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The Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 5

Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 7

Technical terms and services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 10

Forge-welded gratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - 20
Load tables SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 17
Standard gratings and stairtreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 19
Pressure-locked gratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - 31
Load tables P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 - 27
Load tables - heavy duty gratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 31
Fixings for gratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 - 35
Special gratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 - 38

Perforated metal planks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 - 64

Load tables B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 - 57
Fixings for perforated metal planks . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 - 61
Special elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 - 64

Spiral staircases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 - 72

Serrated types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 - 77

Surface treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 - 81

Tolerances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 - 85

Static calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 - 91

Packaging / price information /

Quotation and order form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 - 97

Addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 - 99

Lichtgitter - Head Office Stadtlohn

Lichtgitter - Works Sulz

Lichtgitter - Works Blumberg

The Company
Continuous performance and quality de- (many protected by patent) were speci- integration of the European and non-Eu-
velopment as well as innovation in ma- ally designed for the Lichtgitter produc- ropean grating markets, Lichtgitter has
nufacturing techniques, in conjunction tion process. Gratings for normal and established joint ventures with partners,
with a cautious and market driven ent- special loadings are produced with a not only throughout Europe, but also
repreneurial spirit of enterprise, have high level of technical expertise. worldwide.
ensured Lichtgitter’s place amongst the
leading manufacturers of gratings and The manufacturing processes cover This has formed the basis for the cre-
perforated metal planks worldwide. gratings and perforated metal planks, ation of a global network for both distri-
fabricated from steel, stainless steel bution and production outlets.
The company of Lichtgitter was estab- and aluminium. Some examples of their
lished in 1929 in order to carry out the application include gratings for pede- Lichtgitter therefore, has numerous sub-
specialized manufacturing of gratings. strian or vehicle traffic, ceilings, sun sidiaries and Service Centres within Eu-
In the early days, production was con- protection, spiral staircases and so on. rope at its disposal, in order to allow re-
centrated on the manufacturing of wel- The production of special and custom- gular client communication and fulfil cu-
ded gratings with honeycombed mes- made gratings and perforated metal stomer requirements in the most effi-
hes. In 1956, the production of square- planks is a permanent and welcome cient and effective manner. This also al-
mesh interlocked gratings was added. challenge to our professional staff. lows us to offer short term deliveries as
In 1960/61, the production of pressure- well as to provide access to competent
locked gratings with square and rectan- In addition to our eight production lines technical support staff.
gular meshes was grafted into the Licht- for pressure-locked gratings, we have
gitter production programme. In 1969, six of the latest state of the art produc- In the future, Lichtgitter will address its
the production of forge-welded gratings tion lines for forge-welded gratings and attention to the permanent improvement
followed. Also during this period, the four lines for perforated metal planks of its technical equipment, in order to
production of welded gratings with ho- currently at our disposal. identify new solutions in the areas of
neycombed meshes and square-mesh gratings and perforated metal planks.
interlocked gratings was terminated. In Our workshops in Germany are located
1986, the already extensive production in Stadtlohn, Sulz and Blumberg. A num- Progress and innovation require high le-
line was further extended by the inclusi- ber of galvanising plants also form part vels of foresight and responsibility.
on of perforated metal planks, manufac- of the group. These are standards that Lichtgitter and
tured in Sulz a.N. its staff are fully committed to meeting
To meet the demands of our internatio- and maintaining.
Production procedures and machines nal customers and to put into effect the


Quality requires standards
Decades of experience in manufac- A decisive factor for many of our clients ● DIN 24537-1 Gratings as floor cover-
turing of gratings are not always suffi- is the consistently reliable high quality ings, part I. gratings
cient in itself. Only fully verified stan- of all of our products and services. In (Editor see above)
dards and properly followed instruc- order to ensure the consistency of this
tions, along with further innovative de- quality, all relevant standards for gra- ● DIN EN ISO 14122-1 Safety of machi-
velopment of production procedures tings, perforated metal planks, stairs nery, permanent means of access to
and materials, can satisfy our client’s and stairtreads are to be strictly adhe- machines.
demands and expectations, in respect red to. Choice of fixed means of access
of quality. between two levels.
The manufacturing of our products is
The results are: monitored and assessed in accordance ● DIN EN ISO 14122-2 Safety of machi-
● Quality during the production of for- with the following criteria: nery, permanent means of access to
ge-welded gratings, pressure- machines.
locked gratings, perforated metal ● Quality Management System acc. to Working platforms and walkways.
planks, spiral staircases and asso- DIN EN ISO 9002 for the fields of
ciated fittings. gratings, perforated metal planks, ● DIN EN ISO 14122-3 Safety of machi-
stairs and stairtreads (since 1993). nery, permanent means of access to
● Competence in solving problems. machines.
● BGI 588 Instruction sheet for grat- Stairs, stepladders and guardrails.
● Successful completion of large pro- ings (Editor: Hauptverband der Ge-
jects. werblichen Berufsgenossenschaft, ● DIN EN ISO 1461 Galvanising of
Fachausschuss „Bauliche Einricht- single parts (Editor: Normenaus-
● Manufacture of gratings and per- ungen“ der BGZ). schuss Materialprüfung (NMP) im
forated metal planks in many vari- DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
ations. ● BGR 181 Instruction sheet for floo- e.V.)
ring in working areas with skid risk
● Surface treatment according to spe- (for Editor see above). ● AGI-Arbeitsblatt H 10 Gratings
cific technical and architectural re- within industrial construction (Edi-
quirements. ● RAL-GZ 638 Quality assurance for tor: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrie-
gratings (Editor: RAL Deutsches bau e.V.).
● Order control by a fully integrated Institut für Gütesicherung und Kenn-
data processing system. zeichnung e.V.).
We are an approved technical welding
● An operational monitoring system ● RAL-GZ 639 Quality assurance for company acc. to DIN 18800-7
for static inspections. perforated metal planks (for Editor
see above). Lichtgitter is a member of the trade-
● Current quality control according to mark association Edelstahl Rostfrei e.V.
RAL-GZ 638 and RAL-GZ 639 ● DIN 24531-1 Gratings made of steel
as tread covering, part I: gratings
● A Quality Management System ac- (Editor: Normenausschuss Maschi-
cording to DIN EN ISO 9002. nenbau [NAM] im DIN Deutsches
Institut für Normung e.V.)
This results in an impressive record of
virtually zero product errors.

Technical Terms
Metal floors are grouped into two All cut edges are bound with either bin- of stability to the user.
distinct categories, gratings (forge-wel- ding bar, kick flat (toeplate), or in some Gratings and perforated metal planks
ded and pressure-locked gratings) and instances, deep bar. Pressure-locked are light and easy to install. They are
perforated metal planks. gratings are bound on all sides, whe- especially suitable for pedestrian and
reas forge-welded gratings are normally vehicle traffic on platforms, walkways,
Gratings consist of a plurality of verti- only bound at the ends of the loadbea- stairs, landings and stairtreads. They
cally aligned flat bearing bars, held ring bars. are lightweight, provide excellent light
upright, apart and parallel to each other and air transmission, they have high
at regular spacing, by a plurality of Perforated metal planks are C-profiles strength and are easy to assemble and
cross bars fixed transversely into them, formed from sheets with different disassemble, whilst the serrated top
also at regular spacing. The arrange- formed patterns on their surfaces. The- surface ensures minimal collection of
ment of bars as described would nor- se patterned profiles provide varying le- water and dust, i.e., all striking product
mally provide a free space area, in ex- vels of serration on their top surfaces advantages.
cess of 70% of the plan area. which in turn provides increased levels

1. Bearing bars 2. Cross bars 3. Binding

Bars bearing load lie parallel to each Connecting bars that are positioned trans- Bar or section to the edge of gratings, flush
other between two grating supports versely across bearing bars and are either with the tops of bearing bars (in direction
welded or pressed into them at their inter- of bearing bar = binding along side; cross
section points to provide lateral restraint. to bearing bar = cross binding).

4. Mesh 5. Pitch 6. Perforated metal planks

Clear distance between bearing bars Distance between centre-to-centre of Perforated metal planks are produced
and cross bars. bearing bars and centre-to-centre of by forming and perforating sheets. De-
cross bars. pending on use, different patterns,
widths and heights are possible.

7. Length (bearing bar direction) 8. Width (cross bar direction) 9. Span (bearing bar direction)

External distance of a metal grating in External distance of metal grating in Distance between centre to centre of
bearing bar direction. This size is cross bar direction. This size is termed support. Clear span (effective span) is
termed length even if less than the width even if it is greater than the the clear distance between two sup-
width. length. ports.

Technical Terms
10. Cutouts 11. Small cutouts 12. Kick flat (toe plate)

Straight or curved cutouts in metal gra- Straight or curved cutouts with a length Binding bar projecting above the top
tings may be necessary to clear ob- of less than 0,5 rm. surface of bearing bars by at least 100
structions, plant or structural members. mm (upstand).
All cuts ends are bound after shaping.

13. Deep binding bar 14. Notch 15. Substructure

If an adjustment between height of grat- A cutout made to the lower part of bea- A structural unit provided beneath a
ing and height of surrounding area is ring bars in order to reduce the level of grating that usually provides support.
necessary, a deep binding bar is an op- the grating top to that of the surroun-
tion. Alternatively grating heights may ding area. A notched bearing bar should
be raised, by attaching other suitable still be capable of sustaining the design
sections to the underside. load.

16. Support 17. Side (end) plate 18. Perforated nosing

A structural section having a minimum Plates provided with holes for bolting, A visually accentuated member, perfo-
clear distance of 30 mm available, to al- welded to the ends of bearing bars in rated to provide serrations that reduce
low a minimum of 25 mm of bearing for treads. the risk of slip, which increases the lo-
bearing bars. Deviations may be permit- ad-carrying capability at its location and
ted, providing suitable measures are ta- is welded to the leading edge of all
ken to prevent excessive movement in treads and landings on stairs.
the direction of bearing bars.

19. Serration

Forge-welded gratings are provided with In order to increase the amount of ser- Perforated metal planks are provided
a top surface that reduces the risk of slip ration and cover the transverse direc- with a serrated top surface by their per-
in adverse conditions, by regular notching tion, pressure-locked gratings can also forations.
of bearing bars to produce serrations. be supplied with serrated cross bars.

To us „Service“ means ● Close co-operation with engineers ● Production planning and control
and architects during realization of through a complete integrated data
„Everything for the client“, plans, e.g. regarding the use of grat- processing system. All order settle-
ings and perforated metal planks as ment files are interconnected. In
In other words, we continuously focus construction elements. this way, the complete data is avai-
on our clients’ requirements on every lable from the time of enquiry to the
job and in all details. ● In special cases, taking measure- time of delivery, including an auto-
ments on site, subject to additional matic report of all operational data
Our working procedure includes: charges. in our system. This optimisation vir-
tually eliminates production faults.
● Acceptance and completion of en- ● Data transmission, in liaison with
quiries and orders with professional our technical department. ● Co-operation with national and in-
and technical know-how. ternational trade-mark associations
● Preparation of grating layout draw- to determine standards and instruc-
● Competent, product and project re- ings by CAD, subject to costs and tions.
lated advice. production requirements and based
upon receipt of all relevant sket- ● Permanent client information in res-
● Technical advisory services regar- ches, outline plans, construction pect of standards and their publica-
ding calculation and determination drawings or CAD-drawings, in either tions.
of dimensions and fixings, choice of DXF or DWG data format. (Data
material and surface treatment. transmission is possible via diskette,
E-mail or point to point connection
● Fulfilment of quotations according to via Modem or Fritzcard).
project related demands and valid
standards and instructions. ● Layout drawings available as a data
● Static layout of gratings and perfor-
ated metal planks.

