Batteries International
Batteries International
Batteries International
Issue 76 Spring/Summer 2010
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Batteries International took a sample of leading North American suppliers and asked them for their take on the
present business environment. What are the main trends? What changes have most affected their business after the
economic downturn? And what are their prospects?
Reasons to be anxious:
PETERSEN the next resource crisis of
Welcome to our new columnist, John L Petersen, the scourge of lazy thinking about the battery business 6 the 21st century 2
BCI says fond farewell to Moe Desmarais, Craig becomes new president • McShane joins as EVP for International
Weight Energy Density – kWh / ton
(Not rechargeable
Battery • Axion Power adds Trego as CFO, Baker as CEO, Shindle as VP • Bolch takes over from Ulsh, O’Leary as 100
NaS Battery
FIAMM joins forces with MES-DEA in ringing endorsement of SMC • Sodium metal halide to fore as GE releases
Durathon battery • HOMER Energy releases design software • Corvus in NMC lithium tug boat venture • Nexeon Petersen: Electric
signs material evaluation agreement • e-Spark arrival delayed • New US rules on SLABs • Additional production vehicles and the fixed
lines for China Ritar as it moves into testing mode • Bidding war comes close to end as Chloride accepts ABB price • cost conundrum 6
New lead recovery technology to shift from smelting to chemical extraction • Axion to provide new BMS for train sets
• Exide expands in Brazil, ups UK brand presence • Johnson expands in China, GM to roll out new EVs • Asia UPS
sales surge in first quarter • NYSERDA, where the hot technologies are
Knowing the approximate life characteristics of a number of battery technologies based on Weibull statistics can be a
useful predictive tool.
Ground-breaking lithium
Profile: Abertax and finding the perfect design mix battery separator moves
Better engineering and better engineering management offer a way ahead for battery industry suppliers. Batteries to manufacturing 26
International visited Abertax’s headquarters in Malta.
Optimism unbounded
The great and the good (and some of the others) of the battery and electric vehicle world descended on the 10th
International Advanced Automotive Battery and EC Capacitor Conference in Orlando, Florida in mid-May. The
conference was packed. The mood upbeat.The conclusions debatable
Spray drying by rotary atomization of lithium ion battery materials
Paul Cheeseman: the next
Jungner and the unchangeable electrolyte new master of new lead
By the time the inventor of the nickel cadmium battery, Waldmar Jungner, died aged 55 he had provoked a complete acid technologies 40
rethink of many of the ways we look at battery chemistry.
Feast to famine Others isn’t. The battery industry has known for
The easiest way has been to flood the market with years that progress using NiMH chemistry was
cheap oil. The oil price tanks. The multi-billion seriously constrained by the availability of the rare
dollar cost of developing such reserves becomes earth metal Lanthanum. The first generation Prius
uneconomical again. Oil firms pull away. The car for example needed 12kg of Lanthanum per
primacy of those in control is preserved. battery. Talk is that the latest Prius models will need
twice that.
Deng — who died in 1997 well before he could see
the truth of his forecast — understood that the future The trouble is the only current producer of
world economy was moving on from raw materials. Lanthanum is China. And that’s pretty much the case
Old sources of energy would need to be replaced by for Neodymium, Dysprosium, Yttrium, Europium
eries Indu
stry Guide
loudly anway! And we’d heartily your company information is not as accurate as
The BIG Batt
In agree with that. should be, let us know.
Everything ference Guide
One Easy
But all rules are there to be broken. We sincerely want this to be useful to our readers
and we’ve priced it accordingly. Unlike the general
For us, the exception is the re- directory trend of charging hundreds of dollars
launch of BIG 2010, our BatteryPublished
twice yearly
$25, £20,
€20 —we can’t see how such inflated prices can help
Ba er
Industry Guide whose second edi- anyone (apart from the publishers) — we’re charg-
tion will shortly be out. It contains a complete ing just $25 plus p&p — a trivial amount that can
listing of the great, the good (and the rest of us) in be taken out of petty cash!.
the energy storage industry.
Subscribers to Batteries International, of course, get
For us this is very much a work in progress. So this free. To everyone else email:
each issue — we provide two a year — should get
If you’re of a cynical or
suspicious disposition one
wonders if the western world
might be about to suffer from
a new style variant of the
Alberta oil sands scam.
$0.20 – US ICE battery packs will not last 10 years in
– US EV an automobile.
– EU ICE Second life value is anybody’s guess.
– EU EV I don’t expect rapid advances in
battery technology, but even improve-
$0.00 ments of 5% a year would reduce the
6,250 12,500 18,750 25,000 31,250 37,500
cost of new battery pack to $14,500
Miles Driven per Year by 2020. Since new batteries in 2020
will presumably offer better perform-
6 Batteries International Spring/Summer 2010
ance, it seems unlikely that a future
Competitive users for advanced batteries
buyer would pay more than scrap
value for a used pack based on 2010 Device type Battery capacity
technology that has lost 20% or 30%
Cellphones and MP3 players 5 watt-hours
of its capacity.
The bottom line is that EVs are only Portable medical devices 10 to 50 watt-hours
economical when you buy no more Laptop computers 10 to 50 watt-hours
battery than you need and you use the
Electric bicycles and scooters 500 to 1,000 watt-hours
battery pack heavily.
That leads to a life and death Hybrid electric vehicles 1,000 to 1,500 watt-hours
struggle between range anxiety and Uninterruptible power systems 2,000 to 8,000 watt-hours
affordability. When you factor in the Plug-in hybrid vehicles 10,000 to 16,000 watt-hours
other uncertainties, I have to believe
that plans to electrify passenger cars Pure electric vehicles 24,000 to 50,000 watt-hours
are doomed until a better answer Utility applications 500,000+ watt-hours
Disruptive technologies
Despite the challenges facing EVs and I see a bright future for lithium-ion batteries in
lithium-ion batteries, the mainstream high value applications that need modest battery
media seems convinced that the new-
wonder-batteries will make all other capacity, but think it’s naive to suggest that they’ll
batteries obsolete and store energy for
everything from iPads to windmills. It
become a dominant technology for EVs and
makes for a great story, but it won’t stationary applications that are incredibly price
happen in our lifetimes. sensitive.
