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Unit 5 People Around Us

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Social Science

Unit 5

People around us

People at home and at school

En el colegio y en casa
What do you do at home? At home I…

At home I… 
 make the beds wash the dishes

(En casa yo…) (hago la cama) (lavo los platos)

lay the table 
 mop the floor take out the

(pongo la mesa) (limpio el polvo) rubbish 

(saco la basura)
Social Science People around us Unit 5
What do you do at school? At school pupils ...

At school pupils ... listen to each other take turns 

(En el colegio los (se escuchan unos (hacen turnos)
alumnos...) a los otros)

work together draw, read, write, play...

(trabajan juntos)

At school works / En el colegio trabajan:

Non teaching staff (Personal no docente) Teaching staff
(Personal docente):

Librarian Cooks (cocineros) Head teacher

(bibliotecario) (director)

Cleaner Nurse (enfermero) Teachers

(limpiadores) (profesores)
Social Science People around us Unit 5

People work with nature. People make things.

Las personas trabajan con la naturaleza. Hacen
Some people obtain raw materials from nature. 

Algunas personas obtienen materia prima de la naturaleza.
They need tools or machines. 

Ellos necesitan herramientas o máquinas.
Job Machine Raw material

A fisherman. uses a net and boat to catch fish.

A farmer. uses a tractor to grow cross.

A lumberjack. uses a chainsaw to cut down trees.

An oil worker uses a drill to extract oil

Social Science People around us Unit 5

Where does raw material come from?

¿De dónde procede la materia prima?

Raw materials come from the ground, plants or animals.

La materia prima procede del suelo, plantas o animales.
Examples: oil, rock, fish, wood, cotón, wheat...
We use raw material to make
manufactured products.
Usamos materia prima para hacer
productos elaborados.

People buy and sell manufactured

Las personas compran y venden

Social Science People around us Unit 5

How we make things

Como hacemos las cosas
To obtain manufactured products we need raw material,
people, machines and factories.

Para obtener productos elaborados necesitamos materia
prima, personas, máquinas y fábricas.
To obtain manufactured products we follow a process.

Para obtener productos elaborados seguimos un proceso. 

For example: to obtain cereales.

1- we plant corn 2- we collect the 3- we make cereal

(sembramos maíz) corn. (Recogemos el from the corn .
maíz) hacemos cereal del

we package the 5- we sell the 6- Customers buy

cereal. cereal. (lo the cereal. (los
(empaquetamos) vendemos) clientes lo


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