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GATE - 2006 1 of 12

ONE MARKS QUESTIONS (1-20) fraction of the heat supplied that is
converted to work is
a. 0.2
1. The ordinary differential equation dy/dt =
b. 0.3
f(Y) is solved using the approximation Y(t
c. 0.4
+ Δt) = Y(t) + f[Y(t)] Δt. The numerical
d. 0.6
en-or introduced by the approximation at
7. For the isentropic expansion of an ideal
each step is
gas from the initial conditions P1, T1 to the
a. proportional to Δt final conditions P2, T2, which ONE of the
b. proportional to (Δt)2 following relations is valid ? (γ = Cp/Cv)
c. independent of Δt γ
⎛ P ⎞ ⎛T ⎞
d. proportional to (1/Δt) a. ⎜ 1 ⎟ = ⎜ 2 ⎟
2. The trapezoidal rule of integration when ⎝ P2 ⎠ ⎝ T1 ⎠
b γ
applied to ∫ f ( x)dx
will give the exact ⎛ P ⎞ ⎛ T ⎞ γ −1
b. ⎜ 1 ⎟ = ⎜ 1 ⎟
value of the integral ⎝ P2 ⎠ ⎝ T2 ⎠
a. if f(x) is a linear function of x ⎛ P ⎞ ⎛T ⎞
c. ⎜ 1 ⎟ = ⎜ 1 ⎟
b. if f(x) is a quadratic function of x
⎝ P2 ⎠ ⎝ T2 ⎠
c. for any f(x) γ −1
d. for no f(x) ⎛ P ⎞ ⎛T ⎞ γ
3. The value of α for which the following d. ⎜ 1 ⎟ = ⎜ 1 ⎟
three vectors are coplanar is ⎝ P2 ⎠ ⎝ T2 ⎠
a = i + 2j + k 8. Match the following for a centrifugal
b = 3j + k pump with impeller speed n
c = 2i + αj List I
a. 4 A. Capacity
b. zero B. Head
c. –2 List II
d. –10 1. proportional to n
4. The derivative of |x| with respect to x 2. proportional to n2
3. proportional to n3
when x≠0 is
a. |x|/x
a. 2 1
b. –1
b. 1 3
c. 1
c. 2 3
d. Undefined
d. 1 2
5. At a given temperature and pressure, a
liquid mixture of benzene and toluene is in 9. The magnitude of the force (in N) required
equilibrium with its vapor. The available to hold a body of volume 0.05 m3 and
degree(s) of freedom is (are) mass 40kg in water (density 1000 kg/m3)
a. Zero at a depth of 0.1 m is (g = 9.81 m/s2)
a. Zero
b. 1
c. 2 b. 98.1
d. 3 c. 490.5
6. A heat engine operates at 75% of the d. 882.9
maximum possible efficiency. The ratio of 10. A stagnant liquid film of 0.4 mm thickness
the heat source temperature (in K) to the is held between two parallel plates. The
heat sink temperature (in K) is 5/3. The top plate is maintained at 40°C and the
bottom plate is maintained at 30°C. If the
thermal conductivity of the liquid is 0.14
2 of 12
W/(m K), then the steady state heat flux 15. An irreversible gas phase reaction A → 5B
(in W/m2) assuming one dimensional heat is conducted in an isothermal batch reactor
transfer is at constant pressure in the presence of an
a. 3.5 inert. The feed contains no B. If the
b. 350 volume of the gas at complete conversion
c. 3500 must not exceed three times the initial
d. 7000 volume, the minimum mole percent of the
11. Let dh be the hydrodynamic entrance inert in the feed must be
length for mercury in laminar flow in a a. 0
pipe under isothermal conditions. Let dt, b. 20
be its thermal entrance length under fully c. 33
developed hydrodynamic conditions. d. 50
Which ONE of the following is TRUE? 16. A first order reversible reaction
a. dh > dt
b. dh < dt
c. dh = dt
d. dh < dt only if the pipe is vertical occurs in a batch reactor. The exponential
12. The Boussinesq approximation for the decay of the concentration of A has the
fluid density in the gravitational force term time constant
is given by ONE of the following (ρref is 1
the fluid density at the reference k1
temperature Tref , and β is the thermal 1
coefficient of volume expansion at Tref) b.
a. ρ = ρ ref + Tref β ( ρ − ρ ref ) 1
b. ρ = ρ ref − Tref β ( ρ − ρ ref ) k1 − k2
c. ρ = ρ ref − Tref β (T − Tref ) d.
k1 + k2
d. ρ = ρ ref − Tref ( ρ − ρ ref ) + ρ ref (T − Tref ) / Tref
17. If the absolute error in the measurement of
