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Survey of Ethnobotanical Medicinal Plants Used by The People of District Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India

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Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res.

eISSN: 2455-1716
Jain et al., 2018

Research Article

Survey of Ethnobotanical Medicinal Plants Used by the People of

District Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India
1 2 3*
Manju Jain , Prem Narayan Shrivastava , Rakesh Samar
Department of Botany, Govt. Girls College, Vidisha, India
Department of Botany, S. S. L. Jain P. G. College, Vidisha, India

*Address for Correspondence: Mr. Rakesh Samar, Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Govt. Girls College,
Vidisha 464001, Madhya Pradesh, India
Received: 13 Feb 2018/ Revised: 02 April 2018/ Accepted: 22 June 2018

The documentation of the biodiversity and it is traditional, as well as medicinal uses by the ethnic communities, have assumed
priority due to the misuse and rampant loss of biodiversity, the emerging threats of biopiracy and the increasing patent wars on
bioresources. Since, the medicinal plants are very important for the production of various drugs because thousands of years ago,
these plants are used by our forefathers for the treatment of various diseases. Therefore, now a day, these medicinal plants are
used for the production of various drugs as well as to cure various diseases. Though there are a good number of publications on
ethnobotany on particular and different tribes but the present studies were carried out to explore the vascular plant diversity and
investigate the ethnomedicinal potential and their conservation status in the villages of Guna district, Madhya Pradesh, India. In
this research survey, only medicinal plant, their local names and their medicinal uses were interviewed and presented. The
information was obtained from local informant i.e. Vaidhays, Hakeems and Ayurvedic Practitioners etc. having knowledge about
medicinal plants. The paper deals about some medicinal plants used by the Bheel primitive tribe of Guna district, Madhya
Pradesh, India. The paper enumerates 25 medicinal plant species belonging to eighteen families used by Bheel tribes for curing
various ailments among human beings and animals.

Key-words: Ethnobotany, Medicinal Plants, Tribes, Ethnomedicinal, Multidisciplinary science

Ethnobotany is a multidisciplinary science defined as the on how plants used, managed and perceived across
interaction between plants and people. The relationship human societies (e.g as food; as medicines; in divination;
between plants and human cultures is not limited to use in cosmetics; in dying; as textiles; in construction; as
of plants food, clothing and shelter but also includes tools; as currency; as clothing; in literature; in rituals and
their use for religious ceremonies ornamentation and in social life [2].
health care [1]. The fundamental structure of ethnobotanical research is
In the past, ethno-botanical research was predominately to examine the dynamic relationship between human
a survey of the plants used by villagers but modern populations, cultural values and plants recognizing that
ethnobotany concerned with documentation, plants permeate materially and metaphorically many
description and explanation of complex relationships aspects of culture and that nature is by no means passive
between cultures and (uses of) plants: focusing primarily to human action but interacted with each other.
Evidence shows that people who have lived in one
How to cite this article
locality for a long time have rich sets of knowledge about
Jain M, Shrivastava PN, Samar R. Survey of Ethnobotanical
Medicinal Plants Used by the People of District Guna, Madhya and cognition of plants and local ecology.
Pradesh, India. Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res., 2018; 4(4): 1880-1888. Some other researchers [3] induced a tentative research
on the social and cultural values of ethnobotany. To
Access this article online document the secret uses of plants, Ethnobotany has become an important part of our world. Recent studies
of tribal knowledge of plants are an imperative fact of
ethno-botanical research; people healed themselves

Copyright © 2015 - 2018| IJLSSR by Society for Scientific Research under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International License Volume 04 | Issue 04 | Page 1880
Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res. eISSN: 2455-1716
Jain et al., 2018