SP Forge-Welded Gratings

SP- / P-Gratings

SP Forge-Welded Gratings
Permanent improvements in modern End bar welding Safety
technology, partly protected by patent, Lichtgitter forge-welded gratings have Cross bars fitted flush with the top of
in connection with decades of experi- special binding bars provided for the bearing bars gives a secure foothold,
ence have assured Lichtgitter’s place ends of bearing bars, complete with two which contributes to a higher level of
as the leading manufacturer of forge- stiffening corrugations shaped into safety and helps to minimise accidents.
welded gratings. them, which are supplied in the direc-
tion of the cross bars. During this pro-
Production duction procedure developed by Licht-
Gratings are fully resistance welded, by gitter, the bars are automatically wel-
creating heat at the metal intersection ded to the ends of each bearing bar
points of square twisted or round cross where they meet the corrugations. Sco-
bars and solid bearing bars. As the for- rification is completely avoided and the
ging temperature is reached, the cross connection method aids free flowing of
bars are pressed into the bearing bars zinc at the ends of bearing bars during
under high pressure and the materials the hot dip galvanising process. The fi-
are forge-welded together. nal result is a forge-welded grating with
a continuous high quality and clear un-
Stability blemished binding at panel ends. A flat
The resistance welding process, where bar is used to provide binding on sides
heat is generated by an electric current, of gratings supplied in the dircection of
provides homogeneous welding at all in- bearing bars. Heavy-duty gratings are
tersection points and produces gratings provided with flat binding bars on all si-
of high stability, maximum strength and des.
optimal load distribution.
Protection against corrosion
Sectional stability The finished forge-welded gratings are
Special production features of forge- normally galvanised according to DIN
welded gratings provide uncomparable EN ISO1461. The zinc coating ensures
product quality in terms of twisting and excellent protection againt corrosion. In
bending distortion. Even when additio- special cases, additional protection can
nal cutouts have to be made (often be achieved by bitumen dipping, dip or
unavoidable during erection), a high spray painting, plastic coating or other
degree of stability is maintained. surface treatments (preferably after gal-
vanising). Principle of construction

SP Forge-Welded Grating
Standard Programme
Forge-welded gratings are normally

Forge-Welded Gratings
pre-fabricated in bearing bar lengths of
3050 mm, 6100 mm and 12200 mm. These
panels can be easily transported and
further processed at low-costs. If forge-
welded gratings are galvanised, the ma-
ximum dimensions should not exceed
3050 x 1000 mm. Depending on bearing
bar thickness, twisted cross bars with
different cross sections are used.

Fabrication widths
The process of manufacturing forge-
welded gratings produces a 1000 mm
(nominal size) standard width. Shrink-
age following the welding procedure,
results in an actual width of approxima-
tely 998 mm, thereby providing additio-
Fabrication widths SP-gratings at bearing bar thickness 3 mm
nal erection clearance. Standard widths
Pitch of bearing bars 34,33 mm; panel width = nominal size 1000 mm
are 485 mm and 1000 mm.
Number grating width number grating width number grating width
Dimensions deviating from 1000 mm are
of bars of bars of bars
subject to additional manufacturing re-
2 39 mm 12 382 mm 22 726 mm
quirements and produce scrap. It is the-
3 73 mm 13 417 mm 23 760 mm
reby recommended that forge-welded
4 108 mm 14 451 mm 24 794 mm
gratings should not have dimensions
5 142 mm 15 485 mm 25 829 mm
deviating from standard production di-
6 176 mm 16 520 mm 26 863 mm
mensions. The minimum dimension of
7 211 mm 17 554 mm 27 897 mm
single gratings within walkways and
8 245 mm 18 588 mm 28 932 mm
platforms is 279 mm (see fabrication
9 279 mm 19 623 mm 29 966 mm
10 314 mm 20 657 mm 30 1000 mm
11 348 mm 21 691 mm
All mentioned dimensions are theoretical and include normal production tolerances
Types of forge-welded gratings
(see page 78/79).
By means of type designation, fabrica-
tion methods (forge-welded gratings),
Types of forge-welded gratings
bearing bar dimension, pitch (see
sketch) and binding bar are fixed. Serra-
Example SP 330 - 34/38 - 3
ted gratings are indicated by an „X“ be-
Forge-welded gratings SP
fore type designation (e.g. XSP 330-
Bearing bar 30 x 3 mm 330
Pitches 34 x 38 mm -34/38
Banding 30 x 3 mm -3
Type SP 330 - 34/38 -3
Special types
Type as above, but
In addition to standard designs, further
Pitch 34 x 50 mm -34/50
pitches and materials are possible on
Type SP 330 - 34/50 -3
Serrated type N° 11 (see page 15).
Layout example
The example considers standard widths Pitch Lay-out example
with a make-up panel, whereby the ma-
ke-up panel width should be taken from

the nearest fabrication width available.


The erection clearance (approx. 3 mm) 1 1 1 2

of single gratings is considered during
1000 1000 1000 726

the fabrication.
34,33 34,33

SP Forge-Welded Gratings
Forge-welded gratings are especially designed for platforms, Furthermore, forge-welded gratings are particularly suited to
landings and walkways in power stations and all kinds of indu- heavy-duty gratings. The homogeneous welding between bear-
strial applications. Their particular features include, an excel- ing and cross bar permits them to withstand shearing forces
lent loadbearing capacity coupled with torsional rigidity. without problems. Sizes are optained by considering static and
dynamic loading along with the required free span.

Forge-welded gratings SP Standard Forge-welded gratings SP Heavy-duty gratings

Bearings bars Pitches Bearing bars Pitches
Bearing bar pitch Cross bar pitch Bearing bar pitch Cross bar pitch
25 x 2 mm 34,33 mm 38,1 mm 30 x 4 mm 34,33 mm 38,1 mm
30 x 2 mm 50,8 mm 40 x 4 mm
40 x 2 mm 30 x 5 mm
25 x 3 mm 40 x 5 mm
30 x 3 mm 50 x 5 mm
40 x 3 mm 60 x 5 mm
70 x 5 mm
80 x 5 mm
Material S 235 JR (^= St 37-2) Material S 235 JR (^= St 37-2)
Surface see pages 76 / 77 Surface see pages 76 / 77

SP Forge-Welded Gratings
Forge welded gratings with serrated bars are used in dirt in- Forge-welded gratings with the particular bearing bar and

Forge-Welded Gratings
tensified areas of high pollution and slippery surfaces. They cross bar pitches shown below (special gratings) are neces-
are inspected in accordance with instruction sheet „BGI 181“ sary for example, when small objects need to be prevented
of the „Berufsgenossenschaft“ professional association. Ser- from falling through the grating. Smaller gaps between bars,
rations are achieved by punching the top surface of bearing can also be achieved by welding suitable continuous round
bars. Serrated gratings are indicated by an „X“ before type de- bars to the underside of the cross bars, in the bearing bar di-
signation (see page 72 to 75). rection and between each bearing bar (offshore-gratings for
specific offshore projects).
A minimum quantity of 300 m2 is required for special gratings.

Forge-welded gratings XSP Serrated type no. 1 & no. 11 Forge-welded gratings as SP Special gratings
Bearing bars XSP n° Pitches Bearing bars Pitches
Bearing bar pitch Cross bar pitch Bearing bar pitch Cross bar pitch
25 x 2 mm 1 34,33 mm 38,1 mm 25 x 2 mm 16,60 mm 24,0 mm
30 x 2 mm 1 30 x 2 mm 21,64 mm 33,0 mm
40 x 2 mm 1 40 x 2 mm 30,16 mm 38,1 mm
30 x 3 mm 1
40 x 3 mm 1 25 x 3 mm 33,17 mm 50,8 mm
40 x 4 mm 1 30 x 3 mm 41,46 mm 76,2 mm
30 x 2 mm 11 40 x 3 mm 45,30 mm 101,6 mm
30 x 3 mm 11
40 x 3 mm 11 Material S 235 JR (^= St 37-2)
30 x 4 mm 1 34,33 mm 50,8 mm Surface see pages 76 / 77

Material S 235 JR (^= St 37-2) Offshore-gratings on request

Surface see pages 76 / 77

SP Load table for Forge-Welded Gratings

* 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

Fv 3105 2160 1585 1215 960 775 640 540

SP 225-34/38- 3 25 x 2 mm 34 x 38 mm 18,7 f 0,16 0,23 0,31 0,41 0,51 0,63 0,77 0,91
Fp 265 215 180 150 135 120 105 100
f1 0,15 0,21 0,28 0,36 0,45 0,55 0,67 0,78
Fv 4475 3110 2285 1750 1380 1120 925 775 660 570
SP 230-34/38- 3 30 x 2 mm 34 x 38 mm 21,5 f 0,13 0,19 0,26 0,34 0,43 0,53 0,64 0,76 0,89 1,04
Fp 380 305 255 220 190 170 150 140 130 120
f1 0,12 0,17 0,23 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,55 0,66 0,76 0,88
Fv 7955 5520 4060 3110 2455 1990 1645 1380 1180 1015
SP 240-34/38- 3 40 x 2 mm 34 x 38 mm 27,2 f 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,57 0,67 0,78
Fp 670 535 445 380 335 295 265 240 225 205
f1 0,09 0,13 0,17 0,23 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,58 0,66
Fv 4660 3240 2380 1820 1440 1165 960 810 690 595
SP 325-34/38- 3 25 x 3 mm 34 x 38 mm 24,5 f 0,16 0,23 0,31 0,41 0,51 0,64 0,77 0,91 1,07 1,24
Fp 400 320 265 230 200 180 160 145 135 125
f1 0,15 0,21 0,28 0,36 0,45 0,55 0,67 0,79 0,92 1,06
Fv 6710 4660 3425 2620 2070 1680 1390 1165 990 855
SP 330-34/38- 3 30 x 3 mm 34 x 38 mm 28,5 f 0,13 0,19 0,26 0,34 0,43 0,53 0,64 0,76 0,89 1,04
Fp 570 460 380 330 285 255 230 210 190 175
f1 0,12 0,17 0,23 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,55 0,66 0,77 0,89
Fv 11930 8285 6090 4660 3680 2980 2465 2070 1765 1520
SP 340-34/38- 3 40 x 3 mm 34 x 38 mm 36,5 f 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,57 0,67 0,78
Fp 1000 800 670 570 500 445 400 365 335 310
f1 0,09 0,13 0,17 0,23 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,58 0,66
Fv 15910 11050 8120 6215 4910 3975 3290 2760 2355 2030
SP 440-34/38- 4 40 x 4 mm 34 x 38 mm 47 f 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,57 0,67 0,78
Fp 1335 1070 890 765 670 595 535 485 445 410
f1 0,09 0,13 0,18 0,23 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,58 0,66
Fv 11185 7765 5705 4370 3450 2795 2310 1940 1655 1425
SP 530-34/38- 5 30 x 5 mm 34 x 38 mm 46,1 f 0,13 0,19 0,26 0,34 0,43 0,53 0,64 0,76 0,89 1,04
Fp 955 765 635 545 480 425 380 350 320 295
f1 0,12 0,17 0,23 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,55 0,66 0,77 0,88
Fv 19885 13810 10145 7765 6140 4970 4110 3450 2940 2535
SP 540-34/38- 5 40 x 5 mm 34 x 38 mm 59,4 f 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,57 0,67 0,78
Fp 1670 1335 1115 955 835 740 670 610 555 515
f1 0,09 0,13 0,17 0,23 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,57 0,66
Fv 31070 21580 15850 12140 9590 7770 6420 5395 4595 3960
SP 550-34/38- 5 50 x 5 mm 34 x 38 mm 72,7 f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,26 0,32 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,62
Fp 2570 2055 1710 1470 1285 1140 1030 935 855 790
f1 0,07 0,10 0,14 0,18 0,23 0,28 0,33 0,39 0,46 0,53
Fv 44740 31070 22830 17480 13810 11185 9245 7770 6620 5705
SP 560-34/38- 5 60 x 5 mm 34 x 38 mm 86 f 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,26 0,32 0,38 0,45 0,52
Fp 3635 2910 2425 2080 1820 1615 1455 1320 1210 1120
f1 0,06 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,19 0,23 0,28 0,33 0,38 0,44
Fv 60900 42290 31070 23790 18795 15225 12580 10575 9010 7770
SP 570-34/38- 5 70 x 5 mm 34 x 38 mm 99,3 f 0,06 0,08 0,11 0,14 0,18 0,23 0,27 0,33 0,38 0,44
Fp 4870 3895 3250 2785 2435 2165 1950 1770 1625 1500
f1 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,20 0,24 0,28 0,33 0,38
Fv 79540 55240 40585 31070 24550 19885 16435 13810 11770 10145
SP 580-34/38- 5 80 x 5 mm 34 x 38 mm 112,5 f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,20 0,24 0,29 0,34 0,39
Fp 6250 5000 4170 3570 3125 2780 2500 2275 2085 1925
f1 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,14 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,29 0,33

* Key to symbols
Fv = uniformly distributed Fp = concentrated load in daN
load (UDL) in daN/m2 uniformly distributed over an 1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N
f = deflection in cm at load Fv area of 200 x 200 mm
f1 = deflection values in cm at
load Fp

Forge-Welded Gratings
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500

Material stress (permissible tension):

