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Equilibria (With Solution)

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Topical Revision – Equilibria

Question 1 (ACJC P3/Q1) – Chemical Equilibria

Question 2 (AJC P2/Q3) – Chemical Equilibria

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are intended for student’s personal use only.
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Question 3 (AJC P3/Q3 either) – Acid-base Equilibria

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are intended for student’s personal use only.
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Question 4 (HCI P3/Q3 either) – Acid-Base Equilibria

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are intended for student’s personal use only.
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Question 5 (HCI P3/Q3 or) – Chemical Equilibria

Question 6 (NJC P2/Q3(c)) – Solubility Product

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are intended for student’s personal use only.
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Question 7 (NJC P3/Q3 either) – Acid-Base Equilibria

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Question 8 (NJC P3/Q3 or) – Acid-Base Equilibria

Question 9 (NYJC P2/Q1) – Chemical Equilibria

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Question 10 (NYJC P2/Q3) – Solubility Product

Question 11 (RJC P2/Q3) – Acid-Base Equilibria + Solubility Product

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are intended for student’s personal use only.
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Question 12 (RJC P3/Q3 either) – Chemical Equilibria

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Question 13 (SAJC P3/Q3 either) – Acid-Base Equilibria

Question 14 (SAJC P3/Q3 or) – Acid-Base Equilibria + Solubility product

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Question 15 (TJC P2/Q2) – Chemical Equilibria

Question 16 (TJC P3/Q2) – Acid-Base Equilibria + Solubility Product

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Question 17 (VJC P2/Q1) – Chemical Equilibria

Question 18 (VJC P3/Q3 either) – Solubility Product

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Question 19 (VJC P3/Q3 or) – Acid-Base Equilibria

Q20 AJC/P2/Q2b

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[ Kc =656; 0.364mol]

3c The table below lists the equilibrium constants, Kc, for the reversible reaction

H2 (g) + CO2 (g) CO (g) + H2O (g)

at three different temperatures.

Temperature / K 500 700 900

Kc 7.76 x 10-3 1.23 x 10-1 6.03 x 10-1

(i) Based on the above information, deduce whether the forward reaction is
exothermic or endothermic.
(ii) 2.0 moles each of H2 (g) and CO2 (g) are allowed to react in a 4.0 dm3
closed vessel. Calculate the concentration of CO (g), in mol dm-3, in the
equilibrium mixture at 700 K. [ 0.130 ]
(iii) State the effect of an increase in pressure on the percentage yield of CO.

Q22 SAJC/P2/Q3
The reaction between NO and F2 was studied by mixing the two gases. At different times
during the experiment, various single changes were made to the conditions inside the
reaction vessel.
2NO(g) + F2(g) 2ONF(g)
The change in concentrations of the three compounds in the equilibrium mixture with time
is given by the graph below:




1.1 F2
/ mol dm / mol dm-3


Concentration Concentration




0.4 ONF



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time / min

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(i) Write the expression of Kc for the reaction.

(ii) Calculate the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the system at the 7th minute. Include units in
your answer. [0.123 mol-1 dm3 ]

(iii) The changes in concentration during the period 7.5 to 10 minutes was produced by
heating the system. Is this equilibrium reaction an endothermic or exothermic reaction?
Explain your answer.
(iv) Suggest the change in condition that caused the sudden increase in concentrations at
the 10th minute.
(v) Using your answer in (iv), explain the changes in concentrations from the 10th to 15th
(vi)To investigate the equilibrium concentrations of the species at the 7th minute, the
reaction was quenched by rapid cooling. Explain why cooling must be done rapidly.

Q23 TJC/P3
5(a) Sulphuric acid is manufactured by the contact process which involves the following

2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) ∆H = – 196 kJ mol1

In order to increase the yield of sulphur trioxide, a student suggested increasing the
temperature and adding a catalyst to the reaction.

