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A Student Introduction to Solar Energy

A Student Introduction to Solar Energy

Klaus Jäger
Olindo Isabella
Arno H.M. Smets
René A.C.M.M. van Swaaij
Miro Zeman

In its current form, the aim of this document is to

present and discuss all the topics that are treated in
the Course Photovoltaic Systems (ET4378) at TU Delft in
the academic year 2013/14. The document is updated
weekly, so that the content matches with the topics
already taught in the course.
If you find any are unclear parts or mistakes please
contact Dr Klaus Jäger, He will
then have the document updated the following week.
We want to express our special Thanks to Arianna
Tozzi, who provided us with the model on estimating
the effect of wind speed and irradiance on the module
temperature that we present in Section 7.1.
René van SWAAIJ
Delft, the Netherlands
13 March 2014


I PV Fundamentals 1

1 The Working Principle of a Solar Cell 3

2 Electrodynamic basics 7
2.1 The electromagnetic theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Electromagnetic waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Optics of flat interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Optics in absorptive media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Continuity and Poisson equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Solar Radiation 15
3.1 Radiometric properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Blackbody radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Wave-particle duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.4 Solar spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

viii Contents

II PV Technology 25

III PV Systems 27

4 Introduction to PV systems 29
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2 Types of PV systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.3 Components of a PV system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5 Location issues 35
5.1 The position of the sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2 The sun path at different locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.3 The equation of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.4 Irradiance on a PV module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.5 Direct and diffuse irradiance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.6 Shadowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

6 Components of PV Systems 61
6.1 PV modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.2 Maximum power point tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.3 Photovoltaic Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.4 Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
6.5 Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

7 PV System Design 113

7.1 Effects of meteorological effects on the module efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Contents ix

Appendix 129
A Derivations in Electrodynamics 131
A.1 Basics of Vector Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
A.2 The Maxwell equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
A.3 Derivation of the electromagnetic wave equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
A.4 Properties of electromagnetic waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Bibliography 137
x Nomenclature
Part I

PV Fundamentals

The Working Principle of a Solar Cell
In this chapter we present a very simple model of a the light consists of well defined energy quanta, called
solar cell. Many notions presented in this chapter will photons. The energy of such a photon is given by
be new but nonetheless the great lines of how a solar
cell works should be clear. All the aspects presented
in this chapter will be discussed in larger detail in the
following chapters. E = hν, (1.1)

The working principle of solar cells is based on the

photovoltaic effect, i.e. the generation of a potential dif-
ference at the junction of two different materials in re- where h is Planck’s constant and ν is the frequency of
sponse to electromagnetic radiation. The photovoltaic the light. For his explanation of the photoelectric effect
effect is closely related to the photoelectric effect, where Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 [1].
electrons are emitted from a material that has absorbed
light with a frequency above a material-dependent
threshold frequency. In 1905, Albert Einstein under- The photovoltaic effect can be divided into three basic
stood that this effect can be explained by assuming that processes:

4 1. The Working Principle of a Solar Cell

1. Generation of charge carriers due to the absorp-

tion of photons in the materials that form a junc-

Absorption of a photon in a material means that its en-

ergy is used to excite an electron from an initial energy
level Ei to a higher energy level E f , as shown in Fig.
(a) (b) 1.1 (a). Photons can only be absorbed if electron en-
Ef ergy levels Ei and E f are present so that their difference
equals to the photon energy, hν = E f − Ei . In an ideal
semiconductor electrons can populate energy levels be-
low the so-called valence band edge, EV , and above the
Eph so called conduction band edge, EC . Between those two
Eph bands no allowed energy states exist, which could be
populated by electrons. Hence, this energy difference is
Ei called the bandgap, Eg = EC − EV . If a photon with an
generation of
an electron-hole pair thermalisation, Eph > EG energy smaller than Eg reaches an ideal semiconductor,
it will not be absorbed but will traverse the material
Figure 1.1: (a) Illustrating the absorption of a photon in a without interaction.
semiconductor with bandgap Eg . The photon with energy
Eph = hν excites an electron from Ei to E f . At Ei a hole is cre-
In a real semiconductor, the valence and conduction
ated. (b) If Eph > Eg , a part of the energy is thermalised. bands are not flat, but vary depending on the so-called
k-vector that describes the crystal momentum of the
semiconductor. If the maximum of the valence band
and the minimum of the conduction band occur at
the same k-vector, an electron can be excited from the
valence to the conduction band without a change in the
crystal momentum. Such a semiconductor is called a
direct bandgap material. If the electron cannot be excited
without changing the crystal momentum, we speak of

an indirect bandgap material. The absorption coefficient

in an direct bandgap material is much higher than in
an indirect bandgap material, thus the absorber can be 

much thinner [2]. 

If an electron is excited from Ei to E f , a void is created
at Ei . This void behaves like a particle with a positive
elementary charge and is called a hole. The absorp- 
tion of a photon therefore leads to the creation of an
electron-hole pair, as illustrated in Fig. 1.2 ¶. The ra- electrons holes
diative energy of the photon is converted to the chemical 
energy of the electron-hole pair. The maximal conver-
sion efficiency from radiative energy to chemical energy
is limited by thermodynamics. This thermodynamic limit Figure 1.2: A very simple solar cell model. ¶ Absorption of
lies in between 67% for non-concentrated sunlight and a photon leads to the generation of an electron-hole pair. ·
86% for fully concentrated sunlight [3]. Usually, the electrons and holes will combine. ¸ With semi-
permeable membranes the electrons and the holes can be separ-
The basic physics required for describing semiconduct- ated. ¹ The separated electrons can be used to drive an electric
ors is presented in chapter ??. circuit. º After the electrons passed through the circuit, they
will recombine with holes.

2. Subsequent separation of the photo-generated

charge carriers in the junction. in an external circuit, semipermeable membranes must be
present on both sides of the absorber, such that elec-
Usually, the electron-hole pair will recombine, i.e. the trons only can flow out through one membrane and
electron will fall back to the initial energy level Ei , as il- holes only can flow out through the other membrane
lustrated in Fig. 1.2 ·. The energy will then be released [3], as illustrated in Fig. 1.2 ¸. In most solar cells, these
either as photon (radiative recombination) or transferred membranes are formed by n- and p-type materials.
to other electrons or holes or lattice vibrations (non-
radiative recombination). If one wants to use the energy A solar cell has to be designed such that the electrons
stored in the electron-hole pair for performing work and holes can reach the membranes before they recom-
6 1. The Working Principle of a Solar Cell

bine, i.e. the time it requires the charge carriers to reach the maximal energy conversion efficiency of a single-
the membranes must be shorter than their lifetime. This junction solar cell is considerably below the thermody-
requirement limits the thickness of the absorber. namic limit. This single bandgap limit was first calculated
by Shockley and Queisser in 1961 [5].
We will discuss generation and recombination of elec-
trons and holes in detail in chapter ??. A detailed overview of loss mechanisms and the result-
ing efficiency limits is discussed in chapter ??.

3. Collection of the photo-generated charge carriers

at the terminals of the junction.

Finally, the charge carriers are extracted from the solar

cells with electrical contacts so that they can perform
work in an external circuit (Fig. 1.2 ¹). The chemical
energy of the electron-hole pairs is finally converted
to electric energy. After the electrons passed through
the circuit, they will recombine with holes at a metal-
absorber interface, as illustrated in Fig. 1.2 º.

Loss mechanisms

The two most important loss mechanisms in single

bandgap solar cells are the inability to convert photons
with energies below the bandgap to electricity and
thermalisation of photon energies exceeding the
bandgap, as illustrated in Fig. 1.1 (b). These two mech-
anisms alone amount to the loss of about half the in-
cident solar energy in the conversion process [4]. Thus,
Electrodynamic basics
In this chapter we introduce the basics of electrodynam- 2.1 The electromagnetic theory
ics that are required for solar cell physics. First, we in-
troduce the electromagnetic wave equations. The exist-
ence of these equations explains the existence of electro- While electricity and magnetism have been known since
magnetic waves, such as light. From there we develop ancient times, it took until the nineteenth century to
the equations describing the interaction of an electro- realise that these two phenomena are two sides on one
magnetic wave with interfaces between two materials; medal, namely electromagnetism. We can easily see this
in this way we naturally derive the basics of optics. by recalling that electric fields are generated by charges
while magnetic fields are generated by currents, i.e.
moving charges. Let us now assume that we are within
an array of charges. Since charges create an electric
field, we will experience such an field. Now we start
moving with a constant velocity. This is equivalent to
Later in the chapter we introduce the Poisson equation saying that the array of charges moves with respect to
and the continuity equations that are very important for us. Since moving charges are a current, we now experi-
semiconductor physics, which we discuss in chapter ??. ence an magnetic field. Thus, when changing from one

8 2. Electrodynamic basics

frame of reference into another one that moves with light is emitted and absorbed by matter. For this pur-
respect to the first one with a constant velocity, elec- pose, quantum mechanics is required.
tric fields are transformed into magnetic fields and vice

Between 1861 and 1862, the Scottish physicist James 2.2 Electromagnetic waves
Clerk Maxwell published works in that he managed
to formulate the complete electromagnetic theory by a As shown in Appendix A.3, electromagnetic waves are
set of equations, the Maxwell equations. A modern for- described by
mulation of these equations is given in Appendix A.2.  2
∂2 ∂2 n2 ∂2 E
The transformation of the electric and magnetic fields ∂
+ + E − =0 (2.1a)
between different frames of reference is correctly de- ∂x2 ∂y2 ∂z2 c20 ∂t2
scribed by Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity,
published in 1905. for the electric field E(r, t), where c0 denotes the speed
of light in vacuo and n is the refractive index of the
One of the most important prediction of the Maxwell material. In a similar manner we can derive the wave
equations is the presence of electromagnetic waves. equation for the magnetic field,
A derivation is given in Appendix A.3. Maxwell soon  2
∂2 ∂2 n2 ∂2 H
realised that the speed of these waves is (within exper- ∂
+ + H − = 0. (2.1b)
imental accuracy) the same as the speed of light that ∂x2 ∂y2 ∂z2 c20 ∂t2
then already was known. He brilliantly concluded that
light is an electromagnetic wave. The simplest solution to the wave equations (2.1) is
the plane harmonic wave, where light of constant
In the 1880s the German physicist Heinrich Hertz could wavelength λ propagates in one direction. Without loss
experimentally confirm that electromagnetic waves can of generality, we assume that the wave travels along the
be generated and have the same speed as light. His z direction. The electric and magnetic fields in this case
work laid the foundation for modern radiocommunic- are
ation that has shaped the modern world.
E(r, t) = E0 · eikz z−iωt , (2.2a)
The electromagnetic theory can perfectly describe how
light propagates. However, it fails in explaining how H(r, t) = H0 · eikz z−iωt , (2.2b)
2.3. Optics of flat interfaces 9

where E0 and H0 are constant vectors (the amplitudes), propagation vector,

k z is the wave number and ω is the angular frequency. By
substituting Eq. (2.2a) into Eq. (2.1a) we find that k z k · E0 = k · H0 = H0 ·E0 = 0. (2.7)
and ω are connected to each other via
• The electric and magnetic fields are proportional
k2z − 2 ω 2 = 0. (2.3) to the propagation direction, hence electromagnetic
c0 waves are transverse waves.
Thus, • The electric and magnetic vectors have a constant,
nω material dependent ratio. If the electric field is
kz = . (2.4)
c along the x-direction and the magnetic field is
The angular frequency, measured in radians per second along the y-direction, this ratio is given by
is related to the frequency of the wave ν, measured in
n n
Hertz, via Hy,0 = Ex,0 = Ex,0 , (2.8)
2π cµ0 Z0
ω = 2πν = , (2.5)
where T = 1/ν is the period, measured in seconds. The
wave number k z has the unit of an inverse length. It is Z0 = cµ0 = = 376.7 Ω (2.9)
related to the wavelength λ via
is the impedance of free space.
2π 2πc c
λ= = = . (2.6)
kz nω nν
We note that ν and ω are independent of n, while k and 2.3 Optics of flat interfaces
λ change when the wave travels to media with different
n. In this section we repeat the major relations that de-
scribe an electromagnetic wave traversing an interface
Electromagnetic waves have some extraordinary proper-
between a medium 1 a medium 2, as illustrated in Fig.
ties that are derived in detail in Appendix A.4:
2.1. We assume the two media to be non-absorptive.
• The electric and magnetic field vectors are perpen- Therefore, only the real parts of the refractive indices
dicular to each other and also perpendicular to the are present. We denote them by n1 and n2 .
10 2. Electrodynamic basics

A part of the incident light is reflected, where the angle

of the scattered light θr is equal to the incident angle θi ,
θr = θi . (2.10)
The other part enters medium 2, where the angle of the
refracted light θt is related to θi via Snell’s law,
incident reflected
n1 sin θi = n2 sin θt , (2.11)

Relations between the magnitudes of the incident, re-

flected and refracted fields are given by Fresnel equa-
θi θr tions. We have to distinguish between parallel and per-
n1 interface pendicular polarised light. Parallel or perpendicular polar-
n2 ised means that the electric field is parallel or perpendic-
θt ular to the plane, respectively. For perpendicular polar-
ised light the Fresnel equations are given by
E0t 2 n1 cos θi
ts = = , (2.12a)
E0i s n1 cos θi + n2 cos θt
n cos θi − n2 cos θt
rs = = 1 , (2.12b)
transmitted E0i s n1 cos θi + n2 cos θt
where the s stands for senkrecht, which is German for
Figure 2.1: Scheme of light, reflected and refracted by a perpendicular. The relations for parallel polarised light
E0t 2 n1 cos θi
tp = = , (2.13a)
E0i p n1 cos θt + n2 cos θi
n cos θt − n2 cos θi
rp = = 1 . (2.13b)
E0i p n1 cos θt + n2 cos θi
2.4. Optics in absorptive media 11

The intensities are proportional to the square of the 2.4 Optics in absorptive media
electric field, I ∝ E2 . For unpolarised light, we have
to take the mean values of the two polarisations. For
Let us recap what we have seen that far in this chapter:
the reflectivity R we thus obtain
Starting from the Maxwell equations we derived the
wave equations and looked at their properties for the
1 2 
R= rs + r2p . (2.14) special case of plane waves. After that we looked at the
2 behaviour of electromagnetic waves at the interfaces
For normal incidence this leads to between new media. For the whole discussion so far
we implicitly assumed that the media is non-absorbing.
n1 − n2

The working principle of solar cells is based on the fact
R ( θ i = 0) = . (2.15)
n1 + n2 that light is absorbed in an absorber material and that
the absorbed light is used for exciting charge carriers
Because of conservation of energy the sum of R and the that can be used to drive an electric circuit. Therefore
transmittance T must be 1, we will use this section to discuss how absorption of
light in a medium can be described mathematically.
R + T = 1. (2.16)
In general, the optical properties of an absorbing me-
dium are described by an complex electric permittivity ẽ,
By combining Eqs. (2.14) with (2.16) and doing some
calculations we find ẽ = e0 + ie00 . (2.19)

n2 cos θt 1  2  Since the refractive index is given as the square root of

T = 1−R = ts + t2s , (2.17) ẽ, it also is complex,
n1 cos θi 2

ñ = ẽ = n + iκ, (2.20)
which leads to
where κ denotes the imaginary part of the refractive
4n1 n2 index. From Eq. (2.4) it becomes clear that in our case
T ( θ i = 0) = (2.18)
( n1 + n2 )2 also the wavenumber becomes complex,
ñω nω κω
for normal incidence. k̃ z = = +i = k0z + ik00z . (2.21)
c c c
12 2. Electrodynamic basics

Let us now substitute Eq. (2.21) into Eq. (2.2a), 2.5 Continuity and Poisson equa-
Ex (z, t) = Ex,0 · eik̃z z−iωt = Ex,0 ·
00 0
e−kz z eikz z−iωt . (2.22) tions

We thus see that the electric field is attenuated expo- At the end of this chapter we want to mention two
nentially, exp(−k00z z) when travelling through the ab- equations that are very important for our treatise of
sorbing medium. The intensity of the electromagnetic semiconductor physics in Chapter ??.
field is proportional to the square of the electric field,

I (r, t) ∝ |E(r, t)|2 . (2.23)

2.5.1 Poisson equation
Therefore we find for the attenuation of the intensity of
the electromagnetic field
The first equation is the Poisson equation that relates the
I (z, t) = I0 exp(−2k00z z) = I0 exp(−αz), (2.24) density of electric charges ρ(r) to the electrical potential
where α is the absorption coefficient. Is is related to the U (r). For its derivation, we start with the first Maxwell
other properties via equation (A.1a). Using Eq. (A.2a) we obtain

κω 4πκ ∂Ey
α = 2k00z = 2
∂Ex ∂Ez ρ
= , (2.25) + + = , (2.26)
c λ0 ∂x ∂y ∂z ee0
where λ0 = 2πc/ω is the wavelength in vacuo.
where Ex , Ey and Ez are the components of the electric
Equation (2.25) is known as the Lambert-Beer law. In field vector, E = ( Ex , Ey , Ez ). Further, we here assume
general, the complex refractive index and hence the ab- that we are in an electrostatic situation, i.e. there are
sorption coefficient are no material constants but vary no moving charges . From the second Maxwell equa-
with the frequency. Especially α may change across sev- tion (A.1b) we know that in that case the electric field
eral orders of magnitude across the spectrum, making is rotation free. Vector calculus teaches us that then the
the material very absorptive at one wavelength but al- electric field is connected to the electric potential via
most transparent at other wavelength. Absorption spec-
tra will be discussed thoroughly later on when looking
∂U ∂U ∂U
at various photovoltaic materials in Part II. E=− , , . (2.27)
∂x ∂y ∂z
2.5. Continuity and Poisson equations 13

By combining Eqs. (2.26) with (2.27) we find the Poisson mulation that is given by
 2 ∂ρ ∂Jx ∂Jy ∂Jz
∂2 ∂2

+ + U=−
. (2.28) + + + = 0, (2.32)
∂x ∂y ∂z ee0 ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z

In Chapter ?? we only will use the one-dimensional where Jx , Jy and Jz are the components of the current
form given by density vector, J = ( Jx , Jy , Jz ).
∂2 U ρ
=− . (2.29)
∂z ee0

2.5.2 Continuity equation

Charge is a conserved quantity. The total amount of

charge inside a volume V only can be changed via
charges flowing through the boundary surface S of this
volume. This can be expressed mathematically by the
dQV {
+ J dS = 0, (2.30)

where J is the current density vector and QV is the total

charge contained within the volume V. It is given by
QV = ρ dV. (2.31)

Equation (2.30) is the integral formulation of the con-

tinuity equation. It is equivalent to the differential for-
14 2. Electrodynamic basics
Solar Radiation
3.1 Radiometric properties ing the total power that is incident on the surface, we
have to integrate over the whole surface. Further we
have to take into account that light is incident from all
Radiometry is the branch of optics concerned with the
the different directions, which we parameterise with
measurement of light. Since photovoltaics deals with sun-
the spherical coordinates (θ, φ). The polar angle θ is
light that is converted into electricity it is very import-
defined with respect to the normal of the surface ele-
ant to discuss how the ”amount of energy“ of the light
ment dA and φ is the azimuth, as sketched in Fig. 3.1
can be expressed physically and mathematically.
(b). Thus, we have to integrate over the hemisphere,
In solar science, not the total amount of the energy is from that light can be incident on the surface element
important, but the amount of energy per unit time. We dA, as well. We therefore obtain
thus will use the power that is given by
dE P= Le cos θ dΩ dA. (3.2)
P= . (3.1) A 2π

For our discussion we assume a surface A that is irra- The quantity Le is called the radiance and it is one of
diated by light, as illustrated in Fig. 3.1 (a). For obtain- the most fundamental radiative properties. Its physical

16 3. Solar Radiation

dimension is
[ Le ] = W·m−2 ·sr−1 .
The factor cos θ expresses the fact that not the surface
element dA itself is the relevant property but the pro-
jection of dA to the normal of the direction (θ, φ). This
(a) (b) is also known as the Lambert cosine law.
We can express Eq. (3.2) as integrals of the surface co-
ordinates (ξ, η ) and the direction coordinates (θ, φ),
which reads as

P= Le (ξ, η; θ, φ) cos θ sin θ dθ dφ dξ dη. (3.3)
A 2π
Since sunlight consists of of a spectrum of different fre-
quencies (or wavelengths), it is useful to use spectral
properties. These are given by
dP dP
Pν = , Pλ = , (3.4)
ξ dν dλ
dLe dLe
Leν = , Leλ = , (3.5)
dν dλ
Figure 3.1: (a) Illustrating a surface A irradiated by light from
etc. Their physical dimensions are
various directions and (b) a surface element dA that receives
radiation from a solid angle element dΩ under an angle θ with [ Pν ] = W·Hz−1 = W·s, [ Pλ ] = W·m−1 ,
respect to the surface normal.
[ Leν ] = W·m−2 ·sr−1 ·s, [ Leλ ] = W·m−2 ·sr−1 ·m−1 ,

Since wavelength and frequency are connected to each

other via νλ = c, Pν and Pλ are related via
dP dP dλ c
Pν = = = Pλ · − , (3.6)
dν dλ dν ν
3.1. Radiometric properties 17

and similarly for Leν and Leλ . The − sign is because of and similarly for Ieν and Ieλ . Irradiance refers to ra-
the changing direction of integration when switching diation, that is received by the surface. For radiation
between ν and λ and usually is omitted. emitted by the surface, we instead speak of radiant emit-
tance, Me , Meν , and Meλ .
The spectral power in wavelength thus can be obtained
via Z Z As we discussed earlier, the energy of a photon is pro-
Pλ = Leλ cos θ dΩ dA, (3.7) portional to its frequency, E ph = hν = hc/λ. Thus, the
A 2π spectral power Pλ is proportional to the spectral photon
and analogously for Pν . The radiance is given by flow Nph, λ ,
1 ∂4 P Pλ = Nph, λ , (3.11)
Le = , (3.8) λ
cos θ ∂A ∂Ω
and similarly for Pν and Nph, ν . The total photon flow N
and similarly for Leν and Leλ . is related to the spectral photon flow via
Another very important radiometric property is the ir- Z ∞ Z ∞
radiance Ie that tells us the power density at a certain Nph = Nph, ν dν = Nph, λ dλ. (3.12)
0 0
point (ξ, η ) of the surface. It often also is called the
(spectral) intensity of the light. It is given as the integ- The physical dimensions of the (spectral) photon flow
ral of the radiance over the solid angle, are

[ Nph ] = s−1 , [ Nph, λ ] = s−1 ·m−1 .