13. The reaction 2A + B → 2C occurs on a A is ΔA and the absolute error in the
catalyst surface. The reactants A and B measurement of B is ΔB, then the absolute
diffuse to the catalyst surface and get error in the estimate of A – B is
converted completely to the product C, a. ΔA+ΔB
which diffuses back. The steady state b. ΔA − ΔB
molar fluxes of A, B and C are related by ΔA ΔB
a. NA = 2NB = NC c. +
b. NA = –(1/2) NB = –NC
c. NA = 2NB – NC d. −
d. NA = (1/2) NB = NC A B
14. An ideal single stage extraction process is 18. The oxo reaction is used for converting
used to treat 100 molls of an organic feed a. alcohol to aldehyde
solution. The solution concentration in this b. paraffin to olefin
solution is to be reduced from 0.5 mol% to c. olefin to aldehyde
0.1 mol%. A pure solvent S is used. To d. aldehyde to alcohol
reduce the solvent requirement by half for 19. In a fluid catalytic cracking unit, the nature
the same separation, of the reactions occurring in the reactor
a. add one more ideal co-current stage and the regenerator is
b. use another pure solvent S* whose a. Reactor-Exothermic, Regenerator-
partition coefficient is twice that of S Exothermic
c. use solvent S containing 0.02 mole b. Reactor-Exothermic, Regenerator-
fraction of the solute Endothermic
d. double the residence time of the c. Reactor-Endothermic, Regenerator-
solvent S in the contactor Exothermic
3 of 12
d. Reactor-Endothermic, Regenerator- d. 2
Endothermic 24. Determine the following integral
20. The control valve characteristics for three I = ∫ r.dS
types of control valves (P. Q and R) are S
given in the figure below : Match the where r is the position vector field (r = ix +
control valve with its characteristics. jy + kz) and S is the surface of a sphere of
radius R
a. 4πR2
3 2
b. πR
c. πR2
d. 4πR3
25. The liquid surface in a cylindrical bucket
of radius R rotating about its axis acquires
a. P – Quick opening, Q – Linear, R – a parabolic profile given by the equation y
Equal percentage = a + br2, where y is the height of the
b. P – Linear, Q – Square root, R – Equal liquid surface from the bottom of the
percentage bucket at a radial distance r from the
c. P – Equal percentage, Q – Linear, R – bucket axis. If the liquid has density ρ.
Quick opening then the mass of the liquid in the bucket is
d. P – Square root, Q – Quick opening, R ⎛ a + bR 2 ⎞
– Linear a. πρ R 2 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛ bR 2 ⎞
TWO MARKS QUESTIONS (21-75) b. πρ R 2 ⎜ a + ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
21. If the following represents the equation of c. πρ R 2 a
a line d. πρ R 2 ( a + bR 2 )
x 2 4
26. The solution to the following equation is
y 8 0 =0
d3y d2y dy
1 1 1 x2 3 + 2x 2 − 2 = 0
dx dx dx
then the line passes through the point is given by
a. (0, 0) a. y = C1x + C2x–2 + C3
b. (3, 4) b. y = C1x2 + C2x–2 + C3
c. (4, 3) c. y = C1x2 + C2x–1 + C3
d. (4, 4) d. y = C1x + C2x–1 + C3
⎡ 2 1⎤ 27. The value of the contour integral
22. If A = ⎢ ⎥ , then the eigenvalues of A3 where C is the circle |z| = 2 is
⎣ 2 3⎦
are a.
a. 27 and 8 2e
b. 64 and 1 1⎛1 1 ⎞
b. ⎜ − ⎟
c. 12 and 3 2 ⎝ e e3 ⎠
d. 4 and 1 c. zero
23. With y = eax, if the sum 1
dy d 2 y
+ 2 + ... + n
dny ( 2π i ) e3
dx dx dx 28. The Newton-Raphson method is used to
approaches 2y as n → ∞, then the value of
solve the equation, ( x − 1) + x − 3 = 0 . The
a is
a. 1/3 method will fail in the very first iteration if
b. 1/2 the initial guess is
c. 2/3 a. Zero
4 of 12
b. 0.5 d. 2 1 2 1
c. 1 32. For a reversible exothermic gas phase
d. 3 reaction, A + B U C, the equilibrium
29. A pair of fair dice is rolled three times. conversion will increase with