(b) An equimolar mixture of sulphur dioxide and oxygen was injected into a reaction vessel
of fixed volume and maintained at a fixed temperature. When equilibrium was reached,
it was found that one-third of the oxygen had reacted and that the total pressure in the
vessel was 227.5 kPa.

(i)Write an expression for the equilibrium constant, Kp, for this reaction.

(ii)Calculate the Kp at equilibrium giving the units. [ Kp = 0.0440 kPa-1 ]

The volume of the reaction mixture was compressed to half its original volume to
increase the yield of sulphur trioxide before a large portion of the sulphur trioxide was
extracted. After extraction of sulphur trioxide the mixture was allowed to reach
equilibrium and the partial pressure of sulphur dioxide was found to be 13 kPa.
(The temperature of the reaction was maintained throughout the entire process)

(iii) Determine the partial pressures of SO2, O2 and SO3 at the instant when the
volume of the reaction vessel was halved.`[ 91 , 182, 182 kPa]
(iv) Determine the new equilibrium partial pressure of sulphur trioxide. [ 32.6 kPa]

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Q24. MJC/P2

[ 99.9%]

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Q25 HCI/P2/Q3

[ 20:1; pH=7.28 ]

Q26 MJC/P3/Q5

[ ii] pH=9.3; iii) pH= 6.04;

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5(b) Morphine is a weak monoacidic alkali and is used in small quantities as a pain relief.
When 30 cm3 of 0.30 mol dm-3 morphine solution was titrated against a 0.20 mol
dm-3 hydrochloric acid, the end-point was determined using a suitable indicator.

You may use Mor and MorH+ to denote morphine and its conjugate acid

(Ka of MorH+ = 2.09 x 10-12 mol dm-3)

(i) Calculate the initial pH of the morphine solution [12.6]

(ii) Determine the concentration of the salt that was formed at the equivalence
point. [0.120 mol dm-3 ]

(iii) Hence, determine the pH at the equivalence point. Explain why the end
point of this titration is not neutral. [ 6.30]

(iv) Sketch and label the graph of pH against volume of hydrochloric acid used,
indicating the region of maximum buffering capacity.[8]
(c) Given 25.0 cm3 of 0.10 mol dm-3 of aqueous ammonia (pKb = 4.74), what is the
mass of ammonium nitrate that must be added to produce a solution with maximum
buffering capacity? In addition, state the pH of this buffer solution.
[pH= 9.26; mass= 0.200g ] [2]

Q28 TJC/P3
4(a) (i) Given that the Ka of benzoic acid, C6H5CO2H, is 6.46  105 mol dm3,
calculate the pH of 0.100 mol dm3 benzoic acid. [2.59]
(ii)Calculate the Kb of benzoate ion, C6H5CO2, and hence calculate the pH of
0.0500 mol dm3 sodium benzoate. [ 1.55 X 10-10 ; 8.44]
(iii)Hence sketch the pH curve when 20 cm3 of 0.100 mol dm3 benzoic acid is
titrated against 0.100 mol dm3 sodium hydroxide, showing all relevant
(b) In the identification of benzoic acid, a commonly used reagent is neutral
iron(III) chloride solution, in which a buff precipitate of iron(III) benzoate,
Fe(C6H5CO2)3 is formed. When 50.0 cm3 of iron(III) chloride solution was added to
50.0 cm3 of benzoic acid solution, 0.0532 g of the buff precipitate was formed in the

(Given: Mr of Fe(C6H5CO2)3 = 418.8)

(i)Give the expression for the solubility product of iron(III) benzoate.

