Sesion 2
Sesion 2
Sesion 2
Homework 1
+ + (1)
The reaction can be carried out in CSTR or PFR reactor. The reagents are placed in two
separate tanks and are mixed before entering the reactor. The reaction rate constant is k =
7.4×10−2 L/(mol.min) and the rate expression is a first order of each reagent. The initial
concentration in each tank are 7.5 mol/L and the volumetric flow is 40 L/h of each
a (5%) Calculate the CSTR and PFR volume separately when conversion is 70%.
b (10%) Plot the relation between the volumes (VCSTR/VPFR) as a function of conversion.
Discuss your results.
c (15 %) The productivity for a liquid-phase reaction is defined as is showed in the
Equation (2):
= (2)
Where: CAo is the concentration of the limit reactive at the inlet of the reactor.
τi: space time of the reactor at the conversion Xi.
X: is the conversion of the limit reactive.
Plot the relation between the productivity in the PFR respect the productivity in the CSTR
as a function of conversion. Discuss your results.
Note: Assume that the reagents only produce water and dibutylphthalate in the reactor.
2. (40%) Yulan Wang [Int. J. Chem. Ki net., 25, 91–96 (1993)] studied the kinetics of
dimerization of arylmercurical compounds in hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA)
solution in the presence of a [ClRh(CO)2]2 catalyst. The dimerization is represented with
Equation (3):
2 ! " )*+,- + ! " + ! (3)
The rate expression is -rA=kCA2, where k values are given in Table 1 at several
temperatures. At 70°C the specific gravity is 0.825 and the kinetic viscosity is 0.7095
mm2/s of the arylmercurical compound.
The arylmercurial compound is being pumped from an underground tank (TK-101) that
has the outlet at the level of the pump (P-101), Figure 1, the tank is closed, and it has a
pressure of 12.37 psia; the break horse power is 0.1259 kW with an efficiency of 80%.
The inlet of the reactor is located 10 m of height from the pump and is needed that the
fluid that enters to the reactor has a pressure of 10.35 psig. The pipeline has a diameter of
0.37 inches, a length of 15 m and an absolute roughness of 45 μm. The volume of the
reactor (R-101) is 55.3 L (7.8% of volume must be empty for safety reasons).
Figure 1. Diagram of the arrangement of the equipments used for the dimerization
a (15%) What is the concentration and the initial quantity of C6H5HgCl that must be
loaded to the reactor for getting a conversion of 87% in 5.2 h?
b (25%) Is necessary to evaluate if the effluent of the reactor satisfy the condition that the
mass produced of Hgo does not exceed 1.5 kg. Does the process provide the desired
condition? What would be your recommendation? Discuss the results.
• Assume that the storage tank is bigger than the reactor.
• The atmospheric pressure is 640 mmHg.
• The reaction does not take place unless the reactor is in the maximum capacity
accepted, because when it happens the reactor is loaded with the catalyst.
• The losses by accessories are negligible.
• Assume that the properties of pure species are weak function of temperature.
Table 1. Rate constants of dimerization of C6H5HgCl
3. (20%) The reaction rate law (in mol L-1 h-1) of A → B + C can be represented with
Equation (4):
/ 0
-= (4)
a (5%) If the concentration is expressed in molarity (mol/L), what are the units of k1 and
k2 y the reaction rate units are mol/(L.h)?
b (15%) Determine the reactor (or combination of reactors) configuration and the
minimum total volume to achieve a conversion of 95%.
Additional information:
k1 =10
FAo= 100 mol/h
CAo= 0.25 mol/L
4. (10%) Make a comparison between the different types of reactors, but no only between
the types of reactors that were mentioned in the course. Include in your comparison aspects
such as type of reactor, characteristics, kind of phases, kind of processes recommended for
its use. Do not forget to include the references.
Tener presente que se califica lo que se encuentra en el entregable, no es labor del calificador
"adivinar" de donde salen las gráficas, tablas, figuras, resultados; que no tengan su respectivo
Si la tarea no se entrega en la fecha indicada, la calificación se disminuirá en 0.5 unidades por cada
día adicional, incluidos los fines de semana y festivos. Máximo se recibirán tareas hasta un día antes
que la profesora devuelva la tarea calificada.
La nota de los ejercicios que se presenten en forma idéntica será dividida entre los grupos
Las tareas se presentan en grupos de tres estudiantes.
Las tareas se deben entregar impresas, al igual que los programas que se hubieran utilizado para la
realización de los ejercicios. No se recibirán tareas en formato electrónico. Solo se revisará y evaluará
la información que se entregue en formato físico.
Después que se entregue la tarea evaluada, se seleccionará un grupo y de este un integrante para que
explique uno de los ejercicios, seleccionado por el docente, a todo el curso. La nota de la explicación
del ejercicio será el 40% de la nota total de la tarea. Es posible que durante el semestre un grupo (o
estudiante) deba explicar varios ejercicios de las tareas.