What is the probability that 10(sum of the a. increase in pressure and increase in
numbers on the two faces) will show up temperature
exactly once ? b. decrease in pressure and increase in
121 temperature
1728 c. increase in pressure and decrease in
363 temperature
b. d. decrease in pressure and decrease in
121 temperature
c. 33. For a binary mixture of A and B at 400 K
576 and 1 atm, which ONE of the following
363 equilibrium states deviates significantly
576 from ideality?
30. A company purchased components from Given:
three firms P, Q, and R as shown in the
ln ( PAsat ) = 6.2 −
table below : T
Firm Total number Number of where
of components components PAsat = vapor pressure of A, atm; T =
purchased likely to be temperature, K
defective PA = partial pressure of A, atm
P 1000 5 xA = mole fraction of A in liquid; yA =
Q 2500 5 mole fraction of A in vapor
a. xA = 0.5; yA = 0.25
R 500 2
b. xA = 0.5; pA = 0.25
The components are stored together. One c. xA = 0.5; pA = 0.5
of the components is selected at random d. xA = 0.6; yA = 0.3
and found to be defective. What is the 34. Pure A at 200°C is fed to a steady slate
probability that it was supplied by Firm R? adiabatic continuous reactor at the rate of
1 100 kg/hr where it undergoes an
250 exothermic reaction to give its isomer B.
1 The product stream is at temperature
12 500°C. The heat of reaction is 21 kJ/mol
1 of A and the specific heat of the reaction
c. mixture is constant at 35 J/(mol °C). The
conversion in the reactor is
d. a. 25%
6 b. 50%
31. Match the following: c. 75%
List I d. 100%
A. Heat 35. The molar density of water vapor at the
B. Internal energy normal boiling point of water is 33
C. Work mol/m3. The compressibility factor under
D. Entropy these conditions is close to which ONE of
List II the following? R = 8.314 J/(mol K)
1. State Function a. 0.75
2. Path Function b. 1
A B C D c. 1.25
a. 2 1 1 1 d. 1.5
b. 2 1 2 2 36. A liquid is pumped at the flow rate Q
c. 2 2 1 1 through a pipe of length L. The pressure
5 of 12
drop of the fluid across the pipe is Δ P. unit length is directly proportional to the
Now a leak develops at the mid-point of fluid velocity
the length of the pipe and the fluid leaks at a. 0.70
the rate of Q/2. Assuming that the friction b. 0.90
factor in the pipe remains unchanged, the c. 1.00
new pressure drop across the pipe for the d. 1.46
same inlet flow rate (Q) will be 40. Two spherical particles have the same
a. (1/2) ΔP outer diameter but are made of different
b. (5/8) ΔP materials The first one (with material
c. (3/4) ΔP density ρ1) is solid, whereas the second
d. ΔP (with material density ρ2) is a hollow
37. In a laminar flow through a pipe of radius sphere with the inner shell diameter equal
R, the fraction of the total fluid flowing to half the outer diameter. If both the
through a circular cross-section of radius spheres have the same terminal velocity in
R/2 centered at the pipe axis is any fluid, then the ratio of their material
a. 3/8 densities, ρ2/ρ1 , is
b. 7/16 a. 1
c. 1/2 b. 8/7
d. 3/4 c. 2
38. A fluid obeying the constitutive equation d. 8
1 41. A filtration is conducted at constant
⎛ dv ⎞ 2 pressure to recover solids from dilute
τ = τ 0 + K ⎜ x ⎟ ,τ > τ 0
⎝ dy ⎠ slurry. To reduce the time of filtration, the
is held between two parallel plates a solids concentration in the feed slurry is
distance d apart. If the stress applied to the increased by evaporating half the solvent.
top plate is 3τ0, then the velocity with If the resistance of the filter medium is
which the top plate moves relative to the negligible, the filtration time will be
bottom plate would be reduced by a factor of
a. 1
⎛τ ⎞