Ie = Le cos θ dΩ = Le (ξ, η; θ, φ) cos θ sin θ dθ dφ. [ Nph, ν ] = 1,
2π 2π
The spectral irradiance Ieν or Ieλ is calculated similarly. The (spectral) photon flux Φph is defined as the photon
The physical dimensions are flow per area,
∂2 Nph
[ Ie ] = W·m−2 , [ Ieν ] = W·m−2 ·s, [ Ieλ ] = W·m−2 ·m−1 . Φph = , (3.13)
The irradiance also is given as and similarly for Φph, ν and Φph, λ . The physical dimen-
sions are
∂2 P
Ie = , (3.10) [Φph ] = s−1 m−2 , [Φph, ν ] = m−2 , [Φph, λ ] = s−1 m−2 ·m−1 .
18 3. Solar Radiation

By comparing Eqs. (3.10) and (3.13) and looking at Eq. Wilhelm Wien empirically derived the following expres-
(3.11), we find sion for the spectral blackbody radiance:
Ieλ = Φph, λ , (3.14) C1


λ LW
eλ ( λ; T ) = exp − , (3.15)
λ5 λT
and analogously for Ieν and Φph, ν .
where λ and T are the wavelength and the temperature,
respectively. While this approximation gives good res-
ults for short wavelengths, it fails to predict the emitted
3.2 Blackbody radiation spectrum at long wavelengths, thus in the infrared.

Secondly, in 1900 and in a more complete version in

If we take a piece of e. g. metal and start heating it up,
1905, Lord Rayleigh and James Jeans, respectively, de-
it will start to glow, first in reddish colour getting more
and more yellowish if we increase temperature even
further. It thus emits electromagnetic radiation that we RJ 2ck B T
Leλ (λ; T ) = , (3.16)
call thermal radiation. Understanding this phenomenon λ4
theoretically and correctly predicting the emitted spec-
where k B ≈ 1.381 · 10−23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant.
trum was one of the most important topics of physics
The derivation of this equation was based on electro-
in the late nineteenth century. RJ
dynamic arguments. While Leλ is in good agreement
For discussing thermal radiation, the concept of the to measured values at long wavelengths, it diverges
blackbody is very useful. A blackbody, which does not to infinity for short wavelength. Further, the radiant
exist in nature, absorbs all the radiation that is incident emittance, which is obtained via integration over all
on it, regardless of wavelength and angle of incidence. wavelength, diverges towards infinity. This so called
Its reflectivity therefore is 0. Of course, since it also will ultraviolet catastrophe demonstrates that Rayleigh and
emit light according to its equilibrium temperature, it Jeans did not succeed in developing a model that can
does not need to appear black to the eye. adequately describe thermal radiation.

Two approximations for the blackbody spectrum were In 1900, Max Planck found an equation, that interpol-
presented around the turn of the century: First, in 1896, ates between the Wien approximation and the Rayleigh-
3.2. Blackbody radiation 19

Jeans law,

BB 2hc2 1
Leλ (λ; T ) = , (3.17a)
λ5 exp hc − 1
λk T B

where c ≈ 2.998 · 108

m/s is the speed of light in vacuo
and h ≈ 6.626 · 10−34 m2 kg/s is the nowadays called 40000

Spectral radiance W/ m2 · nm · sr
Planck constant. Via Eq. (3.6) we find the Planck law ex-
pressed as a function of the frequency ν,
BB 2hν3 1
Leν (ν; T ) = , (3.17b)
c2 exp hν − 1
k T 20000


It is remarkable to see that the Planck law contains Rayleigh-Jeans

three fundamental constants, c, k B , and h, which are 10000
amongst the most important constants in physics.
Figure 3.2 shows the spectrum of a blackbody of 6000
K temperature and the Wien approximation and the 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Rayleigh-Jeans law. We indeed see that the Wien ap-
Wavelength (nm)
proximation fits well at short wavelengths, while the
Rayleigh-Jeans law matches well at long wavelengths Figure 3.2: The blackbody spectrum at 6000 K as calculated
but completely fails at short wavelengths. with the Wien approximation, the Rayleigh-Jeans law and the
Both the Wien approximation [Eq. (3.15)] and the Planck law.
Rayleigh-Jeans law [Eq. (3.16)] can be directly derived
from the Planck law:
For short wavelength,
exp  1,
λk B T
20 3. Solar Radiation

such that the −1 can be ignored and we arrive at the 40000

Spectral radiance W/ m2 · nm · sr
Wien approximation with C1 = 2hc2 and C2 = hc/k B .
6000 K
For long wavelength we can use the approximation 30000
hc hc
exp −1 ≈ , 20000
λk B T λk B T

5000 K
which directly results in the Rayleigh-Jeans law.
The total radiant emittance of a black body is given by 4000 K
Z ∞
MeBB ( T ) = BB
Leλ (λ; T ) cos θ sin θ dθ dφ dλ = σT 4 , 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
2π 0
(3.18) Wavelength (nm)
Figure 3.3: The blackbody spectrum at three different temper-
2π 5 k4B atures
σ= ≈ 5.670 · 10−8 J s−1 m−2 K−4 (3.19)
15c2 h3
is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Equation (3.18) is
known as the Stefan-Boltzmann law. As a matter of fact, wavelength of maximal radiance is indirectly propor-
it already was discovered in 1879 and 1884 by Jožef tional to the temperature,
Stefan and Ludwig Boltzmann, respectively, i.e. about
twenty years prior to the derivation of Planck’s law. λmax T = b ≈ 2.898 · 10−3 m · K. (3.20)
This law is very important because it tells us that if
the temperature of a body (in K) is doubled, it emits
16 times as much power. Little temperature variations
Figure 3.3 shows the spectra for three different temper-
thus have a large influence on the total emitted power.
atures. Note the strong increase in radiance with tem-
Another important property of blackbody radiation perature and also the shift of the maximum to shorter
is Wien’s displacement law, which states that the wavelengths.
3.4. Solar spectra 21

3.3 Wave-particle duality 3.4 Solar spectra

In Planck’s law, as stated in Eqs. (3.17), the constant As we already mentioned in chapter 1, only photons of
h appeared for the first time. Its product with the fre- appropriate energy can be absorbed and hence generate
quency, hν = hc/λ has the unit of an energy. Planck electron-hole pairs in a semiconductor material. There-
himself did not see the implications of h. It was Ein- fore, it is important to know the spectral distribution of
stein, who understood in 1905 that Planck’s law ac- the solar radiation, i.e. the number of photons of a par-
tually has to be interpreted such that light comes in ticular energy as a function of the wavelength λ. Two
quanta of energy with the size quantities are used to describe the solar radiation spec-
trum, namely the spectral irradiance Ieλ and the spectral
Eph = hν. (3.21) photon flux Φph (λ). We defined these quantities already
Nowadays, these quanta are called photons. In terms in section 3.1.
of classical mechanics we could say that light shows the The surface temperature of the sun is about 6000 K. If
behaviour of particles. it would be a perfect black body, it would emit a spec-
On the other hand, we have seen in Chapter 2 that light trum as described by Eqs. (3.17), which give the spec-
also shows wave character which becomes obvious when tral radiance. For calculating the spectral irradiance a
looking at the propagation of light through space or at blackbody with the size and position of the sun would
reflection and refraction at a flat interface. It also was have on earth, we have to multiply the spectral radi-
discovered that other particles, such as electrons, show ance with the solid angle of the sun as seen from earth,
wave-like properties. BB
Ieλ BB
( T; λ) = Leλ ( T; λ)Ωsun . (3.22)
This behaviour is called wave-particle duality and is a
We can calculate Ωsun with
very intriguing property of quantum mechanics that was
discovered and developed in the first quarter of the 
twentieth century. Many discussion was held on how Ωsun = π . (3.23)
AU − Rearth
this duality has to be interpreted - but this is out of the
focus of this book. So we just will accept that depend- Using Rsun = 696 000 km, an astronomical unit AU =
ing on the situation light might behave as wave or as 149 600 000 km, and Rearth = 6370 km, we find Ωsun ≈
particle. 68 µsr.
22 3. Solar Radiation

The blackbody spectrum is illustrated in Fig. 3.4. The

spectrum outside the atmosphere of the earth is already
very different. It is called the AM0 spectrum, because
no (or “zero”) atmosphere is traversed. AM0 also is
shown in Fig. 3.4. The irradiance at AM0 is Ie (AM0) =
1361 W·m−2 .
When solar radiation passes through the atmosphere

6000 K blackbody radiation

Spectral irradiance W/ m2 nm
of the earth, it is attenuated. The most important para- 2.0 AM0 radiation
meter that determines the solar irradiance under clear
AM1.5 radiation
sky conditions is the distance that the sunlight has to
travel through the atmosphere. This distance is the

shortest when the sun is at the zenith, i.e. directly over-
head. The ratio of an actual path length of the sun- 1.0
light to this minimal distance is known as the optical
air mass. When the sun is at its zenith the optical air 0.5
mass is unity and the spectrum is called the air mass
1 (AM1) spectrum. When the sun is at an angle θ with 0.0
the zenith, the air mass is given by 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Wavelength (nm)
AM := . (3.24)
cos θ Figure 3.4: Different solar spectra: the blackbody spectrum of
a blackbody at 6000 K, the extraterrestrial AM0 spectrum and
For example, when the sun is 60° from the zenith, i.e. the AM1.5 spectrum.
30° above the horizon, we receive an AM2 spectrum.
Depending on the position on the earth and the posi-
tion of the sun in the sky, terrestrial solar radiation var-
ies both in intensity and the spectral distribution. The
attenuation of solar radiation is due to scattering and
absorption by air molecules, dust particles and/or aer-
3.4. Solar spectra 23

osols in the atmosphere. Especially, steam (H2 O), oxy- ticular place on the earth is extremely variable. In ad-
gen (O2 ) and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) cause absorption. dition to the regular daily and annual variation due
Since this absorption is wavelength-selective, it results to the apparent motion of the sun, irregular variations
in gaps in the spectral distribution of solar radiation have to be taken into account that are caused by local
as apparent in Fig. 3.4. Ozone absorbs radiation with atmospheric conditions, such as clouds. These condi-
wavelengths below 300 nm. Depletion of ozone from tions particularly influence the direct and diffuse com-
the atmosphere allows more ultra-violet radiation to ponents of solar radiation. The direct component of
reach the earth, with consequent harmful effects upon solar radiation is that part of the sunlight that directly
biological systems. CO2 molecules contribute to the ab- reaches the surface. Scattering of the sunlight in the at-
sorption of solar radiation at wavelengths above 1 µm. mosphere generates the diffuse component. A part of
By changing the CO2 content in the atmosphere the ab- the solar radiation that is reflected by the earth’s sur-
sorption in the infrared, which has consequences for face, which is called albedo, may be also present in the
our climate. total solar radiation. We use a term global radiation to
refer to the total solar radiation, which is made up of
Solar cells and photovoltaic modules are produced by these three components.
many different companies and laboratories. Further,
many different solar cell technologies are investigated The design of an optimal photovoltaic system for a par-
and sold. It is therefore of utmost importance to define ticular location depends on the availability of the solar
a reference solar spectrum that allows a comparison of all insolation data at the location. Solar irradiance integ-
the different solar cells and PV modules. The industrial rated over a period of time is called solar irradiation.
standard is the AM1.5 spectrum, which corresponds to For example, the average annual solar irradiation in the
an angle of 48.2°. While the “real” AM1.5 spectrum cor- Netherlands is 1 000 kWh/m2 , while in Sahara the av-
responds to a total irradiance of 827 W·m−2 , the indus- erage value is 2 200 kWh/m2 , thus more than twice as
trial standard corresponds to Ie (AM1.5) = 1000 W·m−2 high. We will disuss these issues in more detail in in
and is close to the maximum received at the surface of Chapter 4.
the earth. The power generated by a PV module under
this conditions is thus expressed in the unit Watt peak,

The actual amount of solar radiation that reaches a par-

24 3. Solar Radiation
Part II

PV Technology

Part III

PV Systems

Introduction to PV systems
4.1 Introduction 4.2 Types of PV systems

PV systems can be very simple, consisting of just a PV

module and load, as in the direct powering of a wa-
ter pump motor, which only needs to operate when the
After we have discussed the fundamental scientific the- sun shines. However, when for example a whole house
ories required for solar cells in Part I and have taken a should be powered, the system must be operational
look at modern PV technology in Part II, we now will day and night. It also may have to feed both AC and
use the gained knowledge to discuss complete PV sys- DC loads, have reserve power and may even include a
tems. A PV system contains many different components back-up generator. Depending on the system configur-
besides the PV modules. For successfully planning a ation, we can distinguish three main types of PV sys-
PV system it is crucial to understand the function of the tems: stand-alone, grid-connected, and hybrid. The ba-
different components and to know their major specific- sic PV system principles and elements remain the same.
ations. Further, it is important to know the effect on the Systems are adapted to meet particular requirements by
location of the (expected) performance of a PV system. varying the type and quantity of the basic elements. A

30 4. Introduction to PV systems

(a) (b)

PV Modules
PV Modules

Charge controller

Inverter Loads

Water reservoir

Water pump

Figure 4.1: Schematic representation of (a) a simple DC PV system to power a water pump with no energy storage and (b) a com-
plex PV system including batteries, power conditioners, and both DC and AC loads.
4.2. Types of PV systems 31

modular system design allows easy expansion, when

power demands change.

4.2.1 Stand-alone systems

Stand-alone systems rely on solar power only. These

systems can consist of the PV modules and a load only
or they can include batteries for energy storage. When
using batteries charge regulators are included, which
switch off the PV modules when batteries are fully
charged, and may switch off the load to prevent the PV Modules
batteries from being discharged below a certain limit.
The batteries must have enough capacity to store the =
energy produced during the day to be used at night
and during periods of poor weather. Figure 4.1 shows Inverter
schematically examples of stand-alone systems; (a) a
simple DC PV system without a battery and (b) a large
Distribution board
PV system with both DC and AC loads.

4.2.2 Grid-connected systems

Grid-connected PV systems have become increasingly

popular for building integrated applications. As illus- Electricity grid
trated in Fig. 4.2, they are connected to the grid via
inverters, which convert the DC power into AC elec-
tricity. In small systems as they are installed in residen- Figure 4.2: Schematic representation of a grid-connected PV
tial homes, the inverter is connected to the distribution
32 4. Introduction to PV systems

board, from where the PV-generated power is trans-

ferred into the electricity grid or to AC appliances in
the house. These systems do not require batteries, since
they are connected to the grid, which acts as a buffer
into that an oversupply of PV electricity is transported
while the grid also supplies the house with electricity in
times of insufficient PV power generation.
Large PV fields act as power stations from that all the
generated PV electricity is directly transported to the
electricity grid. They can reach peak powers of up
to several hundreds of MW p . Figure 4.3 shows a 25.7
MW p system installed in Germany.

4.2.3 Hybrid systems

Hybrid systems consist of combination of PV modules

and a complementary method of electricity generation
such as a diesel, gas or wind generator. A schematic of
an hybrid system shown in Fig. 4.4. In order to optim-
ise the different methods of electricity generation, hy-
brid systems typically require more sophisticated con- Figure 4.3: The 25.7 MW p Lauingen Energy Park in Bavarian
trols than stand-alone or grid-connected PV systems. Swabia, Germany [6].
For example, in the case of an PV/diesel system, the
diesel engine must be started when the battery reaches
a given discharge level and stopped again when battery
reaches an adequate state of charge. The back-up gener-
ator can be used to recharge batteries only or to supply
the load as well.
4.3. Components of a PV system 33

4.3 Components of a PV system

As we have seen earlier in this book, a solar cell can

convert the energy contained in the solar radiation into
electrical energy. Due to the limited size of the solar
cell it only delivers a limited amount of power under
fixed current-voltage conditions that are not practical
for most applications. In order to use solar electricity
for practical devices, which require a particular voltage
and/or current for their operation, a number of solar
PV Modules
cells have to be connected together to form a solar panel,
also called a PV module. For large-scale generation of
solar electricity solar panels are connected together into
Charge controller
DC a solar array.

Although, the solar panels are the heart of a PV sys-

= Back-up
tem, many other components are required for a working
system, that we already discussed very briefly above.
~ AC Together, these components are called the Balance of Sys-
Inverter tem (BOS). Which components are required depends on
whether the system is connected to the electricity grid
or whether it is designed as a stand-alone system. The
most important components belonging to the BOS are:

• A mounting structure is used to fix the modules and

to direct them towards the sun.

• Energy storage is a vital part of stand-alone sys-

Figure 4.4: Schematic representation of a hybrid PV system tems because it assures that the system can de-
that has a diesel generator as alternative electricity source..
liver electricity during the night and in periods of
34 4. Introduction to PV systems

bad wheather. Usually, batteries are used as energy-

storage units.
• DC-DC converters are used to convert the module
output, which will have a variable voltage depend-
ing on the time of the day and the weather con-
ditions, to a fixed voltage output that e. g. can be
used to charge a battery or that is used as input for
an inverter in a grid-connected system.
• Inverters or DC-AC converters are used in grid-
connected systems to convert the DC electricity AC
originating from the PV modules into AC electri-
city that can be fed into the electricity grid. Charge Back-up AC load
controller generator
• Cables are used to connect the different compon-
ents of the PV system with each other and to the =
electrical load. It is important to choose cables of
sufficient thickness in order to minimise resistive ~ DC
losses. PV Modules Battery Inverter DC load
Even though not a part of the PV system itself, the elec-
Figure 4.5: A schematic of the different components of a PV
tric load, i.e. all the electric appliances that are connec-
ted to it have to be taken into account during the plan-
ning phase. Further, it has to be considered whether the
loads are AC or DC loads.
The different compontents of a PV system are schem-
atically presented in Fig. 4.5 and will be discussed in
detail in Chapter 6.
Location issues
In Chapter 3 we discussed solar radiation on earth and mosphere and how this influences the direct and dif-
introduced the AM1.5 spectrum, normalised to a total fuse spectrum. We also will discuss the influence of the
irradiance of 1000 W/m2 . This spectrum is used to mounting angle and position of a PV module on the
evaluate the performance of solar cells and modules irradiance at the module.
in laboratories and industry. The AM1.5 spectrum rep-
resents the solar irradiance if the centre of the solar disc
is at an angle of 48.2° off the zenith (or 41.2° above the 5.1 The position of the sun

For planning a PV system it is crucial to know the po-

Of course, the sun not always is at this position, but
sition of the sun in the sky at the location of the solar
the position is dependent on the time of the day and
system at a given time. In this section we explain how
the year and of course it is dependent on the location
this position can be calculated.
on earth. In this section we will discuss how to calcu-
late the position of the sun at every location on earth Since celestial objects like the sun, the moon and the
at an arbitrary time and date. Furthermore we will stars are very far away from the earth it is convenient
discuss scattering of sunlight when it traverses the at- to describe their motion projected on a sphere with ar-

36 5. Location issues

bitrary radius and concentric to the earth. This sphere

is called the celestial sphere. The position of every ce-
lestial object thus can be parameterised by two angles.
For photovoltaic applications it is most convenient to
use the horizontal coordinate system, where the horizon
of the observer constitutes the fundamental plane. In this
Zenith coordinate system, the position of the sun is expressed
Ce by two angles that are illustrated in Fig. 5.1: The alti-
les tude a that is the angular elevation of the centre of the
solar disc above the horizontal plane. Its angular range

is a ∈ [−90◦ , 90◦ ], where negative angles correspond

to the object being below the horizon and thus not vis-

Object S
180° ible. The azimuth A that is the angle between the line of
sight projected on the horizontal plane and due North.
Altitude a

It is usually counted eastward, such that A = 0◦ , 90◦ ,

E W 180◦ , 270◦ correspond to due North, East, South and
υ ξ West, respectively. Its angular range is A ∈ [0◦ , 360◦ ]. In
90° Observer 270°
N on a different convention also used by the PV community,
Azimuth A Horiz
0° due South corresponds to 0◦ and is counted westward,
the angles then are in between −180◦ and 180◦ . Figure
Figure 5.1: Illustrating the definition of the altitude a and the
5.1 also shows the meridian, which is great circle on the
azimuth A in the horizontal coordinate system. Note that North celestial sphere passing through the celestial North and
is at the bottom of the figure. South poles as well as the zenith.

Instead of using the spherical coordinates a and A, we

also could use Cartesian coordinates, that we here call
ξ (xi), υ (upsilon) and ζ (zeta) and that are also depic-
ted in Fig. 5.1. The principal direction is parallel to ξ.
The Cartesian coordinates are connected to the spherical
5.1. The position of the sun 37

coordinates via
   
ξ cos a cos A
υ =  cos a sin A  . (5.1)
ζ sin a North North
ecliptic Axial celestial
Note that ξ 2 + υ2 + ζ 2 = 1 for all points on the celestial pole pole
sphere. ε
Earth orbits the sun in an elliptic orbit at an average
distance of about 150 million kilometres. Due to the stial equator 23 Sep
Cele rc

elliptic orbit the speed of Earth is not constant. This tic c
irc l e
is because of Kepler’s second law that states that “A ec un
line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal 21 D EA 21 J
areas during equal intervals of time.” On the celestial
sphere the sun seems to move on a circular path with 21 Mar
one revolution per year. This path is called the ecliptic
and illustrated in Fig. 5.2. For describing the apparent
movement of the sun on the celestial sphere is is con- ox

venient to use coordinates in that the ecliptic lies in the eq


 a s
fundamental plane. These coordinates are called the ec- rn al
Ve ti
liptic coordinates. As principal direction, the position of les
the sun at the spring (vernal) equinox (thus around 21
March) is used, which is indicated by the sign of Aries,
à. As obvious from Fig. 5.2, à lies both in the ecliptic
plane as well as in the equatorial plane. The ecliptic co- Figure 5.2: Illustrating the ecliptic, i.e. the apparent movement
ordinate system is sketched in Fig. 5.3 (a). The two an- of the sun around earth. Further, the celestial equator and the
gular coordinates are called the ecliptic longitude λ and direction of the vernal equinox are indicated. The sizes of Sun
and Earth are not in scale.
the ecliptic latitude β. Note, that in this coordinate sys-
tem the rotation of the earth around its axis is not taken
into account.
38 5. Location issues

In ecliptic coordinates approximate position the pos- It may be convenient to normalise q and g to the range
ition of the sun can be expressed easily. The approx- [0◦ , 360◦ ) by adding or subtracting multiples of 360◦ .
imation presented here has an accuracy of about 1 ar-
Now the ecliptic longitude of the sun is given by
cminute within two centuries of 2000 and is published
by the the Astronomical Applications Departement of the λS = q + 1.915◦ sin g + 0.020◦ sin 2g. (5.5)
U.S. Naval Observatory.
The ecliptic latitude can be approximated by
To express the position of the sun we first have to ex-
press the time D elapsed since Greenwich noon, Ter- β S = 0. (5.6)
restrial Time, on 1 January 2000, in days. For astro-
nomic purposes it may be convenient to relate D to the For estimating the radiation it might also be convenient
Julian date JD via to approximate the distance of the Sun from the Earth.
In astronomical units (AU) this is given by
D = JD − 2451545.0. (5.2)
R = 1.00014 − 0.01671 cos g − 0.00014 cos 2g. (5.7)
The Julian Date1 that is defined as the number of days
since 1 January 4713 BC in a proleptic2 Julian calendar
or since 24 November 4717 BC in a proleptic Gregorian As stated above, for PV applications it is convenient to
calendar. use horizontal coordinates. We therefore have to trans-
form from ecliptic coordinates into the horizontal co-
Now, the mean longitude of the sun corrected to the ab- ordinates. This is done via three rotations that are to be
erration of the light is given by performed after each other consecutively:
q = 280.459◦ + 0.98564736◦ D (5.3) First, we have to transform from ecliptic coordinates
into equatorial coordinates. As illustrated in Fig. 5.2,
Because of the elliptic orbit of earth and hence a vary-
the fundamental plane of these coordinates is tilted to
ing speed throughout the year, we have to correct with
the ecliptic with an angle e,
the so-called mean anomaly of the Sun,
e = 23.429◦ − 0.00000036◦ D (5.8)
g = 357.529◦ + 0.98560028◦ D. (5.4)
1 Calculating the Julian Date is implemented in MatLab. The principal direction is again given by the vernal
2 Proleptic means that a calendar is applied to dates before its introduction. equinox à. In Fig. 5.3 (b) the equatorial coordinate
5.1. The position of the sun 39

(a) cliptic pole (b) celestial pole

North e North

e e
er Object er Object
ph ph





Ecliude β


tion δ
Eclip Righ
longitic ascent
tude sion
λ α

Centre of Centre of
the Earth  Cel the Earth 
Eclip estia
tic l equa

Figure 5.3: Illustrating (a) the ecliptic coordinate system and (b) the equatorial coordinate system.
40 5. Location issues

system is sketched. The two coordinates are called the

right ascension α and the declination δ. The transforma-
tion from ecliptic coordinates to equatorial coordinates Sun
Vernal our angle h
is a rotation by the angle e about the vernal equinox as
equinox local h
rotational axis. Mathematically this is expressed by
     
cos δ cos α 1 0 0 cos β cos λ
 cos δ sin α  = 0 cos e − sin e   cos β sin λ  .
sin δ 0 sin e cos e sin β
Secondly, we have to take the rotation of the earth
around its axis into account. We do this by using the N
so-called hour angle h instead of the right ascension α.

