Syllabus - Final (01-02)
Syllabus - Final (01-02)
Syllabus - Final (01-02)
The integrated B.Sc. (Honours) courses in Computer Science and Technology shall be offered over the period of
four academic years. The examination will be held at the end of each academic year. The integrated (credit)
courses will consist of 42 courses of which 32 will be Theoretical and 7 Practical courses, and a Research Lab
equivalent to three unit courses. Each unit course will carry 50 marks. Students shall take 1 university (non-
credit) course carrying 100 marks. There shall be 200 Marks Tutorial examinations and 200 Marks Viva-Voce on the
departmental courses distributed over the four academic years. The grand total Marks will be 2600, out of which
credit courses will carry 2500 Marks and non-credit course 100 Marks. The examination of one unit theoretical
course shall be of three-hour duration and practical examination shall be of six-hour duration.
Year-wise Distribution of Courses along with Titles and the Marks will be as follows:
Integrated Courses:
CST 101: Computer Fundamentals 50
CST 102: Computer Programming 50
CST 103: Electricity, Magnetism and Electrical Networks 50
CST 104: Basic Electronics 50
CST 105: Algebra & Trigonometry (MATH 01) 50
CST 106: Calculus and Differential Equations (MATH 02) 50
CST 107: Electrical Machines and Instruments 50
CST 108: Mathematical Statistics 50
CST 109: Software Lab. 50
CST 110: Electronics Lab. 50
CST 111: Tutorial 50
CST 112: Viva-Voce 50
Total: 600
Non-Credit Course:
Islamic Studies / Bangladesh Studies 100
Integrated Courses:
CST 201: Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programming 50
CST 202: Discrete Mathematics and Numerical Methods 50
CST 203: Data Structures and Algorithms 50
CST 204: Database Management Systems 50
CST 205: Object Oriented Programming 50
CST 206: Switching Devices and Pulse techniques 50
CST 207: Computer Architecture and Organization 50
CST 208: Geometry and Vector Analysis (MATH 03) 50
CST 209: Digital Systems 50
CST 210: Software Lab. 50
CST 211: Digital Electronics Lab. 50
CST 212: Tutorial 50
CST 213: Viva-Voce 50
Total: 650
Third Academic Year: 2003-2004
Integrated Courses:
CST 301: Operating systems 50
CST 302: Formal Languages & Automata Theory 50
CST 303: Computer Peripherals and Interfacing 50
CST 304: System analysis and Design 50
CST 305: Digital Signal and Image processing 50
CST 306: Computer Network And Internetworking 50
CST 307: Computer Graphics 50
CST 308: Software Engineering 50
CST 309: Hardware Lab. 50
CST 310: Software Lab. 50
CST 311: Tutorial 50
CST 312: Viva-Voce 50
Total: 600
Integrated Courses:
CST 401: Compiler design 50
CST 402: Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems 50
CST 403: Simulation and Modeling 50
CST 404: Pattern Recognition & Neural Computing 50
CST 405: Communication Engineering and telecommunication 50
CST 406: Visual Languages and Multimedia 50
CST 407: Internet and Web 50
CST 408: Software Lab. 50
CST 409: Research Lab. 150
CST 410: Tutorial 50
CST 411: Viva-Voce 50
Total: 650
First Academic Year: 2001-2002
Books Recommended:
1. Rajaraman, V Fundamentals of Computers
2. Jain, Satish Introduction to Computer Science Vol. I & II
3. Balasubramanian Elements of Computer Science Vol. I
Books Recommended:
1. H Schildt Turbo C/C++: The Complete Reference
2. Cochan S G Programming in C
3. Balagurusamy E Programming in ANSI C
4. Gottfried Programming with C
Books Recommended:
1. Millman and Helkias Electronic Devices and Circuits
2. Boylestad and Nashelsky Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory
3. Theraja, B L Basic Electronics
4. Malvino Electronics principles
5. Gupta and Kumar Hand Book of Electronics
Books Recommended:
1. Bernard and Child Higher Algebra
2. Hall and Knight Higher Trigonometry
3. Das and Mukherjee Higher Trigonometry
4. Shahidullah and Bhattacharjee Higher Algebra and Trigonometry
Books Recommended:
1. Ayres, F Calculus
2. Das and Mukherjee Differential Calculus
3. Das and Mukherjee Integral Calculus
4. Sapely L Ross Differential Equations
Books Recommended:
1. Theraza, B L Electrical Technology
2. E. Hugus Electrical Technology
Books Recommended
1. Weatherburn, C. E. A First Course in Mathematical Statistics
2. Marek Fisz. Probability and Mathematical Statistics
3 Kapur, J. N. and Saxena, H. C. Mathematical Statistics
4. Manindra Kumar Roy Fundamentals of Probability & Probability Distributions
CST 109: Software Lab
This Lab. is based on the courses CST 101 and CST 102. Simple exercises based on DOS, Windows and
Applications software, development of programs in BASIC and C languages.