a. 2 ⎜ 0 ⎟ d b. 2
⎝K⎠ c. 4
⎛τ ⎞ d. 8

b. 3 ⎜ 0 ⎟ d 42. One dimensional steady state heat transfer

⎝K⎠ occurs from a flat vertical wall of length
⎛τ ⎞
0.1m into the adjacent fluid. The heat flux
c. 4 ⎜ 0 ⎟ d
⎝K⎠ into this fluid is 21 W/m2. The wall
thermal conductivity is 1.73 W/(m K). If
⎛τ ⎞

d. 9 ⎜ 0 ⎟ d the heat transfer coefficient is 30 W/(m2

⎝K⎠ K) and the Nusselt number based on the
39. A bed fluidized by water is used for wall length is 20, then the magnitude of
cleaning sand contaminated with salt. The the temperature gradient at the wall on the
particles of sand and salt have the same fluid side (in Kim) is
shape and size but different densities (Psand a. 0.7
= 2500 kg/m3 and ρsalt = 2000 kg/m3). If b. 12.14
the initial volume fraction of the salt in the c. 120
mixture is 0.3 and if the initial value of the d. 140
minimum fluidization velocity (Umf) is 0.9 43. Experiments conducted with a sparingly
m/s, find the final value of the Umf (in m/s) dissolving cylinder wall in a flowing liquid
when the sand is washed free of the salt yielded the following correlation for the
Assume that the bed characteristics (bed Sherwood number
porosity and solid surface area per unit Sh = 0.023 (Re)0.83 (Sc)1/3
volume) do not change during the
operation and that the pressure drop per
6 of 12
Assuming the applicability of the Chilton- inlet at the top, ‘Np’ refers to the last stage
Colburn analog, the corresponding at the bottom).
correlation for heat transfer is ⎡⎛ YNP+1 ⎞ ⎤
a. Sh = 0.023 (Gr)0.83 (Pr)1/3 ⎢⎜ X 0 − ⎟ ⎥
log ⎢⎜ m ⎟ (1 − A ) + A⎥
b. Nu = 0.023 (Re)0.83 (Pr)1/3 ⎢⎜ X − YNP+1 ⎟ ⎥
c. jH = 0.023 (Re)0.83 (Pr)2/3 ⎢⎣⎜⎝ N P m ⎠
⎟ ⎥⎦
d. Nu = 0.069 (We)0.5 (Pr)4/3 NP =
44. A fluid flows through a cylindrical pipe log ⎢ ⎥
⎣ A⎦
under fully developed, steady state laminar
flow conditions. The tube wall is If the steam is initially free of solute and
maintained at constant temperature. its exit mole ratio (mol solute/mo] steam)
Assuming constant physical properties and is 0.0624, then the number of equilibrium
negligible viscous heat dissipation, the stages required is
governing equation for the temperature a. 4.2
profile is (z, axial direction; r, radial b. 5.2
direction) c. 7.2
d. 8.2
a. umax ⎢⎡1 − ⎜⎛ r ⎟⎞ ⎥⎤ ⎜⎛ ∂T ⎟⎞ = k ⎢⎡ 1 ∂ ⎜⎛ r ∂T ⎟⎞ + ∂ T ⎥⎤
2 2

47. A process fluid has to be cooled from

⎣⎢ ⎝ R ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ρC p ⎣ r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ ∂z ⎦

22°C to 2°C using brine in a 2-4 shell-and

b. ⎡ ⎛ r ⎞2 ⎤ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ k ⎡ 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ 2T ⎤ tube heat exchanger shown below. The
umax ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎜ ⎟ = ⎢ ⎜r ⎟+ 2 ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝ R ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎝ ∂r ⎠ ρC p ⎣ r ∂r ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ∂r ⎦ brine enters at –3°C and leaves at 7°C. The
c. ⎡ ⎛ r ⎞2 ⎤ ⎛ ∂ 2T ⎞ k ⎡ 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ 2T ⎤ overall heat transfer coefficient is 500
2umax ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎜ 2 ⎟ = ⎢ ⎜r ⎟+ 2 ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝ R ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ρC p ⎣ r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ ∂r ⎦ W/(m2 K). The design heat load is 30 kW.
⎡ ⎛ r ⎞2 ⎤ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ k ⎡ 1 ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ 2T ⎤ The brine flows on the tube side and the
d. umax ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ⎜ ⎟= ⎢ ⎜z ⎟+ 2 ⎥ process fluid on the shell side. The heat
⎣⎢ ⎝ R ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ρ C p ⎣ z ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ∂r ⎦
transfer area in m2 is
45. An insulated cylindrical pipe of 0.2 m
diameter has a surface temperature of
45°C. It is exposed to black body
surroundings at 25°C. The emissivity and
absorptivity of the insulation surface are
0.96 and 0.93, respectively. The
convective heat transfer coefficient outside
the insulation surface is 3.25 W/(m2 K).
The Stefan-Boltzmann constant is
5.67×10–8 W/(m2 K4). The surrounding
fluid may be assumed to be transparent.
Find the percentage contribution from
radiation to the total heat transfer rate to
the surroundings
a. 30.9
b. 50.0 t2 − t1
c. 57.6 T2 − t1
d. 68.4
T1 − T2
46. In a multistage countercurrent isothermal R=
stripping column, feed containing 0.05 mol t2 − t1
of solute/mol of solute free oil is treated a. 1.1
with steam. The absorption factor A = b. 5.77
0.65. The equilibrium relation is given by c. 6.59
Y* = 2X, where Y* and X refer to the d. 7.53
equilibrium mole ratio in the steam and oil 48. 100 moles of a binary mixture F
phases respectively. The Kremser equation containing 60 mol% A (more volatile) and
is given as follows (‘0’ refers to liquid 40 mol% B is treated in a batch distillation
still. After 1 hour, 70 moles of the
7 of 12
distillate D is collected leaving behind the A + B ⎯⎯
→ gaseous product