Those two angles are connected to each other via


h = θ L − α, (5.10) GREEN W

where θ L is the local mean sidereal time, i.e. the angle ST
between the vernal equinox and the meridian. All
these angles are illustrated in Fig. 5.4. A sidereal day λ0
l o n git u d e
is the duration between two passes of the vernal equi-
nox through the meridian and it is slightly shorter r i g ht a s c e n si o n
than a solar day. We can understand this by realising
that the earth has to rotate by 360◦ and approximately
360◦ /365.25 between two passes through the meridian. Figure 5.4: Illustrating the right ascension α, the local hour
The duration of mean sidereal day is approximately 23 angle h, the Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time GMST and the local
h, 56 m and 4 s. mean sidereal time θ L .

For calculating θ L we first have to determine the Green-

wich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST), which is (approxim-
5.1. The position of the sun 41

ately) given by Thirdly we transform to the horizontal coordinate sys-

tem by rotating with the latitude angle φ0 of the ob-
GMST =18.697374558 h
server. While the ecliptic and equatorial coordinate sys-
+ 24.06570982441908 h · D (5.11) tems use the centre of the earth as origin, the horizontal
2 coordinate system uses the actual position on the sur-
+ 0.000026 h · T ,
face of Earth as origin. However, because of the dis-
where D is as defined above and T is the number of tance of celestial objects in general and the Sun in par-
centuries past since Greenwich noon, Terrestrial Time, ticular being much larger than the radius of the Earth,
on 1 January 2000, we may neglect this translational shift of the origin of
D the coordinate systems.
T= . (5.12)
36525 The rotational axis of the third transform is the axis that
For many applications, the quadratic term may be omit- is normal to both the principal direction θ L and the ro-
ted. GMST is given in hours and has to be normalised tational axis of the earth (δ = 90◦ ).
to the range [0 h, 24 h). We then can obtain the local  0   
mean sidereal time in degrees with ξ sin φ0 0 − cos φ0 cos δ cos h
υ0  =  0 1 0   cos δ sin h  . (5.15)
15◦ ζ cos φ0 0 sin φ0 sin δ
θ L = GMST + λ0 , (5.13)
However, here the directions ξ 0 and υ0 point to due
where λ0 is the longitude of the observer.
South and West, respectively. We thus must apply
We thus have to the following transform about the rota- ξ 0 → −ξ and υ0 → −υ in order to get the directions
tional axis of the earth, such as they are defined in Fig. 5.1 (ξ and υ pointing to

cos δ cos h
 
cos θ L sin θ L 0
cos δ cos α
 due North and East, respectively). We do this with the
 cos δ sin h  =  sin θ L − cos θ L 0  cos δ sin α  . matrix transform
     0
sin δ 0 0 1 sin δ ξ −1 0 0 ξ
(5.14)  υ  =  0 −1 0  υ 0  . (5.16)
Note that this transform is no rotation but a reflection ζ 0 0 1 ζ
at an angle of θ L /2. We thus now transformed the prin-
cipal direction of the coordinate system from vernal By combining Eqs. (5.9), (5.14)–(5.16) we directly can
equinox to the local mean sidereal time. transform from ecliptic to horizontal coordinates,
42 5. Location issues

       
ξ −1 0 0 sin φ0 0 − cos φ0 cos θ L sin θ L 0 1 0 0 cos β cos λ
υ =  0 −1 0  0 1 0   sin θ L − cos θ L 0 0 cos e − sin e   cos β sin λ  . (5.17)
ζ 0 0 1 cos φ0 0 sin φ0 0 0 1 0 sin e cos e sin β

Please note that matrix multiplications do not commute, i.e. the order in which the rotations are applied must not be
altered. Now, we apply that the ecliptic latitude of the sun β S = 0. By calculating Eq. (5.32) we find

ξ S = cos aS cos AS = − sin φ0 cos θ L cos λS − (sin φ0 sin θ L cos e − cos φ0 sin e) sin λS , (5.18a)
υS = cos aS sin AS = − sin θ L cos λS + cos θ L cos e sin λS , (5.18b)
ζ S = sin aS = cos φ0 cos θ L cos λS + (cos φ0 sin θ L cos e + sin φ0 sin e) sin λS , (5.18c)

where we also used the the relationship between Cartesian and spherical horizontal coordinates from Eq. (5.1). Di-
viding Eq. (5.18b) by Eq. (5.18a) and leaving Eq. (5.18c) unchanged leads to the final expressions for the solar posi-
υS − sin θ L cos λS + cos θ L cos e sin λS
tan AS = = , (5.19a)
ξS − sin φ0 cos θ L cos λS − (sin φ0 sin θ L cos e − cos φ0 sin e) sin λS
sin aS = ζ S = cos φ0 cos θ L cos λS + (cos φ0 sin θ L cos e + sin φ0 sin e) sin λS . (5.19b)

AS and aS now can be derived by applying inverse trigonometric functions. While arcsin uniquely delivers an alti-
tude in between −90◦ and 90◦ , applying arctan leads to ambiguities. For deriving an azimuth in between 0◦ and
360◦ , we have to look in which quadrant is lying. Therefore we use ξ and υ from Eqs. (5.18a) and (5.18b), respect-
ively. We find

ξ > 0 ∧ υ > 0 ⇒ AS = arctan f (. . .), (5.20a)

ξ<0 ⇒ AS = arctan f (. . .) + 180 , (5.20b)
ξ > 0 ∧ υ < 0 ⇒ AS = arctan f (. . .) + 360◦ . (5.20c)
5.1. The position of the sun 43

f (. . .) denotes the function at the right hand side of Eq. (5.19a). Note that an altitude aS < 0◦ corresponds to the sun
being below the horizon. This means that the Sun is not visible and no solar energy can be harvested.
The approximations presented on the previous pages are accurate within arcminutes for 200 centuries of 2000. Sev-
eral years ago, NREL presented a much more complicated model, the so-called Solar Position Algorithm (ASP), with
uncertainties of only ±0.0003◦ in the period from 2000 BC to 6000 AD [7].


As an example we will calculate the position of the Sun in Delft on 14 April 2014 at 11:00 local time.
For determining the solar position we need next to date and time (in UTC) the latitude and longitude. Since the time zone in Delft on 14
April is the CEST, the Central European Summer Time, the time difference with UTC is +2 hours, such that 11:00 CEST corresponds to
9:00 UTC. According to Google Maps, the latitude and longitude of the Markt in the centre of Delft are given by

φ0 = 52.01◦ N = +52.01◦ ,
λ0 = 4.36◦ E = + 4.36◦ .

For the calculation we first have to express date and time as the time elapsed since 1 January 2000 noon UTC.
D = 4 · 366 + 10 · 365 + 2 · 31 + 28 + 13 − 0.5 + 24 = 5216.875.

Now we can calculate the mean longitude q and the mean anomaly g of the sun according to Eqs. (5.3) and (5.4),

q = 280.459◦ + 0.98564736◦ D = 22.4580712◦ ,

g = 357.529◦ + 0.98560028◦ D = 99.28246073◦ ,

where the values were normalised to [0◦ , 360◦ ). From Eq. (5.5) we thus obtain for the latitude of the Sun in ecliptic coordinates

λS = q + 1.915◦ sin g + 0.020◦ sin 2g = 24.34162696◦ .

44 5. Location issues

For the axial tilt e of the Earth we obtain from Eq. (5.8)

e = 23.429◦ − 0.00000036◦ D = 23.42712193◦ .

The Greewich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST) is given by Eq. (5.11),

GMST = 18.697374558 h + 24.06570982441908 h · D + 0.000026 h · T 2 = 22.49731535 h,

where we used T = D/36525 and normalised to [0 h, 24 h). We then find for the local mean sidereal time θ L

θ L = GMST + λ0 = 341.8197303◦ ,
Now we have all variables required to calculate the solar position. From Eqs. (5.19) and (5.20) we thus find

− sin θ L cos λS + cos θ L cos e sin λS

tan AS = = −1.318180633.
− sin φ0 cos θ L cos λS − (sin φ0 sin θ L cos e − cos φ0 sin e) sin λS
sin aS = cos φ0 cos θ L cos λS + (cos φ0 sin θ L cos e + sin φ0 sin e) sin λS = 0.589415473,

which leads to the solar altitude aS =36.1◦ and the solar azimuth AS =127.2◦ .
5.3. The equation of time 45

5.2 The sun path at different loca- year, such that it seems to run along the shape of an
Eight. This closed curve is called the analemma.
The difference between the apparent solar time (AST),
i.e. the timescale where the sun really is highest at noon
In this section we discuss the solar paths throughout every day, and mean solar time is described by the so-
the year at several locations around the earth. Figures called equation of time, which is defined as
5.5-5.8 shows four examples: Delft, the Netherlands
(φ0 = 52.01◦ N), the North Cape, Norway (φ0 = 71.17◦ EoT = AST − MST. (5.21)
N), Cali, Colombia (φ0 = 3.42◦ N), and Sydney, Aus-
tralia (φ0 = 33.86◦ S). Note that all the times are given The equation of time is given as the difference between
in the apparent solar time (AST). While in Delft and on the mean longitude q, as defined in Eq. (5.3), and the
the North Cape, the Sun at noon always is South of the right ascendent αS of the sun in the equatorial coordin-
zenith, in Sydney it is always North. In Cali, close to ate system,
the equator, the Sun is either South or North, depend-
ing on the time of the year. Since the North Cape is 1 hour
EoT( D ) = [q( D ) − αS ( D )] . (5.22)
north of the arctic circle, the Sun does not set around 21 15 deg
June. This phenomenon is called the midnight sun. On
The right ascendent is connected to the ecliptic longit-
the other hand, the sun always stays below the horizon
ude of the sun λS , as given in Eq. (5.5) via
around 21 December - this is called the polar night.
tan αs = cos e tan λS , (5.23)

and e is the axial tilt as given in Eq. (5.8).

5.3 The equation of time
The equation of time has two major contributors: the
anomaly due to the elliptic orbit of the Earth around
Figure 5.9 shows the position of the sun throughout the Sun and the Axial tilt of the rotational axis of
the year in Delft at 8:30, 12:00 and 15:30 mean solar the Earth with respect to the ecliptic. Both effects are
time (MST), i.e. UTC + λ0 , where the longitude λ0 is ex- shown in Fig. 5.10. In this figure, also the total EoT is
pressed in hours. We see that the Sun not only changes shown, which is nearly the sum of the two contributors
from altitude but also from azimuth in the course of a (The maximal deviation is less than a minute).
46 5. Location issues

Figure 5.5: The sun path in apparent solar time in Delft, the Netherlands (φ0 = 52.01◦ N). The sun path was calculated with the
Sun path chart program by the Solar Radiation Monitoring Lab. of the Univ. of Oregon [8].
5.3. The equation of time 47

Figure 5.6: The sun path in apparent solar time on the North Cape, Norway (φ0 = 71.17◦ N). The sun path was calculated with the
Sun path chart program by the Solar Radiation Monitoring Lab. of the Univ. of Oregon [8].
48 5. Location issues

Figure 5.7: The sun path in apparent solar time in Cali, Colombia (φ0 = 3.42◦ N). The sun path was calculated with the Sun path
chart program by the Solar Radiation Monitoring Lab. of the Univ. of Oregon [8].
5.3. The equation of time 49

Figure 5.8: The sun path in apparent solar time in Sydney, Australia (φ0 = 33.86◦ S). The sun path was calculated with the Sun
path chart program by the Solar Radiation Monitoring Lab. of the Univ. of Oregon [8].
50 5. Location issues

Equation of Time

Apparent−Mean Solar Time (min)

effect of axial tilt

12:00 0
60◦ 13 Jun
50◦ 15 Apr 1 Sep effect of anomaly
08:30 15:30 -10
Solar Altitude

11 Feb 3 Nov 01 Feb 01 Apr 01 Jun 01 Aug 01 Oct 01 Dec
25 Dec Figure 5.10: The effect of the anomaly of the terrestrial or-
10◦ bit and the axial tilt of the Earth rotation axis on the difference
between apparent and mean solar time. The equation of time
E SE S SW W nearly is the sum of these two effects.

Solar Azimuth

Figure 5.9: The analemma, i.e. the apparent curve of the sun
throughout the year when observed at the same mean solar
time every day. The analemma is shown for Delft (52◦ N latit- We see that the largest negative shift is on 11 February,
ude) at three points in time during the day. where, the apparent noon is about 14 min 12 s prior to
the mean solar noon. The largest positive shift is on 3
November, when the apparent solar noon is about 16
min 25 s past the mean solar noon. These points are
also marked in Fig. 5.9. There, also the zeros of the EoT
are shown, which are on 15 April, 13 June, 1 September,
and 25 December.
5.4. Irradiance on a PV module 51

Zenith then can describe the position of the module by the dir-
Ce ection of the module normal in horizontal coordinates
θM tia ( A M , a M ), where the altitude is given by a M = 90◦ − θ.
Let now the sun be at the position ( AS , aS ). Then the

direct irradiance on the module G M is given by the

M equation

ul n M

e Horizo

n Gdir dir

M = Ie cos γ, (5.24)

M N where γ = ^( A M , a M )( AS , aS ) is the angle between

od 0°
ule θM the surface normal and the incident direction of the
sunlight. Now we know that the scalar product of two
th A M
Azimu unit vectors is equal to the cosine of the enclosed angle.
Thus, we can write,
Figure 5.11: Illustrating the angles used to describe the ori-
entation of a PV module installed on a horizontal plane.
cos γ = n M · nS . (5.25)

5.4 Irradiance on a PV module The normal vectors are given by

   
ξM cos a M cos A M
After having discussed how to calculate the position n M = υ M  =  cos a M sin A M  , (5.26)
of the Sun everywhere on the Earth and having looked ζM sin a M
at several examples, it now is time to discuss the im-    
plications for the irradiance present on solar modules. ξS cos a S cos A S
For this discussion we assume that the solar module is nS = υ S  =  cos a S sin A S  . (5.27)
mounted on a horizontal plane and that it is tilted un- ζS sin a S ,
der an angle θ M , as illustrated in Fig. 5.11. The angle
between the projection of the normal of the module where we used the relationship between Cartesian
onto the horizontal plane and due north is A M . We and spherical horizontal coordinates given in Eq. (5.1).
52 5. Location issues

Hence, we find Modules mounted on a tilted roof

cos γ =n M · nS When a module is mounted on a horizontal plane, it
= cos a M cos A M cos aS cos AS is easy to determine its normal n M . However, when a
+ cos a M sin A M cos aS sin AS + sin a M sin aS module is to be mounted on an arbitrarily tilted roof
things become more complicated. We thus will derive
= cos a M cos aS (cos A M cos AS + sin A M sin AS )
how to calculate the normal of the module in horizontal
+ sin a M sin aS coordinates when the coordinates with respect to the
= cos a M cos aS cos ( A M − AS ) + sin a M sin aS . roof are given. In fact, we thus have to transform the
(5.28) module normal from the roof coordinate system to the ho-
Thus we obtain for the irradiance rizontal coordinate system.

Gdir dir As illustrated in Fig. 5.12 (a), the orientation of the roof
M = Ie [cos a M cos aS cos ( A M − AS ) + sin a M sin aS ]
in horizontal coordinates is characterised by the azi-
= Iedir [sin θ cos aS cos ( A M − AS ) + cos θ sin aS ] . muth A R and the altitude a R of its normal n R . The
(5.29) module is installed on the roof, and its orientation with
Note that this equation only holds when the sun is respect to the roof is best described in the roof coordin-
above the horizon ( aS > 0) and the azimuth of the sun ate system, where the fundamental plane is parallel to
is within ±90◦ of A M , AS ∈ [ AS − 90◦ , AS + 90◦ ]. Oth- the roof and the principal direction is along the gradi-
erwise, Gdir
M = 0. ent of the roof, as illustrated in Fig. 5.12 (b). In this sys-
If the azimuth of the solar position is the same as the tem, the module normal is given by the azimuth φ M
azimuth of the module normal A M = AS , Eq. (5.29) and the altitude is given by δM . The coordinate trans-
becomes form itself is transformed by combining two rotations:
First, we rotate with the angle 90◦ − a R around the axis
Gdir dir
M = Ie [cos a M cos aS + sin a M sin aS ]
(5.30) that is perpendicular to both n R and the gradient dir-
= Iedir cos ( a M − aS ) . ection of the roof. Secondly, we rotate with the angle
A R + 180◦ along the zenith. We thus obtain
When using the tilt angle θ = 90◦ − a M we find

Gdir dir
M = Ie sin ( θ + aS ) . (5.31)
5.4. Irradiance on a PV module 53

       
ξM cos a M cos A M − cos A R sin A R 0 sin a R 0 − cos a R cos δM cos φ M
υ M  =  cos a M sin A M  =  − sin A R − cos A R 0  0 1 0   cos δM sin φ M  . (5.32)
ζM sin a M 0 0 1 cos a R 0 sin a R sin δM

The coordinates of the module in the horizontal coordinate system then are given by

ξ M = cos a M cos A M = − cos A R sin a R cos δM cos φ M + sin A R cos δM sin φ M + cos A R cos a R sin δM , (5.33a)
υ M = cos a M sin A M = − sin A R sin a R cos δM cos φ M − cos A R cos δM sin φ M + sin A R cos a R sin δM , (5.33b)
ζ M = sin a M = cos a R cos δM cos φ M + sin a R sin δM . (5.33c)

Dividing Eq. (5.33b) by Eq. (5.33a) and leaving Eq. (5.33c) unchanged leads to the final expressions for the module
orientation in horizontal coordinates,

− sin A R sin a R cos δM cos φM − cos A R cos δM sin φM + sin A R cos a R sin δM
tan A M = , (5.34a)
− cos A R sin a R cos δM cos φM + sin A R cos δM sin φM + cos A R cos a R sin δM
sin a M = cos a R cos δM cos φM + sin a R sin δM . (5.34b)

Finally, the cosine of the angle between the module orientation and the solar position is given by

cos γ = n M · nS = cos aS cos( A R − AS ) (cos a R sin δM − sin a R cos δM cos φ M )

+ cos aS sin( A R − AS ) cos δM sin φM + sin aS (cos a R cos δM cos φM + sin a R sin δM ) .
54 5. Location issues

We will try to understand these results by discussing (a) Zenith

easy examples: Ce
θR tia
First, we look at a roof that faces eastward and has a

tilt angle θ R . Then, a R = 90◦ − θ R and A R = 90◦ .