Books recommended
1. D. V. Hall Microprocessors and Interfacing
2. Malvino, A P Digital Computer Electronics
3. Padmanabhan, T R Digital Systems and Microprocessors
4. Liu and Gibson Microprocessor Systems: The 8086/8088 Family
5. M. Rafiquzzaman Microprocessor and Microprocessor based system
Numerical Methods:
Solutions of Polynomials and Transcendental Equations. Interpolation. Least Squares Approximation of Functions.
Solution of systems of Linear equations by Gauss-Seidel iterative method. Numerical Differentiation and Integration.
Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations.
Books Recommended:
1. Rosen, K. H. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
2. Koleman & Busby Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science
3. Trembley & Manohar Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science
4. Sastry, S. S. Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis
5. Scarborough, J. B. Numerical Mathematical Analysis
6. Rajaraman, V. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods
Books Recommended
1. Reingold and Hansen Data Structure
2. Horowitz and Shahny Analysis of Algorithms
3. Taunenbaum, Langsam Data Structure Using C
4. Robert L. Kruse Data Structure and Program Design
5. Lipschutz Data Structures, Schaum’s Outline
Books Recommended:
1. Taub and Schelling Switching Devices and Circuits
2. Millman and Halkias Electronic Devices and Circuits
3. B L Theraja Basic Electronics
4. Gupta and Kumar Hand Book of Electronics
Books Recommended
1. Hayes, J P Computer Architecture and Organization
2. Stone Introduction to computer Architecture
3. Sloan, M E Computer Hardware and Organization
4. Malvino, A P Digital Computer Electronics
5. Mano, M Computer System Architecture
Books Recommended
1. Tocci, R.J. Digital systems
2. Malvino & Leach Digital principles and Applications
3. Jain R. P. Modern Digital Electronics
4. Taub and Schelling Switching devices and circuits
Books Recommended
1. Silberschatz and Galvin Operating System Concepts
2. Stalling, William Introduction to Operating System
3. Milenkoviæ, Milan Operating Systems: Concepts and Design
4. Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Modern Operating Systems
Books Recommended
1. Hopcropt, J.E. & Ullman , J.D. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages & Computation
2. Adamek Automata and Algebra
Books Recommended
1. Rafiquzzaman Microprocessor and Microcomputer based system design
2. Artwick Microcomputer Interfacing
3. Ramesh Goanker Microcomputer Interfacing
Books recommended
1. E. M. Awad Systems analysis and design
2. P. Edwards System analysis & design
3. G. Scott Principles of Management Information System
Books Recommended
1. Proakis & Manolakis Digital Signal Processing
2. Oppenheim & Schafer Discrete Time Signal Processing
3. Anil Elements of Image Processing
Books Recommended
1. Stallings W Data Communications and Computer Networks
2. Tanenbaum Computer Networks
CST 307: Computer Graphics
Introduction to Computer Graphics: Introduction, Presentation graphics, Application Areas, GUI; Graphics
Hardware: Display devices Architecture and Input Devices;
Graphic Primitives: Drawing Points, Lines, Circles, Ellipse, Rectangles, Arcs; Polygons: Inside-outside tests,
polygon fill algorithms, Character generation;
Two-dimensional Viewing and Clipping: Viewing pipeline, Window to view port transformation, Point, Line,
Polygon, Curve and Text clipping;
Transformations of Objects: Basic transformations, Affine Transformations, Translations, Rotations, Scaling,
reflection and Shearing, Composite transformations matrices, Transformation of 3D objects (4´4 matrices).