with traditional medicines and ancient remedies from In India there are many traditional systems of medicine,
time immemorial [4,5]. namely Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Homeopathy and
Human beings have found remedies within their habitat, Allopathic are distinguishing. Ethnomedicine is an area of
and have adopted different strategies depending upon research that deals with medicines derived from plants,
the climate, phyto-geographic and faunal characteristics, animals or minerals and used in the treatment of various
as well as upon the peculiar culture and socio-structural diseases and ailment based on indigenous
typologies [6]. Most of such information is passed on the pharmacopeia, folklore and herbal charm. The use of
following generations by traditional healers through oral plants for medicinal treatment dates back to 5000 years.
communication and discipleship practice [7]. Moreover, Over 2500 plants species are officially recognized for
the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that medicinal purposes while over 6000 plants are estimated
about 80% of the world population relies on traditional to be explored in traditional, folk and herbal medicine
medicine to cure ailments [8] and about 84% of India [15]
depends on the traditional system of health care [9]. In India much literature relevant to ethno-botany can be
Today the field of ethnobotany requires a variety of traced in the Vedic literature, Charak and Shusruta and
skills: botanical training for identification and Charak Samhita appeared as the most important works.
preservation of plant specimens, anthropological training Very little organized work had been done until about
to understand the cultural concepts around the twenty years ago. Several workers have been
perception of plants, linguistic training, at least enough investigated the ethno botany of northern, southern and
to transcribe local terms and native morphology because central India. India has a rich diversity of flora and fauna
the native healers are often reluctant to accurately share due to an immense variety of climate and altitudinal
their knowledge with outsiders [10]. zones coupled with varied ecological habitats. Diversity
Today, nearly 74% of pharmacologically active plant- refers to total variability within all the living organisms
derived components were discovered. Currently, people and ecological complexes with which it exists [16-23].
of Asia and India are utilizing plants as part of their Among different types of forests, the tropical dry
routine health management [11]. In 2003 at the 32nd deciduous forest occupies the largest area in Central
session of UNESCO, the convention for safeguarding India Madhya Pradesh including newly formed
intangible cultural Heritage was adopted in Paris, in Chhattisgarh state possess largest forest area in the
which it was stated for the first time that knowledge and country [24]. Due to increasing developmental work and
practices concerning nature and the universe and part of other causes, the forest area in Madhya Pradesh like
our cultural heritage, means that ethnobotany, other states has been depleted quantitatively and
ethnobiology, folk medical and pharmaceutical qualitatively.
knowledge and now recognized as being inextricable Madhya Pradesh literally means "Central Province", and
components of culture and therefore worthy of being is located in the geographic heart of India, between
protected and sustained [12]. latitude 21.2°N - 26.87°N and longitude 74°02' - 82°49' E.
The herbal medicine occupies a central position from the The state straddles the Narmada River, which runs east
ancient times to present day. The ethno-botanical and west between the Vindhya and Satpura ranges;
pharmacology is as old as man himself. In India, first these ranges and the Narmada are the traditional
record of plant medicine was compiled in Rigveda boundaries between the north and south of
between 4500-1600 BC and Ayurveda 2500-600 BC. In India. Among different types of forests, the tropical dry
the late 1970s ethno-botany introduced as a science in deciduous forest occupies largest area in Central India
China, but the deep-rooted ethno-botanical knowledge .
in Chinese culture can be traced back to very ancient Madhya Pradesh is home to a large tribal population,
times. The vast literature on Chinese Materia Medica, who has been largely cut off from the mainstream
agriculture and horticulture is proof of this history [13]. development. This makes Madhya Pradesh one of the
Similarly, the Unani system in subcontinent like Pakistan least developed states in India, with an HDI (Human
is very popular [14]. Development Index) value of 0.375 (2011), which is well
below the national average [26]. The ethnic people

Copyright © 2015 - 2018| IJLSSR by Society for Scientific Research under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International License Volume 04 | Issue 04 | Page 1881
Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res. eISSN: 2455-1716
Jain et al., 2018

