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Pushover Analysis

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Pushover analysis is a static nonlinear analysis method used to evaluate the performance of structures subjected to seismic or lateral loads. It provides estimates of inelastic behavior, deformation, and damage in structures.

Pushover analysis is used to obtain reasonable estimates of inelastic deformation or damage in structures for performance-based design methods since elastic analysis cannot provide this information. It provides a less time-consuming alternative to nonlinear dynamic analysis.

The objectives of pushover analysis are to obtain the maximum shear strength and collapse mechanism of the structure, evaluate if plastic hinging can achieve collapse without exhausting member capacity, and estimate deformation, ductility, damage distribution and interstory drift.

Pushover Analysis

Dr. Keshav. K. Sangle

Structural Engineering Department
& Dean Infrastructure and Planning
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Matunga,
Dynamic - Loads change with time

Nonlinear - Loaded beyond Elastic Limit

Type Usual Name Dynamic Material


Linear Static Equivalent No No

Linear Response Yes No
Dynamic Spectrum
Nonlinear Pushover No Yes
Static Analysis
Nonlinear Time History Yes Yes
Why Pushover Analysis?
 Performance-based methods require reasonable estimates of
inelastic deformation or damage in structures.

 Elastic Analysis is not capable of providing this


 Nonlinear dynamic response history analysis is capable of

providing the required information, but may be very time-

 Nonlinear static pushover analysis may provide reasonable

estimates of location of inelastic behavior.
Why Pushover Analysis?
 Pushover analysis alone is not capable of providing
estimates of maximum deformation. Additional analysis must
be performed for this purpose. The fundamental issue is…
How Far to Push????????

 It is important to recognize that the purpose of pushover

analysis is not to predict the actual response of a structure to an
earthquake. (It is unlikely that nonlinear dynamic analysis can
predict the response.)

 The minimum requirement for any method of analysis,

including pushover, is that it must be “good enough for
What is Push-Over Analysis?
A static nonlinear procedure in which a computer model of
the building is subjected to a lateral load of a certain shape
(i.e. inverted triangular or uniform).

The intensity of the lateral load is

slowly increased and the sequence
of cracks, yielding, plastic hinge
formations, and failure of various
structural components is recorded.

Push-over analysis can provide a

significant insight into the weak
links in seismic performance of a
What is Push-Over Analysis?
 A series of iterations are usually required during which, the
structural deficiencies observed in one iteration, are
rectified and followed by another.

 This iterative analysis and design process continues until

the design satisfies a pre-established performance criteria.

 The performance criteria for push-over analysis is

generally established as the desired state of the building given
a roof-top or spectral displacement amplitude
Objectives of Push-Over Analysis
 To obtain the maximum shear strength of the structure,
Vb, and the mechanism of collapse.

 To evaluate if the structure can achieve the collapse

mechanism without exhausting the plastic rotation capacity
of the members.

 To obtain the monotonic displacement and global

ductility capacity of the structure

To estimate the concentration of damage and IDI

(Interstorey Drift Index) that can be expected during the
nonlinear seismic response.
Constructing Pushover Curve

• Define Structural Model

– Elements (components)
– Strength - deformation properties
• Define Loads
– Gravity
– Lateral load pattern
• Select Control Displacements or Drifts
• Perform Pushover Analysis
Pushover Modeling

Definition of Structural Model

– 3D or 2D
– Primary and Secondary Elements (components)
– Non structural Elements
– Foundation flexibility
– P-Delta effects
Pushover Modeling (Elements)

• Types
– Truss - yielding and buckling
– 3D Beam - major direction flexural and shear
– 3D Column - P-M-M interaction and shear hinging
– Panel zone - Shear yielding
– In-fill panel - Shear failure
– Shear wall - P-M-Shear interaction!
– Spring - for foundation modeling
Pushover Modeling (Properties)

Force-Deformation Relationship


Pushover Modeling (Properties)

Force-Deformation (Back bone Curve)


Pushover Modeling (Beam Element)
Three dimensional Beam Element

Flexible Span Loads

Connection Shear Hinge

Plastic Hinge Rigid Zone

Pushover Modeling (Column Element)
Three dimensional Column Element

Shear Hinge

Plastic Hinge Rigid Zone

Pushover Modeling (Column Element)

Axial Load - Moment Interaction (Concrete)


Pushover Modeling (Column Element)
Axial Load - Moment Interaction (Steel)

M CE  1.18 Z Fye 1  P / Pye 

Pushover Modeling (Loads)

• Start with Gravity Loads

– Dead Load
– Some portion of Live Load

• Select Lateral Load Pattern
– Lateral Load Patterns (Vertical Distribution)
– Lateral Load Horizontal Distribution
– Torsional Effects
– Orthogonal Effects
Pushover Modeling (Loads)
Each force distribution pushes all floors in same direction
Pushover Analysis (Control)

• Force controlled analysis

• Deformation controlled analysis

– Roof Displacement
– Generalized Displacement Definitions

• Limit of analysis
– Instability - loss of gravity load carrying capacity
– Excessive distortions
Pushover Analysis
The magnitude of lateral loads is incrementally increased, until
the displacement at the same point on the structure reaches a
specified target displacement.
Pushover Analysis
Develop pushover (capacity) curve: Plot of base shear vs roof
Pushover Analysis
With the increase in magnitude of the loads, weak links and
failure modes are found
Pushover Analysis ( Results)
Pushover Analysis
Modal analysis will allow the base shear and displacement of the
structure to be converted to a spectral acceleration and spectral
displacement of the equivalent SDOF structure.
Pushover Analysis

 W  g

 W  g
2 N
i i ,1 i i ,1
1  i 1
PF1  i 1
 N
  
 
 Wi g   (Wii ,1 / g )

 i i ,1
(W  2
/ g ) 
 i   i 1   i 1 
Pushover Analysis
Curve is plotted between spectral acceleration and spectral
displacement .