residue W. Relative volatility α is 2. The

A + C ⎯⎯ k2
→ ash
governing equation is
The ash does not leave the particle C. Let
Fx F (1 − x F )
log F = α log t1 and t2 be the times required for A to
Wxw W (1 − xw ) completely consume particles B and C,
The average mole fraction of A in the respectively. If k1 and k2 are equal at all
distillate is temperatures and the gas phase mass
a. 0.43 transfer resistance is negligible, then
b. 0.61 a. t1 = t2 at all temperatures
c. 0.69 b. t1 = t2 at high temperatures
d. 0.73 c. t1 > t2 at high temperatures
49. A drug tablet of mass M0 administered d. t1 < t2 at high temperatures
orally at time t = 0 reaches the intestine at 52. A reaction A→B is to be conducted in two
time t = τ without losing any mass. From CSTRs in series. The steady state
the intestine, the drug is absorbed into conversion desired is Xf. The reaction rate
blood. The rate of absorption is found to as a function of conversion is given by r =
be proportional to the mass of the drug in –1/(1 + X). If the feed contains no B, then
the intestine with the proportionality the conversion in the first reactor that
constant k. Assuming no drug is lost from minimizes the total volume of the two
the blood, the total mass of the drug in the reactors is
blood, Mb, at time t ≥ τ is given by a. 1–Xf
a. M b = M 0 ⎡⎣1 − exp {− k ( t − τ )}⎤⎦ b. 0.2Xf
c. 0.5Xf
b. M b = M 0 ⎡⎣1 − exp {− kt}⎤⎦ d. 0.5(1–Xf)
c. M b = M 0 exp {−k ( t − τ )}
53. Consider the following elementary
reaction network
d. M b = M 0 ⎡⎣1 − exp {− k ( t + τ )}⎤⎦ A ⎯⎯ 1
→ B
50. The rate rat which an antiviral drug acts 2
↓ ↓3
increases with its concentration in the C ⎯⎯ 4
→ D
blood, C, according to the equation
The activation energies for the individual
r= reactions are E1 = 100 kJ/mol, E2 = 150
C50 + C kJ/mol, E3 = 100 kJ/mol, and E4 = 200
where C50 is the concentration at which the kJ/mol. If the feed is pure A and the
rate is 50% of the maximum rate k. Often, desired product is C, then the desired
the concentration C90, when the rate is temperature profile in a plug flow reactor
90% of the maximum, is measured instead in the direction of flow should be
of C50. The rate equation then becomes a. constant at low temperature
1.8kC b. constant at high temperature
a. r =
( C90 + C ) c. increasing
d. decreasing
b. r = 54. The exit age distribution in a stirred
⎛ C90 ⎞
⎜ 9 +C⎟
reactor is given by
⎝ ⎠ 1 −1t
E (t ) = e τ
c. r =
kC τ
C90 Fluid elements e1 and e2 enter the reactor
0.9kC at times t = 0 and t = θ > 0, respectively.
d. r = The probability that e2 exists the reactor
before e1 is
51. Consider the following reactions between
gas A and two solid spherical particles, B a.
and C of the same size 2
8 of 12
1 −θ /τ b. K1 and K3 + K2 K4
b. e c. K2 and K3 + K1 K4
c. e −θ /τ d. K2 and K3 + K2 K4
d. zero 58. A process is perturbed by a sinusoidal
55. The Laplace transform of the input input, u(t) = Asinωt. The resulting process
function, X(t), given in the figure below output is Y ( s ) = . If y(0)
(τ s + 1) ( s 2 + ω 2 )
= 0, the differential equation representing
the process is
dy (t )
a. + τ y ( t ) = Ku ( t )
dy (t )
is given by b. τ + y ( t ) = KAu ( t )
2s 2
(1 − e−2 s ) c. τ
dy (t )
+ y ( t ) = Ku ( t )
2s 2
(1 + e−2 s ) d. τ ⎜
⎛ dy (t ) ⎞
+ y ( t ) ⎟ = KAu ( t )
⎝ dt ⎠
2 (
1 + e +2 s )
c. 59. A weighing machine is calibrated at 25°C
and the output reading R (in mm) is related
d. 2 (1 − e −2 s )
to the weight W (in kg) by the equation
s R = sW
56. A liquid level control system is configured where the sensitivity s = 20 mm/kg. At a
as shown in the figure below. If (he level temperature of 30°C, the weighing
transmitter ILT) is direct acting and the machine undergoes a zero drift (change in
pneumatic control valve is air-to-open. instrument output reading at zero value of
what kind of control action should the weight) of +2 mm and its sensitivity
controller (LC) have and why? changes to 20.5 mm/kg. The weighing
machine when used at 30°C shows a
reading of 50 mm. The true weight (in kg)
of the object is
a. 2.34
b. 2.40
a. Direct acting since the control valve is c. 2.44
direct acting d. 2.50
b. Reverse acting since the control valve 60. In a desalination plant, an evaporator of
is reverse acting area 200 m2 was purchased in 1996 at a
c. Direct acting since the control valve is cost of $3,00,000. In 2002, another
reverse acting evaporator of area 50m2 was added. What
d. Reverse acting since the control valve was the cost of the second evaporator (in)?