Curve design: B-spline, Bezier curves and Surfaces, Fractal Geometry
3D Object Representation: 3D Graphics Pipeline, Projection: Different types of Parallel and Perspective Matrices;
B-Rep, Constructive Solid Geometry, Hidden lines and Surface detection: Back face Detection, Painters algorithm,
Z-buffering; light models,
Rendering: Constant, Goraud and Phong shading; Ray-tracing; Different Types of Color Model
Some Topics of Graphics: CAD, Image processing, Virtual reality and Animation.
Books recommended
1. Donald Hearn and Paullin Baker Computer Graphics
2. Vera B Anand Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling for Engineers
3. Foley, Vandam, Feiner, Hughes Computer Graphics, Principle and Practice
4. Ala Watt Fundamentals of Three Dimensional Computer graphics
5. Steven R T Graphics programming in C.
Books recommended
1. Pressman Software Engineering: A Practical approach
2. Easteal Software Engineering analysis & Design
3. V. Mukhi Borland C++ 3.0 for windows 3.1
4. S. Ladd C++ components & Algorithms
5. David Parsons Object oriented programming with C++
Books recommended
1. Hopcroft and Ullman Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation
2. Adamek Automata and Algebra
3. Aho and Ullman Principles of Compiler Design
4. Lewis and Stern Compiler Design Theory
Books recommended
1. "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach" by Stuart Russell and Peter Norving; Prentice Hall,
2. "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems", by Patterson, D. W; Prentice Hall,
3. "Artificial Intelligence" by Rich, E. et al, McGraw Hill,
Book Recommended:
1. J. A. Spriet Computer Aided Modeling & Simulation.
2. R. S. Lehman Computer Simulation and Modeling.
3. G. Cordon System Simulation.
4. James D. Foley , Vandam Computer Graphics.
CST 404: Pattern Recognition and Neural Computing
Introduction to Pattern Recognition: Features, Classification, Learning; Statistical method, structural methods &
hybrid method; Application to Hand written character, Speech Recognition, Remote Sensing & biomedical area;
Learning algorithms; Syntactic approach; Introduction to Pattern Grammar and Languages; Parsing Techniques;
Pattern Recognition in CAD; Recent Trends.
Introduction to Neural Networks: The Basic Neuron, The Multi-layer Perception, Applications of Neural Network,
Kohonen Self-Organizing Networks, Hopfield Networks, Adaptive Resonance Theory, Associative Memory. Pattern
Recognition by Neural Network theory
Books Recommended:
1. Neural Computing: An Introduction Beale R and Jackson
2. An Introduction to Neural Computing Igor Aleksander and Helen Morton
Books Recommended:
1. J. Mortein Communication Satellite System
2. 3. S. E. Matter & A. G Chynoweth Optical fibre telecommunication
3. M. S. Roden Analog and Digital communication Systems
4. Defatta, D, J, and Lucas, J. G. Digital signal processing
5. D C Agarwal Computer Communication & ISDN Systems, Khanna Publishers
Books Recommended:
1. John villamil-Casanova, Louis Molina Multimedia Production, Planning and Delivery
2. John villamil-Casanova, Louis Molina Multimedia, An Introduction
3. John villamil-Casanova, Leony Fernandez-Elia Multimedia Graphics
4. Ivor Horton, Wrox Press Ltd. Beginning Visual C++ 6
5. Evangelos Petroutsos Mastering Visual Basic 6
6. John villamil-Casanova, Louis Molina Multimedia on WEB
CST 407: Internet and Web
Internet: Evolution of Internet, addressing and routing. Internet applications: FTP, Telnet, Email, Chat. World Wide
Web: HTTP protocol. Designing web pages: HTML, forms, CGI scripts and clickable maps. Perl, DHTML, XML. E-
Commerce and security issues including symmetric and asymmetric key, encryption and digital signature,
authentication. Emerging trends, Internet telephony, Intranet and extranet, firewall design issues.
Internet programming using JAVA: Data Types, Variables, and Arrays, Operators, Control Statements, Classes
and Methods, Inheritance, Packages and Interfaces, Exception handling, Multithreaded programming, Input/Output,
Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and Swing, Java Applet, Network Programming: Socket overview, Reserved
Socket, Internet Addressing, Java and the Net, InetAddress, TCP/IP Client Sockets, TCP/IP Server Sockets,
Datagrams, Datagram Server and Client.
Books Recommended:
1. Deitel and Deitel JAVA- How to program
2. Herbert Schildt and Patrick Naughton JAVA- The Complete Reference
3. Eliot Rusty Harold JAVA Network Programming