residing in different geographical belts of Madhya MATERIALS AND METHODS

Pradesh depends on wild plants to meet their basic The plants specimens collected from the area were
requirements and all the ethnic communities have their classified on the basis of their overall utility in the study
own pool of secret ethno-medicinal and ethno area. Information on the plants used for infectious
pharmacological knowledge about the plants available in diseases of folklore origin was obtained during the
their surroundings [27-30]. ethnobotanical survey of Guna district. The surveys were
Due to changing life style, extreme secrecy of traditional conducted from April 2011 to March 2013 using
healers and negligence of youngsters, the practice and ethnobotanical and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
dependence of ethnic societies in folk medicines is in methods. The ethnobotanical information was collected
rapid decline globally, therefore, ethno-botanical through interviews of the inhabitants, herd’s men,
exploitation and documentation of indigenous Vaidhyas, Hakims, plant collectors on the basis of age
knowledge about the usefulness of such a vast pool of and gender group of the area. The information includes
genetic resources are deliberately needed [31- 34]. regarding plant usage are medicinal, fuel, timbers,
Recently due to unplanned developmental programs, fodder, fruits, vegetables, condiments, spices, plants
increasing modern healthcare facilities and impact of used as ornamental, fences, dyes and poisonous plants.
modern civilization in this area, natural resources, as well Information obtained from the healers during field-walks
as traditional knowledge and tribal cultures are depleting (particularly plant names and ailments treated) was later
rapidly at an alarming rate. Therefore, it is urgent to verified in evening meetings with the herbal healers,
explore and document this unique and indigenous, Headman and any member of the tribal community who
traditional knowledge of the tribal community, before it wished to be present. The data obtained regarding plants
diminishes with the knowledgeable persons. use from the area was checked and compared with the
Further, documentation of indigenous and traditional available literature and hence reconfirmed. These
knowledge is very important for future critical studies informations were arranged according to their
leading to sustainable utilization of natural resource and indigenous uses and are presented in tabulated form.
to face the challenges of biopiracy and patenting The dependence of the local population on plant
indigenous and traditional knowledge by others. resources, their ethno-medicinal and cultural aspects as
Therefore, we selected several villages of tribes of Guna well as their conservation status was also documented.
district for ethno-medicinal investigation because this The inventory for various uses includes voucher number,
area is very rich in phyto-diversity and tribal population. scientific names, local/common names, family, habitat,
The current study area is Guna district present in M.P. It habit, Part used, flowering and fruiting season.
extends between latitude 23’53” N and 26’06” N and The purpose of the survey was clearly explained and
longitude 76048’30” E and 78016’70” E. It is the consent obtained for dissemination of the knowledge
administrative district of Madhya Pradesh and is located both nationally and internationally. With the exception
on the banks of Parbati River. Guna district of Madhya of only a few plants, the healers declined to have the
Pradesh is the gateway of Malwa and Chambal. It is exact formulations and dosages published on the ground
located on the north-eastern part of Malwa Plateau. The that this could damage their professional interests.
western boundary of the District is well defined by The plants are arranged alphabetically by their generic
Parbati River. Parbati is the main river flowing along the and specific names followed by synonyms, name of
western boundary touching Rajgarh District of Madhya family, vernacular, English, Sanskrit and regional names,
Pradesh, and Jhalawarh and Kota Districts of Rajasthan. distribution, brief description of systematic account,
Towns Shivpuri and Kota are located in north and the flowering and fruiting, habitat ecology, material
cities Vidisha, Bhopal, and Rajgarh lie to the South. The examined (voucher specimen number), parts used, folk
eastern boundary of district defines by Sindh River. The uses from own field observation.
average altitude of the district is 482 meter above mean
sea level.

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Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res. eISSN: 2455-1716
Jain et al., 2018

RESULTS present investigation, sixteen medicinal plants were

In this study, we focused mainly on medicinal plants collected from the area of survey, authenticated from a
reported by the local people i.e. Vaidhays, Hakeems, registered institute and identified from the relevant
Ayurvedic Practitioners and tribal inhabitants, in and literature. Medicinal plant species of the area have been
around the study area for their medicinal uses. In the enumerated in the Table 1.