On this roof a solar module is installed under a tilt-

of al n R
ing angle θ M with respect to the roof. The modules are


mounted parallel to the gradient of the roof. We thus

have δM = 90◦ − θ M and φ M = 270◦ . From Eqs. (5.34)

we thus obtain Ro t N
sin a M = cos a R cos δM · 0 + sin a R sin δM .
dien 0°
(5.36a) Gr θR
th A R
= sin a R sin δM Azimu
−0 − 0 + 1 · cos a R sin δM
tan A M =
0 + sin A R cos δM sin ·1 + 0 (5.36b)
(b) Roof normal nR
= cos a R tan δM .
In the second example, the roof is facing southwards
and tilted under an angle θ R . We thus have a R =

90◦ − θ R and A R = 180◦. Now the module tilted un-


ul n M

der an angle θ M with respect to the roof and moun- Roof


ted perpendicular to the gradient of the roof. Hence,

δM = 90◦ − θ M and φ M = 180◦ . Using Eqs. (5.34) we
M Roof gradient
find od
ule θM
sin a M = cos a R cos δM · (−1) + sin a R sin δM . th φ M
(5.37a) Azimu
= cos( a R + eta M ) = sin( a R − θ M ).
−0 − 0 + 0 Figure 5.12: Illustrating the angles used to describe (a) the
tan A M = = 0.
− sin a R cos δM + 0 + cos A R sin δM orientation of a roof on a horizontal plane and (b) the orienta-
(5.37b) tion of a module mounted on a roof.
5.5. Direct and diffuse irradiance 55

5.5 Direct and diffuse irradiance with the constant c = 0.14. The solar constant is given
as Ie0 = 1361 Wm-2 . In a first approximation, the diffuse
irradiance is about 10% of the direct irradiance. For the
As sunlight traverses the atmosphere, it is partially
global irradiance we hence obtain [11]
scattered, leading to an attenuation of the direct beam
component. On the other hand,the scattered light also global
Ie ≈ 1.1 · Iedir . (5.41)
partially will arrive at on the earths surface as diffuse
light. For PV applications it is important to be able to
estimate the strength of the direct and diffuse compon- A more accurate model was developed in the frame-
ents. work of the European Solar Radiation Atlas [12]. In that
model, the direct irradiance on a horizontal surface for
First, we discuss a simple model that allows to estimate clear sky is given by
the irradiance on a cloudless sky in dependence of the
air mass and hence the altitude of the sun. As we have Iedir = Ie0 ε sin aS exp [−0.8662 TL (AM2) m δR (m)] . (5.42)
seen in section 3.4, the air mass is defined as
I0 is the solar constant that takes a value of 1361 W/m2 .
1 1
AM = = , (5.38) The factor ε allows to correct for deviations of the sun-
cos θ sin aS earth distance from its mean value. aS is the solar alti-
where we used that the angle between the sun and the tude angle. TL (AM2) is the Linke turbidity factor with
zenith θ is connected to the solar altitude via θ = 90◦ − that the haziness of the atmosphere is taken into ac-
aS . This equation, however, does not take the curvature count. In this equation its value at an Air Mass 2 is
of the earth into account. If the curvature is taken into used. m is the relative optical air mass, and finally
account, we find [9] δR (m) is the integral Rayleigh optical thickness. The
different components can be evaluated as follows:
AM( aS ) = . (5.39)
sin aS + 0.50572(6.07995 + aS )−1.6364 The correction factor ε is given by
To estimate the direct irradiance at a certain solar alti- Ie ( R) R2
tude aS and altitude of the observer h, we can use the ε= = . (5.43)
Ie0 AU2
following empirical equation [10]
h 0.678
i The distance between earth and sun as a multiple of
Iedir = Ie0 (1 − ch) · 0.7(AM ) + ch , (5.40) astronomic units (AU) is given in Eq. (5.7). We thus ob-
56 5. Location issues

tain In their paper, Rigollier et al. also take the effect of of

refraction at very low altitudes into account [12]. This,
ε = (1.00014 − 0.01671 cos g − 0.00014 cos 2g)2 , (5.44) however is not relevant for our application.

which leads to annual variations of about ±3.3%. They also present and expression for the diffuse irradi-
ance of the light, which is given by
The Linke Turbidity factor approximates absorption and
scattering in the atmosphere and takes both absorption Iedif = Ie0 εTrd [ TL (AM2)] Fd [ aS , TL (AM2)], (5.47)
by water vapour and scattering by aerosol particles into
account. It is a unit-less number and typically takes val- where Trd is the diffuse transmission function at zenith,
ues between 2 for very clear skies and 7 for heavily pol- which is a second-order polynomial of TL (AM2) Trd
luted skies. has typical values in between 0.05 for very clear skies
and 0.22 for a very turbid atmosphere. Fd is a diffuse
The relative optical air mass m expresses the ratio of angular function, given as a second-order polynomial of
the optical path length of the solar beam through the sin aS . For more details we refer to the paper [12].
atmosphere to the optical path through a standard at-
mosphere at sea level with the Sun at zenith. In can be
approximated as a function of the solar altitude aS by
5.6 Shadowing
exp(−z/zh )
m( aS ) = . (5.45)
sin aS + 0.50572( aS + 6.07995)−1.6364 An aspect that has to be kept in mind when planning a
PV system that consists of several rows of PV modules
Here, z is the site elevation and zh is the scale height of that are placed behind each other is shadowing. In this
the Rayleigh atmosphere near the Earth surface, given section we will determine how far behind the module
by 8434.5 m. the shadow reaches in dependence of the solar position,
Finally, the Rayleigh optical thickness δR (m) is given by the module orientation and the height of the module.
Figure 5.13 shows the important notions that we use in
1 this derivation.
=6.62960 + 1.75130 m − 0.12020 m2
δR ( m ) (5.46) For the determination we look at a module that is tilted
3 4 at an angle θ M . Its normal angle has an azimuth A M .
+ 0.00650 m − 0.00013 m .
5.6. Shadowing 57

N then P0 . The normal of the module n M is given by

   
nS P' d cos a M cos A M sin θ M cos A M
P r n M =  cos a M sin A M  =  sin θ M sin A M  . (5.48)
l A sin a M cos θ M
nM r'
The direction vector r of the line g connecting E with F
d is then given as
 
side view top view sin A M
r = − cos A M  . (5.49)
Figure 5.13: Derivation of the length d of a shadow behind a 0
PV module. Illustrating the important coordinations and direc-
Then, we can calculate the direction vector h of the line
tion vectors in side and top view.
that connects E with P with the vector product
h = −n M × r
   
sin θ M cos A M sin A M
This module touches the ground at two corner points = −  sin θ M sin A M  × − cos A M 
that we call E and F. Without loss of generality, we cos θ M 0 (5.50)
may assume that E is at the origin of our horizontal
 
− cos θ M cos A M
coordinate system, E = (0, 0, 0). Further, P is the corner =  − cos θ M sin A M  ,
point of top the module lying above E. The length sin θ M
of the module, i.e. the distance between E and P is l,
EP = l. The shadow of this point on the horizontal where the − sign is because of the fact that the ho-
plane, we denote by P0 . Then, the length of the shadow d rizontal coordinate system is left-hand. Since h has
is defined as the shortest distance between P0 and the length 1, i.e. it is a unit vector, we easily can derive the
line g, which connects E with F. position of the point P with
 
− cos θ M cos A M
P = E + lh = l  − cos θ M sin A M  . (5.51)
For the determination of d we thus must derive P, and sin θ M
58 5. Location issues

For calculating the position of P0 we define the line s, where the direction vector r0 is given as
which goes through P and points to the sun,
 
s(t) = P + tnS . (5.52) cos A M
r0 =  sin A M  . (5.58)
When the position of the sun is described by its altitude
aS and azimuth AS , we find
   
− cos θ M cos A M cos aS cos AS
d is the distance between P0 and the intersection of g
s(t) = l  − cos θ M sin A M  + t  cos aS sin AS  (5.53)
with g0 . At this intersection we have
sin θ M sin aS ,
We find the shadow P0 of the point P as the intersection g ( u ) = g 0 ( v ),
of the line s with the horizontal plane, z = 0,   

sin A M cos A M
l sin θ M + t sin aS = 0. (5.54) u − cos A M  = P0 + v  sin A M 
Hence, 0 0
sin θ M u sin A M = Px0 + v cos A M
t = −l . (5.55)
sin aS
−u cos A M = Py0 + v sin A M
The coordinates of P0 = ( Px0 , Py0 , 0) then are given as
u sin A M cos A M = Px0 cos A M + v cos2 A M
Px0 = −l (cos θ M cos A M + sin θ M cot aS cos AS ) , (5.56a)
−u cos A M sin A M = Py0 sin A M + v sin2 A M
Py0 = −l (cos θ M sin A M + sin θ M cot aS sin AS ) . (5.56b)
As stated already earlier, the length of the shadow d is By adding the last two equations we find
given as the shortest distance between P0 and the line g
connecting E and F. Let g0 be the line perpendicular to
g, g ⊥ g0 , which goes through P0 . Since E = (0, 0, 0) we Px0 cos A M + v cos2 A M + Py0 sin A M + v sin2 A M = 0,
find for g and g0 (5.59)
and hence
g(u) = ur, (5.57a)
0 0 0
g (v) = P +vr , (5.57b) v = − Px0 cos A M − Py0 sin A M . (5.60)
5.6. Shadowing 59

Using Eqs. (5.56), we derive

v =l [(cos θ M cos A M + sin θ M cot aS cos AS ) cos A M

+ (cos θ M sin A M + sin θ M cot aS sin AS ) sin A M ]
=l (cos θ M cos2 A M + sin θ M cot aS cos AS cos A M
+ cos θ M sin2 A M + sin θ M cot aS sin AS sin A M ).
Because the direction vector r0 of the line g0 is a unit
vector, the length of the shadow d is equal to v. There-
fore we obtain from Eq. (5.61) with some trigonometric

d = l [cos θ M + sin θ M cot aS cos( A M − AS )] . (5.62)

As a rule of thumb, d should be at least three times l,

d > 3l.
60 5. Location issues
Components of PV Systems
6.1 PV modules (c), consists of several PV modules that are electrically
connected and mounted on a supporting structure. Fi-
nally, a PV array consists of several solar panels. An ex-
In this section we will discuss PV modules (or solar ample of such an array is shown in Fig. 6.1 (d). This
modules), their fabrication and how to to determine array consists of two strings of two solar panels each,
their performance. where string means that these panels are connected in
Before we start with the actual treatment of PV mod-
ules, we briefly want to introduce different terms. Fig-
ure 6.1 (a) shows a crystalline solar cell, which we dis-
cussed in Chapter ??. For the moment we will consider
6.1.1 Series and parallel connections in
only modules that are made from this type of solar PV modules
cells. A PV module, is a larger device in which many
solar cells are connected, as illustrated in Fig. 6.1 (b). If we make a solar module out of an ensemble of solar
The names PV module and solar module are often used cells, we can connect the solar cells in different ways:
interchangeably. A solar panel, as illustrated in Fig. 6.1 first, we can connect them in a series connection as

62 6. Components of PV Systems

(a) (b) (d)

solar cell

PV module series series

connection connection

string of panels string of panels

PV panel PV array

Figure 6.1: Illustrating (a) a solar cell, (b) a PV module, (c) a solar panel, and (d) a PV array.
6.1. PV modules 63

(a) 1.8 V (c) (d) 3I sc

2I sc parallel

Current I (A)
0.6 V
I sc series
Voc 2Voc 3Voc
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8
Voltage V (V)
0.6 V

Figure 6.2: Illustrating (a) a series connection of three solar cells and (b) realisation of such a series connection for cells with a clas-
sical front metal grid. (c) Illustrating a parallel connection of three solar cells. (d) I-V curves of solar cells connected in series and
64 6. Components of PV Systems

shown in Fig. 6.2 (a). In a series connection the voltages The reader may have noticed that we used I-V curves,
add up. For example, if the open circuit voltage of one i.e. the current-voltage characteristics, in the previous
cell is equal to 0.6 V, a string of three cells will deliver paragraphs. This is different to Parts I and II, where we
an open circuit voltage of 1.8 V. For solar cells with a used I-V curves instead, i.e. the current density - voltage
classical front metal grid, a series connection can be es- characteristics. The reason for this switch from J to I is
tablished by connecting the bus bars at the front side that on module level, the total current that the module
with the back contact of the neighbouring cell, as il- can generate is of higher interest than the current dens-
lustrated in Fig. 6.2 (b). For series connected cells, the ity. As the area of a module is a constant, the shapes of
current does not add up but is determined by the pho- the I-V and J-V curves of a module are similar.
tocurrent in each solar cell. Hence, the total current in a
string of solar cells is equal to the current generated by
one single solar cell.
For a total module, therefore the voltage and current
Figure Fig. 6.2 (d) shows the I-V curve of solar cells output can be partially tuned via the arrangements of
connected in series. If we connect two solar cells in the solar cell connections. Figure 6.3 (a) shows a typ-
series, the voltages add up while the current stays the ical PV module that contains 36 solar cells connected
same. The resulting open circuit voltage is two times in series. If a single junction solar cell would have a
that of the single cell. If we connect three solar cells in short circuit current of 5 A, and an open circuit voltage
series, the open circuit voltage becomes three times as of 0.6 V, the total module would have an output of
large, whereas the current still is that of one single solar Voc = 36 · 0.6 V = 21.6 V and Isc = 5 A. However,
cell. if two strings of 18 series-connected cells are connec-
ted in parallel, as illustrated in Fig. 6.3 (b), the output
Secondly, we can connect solar cells in parallel as il- of the module will be Voc = 18 · 0.6 V = 10.8 V and
lustrated in Fig. 6.2 (c), which shows three solar cells Isc = 2 × 5 A = 10 A. In general, for the I-V characterist-
connected in parallel. If cells are connected in paral- ics of a module consisting of m identical cells in series
lel, the voltage is the same over all solar cells, while and n identical cells in parallel the voltage multiplies
the currents of the solar cells add up. If we connect e.g. by a factor m while the current multiplies by a factor n.
three cells in parallel, the current becomes three times Modern PV modules often contain 60 (10 × 6), 72 (9 × 8)
as large, while the voltage is the same as for a single or 96 (12 × 8) solar cells that are usually all connected
cell, as illustrated in Fig. 6.2 (d). in series in order to minimise resistive losses.
6.1. PV modules 65

6.1.2 PV module parameters

In a nutshell, for a PV module a set of parameters can

(a) (b) be defined, similar than for solar cells. The most com-
mon parameters are the module efficiency η M , the module
fill factor FF M , and of course the open circuit voltage Voc ,
and the short circuit current Isc .
Determining the the efficiency and the fill factor of a
PV module is less straight-forward than determining
voltage and current. In an ideal world with perfectly
matched solar cells and no losses, one would expect
that the efficiency and fill factor at both the module
and cell levels to be the same. This is not the case in
real life. As mentioned above. The cells are connected
with each other using interconnects that induce resist-
ive losses. Further, there might be small mismatches
in the interconnected cells. For example, if m × n cells
are interconnected, the cell with the lowest current in a
string of m cells in series determines the module cur-
rent. Similarly, the string with the lowest voltage in
the n strings that are connected in parallel dictates the
module voltage. The reason for mismatch between in-
dividual cells are inhomogeneities that occur during
Figure 6.3: Illustrating a PV module consisting (a) of a string the production process. Hence, in practice PV module
of 36 solar cells connected in series and (b) of two strings of 18 perform a little less than what one would expect from
solar cells each that are connected in parallel.
ideally matched and interconnected solar cells. This loss
in performance translates to a lower fill factor and ef-
ficiency at module level. If the illumination across the
module is not constant or if the module is heats up
66 6. Components of PV Systems

non-uniformly, the module performance reduces even current generated in the shaded cell is significantly
further. reduced. In a series connection the current is limited
by the cell that generates the lowest current, this cell
Often, differences between cell and module perform-
thus dictates the maximum current flowing through the
ance are mentioned in datasheets that are provide by
the module manufacturers. For example, the datasheet
of a Sanyo HIT-N240SE10 module gives a cell level ef- In Fig. 6.4 (b) the theoretical I-V curve of the five un-
ficiency of 21.6%, but a module level efficiency of only shaded solar cells and the shaded solar cell is shown. If
19%. Despite all the technological advancements being the cells are connected to a constant load R, the voltage
made at solar cell level for improving the efficiency, still across the module is dropping due to the lower current
a lot must be done at the PV systems level to ensure a generated. However, since the five unshaded solar cells
healthy PV yield. For the performance of a PV system, are forced to produce high voltages, they act like a re-
not only the module performance is important, but also verse bias source on the shaded solar cell. The dashed
the yield of the PV system. line in Fig. 6.4 (b) represents the reverse bias load put
on the shaded cell, which is the I-V curve of the five
cells, reflected across the vertical axis equal to 0 V.
6.1.3 Partial shading and bypass diodes Hence, the shaded solar cell does not generate energy,
but starts to dissipate energy and heats up. The temper-
PV modules have so-called bypass diodes integrated. To ature can increase to such a critical level, that the en-
understand the reason for using such diodes, we have capsulation material cracks, or other materials wear out.
to consider modules in real-life conditions, where they Further, high temperatures generally lead to a decrease
can be partially shaded, as illustrated in Fig. 6.4 (a). The of the PV output as well.
shade can be from an object nearby, like a tree, a chim-
ney or a neighbouring building. It also can be caused These problems occurring from partial shading can be
by a leaf that has fallen from a tree. Partial shading prevented by including bypass diodes in the module,
can have significant consequences for the output of the as illustrated in 6.4 (c). As discussed in Chapter ??,
solar module. To understand this, we consider the situ- a diode blocks the current when it is under negative
ation in which one solar cell in the module shaded for voltage, but conducts a current when it is under posit-
a large part shaded. For simplicity, we assume that all ive voltage. If no cell is shaded, no current is flowing
six cells are connected in series. This means that the through the bypass diodes. However, if one cell is (par-
6.1. PV modules 67

(a) (b)

current from 5Voc
R 0
Dissipated 6th cell

Current (A)
(c) -1 energy

J < Jsc
Jsc from 5 cells
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Voltage (V)

Figure 6.4: Illustrating (a) string of six solar cells of which one is partially shaded, which (b) has dramatic effects on the I-V curve
of this string. (c) Bypass diodes can solve the problem of partial shading.
68 6. Components of PV Systems

tially) shaded, the bypass diode starts to pass current

front glass
through because of the biasing from the other cells. As
a result current can flow around the shaded cell and the front encapsulant
module can still produce the current equal to that of a solar cells
unshaded single solar cell.
Al frame
For cells that are connected in parallel, partial shad-
ing is less of a problem, because the currents gener- encapsulant
ated in the others cells do not need to travel through Al frame
back layers
the shaded cell. However, a module consisting of 36
cells in parallel have very high currents (above 100 A)
combined with a very low voltage (approx. 0.6 V). This junction box
combination would lead to very high resistive losses in
the cables; further an inverter that has only 0.6 V as in- Figure 6.5: The components of a typical c-Si PV module.
put will not be very efficient, as we will see in Section
6.3. Therefore, combining the cells in series and using
bypass diodes is much better an option to do. • Soda-lime glass with a thickness of several mil-
limetres, which provides mechanical stability
while being transparent for the incident light. It
6.1.4 Fabrication of PV modules is important the glass has a low iron content be-
cause iron leads to absorption of light in the glass
which can lead to losses. Further, the glass must
As discussed in the subsection 6.1.5, a PV module must
be tempered in order to increase its resistance to im-
withstand various influences in order to survive a life-
time of 25 years or even longer. In order to ensure a
long lifetime, the components of that a PV module is • The solar cells are sandwiched in between two lay-
built must be well chosen. Fig. 6.5 shows the typical ers of encapsulants. The most common material
components of a usual crystalline silicon PV module. is ethylene-vinyl-acetate (EVA), which is a thermo-
Of course, the layer stack may consist of different ma- plastic polymer (plastic). This means that it goes
terials dependent on the manufacturer. The major com- into shape when it is heated but that these changes
ponents are [13]: are reversible.
6.1. PV modules 69

• The back layer acts as a barrier against humidity and the temperature is increased to about 150°C. Now
and other stresses. Depending on the manufac- the curing process starts, i.e. a curing agent, which is
turer, it can be another glass plate or a composite present in the EVA layer, starts to cross-link the EVA
polymer sheet. A material combination that is often chains, which means that transverse bonds between the
used is PVF-polyester-PVF, where PVF stands for EVA molecules are formed. As a result, EVA has elasto-
polyvinyl fluoride, which is often known by its brand meric, rubberlike properties.
name Tedlar® . PVF has a low permeability for va-
pours and is very resistive against weathering. A The choice of the layers that light traverses before en-
typical polyester is polyethylene terephthalate (PET) tering the solar cell is also very important from an op-
tical point of view. If this layers have an increasing
• A frame usually made from aluminium is put refractive index, they act as antireflective coating and
around the whole module in order to enhance the thus can enhance the amount of light that is in-coupled
mechanical stability. in the solar cell and finally absorbed, which increases
the current produced by the solar cell.
• A junction box usually is placed at the back of the
module. In it the electrical connections to the solar
cell are connected with the wires that are used to
connect the module to the other components of the 6.1.5 Lifetime testing of PV Modules
PV system.
The typical lifetime of PV systems is about 25 years.
One of the most important steps during module pro- In these as little maintenance as possible should be re-
duction is laminating, which we briefly will explain for quired on the system components, especially the PV
the case that EVA is used as encapsulant [13]. For lam- modules are required to be maintenance free. Further-
ination, the whole stack consisting of front glass, the more, degradation in the different components of that
encapsulants, the interconnected solar cells, and the the module is made should be little: manufacturers typ-
back layer are brought together in a laminator, which ically guarantee a power between 80% and 90% of the
is heated above the melting point of EVA, which is initial power after 25 years. During the lifetime of 25
around 120°C. This process is performed in vacuo in years or more, PV modules are exposed to various ex-
order to ensure that air, moisture and other gasses are ternal stress from various sources [14]:
removed from within the module stack. After some
minutes, when the EVA is molten, pressure is applied • temperature changes between night and day as well
70 6. Components of PV Systems

as between winter and summer, • Humidity freeze testing in order to test delamination,
adhesion of the junction box, . . .
• mechanical stress for example from wind, snow and
hail, • UV testing, because UV light can lead to delamin-
ation, loss of adhesion and elasticity of the encap-
• stress by agents transported via the atmosphere such
sulant, ground fault due to backsheet degradation.
as dust, sand, salty mist and other agents,
Mainly, UV light can lead to a discoloration of the
• moisture originating from rain, dew and frost, encapsulant and back sheet, which means that they
get yellow. This can lead to losses in the amount of
• humidity originating from the atmosphere, light that reaches the solar cells.
• irradiance consisting of direct and indirect irradi- • Static mechanical loads in order to test whether
ance from the sun; mainly the highly-energetic UV strong winds or heavy snow loads lead to struc-
radiation is challenging for many materials. tural failures, broken glass, broken interconnect rib-
Before PV modules are brought to the market, they are bons or broken cells.
usually tested extensively in order to assure their stabil-
• Dynamic mechanical load, which can lead to roken
ity against these various stresses. The required tests are
glass, broken interconnect ribbons or broken cells.
extensively defined in the standards IEC 61215 for mod-
ules based on crystalline silicon solar cells and in IEC • Hot spot testing in order to see whether hot spots
61646 for thin-film modules. Since the modules cannot due to shunts in cells or inadequate bypass diode
be tested during a period of 25 years, accelerated stress protection are present.
testing must be performed. The required tests are [15]:
• Hail testing to see whether the module can handle
• Thermal cycles for studying whether thermal stress the mechanical stress induced by hail.
leads to broken interconnects, broken cells, elec-
trical bond failure, adhesion of the junction box,. . . • Bypass diode thermal testing to study whether over-
heating of these diodes causes degradation of the
• Damp heat testing to see whether the modules suf- encapsulant, backsheet or the junction box.
fer from corrosion, delamination, loss of adhesion
and elasticity of the encapsulant, adhesion of the • Salt spray testing to see whether salt that is present
junction box,. . . in salty mist or that is used in salty water for snow
6.1. PV modules 71

and ice removal leads to corrosion of PV module Such a stack of layers deposited onto a large glass
components. plate in principle forms one very large solar cell that
will produce a very high current. Since all the current
How these tests are to be performed is defined in other would have to be transported across the front and back
standards, for example IEC 61345 for UV testing and contacts, which are very thin, resistive losses in the
IV 61701 for salt-mist corrosion testing Usually these module is even a bigger problem than for c-Si mod-
tests are carried out by organisations like TÜV Rhein- ules. Therefore, the module is produced such that it
land. Refining the test requirements and understand- consists of many very narrow cells of about 1 cm width
ing which accelerated tests are required to guarantee a and the length being equal to the module length. These
lifetime of 25 years and more is subject to ongoing re- cells then are connected in series across the width of
search and development. the module. On the very left and right of the module
metallic busbars collect the current and conduct it to
the bottom of the module where they are connected
6.1.6 Thin-film modules with external cables.