is direct acting Assume that the cost of evaporator scales
57. A 2-input, 2-output process can be as (capacity)0.54 . The Marshall and Swift
described in the Laplace transform domain index was 1048.5 in 1996 and 1116.9 in
as given below 2002.
(τ 1s + 1) Y1 ( s) = K1U1 ( s) + K 2U 2 ( s) a. 1,30,500
b. 1,39,100
(τ 2 s + 1) Y2 ( s) = K3U 2 (s) + K 4U1 (s) c. 1,41,900
where U1 and U2 are the inputs and Y1 and d. 1,51,200
Y2 are the outputs. The gains of the 61. The mixing of rubber latex solution was
transfer functions Y1(s)/U2(s) and studied in an unbaffled mixer in the
Y2(s)/U2(s), respectively, are laboratory. The mixer was equipped with a
a. K2 and K3 six blade turbine impeller. A tyre company
9 of 12
scales this process up using a baffled tank. 65. A saturated vapor is fed to a distillation
The baffled tank has 3 times the diameter column at 180 kmol/hr. Both the rectifying
of the lab scale mixer. It uses the same and stripping sections of the column
type of impeller operated at the same operate at 60% of their respective flooding
speed. The relevant shape factors are also velocities. The flooding velocity of the
the same. Assuming that laminar rectifying section is twice that of the
conditions prevail in both cases, the power stripping section. The assumptions of
requirement in the industrial scale mixer constant molar overflow and constant
a. is 3 times that of the lab scale mixer molar vapor density throughout the
b. is 9 times that of the lab scale mixer column are valid. If the boil-up rate is 60
c. is 27 times that of the lab scale mixer kmol/hr, then the relationship between the
d. cannot be estimated reliably due to the diameters of the rectifying section (dr) and
presence of baffles the stripping section (ds) is
62. Due to a 20% drop in the product selling a. dr = 2 ds
price, the pay-back period of a new plant
b. dr = 3 ds
increased to 1.5 times that estimated
c. dr = 2ds
initially, the production cost and the
d. dr = 3ds
production rate remaining unchanged. If
66. Pair the following industrial processes
the production cost is Cp, and the new
with the catalysts used
selling price is then Cs ,then Cp/Cs is
List I
a. 0.2
A. Oxidation of o-xylene to phthalic
b. 0.4
c. 0.5
B. Oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde
d. 0.6
C. Oxidation of ammonia to oxides of
63. Obtain the optimal diameter of a
cylindrical storage vessel of volume V.
List II
The curved shell costs Cs (in Rs/m2), and
1. V2O5
the flat top and bottom plates cost Cp (in
2. Pd
1 3. Ag
C ⎡ 4V ⎤ 3 4. Pt
a. D = s ⎢ ⎥
Cp ⎣ π ⎦ A B C
a. 1 2 4
⎡ 8VCs ⎤ 3 b. 2 1 4
b. D = ⎢ ⎥ c. 4 3 1
⎢⎣ π C p ⎥⎦ d. 1 3 2
67. Pair the following reactors with their
⎡ VC ⎤ 3 products
c. D = ⎢ s ⎥
⎢⎣ C p ⎥⎦ List I
1 A. Arc Furnace
⎡ 4VCs ⎤ 3 B. Fermenter
d. D = ⎢ ⎥ C. Hydrogenator
⎣⎢ π C p ⎦⎥ List II
64. A sale contract signed by a chemical 1. Citric acid
manufacturer is expected to generate a net 2. Calcium carbide
cash flow of Rs. 2,50,000/- per year at the 3. Saturated fats
end of each year for a period of three 4. Alum
years. The applicable discount rate A B C
(interest rate) is 10%. The net present a. 4 1 3
worth of the total cash flow is Rs. b. 2 1 3
a. 7,50,000 c. 4 3 1
b. 6,83,750 d. 2 3 1
c. 6,2 1,500 68. Pair the following polymers with their
d. 3,32,750 chain characteristics
10 of 12
List I
List II
1. Very few branches
2. Short and regular branches
3. High branching with both short and
long chain branches
a. 1 2 3
b. 2 1 3
c. 1 3 2
d. 2 3 1
69. Choose the most appropriate pairs from
the following 71. The distillate and residue flow rates (in
List I mol/hr) are
A. Nitration a. D = 48.4, W = 51.6
B. Sulphonation b. D = 51.6, W = 48.4
C. Carbonation c. D = 54.7, W = 45.3
List I d. D = 45.3, W = 54.7
1. Detergent 72. The ratio of liquid to vapor molar flow
2. Pulp and paper rates in the rectifying section is
3. Explosives a. 0.64
4. Sugar b. 1.00
A B C c. 1.55
a. 1 2 4 d. 1.80
b. 3 1 2 73. The minimum number of theoretical stages
c. 3 1 4 (inclusive of reboiler) for this process is
d. 3 2 4 a. 5.2
70. Match the following b. 6.1
List I c. 7.8
A. Carbon disulphide d. infinite
B. Caprolactum
C. Gypsum Common Data for Questions (74 & 75)
List II The block diagram of a closed loop control system
1. Nylon-6 is shown in the figure below. Y is the controlled
2. Nylon-66 variable, D is disturbance, Y is the set point, G1,
3. Phosphoric acid G2, and G3, are transfer functions, and K is the
4. Viscose rayon proportional controller.
a. 4 2 3
b. 2 1 3
c. 3 1 4
d. 4 1 3