(ii)Calculate the number of moles of benzoic acid that reacted with the neutral
iron(III) chloride solution. [3.81 X 10-4 ]

(iii)Given that the pH of the solution after the reaction is 2.33, calculate the number
of moles of H+ in the mixture. [4.68 X 10-4 ]

(iv)Assuming that the H+ ions in solution are formed only from the dissociation of
benzoic acid in solution, as well as the reaction of benzoic acid with iron(III)
chloride, calculate the concentration of benzoate ions in the mixture. [8.70X10-4]

Equations for both reactions are as follows:

C6H5CO2H C6H5CO2 + H+

Fe3+ + 3 C6H5CO2H Fe(C6H5CO2)3 + 3H+

(v)Calculate the Ksp of iron(III) benzoate, given that the concentration of Fe3+ in the
mixture was 1.83  103 mol dm3 at equilibrium. [ 1.21 X 10-12 ]

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2(b)(i) Write ionic equation to explain why aqueous solution of ammonium chloride is
(ii) With reference to your answer in (b)(i), write an expression of acid dissociation
constant, Ka, for ammonium ion.
(iii) Calculate the pH of a solution containing 30 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 ammonia and 20
cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 ammonium chloride.[Ka of ammonium ion is 6.00x 10-10 mol
dm-3. [9.40]
(iv) Calculate the pH of the solution if 1.00 cm3 of 1.00 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid is
added to the solution in (iii). [9.05]

(c) Hydrangeas are flowering plants which commonly have pink flowers. They produce blue
flowers only in soils which contain high concentrations of Mg2+(aq). The pH of well limed
soil is 9.25, whereas the pH of peat-based soil is 6.55.
The numerical value of the solubility product, Ksp of magnesium hydroxide is
1.8 x 10-12.
(i) Write an expression for the Ksp of magnesium hydroxide, stating its unit.
(ii) Calculate the theorectical maximum value of [Mg2+(aq)] in a well limed soil.
(iii) Calculate the theorectical maximum value of [Mg2+(aq)] in a peat-based soil.
(iv) Deduce which of these types of soil favours good cultivation of blue hydrangeas.

[ ii- 5.68 X 10-3; iii-1.43 X 10-3 ]

3(a) YOH is a weak base. 25.0 cm3 of aqueous YOH was titrated against 0.08 mol dm-3
hydrochloric acid and the following titration curve was obtained.



pH 6

0 10 20 30 40 50
Vol. of HCl added / cm 3

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(i) Explain qualitatively with a balanced equation, how the pH would change when a
small amount of NaOH is added to the solution, marked at Z, on the graph.
(ii) Using the graph, determine the dissociation constant, Kb, of YOH. [1.58X10-5]

Q31 IJC/P2/Q5

[b- 0.081 ; pKa= 4.71]

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Q32 YJC/P3
5(a) When 100 cm3 of aqueous squaric acid containing 0.011 moles of the acid was
titrated against aqueous sodium hydroxide, the following graph was obtained with
the use of a pH meter.
How many acidic hydrogen atoms are contained in one molecule of squaric
acid? [2 acidic hydrogen atoms]

pH 7

Moles of sodium hydroxide added
(b) Most common indicators are weak acids, the un-ionised molecule being one colour
whilst the anion is a different colour, e.g.
HIn(aq) H+(aq) + In-(aq)
(colour 1) (colour 2)
(i) Write an expression for the concentration equilibrium constant, KIn, for the above
indicator, Hln.
Two indicators of different KIn values are given in the table below:

KIn values
Bromocresol green 1.5 x 10-5
Cresol red 1.7 x 10-8
(ii) Using the values given, determine the working pH ranges for both the indicators
where there is marked change in colour.
Hence deduce which of the above two indicators would be more suitable for the
titration in (a) (ii).

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Q33 VJC/P3/Q1c

[ii- Ksp =1.21X10-26 ; iii- 2.18X10-10 ]

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Question 1 (ACJC P3/Q1) – Chemical Equilibrium

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Question 2 (AJC P2/Q3) – Chemical Equilibria

Question 3 (AJC P3/Q3 either) – Acid-base Equilibria

Question 4 (HCI P3/Q3 either) – Acid-Base Equilibria

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Question 5 (HCI P3/Q3 or) – Chemical Equilibria

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Question 6 (NJC P2/Q3(c)) – Solubility Product

Question 7 (NJC P3/Q3 either) – Acid-Base Equilibria

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Question 8 (NJC P3/Q3 or) – Acid-Base Equilibria

