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The Swedish Vaccination Program

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The Swedish vaccination program


All children in Sweden are entitled to vaccination against nine serious diseases through the child and school
health services.
Some children are also offered vaccination against hepatitis B, tuberculosis, influenza and pneumococcus infection
(see separate leaflet).

Age Grade Vaccination against Child Health Service

School Health Service
3 months   diphtheria, tetanus, whooping dose 1  
cough, polio, Hib, pneumococcus

5 months   diphtheria, tetanus, whooping dose 2  

cough, polio, Hib, pneumococcus
Children born up to and including 2001 follow a different
12 months   diphtheria, tetanus, whooping dose 3   schedule from the age of 5 or 6.
cough, polio, Hib, pneumococcus
Age Grade Vaccination against
18 months   measles, mumps and rubella   dose 1
5–6   polio dose 4  
5–6 years   diphtheria, tetanus, whooping dose 4   years
cough and polio
10 4 diphtheria, tetanus dose 4  
6–8 years 1–2 measles, mumps and rubella   dose 2 years and whooping cough

14–16 8–9 diphtheria, tetanus and whooping dose 5   12 6 measles, mumps   dose 2
years cough years and rubella

What is vaccination? The vaccinations at the age of 3 and 5 months against

Vaccination means that parts of an infectious agent that diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib infection
cause a disease are supplied to the body, or all of the infec- and pneumococcus infections provide basic protection.
tious agent in weakened form. This amount is not enough The next vaccination at the age of 12 months is a booster
to make you ill, but it is enough to build up a protection. dose that extends the protection effect. Further booster
If you are subsequently exposed to an infection, the body’s doses of vaccine against polio, diphtheria, tetanus and
immune system has already been activated and can neu- whooping coughs are given later on. However, no further
tralize the infectious agent before the disease breaks out. vaccination against Hib or pneumococcus is needed.
Vaccination is performed via injection with a syringe. A dose of the combined vaccine against measles,
The benefits of vaccination are protection against dis- mumps and rubella provides a good protection. A second
eases and their consequences. The disadvantages are the dose is administered at a later date by schools, partly to
discomfort of the actual vaccination and the risk of side cover the children who didn’t develop protection after the
effects. No medical procedure is completely risk-free. first vaccination, and partly to ensure long-lasting protec-
Nevertheless, the National Board of Health and is of the tion.
opinion that the risks of disease are much greater than
the risks of vaccination. Which diseases are included in the program?
There are no demands for obligatory vaccination; on
Diphtheria is a highly contagious and serious throat
the contrary it is up to you as a parent to decide whether
infection that can cause choking among children. The
your child should be vaccinated or not. Be sure to keep
diphtheria bacteria secrete a toxin that can cause life-
track of your child’s vaccination through the BVC card or
threatening injuries in for example the heart, kidneys and
in some other convenient way.
nervous system.
What protection does the vaccination give? TetanuS is caused by a bacterium that is found in soil
The vaccination does not guarantee everyone vaccinated and can infect wounds. This bacterium produces a pow-
will be protected. Children that are not protected by the erful toxin that causes severe convulsions and respiratory
vaccine are still largely protected by the fact that nearly paralysis, often with a fatal outcome. The disease is not
all children in Sweden are vaccinated. Any possible contagious and therefore can’t be transmitted between
infection is quickly stopped since the majority of chil- humans.
dren have functioning protection.
Whopping cough is a highly contagious respiratory What adverse effects may occur?
infection with severe coughing attacks that can last for The vast majority of children have no or only minor
several months and result in complications such as pneu- adverse effects from vaccinations. Possible adverse
monia. For infants, the disease can be very difficult and effects are usually over within a few days. In case of
even life-threatening. doubt or if the child is not feeling well, you should con-
tact the child health centre, school health service or pub-
Polio is a viral disease that spreads through sewage and
lic healthcare.
polluted water. Once upon a time, even in Sweden there
were many people that died or suffered paralysis or per- Vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus,
manent disability because of polio. Polio now only exists whooping cough, polio, Hib and pneumococcus
in a few countries in Africa and Asia.
common (seen in at least 1 out of 100 vaccinated): red-
Hib is a bacterium that can cause serious and fast progress- ness, swelling and tenderness at the injection site, mild
ing infections, especially among children under five. The fever, diarrhea, vomiting.
risk of a fatal outcome in meningitis and blood poisoning Unusual or rare (infants): inconsolable crying for
is five to ten percent and survivors can develop perma- several hours, fever of 39°C or above, severe swelling/
nent disabilities such as deafness or spasm attacks. flush, febrile convulsions, limpness and paleness, nettle-
PneumococcI are bacteria that can cause milder infec-
tions such as ear infection and sinusitis, but they also Unusual or rare (older children) : fever of

cause very serious and sometimes fatal diseases like 39°C or above, severe swelling/flush, nettle-rash, allergic
blood poisoning and meningitis. There is a risk of com- reactions.
plications, such as impaired hearing or various forms
of brain damage. The vaccine offers protection against Vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella
seven of the pneumococcal types most common among common (seen in at least 1 out of 100 vaccinated): red-
small children, which is equivalent to a protection of ness, swelling and tenderness at the injection site. A reac-
about 70 percent. tion that is similar to a weakened copy of the diseases.
The children are not contagious and the symptoms usually
Measles is a highly contagious and often difficult viral disappear within a few days. After the second dose of the
disease with high fever, cough and rash. Measles can vaccine this reaction is less common.
lead to complications such as meningitis, ear infections
Unusual or rare: temporary mild joint pain, fever,
or bronchitis. There is no treatment for the illness and
febrile convulsions, allergic reactions.
deaths occur among unvaccinated children.

MumpS is a contagious viral disease affecting the salivary To bear in mind before a trip abroad
glands and central nervous system. One common compli- Before a trip abroad some of the vaccinations can be given
cation is meningitis, which can cause permanent hearing earlier and other vaccines may be advisable. Consult your
damage or deafness. Boys who become ill after puberty child health centre or a vaccination consultancy.
may be affected by testicular inflammation, which in rare
occasions can lead to sterility. Do you want to know more?
Contact your child health centre or school heath service
Rubella is normally a good-natured viral disease in if your child has started school.
children and adults, but if a pregnant woman becomes
ill, there is danger of serious damage to the brain, heart,
sight and hearing of the fetus. IMPORTANT!

Which vaccines are included in the program? Before the vaccination – Tell us if your child is allergic
• Against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and or has reacted abnormally to previous vaccinations.
Hib infection various combination vaccines are given.
After the vaccination – Contact the child health
• A vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella is
centre or the school health service if you notice
given as a combination vaccine. anything unusual about your child within the
• Against pneumococcos infection, a single vaccine is immediate period.
Combination vaccines function just as well as single vac-
cines, and there is no evidence that it would be beneficial
to split the vaccinations. Contact your child health cen-
tre or school health service for information about which
vaccines are used there.

MARS 2009. ART. NR. 2009-126-49

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