Most of us are familiar with the con-
cept of disruptive technologies, a term
coined by Clayton M Christensen to templated and that modest users of Once the work got started, the result
describe simple, low-cost technologies quality products are the fiercest price was almost magical.
that displace established technologies competitors. A key development in the lead-acid
as they mature. The table at the top of the page is a world was Axion Power's PbC battery,
According to Dr Christensen, dis- simple hierarchy of possible lithium- an asymmetric lead-carbon capacitor
ruptive technologies often lack refine- ion battery applications from the high- that was discussed at length in a recent
ment and have performance problems est value per watt-hour to the lowest report from the US Naval Research
because they’re new, appeal to an value per watt-hour. Laboratory which concluded that the
underserved market, and may not I see a bright future for lithium-ion PbC and similar electrochemical capaci-
yet have a proven application; but batteries in high value applications tors have the inherent potential to:
their low cost creates new markets that need modest battery capacity, but
• deliver higher energy densities than
that induce network effects and pro- think it’s naive to suggest that they’ll
supercapacitors and faster charge-
vide an incentive to enhance them to become a dominant technology for
discharge response than batteries;
match or even surpass the prevailing EVs and stationary applications that
• offer longer cycle life and lower
technology. are incredibly price sensitive.
The following graph illustrates the Every reasonable battery producer
• significantly reduce the weight and
phenomenon. will sell its products to the custom-
volume of power systems;
ers that offer the highest margins.
• facilitate deployment of hybrid-elec-
With rapidly growing markets for
tric military vehicles; and
high value uses, nothing but surplus
• facilitate regenerative power systems
and seconds will be left for use in
anding us
e for cranes and other applications.
Most dem plug-in vehicles and utility applica-
At last month’s Advanced Automo-
High qual
ity use gy tions.
hn tive Battery Conference in Orlando
e tec
ru Current developments Axion unveiled graphs (see top of
quality us R&D spending on lead-acid bat- next page) that compare the dynamic
Low quality
use teries was curtailed in the mid-70s charge acceptance of the PbC battery
after VRLA batteries were brought with conventional VRLA.
Time to market. While lead-acid research Equally important research has been
was being curtailed, the emergence of progressing at companies like General
Reduced to basics, the public believes portable electronics led to rapid and Electric, which is developing a molten
the battery industry can take tech- sustained growth of R&D spending salt battery for use in hybrid locomo-
nologies that were developed for the on advanced batteries, and a host of tives and stationary applications, and
most demanding uses and make them new materials. Italy’s FIAMM, which joined forces
cheap enough for low quality uses that The dynamic didn’t change until with Switzerland’s MES-DEA to speed
require huge amounts of storage. recently, when new large-scale energy commercialization of the Zebra bat-
The belief flies in the face of time- storage needs gave researchers reason tery through a newly formed company
proven realities that technological to go back and investigate the impact named FZ Sonick.
advances always lead to new appli- of new manufacturing methods and Over the next year FZ Sonick
cations the developers never con- materials on old-line chemistries. plans to triple production capacity Batteries International Spring/Summer 2010 7
The internet may be a wonderful tool, on that we all
agree, but our previous on-the-desk and comprehensive
International Battery Guide is by far the most convenient
way to access directory information.
B.I.G. Batteries International Guide 2010 (June Issue),
available end-June. UÊÊ-/ -
Ê 9Ê-
/ -
We will achieve this distribution by slashing the cover price to $25 (covering just
print and postage), making it an easy, out-of-petty-cash purchase decision.
Payment, please send $50. Both issues to be paid for in advance. We accept all debit and visa cards — Cirrus, Maestro Visa and Mastercard.
We will need the following details (I can call by arrangement to collect this if you prefer):
Card number:
Start date Expiry date Debit card issue number
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system as part of the confirmation process)
60 60
a strong competitor in the energy stor- 10 10
50 50
age sector. 40
The graph at the bottom of the page 30
5 30 5
shows where electrochemical capaci- Charge Time
TOC Current 20
Charge Time
TOC Current 20
tors and sodium batteries fall in the TOCV
hierarchy of output energy densities. 0
0 0 EODV
0 2000 4000 6000
Both will improve with time, but 0 2000 4000 6000
molten salt could improve to a point Cycle Number Cycle Number
where it eclipses metal-air for the
energy density crown. I have no doubt that lithium-ion
The PbC is basically a power tech- chemistry will continue to advance
nology that is best suited to repetitive
Mark Twain taught us and that lithium batteries will be the
charge discharge cycling, like you find that history doesn't technology of choice when size and
in automotive stop-start systems. In weight are critical, and price is not a
comparison, molten salt batteries are repeat itself but it does priority. But I can’t buy the sugestion
best suited to storing large amounts rhyme. It is never wise that they’ll defy economic gravity and
of energy. supplant cheaper technologies like the
to ignore the lessons of PbC, which is better suited to low
My cloudy crystal ball history. value power applications, and molten
The key features that PbC and molten salt, which is better suited to low value
salt batteries have in common are that Energy Grid Integration Program, San- energy applications.
neither is a silver bullet, both are old- dia National Laboratories predicted Every industrial revolution in his-
line chemistries that use cheap and that the cost of asymmetric lead-car- tory has sprouted from innovation
plentiful raw materials, both can be bon capacitors like the PbC would fall that delivered more economic value at
easily recycled in existing facilities and by at least 50% over the next decade a lower economic cost. Government
both can be dramatically improved and the cost of molten salt batteries intervention to force suboptimal eco-
by using new manufacturing methods would fall by almost 80%. nomic solutions has invariably failed.
and materials. The price declines won’t come from Mark Twain taught us that history
Those common features leave both fundamental changes in battery chem- doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme.
technologies in a position where they istry. It is never wise to ignore the lessons of
have substantial disruptive poten- Instead they’ll come from the normal history. ■
tial because there is ample room for learning process that occurs whenever
improved performance and reduced a new technology is introduced to
cost without reinventing the wheel. the market and improved by profit-
In a July 2008 report for its Solar motivated manufacturers.