1600 daN/cm2 (material S235JR ^= St 37-2)
1,19 Safety factor to yield point: 1,5
1,01 Safety factor to breaking limit: 2,05
885 775 690 615 550 500
0,89 1,02 1,15 1,29 1,43 1,59
190 180 165 160 150 140 The grating support should provide a bearing distance
0,76 0,86 0,96 1,08 1,20 1,33 at each end of at least 25 mm. Deviations may be per-
520 mitted, providing suitable measures are taken to pre-
1,43 vent excessive movement in the direction of bearing
115 bars (see instruction sheet BGI 588).
745 655 580 520 Pedestrian traffic
1,19 1,35 1,53 1,71
165 150 145 135 Yellow: Gratings manufactured in accordance with the
1,01 1,15 1,29 1,44 requirements of instruction sheet BGI 588 of the Be-
1325 1165 1030 920 825 745 675 615 565 520 rufsgenossenschaft professional association and to
0,89 1,02 1,15 1,29 1,43 1,59 1,75 1,92 2,10 2,29 quality instructions RAL-GZ 638, are considered suita-
290 270 250 235 220 210 200 190 180 170 ble for pedestrian traffic when they meet the following
0,76 0,86 0,97 1,08 1,20 1,33 1,46 1,60 1,75 1,90 design criteria:
1770 1555 1375 1230 1100 995 900 820 750 690 635 The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does not ex-
0,89 1,02 1,15 1,29 1,43 1,59 1,75 1,92 2,00 2,29 2,48 ceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’or 4 mm whichever is the
380 355 335 315 295 280 265 255 240 230 225 lesser, under a concentrated load of 150 daN applied
0,76 0,86 0,97 1,08 1,20 1,33 1,46 1,60 1,75 1,90 2,06 in the most unfavourable position, over a concentrated
1240 1090 970 865 775 700 635 580 530 load area of 200 x 200 mm.
1,19 1,35 1,53 1,71 1,91 2,12 2,33 2,56 2,80
270 255 240 225 210 200 190 180 175
1,01 1,15 1,29 1,44 1,60 1,77 1,95 2,14 2,33 Green: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
2210 1940 1720 1535 1380 1240 1130 1030 940 865 795 not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a concentra-
0,89 1,02 1,15 1,29 1,43 1,59 1,75 1,92 2,10 2,29 2,48 ted load of 1,5 kN applied in the most unfavourable
475 445 420 395 370 350 335 320 305 290 280 position, over a concentrated load area of 200 x 200
0,76 0,86 0,97 1,08 1,20 1,33 1,46 1,60 1,75 1,90 2,06 mm.
3450 3035 2690 2400 2150 1940 1760 1605 1470 1350 1240
0,71 0,81 0,92 1,03 1,15 1,27 1,40 1,54 1,68 1,83 1,98
735 685 640 605 570 540 515 490 470 445 430
Blue: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
0,61 0,69 0,78 0,87 0,96 1,06 1,17 1,28 1,40 1,52 1,65
not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a uniformly
4970 4370 3870 3450 3100 2795 2535 2310 2115 1940 1790
distributed load of 500 daN/m2.
0,60 0,68 0,77 0,86 0,96 1,06 1,17 1,28 1,40 1,52 1,65
1040 970 910 855 810 765 730 690 660 630 605
0,51 0,57 0,65 0,72 0,80 0,89 0,98 1,07 1,17 1,27 1,37
The multiplication factor for gratings with a pitch of
6765 5945 5270 4700 4215 3805 3450 3145 2880 2645 2435
approx. 34 x 50 mm is 0,95.
0,51 0,58 0,66 0,73 0,82 0,91 1,00 1,10 1,20 1,31 1,42
1390 1300 1220 1145 1080 1025 975 930 885 850 810
Example: SP 330-34/50-3
0,43 0,49 0,55 0,62 0,69 0,76 0,84 0,92 1,00 1,09 1,18
Clear span 1100 mm
8840 7770 6880 6140 5510 4970 4510 4110 3760 3450 3180
load according to table
0,45 0,51 0,57 0,64 0,72 0,79 0,88 0,96 1,05 1,14 1,24
1390 daN x 0,95 = 1320 daN/m2.
1785 1665 1560 1470 1390 1315 1250 1190 1135 1090 1040
0,38 0,43 0,48 0,54 0,60 0,67 0,73 0,80 0,87 0,95 1,03

SP Standard Gratings
Standard forge-welded gratings
Type Bearing bar Nominal mesh Dimension Weight Load
kg/piece daN/m2
SP 230 - 34/38 - 3 30 x 2 mm ca. 30 x 30 mm 500 x 1000 mm 11,0 4475
600 x 1000 mm 13,5 3110
700 x 1000 mm 15,8 2285
800 x 1000 mm 18,0 1750
900 x 1000 mm 20,0 1380
1000 x 1000 mm 22,5 1120
1100 x 1000 mm 24,8 925
1200 x 1000 mm 27,0 775
SP 330 - 34/38 - 3 30 x 3 mm ca. 30 x 30 mm 250 x 1000 mm 7,5 26845
500 x 1000 mm 14,8 6710
600 x 1000 mm 17,7 4660
700 x 1000 mm 20,7 3425
800 x 1000 mm 23,6 2620
900 x 1000 mm 26,7 2070
1000 x 1000 mm 29,5 1680
1100 x 1000 mm 32,5 1390
1200 x 1000 mm 35,4 1165
All standard gratings can be delivered ex stock
Underlined dimensions are bearing bar dimensions.
Grating dimensions / tolerances in length and width: + 0 mm / - 4 mm acc. RAL-GZ 638.
Load values of continuously distributed load in daN/m2 (see pages 16/17).

SP Panels
Forge-welded panels
self coloured, without binding in direction of cross bars
type dimension kg/piece
SP 230-34/38-3 6100 x 1000 mm 116,50
SP 330-34/38-3 6100 x 1000 mm 156,70
SP 340-34/38-3 6100 x 1000 mm 200,00

SP Standard Stairtreads
Requirements for steel stairs (Extract from DIN EN 14122-3)
The rise, ‘h’ and going ‘g’, shall meet the formula, 600 ≤ g + 2
h ≤ 660. The overlap, ‘r’ of step or landing shall be ≥ 10 mm.
The length of landing ‘l’ shall be at least 800 mm and in any
case ≥ the width of the stair, ‘w’.
On the same flight, the rise shall be constant wherever pos-
sible. In the case where it is not possible to maintain the
height of the rise between the level of departure and the lo-
wer step, it may be reduced by a maximum of 15%.
Steps shall resist the following unfactored loadings:
If the width ‘w’ < 1200 mm, then 1,5 kN shall be distributed
over an area of 100 x 100 mm where one boundary is the lea-
ding edge of the nosing, applied at the middle of the stair
width. If the width ‘w’ ≥ 1200 mm, then respectively 1,5 kN
shall be distributed simultaneously over each of the 100 x
100 mm areas applied at the most unfavourable points, spa-
ced at intervals of 600 mm, where one boundary is the lea-
ding edge of the nosing.
H Climbing height r Overlap
g Going α Angle of pitch
e Headroom w Width
h Rise p Pitch line
l Length of landing t Height of step
c Clearance

SP Standard Stairtreads

Production tings produced for stairtreads are produced in the same types

Forge-Welded Gratings
Production We reserve the right to supply stairtreads with bearing bars
Forge-welded gratings produced for stairtreads are produced thicker and higher than ordered, at no extra charge. We can of-
in the same types as used for platforms and walkways. They fer other types and sizes of stairtreads with perforated nosing,
are always supplied with serrated, perforated nosing and wel- depending on demand.
ded side plates.
On request, we supply fixings for stairtreads consisting of:
All stairtreads are inert gas welded, in special jigs. Hexagonal bolts M 12 x 35 DIN EN 24018
Hexagonal nuts M 12 DIN EN 24034 and
Installation Washers A 14 DIN 7989.

The stairtreads in accordance to DIN can be produced regar-

ding the length with a minus tolerance and furthermore the
stair construction can have tolerances. So it may be necessary
to verify before srewing the treads if a washer between cheek
and stairtread is needed. Thereby possible damages of the
welding of the bearings bars to the side plates can be avoided.

Long hole type

For easy fitting to stair stringers, each side plate is always sup-
plied with one round and one slotted fixing hole.

Perforated nosing increases the anti-slip value of the stair-

treads and favourably accentuates the leading edge visually.
This is an important contribution to safety.

Standard stairtreads acc. to DIN 24531-1 (preferred sizes)

Type Bearing bar Dimension b c d e kg/tread

SP 330-34/38-3 30 x 3 mm 600 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 6,0

Nominal mesh 600 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 7,5
ca. 30 x 30 mm 600 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 10,0
800 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 8,0
800 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 9,0
800 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 11,5
1000 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 9,5
1000 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 10,5
1000 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 13,0

SP 340-34/38-3 40 x 3 mm 800 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 7,0

Nominal mesh 800 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 8,0
ca. 30 x 30 mm 1000 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 10,0
1000 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 11,0
1200 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 13,0
1200 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 15,5
1200 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 18,0

Other stairtreads ex stock

Type Bearing bar Dimension b c d e kg/tread

SP 225-34/38-3 25 x 2 mm 600 x 185 mm 55 70 90 60 3,0
SP 225-34/38-3 25 x 2 mm 700 x 185 mm 55 70 90 60 3,4
SP 230-34/38-3 30 x 2 mm 700 x 220 mm 55 70 100 85 4,3
SP 230-34/38-3 30 x 2 mm 800 x 220 mm 55 70 100 85 4,8

SP P Square Gratings

In accordance with the instructions of

the professional associations, square
gratings should be avoided where only
two supports are provided, in order to
ensure bearing bars are not running in
the wrong direction following erection.

Where it is not practical to avoid supp-

lying square gratings, supports should
be provided for all four sides of the gra-
ting, or arrangements should be made
to prevent installation with bearing bars
running in the wrong direction.

This can be achieved for example, by

welding a 20 x 3 flat bar x 20 mm long, to
the side of at least one of the side bea-
ring bars, with at least 10 mm projecting
below the grating, at a suitable distance
away from bearing bar supports (see

P Pressure-Locked Gratings

Pressure-Locked Gratings

P Pressure-Locked Gratings
Roughly 2000 sq.m. of pressure-locked Production sizes
gratings are produced daily and sup- Pressure-locked gratings are produced
plied to clients all over the world. in all construction heights and thicknes-
ses demanded by the market. Maxi-
Lichtgitter pressure-locked gratings are mum production dimension in direction
used in the industrial sector as well as of cross bars is 1400 mm.
in civil engineering industries. In additi-
on they are particularly well suited to all
types of architectural applications. Binding
pressue-locked gratings are made of Pressure-locked gratings with bearing
steel, stainless steel and aluminum. bars of 20 x 2 mm up to 40 x 3 mm
are bound either with flat material or
with two stiffening corrugations or angle
Production profiles. Pressure-locked gratings with
Under high pressure, unweakened bearing bars larger than 40 x 3 mm
cross bars are pressed into bearing are bound with flat material.
bars that are S-shaped and/or conically
slotted. We have presses at our dispo-
sal that provide pressures of up to Quality standard
20.000 kN for this purpose. Lichtgitter has introduced and conti-
nuously developed production techni-
The high pressure and the slit produc- ques that ensure continually high levels
tion of the bearing bars guarantee a of safety. This is maintained by maxi-
firm, torsion rigid grating structure. The mum possible automation guaranteeing
load distribution is optimum. Thus, even a high standard of quality for our pres-
cuts that may be additionally necessary sure-locked gratings.
on the construction site have little influ-
ence on the stability and usability of the
grating structure.

P Pressure-Locked Gratings

Pressure-Locked Gratings
Standard Programme
The flexibility of our production lines al-
lows the fabrication of a large variety of
different types of pressure-locked gra-
tings. It is possible to choose for exam-
ple a square pitch within the range of
pitches. A change is also possible with-
in the basic pitches, e.g. bearing bar
pitch 22,22 mm, cross bar pitch 33,33
mm. However, the maximum pitch for
pedestrian gratings of approx. 33 x 50
mm must be considered according to
the instructions of the professional as-

At a bearing bar thickness of 2 mm, the

cross bar thickness is also 2 mm. Other-
wise the cross bar is 1 to 2 mm weaker
than the bearing bar. Cross bar heights
are either 10 mm or 20 mm depending
on the height of the bearing bars.

Types of pressure-locked gratings

Fabrication procedure (pressure-locked
gratings), bearing bar, pitch and bind-
ing are denoted by type designation.
Serrated pressure-locked gratings are
indicated by an „X“ before type desi-
gantion (e.g. XP 330-33-3)

Special types
Pressure-locked gratings as architec-
tural applications in different forms and Type desigantion of pressure-locked gratings
types are also part of the production
programme. Fencings, decoration, ele- Pressure-locked grating P
ments for optical shelter and circulating Bearing bar 30 x 3 mm 330
air diffusers are examples of the wide Pitch 33,33 x 44,44 mm -33/44
range of applications. These pressure- Binding 30 x 3 mm -3
locked gratings can be produced with Designation: P 330 -33/44 -3
cross bars angled at 45° as well as 15°. With equal pitch of bearing bar and cross bar, pitch is only mentioned one time,
e.g. P 330-33-3.

Full cell gratings

Full cell gratings (gratings with bearing
bars and cross bars of the same dimen-
sion) can be used as decorative ele-
mets, e.g. for ceilings, handrails and
sunprotection. Full cell gratings can be
produced up to a material thickness of
3 mm and up to a maximum height of
60 mm, depending on pitch .

