook of Game Theory and my book. There will
be a few problem sets that will be collected and graded. The aim here is to equip you
with a basic command of evolutionary game theory and some of the relevant
The second portion of the course will focus on a few individual papers and book chapters.
Some of the aims here are (i) to expose you to a variety of current research topics; (ii) to
help you develop the habit of reading theory papers closely; and (iii) to acquaint you with
the mathematics you would need to learn to pursue research in each of these areas.
The homework for the second portion of the course will be to closely read a paper, either
one from a list of suggestions or one that you find on your own and I approve. You will
write a report summarizing the paper and explaining the main ideas of the proofs. Part
of the way one learns to do theory is by reading papers closely until you have mastered
part of the literature, and the aim here is to help you develop this habit.
General references
W. H. Sandholm (2010). Population Games and Evolutionary Dynamics. MIT.
W. H. Sandholm (2015). “Population games and deterministic evolutionary dynamics.”
In H. P. Young and S. Zamir, eds., Handbook of Game Theory, Vol. 4, North Holland,
D. P. Myatt and C. C. Wallace (2008). “When does one bad apple spoil the barrel? An
evolutionary analysis of collective action.” Review of Economic Studies 75, 499–527.
W. H. Sandholm and M. Staudigl (2016). “Large deviations and stochastic stability in the
small noise double limit.” Theoretical Economics (2016), 279–355.
W. H. Sandholm and M. Staudigl (2017). “Sample path large deviations for stochastic
evolutionary game dynamics.” Working paper.