Output Energy Density
(Input Energy ensity x Efficiency
Weight Energy Density – kWh / ton
(Not rechargeable
battery Li-ion
100 NaS Battery
farewell to Moe
“Through it all, Moe was
absolutely crucial to keep-
ing everybody right-sided
and focused on moving for-
ward,” he says.
“It was his idea to initiate
It’s the end of an era. Moe ably organizing the BCI’s manufacturers has stead- a relationship with China,
Desmarais, executive vice last conference in May in ily climbed from just over and we went there twice
president at the Battery Austin, Texas which was 150, when he started to 235 to speak on lead acid bat-
Council International — widely acclaimed as being nowadays. tery issues. We did a lot of
and the face of the organi- the best yet. Hal Hawk, who served as lobbying together on vari-
zation for a decade — has Moe started working for president of the board from ous issues demanding sup-
stepped down. the BCI in 2000 under the 2007 through 2008, and port, and he really helped
“I’ve enjoyed my time me, as membership chair,
working for the BCI,” says to increase our membership
Moe. “It’s been a privilege “Through it all, Moe was absolutely numbers, which, I’m happy
working with so many in to say, we’ve kept through
the industry but the relent- crucial to keeping everybody tough times since.”
less travel — including the right-sided and focused on Don Langdon, retiring
commuting to downturn chairman of the BCI board
Chicago — has proved too moving forward” for the last two years, is
much for me. You can only similarly enthusiastic
enjoy life on the road for so auspices of Smith Bucklin, has known him for more about Moe. “He guided
long. In my new job I’ll be a management company than a decade said: “By the the organization through
more based from home and that looks after the interests time I took over we had a a period of tremendous
it’ll be good to spend more of associations such as the pretty sizeable contingency change. Consolidation,
time with my family.” BCI. Under Moe’s watch of lead acid battery mak- regulation, and of course
Moe’s swansong was prob- the number of lead acid ers,” he says, “but Moe, the financial downturn, and
It was uncanny,” said a colleague. flat — not a molehill or banana skin remains in a cast for weeks.
“One moment you’d be walking in sight — the next he’d be flat on The more kindly in the office said
next to Moe, the ground would be his back, he’d be rushed to hospital it was a knee thing. His long-time
and come back in a cast. It was assistant Ann Noll knew better,
a feature of regular life at the BCI cashing in her investments to buy
office. Gypsum futures.
“It happened so often we called it In any event Moe soon set them
the Curse of Moe.” straight.
Some even believed Moe was an Summer sunshine. Gentle breezes
undercover activist for shareholders and blue, blue sea over Cape Cod.
in plaster of Paris companies. What could possibly go wrong?
It started innocently enough a few No need to say the rest. This time
years back. One sunny afternoon it’s the arm that receives the plaster
Moe was strolling down Michigan of Paris.
Avenue, the next he’d broken his “I think his insurance finally cut
knee and was in a cast for weeks. him off for all those therapy ses-
Perhaps it was the sun in his eyes sions he was required to take,” said
that caused the fall? a close colleague.
An unlikely story. Just months “The good news is that he’s been
later on a rainy day, he gets on unhurt for the last year or so —
a bus. The next thing the same maybe the curse has worn off. Any-
knee — Moe always had favourites how, we all wish him the best for
in these things — is broken and he his new job.” ■
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Nexeon signs
Corvus in NMC lithium
tug boat venture
Corvus Energy says its lat-
Nexeon, a UK developer est battery line, which will
of silicon-based anodes be used in a new line of
for next generation lith- tugboats that should ship
ium ion batteries, has next year and which could
signed material evalu- eventually lead to the use
ation agreements with of electric tugboats for all
major corporations inter- types of vessel.
ested in its technology. Although the first electric
The start-up firm says tugboats will only be used
that these agreements for training, future elec-
will herald the start of tric tugboats are aiming at
the commercialization of pulling full megaton cargo
its silicon anode battery ships.
materials. According to Corvus there Maritime will use the tug that tugboats will need
These agreements, are about 2,000 coastal boat, a 7.8 metre long boat to meet future emission
which earn revenues workboats in the world with a 450 horsepower pull- regulations.”
for Nexeon, involve the that are more than 40 years ing power, to train future Although the initial trend
sampling of specially pre- old. And of those it esti- tug boat captains. may lead to a replacement
pared silicon materials mates that about 450 will Corvus says that the new of diesel for lead acid batter-
and data from Nexeon’s be replaced in the next five tugboat contract is part ies — on the simple grounds
manufacturing pilot line. years and the remaining will of a larger trend whereby of cost — longer term, says
“The ‘Gen-1’ materials be replaced over the next 10 tug boat companies are Corvus, their batteries will
have proved to be highly years. to switch from diesel to prove more cost-effective.
