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The Trumpet Call: Scott's Corner

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Our Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His Love

Our Vision: To be a Christian community where Christ is transforming lives
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Volume IV Issue 32 August 12, 2018

Scott’s Corner
Hi Friends,
This Sunday, August 12th, will be a wonderful day of worship! Several youth and one youth
leader will be sharing the many ways God has been working through the youth ministry summer
trips. I can promise you, God has been at work in our youth’s lives in powerful ways! In addition, I
will be preaching a short message tying all the testimonies together and challenging us all to live
our lives on a mission for Jesus Christ. I hope you will be blessed by the testimonies, the music,
and the sermon at both the 8:30 and 10:45am worship services. This is a great day to invite a
friend, neighbor, or family member to come check out East Stroudsburg United Methodist. If you
are reading this article before Sunday’s worship, I would challenge you to invite one or two
people to come with you to worship this Sunday. I am sure there are people in your world who would love to
hear the inspiring stories our teenagers will share and would draw hope from the Gospel of Jesus Christ! INVITE,

The summer youth trips you will hear about, on Sunday, include Creation Fest, The Pittsburgh Project Mission
Trip, and The Jr. High Retreat. Our summer started off with the annual trek out to central Pennsylvania, for
Creation Fest. Creation is a huge Christian music festival that I often describe as a Christ-centered Woodstock!
This year there were approximately 25,000 people camping, singing, listening to Christian speakers, and praising
the Lord for five days. Our second trip of the summer was our Jr. and Sr. High (combined) mission trip to The

Pittsburgh Project. During each day of this trip, our youth and adult
leaders would do home repair projects for seniors in Pittsburgh. Each
evening we participated in some powerful worship and heard messages
on the book of Jonah. On Sunday, you will hear some powerful
testimonies about how God worked through the circumstances of this

Our final trip of the summer was the Jr. High Retreat to Brick, NJ.
Robin and Pat Braun opened up their home to this group of youth and
we all enjoyed the beach, the boardwalk, and participated in bible
programs/discussions. You all will hear so much more about these
trips and the ways in which God is working in the lives of our youth this
Sunday, August 12th. If you are unable to attend, check the church
website for the testimonies and message, or you can pick up a CD
recording of the services at the church’s welcome desk. See you Sunday!
Scott Kuhnle
we are accepting
Dear Church Family,
applications for
Thank you so much for the donations that you have made to Stephen Ministry
Pocono Plateau over the years. Your generosity has allowed
training to begin
our daughter, Abigail, to attend this amazing United Methodist
Camp for the past 2 years. Countless others in our church and this September.
community have also been blessed by this camp, the staff/ Stop by the SM
counselors, and most importantly by the Christian messages table in Fellowship Hall after both services for infor-
they learn every day they are there.
mation and talk with a Stephen Minister. Deadline
As we dropped Abigail off at camp, she gave us a hug and to return your completed application is Aug 19.
looked a bit sad to leave us. We reassured her that she would
have an amazing time (like she did last year). She then told us,
she knew she would be ok, because she was with her church
family. This touched our hearts, and brought tears to our eyes,
"The Lion King Jr"
as we knew that she was indeed right, she was among family:
Ms. Karen Todd was the director of this camp, Ms. Margie
Keenhold, and Miss Elizabeth Perfetti were counselors helping
this week. Because of YOU, our Church Family, Abigail was
able to attend this camp and have an amazing experience. She
can hardly wait for next year when she will attend again.
In Christ, Joe and Erica Dorsch
Abigail’s Own Words
Dear Church Family,
Thank you so much On July 28 we had 22 people join the Children's
for the money you have
given. You made it Ministry outing to the Shawnee Playhouse to
possible for me to go to see "The Lion King Jr". It was a fantastic play
camp and I had an and if you have not seen it, I encourage
amazing, awesome you to go.
time at Pocono Plateau.
I learned a lot about the
wild, like about ferns
that were here before
dinosaurs!!! Some of
the activities we did
were hiking, fishing, swimming, boating, and we even had a
carnival. It was so much fun! Every day we had Bible Study, we
talked about loving others and loving God. We did an activity
with a cross and we wrote down people that we need to show
more love to. And about loving God, we wrote down ways that
we can show God we love Him, like reading the Bible, praising
Him, and praying to Him. We talked about Jesus dying on the
cross and how He died for our sins.
We also made several crafts, one of the crafts that we made
was a prayer bucket. In this prayer bucket we had popsicle AUGUST DOLLAR CHALLENGE
sticks and we wrote things that we want to pray about. We
were told that when we pray, we pick out a stick and we pray for
whatever it says on that stick. We also painted wooden lizards, August Dollar Challenge is school supplies
and made our own animals, just like God did! One day when for Monday night meal and Family Promise.
we came into craft time, all we saw on the table were leaves,
rocks, and plants. Those were our paint brushes for the day. contact Linda Drake at
I had an incredible time at camp. Thank you again for your 570-856-9395 for more information.
Love, Abigail Dorsch