This curve is associated with the capacity of the structure and

called as Capacity Spectra.
The first step in any
pushover analysis is to run
a gravity analysis..

It is extremely rare that

yielding will occur in the
gravity analysis, however
the pattern of moment and
forces that develop in the
individual structural
components will have an
effect on the location of The gravity load analysis will also
and sequencing of hinges cause gravity related P-Delta effects
in the lateral load phase of to be activated (if such effects are
the analysis. explicitly included in the analytical
Analysis 1: Gravity Analysis

This slide shows the state of the structure just after gravity loads
are applied but before any lateral load has been applied.
Now the lateral load is applied. The idealized moments in two
potential hinging regions are shown for the lateral load only.
Insufficient lateral load has been applied to cause yielding.
If the member forces from gravity load are added to the member
forces from the lateral loads it is seen that the moment computed
at the right span, right hinge is well in excess of the capacity.
The program performing the analysis will then compute the
fraction of the lateral load, that when added to the gravity load,
causes first yielding in the structure.
Here the total load V is applied to
the structure which has not yet
We have applied too much lateral load. Hence, we want to
compute the portion of load, ψV, that just causes the first
The pushover curve is not at the state shown, with
only one hinge present.
We now apply the remainder of the load VR = V(1-ψ). We will
want to determine how much of the remaining load causes the
next hinge to form.
The next hinge will occur at the right of the second story
girder of the right bay.
The second hinge is formed and the stiffness is changed.
The remaining load is applied, and the next hinge location is
It appears that the next hinge will form at the right hand side of
the first story girder in the left bay.
The procedure is continued until adequate displacement has been
obtained. A maximum expected displacement would be 3% of the
height of the structure (as this is in excess of the seismic drift limit
in most codes).
In the capacity-spectrum approach it is
necessary to transform the pushover curve
(in Force-Displacement space) into a
Capacity Curve (in Modal Acceleration-
Modal Displacement Space).
Use of Pushover Curve

• Capacity Spectrum Method

- detailed in ATC-40
- and as alternate method in FEMA-273

• Displacement Coefficient Method

- detailed in FEMA-273
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)

• Construct Capacity Spectrum

• Estimate Equivalent Damping
• Determine Demand Spectrum
• Determine Performance Point
• Verify Acceptance
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Constructing Capacity Spectrum

Spectral Acceleration
Base Shear

Roof Displacement Spectral Displacement

Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Constructing Capacity Spectrum

The displaced shape at any point

on the pushover curve is used to
obtain an equivalent SDOF
 is the mass participation and
relates the base shears

Equivalent SDOF
PF is the participation factor and
relates the roof displacement to
the SDOF displacement
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Constructing Capacity Spectrum

S a  V / W  / 1
 

S d   roof / PF1 * 1 ,roof


Spectral Displacement
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Estimation of Equivalent Viscous Damping

 eq   0  0.05
 0  (1 / 4 ) * ( ED / Eso )

 factor
Spectral Displacement
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Estimation of Equivalent Damping



Ed Spectral Displacement
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Response Spectrum (5% damping)



Time Period
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Response Spectrum (5% damping)

CA and CV depend on:

- Seismic zone (0.075 to 0.4)
- Nearness to fault and source type (1 to 2)
- Soil Type (1 to 2.5)
- Level of Earthquake (0.5 to 1.5)
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Reduced Spectrum (Effective damping)



Time Period
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)
Acceleration-Displacement Response Spectrum

Sd = S a T2/42


Time Period Spectral Displacement

Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)

Performance Point
Demand Spectrum for effective
damping at performance point

Capacity Spectrum

Spectral Displacement
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)

Spectral Acceleration
Performance Point

Spectral Displacement
Use of Pushover Curve (ATC-40)

Verification of Acceptance
Expected Performance Point
for given Earthquake
Force Measure

Deformation Measure
Use of Pushover Curve (FEMA-273)

(Displacement Coefficient Method)

• Estimate Target Displacement

• Verify Acceptance
Use of Pushover Curve (FEMA-273)
Estimation of Target Displacement

Estimate effective elastic stiffness, Ke

Estimate post yield stiffness, Ks
Estimate effective fundamental period, Te
Calculate target roof displacement as

  C0 C1 C2 C3 S a T /( 4 )
2 2
Use of Pushover Curve (FEMA-273)

Estimation of Target Displacement

C0 Relates spectral to roof displacement

C1 Modifier for inelastic displacement
C2 Modifier for hysteresis loop shape
C3 Modifier for second order effects
Use of Pushover Curve (FEMA-273)

Estimation of Effective Elastic Period, Te

Vy aKe = Ks

Estimate Te using Ke
Estimate Elastic Spectral Displacement
Base Shear


  S a T /(4 ) e
2 2

Roof Displacement
Use of Pushover Curve (FEMA-273)

Calculation of C0
Relates spectral to roof displacement
- use modal participation factor for control
node from first mode
- or use modal participation factor for control
node from deflected shape at the target
- or use tables based on number of stories and
varies from 1 to 1.5
Use of Pushover Curve (FEMA-273)

Calculation of C3
Modifier for dynamic second order effects

C3 = 1 if post yield slope, a is positive

C3 = 1 +[ |a|(R-1)3/2 ]/Te
Use of Pushover Curve (FEMA-273)

Verification of Acceptance
Target Displacement (or
corresponding deformation) for
given Earthquake
Force Measure

Performance Limits
(IO, LS, CP)

Deformation Measure

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