reproducible in Nexeon’s Initially, however, Corvus electric. “The switch will The boats will use nickel
own testing,” says the Energy, Robert Allan Naval save about 70% on fuel manganese cobalt (NMC)
firm. Architects and Adrenaline costs, which is expected lithium batteries that
“These initial agree- Marine Ltd of Delta — all to translate to a two year Corvus Energy says offers
ments are likely to be three are Canadian firms — return on investment,” about 22% more power
followed by more such are to deliver a hybrid diesel- says Corvus. “Another than lithium iron phosphate
agreements that are electric tugboat and an all- reason is a 60% reduc- batteries and 76% more
already in the pipeline, electric tugboat to Western tion on emissions over die- power than a typical lead
and represent a strong Maritime Institute. Western sel, which is something acid battery. ■
expression of interest
for silicon anode Li-ion
Nexeon would not
Lithium battery price concerns
reveal the names of the
companies but said they delay e-Spark arrival by GM India
are well known bat-
tery and automotive General Motors India has However a lithium ion have a battery option, then
companies. delayed plans to roll out battery costs around there is no option but to
Nexeon recently an electric variant of the Rs350,000 ($7,500), which delay it. We may not be able
announced the achieve- e-Spark. It had earlier said would push up the cost of to commit any specific date
ment of another mile- it would launch the car by an electric Spark to about as of now,” Balendran told
stone when its cells suc- September this year. Rs700,000 ($15,000), a local news magazine.
cessfully completed 500 The reason appears to according to P Balendran, Last September, GM
full charge/ discharge be the disparity between vice-president of corporate India and Bangalore-based
cycles at 1200mAh/g for the price and performance affairs at General Motors Reva Electric Car decided
the anode without signif- of lead acid against lith- India. to jointly develop an elec-
icant capacity fade being ium ion batteries. GM can “You have to have a tie- tric variant of the Spark.
observed. either fit the electric Spark up with a battery maker While Reva would provide
The firm says silicon with lithium-ion battery or or source batteries locally, the technology,
provides far higher per- lead acid batteries. otherwise it is not going to The car would be the first
formance than current While lead acid batter- be beneficial to customers locally manufactured four-
carbon materials as an ies have a shorter running because the ownership cost door passenger electric
anode material, offering span enabling a vehicle to would be very high. vehicle on Indian roads.
lithium storage capacity run for 60km on a single “We may go for a leasing GM India said that it
around 10 times that of charge, lithium-ion batter- arrangement but none of would do the engineering
carbon by weight. ■ ies have a range of close to the parameters have been and manufacturing from its
150km on a single charge. decided yet. If we do not Talegaon plant. ■
Groundbreaking Li-ion
separator set for market
Advanced Membrane Biax Laboratories to open a offers better performance, the technology advantage
Systems, which filed a pat- 25,000 square foot manu- improved safety, lower costs, and that our new produc-
ent in February with what facturing plant in North the ability to work in any tion facility will allow us to
it claims is a breakthrough Carolina. The new venture, lithium chemistry and it can be the type of resource that
in lithium battery safety — called UltraLith LLC, plans run on the same equipment US government sponsors are
with a separator that even to ship products to battery that battery manufacturers seeking.”
passes the so-called nail pen- manufacturers in August. use now,” says a company Advanced Membrane
etration test — told Batteries No eventual buyer has been official. “UltraLith-SD, a Systems has been involved
International in June that it is confirmed but AMS says shutdown separator, offers in research and development
set to move into manufactur- that A123Systems, Enerdel performance and adaptabil- of separator and materials
ing these separators within technology for green energy
the next three months. designs since 2000. “With
“Our separator is not a multiple patents awarded
pure polyolefin material but and pending, AMS is a leader
uses mineral ingredients in in the creation of intellec-
our proprietary cell struc- tual property for lithium and
ture,” an official said. “If alkaline applications,” the
you apply a standard nail firm says.
penetration test, our rivals’ One key question for the
cells explode. With ours success of the operation —
after about 60 seconds we and its eventual valuation,
see venting. This is a major at present the firm is a pri-
step forward in lithium bat- vately held closed corpo-
tery development and its role ration — will be its future
within electric vehicles.” sales. AMS believes that
Industry reaction has nat- “demand for EDV sepa-
urally been positive — the rator material expected to
explosive nature of lithium rapidly exceed several hun-
within next generation bat- dred million square meters
teries continues to be a major in five years, coupled with
drawback to its use. lithium separator material
“That said, extraordinary Here are the battery separator and components within a for consumer applications
claims require extraordinary typical spiral wound lithium ion battery. The newly patented seeing double digit growth
proofs,” a senior indus- Ultralith-HP separator is claimed to offer greater battery
in China, AMS intends to
performance and improved safety — without the added cost
try figure told Batteries of multiple layersor expensive coatings. The firm says it was deliver volume quantities of
International. “This may engineered specifically to meet all current requirements for leading separator products
be a step forward in lith- Electric Drive Vehicle applications. for lithium battery manufac-
ium battery chemistry. But turers worldwide.”