If you are a teacher, we would like to recognize you during an upcoming church service.
Please send an email to Erica Dorsch at
Items still needed to Fill Our Canoe. Vacation Bible School may be over, but we are still collecting
items for back to school. We are in need of white erase markers, boxes of tissues, disinfecting wipes,
hand sanitizer, folders, pens, colored pencils, etc. Thank you so much in helping send
students back to school prepared to learn.
Sunday Afternoons
Aug.19th, Sept.16th and Oct. 28th
12:00 - 2:30pm
Lunch & Childcare Provided

Summer Equipping
Classes for Adults
9:45-10:35 Sundays "Looking to get out and enjoy the rest of the sum-
Drop in for one session, many mer with your family? On Sunday August 19th,
or entire series! ESUMC’s Young Adult & Young Family Ministries
is hosting a WATER SPORTS DAY at Twin Pines
Jesus told a story about a hidden treasure that, once
Camp & Retreat Center!!! This event runs from
discovered, brought life-changing joy. In this new video series
12:30-4:30pm, includes a hoagie lunch, (pool)
based on the best-selling book, The Treasure Principle,
swimming, a slip-n-slide, a water balloon fight,
Randy Alcorn unearths a simple yet profound principle that paddle-boating and more!! Admission is $5 per
will radically change your concept of stewardship. Short on person with children under the age of 2
guilt, Alcorn illuminates the liberating joy of giving and its are FREE.
impact, not only for today but for eternity as well.
So come on out with the family, invite your friends
4 Week Series—Randy Alcorn to come with their children, and spend the afternoon
with ESUMC YAYF Ministries! RSVP’s REQUIRED.
Text Bethany at (434) 944-4641 to let us know
you’re coming! Hope to see you there!!

DVD Donatio ns
We re still collecting
Family Friendly Join the women of
DVD’s to share with ESUMC for a Mixer,
Date Change OK’s 55+ Aug 20th from
our Family Promise
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Picnic at Linda Drake’s house now on Guests when they at the Café on
Thursday, August 30th, eat at noon. say at ESUMC. Used 13-14
Beverage and meat provided. Bring a and brand new Crystal Street in
covered dish, fruit, snack or a dessert to East Stroudsburg.
DVD’s (Rated G &
share. Swimming pool will be open be- PG) may be placed in For more info
fore or after lunch. Please RSVP to the marked box in contact Karen at
Linda Drake by August 16th to ensure 215-206-5158, or
the downstairs
ample meat. Respond to 570-856-9395.
Sunday School Area
UMW, No Bargain Basement this year! throughout the Women’s Ministry
Contact Us
(570) 421-3280
Hours: 9am to 1pm
Monday thru Friday
Jim Todd
Ext. 1014
Church Administrator
Jill Teaford
Ext. 1015
Administrative Assistant
Kathy Ravago
Ext. 1010
Spiritual Life &
Congregational Care
Bethany Mills
Ext. 1023
Student Ministries
Scott Kuhnle
Ext. 1013
Children & Family Ministries
Erica Dorsch
Ext. 1017
Financial Secretary
Michael Corey
Ext. 1012
William Mack
Ext. 1018
Sunday Sexton
Craig Banner
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
E S U M C Sunday Services and Studies
Traditional 8:30 AM Choir Director
Joe Dorsch
Contemporary 10:45 AM
Audio/Visual Technician
Sunday School 9:45 AM Charles Rajnai

East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Technology Support

Scan QR to Michael Corey
83 S. Courtland St. ESUMC
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Ext. 1012

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