The series connection is established with laser scribing.

Making thin-film modules is very different from mak- In total, three laser scribes are required for separating
ing modules from c-Si solar cells. While for c-Si tech- two cells from each other and establishing a series con-
nology producing solar cells and producing PV mod- nection between them. The first laser scribe, called P1,
ules are two distinct steps, in thin-film technology pro- is performed after the transparent front contact is de-
ducing cells and modules cannot be separated from posited, as shown in Fig. 6.6 (a). The wavelength of
each other. To illustrate this we look at a PV module the laser is such that the laser light is absorbed in the
where the thin-films are deposited in superstrate config- front contact and the material is evaporated, leaving
uration on glass, as illustrated in Fig. 6.6. For making a “gap” in the front contact, as shown in Fig. 6.6 (b).
such a module, a transparent front contact, a stack of Then the photoactive layers are deposited onto the front
(photo)active layers that also contain one or more semi- contact and also fill the gaps. Then, the second laser
conductor junctions, and a metallic back contact are de- scribe, called P2, is performed, as illustrated in Fig. 6.6
posited onto each other. In industrial production, the (c). The laser wavelength has to be chosen such that it
glass plates on that these layers are deposited can be is not absorbed in the transparent front contact but in
very large, with sizes significantly exceeding 1 × 1 m2 . the absorber layer. For example, if the absorber consists
72 6. Components of PV Systems

of amorphous silicon, green laser light can be used. The

P2 scribe leaves a gap in the absorber layer, as illus-
trated in Fig. 6.6 (d). The next step is the deposition (a) (b)
of the metallic back contact that also fills the P2 gap.
Finally, the third laser scribe (P3) is performed as illus- front contact
trated in Fig. 6.6 (e). The wavelength for this scribe has glass
to be chosen such that it is neither absorbed in the front P1
contact nor in the absorber stack, so it is, for example,
infrared. The P3 scribe shoots a gap into the back con-
tact, as shown in Fig. 6.6 (f). (c) (d)
To understand the action of the laser scribes, we take front contact
a look at Fig. 6.6 (f): the P1 scribe filled with absorber glass
material forms an barrier, since the absorber is orders of P2
magnitudes less conductive than the transparent front
contact. Similar, the P3 scribes forms an insulating gap
in the metallic back contact. However, the P2 scribe that (e) (f)
also is filled with metal forms a highly conducting con- current back metal
nection between the front and back contacts – here the
actual series connection is performed.

The performance of such an interconnect established via P3

laser scribes and hence the total module performance
is determined by several things. First, the P2 scribe has
interconnect width
to be highly conductive, This means that it has to be
wide enough and that there must be no barrier at the Figure 6.6: Schematic of creating an interconnect in thin-film
interface between the front contact and the metal of the module. (Explanation given in the text).
P2 scribe. Further, the P1 and P3 scribes must perform
good barriers to effectively separate the cells from each
other. Thirdly, the region between the P1 and P3 scribes
6.1. PV modules 73

Table 6.1: Specifications of different PV modules.

SunPower Avancis Kaneka First Solar

X21-345 PowerMax140 U-EA120 FS-392
Technology c-Si CIS a-Si/nc-Si CdTe
Rated power Pmpp (Wp ) 345 140 114 92.5
Rated current Impp (A) 6.02 2.98 2.18 1.94
Rated voltage V mpp (V) 57.3 47 55 47.7
Short circuit current Isc (A) 6.39 3.31 2.6 2.11
Open circuit voltage V oc (V) 68.2 61.5 71 60.5
Dimensions (m×m) 1.56×1.05 1.6×0.67 1.2×1.00 1.2×0.60
Max warranty on Pmpp (years) 25 25 25 25

does not contribute to the the current generated by the hind these processes is valid in general.
module. Therefore, the ratio between this width and
the total cell width (including the scribes) has to be
as small as possible. Another issue is the fact that the
three laser scribes are performed in different steps of 6.1.7 Some examples
production and thus often in different machines. Fur-
ther, the distance between the scribes might be different Table 6.1 shows some parameters of PV modules using
at the different processes when they are performed at different PV technologies:
different temperatures. This, aligning the glass plates
in all the production steps is extremely important for • A SunPower module made based on monocrystal-
manufacturing high-quality thin-film modules. line silicon solar cells,

• an Avancis module based on copper indium disel-

The production steps and also the exact processing of enide (CIS) technology,
the laser scribes is of course dependent on which thin-
film technology is used and even on the manufacturer • a Kaneka amorphous silicon /nanocrystalline sil-
itself. However, the basic principles and the action be- icon tandem (a-Si:H/nc-Si:H) module, and
74 6. Components of PV Systems

• a module of First Solar based on cadmium telluride

(CdTe) technology.

6.2 Maximum power point tracking

In this section we discuss the concept of Maximum higher irradiance GM

power point tracking (MPPT). This concept is very unique
to the field of PV Systems, and hence brings a very
special application of power electronics to the field of
temperature T
photovoltaics. The concepts discussed in this section are

Current I
equally valid for cells, modules, and arrays, although
MPPT usually is employed at PV module/array level.
As discussed earlier, the behaviour of an illuminated
solar cell can be characterised by an I-V curve. Inter-
connecting several solar cells in series or in parallel
merely increases the overall voltage and/or current, but
does not change the shape of the I-V curve. Therefore, Voltage V
for understanding the concept of MPPT, it is sufficient
to consider the I-V curve of a solar cell. The I-V curve Figure 6.7: Effect of increased temperature T or irradiance
is dependent on the module temperature on the irra- G M on the I-V curve.
diance, as we will discuss in detail in Section 7.1. For
example, an increasing irradiance leads to an increased
current and slightly increased voltage, as illustrated in
Fig. 6.7. The same figure shows that an increasing tem-
perature has a detrimental effect on the voltage.
Now we take a look at the concept of the operating
point, which is the defined as the particular voltage and
6.2. Maximum power point tracking 75

current, at that the PV module operates at any given

point in time. For a given irradiance and temperature,
the operating point corresponds to a unique ( I, V ) pair
which lies onto the I-V curve. The power output at this
operating point is given by

P = I · V. (6.1)
The operating point ( I, V ) corresponds to a point on Isc
the power-voltage (P-V) curve, shown in Fig. 6.8. For Impp
generating the highest power output at a given irradi- MPP
ance and temperature, the operating point should such

Current I

Power P
correspond to the maximum of the (P-V) curve, which
is called the maximum power point (MPP).
If a PV module (or array) is directly connected to an
electrical load, the operating point is dictated by that
load. For getting the maximal power out of the module,
it thus is imperative to force the module to operate at
the maximum power point. The simplest way of forcing Voltage V Vmpp Voc
the module to operate at the MPP, is either to force the
voltage of the PV module to be that at the MPP (called
Figure 6.8: A generic I-V curve and the associated P-V curve.
Vmpp ) or to regulate the current to be that of the MPP The maximum power point (MPP) is indicated.
(called Impp ).
However, the MPP is dependent on the ambient con-
ditions. If the irradiance or temperature change, the I-
V and the P-V characteristics will change as well and
hence the position of the MPP will shift. Therefore,
changes in the I-V curve have to be tracked continu-
ously such that the operating point can be adjusted to
76 6. Components of PV Systems

be at the MPP after changes of the ambient conditions. solar module is adjusted only on a seasonal basis. This
model is based on the assumption that for the same
This process is called Maximum Power Point Tracking or
level of irradiance higher MPP voltages are expected
MPPT. The devices that perform this process are called
during winter than during summer. It is obvious that
MPP trackers. We can distinguish between two categor-
this method is not very accurate. It works best at loc-
ies of MPP tracking:
ations with minimal irradiance fluctuations between
• Indirect MPP tracking, for example performed with different days.
the Fractional Open Circuit Voltage method.
• Direct MPP tracking, for example performed with Fractional open circuit voltage method
the Perturb and Observe method or the the Incre-
mental Conductance method. One of the most common indirect MPPT techniques is
All the MPPT algorithms that we discuss in this section the fractional open circuit voltage method. This method
are based on finding the and tuning the voltage until exploits the fact that – in a very good approximation –
VMPP is found. Other algorithms, which are not dis- the Vmpp is given by
cussed in this section, work with the power instead and
Vmpp = k · Voc , (6.2)
aim to find IMPP .
where k is a constant. For crystalline silicon, k usu-
ally takes values in between 0.7 and 0.8. In general,
6.2.1 Indirect MPPT k of course is dependent on the type of solar cells.
As changes in the open circuit voltage can be easily
First, we discuss indirect MPP Tracking, where simple tracked, changes in the Vmpp can be easily estimated
assumptions are made for estimating the MPP based on just by multiplying with k. This method thus can be im-
a few measurements. plemented easily. However, there are also certain draw-
Fixed voltage method First, using a constant factor k only allows to roughly
estimate the position of the MPP. Therefore, the oper-
For example, in the fixed voltage method (also called ating point usually will not be exactly on the MPP but
constant voltage method), the operating voltage of the in its proximity, with is called the MPP region. Secondly,
6.2. Maximum power point tracking 77

every time the system needs to respond to a change in Table 6.2: A summary of the possible options in the P&O al-
illumination conditions, the Voc must be measured. For gorithm.
this measurement, the PV module needs to be discon-
nected from the load for a short while, which will lead Prior Change in Next
to a reduced total output of the PV system. The more Perturbation Power Perturbation
often the Voc is determined, the larger the loss in output Positive Positive Positive
will be. This drawback can be overcome my slightly Positive Negative Negative
modifying the method. For this modification a pilot Negative Positive Negative
PV cell is required, which is highly matched with the Negative Negative Positive
rest of the cells in the module. The pilot cell receives
the same irradiance as the rest of the PV module, and
a measurement of the pilot PV cell’s Voc also gives an Perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm
accurate representation of that of the PV module, hence
it can be used for estimating Vmpp . Therefore, the op- The first algorithm that we discuss is the Perturb and
erating point of the module can be adjusted without Observe (P&O) algorithm, which also is known as "hill
needing to disconnect the PV module. climbing" algorithm. In this algorithm, a perturbation
is provided to the voltage at that the module is cur-
rently driven. This perturbation in voltage will lead to a
change in the power output. If an increasing voltage
leads to an increasing in power, the operating point
6.2.2 Direct MPPT is at a lower voltage than the MPP, and hence further
voltage perturbation towards higher voltages is re-
quired to reach the MPP. In contrast, if an increasing
voltage leads to a decreasing power, further perturb-
Now we discuss direct MPP tracking, which is more in- ation towards lower voltages is required in order to
volved than indirect MPPT, because current, voltage reach the MPP. Hence, the algorithm will converge to-
or power measurements are required. Further, the sys- wards the MPP over several perturbations. This prin-
tem must response more accurately and faster than in ciple is summarised in Table 6.2.
indirect MPPT. We shall look at a couple of the most
popular kind of algorithms. A problem with this algorithm is that the operat-
78 6. Components of PV Systems

ing point is never steady at the MPP but meander-

ing around the MPP. If very small perturbation steps
are used around the MPP, this meandering, however,
can be minimised. Additionally, the P&O algorithm
struggles from rapidly changing illuminations. For ex-
ample, if the illumination (and hence the irradiance)
changes in between two sampling instants in the pro-
PMPP cess of convergence, then the algorithm essentially fails
in its convergence efforts, as illustrated in Fig. 6.9 In the
C PMPP’ latest perturbation, the algorithm has determined that
B the MPP lies to the at a higher voltage than of point
A B, and hence the next step is a perturbation to con-
Power P

verge towards the MPP accordingly. If the illumination

was constant, it would end up at C and the algorithm
would conclude that the MPP is at still higher voltages,
which is correct. However, as the illumination changes
rapidly before the next perturbation, the next perturb-
ation shifts the operating point to C’ instead to C, such
Voltage V VMPP’ VMPP
PC’ < PB (6.3)
Figure 6.9: The perturb&observe algorithm struggles from rap-
idly changing illumination conditions.
While the MPP still lies to the right of C’, the P&O al-
gorithm thinks that it is on the left of C’. This wrong
assumption is detrimental to the speed of conver-
gence of the P&O algorithm, which is one of the crit-
ical figures of merit for MPPT techniques. Thus, drastic
changes in weather conditions severely affect the effic-
acy of the P&O algorithm’s.
6.2. Maximum power point tracking 79

Incremental conductance method V (t ), I (t ), Vref (t )

Next, we look at the Incremental Conductance Method. DI = I (t ) - I (t -Dt )

The conductance G1 of an electrical component is DV = V (t ) - V (t -Dt )
defined as
I < >
G= (6.4) Decrease DI I Increase
V Vref ?- Vref
At the MPP, the slope of the P-V curve is zero, hence
dP Maintain
= 0. (6.5) Vref
We can write RETURN
dP d( IV ) dI
= = I+V . (6.6) Figure 6.10: A conceptual flowchart of the incremental con-
dV dV dV
ductance algorithm.
If the sampling steps are small enough, the approxima-
dI ∆I
≈ (6.7) These relationships are exploited by the incremental
dV ∆V
conductance algorithm.
can be used. We call ∆I/∆V the incremental conductance
and I/V the constanteneous conductance. Hence, we have Figure 6.10 shows a conceptual flowchart. Note that
this flowchart is not exhaustive. While both, the instant-
∆I I aneous voltage and current are the observable paramet-
=− if V = Vmpp , (6.8a)
∆V V ers, the instantaneous voltage is also the controllable
∆I I parameter. Vref is the voltage value forced on the PV
>− if V < Vmpp , (6.8b)
∆V V module by the MPPT device. It is the latest approx-
∆I I imation of the Vmpp . For any change of the operating
<− if V > Vmpp . (6.8c)
∆V V point, the algorithm compares the instantaneous with
1 The electrical conductance G must not be confused with the irradiance incid- the incremental conductance values. If the incremental
ent on the module G M . conductance is larger than the negative of the instantan-
80 6. Components of PV Systems

eous conductance, the current operating point is to the global MPP

left of the MPP; consequently, Vref must be incremented.
In contrast, if the incremental conductance is lower than local MPP
the negative of the instantaneous conductance, the cur- local MPP
rent operating point is to the left of the MPP and the is

Current I

Power P
consequently decremented. This process is iterated until
the incremental conductance is the same as the negative
instantaneous conductance, in which case Vref = Vmpp .
The incremental conductance algorithm can be more ef-
ficient than the P&O algorithm as it does not meander
around the MPP under steady state conditions. Fur-
ther, small sampling intervals make it less susceptible Voltage V
to changing illumination conditions. However, under
conditions that are strongly varying and under partial Figure 6.11: The P-V curve of partially shaded system that
shading, the incremental conductance method might exhibits several local maxima.
also become less efficient. The major drawback of this
algorithm is the complexity of its hardware implement-
ation. Not only currents and voltages must be meas- that will be discussed in section 6.3.2.
ured, but also the instantaneous and incremental con-
ductances must be calculated and compared. How such In modern PV systems, the MPPT is often implemented
a hardware design can look like however is beyond the within other system components like the inverters or
scope of this book. charge controllers. The list of techniques presented in
this section not exhaustive, we just discussed the most
common ones. The development of more advanced
MPPT techniques is going on rapidly and many sci-
6.2.3 Some remarks
entific papers as well as patents are published in this
area. Furthermore, manufacturers usually use propriet-
While a MPPT is used to find the MPP by changing the ary techniques.
voltage, it does not perform changes of the operating
voltage. This is usually done by a DC-DC converter Up to now we only looked at situations the total I-V
6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 81

curve is similar to that of a single cell. Let us now con- 6.3.1 System configurations
sider a system that is partially shaded, as illustrated in
Fig. 6.11. Then, the P-V curve will have different local Before digging into details about different converter to-
maxima. Depending on the used MPPT algorithm, it is pologies used for power conversion in PV systems, a
not sure at all that the algorithm finds the global max- general overview of different system architecture will
imum. Different companies use proprietary solutions be presented. The system architecture determines how
to tackle this issue. Alternatively, each string can be PV modules are interconnected and how the interface
connected to a separate MPPT. There are inverters that with the grid is established. Which of these system ar-
have connections for several strings (usually two). chitectures will be employed in a particular PV plant
depends on many factors such as environment of the
plant (whether the plant is situated in an urban envir-
onment or at an open area), scalability, costs etc. Fig-
ure 6.12 an overview of different system architectures is
given. The main advantages and disadvantages of the
different architectures are discussed below.
6.3 Photovoltaic Converters
In general solar inverters should have the following
characteristics [16]:
• Inverters should be highly efficient because the
A core technology associated with PV systems is the owner of the solar system requires the absolute
power electronic converter. An ideal PV converter maximum possible generated energy to be de-
should draw the maximum power from the PV panel livered to the grid/load.
and supply it to the load side. In case of grid connected
systems, this should be done with the minimum har- • Special demands regarding the potential between
monic content in the current and at a power factor close solar generator and earth (depending on the solar
to unity. For stand-alone systems the output voltage module type).
should also be regulated to the desired value. In this
• Special safety features like active islanding detec-
section a short review of different topologies often as-
tion capability.
sociated with PV systems is given. The semiconductor
switches in the following are assumed to be ideal. • Low limits for harmonics of the line currents. This
82 6. Components of PV Systems

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Central inverter Module inverter String inverter Multi-string inverter

Figure 6.12: Different system architectures employed in PV systems.

6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 83

requirement is enforced by law in most countries leading to several problems in the electricity grid.
since the harmonic limits of both sources and loads
Note that the term inverter is often used for two differ-
connected to the grid are regulated.
ent things: First, it is used for the actual inverter, which
• Special demands on electromagnetic interference is the electronic building block that performs the DC-to-
(EMI), which are regulated by law in most coun- AC conversion, as described in section 6.3.3. Secondly,
tries. The goal of these minimise the unwanted the term inverter also is used for the total unit pro-
influence of EMI on other equipment in the vicin- duced by manufacturers, that nowadays usually con-
ity or connected to the same supply. Think for ex- tains, an MPP tracker, a DC-DC converter, an DC-AC
ample of the influence of a mobile phone on an old converter and possibly also a charge controller of also a
radio. battery is connected.

• In many instances the solar system is to be in-

stalled outdoors and inverters should adhere to Central inverters
certain specification regarding temperature and hu-
midity conditions, e.g. IP 54. This is the simplest architecture employed in PV sys-
tems. Here, PV modules are connected in strings lead-
• Design for high ambient temperatures. ing to an increased system voltage. Many strings are
• Designed for 20 years operation under harsh envir- then connected in parallel forming a PV array, which is
onmental conditions. connected to one central inverter. The inverter performs
maximum power point tracking and power conversion
• Silent operation (no audible noise). as shown in Fig. 6.12 (a), where a three-phase inverter
is depicted. This configuration is mostly employed in
We have to distinguish between single-phase and three-
very-large scale PV production, with central inverter
phase inverters. For low powers, as they are common
usually being DC to three phase [17].
in small residential PV systems, single-phase inverters
are used. They are connected to one phase of the grid. Many different inverter topologies are utilised as a
For higher powers, three-phase inverters are used that three phase inverter. Sometimes they are organised as
are connected to all phases of the grid. If a high power a single DC to three phase unit but sometimes as a
would be delivered to one phase, the currents flowing three separate DC-to-AC single phase units working
across the three phases would become very asymmetric with a phase displacement of 120 degrees each. Having
84 6. Components of PV Systems

all the PV modes connected in a single array in such a series with each string to prevent current circula-
centralised configuration offers the lowest specific cost tion inside strings.
(cost per kWp p of installed power). Since central invert-
ers only use a few components, they are very reliable
what makes them the preferred option in large scale PV Module Integrated or module oriented inverters
power plants.
In spite of their simplicity and low specific cost, central A very different architecture is that of the module in-
inverters suffer from the following disadvantages: tegrated inverters, as shown in 6.12 (b). These inverters
operate directly at one or several PV modules and have
1. Due to the layout of the system, a large amount of power ratings of several hundreds of watts. Because
power is carried over considerable distances using of the low voltage rating of the PV module, these in-
DC wiring. This can cause safety issues because verters require often require a two stage power conver-
fault DC currents are difficult to interrupt. Spe- sion. In a first stage boosts the DC voltage is boosted
cial precaution measures must to be taken such to the required value while it is inverted to AC in the
as ticker insulation on the DC cabling and special second stage. Often, a high frequency transformer is
circuit breakers, which can increase the costs. incorporated providing full galvanic isolation, which
enhances the system flexibility even further. As their
2. All strings operate at the same maximum power
name suggests, these inverters are usually integrated
point, which leads to mismatch losses in the mod-
with PV panel (so called ‘AC PV panels’). In this way
ules. This is significant disadvantage. Mismatch
the highest flexibility and the expandability of system
losses increase even more with ageing and with
is obtained. One of the most distinguishing features of
partial shading of sections of the array. Mismatch
this system is the “plug and play” characteristic, which
between the different strings may significantly re-
allows to build a complete (and readily expandable) PV
duce the overall system output.
system at a low investment cost. Another advantage of
3. Low flexibility and expandability of the system. these inverters, is minimisation of the mismatch losses
Due to the high ratings a system is normally de- that can occur because of non-optimal MPPT.
signed as a unit and hence difficult to extend. In
All these advantages come at certain expenses. Because
other words the system design is not very flexible.
these inverters are be mounted on a PV module, they
4. Power losses in the string diodes, which are put in must operate in harsh environment such as high tem-
6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 85

perature and large daily and seasonal temperature vari- Although partial shading of the string will influence
ations. Also, the specific are the highest of all the in- the overall efficiency of the system, each string can in-
verter topologies. Many topologies for module integ- dependently be operated at its MPP. Also, because no
rated inverters have been proposed, with some of them strings are connected in parallel, there is no need for
being already implemented in commercially available series diodes as in the case of PV arrays with many
inverters. parallel strings. This reduces losses associated with
these diodes. However, it still is a risk that within a
string hot-spot occurs because of unequal current and
String Inverters power sharing inside the string.