is it enough? I’ve been test- and JCI are looking into the ity advantages for consumer The firm claims that, com-
ing these batteries for years new separator. The separa- applications. pared to other lithium bat-
and know pure lab tests are tor works with all classes of AMS believes that its sepa- tery separators, UltraLith-HP
insufficient. lithium ion batteries. rators will give the US a com- offers a combination of
“It’s real life situations The North Carolina plant petitive edge in lithium bat- advantages:
that count, say, the effect of will represent the first new tery manufacture that it lacks
a steel bumper entering a battery separator manufac- when compared to Japan, • Better performance, up to
lithium battery at 100 miles turing company in the US in China and Korea. 70% porosity; up to five
an hour — not just a nail. decades, says the firm. It will “While US separator manu- times longer cycle life; fast
It’s getting, for example, the also be the world’s only plant facturers are trying to extend wettability and improved
fat lady stuck in the back of to offer battery separator the capabilities of their exist- ion conductivity;
a smashed car out quickly technology that meets all of ing separator products, more • Improved safety, a special
before an explosion happens, the lithium battery capabil- recent patents, particularly formulation for robust, high
rather than just giving a cou- ity targets in planned electric from Asia, have given those melt integrity performance
ple of minutes’ grace.” drive vehicle applications. companies a technology lead with an enhanced ability
But even the most cyni- “The newly patented in lithium batteries, and a to mitigate short circuit or
cal welcome the advance and UltraLith-HP is a non-shut- head start in electric drive thermal runaway condi-
full commercialization of the down polyolefin separator vehicles,” says Abbas Samii, tions should they occur;
product could happen within engineered for high power, president and chief scientist • Lower costs, due to a
months. high density lithium batteries for AMS. proprietary ingredient
AMS says it has entered (LIBs). Compared to other “We believe our new
into a joint venture with separators, UltraLith-HP UltraLith patents give us Continued on facing page
Continued from facing page vehicle continue to evolve, in the safety and performance Profoto goes
UltraLith-HP represents the features for consumer elec- Lithium with
that eliminates the added first separator to deliver the tronic battery applications.
expense of external coating performance, safety and mass The new product involves ProB3 1200 AirS,
applications and the risk of market cost structures the a single layer shutdown sep- AcuteB2 600 AirS
those coatings peeling off; industry requires. Production arator with very high melt
and it eliminates the need quantities of this technology integrity. In addition, it offers Profoto has rolled out two new
for expensive, multi-layer are what LIB manufacturers improved air permeability battery powered flash packs,
products have been asking for” says and mechanical strength. both of which use lithium
• I n t e r c h a n g e a b i l i t y, Samii These traits represent sig- iron phosphate (LiFe) battery
meaning, UltraLith-HP On February 16 the nificant improvements over chemistry to reduce pack size
can replace existing sep- United States Patent Office other LIB separators. and weight.
arator material in any had awarded a new patent “The awarding of the The Pro-B3 1200 AirS is
lithium chemistry and to Advanced Membrane patent, combined with sev- rated at 1200ws, features a
run on the same equip- Systems for its latest lithium- eral other patents pending, full power recyling time of 1.8
ment that LIB manufac- ion battery separator inven- exemplifies ... leadership seconds and 300 full power
turers currently use. tion. Patent #7,662,518 B1 in developing intellectual pops per charge.
sets forth technology exten- property for lithium-ion The AcuteB2 600 AirS is
“While specifications for sions to previous AMS pat- and alkaline battery appli- rated at 600ws, recycles in 2
next generation lithium ents, and represents major cations,” said the firm at seconds and delivers 200 full
batteries and electric drive state-of-the-art advancements the time. ■ power pops per charge. ■
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Formed in 2000 from the merger of washers and associated
three well known and well respected material handling equip-
names in the heat processing, finish- ment for applications
ing and metal decorating industries in automotive, aerospace, power sands of thermal processing units
— Industrial Heat Enterprises Inter- generation, battery manufactur- installed worldwide. ITS capabilities
national, Oven Systems Incorporated ing, building products, foundry also include the engineering and
and LTG Metal Decorating — Inter- and metal packaging industries. manufacturing of complete heat
national Thermal Systems is a global It is headquartered in Milwaukee, processing solutions including ovens,
original equipment manufacturer of Wisconsin in the US with offices in furnaces, washers, coolers, and asso-
industrial process ovens, furnaces, Europe and Asia, ITS boasts thou- ciated material handling equipment.
After launching production of its first
machine, an SLI-cast-on strap, in
1965, MAC Engineering expanded
further into the lead acid battery
industry with state-of-the-art
pasting and plate flash drying
equipment for both automotive
and industrial battery production, as
well as an automotive plate parter.
In recent years MAC has intro-
duced numerous new machines
including platemaking equip-
The bottom line, comes to value — resulting in immediate savings. A ment, curing equipment, panel
but with a twist. company’s success can depend on its parters, Cast On Strap machines
The mature market is into optimizing ability to meet that demand, he says. for both automotive and indus-
costs. But the cost is not just tied to “For example, our acid recirculation trial batteries, acid fillers, heat
the purchase price, it’s also tied to how product is considered one of the most sealers, short testers, leak test-
well it serves in their operational proc- effective industry solutions for short- ers, and continuous expanded
ess. Increasingly important now is a ening lead acid battery formation— metal plate production under the
new kind of multi-pronged service that dramatically reducing overall produc- names COMAC and MAC ACP.
includes partnership as well as nimble- tion time, which can multiply fantastic In 2005, MAC formed a partner-
ness in delivering a rapid, response to a ROI to the bottom line.” ship with Eagle Oxide Systems,
demand — after the sale. Bornas says about a third of the giving it the ability to offer all
equipment MAC Engineering sells will sizes of Linklater, Eagle Barton
One step ahead of the game have some innovative design on it that oxide, red lead furnaces, ball mill
What’s needed is a laser-sharp acuity originated from a customer. systems and components.
in perceiving clients’ needs before they “Our major focus is equipment,
know it themselves. That means keep- design for the battery industry, for the
ing five steps ahead, not just one. battery making companies, to help get
What sets apart successful suppli- the best and most consistent product,
ers, however, seems to be an ability and to save labour,” he says.
to provide a kind of total solution, an “We have consistently found that
ownership of what has to be done to our customers always want some
be successful. Because every company innovative design, some advantage
feels their product is unique, they nat- over company ‘B’ down the street that
urally want to feel that whatever goes they can promote to their customers.
into its production is likewise unique. So they’ll often ask us, ‘Can you do
“Customers are looking for any- it?’ Our reputation rests in our answer
thing we can bring them that will to that, and it is ‘yes, we will do all
help them differentiate their battery those things.’ If we think it will work,
from others,” says Whear. “Any kind we’ll do it.”
of performance increase is welcomed.