Pressure-locked gratings with cross bars angled at 45°.

P Pressure-Locked Gratings
Pressure-locked gratings are used in platforms, walkways, Heavy-duty pressure-locked gratings are also available for ve-
building facades, basement shafts and also for architectural hicle applications. These gratings are particularly suitable for
and aesthetic purposes. With gratings of the same size, it is special loads, including the concentrated loads recommended
possible to have matching bearing bars and cross bars. in DIN 1055-5/A1 and 1072, for classes according to SLW. We
recommend that an experienced engineer takes care of the

Pressure-locked gratings P Standard Pressure-locked gratings P Heavy-duty gratings

Bearing bars Pitches Bearing bar Pitches
Bearing bar pitch Cross bar pitch Bearing bar pitch Cross bar pitch
20 x 2 mm 20 mm 20 mm 40 x 4 mm 20 mm 20 mm
25 x 2 mm 22,22 mm 22,22 mm 40 x 5 mm 25 mm 25 mm
30 x 2 mm 25 mm 25 mm 50 x 5 mm 33,33 mm 33,33 mm
40 x 2 mm 33,33 mm 33,33 mm 60 x 5 mm
20 x 3 mm up to 120 x 5 mm And a multiple of pitches above.
25 x 3 mm And a multipe of pitches above. Other heavy-duty gratings on request
30 x 3 mm Other pitches on request. (e.g. 8 or 10 mm bearing bar thickness)
40 x 3 mm
materials S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2), S 355 J2G3 (^= St 52-3) Materials S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2), S 355 J2G3 (^= St 52-3)
stainless steel 1.4301, 1.4571 (from bearing stainless steel 1.4301 und 1.4571
bar 25 x 2 onwards), Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22, AlMg 1 F 15
Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22, AlMg 1 F 15 Surfaces see pages 76 / 77
surface see page 76/77

P Pressure-Locked Gratings

Pressure-locked Gratings
Serrated pressure-locked gratings with serrated bearing Pressure-locked gratings with narrow pitches are used as en-
and/or cross bars are approved by the Occupational Safety trance doormats in pedestrian traffic areas and public places.
Authorities. Various anti-slip categories have been established These gratings are also recommended in the „Berufsgenos-
to provide a range of anti-slip levels. The anti-slip levels range senschaft“ professional association’s instruction sheet BGI
from category R9 to R13 (see pages 72 to 75). 588. The length of bearing bars should follow the direction of
travel, but if they can only be installed in a different direction,
they should be serrated.

Pressure-locked gratings XP Serration No. 3 Pressure -locked gratings P Narrow pitch

Bearing bars Pitches Bearing bars Pitches
Bearing bar pitch Cross bar pitch Bearing bar pitch Cross bar pitch
20 x 2 mm 33,33 mm 33,33 mm 20 x 2 mm * 22,22 mm 11,11 mm
25 x 2 mm 25 x 2 mm 33,33 mm 16,65 mm
30 x 2 mm Serration no. 3 is also possible with 30 x 2 mm 44,44 mm
40 x 2 mm bearing bars of 4 and 5 mm thickness 40 x 2 mm
20 x 3 mm 25 x 3 mm
30 x 3 mm
25 x 3 mm Other pitches with serration no. 31, 32,
40 x 3 mm
30 x 3 mm 2, 22 and 4 on request. Materials S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2)
40 x 3 mm Stainless steel 1.4301 and 1.4571
Materials S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2), S 355 J2G3 (^= St 52-3) Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22, AlMg 1 F 15
stainless steel 1.4301, 1.4571 (not 20 x 2) Surfaces see pages 76 / 77
Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22, AlMg 1 F 15 Bearing bars marked * cannot be supplied in stainless steel
Surfaces see pages 76 / 77

P Loadtable for Pressure-Locked Gratings
Grating type Bearing bar Pitch approx. * Clear span in mm
galva. weight 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Fv 1845 1280 940 720 570
f 0,20 0,29 0,39 0,51 0,64
P 220-33-3 20 x 2 mm 33 x 33 mm 16,5
Fp 180 145 120 100 90
f1 0,18 0,26 0,35 0,45 0,57
Fv 2880 2000 1470 1125 890 720 595 500
f 0,16 0,23 0,31 0,41 0,51 0,63 0,77 0,91
P 225-33-3 25 x 2 mm 33 x 33 mm 19,4
Fp 275 220 185 160 140 125 110 100
f1 0,15 0,21 0,28 0,36 0,45 0,55 0,67 0,79
Fv 4150 2880 2115 1620 1280 1035 855 720 615 530
f 0,13 0,19 0,26 0,34 0,43 0,53 0,64 0,76 0,89 1,04
P 230-33-3 30 x 2 mm 33 x 33 mm 22,4
Fp 395 320 265 225 200 175 160 145 130 120
f1 0,12 0,17 0,23 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,55 0,66 0,77 0,88
Fv 7375 5120 3760 2880 2275 1845 1525 1280 1090 940
f 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,57 0,67 0,78
P 240-33-3 40 x 2 mm 33 x 33 mm 28,1
Fp 690 555 460 395 345 310 275 250 230 215
f1 0,09 0,13 0,17 0,23 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,57 0,66
Fv 2765 1920 1410 1080 855 690 570
f 0,20 0,29 0,39 0,51 0,64 0,79 0,96
P 320-33-3 20 x 3 mm 33 x 33 mm 21,3
Fp 270 215 180 155 135 120 105
f1 0,18 0,26 0,35 0,45 0,57 0,69 0,83
Fv 4320 3000 2205 1690 1335 1080 890 750 640 550
f 0,16 0,23 0,31 0,41 0,51 0,64 0,77 0,91 1,07 1,24
P 325-33-3 25 x 3 mm 33 x 33 mm 25,4
Fp 415 335 280 240 210 185 165 150 140 130
f1 0,15 0,21 0,28 0,36 0,45 0,55 0,67 0,79 0,92 1,06
Fv 6220 4320 3175 2430 1920 1555 1285 1080 920 795
f 0,13 0,19 0,26 0,34 0,43 0,53 0,64 0,76 0,89 1,04
P 330-33-3 30 x 3 mm 33 x 33 mm 29,5
Fp 595 475 395 340 300 265 240 215 200 185
f1 0,12 0,17 0,23 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,55 0,66 0,77 0,88
Fv 11060 7680 5645 4320 3415 2765 2285 1920 1635 1410
f 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,57 0,67 0,78
P 340-33-3 40 x 3 mm 33 x 33 mm 37,8
Fp 1040 830 690 595 520 460 415 375 345 320
f1 0,09 0,13 0,17 0,23 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,57 0,66
Fv 14750 10240 7525 5760 4550 3685 3045 2560 2180 1880
f 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,57 0,67 0,78
P 440-33-4 40 x 4 mm 33 x 33 mm 48,7
Fp 1380 1105 920 790 690 615 555 505 460 425
f1 0,09 0,13 0,17 0,23 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,57 0,66
Fv 10370 7200 5290 4050 3200 2590 2140 1800 1535 1320
f 0,13 0,19 0,26 0,34 0,43 0,53 0,64 0,76 0,89 1,04
P 530-33-5 30 x 5 mm 33 x 33 mm 48,3
Fp 970 780 650 555 485 430 390 355 325 300
f1 0,12 0,17 0,23 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,55 0,66 0,77 0,88
Fv 18435 12800 9405 7200 5690 4610 3810 3200 2725 2350
f 0,10 0,14 0,19 0,25 0,32 0,40 0,48 0,57 0,67 0,78
P 540-33-5 40 x 5 mm 33 x 33 mm 62,0
Fp 1730 1380 1150 990 865 770 690 630 575 530
f1 0,09 0,13 0,17 0,23 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,57 0,66
Fv 28800 20000 14695 11250 8890 7200 5950 5000 4260 3675
f 0,08 0,11 0,16 0,20 0,26 0,32 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,62
P 550-33-5 50 x 5 mm 33 x 33 mm 82,9
Fp 2650 2120 1765 1515 1325 1175 1060 965 885 815
f1 0,07 0,10 0,14 0,18 0,23 0,28 0,33 0,39 0,46 0,53
Fv 41475 28800 21160 16200 12800 10370 8570 7200 6135 5290
f 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,26 0,32 0,38 0,45 0,52
P 560-33-5 60 x 5 mm 33 x 33 mm 96,6
Fp 3745 3000 2495 2140 1875 1665 1500 1360 1250 1155
f1 0,06 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,19 0,23 0,28 0,33 0,38 0,44

* Key to symbols
1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N
Fv = uniformly distributed load (ULD) Fp = concentrated load in daN
in daN/m2 uniformly distributed over an
f = deflection in cm at load Fv area of 200 x 200 mm
f1 = deflection values in cm at
load Fp

Pressure-Locked Gratings
Clear span in mm
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 Data

Material stress (permissible tension):

1600 daN/cm2 (Material S235JR ^= St 37-2)

Safety factor to yield point: 1,5

Safety factor to breaking limit: 2,05

The grating support should provide a bearing distance

at each end of at least 25 mm. Deviations may be per-
mitted, providing suitable measures are taken to pre-
vent excessive movement in the direction of bearing
820 720 640 570 510 bars (see instruction sheet BGI 588).
0,89 1,02 1,15 1,29 1,43
198 184 172 163 154
0,76 0,86 0,97 1,08 1,20 Pedestrian traffic

Yellow: Gratings manufactured in accordance with the

requirements of instruction sheet BGI 588 of the „Be-
rufsgenossenschaft“ professional association and to
quality instructions RAL-GZ 638, are considered suita-
ble for pedestrian traffic when they meet the following
design criteria:
The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does not ex-
690 610 540
ceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’ or 4 mm whichever is the
1,19 1,35 1,53
lesser, under a concentrated load of 150 daN applied
170 160 150
in the most unfavourable position, over a concentrated
1,01 1,15 1,29
1230 1080 955 855 765 690 630 570 520 load area of 200 x 200 mm
0,89 1,02 1,15 1,29 1,43 1,59 1,75 1,92 2,10
295 275 260 245 230 220 205 200 190
0,76 0,86 0,97 1,08 1,20 1,33 1,46 1,60 1,75 Green: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
1640 1440 1275 1140 1020 920 835 760 695 640 590 not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a concentra-
0,89 1,02 1,15 1,29 1,43 1,59 1,75 1,92 2,10 2,29 2,48 ted load of 1,5 kN applied in the most unfavourable
395 370 345 325 305 290 275 265 250 240 230 position, over a concentrated load area of 200 x 200
0,76 0,86 0,97 1,08 1,20 1,33 1,46 1,60 1,75 1,90 2,06 mm.
1150 1010 895 800 720 650 590 535 490
1,19 1,35 1,53 1,71 1,91 2,12 2,33 2,56 2,80
280 260 245 230 215 205 195 185 175 Blue: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
1,01 1,15 1,29 1,44 1,60 1,77 1,95 2,14 2,33 not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a uniformly
2050 1800 1595 1420 1275 1150 1045 950 870 800 740 distributed load of 500 daN/m2.
0,89 1,02 1,15 1,29 1,43 1,59 1,75 1,92 2,10 2,29 2,48
495 460 430 405 385 365 345 330 315 300 290
0,76 0,86 0,97 1,08 1,20 1,33 1,46 1,60 1,75 1,90 2,06
3200 2810 2490 2220 1995 1800 1630 1485 1360 1250 1150
Multiplication factor
0,71 0,81 0,92 1,03 1,15 1,27 1,40 1,54 1,68 1,83 1,98 Pitch distributed load single load
760 705 660 625 590 560 525 505 480 460 440 22,22 1,50 1,35
0,61 0,69 0,77 0,87 0,96 1,06 1,17 1,28 1,40 1,52 1,65 25,00 1,33 1,24
4610 4050 3590 3200 2870 2590 2350 2140 1960 1800 1660 40,00 0,83 0,88
0,60 0,68 0,76 0,86 0,96 1,06 1,17 1,28 1,40 1,52 1,65 44,44 0,75 0,82
1070 1000 935 880 830 790 750 715 680 650 625 50,00 0,66 0,75
0,51 0,57 0,65 0,72 0,80 0,89 0,98 1,07 1,17 1,27 1,37 66,66 0,50 0,61

For concentrated loads, the conversion factor indica-

ted can only be approximate due to the varying num-
ber of adjoining bearing bars either side of the con-
centrated load area, therefore the load considered
should generally be that determined by the depths of
bearing bars and the number under the concentrated
load area.