String inverter, as illustrated in 6.12 (c), combine the

Multi String Inverters
advantages of central and module integrated inverter
concepts with little tradeoffs. A number of PV mod-
ules that are connected in series form a PV string with The Multi String inverter concept, illustrated in Fig.
a power rating of up to 5 kWp and with the open cir- 6.12 (d), has been developed to combine the advantage
cuit voltage of up to 1 kV. Now, a number of smaller of the higher energy yield of a string inverter with the
inverters can be used to connect the PV system to the lower costs of a central inverter [18]. Lower power DC-
grid. DC converters are connected to individual PV strings
each having its own MPP tracking, which independ-
One disadvantage of the topology is the fact that the ently optimises the energy output from each PV string.
high DC voltage requires special consideration, simil- To expand the system within a certain power range
arly as this already was the case for the central inverter only a new string with a DC-DC converter has to be
architecture. Here, this issue is even more important included. All DC-DC converters are connected via a DC
because string inverters are usually being installed in bus through a central inverter to the grid.
households or on office buildings, without designated
support structure or increased safety requirements. In
general a qualified electrician is needed to perform the Team Concept
interconnections between the modules and the inverter.
The protection of the system also requires special con- Aside of the four system architecture already described,
sideration, with emphasis on proper DC cabling. many other concepts are also present in literature.
86 6. Components of PV Systems

However, these concepts are less widely utilised than

the ones already presented. One of the alternative con-
cepts is so called team concept, which combines the
string technology with the master-slave concept. A
combination of several string inverters working with
the team concept is shown in Figure 6.13. At very low
irradiation the complete PV array is connected to a
single inverter. This reduces the overall losses as any
power electronic converter is designed such that it has
maximum efficiency near full load. With increasing
solar radiation more inverters are being connected di-
viding the PV array into smaller units until every string
inverter operates close to its rated power. In this mode
every string operates independently with its own MPP
tracker. At low solar radiation the inverters are con-
Team trolled in a master-slave fashion.
In literature many other concepts are discussed. For
further reading on this subject, we refer for example to
Ref. [19].

Figure 6.13: The team concept of inverters. 6.3.2 DC-DC converters

DC-DC converters fulfil multiple purposes. In an in-

verter, DC power is transformed into AC power. The
DC input voltage of the inverter often is constant while
the output voltage of the modules at MPP is not. There-
fore a DC-DC converter is used to transform the vari-
able voltage from the panels into stable voltage used
6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 87

by the DC-AC inverter. Additionally, as already stated

in section 6.2, the MPP Tracker controls the operating (a)
point of the modules, but it cannot set it. This also is +
done by the DC-DC converter. Further, in a stand-alone Switch
system the MPP voltage of the modules might differ control
from that required by the batteries and the load. Also signal
here, a DC-DC converter is useful. Three topologies are
Vd +
used for DC-DC converters: buck, boost, and buck-boost
converters. They are described below.
RL Load Vo

− −
Step-Down (Buck) Converter
vo Ts
Figure 6.14 (a) illustrates the simplest version of a
t on t off
buck DC-DC converter. The unfiltered output voltage
waveform of such a converter operated with pulse-
width-modulation (PWM) is shown in Fig. 6.14 (b). If
the switch is on, the input voltage Vd is applied to the
load. When the switch is off, the voltage across the load Vd
is zero. From the figure we see that the average DC Vo
output voltage is denoted as Vo . From the unfiltered
voltage, the average output voltage is given as 0
1 Ts 1 ton
Vo = vo (t) dt =(ton Vd + toff · 0) = V. Figure 6.14: (a) A basic buck converter without any filters
Ts 0 Ts Ts d and (b) the unfiltered switched waveform generated by this
The different variables are defined in Fig. 6.14 (b). To
simplify the discussion we define a new term, the duty
88 6. Components of PV Systems

cycle D, as
D := (6.10) (a) id
and hence
Vo = D · Vd . (6.11)
iL io
In general the output voltage with such a high har- Vd +
monic content is undesirable, and some filtering is re- + vL −
quired. Figure 6.15 (a) shows a more complex model of Vo
a step-down converter that has output filters included C Load
and supplies a purely resistive load. As filter elements − −
an inductor L and a capacitor C are used. The relation
between the input and the output voltages, as given in (b)
Equ. 6.11, is valid in continuous conduction mode, i.e.
when the current through the inductor never reaches +
zero value but flows continuously. We can change the
ratio between the voltages on the input and output side iL
by changing the duty cycle D. A detailed discussion L
about different modes of operation of a buck converter + vL − Vo
can be found in Reference [20]. C Load
In steady-state operation the time integral of the voltage
across the inductor v L taken during one switching cycle
is equal to zero. If this is not the case, the circuit is not − −
in steady state. Thus, in steady state, we obtain the fol-
lowing inductor volt-second balance: Figure 6.15: (a) A buck converter with filters and (b) a boost
Z Ts Z ton Z Ts
v L dt = v L dt + v L dt = 0. (6.12)
0 0 ton
6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 89

Solving this equation leads to id

Vo = DVd , (6.13) +

which is the same result as in Eq. 6.11.

Vd −
Step-Up (Boost) Converter
In a boost converter, illustrated in Fig. 6.15 (b), an input vL Vo
DC voltage Vd is boosted to a higher DC voltage Vo . By C Load
− − L
applying the inductor volt-second balance across the +
inductor as explained in Eq. 6.12, we find io
Vd ton + (Vd − V0 )toff = 0. (6.14)
Figure 6.16: A buck-boost converter.
Using the definition for the duty cycle we find
V0 1
= . (6.15) schematic of a buck-boost converter is depicted in Fig.
Vd 1−D
6.16. Using inductor volt second balance as in Eq. 6.12,
The above relation is valid in the continuous conduc- we find
tion mode. The principle of operation is that energy
Vd ton + (−Vo )toff = 0 (6.16)
stored in the inductor (during the switch is on) is later
released against higher voltage Vo . In this way the and hence
energy is transferred from lower voltage (solar cell Vo D
voltage) to the higher voltage (load voltage). = (6.17)
Vd 1−D

in the continuous conduction mode.

Buck-Boost Converter
The above described topologies are only the most basic
In a buck-boost converter the output voltage can be both DC-DC converter topologies. The interested reader can
higher or lower than the input voltage. The simplified find more in-depth information in Reference [20].
90 6. Components of PV Systems

rent on the load side and can very those by adapting

MPP Tracker the duty cycle of the DC-DC converter. In this illustra-
tion, current and voltage on the load side are measured,
but they also can be measured on the PV side.
I1 I2


V1 V2 R
Assume a PV module has its MPP at VPV = 17 V and
Figure 6.17: A combination of a unit performing an MPPT IPV = 6 A at a given level of solar irradiance. The module
algorithm and a DC-DC converter (adapted from [21]). has to power a load with a resistance R L = 10 Ω. Calcu-
late the duty cycle of the DC-DC converter, if a buck-boost
converter is used.

MPP Tracking The maximum power from the module is PMPP = VMPP ·
IMPP = 102 W. If this power should be dissipated at the res-
istor, we have to use the relation
In section 6.2 we extensively discussed Maximum
PR = UR2 /R
Power Point Tracking. Or – more specific we discussed
different algorithms that are used for performing MPPT. and hence find for the voltage at the resistor
In these algorithms, usually the operating point of the p
module is set such that its power output becomes max- VR = PMPP R L = 31.94 V
imal. However, the MPPT algorithm itself cannot actu-
Using Eq. (6.17),
ally adjust the voltage or current of the operating point. Vo D
For this purpose a DC-DC converter is needed. Figure =
Vd 1−D
6.17 shows such a combination of the unit performing
with Vo = VR and Vd = VPV we find D = 0.65.
the MPPT and DC-DC converter. As illustrated in the
figure, this MPPT unit measures the voltage or the cur-
6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 91

6.3.3 DC-AC converters (inverters) id

Earlier in this section we have discussed different archi-
S1 S2
tectures that are used for the power conversion in PV
systems. Further, we looked at DC-DC converters that + −
are mainly used in combination with MPPTs in order Vd Load
to push the variable output from the PV modules to a
level of constant voltage. − +
S3 S4
As nowadays most appliances are designed for the
standard AC grids, for most PV systems a DC-AC con- −
verter is required. As already stated earlier, the term
inverter is used both for the DC-AC converter and the
combination of all the components that form the actual Figure 6.18: A simple representation of an H-bridge.
power converter.

to the left- and − is connected to the right-hand

The H-bridge inverter side of the load.
C S1 and S4 open, S2 and S3 closed: Now a current is
Figure 6.18 shows a very simple example of a so called flowing to through the load, where − is connected
H-bridge or full-bridge inverter. On the left, the DC in- to the left- and + is connected to the right-hand
put is situated. The load (or in our case the AC output) side of the load.
is situated in between four switches. During usual op-
eration we can distinguish between three situations: WARNING It must be assured that S1 and S2 never are
open at the same time because this would lead to
A All four switches open: No current flows across the short-circuiting. The same is true for S3 and S4 .
From this list we see that the H-bridge configuration
B S1 and S4 closed, S2 and S3 open: Now a current is allows to put the load on three different levels, which
flowing to through the load, where + is connected are +Vd , 0, and −Vd . Continuously switching between
92 6. Components of PV Systems

positive and negative voltages is exactly what is hap- +

pening in AC. In the easiest operation mode, the H-
bridge switches between situations B and C continu- S1 S2
ously, which will provide a square wave. Note that
there will always be a dead time in the order of µs in
order to prevent short-circuiting. While such a square VDC VPWM VAC
wave might be useful for some applications, it is not
suited at all for grid-connected installations. The reason
S3 S4
for this are harmonic distortions. To understand this we
look at a Fourier transform of a square wave, which is
given as −

4 1
Vsquare (t) = sin(2πνt) + sin(6πνt) Figure 6.19: Illustration of an H-bridge containing a low-
π 3 pass filter for removing the high-frequency components of the
1 signal.
+ sin(10πνt) + · · · .
Thus, such a square wave contains not only the prin-
cipal sine function with frequency ν, but also all the curve can be obtained that complies to the regulations
higher harmonics with frequencies 3ν, 5ν, and so on. for grid-connected systems. Figure 6.20 shows the un-
These higher harmonics can lead to distortions of the filtered PWM output and the filtered sine output.
electricity grid and thus must be reduced as much as
Note that in Fig. 6.19 diodes are connected in parallel to
possible. One principle how to do this is pulse-width
the switches. The reason for placing these diodes is the
modulation (PWM) that we already discussed in the sec-
following: If the switch goes from closed to open very
tion on DC-DC conversion (6.3.2). In this configuration,
fast, no current can flow through the inductor anymore,
each leg (the one via S1 and S4 and the one via S2 and
meaning that the change of current flowing through the
S3 ) in fact acts as a buck converter.
inductor is very high. This induces a voltage given by
If a low-pass filter consisting of capacitors and induct-
ors is used, as in Fig. 6.19, the high frequency com- dI
ponents are filtered out and hence a very smooth sine Vinduced = − L , (6.19)
6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 93

+VDC PMW output of bridge

Mean voltage output

Figure 6.20: The unfiltered PWM signal and the sine signal
that is obtained with a low-pass filter. Figure 6.21: Illustrating an inverter that contains a trans-
former and MOSFETS as switches [21].

which is the higher the faster the current changes. As

high induced voltages will damage the electric circuitry, the transformer reduces the overall efficiency.
they must be prevented. The diode ensures that current
Figure 6.22 shows a three-phase inverter. As it can be
also can flow after the switch opens. Hence current is
seen, it is very similar to the single-phase inverter dis-
flowing always and no high induced voltages appear.
cussed above, just it contains three legs of that each
Since this configuration is grid-connected, we easily can creates a sine-wave output with a phase shift of 120°
determine the required DC input voltage, which must between them.
be minimal the peak voltage of the AC voltage. For an
effective AC voltage of 240 V, as used in large
√ parts of
the world, the peak voltage is Vpeak = 1.1 2 · 240 V = Half-bridge inverters
373 V, where we also took a 10% tolerance into account.
If the PV array delivers a lower voltage, thus a boost A simpler inverter topology, the so-called half-bridge
converter would be required prior in addition to the inverter, is shown in Fig. 6.23. In contrast to the H-
inverter. Alternatively, a transformer can be used that bridge configuration, here, two switches are replaced
transforms a lower-voltage AC signal to the 240 V AC by capacitors and the midpoint in-between the two ca-
signal. Such a system is sketched in Fig. [? ]. This sys- pacitors is directly connected to the ground. The half-
tem has the advantage of galvanic separation with all bridge configuration is much simpler than the H-bridge
the advantages discussed below, but on the other hand configuration, but it has some drawbacks.
94 6. Components of PV Systems

+ +

L3 Load


− −
Figure 6.22: Illustrating a three-phase inverter. Figure 6.23: Illustrating a half-bridge inverter.

6.3.4 Some remarks


All the DC-DC transformers and DC-AC transformers

discussed above contain switches. Traditionally, in line-
The main drawback is requirement for a high DC link commutated inverters, thyristors are used as switches. A
voltage, which needs to be two times higher than that thyristor is a electronic component consistent of pnpn
of a full bridge inverter. For a effective AC voltage layers. It thus contains 3 p-n junctions. One disadvant-
of 240 V this would be 746 V. Because the topology age is that thyristors cannot be turned off, but only
provides two-levels in the output voltage (in difference turned on. Thus, one has to wait for the next zero pass
to three levels for the full bridge configuration, a higher of the grid signal [21]. The current flow thus is rect-
current ripple is present in the output filter inductor. angular which leads to a very high harmonic content
Hence, larger value of the output filters are required. requiring additional filters in order to make the output
6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 95

compatible with the electricity grid. Nowadays, thyris- Potential induced degradation (PID)
tors only are used for inverters with a power of 100 kW
and higher. As mentioned earlier, in PV systems that have a
transformer-less inverter, no galvanic separation
All other inverters are self-commutated inverters that between the DC- and the AC-parts of the system is
generate an output with very little harmonic content given. Because of this lack of galvanic isolation, a po-
as described above and in Fig. 6.20. The switches there tential of -500 V or more between the PV modules and
are fully-controllable such that pulse-width modula- the ground can occur, which can lead to potential in-
tion becomes possible. As switches, GTOs (gate turn-off duced degradation (PID). Many thin-film contain a TCO
thyristors), IGBTs (insulated-gate bipolar transistors) or front contact that is deposited in superstrate configura-
MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect tran- tion on the glass top plate. Positively charged sodium
sistors) are used. More information can be found for ions than can travel into the TCO because of this po-
example in Reference [2]. tential. This leads to corrosion and consequently to per-
formance loss of the module. Also, for crystalline mod-
ules, PID can be a problem [21]. Therefore, for systems
containing thin-film modules the inverter must have a
Overall configuration transformer.

Figure 6.24 shows an example of a transformer-less ab-

sorber as it could be sold for household systems. Be- Islanding
sides the actual DC-AC converter, which is realised as
an H-bridge, it also contains a DC-DC boost converter A potential danger of grid-connected systems is island-
and an MPPT that uses the voltage and current meas- ing. Imagine that a potential PV system is installed in
ured on the PV side as input. The system sketched also a street where the electricity grid is shut-down in order
contains several electronic components for increased to do maintenance work on the electricity cables. If it
safety: a residual current measurement to detect leakage is a sunny day, the PV system will produce power and
currents above a certain threshold and to shut-down – without protection – would deliver the power to the
the inverter if these currents appear. Further, a grid- grid. The electricity worker thus can be in danger. This
monitoring unit to prevent islanding (see below) [21]. phenomenon is called islanding and due to its danger it
96 6. Components of PV Systems

Figure 6.24: Illustrating an example of a transformer-less inverter unit as it is sold for residential PV systems [21]. As switches,
MOSFETs are used.
6.3. Photovoltaic Converters 97

must be prevented.
The inverter therefore must be able to detect, when the
electricity grid is shut-down. If this is the case, also the
inverter must stop delivering power to the grid.

Efficiency of power converters

For planning a PV system it is very important to know Figure 6.25: The power-dependent efficiency of several com-
the efficiency of the power converters. This efficiency of mercially available inverters. [21].
DC-DC and DC-AC converters is defined as
η= , (6.20) For a complete inverter unit it is convenient to define
Po + Pd the efficiency as
i.e. the fraction of the output power Po to the sum of P
ηinv = AC , (6.23)
Po with the dissipated power Pd . For estimating the PDC
efficiency we thus must estimate the dissipated (lost) which is the ratio of the output AC power to the DC
power, which can be seen as a sum of several compon- input power. Figure 6.25 shows the efficiency of several
ents, commercially available inverters [21]. As we can see,
Pd = PL + Pswitch + other losses, (6.21) in general the lower the output power, the less efficient
i.e. the power lost in the inductor PL and the power lost the inverter. This efficiency characteristic must be taken
in the switch. PL is given as into account when planning a PV system.
PL = IL, rms R L , (6.22)
where IL, rms is the mean current flowing through the
inductor. The losses in the switch strongly depend on
the type of switch that is used. Other losses are for ex-
ample resistive losses in the circuitry in-between the
98 6. Components of PV Systems

6.4 Batteries 104 ultracap. Li-ion cap.

Power density (W/kg)

NiCd NiMH Li-ion
In this section we discuss a vital component not only of 103
elektrolyte bat.
PV systems but of renewable energy systems in general. gasoline
Energy storage is very important at both small and large
scales in order to tackle the intermittency of renewable 102 double
layer cap. CH4
energy sources. In the case of PV systems, the inter- Lead
mittency of the electricity generation is of two kinds: acid
first, diurnal fluctuations, i.e. the difference of irradiance 10
10-1 100 10 102 103
during the 24 hour period. Secondly, the seasonal fluc- Energy density (Wh/kg)
tuations, i.e. the difference of irradiance between the
summer and winter months. There are several technolo- Figure 6.26: A Ragone chart of different energy storage meth-
gical options for realising storage of energy. Therefore it ods. Capacitors are indicated with “cap”.
is important to make an optimal choice.

Fig. 6.26 shows a Ragone chart, where the specific energy

is plotted against the peak power density. Because it uses The ease of implementation and efficiency of the bat-
a double-logarithmic chart storage technologies with teries is still superior to that of other technologies, like
very different storage properties can be compared in pumping water to higher levels, compressed air energy
one plot. Solar energy application require a high energy storage, conversion to hydrogen, flywheels, and others.
density and – depending on the application – also a Therefore we will focus on battery technology as a vi-
reasonably high power density. For example, we cannot able storage option for PV systems.
use capacitors because of their very poor energy dens-
ity. For short term to medium term storage, the most Batteries are electrochemical devices that convert chem-
common storage technology of course is the battery. ical energy into electrical energy. We can distinguish
Batteries have both the right energy density and power between primary or secondary batteries. Primary batter-
density to meet the daily storage demand in small and ies convert chemical energy to electrical energy irrevers-
medium-size PV systems. However, the seasonal stor- ibly. For example, zinc carbon and alkaline batteries are
age problem at large scales is yet to be solved. primary batteries.
6.4. Batteries 99

Secondary batteries or rechargeable batteries, as they are +−

more commonly called, convert chemical energy to elec-
trical energy reversibly. This means that they can be re-
charged when an over-potential is used. In other words,
Positive Negative
excess electrical energy is stored in these secondary bat-
electrolyte electrolyte
teries in the form of chemical energy. Typical examples tank tank
for rechargeable batteries are lead acid or lithium ion bat-
teries. For PV systems only secondary batteries are of VO+2 « VO2+ V 2+ « V 3+
6.4.1 Types of batteries Pump Pump

Figure 6.27: Schematic on a vanadium redox-flow battery that

Lead-acid batteries are the oldest and most mature tech- employs vanadium ions.
nology available. They will be discussed in detail later
in this section.
Other examples are nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) and ages make NiMH and NiCD batteries unsuitable can-
nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries. NiMH batteries have didates for PV storage systems.
a high energy density, which is comparable to that Lithium ion batteries (LIB) and lithium-ion polymer bat-
of lithium-ion batteries (discussed below). However, teries, which are often referred to as lithium polymer
NiMH batteries suffer from a high rate of self dis- (LiPo) batteries, have been heavily investigated in re-
charge. On the other hand, NiCd batteries have much cent years. Their high energy density already has made
lower energy density than lithium ion batteries. Fur- them the favourite technology for light-weight storage
thermore, because of the toxicity of cadmium, NiCd applications for example in mobile telephones. How-
batteries are widely banned in the European Union for ever, these technologies still suffer from high costs and
consumer use. Additionally, NiCd batteries suffer from low maturity.
what is called the memory effect: the batteries loose their
usable energy capacity if they are repeatedly charged The last and the most recent category of batteries that
after only being partially discharged. These disadvant- we will discuss in this treatise are redox-flow batteries.
100 6. Components of PV Systems

Lead-acid batteries and LIB, the two main storage op- 1000

Volumetric energy density (Wh/l)

tions for PV systems, are similar in the sense that their Thin-film Li

electrodes undergo chemical conversion during char-
ging and discharging, which makes their electrodes to
degenerate with time, leading to inevitable “ageing” of 600
the battery. In contrast, redox flow batteries combine
400 Li-ion
properties of both batteries and fuel cells, as illustrated NiMH Li-polymer
in Fig. 6.27. Two liquids, a positive electrolyte and a neg- 200
ative electrolyte are brought together only separated by lighter
a membrane, which only is permeable for protons. The
cell thus can be charged and discharged without the re- 0 100 200 300 400
actants being mixed, which in principle prevents the li- Gravimetric energy density (Wh/kg)
quids from ageing. The chemical energy in a redox flow
battery is stored in its 2 electrolytes, which are stored Figure 6.28: A Ragone chart for comparing different second-
ary battery technologies with each other.
in two separate tanks. Since it is easy to make the tanks
larger, the maximal energy that can be stored in such
a battery thus is not restricted. Further, the maximal
output power can easily be increased by increasing the ured in Wh/kg. The volumetric energy density is the
area of the membrane, for example by using more cells amount of energy stored per volume of battery; it is
at the same time. The major disadvantages is that such given in Wh/l. The higher the gravimetric energy dens-
a battery system requires additional components such ity, the lighter the battery can be. The higher the volu-
as pumps, which makes them more complicated than metric energy density, the smaller the battery can be.
other types of batteries.
Figure 6.28 shows that lead acid batteries have both
Figure 6.28 shows a Ragone plot as it is used to com- the lowest volumetric and gravimetric energy densit-
pare different battery technologies. In contrast to Fig. ies among the different battery technologies. Lithium
6.26, here the the gravimetric energy density and volu- ion batteries show ideal material properties for using
metric energy density are plotted against each other. them as storage devices. Redox-flow batteries are very
The gravimetric energy density is the amount of energy promising. However, both LIB and redox-flow batter-
stored per mass of the battery; it typically is meas- ies are still in a development phase which makes these
6.4. Batteries 101

technologies still very expensive. Thus, because of to a source with a voltage higher than that of the battery
the unequalled maturity and hence low cost of the lead- enables the reverse reaction. In the PV systems, this
acid batteries, they are still the storage technology of source is nothing but the PV module or array provid-
choice for PV systems. ing clean solar power.