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Question 9 (NYJC P2/Q1) – Chemical Equilibria

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Question 10 (NYJC P2/Q3) – Solubility Product

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Question 11 (RJC P2/Q3) – Acid-Base Equilibria + Solubility Product

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Question 12 (RJC P3/Q3 either) – Chemical Equilibria

Question 13 (SAJC P3/Q3 either) – Acid-Base Equilibria

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Question 14 (SAJC P3/Q3 or) – Acid-Base Equilibria + Solubility product

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Question 15 (TJC P2/Q2) – Chemical Equilibria

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Question 16 (TJC P3/Q2) – Acid-Base Equilibria + Solubility Product

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Question 17 (VJC P2/Q1) – Chemical Equilibria

Question 18 (VJC P3/Q3 either) – Solubility Product

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Question 19 (VJC P3/Q3 or) – Acid-Base Equilibria

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Q20 AJC/P2/Q2b


i. The product increases as temperature increases.

By LCP, equilibrium shift right towards the endothermic side / absorb excess
heat as temperature increases.
Therefore forward reaction is endothermic.

ii. Let the eq number of mole of CO be y.

H2 (g) + CO2 (g) CO(g)+ H2O (g)

Initial no of mol 2.0 2.0 0 0

Change in no of -y -y +y +y
Eqm no of mol 2.0-y 2.0-y y y
y 2
[CO][H 2O ] 4 . 0
Kc    1.23  10 1
[H 2 ][CO2 ] ( 2.0  y )2
4. 0
y = 0.5192

Eqm concentration of CO = 0.5192 / 4.0 = 0.130 mol dm-3

iii. A increase in pressure has no effect on position of eqm

Q22 SAJC/P2/Q3

3. (i) Kc = ___[ONF]2___

(ii) Kc = 0.22 / (0.6)2(0.9) = 0.123 mol-1 dm3

(iii) When T increases, more ONF produced, i.e. eqm shifts to the right. Hence, forward
reaction must be endothermic to absorb the excess heat.

(iv) Pressure increases / volume decreases at the tenth minute.

(v) When P increases, eqm shifts to the right where fewer molecules are present.

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Hence, [ONF] increases while [NO] and [F2] decreases.

(vi) Cooling was done rapidly so as to prevent the equilibrium from shifting to the left such
that accurate equilibrium concentrations at the seventh minute can be found.

Q23 TJC/P3
5a)  The reaction is an exothermic equation. When temperature increases, by Le
Chatlier’s Principle the position of equilibrium will shift left to absorb heat and
reduce the temperature. This decreases the yield of the SO3.
 On addition of a catalyst, the position of equilibrium does not shift as the
catalyst increases the rate of the forward and backward reaction to the same
extent. Thus the yield of SO3 is also not increased.
 Hence, the suggestion is not feasible.

( PSO3 ) 2
bi)  Kp 
( PSO2 ) 2 ( PO2 )

bii) Let initial no. of moles of SO2 and O2 be x

2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)

Initial no. mol x x 0
2x x 2x
 Final no. mol x- x- +
3 3 3
x 2x 2x
= = =
3 3 3

x 2x 2x
Total no. of moles of gas = + +
3 3 3
PSO2   227.5 = 45.5 kPa
PO2   227.5 = 91.0 kPa
PSO3   227.5 = 91.0 kPa
( PSO3 ) 2
 Kp =
( PSO2 ) 2 ( PO2 )
(91) 2
(45.5) 2 (91)
= 0.0440 kPa-1 (No units deduct 1 mark)

biii) When the volume is halved, the partial pressures are doubled
Partial pressure of SO2 = 91 kPa
 Partial pressure of O2 = 182 kPa
Partial pressure of SO3 = 182 kPa

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biv) Let partial pressure of SO3 extracted be y

2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)

Initial pressure 91 182 182 – y
∆ pressure -78 -39 +78
 Final pressure 13 143 260 – y