Common Data for Questions (71,72 &73)

A binary distillation column separates 100 mol/hr
of a feed mixture into distillate D and residue W. 74. The closed loop transfer function
The McCabe-Thiele diagram for this process is Y(s)/D(s) is given by
given below. The relative volatility for the binary G3G1
system is constant at 2.4. 1 + ( G1G3 + G2 ) K c
11 of 12
G1 77. Feed rate E to the distillation column and
1 + ( G1G3 + G2 ) K c overhead product rate T in kg/hr are
a. E = 90,T = 40
c. b. E = 80, T = 40
1 + ( G1 + G2 ) G3 K c c. E = 90, T = 50
G3 d. E = 45, T = 20
1 + ( G1G3 + G2 ) K c
75. Let G1(s) = 1 and G2(s) = G3(s) = 1/(s + 1). Statement for Linked Answer
A step change of magnitude M is made in Question (78 and 79)
the set point. The steady state offset of the A continuous grinder obeying the Bond crushing
closed loop response Y is law grinds a solid at the rate of 1000 kg/hr from
M the initial diameter of 10 mm to the final diameter
1 + 2Kc of 1 mm.
b. 78. If the market now demands particles of
1 + Kc size 0.5 mm, the output rate of the grinder
M ( K c − 1) (in kg/hr) for the same power input would
c. be reduced to
1 + 2Kc
a. 227
d. zero
b. 474
c. 623
Statement for Linked Answer d. 856
Question (76 and 77) 79. In order to restore the output back to 1000
Solvent C is used to extract solute B selectively kg/hr, an additional grinder was installed.
from 100 kg/hr feed mixture A+B in a steady state The two grinders can be operated either in
continuous process shown below. The solubility series (configuration-1) or parallel
of C in the raffinate and the solubility of A in the (configuration-2). Compare the two
extract are negligible. The extract is distilled to configurations in terms of the additional
recover B in the bottom product. The overhead power consumption over the case above.
product is recycled to the extractor. The loss of a. configuration-1 consumes less power
solvent in the bottoms is compensated by make up than configuration-2
solvent Sd. The total flow rate of the solvent b. configuration-2 consumes less power
stream S going to the extractor is 50 kg/hr. The than configuration-1 both
mass fractions (Xi’s) of some selected streams are configurations consume the same
indicated in the figure below. power
c. configuration-2 consumes less or more
power than configuration-1 depending
on how the feed is distributed between
the two grinders in configuration-2 (the
parallel configuration)