So that means we have to know their Over-hyped and over here
product and process inside out.” Most suppliers felt impatience with
And because companies don’t neces- what they view as an industry-wide
sarily expand their equipment capaci- malaise, particularly given the over-
ties every year, their needs vary as hyping of the lithium segment in the
they absorb one purchase, or adjust to last few years. To some degree, lead
some operational change. acid batteries have suffered from their
“We find customers demand a con- own success in quietly being behind
sistent ability to deliver manufactur- the power of modern living for over
ing solutions that are not only reli- a century.
able and production-efficient, but also But in the past decade suppliers — “Customers want to
prompt,” says Fossemo, affirming both high-tech or otherwise — to the
a certain time-is-money urgency all lead acid business have been seen as meet, they want to
the suppliers noted in an increasingly inferior to their lithium-ion counter-
competitive industry. “Customers can- parts now being developed for electric
negotiate things in
not wait a week to get a line back into vehicles. person. We rarely sign
production. They demand help now, The topic is a sore one, given the
and over the years, we’ve learned to younger chemistry’s unresolved per- a contract that does not
react quickly with solutions.” formance issues. involve on-site visits”
Customers worldwide often expect “The lithium industry, for automo-
not just a repair but an improvement tive application, is still relatively under- Doug Bornas, MAC Engineering Batteries International Spring /Summer 2010 37
developed,” says Bornas. “It’s
at the stage where lead acid COMPANY PROFILE
was 100 years ago. They’ve
got a chemistry that works, that WIRTZ MANUFACTURING
gives good test results, but now they’ve
got to figure out how to produce it in Specializing in battery grid and plate-
quantity, and at an affordable price, making technology since its founding
at a time when we’re trying to find in 1932, Wirtz has also moved into
ways to reduce costs in cars. So far this oxide conveying and mixing, battery
chemistry just adds costs.” assembly and corrosive resistant con-
veyors, and finishing line machines.
Advancing the business The company prides itself on its
What’s not being done in the lead acid grid casting machines and con-
industry, they say, is proper marketing tinuous casting (ConCast and
of the technological advances being ConRoll) and pasting lines, con-
made in this segment every day. sidered industry standards.
John Sims, director of sales for Wirtz The Wirtz group of companies also
Manufacturing in, Michigan says “The includes several acquisition, including:
way to build a lead acid battery hasn’t LEKO, offering a full range of assem-
changed much in 100 years. Materi- bly products including TTP welders,
als have changed, techniques have heat sealers, and related line equip- and washing/drying systems; and
changed, but the basic chemistry has ment; Oxmaster; ConBro formation Battery Recycling Systems, which
stayed the same. and finishing systems including acid provides turnkey secondary lead
“That’s one of the testaments as to dilution plants, acid fillers, dumpers, smelting and recycling systems.
why developing lead acid chemistry is
the right course, long term. Its longev-
ity says a great deal.”
It’s a familiar industry refrain too. “We haven’t done enough in the last five years to
The old saw among battery men — champion the cause for why lead acid is still the
“Once you get lead in your blood,
you never get it out” — holds true at best mousetrap” John Sims, Wirtz
a business level tool.
“We haven’t done enough in the last
five years to champion the cause for COMPANY PROFILE
why lead acid is still the best mouse-
trap,” says Sims. SOVEMA US
“What politicians and bureaucrats
don’t understand — when they say Founded in 1969, Sovema offers an product know-how and plant com-
they want it clean and green — is that extensive line of production machin- missioning by specialized staff.
when it comes right down to it, lead ery for battery manufacturing from Sovema is particularly known
acid is the most reasonable alternative its own headquarters near Verona for its "Performer", the continuous
compared to all the other materials on in Italy, and through Sovema US, progressive expander, the innova-
offer for high tech batteries. based in Wisconsin, and subsidiary tive technology that makes it pos-
“Lithium doesn’t recycle well, and Bitrode Corporation, in Missouri, as sible to produce both positive
nickel not easily — 99% of all lead well as a facility in Tianjin, China. and negative grids at double the
used in North America comes from The company supplies individual speed of other available systems.
recycled batteries.” equipment (paster, flash drying In 2008 Sovema incorporated
The industry needs to do a better job ovens, plate collecting systems, Bitrode Corporation, a respected
of getting the truth out about lead acid, etc.) for specific processing opera- supplier of electrical power conver-
he says. “What we need are good com- tions, as well as complete lines for sion systems for electric vehicle
municators who can distil and articu- the entire production cycle, using an and hybrid electric vehicle bat-
late this technology into language from integrated technological approach tery testing, as well as produc-
a manufacturing and business stand- starting from the study of factory tion and test systems used in
point to the general public.” ■ and department lay-out through to the manufacturing of batteries.
It’s time to step up to the benefits of one continuous, modular plate making system that can make three
different kinds of grids. No wonder more manufacturers are switching to the Wirtz Universal Plate Making
System. Start with Concast negative grids. Add ConRoll mills for positives. Or a Wirtz punched press for roll/
punched positives. Only the Wirtz Universal System can grow with you and produce all three from the same
Wirtz continuous casting system. It’s cost effective, high quality, and there’s no waste like expanded metal.
And for a true winning combination, add the Wirtz ConPaste line for even greater control of your pasted plates.
For more information call +1.810.987.7600, or email us at
Repair to pack not Involving cells NiMH HEV Lithium ion challenge
Structural failure No significant
Sensor Failure known warranty claims Adopt best practices from NiMH
Current carrying path
Software & controls
Early technology pack and cell life Mature power technology pack and cell life — postulation
Don Cleary
Better engineering and better engineering management offer a way ahead
for battery industry suppliers. Batteries International visited Abertax’s
headquarters in Malta.