P Standard Gratings and stairtreads
Delivery ex our stock
Standard Pressure-Locked Gratings with binding
Type dimension kg/piece type dimension kg/piece
in mm in mm
P 230-33-3 500 x 1000 11 P 330-33-3 500 x 1000 16
600 x 1000 13 600 x 1000 18
700 x 1000 15 700 x 1000 20
800 x 1000 17 800 x 1000 22
900 x 1000 19 900 x 1000 24
1000 x 1000 21 1000 x 1000 26
1100 x 1000 23 1100 x 1000 29
1200 x 1000 25 1200 x 1000 32

Standard Pressure-Locked Gratings with narrow pitch with binding

Type dimension kg/piece

in mm
P 230-33/11-3 500 x 1000 16
600 x 1000 19
700 x 1000 22
800 x 1000 25
900 x 1000 28
1000 x 1000 31
1100 x 1000 34
1200 x 1000 37

Pressure-Locked Panels
self coloured with binding, dimension: 3000 x 1000 mm
Type Bearing bar kg/m2 Type Bearing bar kg/m2
P 225-33-3 25 x 2 17,4 P 225-33/11-3 25 x 2 26,3
P 230-33-3 30 x 2 20,0 P 230-33/11-3 30 x 2 28,9
P 240-33-3 40 x 2 23,3 P 240-33/11-3 40 x 2 30,6
P 330-33-3 30 x 3 26,8 P 330-33/11-3 30 x 3 35,7
P 340-33-3 40 x 3 31,5 P 340-33/11-3 40 x 3 40,0
XP 230-33-3 (no.3) 30 x 2 20,0 XP 230-33/11-3 (no.4) 30 x 2 28,5
XP 330-33-3 (no.3) 30 x 3 26,5 XP 330-33/11-3 (no.4) 30 x 3 35,5

Pressure-Locked stairtreads ex stock

Type Bearing bar Dimension b c d e kg/piece
P 230-33-3 30 x 2 mm 600 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 3,5
P 230-33-3 30 x 2 mm 600 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 4,0
P 230-33-3 30 x 2 mm 600 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 5,0
P 230-33-3 30 x 2 mm 800 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 5,0
P 230-33-3 30 x 2 mm 800 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 5,4
P 230-33-3 30 x 2 mm 800 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 6,0
P 330-33-3 30 x 3 mm 1000 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 8,0
P 330-33-3 30 x 3 mm 1000 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 8,4
P 330-33-3 30 x 3 mm 1000 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 9,0
P 340-33-3 40 x 3 mm 1200 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 12,0
P 340-33-3 40 x 3 mm 1200 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 12,4
P 340-33-3 40 x 3 mm 1200 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 14,0

Narrow pitch serrated steps ex stock (Serration No. 4)

Type Bearing bar Dimension b c d e kg/piece
XP 230-33/11-3 30 x 2 mm 800 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 7,0
XP 230-33/11-3 30 x 2 mm 800 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 7,3
XP 230-33/11-3 30 x 2 mm 800 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 8,0

XP 330-33/11-3 30 x 3 mm 1000 x 240 mm 55 70 120 85 9,0

XP 330-33/11-3 30 x 3 mm 1000 x 270 mm 55 70 150 85 10,0
XP 330-33/11-3 30 x 3 mm 1000 x 305 mm 55 70 180 90 11,0

SP P Heavy-Duty Gratings
Heavy-duty gratings with appropriate si-
zes correctly determined, are suitable

SP- / P-Gratings
for wheel loading and other heavy-duty
loads. Specific details of various loading
and load areas can be obtained from
the relevant DIN instructions.

Load table page 30

for material S235JR =^ St 37-2
Load table page 31
for material S355J2G3 =^ St 52-3
(only pressure-locked gratings)

Extract from DIN 1055-5/A1

Fork lift - standard vehicles

Allowable Nominal Static Central Total Total Uniformly

total load axial load trace width length distributed
weight capacity (standard load) width traffic load
P a b l (standard load)
daN daN daN m m m daN/m2
2500 600 2000 0,8 1,0 2,4 1000
3500 1000 3000 0,8 1,0 2,8 1250
7000 2500 6500 1,0 1,2 3,4 1500
13000 5000 12000 1,2 1,5 3,6 2500

Extract from DIN 1072

Oscillation value Bridge class* Wheel load Load area+
60 10000 daN 200 x 600 mm
If traffic lane contains construction 45 7500 daN 200 x 500 mm
parts that are particularly susceptible 30 5000 daN 200 x 400 mm
to localised brake loading (e.g. parts 24 4000 daN 200 x 300 mm
of traffic lane crossings, gratings, 16 5000 daN 200 x 400 mm
etc.), wheel loads should be multi- 12 4000 daN 200 x 300 mm
plied by 1,4 to determine brake loa- 9 3000 daN 200 x 260 mm
ding occurring on single parts. 6 2000 daN 200 x 200 mm
3 1000 daN 200 x 200 mm

* Bridge class = total weight of the vehicle

+ Load area = Load contact area

Lichtgitter load table for wheel loads

How to use Lichtgitter load table for wheel loads (see pages 30 & 31)
Table for forge-welded gratings with bearing bar pitch of 34,33 mm and pressure-locked gratings with bearing bar pitch of 33,33
mm are shown in standard types, however, pressure-locked gratings with bearing bar thickness of 8 mm or 10 mm are also availa-
ble upon request.
Material stress (permissible stress) 1600 daN/cm2 (Material S235JR ^= St 37-2)
Material stress (permissible stress) 2400 daN/cm2 (Material S355J2G3 ^= St 52-3)
Safety factor to yield point is 1,50.
Safety factor to breaking limit is 2,05.
Maximum deflection not more than 1/200 of span.
Table shows clear span.
Wheel load 5000/7000 Wheel load including oscillation value ϕ 1,4
Span at 5000 daN wheel load 480/400 Span at 7000 daN wheel load
Start at 5000 daN, then consider a span of say 480 mm, at the load contact area specified of 200 x 400 mm.
The bearing bar dimensions of 60 x 5 mm are indicated in the column on the left hand side.
According to DIN, certain wheel loads are coordinated to specific load contact areas (see ‘Extract from DIN 1072’). The resulting
maximum recommended spans shown for specific bearing bar dimensions, are marked by a surrounding red line.

SP P Loadtable Material S 235 JR ^= St 37-2
Bearing bar approx. Contact Contact
dim ension weight area in ar ea in
mm Wheel load in daN Wheel load in daN
kg/m 2 mm
450/630 750/1050 1000/1400 2000/2800 3000/4200 4000/5600 5000/7000 7500/10500 10000/14000
100 x 100 220/170 150/120 200 x 300
25 x 2 mm P = 19,4 150 x 150 280/220 200/160 170/140 120/110 200 x 400
SP = 18,7 200 x 200 210/170 150/130 130/120 200 x 500
200 x 260 230/190 160/140 140/130 200 x 600
100 x 100 300/230 200/160 160/130 200 x 300
25 x 3 mm P = 25,4 150 x 150 380/290 260/210 210/170 140/120 200 x 400
SP = 24,5 200 x 200 260/210 180/150 150/130 200 x 500
200 x 260 290/240 210/180 180/160 200 x 600
100 x 100 290/220 190/150 160/130 200 x 300
30 x 2 mm P = 22,4 150 x 150 370/280 250/200 210/170 140/120 200 x 400
SP = 21,5 200 x 200 250/210 170/150 150/130 200 x 500
200 x 260 280/240 200/180 170/160 200 x 600
100 x 100 410/300 260/200 210/160 200 x 300 170/150 160/140
30 x 3 mm P = 29,5 150 x 150 510/390 340/260 270/210 170/140 200 x 400 190/170 170/150 150/130
SP = 28,5 200 x 200 330/260 210/180 170/150 200 x 500 190/160 160/140
200 x 260 360/290 240/210 200/180 200 x 600 170/150 150/130
100 x 100 460/340 300/230 230/180 200 x 300 190/160 170/150
40 x 2 mm P = 28,1 150 x 150 580/440 380/290 300/240 190/150 200 x 400 210/180 190/160 160/140
SP = 27,2 200 x 200 370/290 230/190 190/160 200 x 500 210/170 170/150 150/130
200 x 260 400/320 260/220 210/190 200 x 600 180/160 160/140
100 x 100 660/490 420/310 330/250 200 x 300 230/190 210/170
40 x 3 mm P = 37,8 150 x 150 840/620 530/400 420/320 250/200 200 x 400 270/220 230/190 190/160
SP = 36,5 200 x 200 510/390 300/240 230/190 200 x 500 260/210 210/170 180/150
200 x 260 540/420 330/270 260/220 200 x 600 220/190 190/160
100 x 100 870/640 550/410 420/320 200 x 300 280/240 240/200
40 x 4 mm P = 48,7 150 x 150 1100/810 690/510 530/400 300/240 200 x 400 320/260 280/240 220/180
SP = 47,0 200 x 200 650/490 370/290 280/240 200 x 500 320/250 240/200 210/170
200 x 260 680/520 400/320 310/260 200 x 600 270/220 220/190
100 x 100 1070/780 660/490 510/380 200 x 300 310/260 280/240
40 x 5 mm P = 62,0 150 x 150 1350/990 840/620 650/480 360/280 200 x 400 360/310 320/260 250/210
SP = 59,4 200 x 200 790/590 440/340 330/260 200 x 500 370/290 280/230 230/190
200 x 260 810/620 470/370 350/290 200 x 600 310/250 260/210
100 x 100 1600/1160 980/720 750/550 200 x 300 400/330 350/290
50 x 5 mm P = 82,9 150 x 150 2030/1470 1250/910 950/700 510/390 200 x 400 450/370 400/340 330/260
SP = 72,7 200 x 200 1150/850 620/470 450/350 200 x 500 440/380 370/300 310/250
200 x 260 1180/880 650/500 480/370 200 x 600 420/330 340/270
100 x 100 2230/1610 1360/980 1030/750 200 x 300 510/410 440/350
60 x 5 mm P = 96,6 150 x 150 1720/1250 1310/960 690/520 200 x 400 560/450 480/400 380/330
SP = 86,0 200 x 200 1590/1170 840/630 590/450 200 x 500 530/440 430/370 380/310
200 x 260 870/700 620/480 200 x 600 470/420 420/350
100 x 100 1770/1280 1340/970 200 x 300 640/500 540/430
70 x 5 mm P = 110,3 150 x 150 1720/1250 900/660 200 x 400 680/540 580/470 450/380
SP = 99,3 200 x 200 2090/1520 1090/810 760/570 200 x 500 630/520 500/420 430/370
200 x 260 2120/1550 1120/840 790/600 200 x 600 540/470 470/420
100 x 100 1690/1220 200 x 300 780/600 650/510
80 x 5 mm P = 124,0 150 x 150 2170/1570 1120/820 200 x 400 820/640 700/550 530/430
SP = 112,5 200 x 200 1370/1010 950/700 200 x 500 740/600 570/470 490/410
200 x 260 1400/1040 980/730 200 x 600 620/520 530/460
100 x 100 200 x 300 930/710 780/590
90 x 5 mm P = 137,7 150 x 150 1370/1000 200 x 400 980/750 820/640 610/490
200 x 200 1680/1230 1150/850 200 x 500 870/680 650/530 550/460
200 x 260 1710/1260 1180/880 200 x 600 700/580 590/500
100 x 100 200 x 300 1100/830 910/690
100 x 5 mm P = 151,4 150 x 150 1630/1190 200 x 400 1150/870 950/730 700/550
200 x 200 2020/1470 1380/1010 200 x 500 1000/780 740/600 610/500
200 x 260 2040/1490 1400/1040 200 x 600 790/640 660/550
100 x 100 200 x 300 1290/960 1060/800
110 x 5 mm P = 165,1 150 x 150 1940/1400 200 x 400 1110/840 800/620
200 x 200 2400/1740 1630/1190 200 x 500 1150/890 840/670 690/560
200 x 260 2420/1760 1660/1220 200 x 600 890/710 740/600
100 x 100 200 x 300 1490/1110 1220/910
120 x 5 mm P = 178,8 150 x 150 200 x 400 1540/1150 1270/960 910/700 730/570
200 x 200 1900/1390 200 x 500 1310/1010 950/750 770/620

1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N

P Load Table Material S 355 J2G3 ^= St 52-3
Bearing bar approx. Contact Contact
dimension galv.weight area in mm ar ea in
Wheel load in daN Wheel load in daN