Table 1: Traditionally used medicinal plants in various areas of Guna district

S. Scientific Local Family Part Used Medicinal Value

No. Name Name
1 Accacia Khair Fabaceae Stem, Stem used in preparation of cart wheel and ‘Data’. It is
catechu Gum used to prepare the musical instrument. Dry gum
(commonly known as kattha) is used as a flavoring agent in
‘Paan’ chewed after meal
2 Acacia Babul Mimosaceae Bark, Bark is useful in malaria fever. Bark ash is used in skin
nilotica Twigs diseases and piles with karanz oil. Tender twigs are used as
tooth - brush
3 Aegle Bel Rutaceae Leaves, The tree is sacred to the tribes. Ripe fruits eaten raw.
marmelos Fruits Unripe or half ripe pulp of fruits is boiled and is given in
diarrhoea. Pulp of ripe fruits mixed with water for making
‘Sharbat’ acts as soothing agent. Tender leaves are used to
prepare ‘Chutney’
4 Allium cepa Pyas Liliaceae Bulb Fresh juice of onion bulb is applied externally on boils to
help ripen them, break them and evacuate pus, also
applied hairs 2-3 times a day for 10-20 days for growth of
healthy hair
5 Allium Lahson Liliaceae Bulb About 3 cloves of garlic are rubbed 3 times a day regularly
sativum for 5 days is very useful to regenerate hairs on the area of
baldness appearing suddenly (Alopeciaerate)
6 Aloe vera Gwarpata Liliaceae Leaves Cut a fresh leaf and scratch its mesophyll by knife, a jelly
like substance appears. It applies directly upon wounds
and burned skin
7 Annona Sitaphal Annonaceae Fruits, Ripe fruits are eaten. Paste of seeds is prepared in water
squamosa Seeds and it is administrated twice a day for killing maggot’s
wounds of cattle
8 Azadirachta Neem Meliaceae Whole The twigs are used as chew sticks or indigenous tooth
indica Plant brushes. Dry rachis collected by girls and tied with thread
to prepare toy broom during play. If more fruit appears in
tree and it remains healthy and ripen than it is sign of good
season for agriculture. Dried stem is used as fuel. Ripe
fruits are eaten. To confirm whether the snake that had
bitten the person was poisonous or not this plant is used.
For this, leaves are chewed the person and if it is test less
than the snake if declared to be poisonous. Leaves are
used as a mosquito replant
9 Bauhinia Gwiar Fabaceae Stem, Stem is used for making ‘Ada’, ‘Dhosari’. A pinch of dried
racemosa Flowers powdered flowers with honey recommended for diarrhoea
and vomiting
10 Bombax Semal Bombacaceae Flower, Young flowers are used as vegetable. Silk cotton used for
ceiba Seed stuffing cushions, pillows and mattresses. Crushed seeds
mixed with wheat flour given to livestock for stomach

Copyright © 2015 - 2018| IJLSSR by Society for Scientific Research under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International License Volume 04 | Issue 04 | Page 1883
Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res. eISSN: 2455-1716
Jain et al., 2018

11 Brassica Rai, Sarso Brassicaceae Seeds The seed oil is applied daily after washing hair as tonic,
compestris enhances hair growth, prevent dandruff and hair falling
12 Butea Dhak, Fabaceae Flowers, Stem used in preparation of seed drill. Dried branches are
monosperma Palash Stem used as fuel. Wood considered sacred and used performing
‘Havana’ and also for making sacred utensils. Flower buds
are used as vegetable. The colors obtain by boiling flowers.
It is used in ‘Holi’. Gum ‘Lakh’ in the bark of this plant is
used in making the bangles
13 Cajanus Tur Fabaceae Leaves, Ripe but green pod is used as vegetable. Leaves are
cajan Pod chewed and blow into eye for curing iritis in eyes. Leaves
and broken pods are used as fodder for cattle
14 Calotropis Madar Asclepiadaceae Branches, In the storage of dry fodder a twig of it kept to protect
procera Leaves, fodder from the harm caused by mouse. It is grown on
Flowers, field boundaries as a field fence and soil binder. Roasted
Latex, corona is given orally twice a day for a week to cure cough.
Whole Latex applied to remove thrown from legs
15 Cannabis Bhang Cannabinaceae Leaves, The leaves brushed and smoked by people. The leaves and
sativa Stem stem is crushed and made into a powder mixed with ghee
or oil to make paste and extract is obtained to cure
diarrhea, skin diseases, cholera, rheumatism, wormicide
and narcotic drugs
16 Capsicum Lal Mirch Solanaceae Fruits Dried ripe fruit powder is as spices. Dried ripe fruit powder
annum is pressed on dog bite. When snake entered in house at
that time smoke of dried fruit created to keep away.
Unripe fruit is directly eaten with ‘Roti’ or ‘Chapatti’ used
as a salad. Toward of evil eyes (Nazar) and spirits on
children and cattle, its dried ripe fruit powder along with
mustard seeds are waved around their bodies and put on
burning coal to keep away the evil eyes effects
17 Datura Datura Solanaceae Leaves, The leaves and seeds are dried for making powder then
stramonium Fruits extract is prepared and is mixed with oil or ghee to make
paste and is used to cure intoxicating asthma, teeth pain,
loss of hair, anti-dandruff, antiseptic and narcotic drugs
18 Diospyros Tendu Ebenaceae Leaves, The leaves and fruits are used to treat for the diarrhea,
melanoxylon Fruits cholera, dysentery, intermittent fever, bleeding gums,
bronchitis, cough, pneumonia and syphilis
19 Euphorbia Dudghi Euphorbiaceae Leaves, It is used for purgative and digestive, decoction given in
hirta Fruits gout juice is used for nerve troubles and dropsy, also
applied to warts and skin infection
20 Madhuca Mahuwa Sapotaceae Flowers, Flowers and fruits are eaten raw or cooked. Flowers and
indica Fruits fruits are raw materials of the local liquor
21 Mentha Pudina Lamiaceae Leaves, An extract, decoction or paste of plant is used in asthma,
longifolia Stem cough, rheumatism, indigestion and diarrhea. The powder
of leaves is dipped in tea daily for 1-2 weeks time to cure
gastroenteritis. Leaves are also used for making ‘Chutney’.
The oil of leaves is used for headache
22 Opuntia Cactus Cactaceae Roots Poultice of crushed stem is applied on wounds. 1 or 2
dillenii flower bud is burned in Kanda (a fuel of cow dung) and
mashed properly; filtrate with honey is given to children
during ‘Cucur-khanshi’