Statement for Linked Answer

Question (80 and 81)

Consider the diffusion of a reactant A through a

cylindrical catalyst pore of radius R and length
76. Distillation bottoms flow rate W and L>>R. Reactant A undergoes a zeroth order
solvent dosing rate 5d in kg/hr are reaction on the cylindrical surface of the pore. The
a. W = 50, Sd = 50 following equation describes changes in the
b. W =100, Sd = 20 concentration of A within the pore due to the axial
c. W = 10, Sd = 50 diffusion of A and the disappearance of A due to
d. W= 50, Sd = 10 reaction
12 of 12
d cA g ρ l ( ρl − ρ v ) δ 3
=K a. m ( x ) =
dx 2 3μ1
g ( ρl − ρ v ) δ 2
where cA is the concentration of A at a distance x
from the pore entrance, and K is a constant. b. m ( x ) =
80. If the concentration of A at the pore 3μ1
entrance (x = 0) is CAO, and x = L is a dead g ρ v2 − δ 3
end where no reaction occurs, the c. m ( x ) =
concentration profile of A in the pore is
given by g ρ1 ( ρ v ) δ 3
d. m ( x ) =
Kx 2 3μ1
a. cA ( x) = − KLx + cA0
2 83. Differentiate m(x) with respect to δ to get
Kx ( x − L ) x the differential increase in condensate
b. cA ( x) = − cA0 + c A0 mass dm with film thickness i.e., dm/dδ.
2 L
c. c A ( x) = c A0 Then obtain dm/dx assuming heat flux
through the film to be due to conduction
⎛ L−x⎞
d. cA ( x) = c A0 ⎜ ⎟ based on a linear temperature profile
⎝ L ⎠ between the vapor and wall. Hence
81. The minimum pore length for A to be determine dδ/dx.
completely converted within the pore is Here μ1 is liquid viscosity, kl is thermal
⎛c ⎞
conductivity, and λ is latent heat of
a. ⎜ A0 ⎟ condensation. Tv is the vapor temperature
⎝ K ⎠
and TW is the wall temperature
⎛c ⎞ dδ μ k (T − T ) 1
b. ⎜ A0 ⎟ a. = 1 1 v w
⎝ 2K ⎠ dx g ρ1 ( ρ1 − ρ v ) λ δ 2
⎛ 2c ⎞
c. ⎜ A0 ⎟ dδ μ k (T − T ) 1
⎝ K ⎠ b. = 1 1 v w
dx g ρ v ( ρ1 − ρv ) λ δ 3
⎛ 2c ⎞
d. ⎜ A0 ⎟ dδ μ1 (Tv − Tw ) 1
⎝ K ⎠ c. =
dx g ρ v k1 ( ρ1 − ρ v ) λ δ 2
Statement for Linked Answer
dδ μ k (T − T ) 1
Question (82 and 83) d. = 1 1 v w
dx g ρ v ( ρ1 − ρv ) λ δ 3
In film condensation on a vertical plane surface,
the x directional velocity distribution is given by
g ( ρl − ρ v ) ⎛ 1 2⎞
u( y) = ⎜δ y − y ⎟ Statement for Linked Answer
μ1 ⎝ 2 ⎠
where δ is the film thickness at any x. Question (84 and 85)
For the system shown below, G1 ( s ) = ,
τ 1s + 1
G2 ( s ) = and τ 2 = 1τ 1
τ 2s +1

When the system is excited by the sinusoidal input

X(t) = sinωt, the intermediate response Y is given
82. The mass flow rate of the condensate m(x) by
through any axial position x per unit width Y = A sin (ωt + φ )
of the plate is given by
13 of 12
84. If the response of Y lags behind the input d. –1
X by 45° and τ1 = 1, then the input 85. For the same input, the amplitude of the
frequency ω is output Z will be
a. 1 a. 1.00
π b. 0.62
b. c. 0.42
c. zero d. 0.32

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