SP- / P-Gratings
kg/m2 mm
450/630 750/1050 1000/1400 2000/2800 3000/4200 4000/5600 5000/7000 7500/10500 10000/14000
100 x 100 300/220 200/150 200 x 300
25 x 2 mm P = 19,4 150 x 150 325/250 225/180 185/155 130/115 200 x 400
200 x 200 265/215 180/155 155/135 200 x 500
200 x 260 295/245 210/185 185/165 200 x 600
100 x 100 425/315 275/210 215/170 200 x 300
25 x 3 mm P = 25,4 150 x 150 540/405 350/270 280/220 175/145 200 x 400
200 x 200 350/275 225/190 180/160 200 x 500
200 x 260 380/305 255/220 210/190 200 x 600
100 x 100 405/300 260/200 210/160 200 x 300
30 x 2 mm P = 22,4 150 x 150 515/390 340/260 270/215 170/145 200 x 400
200 x 200 335/270 215/180 180/155 200 x 500
200 x 260 365/300 245/210 210/185 200 x 600
100 x 100 580/430 370/275 290/220 200 x 300 230/190 205/175
30 x 3 mm P = 29,5 150 x 150 735/545 470/360 370/285 220/180 200 x 400 260/215 230/190 185/160
200 x 200 455/350 275/225 215/185 200 x 500 240/200 190/165
200 x 260 485/380 305/255 245/215 200 x 600 205/175 180/155
100 x 100 660/485 415/310 325/245 200 x 300 235/195 210/175
40 x 2 mm P = 28,1 150 x 150 840/620 535/400 420/320 245/195 200 x 400 270/220 235/195 190/165
200 x 200 510/395 305/245 235/195 200 x 500 265/215 210/175 180/160
200 x 260 540/425 335/275 265/225 200 x 600 230/190 195/170
100 x 100 995/725 615/455 475/355 200 x 300 305/245 265/215
40 x 3 mm P = 37,8 150 x 150 1100/895 765/565 590/445 330/260 200 x 400 360/285 305/245 235/195
200 x 200 720/540 410/320 305/245 200 x 500 345/275 265/215 220/185
200 x 260 750/570 440/350 335/275 200 x 600 290/235 245/200
100 x 100 1150/920 770/570 600/440 200 x 300 370/290 320/250
40 x 4 mm P = 48,7 150 x 150 1250/1150 990/730 760/560 420/310 200 x 400 430/340 370/290 290/220
200 x 200 920/690 510/390 370/290 200 x 500 420/330 320/250 260/210
200 x 260 950/720 540/420 400/320 200 x 600 350/280 290/230
100 x 100 1250/1140 970/700 740/540 200 x 300 440/340 370/290
40 x 5 mm P = 62,0 150 x 150 1400/1200 1100/890 900/690 500/380 200 x 400 510/400 430/340 320/260
200 x 200 1050/840 600/470 430/340 200 x 500 490/390 370/290 300/240
200 x 260 1050/870 640/500 460/370 200 x 600 410/320 340/270
100 x 100 1750/1450 1300/1000 1100/800 200 x 300 540/430 460/370
50 x 5 mm P = 82,9 150 x 150 2000/1650 1600/1250 1300/1000 730/540 200 x 400 590/480 510/420 400/350
200 x 200 1450/1220 880/660 620/470 200 x 500 560/470 450/400 410/320
200 x 260 1450/1250 910/690 650/500 200 x 600 500/450 460/360
100 x 100 2250/1900 1750/1430 1500/1080 200 x 300 700/540 590/470
60 x 5 mm P = 96,6 150 x 150 2000/1700 1650/1400 1000/730 200 x 400 750/590 640/520 490/410
200 x 200 1900/1600 1220/900 840/630 200 x 500 690/570 540/460 470/410
200 x 260 1250/930 870/660 200 x 600 590/510 520/460
100 x 100 2200/1800 1850/1400 200 x 300 900/680 750/570
70 x 5 mm P = 110,3 150 x 150 2150/1830 1300/950 200 x 400 950/730 800/620 590/480
200 x 200 2300/1970 1570/1170 1080/810 200 x 500 850/670 640/530 550/460
200 x 260 2300/1900 1610/1200 1130/840 200 x 600 690/580 600/510
100 x 100 2250/1800 200 x 300 1100/830 900/690
80 x 5 mm P = 124,0 150 x 150 2550/2170 1640/1190 200 x 400 1150/880 950/740 700/560
200 x 200 2040/1470 1370/1010 200 x 500 1000/790 750/610 630/520
200 x 260 2040/1500 1400/1040 200 x 600 800/660 680/570
100 x 100 200 x 300 1320/1000 1100/830
90 x 5 mm P = 137,7 150 x 150 2010/1460 200 x 400 1370/1050 1150/880 830/650
200 x 200 2350/1800 1680/1230 200 x 500 1190/930 880/700 720/590
200 x 260 2350/1830 1710/1260 200 x 600 930/750 770/640
100 x 100 200 x 300 1570/1170 1280/960
100 x 5 mm P = 151,4 150 x 150 2410/1740 200 x 400 1620/1220 1330/1010 960/740
200 x 200 2750/2150 2020/1470 200 x 500 1380/1060 1010/790 820/650
200 x 260 2750/2180 2050/1500 200 x 600 1060/840 870/710
100 x 100 200 x 300 1870/1370 1770/1310
110 x 5 mm P = 165,1 150 x 150 2800/2090 200 x 400 1920/1420 1570/1180 1280/970
200 x 200 3150/2580 2420/1750 200 x 500 1870/1410 1170/910 935/710
200 x 260 3150/2600 2450/1780 200 x 600 1380/1070 980/790
100 x 100 200 x 300 2150/1600 1750/1300
120 x 5 mm P = 178,8 150 x 150 200 x 400 2200/1650 1800/1350 1280/970 1000/780
200 x 200 2860/2070 200 x 500 1850/1400 1320/1020 1050/840
200 x 260 2880/2100 200 x 600 1380/1070 1100/880

1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N

SP P Fixings for Gratings
Fixings are available for all types of H 10, „Gratings for industrial use“: page will be supplied centrifugally galvani-
standard Lichtgitter gratings and for any 5, paragraph 5.2.: sed. Consideration should be given to
type of underside support. Lichtgitter fi- „Gratings are to be protected against the length of screws required, in order
xings are specifically designed to suit lifting and slipping. Every single grating to be able to install the fixings through
gratings subjected to pedestrian traffic. is to be attached to substructure in at the grating from above.
Gratings subjected to loadings from ve- least four places.“ The reference number for fixings used
hicle traffic, can be supplied with hole for gratings with pitches ranging from
plates upon request. These are small Fixings no. B334K, B351K, B433T, B533K 20 to 66 mm , varies in so far as the two
plates welded between bearing bars, and B633K prevent slippage from under- figures of the number, indicates the
complete with holes for fixing. side support, even when attachment pitch:
loosens. e.g. Standard-Fixing with
In accordance with the professional as- Pitch 33,33 mm = B133K,
sociation’s instruction sheet BGI 588, All fixings require service and should be Pitch 22,22 mm = B122K.
„For areas in danger of falling, gratings regularly inspected regarding their effi-
should at least be fixed at their four ed- ciency. The inspection intervals depend
ge points“. on operating conditions.The user may
have to hand-screw fixings.
With regard to the fixing of gratings, we Therefore, all fixing materials are
would refer to the „Arbeitsstätten-Ver- excluded from legal warranty.
ordnung § 12, Protection against falling
and objects being thrown down“, with If not specifically required otherwise, all
particular referenc to instruction sheet fixing parts, including screws and nuts,

The metal taps are to be bent

around the cross bars Fixings for forge-welded gratings with locking devices B 334K / B 351K
Order Number B 334 K (suitable for pitch 34 x 38 mm)
Order Number B 351 K (suitable for pitch 34 x 50 mm)
Consisting of:
- clamp upper part
- under part with finger hole
- screw, nut and washer.
Length of screws at least height of grating plus 50 mm.
Distance between tap and under-
This type of fixing prevents slippage of gratings from the underside support, even when
construction is approx. 15 mm the screw loosens.

Threaded bolt fixings B 433 T

Consisting of:
- top clamp with fixed, connected, threaded bush out of brass or aluminum
- threaded bolts.
This entire fixing unit can be supplied in stainless steel.

This type of fixing can be installed from above and prevents slippage of gratings from the
underside support, even when the screw loosens.
This fixing is suitable for pitches ranging from approximately 25 to 40 mm.

Welded Bolt Fixings B 533 K

Consisting of:
- deep drawn clamp upper part (on request with deep drawn plate)
- welded bolt (copper backed-up and nickel plated) including ceramic ring
- self-locking nut and, if necessary, with washer.

This type of fixing can be installed from above and prevents slippage of gratings from the
underside support, even when the screw loosens.
This fixing is suitable for pitches ranging from approximately 25 to 40 mm.

The metal tap has to be bent Fixings for pressure-locked gratings with locking devices B 633 K
(Suitable for bearing bar pitches of 33 mm and equal or greater cross bar pitches)

Consisting of:
- clamp upper part
- under part with finger hole
- screw, nut and washer.
The length of screw should be at least the height of the grating, plus 50 mm.
This type of fixing can be installed from above and prevents slippage of gratings from the
distance between tap and un-
derconstruction approx. 15 mm underside support, even when the screw loosens.

Fixings with self tapping screw B 233 K

Consisting of:
- top clamp
- self-tapping screw at site.

This fixing can be installed from above.

Fixings with hole plate B 270

Consisting of:
- welded in hole plate
- screw at site.

This method of fixing is specifically suitable for gratings subjected to vehicle traffic.

Standard fixings B 133 T & B 133 K

Consisting of:
- clamp upper part or plate
- under part
- screw, nut and washer.
This fixing can be delivered in stainless steel; order-no. B 132 K.
The length of screw should be at least the height of the grating, plus 30 mm.
This fixing can be assembled from above at pitches of 33 mm and over and upon request
it can be supplied with a raised ‘beard’.

SP P Fixings

Hook screw fixings B 733 K & B 733 T

Consisting of :
- clamp upper part or plate
- hook screw, adjusted to underside support
- M 8 x 90 screw, nut and washer

Profile of underside support must be given.

This fixing can be assembled from above.

Hook screw fixings B 833 K & B 833 T

Consisting of:
- clamp upper part or plate
- hook screw, adjusted to the underside support
- M 8 x 90 screw, nut and washer.

Profile of underside support must be given.

This fixing can be assembled from above.

Double clamp fixings B 933 T & B 933 K

Consisting of:
- clamp upper part or plate
- under part
- screw, nut and washer.
The length of screw should be at least the height of the grating, plus 30 mm.
Double clamp fixing connects adjacent gratings at places tending to have excessive
deflections and therefore prevents the occurrence of trip hazards. This fixing can be
assembled from above the grating.

Fixings B 10
For pressure-locked gratings with cross bar pitch at 11,11 mm

Consisting of:
- under part
- round-head bolt and nut out of stainless steel.

The length of screw should be at least the height of the grating, plus 40 mm.


results in an improvement of bolt connection.

Safety hook / Fixing B 11

Consisting of:
- stainless steel safety hook with threaded end
- stainless steel nut
- screw anchor including synthetic plug.

Safety chain / Fixing B 12.1

Consisting of:
- safety chain, length 500 to 1000 mm
- screw anchor including synthetic plug.

Safety chain / Fixing B 12.2

Contrary to sketch, this fixing system is supplied for installation following location of
gratings and consists of:
- 2 straps out of flat material placed above bearing bar,
- 2 chains, length approx. 700 mm
- 2 screw anchors.

Socket spanner lock / fixing B 13.1 with square 7

Including facing brackets. Type B 13.1 available to use from above or beneath
(sketch: lockable from above)
Socket spanner lock / fixing B 13.2 with square 9
Including facing brackets (also for heavy-duty gratings). This type can be supplied in
galvanised steel or stainless steel
Socket spanner lock / fixing B 13.3 with square 9
Can be screwed to grating afterwards. Suitable for gratings with a pitch of 33,33 mm
and heights of 25, 30 and 40 mm.

Special socket spanner B 14.1

with inside square for socket spanner lock no. 13.1 with square 7.

Special socket spanner B 14.2

with inside square for socket spanner lock no. 13.2 and 13.3 with square 9.

Hinge B 15
Consisting of:
- 2 hinge flaps
- 1 hinge bolt
- U-plate
- 2 split-pins.

A reinforced hinge will be used for gratings for vehicle traffic.

P Façade gratings
Lichtgitter façade gratings give life to
the appearances of office buildings.
Using gratings as decorative elements
incorporated in complete architectural
concepts are desirable design alter-
natives. Lichtgitter offers façade gra-
tings in many colours and shapes. We
offer a fitted façade grating for every re-
quirement and project.
Lichtgitter façade gratings form a mod-
ern and versatile construction element
and fulfil various functions:

● Sun protection in order to avoid rays

from direct sunlight. The sun protec-
tion effect depends on the height of
the gratings, the pitch of the bars
that run parallel to the façade and
the angle of the sunlight.

● Walkways for window and façade

cleaning as well as other exterior

● Escape routes in case of fire hazard

and other emergency situations.

● Decorative effect
Façade gratings offer design alter-
natives for all types of modern ar-
chitectural applications and create
a decorative and interesting appear-
ance. Façade gratings are resistant
to corrosion because of specific
pre-treatment. They require no
maintenance, are economical and
For these reasons our gratings often
form an essential element in buil-
ding construction.

