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Atomic Spectroscopy
• Atomic Energy Diagrams Revisited
• Information Provided:
– Energies of atomic orbitals,
– “allowed” transitions
– Resonance vs. nonresonance

• Atomic Processes:
– Emission

– Absorption

– Fluorescence

Factors that Influence Atomic Spectra: Line Widths

• Ideally should observe a transition occurring at a single
wavelength (λ0)
• In practice, lines have finite width (∆λ1/2)
– Effective line width, ∆λ1/2: width of line at half of maximum
– Several factors contribute

1. Uncertainty Broadening
– Because excited state lifetimes are finite (and small), the
uncertainty principle leads to an uncertainty in the measured
energy of the transition
– Remember ∆t ∆E > h ?
– Relatively small contribution


Factors that Influence Atomic Spectra: Line Widths

2. Doppler Broadening
– Doppler Effect: Apparent frequency of wave depends on the
relative motion of the source and the observer
• source moving toward observer =
• source moving away from observer =
– In an atomic spectroscopy experiment, the atom is the source
and the detector is the observer
– Since the motion of atoms is typically random, the result is
symmetrical broadening of the atomic line.
– Major source of broadening in atomic spectroscopy

3. Collision (Pressure) Broadening

– Collisions cause changes in ground state energy levels
– Collisions can be with atoms of same kind or different species
– Also major source of broadening

Factors that Influence Atomic Spectra

• Temperature Effects:
– Temperature influences the ratio of ground state to thermally
excite atoms (ions…)
• Boltzmann Relationship

∝ e −E / kT
• So, small change in T results in large change in population
• Most important in?


Atomic Spectroscopy Experiments

• Steps in Atomic Spectroscopy Experiments

Form Gas
Sample Excitation/ Detect
Phase Readout
Intro. Emission Photons

• Each step influences accuracy and precision of results

Sample Introduction for Atomic Spec.

• Need reproducible means for transferring sample to atomizer
– Different requirements for solids and liquids

• Solution Methods:
– Nebulization:

– Electrothermal Vaporization:

– Hydride Generation:

• Methods for Solids

– Much more challenging

– Can result in ejection of small particles or atoms

– May also induce excitation: ETV, Arc and Spark, Glow Discharge


Atomization Methods for Atomic Spectroscopy

• Techniques for AS require the
production of gas-phase atoms
– Multi-step process
– Elevated temperature

• Three common methods (plus

many others)
– Flames
– Furnace (electrothermal)
– Plasma: Ionized Gas: Gaseous
mixture containing atoms,
cations and electrons

Flame Atomization Sources

• Nebulized sample (solution) is mixed with fuel and oxidant and
– Identity and ratio of fuel and oxidizer determine temperature of flame
– also influence efficiency of atomization
– Continuous signal → helps precision (1%)
– Much of the sample gets thrown away


Flame Atomization Sources

• Composition of the flame is non-uniform - Three “Zones”

– Primary combustion zone: Relatively cool, products of incomplete combustion

– Secondary combustion zone: outermost region, also fairly cool, oxide formation

– Interzonal region: Where the action is. Hottest part of the flame → lots of atoms

• Position in flame for maximum efficiency of atomization varies from element to

– Depends on relative ease of atomization and oxidation
– General guidelines exist


Electrothermal Atomization Sources

• Graphite furnace is most common
– Graphite tube with horizontal platform
for sample (L’vov platform)

• Inert gas streams serve two purposes:

• Sample must be mechanically inserted into tube

– affects precision (5-10 % typical)
• BUT all of the sample is used
– affects accuracy and LOD
(0.1 ng to 0.1 pg possible)
• Multi-step heating: Drying, Ashing, Atomization...
• Discontinuous signal


Plasma Atomization Sources

• Combination of atoms, ions, and electrons results in higher temperatures
– Results in lower interference
– Better efficiency

• Two main types

– ICP:
– DCP:

• Inductively Coupled Plasma

• Relatively high argon flow rate

(Liters per minute)

• After ignition, coupling of ionic charge

with RF magnetic field “forces”
ions to move
– Heating results,
plasma is sustained


Plasma Atomization Sources

• Sample can be introduced via nebulization, electrothermal methods,
or ablation
– transported into plasma with argon