(260  y ) 2
 0.0440
(13) 2 (143)

y2 – 520y + 66537.71 = 0

 y = 227.4

 PH2 = 260 – 227.4

= 32.6 kPa

Q24 MJC/P2

(c) Dynamic equilibrium occurs when forward rate = backward rate and concentrations of
reactants and products are constant


Q25 HCI/P2/Q3

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Q26 MJC/P3/Q5






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(i) Let [OH-] at eqm be x mol dm-3

Mor (aq) + H2O (l) MorH+ (aq) + OH- (aq)

Initial [ ]: 0.30 0 0

 in [ ]: -x +x +x

Eqm [ ]: 0.30 – x +x +x

[OH  ][MorH  ]
Kb 
[ Mor ]

Assume that x is so small that 0.30 – x ≈ 0.30

Kw x2
Kb  
K a 0.3
1x1014 x2

2.09 x1012 0.3

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x = [OH-] = 0.037887 mol dm-3

pOH = -log10(0.037883) = 1.42

pH = 14 – 1.42 = 12.6

(ii) Mor (aq) + HCl (aq)  salt (aq) + H2O (l)

No. of mol of salt formed = No. of mol of morphine solution
= x0.30 = 9 x 10-3 mol

9 x103
Volume of HCl added = = 0.045 dm3

no of mol 9 x10 3
Concentration of salt = =
total vol (0.045  0.030)

= 0.120 mol dm-3

At equivalence point, salt (MorH+) undergoes hydrolysis. [1/2] or eqn

MorH+ (aq) Mor (aq) + H+ (aq)

Since [H+] > [OH-] [1/2] pH at end-point is acidic at pH < 7

[ H  ][Mor ]
Ka 
[ MorH  ]
[ H  ]2
2.09x10-12 =
[H+] = 5.01 x 10-7 mol dm-3
pH = -log10(5.09 x 10-7) = 6.30


Maximum buffer region



45 vol HCl


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At maximum buffering capacity,

[weak base]  [salt of conjugate acid]
pOH = pKb

pOH = pKb = 4.74

pH of buffer = 14 – 4.74 = 9.26

[NH4+] = [NH3] = 0.1 mol dm-3

No. of mol of NH4+ = 0.1 X = 2.50 x 10-3 mol
Mass of NH4NO3 to be added = 2.50 x 10-3 X 80.0 = 0.200 g

Q28 TJC/P3
4ai) ● pH = -log10 [H+]
= -log10 K ac
= -log10 (6.46 x 10-5 x 0.100)= 2.59
ii) ● Kb = Kw / Ka
= 1 x 10-14 / 6.46 x 10-5
= 1.55 x 10-10 moldm-3

pOH = -log10 [OH]

= -log10 Kbc
= -log10 (1.55 x 10-10 x 0.0500)
= 5.56

● pH = 14 – 5.56
= 8.44

iii) ● Maximum buffering capacity occurs at 10.0 cm3 of NaOH, and the
pH = pKa = 4.19

● Final pH = pH of NaOH solution = 14 – ( -log10 0.100) = 13

● Correct profile and axes; students should label the sketch with calculated
answers from part (i) and (ii)

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0 10 20 Volume of NaOH
added / cm3

bi) Fe(C6H5CO2)3 (s) Fe3+ (aq) + 3 C6H5CO2- (aq)

● Ksp = [Fe3+] [C6H5CO2-] 3

ii) ● Number of moles of Fe(C6H5CO2)3 = 0.0532 / 418.8

= 1.27 x 10-4 mol

C6H5CO2- ≡ C6H5CO2H

● Number of moles of benzoic acid reacted = 3 x 1.27 x 10-4

= 3.81 x 10-4 mol

iii) [H+] = 10-2.33 = 4.68 x 10-3 moldm-3

● Number of moles of H+ = 0.100 x 4.68 x 10-3
= 4.68 x 10-4 mol

iv) Since the H+ comes from both dissociation of benzoic acid and reaction of
benzoic acid with iron (III) chloride,