● Simple erection ● Types of façade gratings

Lichtgitter façade gratings can be Façade gratings are mainly pro-
stretched from cantilever to canti- duced as pressure-locked gratings.
lever or from building to beam op- They are made of aluminum or steel.
posite. The distance between two Depending on the material, the sur-
cantilevers should ideally not ex- face finish can be anodised, galvan-
ceed 2400 mm. This is to be con- ized, plastic-laminated, baked
sidered during erection. painted or self-coloured.

P Ceiling Patterns
Lichtgitter ceiling patterns, in aluminum required, lighting rows or other lamps
or other materials, offer an economical ● Attractive shapes: These provide can be placed above ceiling pattern.

Special Gratings
and decorative finish wherever halls, many new interior design possibili-
assembly rooms or other places of any ties for architects. Cables and other supply pipes, heating,
size are decorated in a modern way. air conditioning and acoustic absorp-
Lichtgitter ceiling patterns are distin- ● Rich range of colours and surfaces: tion equipment can be usefully installed
guished by the following features: Lichtgitter ceiling patterns can be between room ceiling and ceiling pat-
supplied unfinished, coloured, an- tern. They are invisible, but easily ac-
● Venting property: Air can circulate odised, baked painted or plastic- cessible for repair or maintenance.
unconstrained and the whole room laminated in all RAL-colours.
can be ventilated and/or air-condi-
tioned. Ceiling patterns can be used as insert
ceilings with decorative and functional
● Light transmittance: An optimal anti- features in any room. They can be laid
glare room-illumination is achieved out seamlessly or endlessly one after
by an advantageous dispersion of all another.
reflexions. When indirect anti-glare lighting is

● Dust: Dirt cannot accumulate.

Therefore, maintenance is not ne- Types Heights Heights
cessary. of of
bearing bars cross bars pitch
● Acoustic absorption: Acoustic
waves are broken and, therefore,
30 mm 30 mm ca. 33 x 33 mm
noise levels are reduced.

● Lightweight: No overload of ceiling

60 mm 60 mm ca. 33 x 66 mm
● No electrostatic charging.

● Lichtgitter ceiling patterns do not

create any fire hazard. 60 mm 60 mm ca. 66 x 66 mm

Endlessly/seamlessly fixed ceiling


One possible suspension

P Convector Covers
More and more new buildings, or mod- Panels and covers for radiators, heating
ernised old buildings, are equipped with and ventilation trunks should not only let
air conditioning or under floor heating. air flow freely, but channel it in a speci-
Radiators should either be covered to fic direction. They are also expected to
height of windowsill, or floor openings prevent direct view of the convector.
should be covered. These panels must Therefore, gratings with inclined cross
look attractive, but should not incur any bars are preferable. The standard pitch
additional maintenance costs, let air is 100 x 15 mm.
flow freely, but avoid a direct view of
the generally unattractive heating ele- Convector covers are made of alumi-
ments. num or steel. Surfaces are finished ac-
cording to the customer’s choice.
Our heating and ventilating gratings ful-
fil these requirements perfectly. Standard gratings can be used accor-
Furthermore, they have the advantage ding to application.
of being tailor-made to any application.

Air flows, but view of the convector is pre-


Example A:
Convector cover with inclined cross
bars. On request, we supply cross bars
up to 1500 mm long for a grating size of
not more than 0,8 m2.

Example B:
Visual impression improved by raised
cross bars.

B Perforated Metal Planks

Perf. Metal Planks

Floor of an intermediate storage hall

Working platform at a filling machine installation

Staircase with intermediate landing

B Perforated Metal Planks
Perforated metal planks for pedestrian Perforated metal planks distinguish They are extensively used in all types of
traffic applications are the perfect com- themselves by providing a high level of work platforms, car wash facilities,
plement to our long established and slip resistance and secure step and ramps, façades etc. Furthermore, they
wellknown product range of industrial standing areas, thereby increasing the are employed for walkways and service
floorings. Perforated metal planks are overall level of safety in work areas. areas as well as large-surfaced protec-
cold-rolled to a channel profile and are A high hydrostatic stability and ease of tion panels for working areas that are
produced by CNC-controlled punching installation in particular, characterises beneath conveying systems.
and rolling machines. these gratings. Large spans can be
handled if properly sized, thus minimi-

Perf. Metal Planks

zing the use of substructures.

Stands in a soccer stadium

Work platform with perforated metal planks

B Perforated Metal Planks

, ● Perforated metal planks are produced from coils in different ● Necessary cutouts are made according to the data steered
materials. by a complete integrated data processing system.

● After an initial quality check has been carried out, coils are ● The cutouts are normally supplied complete with a binding
connected to CNC controlled production lines. Here the re- bar, having the same height as the perforated metal plank.
quired product surfaces are punched and stamped out and
the planks are then cut to size with the help of all relevant ● Perforated metal planks can be provided with welded kick
tooling. flats, supplied in accordance with the requirements of DIN
EN ISO 14122-3, where the upstand shall be at least 100 mm
● The indicated module „R“ (see note regarding different ty- above the tread area.
pes) should be kept during determination of length . Of cour-
se, deviating dimensions are possible, but include extra ● Galvanising according to German standard DIN EN ISO 1461
work during production. The production length of galvanised will be carried out at our galvanzing plant Verzinkerei Sulz
elements should not exceed 6000 mm. Thickness and pro- GmbH, which is a member of the Lichtgitter group.
duction lengths of planks are determined by the applied load
and material requested. ● Perforated metal planks can be supplied in lengths of 4000
mm, ex stock.
● The punched planks are formed to a C-profile through a CNC
controlled rolling technique.

Sewage plant

Perforated metal planks, type BZ, offer a high degree of slip resist- Perforated metal planks, type BP (parallel), are notable by their
ance due to their serrated surface. BZ gratings are used especial- elegant appearance. Smooth routes and a high load bearing
ly in areas where oil and grease would preclude the use of other capacity mean that they are particularly suitable for large
gratings. areas and industrial plants.

Perf. Metal Planks

Perforated metal plank BZ Perforated metal plank BP

Materials Thickness of plank Materials Thickness of plank
Steel galvanised 2 and 2,5 mm Steel galvanised 2 and 2,5 mm
Stainless steel 1,5 and 2 mm Stainless steel 1,5 and 2 mm
Aluminum 2 and 2,5 mm Aluminum 2 and 2,5 mm
Pre-treated on request Pre-treated on request
Module R 30 mm Module R 125 mm
Standard length L n x 30; n x 30 + 15; n x 30 - 15 (see page 42) Standard length L preferably n x R
Width B 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480 mm Width B 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 mm
Height H 40, 50, 75 mm Height H 30, 50, 75, 100 mm
Rim tu approx. 10 mm Rim tu approx. 10 mm

Special types of all perforated metal planks on request.

Perforated metal planks, type BP-Ü, offer an impressive level Perforated metal planks, type BN-O, offer pedestrians with
of slip resistance and load-carrying capacity. normal shoes excellent levels of comfort, whilst maintaining
high slip resistance. The unique punched hole pattern also en-
sures excellent drainage.

Perforated metal plank BP-Ü Perforated metal plank BN-O

Materials Thickness of plank Materials Thickness of plank
Steel galvanised 2 and 2,5 mm Steel galvanised 2 and 2,5 mm
Stainless steel 1,5 and 2 mm Stainless steel 1,5 and 2 mm
Aluminum 2 and 2,5 mm Aluminum 2 and 2,5 mm
Pre-treated on request Pre-treated on request
Module R 125 mm
Module R 62,5 mm
Standard length L preferably n x R
Standard length L preferably n x R
Width B 250, 300, 400 mm
Height H 50, 75, 100 mm Width B 150, 200, 250, 300 mm
Rim tu approx. 10 mm Height H 30, 50, 75, 100 mm
Rim tu approx. 10 mm

We recommend using fixing no. 24 at intersection.

Perforated metal planks, type BN-G, are used where there is no Perforated metal planks, type BR, are particularly suitable for
drainage issue. They are also suitable for pedestrian traffic. areas of concentrated loads on small contact areas
(e.g. vehicle traffic).

Perf. Metal Planks

Perforated Metal Plankt BN-G Perforated metal plank BR

Materials Thickness of plank Materials Thickness of plank
Steel galvanised 2 and 2,5 mm Steel galvanised 2 and 2,5 mm
Stainless steel 1,5 and 2 mm Stainless steel 1,5 and 2 mm
Aluminum 2 and 2,5 mm Aluminum 2 and 2,5 mm
Pre-treated on request Pre-treated on request

Module R 62,5 mm Module R 125 mm

Standard length L preferably n x R Standard length L preferable n x R
Width B 150, 200, 250, 300 mm Width B 150, 200, 250 mm
Height H 30, 50, 75, 100 mm Height H 30, 50, 75, 100 mm
Rim tu approx. 10 mm Rim tu approx. 10 mm
We recommend using fixing no. 24 at intersection.

BP BR Loadtable
The table indicates the distributed load „Fv“ in daN/m2 and the deflection „f“ in cm. Material S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2).

approx. span in mm
Type weight kg/ Load / deflec-
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
BP / BR m2 tion *
150 / 30 / 2 22,7 Fv 5180 3595 2640 2025 1600 1295 1070 900 765 660 575 505 450
f 0,12 0,18 0,24 0,32 0,40 0,49 0,60 0,71 0,83 0,96 1,11 1,26 1,42
150 / 50 / 2 27,2 Fv 11295 7840 5760 4410 3485 2825 2335 1960 1670 1440 1255 1105 975
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,24 0,30 0,36 0,43 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,77 0,87
150 / 75 / 2 32,8 Fv 21540 14960 10990 8415 6650 5385 4450 3740 3185 2750 2395 2105 1865
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,34 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
150 / 100 / 2 38,3 Fv 34650 24065 17680 13535 10695 8665 7160 6015 5125 4420 3850 3385 2995
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,15 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,30 0,35 0,39 0,44
200 / 30 / 2 21,4 Fv 3790 2630 1935 1480 1170 950 785 660 560 485 420 370 330
f 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,33 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,86 1,00 1,15 1,30 1,47
200 / 50 / 2 24,8 Fv 8270 5740 4220 3230 2550 2065 1710 1435 1225 1055 920 805 715
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,31 0,37 0,44 0,52 0,61 0,69 0,79 0,89
200 / 75 / 2 29,1 Fv 15805 10975 8065 6175 4880 3950 3265 2745 2340 2015 1755 1545 1365
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,60
200 / 100 / 2 33,2 Fv 25480 17695 13000 9955 7865 6370 5265 4425 3770 3250 2830 2490 2205
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,35 0,40 0,45
250 / 30 / 2 20,1 Fv 3030 2105 1545 1185 935 760 625 525 450 385 335 295 260
f 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,33 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,86 1,00 1,15 1,30 1,47
250 / 50 / 2 22,8 Fv 6615 4595 3375 2585 2040 1655 1365 1150 980 845 735 645 570
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,31 0,37 0,44 0,52 0,61 0,69 0,79 0,89
250 / 75 / 2 26,3 Fv 12645 8780 6450 4940 3900 3160 2610 2195 1870 1615 1405 1235 1095
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,60
250 / 100 / 2 29,6 Fv 20385 14155 10400 7960 6290 5095 4210 3540 3015 2600 2265 1990 1765
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,35 0,40 0,45
300 / 30 / 2 19,7 Fv 2525 1755 1290 985 780 630 520 440 375 320 280 245 220
f 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,33 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,86 1,00 1,15 1,30 1,47
300 / 50 / 2 21,9 Fv 5510 3830 2810 2155 1700 1380 1140 955 815 705 610 540 475
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,31 0,37 0,44 0,52 0,61 0,69 0,79 0,89
300 / 75 / 2 24,7 Fv 10535 7315 5375 4115 3250 2635 2175 1830 1560 1345 1170 1030 910
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,60
300 / 100 / 2 27,5 Fv 16985 11795 8665 6635 5245 4245 3510 2950 2515 2165 1885 1660 1470
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,35 0,40 0,45
400 / 30 / 2 18,6 Fv 1895 1315 965 740 585 475 390 330 280 240 210
f 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,33 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,86 1,00 1,15
400 / 50 / 2 20,3 Fv 4135 2870 2110 1615 1275 1035 855 720 610 525 460 405 360
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,31 0,37 0,44 0,52 0,61 0,69 0,79 0,89
400 / 75 / 2 22,4 Fv 7900 5485 4030 3085 2440 1975 1635 1370 1170 1010 880 770 685
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,60
400 / 100 / 2 24,5 Fv 12740 8850 6500 4975 3930 3185 2630 2210 1885 1625 1415 1245 1100
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,35 0,40 0,45