• Continuum background is
produced in the core
– also contains argon spectrum

• Background fades above the core

– allows improvement in sensitivity

• High temperature allows efficient

atomization, but electron
concentrations result in
minimal ionization


Plasma Atomization Sources

• Direct Current Plasma

• DC Power supply
– (high voltage)
• Plasma becomes self-
• ~5000K in Excitation Region
• Similar sensitivity as ICP,
higher maintenance


Excitation Sources for AA

• Monitoring narrow lines, need narrow source
• Hollow Cathode Lamp

– Cathode is coated with atom of interest

– Tube is filled with Ar or Ne

– High voltage ionizes gas, charged ions are accelerated toward electrodes
• Produces sputtering of atoms (ground and excited)
• Excited atoms emit light at atomic lines

– Design of HCL results in redepostion of metal atoms onto electrodes - recycling

– Need to avoid excessively high potentials

• Line broadening (Doppler)
• Self-absorption

– Need separate lamp for each element


Excitation Sources for AA

• Absorption in atomic spectroscopy

• Several lines produced by source

– filter or monochromator selects
(nothing fancy)

• Because bandwidth of absorption

peak is large compared to
excitation line, Beer’s Law applies
– Why is ∆λ for absorption greater than
∆λ for excitation?


Interferences in Atomic Spectroscopy

• Processes that affect the efficiency of producing gas-phase atom or the
interaction of these atoms with light

• Two main classes:

– Spectral Interferences:

– Chemical Interferences

Spectral Interference:
• Several sources
– Overlapping lines due to contaminants
• Correct by:

– Broadband processes due to combustion products

• Correct by:

– Scattering by particulates formed in the flame

• Correct by:

– Matrix effects
• Correct by:


Interferences in Atomic Spectroscopy

• Background correction methods can (to an extent) compensate for
interference in electrothermal methods

• Two-Line Method
– compare response of a line that is absorbed by the analyte to a line that isn’t

• Continuum-Source Method (our instrument)

– compare response to narrow band excitation to a broadband (wide slitwidth =
large bandwidth)

• Zeeman Effect
– Introduction of a magnetic field causes splitting of absorption lines
– Result is polarization-dependent absorption
• analyte absorption only occurs in one polarization

• Source Reversal
– at high source current, self absorption takes place
• decreases intensity of source at the peak
– Alternating current results in background correction (like continuum source


Interferences in Atomic Spectroscopy

• Chemical Interferences:
– Think of atomization process as an equilibrium
Gas-Phase Atoms = Interfering Species

• In an optimized method, the equilibrium is shifted as far to the left as

– Goal is to choose conditions to ensure this
– Take advantage of existing knowledge!

• Volatility:
– some salts have inherently low volatility
• Slow atomization rate = fewer atoms in the GP

– Correct by:
• Increasing temperature

• Adding Release Agents

• Adding Protective Agents:


Interferences in Atomic Spectroscopy

• Formation of gas-phase compounds:
– Many materials form fairly stable gas-phase oxides or halides…
M + Ox = MOx
– Correct by:

• Ionization Interference:
M = M+ + e-

– Strongly dependent on Temperature and Ionization Potential

– As temperature increases, the probability of ionization also increases
• more ions = fewer atoms = decreased absorption (or emission)

– Correct by:
• Adding an ionization suppressor:

• Advantages of Plasmas:
– High Temperature leads to:
• more efficient volatilization
• fewer chemical interferences

– Few ionization interferences

• Why?


Atomic Spectroscopy Instruments

• Requirements (ideal):
– Relatively narrow bandwidth →
good wavelength discrimination
– Ability to cover wide wavelength
range → flexibility
– Background correction capability
– Good sensitivity
– Good stability

• General Instrument Design

– In most cases, plasma (ICP, DCP)
can be substituted for HCL and Flame


Atomic Spectroscopy Instruments

• Since we are typically only interested in a
small number of regions of the spectrum,
scanning across all λ regions is a waste
of time
– Slew-Scan
– Multichannel instruments

• Echelle optics
– Two dispersing elements
• Coarsely ruled grating
• Prism
– Forms two-dimensional array of lines

• Echelle Polychromator
– fix exit “slits” in strategic places
on focal plane
– Scan single PMT across slits
– Fix several PMTs, one per slit
– Use multichannel detector


Detection Limits in Atomic Spectroscopy

• Combination of contributions: volatility, susceptibility to
interference, etc.


Utility of Atomic Spectroscopy

• THE tool of choice for metals analysis

• Depends on:
– required sensitivity
– optical characteristics
– sample composition (matrix effects)

• Sample Prep. also plays a major role (as usual!)


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