Number of moles of benzoate in solution = 4.68 x 10-4 - 3.81 x 10-4

= 8.70 x 10-5 mol

● Concentration of benzoate in solution = 8.70 x 10-4 moldm-3

v) ● Ksp = [Fe3+] [C6H5CO2-]3

= (1.83 x 10-3) (8.70 x 10-4)3
= 1.21 x 10-12 mol4 dm-12

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2b (i) soln is acidic due to hydrolysis of salt: presence of excess H3O+ resulted in acidic soln.

eqn: NH4+ + H2O NH3 + H3O+

(ii) Ka = [NH3] [H3O+]


(iii) [NH3] = (30x0.1)/1000 x (1000/50) = 0.0600 mol/dm3

[NH4+] = (20x0.1)/1000 x (1000/50) = 0.0400 mol/dm3

[H3O+] = (6.00x10-10) x (0.0400/0.0600) = 4.00x10-10 mol/dm3

pH = 9.40

(iv) [H3O+] added = (1/1000)x(1000/51) = 0.0196 mol/dm3

or estimated 0.02 mol/dm3
removal of additional [H3O ]:
NH3 + H3O+ NH4+ + H2O

Hence [NH3] decreased to 0.0558 - 0.0196 = 0.0392 mol/dm3

Or estimated 0.06-0.0196 = 0.0404 mol/dm3

[NH4+] increased to 0.0392 + 0.0196 = 0.0588 mol/dm3

Or estimated 0.04 + 0.0196 = 0.0596 mol/dm3

new [H3O+] = (6.00x10-10) x (0.0588/0.0392) = 9.00x10-10 mol/dm3

pH = 9.05

2c Mg(OH)2 (s) Mg2+(aq) + 2(OH)-(aq)

(i) Ksp = [Mg2+(aq)] [(OH)-(aq)]2

(ii) Well-limed soil, pH=9.25, pOH= 4.75, [(OH)-(aq)] =1.78x10-5 mol/dm3

[Mg2+(aq)] = 1.8 x10-12 / (1.78x10-5 )2 = 5.68x10-3 mol dm-3

(iii) Peat-based soil, pH=6.55, pOH= 7.45, [(OH)-(aq)] =3.55x10-8 mol/dm3

[Mg2+(aq)] = 1.8 x10-12 / (3.55x10-8)2 = 1.43x103 mol dm-3

(iv) peat-based soil due to higher magnesium ion concentration.


3(a)(i) At Z, equal proportion of YOH and YCl is present. Hence Z is at maximum buffer
capacity, pH does not change significantly when a small amount of NaOH is added
as Y+ will neutralize the excess OH- added.
Y+ + OH-  YOH
(a)(ii) At Z, [Y+] = [YOH]
Hence, pOH = pKb
pH = 9.2
pOH = pKb = 14 – 9.2 = 4.8
Kb = 10-4.8 = 1.58 x 10-5 mol dm-3

Disclaimer: The questions and solutions are compiled from past year prelim papers and 47
are intended for student’s personal use only.
Chemistry Guru :: Making Chemistry Simpler ::

Q31 IJC/P2/Q5

Q32 YJC/P3
ai. From the graph, 0.011 moles of squaric acid reacts with 0.022 moles of NaOH solution.
Thus 1 mole of squaric acid contains 2 acidic hydrogen atoms

(b) (i) From the above equilibrim:

[H + ][In ]
KIn = [1m or zero]

(ii) pH range for indicator = - log KIn  1

Bromocresol green : 3.82 –5.82

Cresol red : 6.77 – 8.77

Most suitable indicator is Cresol red. [1m]

Q33 VJC/P3/Q1c



Disclaimer: The questions and solutions are compiled from past year prelim papers and 48
are intended for student’s personal use only.
Chemistry Guru :: Making Chemistry Simpler ::


Disclaimer: The questions and solutions are compiled from past year prelim papers and 49
are intended for student’s personal use only.

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