Figure 6.29 shows a sketch of a lead-acid battery. A typ-

ical battery is composed of several individual cells, of 6.4.2 Battery parameters
which each has a nominal cell voltage around 2 V. Dif-
ferent methods of assembly are used. In the block as- Let us now discuss some parameters that are used to
sembly, the individual cells share the housing and are characterise batteries.
interconnected internally. For example, to get the typ-
ical battery voltage of 12 V, six cells are connected in
series. As the name suggests, lead acid batteries use Voltage
an acidic electrolyte. More specifically they use diluted
sulphuric acid H2 SO4 . Two plates of opposite polar- First, we will discuss the voltage rating of the battery.
ity are inserted in the electrolyte solution, which act as The voltage at that the battery is rated is the nominal
the electrodes. The electrodes contain grid shaped lead voltage at which the battery is supposed to operate. The
carrier and porous active material. This porous active so called solar batteries or lead acid grid plate batteries
material has a sponge-like structure, which provides are usually rated at 12 V, 24 V or 48 V.
sufficient surface area for the electrochemical reaction.
The active mass in the negative electrode is lead, while
in the positive electrode lead dioxide (PbO2 ) is used. Capacity

When the battery is discharged, electrons flow from the When talking about batteries, the term capacity refers
negative to the positive electrode through the external to the amount of charge that the battery can deliver
circuit, causing a chemical reaction between the plates at the rated voltage. The capacity is directly propor-
and the electrolyte. This forward reaction also depletes tional to the amount of electrode material in the bat-
the electrolyte, affecting its state of charge (SoC). When tery. This explains why a small cell has a lower capacity
the battery is recharged, the flow of electrons is re- than a large cell that is based on the same chemistry,
versed, as the external circuit does not have a load, but even though the open circuit voltage across the cell will
102 6. Components of PV Systems

Through partition Tapered terminal post + external −

conectors circuit

Post straps
Vent plugs
Plate lugs

Positive plate

Container Envelope

Negative plate

Sediment space Element rests

H2SO 4
Positive plate Negative plate

Figure 6.29: Schematic of a lead-acid battery.

6.4. Batteries 103

be the same for both the cells. Thus, the voltage of the Ah battery corresponds to a discharge current of 10 A
cell is more chemistry based, while the capacity is more over 1 hour. A C-rate of 2 for the same battery would
based on the quantity of the active materials used. correspond to a discharge current of 20 A over half an
hour. Similarly, a C-rate of 0.5 implies a discharge cur-
The capacity Cbat is measured in ampere-hours (Ah).
rent of 5 A over 2 hours. In general, it can be said that
Note that charge usually is measured in coulomb (C).
a C-rate of n corresponds to the battery getting fully
As the electric current is defined as the rate of flow of
discharged in 1/n hours, irrespective of the battery ca-
electric charge, Ah is another unit of charge. Since 1 C
= 1 As, 1 Ah = 3600 C. For batteries, Ah is the more
convenient unit, because in the field of electricity the
amount of energy usually is measured in watt-hours Battery efficiency
(Wh). The energy capacity of a battery is simply given
by multiplying the rated battery voltage measured in For designing PV systems it is very importent to know
Volt by the battery capacity measured in Amp-hours, the efficiency of the storage system. For storage systems,
Ebat = Cbat V, (6.24) usually the round-trip efficiency is used, which is given
as the ratio of total storage system input to the total
which results in the battery energy capacity in Watt- storage system output,
ηbat = 100%. (6.25)
C-rate For example, if 10 kWh is pumped into the storage sys-
tem during charging, but only 8 kWh can be retrieved
A brand new battery with 10 Ah capacity theoretically during discharging, the round trip efficiency of the stor-
can deliver 1 A current for 10 hours at room temperat- age system is 80%. The round-trip efficiency of batteries
ure. Of course, in practice this is seldom the case due to can be broken down into two efficiencies: first, the vol-
several factors. Therefore, the C-rate is used, which is a taic efficiency, which is the ratio of the average dischar-
measure of the rate of discharge of the battery relative ging voltage to the average charging voltage,
to its capacity. It is defined as the multiple of the cur-
rent over the discharge current that the battery can sus- Vdischarge
ηV = 100%. (6.26)
tain over one hour. For example, a C-rate of 1 for a 10 Vcharge
104 6. Components of PV Systems

This efficiency covers the fact that the charging voltage Thus, a 10 Ah rated battery that has been drained by
is always a little above the rated voltage in order to 2 Ah is said to have a SoC of 80%. Also the Depth of
drive the reverse chemical (charging) reaction in the Discharge (DoD) is an important parameter. It is defined
battery. as the percentage of the battery capacity that has been
Secondly, we have the coulombic efficiency (or Faraday
C V − Ebat
efficiency), which is defined as the ratio of the total DoD = bat . (6.30)
charge got out of the battery to the total charge put into Cbat V
the battery over a full charge cycle, For example, a 10 Ah battery that has been drained
Qdischarge by 2 Ah has a DoD of 20%. The SoC and the DoD are
ηC = 100%. (6.27) complimentary to each other.
The battery efficiency then is defined as the product of
these two efficiencies, Cycle lifetime
Vdischarge Qdischarge
ηbat = ηV · η C = 100%. (6.28)
Vcharge Qcharge The cycle lifetime is a very important parameter. It is
defined as the number of charging and discharging
When comparing different storage devices, usually
cycles after that the battery capacity drops below 80%
this round-trip efficiency is considered. It includes all
of the nominal value. Usually, the cycle lifetime is spe-
the effects of the different chemical and electrical non-
cified by the battery manufacturer as an absolute num-
idealities occurring in the battery.
ber. However, stating the battery lifetime as a single
number is a oversimplification because the different
State of charge and depth of discharge battery parameters discussed so far are not only related
to each other but are also dependent on the temperat-
At another important battery parameter is the State of ure.
Charge (SoC), which is defined as the percentage of the Figure 6.30 (a) shows the cycle lifetime as a function of
battery capacity available for discharge, the DoD for different temperatures. Clearly, colder op-
Ebat erating temperatures mean longer cycle lifetimes. Fur-
SoC = . (6.29) thermore, the cycle lifetime depends strongly on the
Cbat V
6.4. Batteries 105

(a) (b) use too. As seen from Fig. 6.30 (b), the lower the tem-
perature, the lower the battery capacity. This is because,
the chemicals in the battery are more active at higher
temperatures, and the increased chemical activity leads
to increased battery capacity. It is even possible to reach
an above rated battery capacity at high temperatures.
However, such high temperatures are severely detri-
mental to the battery health.

Figure 6.30: (a) Qualitative illustration of the cycle lifetime of

a lead-acid battery in dependence of the DoD and temperature
[22]. (b) Effect of the temperature on the battery capacity [22].

DoD. The smaller the DoD, the higher the cycle life-
time. Thus, that the battery will last longer if the av-
erage DoD can be reduced during the lifetime of the The major cause for ageing of the battery is sulphation.
battery. Also, battery overheating should be strictly con- If the battery is insufficiently recharged after being dis-
trolled. Overheating can because of overcharging and charged, sulphate crystals start to grow, which cannot
subsequent over-voltage of the lead acid battery. To pre- be completely transformed back into lead or lead oxide.
vent this, charge controllers are used that we address in Thus the battery slowly loses its active material mass
the next section. and hence its discharge capacity. Corrosion of the lead
grid at the electrode is another common ageing mech-
anism. Corrosion leads to increased grid resistance due
Temperature effects to high positive potentials. Further, the electrolyte can
dry out. At high charging voltages, gassing can occur,
While the battery lifetime is increased at lower tem- which results in the loss of water. Thus, demineralised
peratures, one more effect must to be considered. The water should be used to refill the battery from time to
temperature affects the battery capacity during regular time.
106 6. Components of PV Systems

6.4.3 Charge controllers

DC Load
After having discussed different types of batteries and
different battery characteristics, it is now time to dis-
cuss charge controllers. Charge controllers are used in
PV systems that use batteries, which are stand-alone
systems in most cases. As we have seen before, it is
very important to charge and discharge batteries at
the right voltage and current levels in order to ensure
a long battery lifetime. A battery is an electrochem-
ical device that requires a small over-potential to be Charge
PV Modules controller Batteries
charged. However, batteries have strict voltage limits,
which are necessary for their optimal functioning. Fur-
ther, the amount of current sent to the battery by the Figure 6.31: Illustrating the position of the charge controller in
PV array and the current flowing through the battery a generic PV system with batteries.
while being discharged have to be within well-defined
limits for proper functioning of the battery. We have
seen before that lead acid batteries suffer from over- functionalities, which also depend on the manufacturer.
charge and over-discharge. On the other hand, the PV We will discuss the most important functionalities. A
array responds dynamically to ambient conditions like schematic of its location in a PV system is shown in
irradiance, temperature and other factors like shading. Fig. 6.31.
Thus, directly coupling the battery to the PV array and
the loads is detrimental to the battery lifetime. When the sun is shining at peak hours during summer,
the generated PV power excesses the load. The excess
Therefore a device is needed that controls the currents energy is sent to the battery. When the battery is fully
flowing between the battery, the PV array and the load charged, and the PV array is still connected to the bat-
and that ensures that the electrical parameters present tery, the battery might overcharge, which can cause sev-
at the battery are kept within the specifications given eral problems like gas formation, capacity loss or over-
by the battery manufacturer. These tasks are done by heating. Here, the charge controller plays a vital role
a charge controller, that nowadays has several different by de-coupling the PV array from the battery. Similarly,
6.4. Batteries 107

during severe winter days at low irradiance, the load If no blocking diodes are used, it is even possible that
exceeds the power generated by the PV array, such that the battery can “load” the PV array, when the PV ar-
the battery is heavily discharged. Over-discharging the ray is operating at a very low voltage. This means that
battery has a detrimental effect on the cycle lifetime, as the battery will impose a forward bias on the PV mod-
discussed above. The charge controller prevents the bat- ules and make them consume the battery power, which
tery from being over-discharged by disconnecting the leads to heating up the solar cells. Traditionally, block-
battery from the load. ing diodes are used at the PV panel or string level to
prevent this back discharge of the battery through the PV
For optimal performance, the battery voltage has to be array. However, this function is also easily integrated in
within specified limits. The charge controller can help the charge controller.
in maintaining an allowed voltage range in order to
ensure a healthy operation. Further, the PV array will We distinguish between series and shunt controllers, as
have its Vmpp at different levels, based on the temper- illustrated in 6.32. In a series controller, overcharging is
ature and irradiance conditions. Hence, the charge con- prevented by disconnecting the PV array until a partic-
troller needs to perform appropriate voltage regulation ular voltage drop is detected, at which point the array
to ensure the battery operates in the specified voltage is connected to the battery again. On the other hand, in
range, while the PV array is operating at the MPP. a parallel or shunt controller, overcharging is prevented
Modern charge controllers often have an MPP tracker by short-circuiting the PV array. This means that the PV
integrated. modules work under short circuit mode, and that no
current flows into the battery. These topologies also en-
As we have seen above, certain C-rates are used as bat- sure over-discharge protection using power switches for
tery specifications. The higher the charge/discharge the load connection, which are appropriately controlled
rates, the lower the coulombic efficiency of the battery. by the algorithms implemented into the charge con-
The optimal charge rates, as specified by the manufac- troller algorithm. As charge controllers are a necessary
turer, can be reached by manipulating the current flow- component of of stand-alone PV systems, they should
ing into the battery. A charge controller that contains have a very high efficiency.
a proper current regulation is also able to control the
C-rates. Finally, the charge controller can impose the As we have seen above, temperature plays a crucial
limits on the maximal currents flowing into and from role in the functioning of the battery. Not only does
the battery. temperature affect the lifespan of the battery, but it also
108 6. Components of PV Systems

(a) IPV ILoad (b) IPV ILoad

Ibat Ibat

Charge Charge
controller Vbat Load controller Vbat Load
PV core PV core
Array Array

Figure 6.32: Basic wiring scheme of (a) a series and (b) a shunt charge controller.
6.5. Cables 109

changes its electrical parameters significantly. Thus, • black is used for interconnecting the −-contacts.
modern charge controllers have a temperature sensor
For AC wiring, different colour conventions are used
included, which allows the charge controller to adjust
around the world.
the electrical parameters of the battery, like the operat-
ing voltage, to the temperature. The charge controller • For example, in the European Union,
thus keeps the operating range of the battery within blue is used for neutral,
the optimal range of voltages. The charge controller is green-yellow is used for the protective earth and
usually kept in close proximity to the battery, such that brown (or another color) is used for the phase.
the operating temperature of the battery is close to that
• In the United States and Canada,
of the charge controller. However, when the battery is
silver is used for neutral,
heavily loaded, the battery might heat up, leading to
green-yellow, green or a bare conductor is used
differences between the temperature expected by the
for the protective earth
charge controller and the actual temperature of the bat-
and black (or another color) is used for the phase.
tery. Therefore, high end charge controllers also take
temperature effects due to high currents into account. • In India and Pakistan,
black is used for neutral,
green is used for the protective earth and
6.5 Cables blue, red, or yellow is used for the phase.
Therefore it is very important to check the standards
The overall performance of PV systems also is strongly of the country in that the PV system is going to be in-
dependent on the correct choice of the cables. We there- stalled.
fore will discuss how to choose suitable cables. But we The cables have to be chosen such that resistive losses are
start our discussion with color conventions. minimal. For estimating these losses, we look at a very
PV systems usually contain DC and AC parts. For cor- simple system that is illustrated in Fig. ?? The system
rectly installing a PV system, it is important to know consists of a power source and a load with resistance
the color conventions. For DC cables, R L . Also the cables have a resistance Rcable , which also
is sketched. The power loss at the cables is given as
• red is used for connecting the +-contacts of the
different system components with each other while Pcable = I · ∆Vcable , (6.31)
110 6. Components of PV Systems

doubled, also Rcable doubles. In contrast, if A doubles,

RL Rcable Rcable decreases to half. The resistance thus is given by

` 1 `
Rcable = ρ = , (6.35)
A σA

where ρ is the specific resistance or resistivity and σ is the

specific conductance or conductivity. If both, ` and A are
Figure 6.33: Illustrating a circuit with a load R L and cable given in metres, their units are [ρ] = Ω · m and [σ ] =
resistance Rcable . The connections drawn in between the com- S/m, where S denotes the unit for conductivity, which
ponents are lossless. is Siemens.

where ∆Vcable is the voltage drop across the cable, For electrical cables it is convenient to have ` in metres
which is given as and A in mm2 . When using this convention, we find
Rcable the following units for ρ and σ:
∆Vcable = V . (6.32)
R L + Rcable
Using m2 106 mm2 mm2
V = I ( R L + Rcable ) (6.33) 1Ω·m = 1Ω = 1Ω = 106 Ω ,
m m m
we find S m m m
Pcable = I 2 Rcable . (6.34) 1 = 1S 2 = 1Ω 6 2
= 10−6 Ω .
m m 10 mm mm2
Hence, as the current doubles, four times as much heat
will be dissipated at the cables. It now is obvious why
modern modules have connected all cells in series.
Let us now calculate the resistance of a cable with The most widely used metals used for electrical cables
length ` and cross section A. It is clear, that if ` is are copper and aluminium. Their resistances and con-
6.5. Cables 111

ductivities are

ρCu = 1.68 · 10−8 Ω · m = 1.68 · 10−2 Ω ,
S m
σCu = 5.96 · 107 = 59.6 S ,
m mm2
ρAl = 2.82 · 10−8 Ω · m = 2.82 · 10−2 Ω ,
S m
σAl = 3.55 · 107 = 35.5 S .
m mm2

Usual thicknesses for cables are 0.75 mm2 , 1.5 mm2 ,

2.5 mm2 , 4 mm2 , 6 mm2 , 10 mm2 , 16 mm2 , 25 mm2 ,
35 mm2 , et cetera. Since DC circuits are driven at lower
voltages than AC currents, the currents are higher, re-
quiring thicker cables.
112 6. Components of PV Systems
PV System Design
7.1 Effects of meteorological ef- a given set of ambient parameters, it is essential to de-
velop an accurate thermal model of the solar module,
fects on the module efficiency which evaluates the effects of the major meteorological
parameters on the final temperature of a solar module.

Standard Test Conditions (STC) of Photovoltaic (PV) In this section, an accurate thermal model for estimat-
modules are generally not representative of the real ing the PV module working temperature as a function
working conditions of a solar module. High level of of meteorological parameters will be developed. The
incident irradiation, for example, may cause the tem- model is based on a detailed energy balance between
perature of a module to rise many degrees above the the module itself and the surrounding environment.
STC temperature of 25°C therefore lowering the module Both the installed configuration of the array together
performances. In a climate such as the one of the Neth- with external parameters such as direct incident solar
erlands, real operating conditions for PV systems gen- irradiance on the panels, wind speed and cloud cover
erally correspond to relatively low levels of irradiance will be taken into account. From the calculated equilib-
combined with a cold and windy weather. In order to rium temperature, the overall efficiency of the PV array
effectively estimate real time energy production from will be calculated by separately assessing the temperat-

114 7. PV System Design

ure and irradiance effect on the efficiency at STC.

7.1.1 Simplified thermal model for a

photovoltaic array

The temperature strongly influences the performances

of a PV module [23]. While the level of incident irra-
diation can be easily determined by measuring it with
a pyranometer, the temperature reached inside the cell
is much harder evaluate. In order to give an estimate
of the average operating temperature of the module,
solar manufacturers provide, together with rated per-
formances at STC, also the so called Nominal Operating
Cell Temperature (NOCT). This value corresponds to the
performances of a cell under an irradiance level of 800
W/m2 , ambient temperature of 20°C and an external
wind speed of 1 m/s [23].
Simplified steady state models use a linear relation-
ship between the solar irradiance G M and the differ-
ence between the module temperature and the ambient
temperature ( TM − Ta ), where the NOCT is used as a
reference point, [24] Figure 7.1: Rise in temperature above the ambient level with
TNOCT − 20◦ respect of increasing solar irradiance [24].
TM = Ta + GM . (7.1)
Equation (7.1) is however too simplistic and thus leads
to significant errors in the modules temperature eval-
uations. The reason is that it does not take environ-
7.1. Effects of meteorological effects on the module efficiency 115

Table 7.1: Derivation of the INOCT from the NOCT for vari- complex and has been approached by developing a de-
ous mounting configurations [25]. tailed thermal energy balance between the module and
the surroundings. Here, the module is assumed to be a
Rack Mount INOCT = NOCT − 3◦ C single uniform mass at temperature TM . The three types
Direct Mount INOCT = NOCT + 18◦ C of heat transfer between the module itself with the sur-
Standoff INOCT = NOCT + X roundings are conduction, convection and radiation. The
where X is given by contributions considered in the model are:

W (inch) X (°C) • Heat received from the Sun in the form of insola-
1 11 tion ϕG M , where ϕ is the absorptivity of the mod-
3 2 ule.
6 − 1 • Convective heat exchange with surrounding air
from the front and rear side of the module
mental conditions such as wind speed and mounting hc ( TM − Ta ),
configuration of the array into account [24].
where hc denotes the overall convective heat trans-
In order to take into mounting configuration of the
fer coefficient of the module.
module into account, the Installed Nominal Operating
Conditions Temperature (INOCT) has been defined [25]. • Radiative heat exchange between the upper mod-
This value is described as the cell temperature of an in- ule surface and the sky
stalled array at NOCT conditions. Its value can there-  
fore be obtained from the NOCT and the mounting 4
etop σ TM 4
− Tsky ,
configuration. The evaluation of how the INOCT var-
ies with the module mounting configuration has been where etop = 0.84 is the emissivity of the module
experimentally determined by measuring the NOCT at front glass and σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
various mounting heights. The results can be found in as defined in Eq. (3.19). and between the rear sur-
literature and are here summarised in the Table 7.1. face and the ground
Evaluating the influence of external meteorological  
4 4
parameters on the the module temperature is more eback σ TM − Tgr. ,
116 7. PV System Design

qrad, sky Tsky Before providing a solution for this differential equa-
tion, it is appropriate to remark the fact that we are
qconvection considering the entire module as a uniform piece at a
temperature TM . However, this is not entirely realistic
qsun since modules are made of various layers of different
Ta qrad, ground
materials surrounding the actual solar cells. It is the
a+θ purpose of this section to evaluate the temperature of
the inner cell, which is the place where absorption of
TM solar radiation effectively place. This temperature will
a Tgr. θ be to some extent higher than the surface module tem-
perature TM due to the heat produced in the cell due
to light absorption. The approximation of considering
Figure 7.2: Representation of heat exchange between a tilted
the temperature uniform throughout the module layers
module surface and the surroundings.
however is justified because of the relatively low thick-
ness of the active cell together with the low heat capa-
where the emissivitiy of the back is assumed to be city of the cell material compared to the other layers
eback = 0.89. [26]. This results into a very low thermal resistance of
the cell to heat flow and therefore justifies the uniform
• Conductive heat transfer between the module and temperature approximation.
the mounting structure. We neglect this contribu-
tion due to the small area of the contact points [26]. In addition to this, a steady state approach will here be
considered, meaning that the module temperature will
By separately considering each of the above mentioned not change over time for each of the10 minutes time
contributions, we write down the balance for the heat steps. In reality, the temperature follows an exponential
transfer, [25] decay lagging behind variations in irradiation level. It
dTM   is defined as Time Constant of a module, which is ‘the
4 4
mc = ϕGM − hc ( TM − Ta ) − eback σ TM − Tgr. time it takes for the module to reach 63% of the total
dt   change in temperature resulting from a step change
4 4
− etop σ TM − Tsky . in irradiance’ [26]. Time constants for PV modules are
(7.2) generally of the order of approximately 7 minutes. For
7.1. Effects of meteorological effects on the module efficiency 117

time steps greater that the Time Constant, as it is in our However, since hr, gr. and hr, sky are also function of the
case, the module can be approximated as being in a module temperature, the equation needs to be solved
steady state condition. In light of this assumption, the iteratively: an initial module temperature is assigned
term on the left hand side of Eq. (7.2) vanishes. and by hr, gr. and hr, sky are updated each iterations. A
nearly exact solution can be obtained after 5 iterations.
It is now possible to proceed with the solution of the
thermal energy balance equation. The formula can be Before solving iteratively Eq. (7.6) there are still many
linearised by noticing that unknown variables that need to be determined, which
    we will do in the following sections.
a4 − b4 = a2 + b2 ( a + b)( a − b). (7.3)
7.1.2 Calculating the convective transfer
2 2
TM + Tsky ( TM + Tsky )
changes less than 5% for a 10°C variation in TM , we can
consider this term to be constant when T M varies [25].
Convection is a form of energy transfer from one place
Therefore the energy balance can be simplified becom-
to another caused by the movement of a fluid. Convect-
ing linear with respect to T M . By defining
  ive heat transfer can be either free or forced depending
hr, sky = etop σ TM 2 2
+ Tsky ( TM + Tsky ), (7.4a) on the cause of the fluid motion.