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Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res. eISSN: 2455-1716
Jain et al., 2018

23 Ricinus Arandi Euphorbiaceae Whole It is grown on field boundaries as a wind breaker. Roasted
communis Plant leaves are bandaged on head to relief headache. Remove
juice from older leaves to rub on body and sleep in closed
room to cure fever. Seed oil used as a laxative
24 Saccharum Ganna Poaceae Stem Cotton plug is poured in mixture of Jaggery (commonly
officinalis known as ‘Gur’), ghee and water and a drop of it given
orally to new born baby. Jaggery is prepared from the stem
of this plant. Liquor is prepared by fermentation and
distillation of jaggery
25 Tinospora Giloe Menispermaceae Stem 3-4 ml extract of stem is taken orally twice a day for a
cordifolia week to cure fever. For the cure of jaundice a necklace of
small pieces of its stem is warn.

The alcoholic extract isolated from the leaves of Colderia
In the present ethno botanical survey provides medicinal
procumbens has analgesic activity [36] and methanol
values of the medicinal plants used by the district Guna
extract of Azema tetracantha is used in the form of
to cure various diseases and ailments. The twenty five
ointment as well as injection to heal wound [37]. A
mentioned plant species belong to eighteen families.
comprehensive list of 125 plants species, ranging from
Most of the plant species are wild and few of them are
herbs to trees, commonly used by the local people of
cultivated and used as spices, vegetables, and medicines.
India for the treatment of various ailments. Current
As per the survey, we can conclude that there are so
botanical and local names, brief morphological
many medicinal plants available in our surrounding
description are provided for the species which belongs to
which are too much beneficial for health purpose and
22 genera and 17 families [38].
can provide easy source for phonological studies. It also
An extensive ethno-pharmacological survey of the Kheri
shows that the district Guna has a great diversity of
district forests in Uttar Pradesh, India in 1995 and
medicinal plants with different medicinal properties. The
provide first-hand information on folk medicine
traditional knowledge of tribal communities in Guna
prevalent among the local populations. A total of 101
district has high ethno botanical importance. They utilize
plant species belonging to 89 genera and 54 families
numerous plants and their various parts viz, roots,
were found to be commonly used in the area by local
leaves, stems, flowers and fruits in various ways for the
medicine men (Khar Vaidyas) as folk drugs and also
medicinal purposes because medicinal plants and their
reported 169 widely accepted folk recipes along with
extracts have immense potential for the management
their mode of application and therapeutic dosage [39].
and treatment of various diseases as well as the
Some researches of the Pakistan conducted an ethno
phytomedicines that are used by the local people for
medicinal study in the remote Hindu-kush-Himalayan
various diseases are cheap and easily affordable.
valleys of Utror and Gabral, during which 36 common
In India, tribal herbalist used dozens of plant species for
folk medicinal recipes of the area were documented. The
the treatment of conjunctivitis, diabetes, fever malaria,
indigenous methods of medicinal plants collection and
leucorrhoea, whooping cough and hepatitis [34]. It is quite
their further procession were also explored [40].
interesting that many of the plants identified as anti
In Madhya Pradesh, the indigenous knowledge system of
diabetic in Bellary district, Karnataka, India are sacred
herbal practice is still very rich and available among the
species. Several people use the leaves of Aegle marmelos
tribal community of Jhabua district. The establishment of
and Vitex nigundo, flowers of Senna auriculata, Leucas
modern medicinal health centers is in progress in many
aspera and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis for prayer during
rural areas that may gradually change the existing
certain auspicious occasions and consume them in little
pattern of indigenous knowledge system of health care
quantity as prasada (food graced by God) irrespective of [26]
. In 2010, they also reported that the traditional
their age, sex and health conditions [35].
knowledge of tribal communities of Jhabua district has
high ethnobotanical importance. They utilize numerous