Optimism unbounded
“This isn’t just big. But it’s big, big.” lithium ion battery community. “I’m about whether lithium would neces-
That was the view of one delegate at openly sceptic about whether lithium sarily be the chemistry of choice in the
the annual AABC conference held this ion will turn out to be the power solu- next generation of cars.
May in Florida. tion for electric cars any time in my Perhaps more worryingly — and again
The point was well made. It wasn’t lifetime,” said one delegate. a truth that also couldn’t quite speak its
just that the Omni Hotel is a vast “But the mood at the conference was name — was a vague undercurrent of
sprawling conference-style resort situ- astounding. There was a real sense that fear. Where would the whole confer-
ated in the middle of a championship- enormous progress had been made ence be if the magical world of lithium
level golf course (and where some and that the promised land of lithium powered EVs didn’t materialize in the
of the less conscientious delegates powered EVs was in sight.” next couple of years? “Only half of us
sneaked off to). Indeed the mood of the conference — maybe only a third — will be here, if
Nor was it the fact that there was — perhaps this is a reflection of the that’s the case,” said one delegate.
a big pile of letters to be digested — whole of the lithium battery industry “A lot of us are being bankrolled by
there were three conferences going — oscillated between the visionary and government money either directly or
on, the LLIBTA (Large Lithium Ion the prosaic. With one breath, speakers dripping down from companies that
Battery Technology and Application), discussed a Brave New America where have received state funding. That kind
ECCCAP (Large EC Capacitor Tech- Smart Grid would speak unto EV and of money can’t last forever and, here
nology and Application) and not for- unto Smart Grid again. With the next, in the US, the Obama stimulus pack-
getting the AABC (Advanced Automo- issues such as dealing with the noxious age was clearly a one-off.”
tive Battery Conference) itself. issues of lithium battery formation
Nor was it the size of the number came to the fore. A question of timetabling
of attendees — 900 is not just a good However, one undercurrent — the “Yes we’re all largely playing with
number for a conference but a blow- truth that couldn’t quite speak its government money,” said another del-
out one — or the two large halls full name — was there despite the protes- egate.” “When that dries up, how can
of exhibitors’ stands. tations of the most passionate enthu- we keep going? It’s not that I believe
Rather it was the sense that this was siasts of all-things lithium. And that that we won’t ever reach a kind of
a big event that seemed to be marking was that a hard core that maintained tipping point when lithium becomes
a sense of arrival for the whole of the a scepticism (healthy or otherwise) the new norm — it’s just that I can see
50 Batteries International Spring/Summer 2010
supply power when necessary, one
“If you start to look away from, say, the delegate, David McShane, EVP busi-
ness development and engineering, at
Californians and New Yorkers who are eager to International Battery says his firm is
embrace change and are environmentally aware, looking at using large format lithium
batteries for stationary, energy storage
you won’t find Middle America willing to pay even at the electric-utility power distribu-
a couple of thousand dollars extra for a car that tion level.
“We have a programme through
could conceivably be looked at as green” S&C Electric with AEP (the Ohio-
based energy utility) targeted at com-
hybrids and nickel metal hydride as will to move to all things electric as
being a more dominant alternative in now being solid. “One thing seems to
the interim.” be certain,” said one conference del-
This question of when was clearly on egate, “the US federal government has
many people’s minds. “At the moment taken the issue of energy storage to its
we’re in a situation where the regular heart and I don’t personally believe
economic triggers for a business don’t that this is an Obama Democrat thing
apply,” said one exhibitor. “Normally but one that is going to be broadly
companies work on the basis of supply cross-party. The Department of Energy
and demand — but as yet we’ve not understands the issues at stake.
the faintest idea of what demand will “A lot of senior people — and now
be, so it’s difficult for us to make any that includes the politicians — in the
kind of sensible planning on providing US haven’t forgotten the spectacular
the supply side of the equation.” rise of the price of oil two years ago.
Creating a secure energy storage sys-
Battery price the key tem has become a question of national
Given that demand for the new cars security.”
is going to be crucially linked to price The issue of US national security
— and that could well be a function was also another undercurrent in the
of the race to produce a lithium car show. What one delegate called “the
battery at around a fifth of the present elephant in the room that nobody
cost — the more pessimistic again would admit to seeing” was the role of Community energy storage chest
reckoned that the present timetable China in infringing intellectual prop-
was too optimistic. erty rights. munity energy storage (CES)” says
“If you start to look away from, McShane. “Energy storage of around
say, the Californians and New York- Conference snapshots 27kWh to 150kWh in size is con-
ers who are eager to embrace change Away from the activities in the main nected between the local transformer
and are environmentally aware, you conference halls, there were two halls and the residential service (typically
won’t find Middle America willing to full of exhibitors and a third hall that four to 10 homes).
pay even a couple of thousand dollars offered a kind of poster display. Cer- “The CES can support local com-
extra for a car that could conceivably tainly the poster exhibition proved munities in the event of disruptions to
be looked at as green,” said another an unusual take on a whole variety supply and provide a range of other
exhibitor. “I mean three-quarters of us of battery market issues. Some two utility support benefits such as power
in the States choose not to believe in dozen poster exhibitors were given quality improvements and even offer
global warming!” the equivalent of just 2m3 of space to utility infrastructure investment defer-
And this remark was echoed, in vari- make their relevant points. ral options — all of which provide
ous forms, by the many international Next door to the poster display hall economic benefit to the utility and
delegates. “Till we get a price point to were two further rooms manned by a improved service to end customers."
know what we’re selling the batter- small army of exhibitors. AEP contracted S&C Electric as
ies for, we haven’t any real indication Although the focus of the main con- the system integrator which in turn
of what our sales can be,” said one ference was, by definition, on automo- selected International Battery as the
speaker. tive batteries, that wasn’t to say that energy storage system supplier of
A similar point was made by oth- other uses of lithium batteries weren’t choice.