2 2
 In free convection, heat transfer is caused by temper-
hr, gr. = eback σ TM + Tgr. ( TM + Tgr. ), (7.4b)
ature differences which affect the density of the fluid
we can rewrite Eq. (7.2) and find itself. Air starts circulating due to difference in buoy-
ancy between hot (less dense) fluid and cold (denser)
ϕG M −hc ( TM − Ta ) − hr, sky ( TM − Tsky ) fluid. A circular motion is therefore initiated with rising
−hr, gr. ( TM − Tgr. ) = 0. hot fluid and sinking cold fluid. Free convection only
takes place in a gravitational field [27].
By rearranging the terms, the formula can be explicitly
Forced convection, on the other hand, is caused by a
expressed as a function of T M ,
fluid flow due to external forces which therefore en-
ϕG + hc Ta + hr, sky Tsky + hr, gr. Tgr. hance the convective heat exchange. The heat transfer
TM = (7.6)
hc + hr, sky + hr, gr. depends very much on whether the induced flow over
118 7. PV System Design

a solid surface is laminar or turbulent. In the case of bulent flow. We obtain for the laminar and turbulent
turbulent flow, an increased heat transfer is expected convective heat transfer coefficients
with respect to the laminar situation. This fact is due
to an increased heat transport across the main direction
of the flow. On the contrary, in laminar flow regime, 0.86 Re−0.5
only conduction is responsible for transport in the cross hlam.
forced = ρcair w, (7.8a)
direction. For this reason, forced convection is always
0.028 Re−0.2
studied separately in the laminar and turbulent regime hturb.
forced = ρcair w. (7.8b)
[27]. The overall convection transfer is made of the two Pr0.4
relative contribution for free and forced components. Re is the Reynolds number that expresses the ratio of of
Mixed convective coefficient can be obtained by taking the inertial forces to viscous forces,
the cube root of the cubes of the forced and convective
coefficients according to the equation [23] wDh
Re = , (7.9)
h3mixed = h3forced + h3free . (7.7)
where w is the wind speed at the height of the PV array,
Dh is the hydraulic diameter of the module, which is used
Since the convective heat transfer coefficients will be as relevant length scale, and ν is the kinematic viscosity
different on the top and rear surface of the module, de- of air. Pr is the Prandtl number which is the ratio of the
termining the total heat transfer coefficient has to be momentum diffusivity to the thermal diffusivity. It is
decoupled between the top hcT and rear hcB surfaces. The considered to be 0.71 for air. Finally, ρ and cair are the
overall heat transfer will eventually be determined by density and heat capacity of air, respectively. The hy-
the sum of the two components. draulic diameter of a rectangle of length L and width
W, and thus of the PV module, is given as

Convective heat transfer on the top surface 2LW

Dh = . (7.10)
Convective heat transfer has to be distinguished in free
and forced components. For the forced component we Figure 7.3 shows the variation of the forced heat trans-
further have to distinguish between laminar and tur- fer coefficient at various wind speeds. We notice an
7.1. Effects of meteorological effects on the module efficiency 119

14 to each other and we may write

12 hlam. 0.5
forced ' w , (7.11a)
hforced (Wm-2 K-1 )

10 hturb. 'w . 0.8


6 To determine the free heat transfer coefficient we only

need to utilise the dimensionless Nusselt number Nu,
which expresses the ratio between the convective and
2 conductive heat transfer [25]
0 hfree Dh
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Nu = = 0.21(Gr · Pr)0.32 , (7.12)
Wind speed @ 10 m (m/s)
where k is the heat conductivity of air and Gr is the
Figure 7.3: Forced convective heat transfer coefficient with Grasshoff number that is the ratio between the buoyancy
increasing wind speeds and viscous forces,

gβ( T − Ta ) Dh3
Gr = . (7.13)
overall increase in the heat transfer with increasing
wind speeds due to the increased force transfer com- Here, g is the acceleration due to gravity on Earth and β
ponent. There are two different regions in the graph is the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient of air,
which represent the laminar and turbulent regimes, which can be approximated to be β = 1/T.
respectively. The laminar flow extends till around 3 With the value of both free and forced coefficient we
m/s and is characterised by a lower convective heat can calculate the total mixed heat convective mass
exchange compared to the turbulent regime. transfer coefficient using Eq. (7.7).
hmixed = hcT = 3
h3forced + h3free . (7.14)
In a good approximation, hforced and w are proportional
120 7. PV System Design

Convective heat transfer coefficient on the rear sur- The back side convection is therefore given by
face of the module.
hcB = R · hcT . (7.18)
Convection on the back side of the module will be
lower than on the top because of the mounting struc- We therefore find the overal convective heat transfer
ture and the relative vicinity to the ground. For ex- coefficient to be
ample, a rack mount configuration, which is approx- hc = hcT + hcB . (7.19)
imately installed at 1 m height, will achieve a larger
heat exchange rate than a standoff mounted array that
is mounted 20 cm above the ground. We model the ef-
7.1.3 Other parameters
fect of the different mounting configurations by scaling
the convection coefficient obtained for the top of the Sky temperature evaluation
module. We determine the scaling factor by performing
an energy balance at the INOCT conditions [25], The sky temperature can be expressed as a function of
the measured ambient temperature, humidity, cloud
ϕG M − hcT ( TINOCT − Ta ) − hr, sky ( TINOCT − Tsky ) = cover and cloud elevation [25]. On a cloudy day, usu-
hcB ( TINOCT − Ta ) + hr, gr. ( TINOCT − Tgr. ) ally when the cloud cover is above 6 okta1 , the sky
(7.15) temperature will approach the ambient temperature,
We define R as the ratio of the actual to the ideal heat Tsky = Ta [26]. However, on a clear day the sky temper-
loss from the back side, ature can drop below Ta and can be estimated by

hcB ( TINOCT − Ta ) + eback σ ( TINOCT

4 4 )
− Tgr. Tsky = 0.0552 · Ta3/2 . (7.20)
R= 4 4 )
. (7.16)
hcT ( TINOCT − Ta ) + etop σ ( TINOCT − Tsky

Substituting this into Eq. (7.15) at INOCT conditions Wind speed at module height evaluation
Since the anemometer used for the evaluation of the
ϕG M − hcT ( TINOCT − Ta ) − etop σ ( TINOCT
4 4 )
− Tsky wind speed is at a higher height than the module array,
R= 4 4 )
hcT ( TINOCT − Ta ) + etop σ ( TINOCT − Tsky 1 Okta is a measure for the cloud cover, where 0 is clear sky and 8 is a com-
(7.17) pletely cloudy sky.
7.1. Effects of meteorological effects on the module efficiency 121

the real wind speed experienced by the module will be

scaled down with

Module temperature (°C)


yM 5
w = wr , (7.21)
where y M and yr denote the module and anemometer
heights, respectively [25]. 44
The elevation factor of 1/5 is determined by the land-
scape surrounding the installation, which is supposed 40
to be open country.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Wind speed @ 10 m (m/s)
Absorptivity and emissivity of the module
Figure 7.4: Influence of the wind speed on the temperature of
In the thermal model developed, absorptivity is defined a solar module at a fixed radiation of 1000 W/m2 and ambient
as the fraction of the incident radiation that is conver- temperature of 25°C on a clear day.
ted into thermal energy in the module. This value is
linked to the reflectivity R and efficiency of the module
by the equation [25] final temperature of the module as a function of the
level of irradiance, wind speed and ambient temperat-
ϕ = (1 − R)(1 − η ). (7.22) ure.

Typical value for reflectivity of solar modules are 0.1

[25]. As far as the emissivity is concerned, a value of 7.1.4 Evaluation of the thermal model
0.84 has been used for the front glass surface and 0.89
for the back surface [28].
In the previous section, all the variables that are re-
Now that all the unknown variables have been determ- quired to solve the thermal model have been derived.
ined it is possible to the make iterations to calculate the Therefore, the thermal model now can be solved via it-
122 7. PV System Design


Figure 7.4 below shows the effect of the wind speed on

the module temperature at a fixed level of irradiance
(1000 W/m2 ) and an ambient temperature of 25 °C on
a clear day. It is obvious that the module temperature
is significantly above the value of 25 °C for all wind- 56
speeds. Thus, STC are not representative for real oper- 52
ating cell conditions. Two different regions are visible in

Module temperature (°C)

the graph corresponding to laminar and turbulent flow,
In Fig. 7.5 the thermal model and the NOCT model 36
presented in Eq. (7.1) are compared to each other in 32
dependence of the incident radiation for 1 m/s wind
speed. We see that for 1000 W/m2 the NOCT model
24 Thermal model @ 1 m/s
predicts a module temperature of 54.3°C regardless of NOCT model
the wind speed, which is much above the values ob- 20
tained with the thermal model. The contribution of 0 200 400 600 800 1000
free convective and radiative heat exchange lower the Incident irradiance (Wm-2 )
module temperature with respect to the NOCT model.
The difference between the two models is more pro- Figure 7.5: The module temperature calculated with the
nounced at low levels of radiation, but for irradiances NOCT and the thermal model in dependence of the incident
higher than 1000 W/m2 the two curves start diverging irradiance for 1 m/s wind speed.
again. This can be understood when we consider that
the NOCT model has been developed as a linearisa-
tion of the temperature/irradiation dependency around
the NOCT conditions [24]. The accuracy of the model
therefore decreases with the increasing distance from
the NOCT.
7.1. Effects of meteorological effects on the module efficiency 123

7.1.5 Effect of temperature on the solar

cell performance

The effect of a module temperature deviating from the

25°C of STC is expressed by the temperature coeffi-
cients that given on the data sheet provided by solar
manufacturers. When knowing the temperature coeffi-
higher irradiance GM
cient of a certain parameter, its value at a certain tem-
perature TM can be estimated with
∂Voc temperature T
Voc ( TM , GSTC ) = Voc + (STC)( TM − TSTC ), (7.23)

Current I
Isc ( TM , GSTC ) = Isc + (STC)( TM − TSTC ), (7.24)
Pmpp ( TM , GSTC ) = Pmpp + (STC)( TM − TSTC ),
Pmpp ( TM , GSTC )
η ( TM , GSTC ) = . (7.26)
GSTC Voltage V
If the efficiency temperature coefficient ∂η/∂T is not
given in the datasheet, it can be obtained by rearran- Figure 7.6: Effect of a temperature increase on the I-V solar
ging cell characteristic.

η ( TM , GSTC ) = η (STC) + (STC)( TM − 25◦ C). (7.27)

An increase in the solar cell temperature will shift the

I-V curve as shown in Fig. 7.6. The slight increase
in the short circuit current at higher temperatures is
124 7. PV System Design

completely outweighed by the decrease in open circuit module with respect to STC. The evaluation of the ex-
voltage. The overall effect is of a general linear decrease tent of this reduction is however less straightforward
in the maximum achievable power and therefore a de- than for the case of the temperature since solar man-
crease in the system efficiency and fill factor. This effect ufacturer often do not explicitly provide a reduction
is due to an increase of the intrinsic carrier concetra- factor of the efficiency at every light intensity level.
tion at higher temperatures which in turns leads to an
By definition the efficiency is given by
increase of the reverse saturation current I0 , which rep-
resents a measure of the leakage of carriers across the Isc Voc FF
solar cell junctions, as we have seen in Chapter ?? . The η= (7.29)
exponential dependence of I0 from the temperature is
the main cause of the linear reduction of Voc with the The maximum variation of the FF for light intensity
temperature, between 1 and 1000 W/m2 is about 2% for CdTe, 5%
kT Isc for a-Si:H, 22% for poly-cristalline silicon, and 23% for
Voc = ln . (7.28)
e I0 mono-crystalline silicon [29].
The short circuit current of a solar cell is directly pro-
On the other hand, the slight increase in the generated
portional to the incoming radiation,
current is due to a moderate increase in the photo-
generated current resulting from an increased number Isc ' λG M , (7.30)
of thermally generated carriers. The overall reduction of
power at high temperature shows that cold and sunny where λ is simply a constant of proportionality. By ex-
climates are the best environment where to place a solar pressing Voc as in Eq. (7.28), the efficiency can be writ-
system. ten as
η ' FF λ (ln G M + ln λ − ln I0 ). (7.31)
By defining
7.1.6 Effect of light intensity on the solar
cell performance kT
a = FF λ , (7.32a)
Intuitively, performances of a solar cell decrease con- kT
b = FF λ (ln λ − ln I0 ), (7.32b)
siderably with decreasing light intensity incident on the e
7.1. Effects of meteorological effects on the module efficiency 125

the efficiency can be finally written as level of irradiance and temperature can be determined
as [30]
η (25◦ C, G M ) = a ln G M + b (7.33)
η ( TM , G M ) = η (25°C, G M ) [1 + κ ( TM − 25°C)] , (7.38)
The values of the coefficients a and b are device specific where
parameters and are rarely given by the manufacturer. ∂η 1
κ= . (7.39)
The overall trend of the efficiency is represented by a ∂T η (SCT)
straight line on a logarithmic scale [29]. Typical values for κ are −0.0025/◦ C for CdTe,
From this model the values of Isc , Voc and the efficiency −0.0030/◦ C for CIS, and −0.0035/◦ C for c-Si [30].
at a irradiance level G M can be determined from the All the other parameters such as Isc , Voc , and Pmpp can
STC as follows also be evaluated at every level of irradiance and mod-
ule temperature by simply adapting Eq. (7.38) to the
corresponding coefficients and parameters.
ln G M
Voc (25°C, G M ) = Voc (STC) , (7.34)
ln GSTC In Fig. 7.7 the difference between η (25°C, G M ) and
G η ( TM , G M ), which takes both irradiance G M and mod-
Isc (25°C, G M ) = Isc (STC) M , (7.35) ule temperature TM into account, is shown. The graph
has been derived by keeping the wind speed constant
PMPP (25°C, G M ) = FF Voc (25°C, G M ) Isc (25°C, G M ),
at a value of 1 m/s and by determining TM iterating
the heat thermal model at each level of irradiance for
PMPP (25°C, G M ) a constant ambient temperature of 25°C. At low levels
η (25°C, G M ) = , (7.37)
A M GM of irradiance no effects of the module temperature are
observed. At higher level of incident light intensity the
where A M is the module area.
difference between the two curves becomes more pro-
nounced. since only ηmpp ( G M , TM ) takes into account
7.1.7 Overall module performance the marked reduction in efficiency resulting from the
rising TM .
By combining the two effects of temperature and light Figure 7.8 shows the overall efficiency at various light
intensity, the final efficiency of the module at every intensities in dependence of the wind speed. Once
126 7. PV System Design

14 13.8
12 13.6
Module efficiency (%)

Module efficiency (%)

6 12.8
4 12.6
12.4 GM = 200 Wm-2
2 DC efficiency @ Tmod ≡ 25◦ C
400 Wm-2
DC efficiency @ Tmod 12.2
0 1000 Wm-2
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Incident irradiance (Wm-2 )
Wind speed @ 10 m (m/s)
Figure 7.7: Comparison of η (25°C, G M ) and η ( TM , G M ) in
Figure 7.8: Overall efficiency of the module with increasing
dependence of the light irradiance at a wind speed of 1 m/s
wind speed at various irradiance levels.
and ambient temperature of Ta = 25◦ C for a c-Si solar cell.
7.1. Effects of meteorological effects on the module efficiency 127

more, the beneficial effect of turbulent motion in cool-

ing the module is reflected by an increase of efficiency
with the wind speed. by an more market increase in
efficiency at high wind speeds.
Finally, the power output of a module before the BOS is
given by
PDC = η ( G M , TM ) · G M · A M . (7.40)
The energy yield of the DC side then is defined as

YDC = · 100%. (7.41)
128 7. PV System Design

Derivations in Electrodynamics
A.1 Basics of Vector Calculus
∇ · D(r, t) = ρ F (r), (A.1a)
∂B(r, t)
∇ × E(r, t) = − , (A.1b)
∇ · B(r, t) = 0, (A.1c)
A.2 The Maxwell equations ∂D(r, t)
∇ × H(r, t) = + + J F ( r ), (A.1d)

where r and t denote location and time, respectively.

D is the electric displacement, E the electric field, B is the
magnetic induction and H is the magnetic field. ρ F is the
The four Maxwell equations couple the electric and free charge density and J F is the free current density.
magnetic fields to their sources, i.e. electric charges and
current densities, and to each other. They are given by The electric displacement and field are related to each

132 A. Derivations in Electrodynamics

other via Now we take the fourth Maxwell equation, Eq. A.1d,
D = ee0 E, (A.2a) with j F = 0 and Eqs. (A.2),

where e is the relative permittivity of the medium in 1 ∂E

∇ × B = ee0 ,
that the fields are observed and e0 = 8.854 × 10−12 µµ0 ∂t
As/(Vm) is the permittivity in vacuo. Similarly, the mag-
netic field and induction are related to each other via and substitute it into Eq. (A.3),

∂2 E
B = µµ0 H, (A.2b) ∇ × (∇ × E) = −ee0 µµ0 . (A.4)
where µ is the relative permeability of the medium in By using the relation
that the fields are observed and µ0 = 4π · 10−7 Vs/(Am)
is the permeability of vacuum. Eqs. (A.2) are only valid ∇ × (∇ × E) = ∇(∇ · E) − ∆E = −∆E, (A.5)
if the medium is isotropic, i.e. e and µ are independent
of the direction. We may assume all the materials im- we find
∂2 E
portant for solar cells to be nonmagnetic, i.e. µ ≡ 1. ∆E = ee0 µµ0 . (A.6)
In Eq. (A.5) we used that we are in source free space,
i.e. ∇E = 0. Equation (A.6) is the wave equation for the
A.3 Derivation of the electromag- electric field. Note that the factor
netic wave equation 1
ee0 µµ0
We now derive de electromagnetic wave equations in
source-free space, ρ F ≡ 0 and j F ≡ 0. For the derivation has the unit of (m/s)2 , i.e. a speed to the square. In
of the electromagnetic wave equations we start with ap- easy terms, it is the squared propagation speed of the
plying the rotation operator ∇× to the second Maxwell wave.1 We now set
equation, Eq. (A.1b), 1
c20 := (A.7)
  e0 µ 0
∇ × (∇ × E) = −∇ × . (A.3) 1 In reality, if the medium is absorbing, things are getting much more complex.
A.4. Properties of electromagnetic waves 133

and into the first Maxwell equation, Eq. (A.1a), yields

n2 = e, (A.8)
∇D = ee0 ∇E = 0,
where c0 is the speed of light vacuo and n is the refract-
ive index of the medium. Since we also assume µ ≡ 1, ∇E = 0,
we finally obtain for the wave equation for the electric ∇ E0 e ik z z−iωt
= 0,
n2 ∂2 E ∂ ik z z−iωt ∂ ik z z−iωt
Ex,0 e + Ey,0 ∂y e +
∆E − 2 = 0. (A.9a) |∂x {z } (A.11a)
c0 ∂t2 =0
| {z }
In a similar manner we can derive the wave equation ∂ ik z z−iωt
+ Ez,0 ∂z e = 0,
for the magnetic field,
iEz,0 k z eikz z−iωt = 0,
n2 ∂2 H
∆H − 2 = 0. (A.9b) Ez,0 = 0,
c0 ∂t2 
where we used the notation E0 = Ex,0 , Ey,0 , Ez,0 . In a
similar manner, by substituting Eq. (A.10b) into the first
A.4 Properties of electromagnetic Maxwell equation, Eq. (A.1c), we obtain
waves Hz,0 = 0. (A.11b)

In section A.3, we found that plane waves can be de- Thus, neither the electric nor the magnetic fields have
scribed by components in the propagation direction but only com-
ponents perpendicular to the propagation direction (the
E(x, t) = E0 · eikz z−iωt , (A.10a) x- and y-directions in our case).

H(x, t) = H0 · eikz z−iωt . (A.10b) Without loss of generality we now assume that the
electric field only has an x-component, E0 = ( Ex,0 , 0 0).
Substituting this electric field into the left hand side
In this section we study some general properties of
of the second Maxwell equation, Eq. (A.1b), yields
plane electromagnetic waves. Substituting Eq. (A.10a)
134 A. Derivations in Electrodynamics

   ∂ ∂ 
∂y Ez ∂z Ey
∂  
∂x Ex 
 
 

 =  ∂ Ex  =  Ex,0 ∂ eikz z−iωt  = iEx,0 k z eikz z−iωt  .
   
∇×E = 

∂ ×E 
∂x   y =
 ∂z Ex − ∂x Ez 
∂ ∂
∂z ∂z
Ez 0 0 0
∂x Ey − ∂y Ex
∂ ∂ ∂

The right hand side of Eq. (A.1b) yields

∂ ik z z−iωt
−iωHx,0 eikz z−iωt
∂     
∂B(r, t) ∂H(r, t) ∂t Hx Hx,0 ∂t e
− = − µ0 = −µ0  ∂t∂ Hy  = −µ0  Hy,0 ∂t∂ eikz z−iωt  = −µ0  −iωHy,0 eikz z−iωt  . (A.13)
∂t ∂t ∂
∂t Hz
0 0

is the impedance of free space.

Thus, we obtain for Eq. (A.1b) In summary, we found the following properties of the
electromagnetic field.
−iωHx,0 eikz z−iωt
   
iEx,0 k z eikz z−iωt  = −µ0  −iωHy,0 eikz z−iωt  , (A.14) • The electric and magnetic field vectors are perpen-
0 0 dicular to each other and also perpendicular to the
i.e. only the y-component of the magnetic field survives. propagation vector,
The electric and magnetic components are related to
k · E0 = k · H0 = H0 ·E0 = 0. (A.18)
each other via
Ex,0 k z = µ0 ωHy,0 (A.15)
By substituting Eq. (2.4) into Eq. (A.15), we find • The electric and magnetic fields are proportional
n n to the propagation direction, hence electromagnetic
Hy,0 = Ex,0 = Ex,0 , (A.16) waves are transverse waves.
cµ0 Z0
where • The electric and magnetic vectors have a constant,
material dependent ratio. If the electric field is
Z0 = cµ0 = = 376.7 Ω (A.17) along the x-direction and the magnetic field is
A.4. Properties of electromagnetic waves 135

along the y-direction, this ratio is given by

n n
Hy,0 = Ex,0 = Ex,0 , (A.19)
cµ0 Z0

where r
Z0 = cµ0 = = 376.7 Ω (A.20)
is the impedance of free space.
The derivations in this section were done for plane
waves. However, it can be shown that the properties
of electromagnetic waves summarised in the itemisation
above are valid for electromagnetic waves in general.
136 A. Derivations in Electrodynamics

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