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Reinforcement: Detailing

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Sydney 10 June | Melbourne 11 June | Hobart 12 June
Adelaide 17 June | Perth 19 June | Brisbane 15 July | Townsville 17 July
This one-day course will provide necessary guidance on the basic requirements for clear
and concise detailing. The comprehensive program will offer guidance to ensure that the
reinforcing provided on site corresponds with designer’s expectations.
Attendees will be presented with practical limitations of construction and stepped through
fundamental detailing principles and provisions. This is intended to facilitate awareness
that aids in limiting confusion between the design and construction teams, decreasing
costs associated with the material supply, highlighting correct placement and reducing
unacceptable levels of dispute.
This course is essential for all designers, those in drafting and a must for younger
engineers – as detailing is currently not a formal part of undergraduate core subjects,
yet fundamental to the proper design, detailing and construction of reinforced concrete
The course has been developed and will be delivered by four eminent engineers who are
experts in this subject matter and recognised leaders of the industry; David Beal, John
Woodside, Steve Freeman, and Leo Noicos. Course materials include an in-depth set of
lecture notes together with a complimentary copy of the Institute’s Reinforcement Detailing
Handbook – which has been based upon the Australian Concrete Structures Standard –
Major sponsor: AS 3600:2009.
The Institute encourages all current and potential registrants to view the full program of
course details. The program has been structured in a manner to ensure maximum benefit
to attendees that will enable them to walk away with outcomes which can be directly
applied in practice. The seminar includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch, a hardcopy
set of notes prepared by the presenters, and the Institute’s Reinforcement Detailing

Program and registration details overleaf ▶

Sydney 10 June | Melbourne 11 June | Hobart 12 June | Adelaide 17 June | Perth 19 June | Brisbane 15 July | Townsville 17 July

PRICING The Institute is further appreciative of the support shown Supporting

through our seminar supporting partner, the Steel partner:
CIA Members $590 Reinforcement Institute of Australia. Members of SRIA
SRIA Members $590 attend the seminars at the CIA member rates.

CIA Student Members $295 PRESENTERS

EA Members $640 David Beal  Steve Freeman

Director, D Beal Contract Scheduler
Non-Members $795 Engineer Pty. Ltd. and Estimator  
Seminar & Membership John Woodside Leo Noicos
Package (incl. 12 Month Director, J Woodside Director
Individual Membership) $850 Consulting Pty. Ltd LN Engineering Pty. Ltd.

AGENDA Time Event

Time Event 11.05 Development and Splicing of Reinforcement
08.00 Registration 12.30 Lunch 
08.45 Introduction, Course Outline 13.30 Practical Detailing of Reinforcement
09.15 Reinforcement Supply 15.00 Afternoon Tea 
09.35 General, Reinforcement Detailing, 15.30 Detailing of Post-Tensioned Concrete 
Construction Requirements
15.50 The Art of Scheduling
10.15 Selected Topics on Detailing of Drawings
16.30 Other Detailing Considerations
10.35 Morning Tea 
17.00 Close

To register or to find out more please visit

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