ers when talking about performance. talked about or discussed in the coffee AEP expects to include 2MWh of
“One of the really encouraging points rooms between breaks. CES for the pilot project as part of
about this conference,” said one del- The creation of smart grids was the Ohio gridSMART programme.
egate, “is how we’re seeing — both a hot topic from a slightly different
from the ultracapacitor viewpoint as point of view from the conventional Opportunities, challenges
well as the lithium ion battery view — ones where electric cars are being McShane says that V2G is a great
steady advances in performance. And plugged into these grids. opportunity, but there are also chal-
these of course are also being matched Although there’s been much talk lenges faced in setting up a larger grid
by general improvements elsewhere, recently about using the batteries for electric vehicles as an energy pool
for example, in the BMS.” within electric vehicles as a kind of to provide the same benefits — there
But if the timing for the arrival of the energy pool (the “vehicle to grid”, will be simple practical details of
next generation of cars proves elusive, or “V2G” concept) where plugged-in whether, for example, people want
there were many that saw the political vehicles sit on the grid and that can their vehicles to be connected into Batteries International Spring/Summer 2010 51
such a grid and charged and dis-
charged by others. There are other “We’ve managed to reduce our MCV production
practical problems associated with a formation system to around half the size but
connected vehicular energy pool —
what happens, for example, when offer increased performance and we’ve radically
you plug in your car at a neighbour’s expanded our FTF product which supports
house? What kind of identification
system needs to be put into place when complex pack test development to give both the
that happens?
Under the CES scheme”, the energy
capability of using one or two circuit systems and
storage asset belongs to the utility and testing up to 1.2MW”
so there is no question as to whether
or not it can be deployed.
Another, interesting application for has been the increased collaboration
International Battery’s large-format between firms that previously would
prismatic Li-Ion batteries is working have regarded each other as rivals or
with the US military on its Silent- near rivals. The overall impression,
Watch programme. In this application, talking to delegates at the conference,
the battery storage system, or NPS was that business barriers were being
(Non-primary power source) supplies brushed aside in the rush to get the
the energy needs for radio and sur- new battery technology in place.
veillance equipment. This allows the And, most particularly on the road.
military to gather intelligence without Bitrode has been collaborating with
the need for engine generator power A&D in one such joint venture in pro-
(which produces detectable heat and ducing a fully automated battery test
noise signatures). system for General Motors’ Global
The military is interested in investi- Battery Lab in Michigan. “It consists
gating further uses of energy storage of A&D’s iTest, iCentral and Lab-
such as in combination with renew- Minder and our own test equipment,”
able sources (photovoltaics or wind) says Canova. “It’s a major advance-
to provide a stable electrical supply in ment in world class battery laboratory
remote areas. Canova: raising the technology bar management. We think we’re well
One of the more challenging num- positioned for it to become the indus-
bers of keeping the coalition of armies around half the size but offer increased try standard.”
in the field in Afghanistan is that it performance and we’ve radically John Leppek, senior account man-
takes seven million gallons of fuel to expanded our FTF product which sup- ager, at A&D also spoke about the
provide the military with one million ports complex pack test development partnership in glowing terms. “By
for operational use. to give both the capability of using one working together we’ve created an
Any forms of energy saving are or two circuit systems and testing up unparalleled system for testing today’s
important for the military. “They find to 1.2MW.” advances in battery chemistry and
the combination interesting in two The price tags for the new MCV and operations.”
ways,” says McShane. “The immedi- FTF testers are unchanged in terms of
ate one is that the renewable energy price per kilowatt hour. Anode, cathode binders
sources with light-weight, energy- One of the striking features of the Zeon was another such firm provid-
dense storage cuts supply-chain costs. growing lithium battery industry ing upgrades to its existing product
But the second one is that it gives
greater operational efficiencies such as Conference organizer Menahem Anderman at the opening sessions
enhanced mobility.”
“As we all know at this event some highly volatile and very dangerous
chemicals are used in lithium ion battery formation and we have to find ways
to deal with these in a cost-effective way”
Entegris can offer neutralize these
dangerous chemicals.
Perhaps showing how much of the
industry was represented at the show
were some more unusual players.
Barton Malow would be one such
firm with its ability to produce cus-
tomized construction-ready designs to
build a lithium battery factory and the
project management expertise, so the
firm says, to ensure that what might
otherwise be a two or three year proc-
ess — from talking to the customer
until the turn-key completion of the
factory — can be reduced to around
nine months.
ABERTAX Technologies Ltd · KW17A Corradino Industrial Estate · Paola PLA 3000, Malta
Tel +356 23 678100, +356 21 660606 Fax +356 21 808625 · ·
It was not a long life but it burned brightly. By the time the inventor of the
nickel cadmium battery, Waldmar Jungner, died aged 55 he had provoked
a complete rethink of many of the ways we look at battery chemistry.
is what
we do
Know how with added value, high skilled personnel and a remarkably up-to-date infrastructure, have positioned
SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. among the major producers of autonomous power systems worldwide.
Developing more than 1,500 specialized products*, SYSTEMS SUNLIGHT S.A. fulfills the energy requirements
of the most demanding sectors, such as Industry,Telecommunication,Transportation, Constructions and Infrastructure,
in over 100 countries around the world.
With 5 specialized production lines following the most strict European and international standards and specifications,
the SUNLIGHT Manufacturing Plant continuously invests in Research and Development, aiming at the growth of innovative
technologies and their implementation in high quality products.
* Vented and Sealed Lead-Acid batteries, Ni-Cd batteries,Telecom Power Supply Systems, Industrial Rectifiers, Generating Sets, P.V.Applications