Copyright © 2015 - 2018| IJLSSR by Society for Scientific Research under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International License Volume 04 | Issue 04 | Page 1885
Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res. eISSN: 2455-1716
Jain et al., 2018

plants and their various parts, viz., roots, leaves, plant CONCLUSIONS
latex, bark, tubers and seeds in various ways [41]. From the foregoing discussion, it is clear that tribal
During the survey plant and plant parts are used for communities are basically wise, eco-friendly, and have a
medicine in Alirajpur to treat different diseases have self-sufficient and self-reliant subsistence system. By and
been explored. Analysis of the data revealed that root large, the Bheel and Sahariya who live in the rural areas
and leaves are mostly used for various disease followed are dependent fully on plants. Basically, Bheel and
by fruits, seeds, bark and whole plant. The number of Sahariya are very special, very peculiar tribes of Guna
plant species used by the tribe for curing some of the district. As all other tribes have, these tribes have their
important and common diseases, shown in the own special feature and specialties. Deep study of their
parenthesis are digestive problem, cough, uterus life, their daily routine, their houses, their occupation,
displacement, leucoderma, tuberculosis, white their interest etc. reveals the fact that tribal communities
discharge, scorpion bite, pneumonia, increase sexual are nature loving. They love nature and they are used to
vigor, male impotency, menorrhea, increase memory, use natural sources in their daily routine. Agriculture and
abortion, diabetes and sexually weakness. The plants cattle-breeding are their main occupations. Plants are
used are found growing and are available in the vicinity well incriminated with their life and looking in their
and in many cases are immediately available as annual agricultural calendar and daily routine proves the
therapeutic. Different plants species were used in each same facts. The results of a study of Ethnobotany among
treatment. Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taubert. were the the tribal communities of Guna district give the salient
common plant species are used by the tribal of the features of their plant utilization and management
region to treat scorpion bite. Traditional healers from the strategies. They have a rich Ethnobotanical heritage that
region provided plant remedies to humans and livestock is however disappearing due to the rapid pace of
health problems [27]. acculturation, modernization and technological
Some other researchers also conducted an extensive developments. Some Ethnobotanical studies have
folklore claims on some medicinal plants used by Bheel already been done. But no systematic Ethnobotanical
tribes of Guna district, Madhya Pradesh. A large number study was available on the tribal communities and their
of plant species occur in tribal inhabited localities in habitat, therefore, it was considered important to make
Guna district. Looking at the intellectual property rights such a study.
of indigenous people, documentation of such knowledge Present study revealed that the local traditional healers
is necessary now a day [29]. of Guna district, Madhya Pradesh, India are rich in ethno-
The people of Bheel community possess a vast medicinal knowledge and majority of people rely on
knowledge regarding multifarious uses of plants. Besides plant based remedies for common health problems like
medicinal uses, the tribes of the Guna district also have a headache, body ache, constipation, indigestion, cold,
vast knowledge about the other uses of plants. They fever, diarrhea, dysentery, boils, wounds, skin diseases,
possess a vast knowledge of the treatment of their cattle urinary troubles, fractures, round worms, etc. The survey
through herbs. The method of treatment is traditional also revealed that all the traditional healers have strong
and drugs are used in crude form only. They also possess faith on ethno-medicines although they were less
a vast knowledge of other ethnobotanical uses of plants. conscious about the documentation and preservation of
In 2012 some researchers were to collect information on ethno medicinal folklore and medicinal plants.
vegetable species used traditionally by tribal
communities of District Guna, Madhya Pradesh. In the
We are highly grateful to the people of district Guna,
Guna district, there is a rich tradition in the use of
Madhya Pradesh who shared their knowledge regarding
vegetables as an herbal medicine for the treatment of
medicinal plants and their local uses. Thanks are also due
many diseases [28]. Therefore, we report the ethno
to Dr. Ramkrishna Agrawal, Ret. Ayurvedic Medical
medicinal plants of Guna district.
Officer, Vidisha for providing authentic medicinal values
of locally available and traditionally uses. The authors are
very thankful to the Principal, Govt. Girls College,

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Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res. eISSN: 2455-1716
Jain et al., 2018

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