* = Key to symbols

Fv = uniformly distributed load (UDL) 1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N

in daN/m2

f = deflection in cm at Last Fv

span in mm
1800 1900 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 Material stress (permissible tension):
1600 daN/cm2 (Material S235JR ^= St 37-2)
400 360 325 265 225
1,60 1,78 1,97 2,38 2,84 Safety factor to yield point: 1,5

Perf. Metal Planks

870 780 705 585 490 420 360 315 275 245 220
0,98 1,09 1,20 1,46 1,73 2,03 2,36 2,71 3,08 3,48 3,90 Safety factor to breaking limit: 2,05
1660 1490 1345 1115 935 795 685 600 525 465 415 375 335
0,66 0,73 0,81 0,98 1,17 1,37 1,59 1,83 2,08 2,35 2,63 2,94 3,25
The perforated metal plank support should provide a
2675 2400 2165 1790 1505 1280 1105 965 845 750 670 600 540 bearing distance at each end of at least 25 mm. De-
0,50 0,55 0,61 0,74 0,89 1,04 1,21 1,38 1,57 1,78 1,99 2,22 2,46 viations may be permitted, providing suitable measu-
290 260 235 res are taken to prevent excessive movement away
1,65 1,84 2,04 from the supports (see instruction sheet BDI 588).
640 575 515 425 360 305 265 230 200
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,49 1,78 2,09 2,42 2,78 3,16
1220 1095 990 815 685 585 505 440 385 340 305 275 245 Pedestrian traffic
0,67 0,75 0,83 1,00 1,19 1,40 1,63 1,87 2,12 2,40 2,69 2,99 3,32
1965 1765 1590 1315 1105 940 810 710 620 550 490 440 400 Yellow: Perforated metal planks manufactured in
0,51 0,56 0,62 0,76 0,90 1,06 1,22 1,41 1,60 1,80 2,02 2,25 2,50 accordance with the requirements of instruction
235 210 sheet BGI 588 of the Berufsgenossenschaft profes-
sional association and to quality instructions RAL-
1,65 1,84
GZ 639, are considered suitable for pedestrian traf-
510 460 415 340 285 245 210 fic when they meet the following design criteria:
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,49 1,78 2,09 2,42 The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does not
975 875 790 655 550 470 405 350 310 275 245 220 200 exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’ or 4 mm whichever is
0,67 0,75 0,83 1,00 1,19 1,40 1,63 1,87 2,12 2,40 2,69 2,99 3,32 the lesser, under a concentrated load of 150 daN
1575 1410 1275 1055 885 755 650 565 500 440 395 355 320 applied in the most unfavourable position, over a
concentrated load area of 200 x 200 mm.
0,51 0,56 0,62 0,76 0,90 1,06 1,22 1,41 1,60 1,80 2,02 2,25 2,50
Green: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’,
does not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a
425 380 345 285 240 205 concentrated load of 1,5 kN applied in the most un-
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,49 1,78 2,09 favourable position, over a concentrated load area
815 730 660 545 455 390 335 295 255 230 205 of 200 x 200 mm.
0,67 0,75 0,83 1,00 1,19 1,40 1,63 1,87 2,12 2,40 2,69
Blue: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
1310 1175 1060 875 735 630 540 470 415 365 330 295 265
not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a uniformly
0,51 0,56 0,62 0,76 0,90 1,06 1,22 1,41 1,60 1,80 2,02 2,25 2,50 distributed load of 500 daN/m2.

Multiplication factor for other materials

320 285 260 215
Material load deflection
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,49
610 545 495 410 345 290 250 220 Stainless steel 1.4301 0,82 0,84
0,67 0,75 0,83 1,00 1,19 1,40 1,63 1,87 Stainless steel 1.4571 0,88 0,90
985 880 795 660 555 470 405 355 310 275 245 220 200 Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22 0,54 1,61
0,51 0,56 0,62 0,76 0,90 1,06 1,22 1,41 1,60 1,80 2,02 2,25 2,50

Larger spans are possible.

BP BR Loadtable
The table indicates distributed load „Fv“ in daN/m2 and the deflection „f“ in cm. Material S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2).

approx. galv. Load / span in mm

Type deflection*
kg/m2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
150 / 30 / 2,5 28,8 Fv 6130 4255 3125 2395 1890 1530 1265 1065 905 780 680 600 530
f 0,12 0,18 0,24 0,32 0,40 0,49 0,60 0,71 0,83 0,96 1,11 1,26 1,42
150 / 50 / 2,5 34,4 Fv 13595 9440 6935 5310 4195 3400 2810 2360 2010 1735 1510 1330 1175
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,24 0,30 0,36 0,43 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,77 0,87
150 / 75 / 2,5 41,4 Fv 26190 18185 13360 10230 8085 6545 5410 4545 3875 3340 2910 2555 2265
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,34 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
150 / 100 / 2,5 48,4 Fv 42365 29420 21615 16550 13075 10590 8755 7355 6265 5405 4705 4135 3665
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,15 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,30 0,35 0,39 0,44
200 / 30 / 2,5 27,1 Fv 4480 3110 2285 1750 1385 1120 925 780 665 570 500 440 390
f 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,33 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,86 1,00 1,15 1,30 1,47
200 / 50 / 2,5 31,4 Fv 9950 6910 5075 3885 3070 2485 2055 1730 1470 1270 1105 970 860
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,31 0,37 0,44 0,52 0,61 0,69 0,79 0,89
200 / 75 / 2,5 36,6 Fv 19205 13335 9800 7500 5925 4800 3970 3335 2840 2450 2135 1875 1660
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,60
200 / 100 / 2,5 41,8 Fv 31140 21625 15890 12165 9610 7785 6435 5405 4605 3970 3460 3040 2695
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,35 0,40 0,45
250 / 30 / 2,5 25,6 Fv 3585 2490 1830 1400 1105 895 740 620 530 455 400 350 310
f 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,33 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,86 1,00 1,15 1,30 1,47
250 / 50 / 2,5 29,0 Fv 7960 5525 4060 3110 2455 1990 1645 1380 1175 1015 885 775 690
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,31 0,37 0,44 0,52 0,61 0,69 0,79 0,89
250 / 75 / 2,5 33,2 Fv 15365 10670 7840 6000 4740 3840 3175 2665 2275 1960 1705 1500 1330
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,60
250 / 100 / 2,5 37,4 Fv 24910 17300 12710 9730 7690 6230 5145 4325 3685 3175 2770 2435 2155
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,35 0,40 0,45
300 / 30 / 2,5 24,9 Fv 2990 2075 1525 1165 920 745 615 520 440 380 330 290 260
f 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,33 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,86 1,00 1,15 1,30 1,47
300 / 50 / 2,5 27,7 Fv 6630 4605 3385 2590 2045 1660 1370 1150 980 845 735 650 575
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,31 0,37 0,44 0,52 0,61 0,69 0,79 0,89
300 / 75 / 2,5 31,2 Fv 12805 8890 6530 5000 3950 3200 2645 2225 1895 1635 1425 1250 1110
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,60
300 / 100 / 2,5 34,7 Fv 20760 14415 10590 8110 6405 5190 4290 3605 3070 2650 2305 2025 1795
f 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,35 0,40 0,45
400 / 30 / 2,5 23,5 Fv 2240 1555 1145 875 690 560 465 390 330 285 250 220
f 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,33 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,86 1,00 1,15 1,30
400 / 50 / 2,5 25,6 Fv 4975 3455 2540 1945 1535 1245 1030 865 735 635 555 485 430
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,31 0,37 0,44 0,52 0,61 0,69 0,79 0,89
400 / 75 / 2,5 28,3 Fv 9605 6670 4900 3750 2965 2400 1985 1665 1420 1225 1065 940 830
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,60

* = Key to symbols

Fv = uniformly distributed load (UDL) 1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N

in daN/m2

f = deflection in cm at load Fv

span in mm

1800 1900 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000

475 425 385 315 265 225 Material stress (permissible tension):
1,59 1,78 1,97 2,38 2,84 3,33
1600 daN/cm2 (Material S235JR ^= St 37-2)

Perf. Metal Planks

1050 940 850 700 590 500 435 380 330 295 260 235 210 Safety factor to yield point: 1,5
0,97 1,09 1,20 1,46 1,73 2,03 2,36 2,71 3,08 3,48 3,90 4,34 4,81
2020 1815 1635 1355 1135 970 835 725 640 565 505 455 410 Safety factor to breaking limit: 2,05
0,66 0,73 0,81 0,98 1,17 1,37 1,59 1,83 2,08 2,35 2,63 2,94 3,25
3270 2935 2650 2190 1840 1565 1350 1175 1035 915 815 735 660
The perforated metal plank support should provide a
0,50 0,55 0,61 0,74 0,89 1,04 1,20 1,38 1,57 1,78 1,99 2,22 2,46 bearing distance at each end of at least 25 mm. De-
345 310 280 230 viations may be permitted, providing suitable measu-
1,65 1,84 2,04 2,46 res are taken to prevent excessive movement away
from the supports (see instruction sheet BDI 588).
770 690 620 515 430 370 315 275 245 215
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,49 1,78 2,09 2,42 2,78 3,16 3,57
1480 1330 1200 990 835 710 610 535 470 415 370 330 300 Pedestrian traffic
0,67 0,75 0,83 1,00 1,19 1,40 1,63 1,87 2,12 2,40 2,69 2,99 3,32
2405 2155 1945 1610 1350 1150 995 865 760 675 600 540 485 Yellow: Perforated metal planks manufactured in
accordance with the requirements of instruction
0,51 0,56 0,62 0,76 0,90 1,06 1,22 1,41 1,60 1,80 2,02 2,25 2,50
sheet BGI 588 of the Berufsgenossenschaft profes-
275 250 225 sional association and to quality instructions RAL-
1,65 1,84 2,04 GZ 639, are considered suitable for pedestrian traf-
615 550 495 410 345 295 255 220 fic when they meet the following design criteria:
The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does not
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,49 1,78 2,09 2,42 2,78
exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’ or 4 mm whichever is
1185 1065 960 795 665 570 490 425 375 330 295 265 240 the lesser, under a concentrated load of 150 daN
0,67 0,75 0,83 1,00 1,19 1,40 1,63 1,87 2,12 2,40 2,69 2,99 3,32 applied in the most unfavourable position, over a
1920 1725 1555 1285 1080 920 795 690 610 540 480 430 390 concentrated load area of 200 x 200 mm.
0,51 0,56 0,62 0,76 0,90 1,06 1,22 1,41 1,60 1,80 2,02 2,25 2,50
Green: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’,
230 205
does not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a
1,65 1,84 concentrated load of 1,5 kN applied in the most un-
510 460 415 345 290 245 210 favourable position, over a concentrated load area
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,49 1,78 2,09 2,42 of 200 x 200 mm.
990 885 800 660 555 475 410 355 315 275 245 220 200
Blue: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
0,67 0,75 0,83 1,00 1,19 1,40 1,63 1,87 2,12 2,40 2,69 2,99 3,32 not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a uniformly
1600 1440 1295 1070 900 770 660 575 505 450 400 360 325 distributed load of 500 daN/m2.
0,51 0,56 0,62 0,76 0,90 1,06 1,22 1,41 1,60 1,80 2,02 2,25 2,50
Multiplication factor for other materials
Material load deflection
385 345 310 255 215
Stainless steel 1.4301 0,82 0,84
1,00 1,11 1,23 1,49 1,78
Stainless steel 1.4571 0,88 0,90
740 665 600 495 415 355 305 265 235 210 Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22 0,54 1,61
0,67 0,75 0,83 1,00 1,19 1,40 1,63 1,87 2,12 2,40

Larger spans are possible.

BN-G Loadtable
The table indicates distributed load „Fv“ in daN/m2 and the deflection „f“ in cm . Material S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2).

approx. gal. Load / span in mm

Type weight kg/
m2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
150 / 30 / 2 24,6 Fv 6295 4370 3210 2460 1940 1575 1300 1095 930 805 700 615 545
f 0,09 0,12 0,17 0,22 0,28 0,34 0,41 0,49 0,58 0,67 0,77 0,88 0,99
200 / 30 / 2 22,7 Fv 4805 3335 2450 1875 1485 1200 995 835 710 615 535 470 415
f 0,08 0,12 0,16 0,21 0,26 0,33 0,40 0,47 0,55 0,64 0,74 0,84 0,95
150 / 50 / 2 29,2 Fv 14250 9895 7270 5565 4400 3565 2945 2475 2110 1820 1585 1390 1235
f 0,05 0,08 0,11 0,14 0,17 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,36 0,42 0,48 0,55 0,62
200 / 50 / 2 26,1 Fv 10965 7615 5595 4285 3385 2740 2265 1905 1620 1400 1220 1070 950
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
150 / 75 / 2 34,7 Fv 27720 19250 14145 10830 8555 6930 5725 4815 4100 3535 3080 2705 2400
f 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,22 0,25 0,30 0,34 0,39 0,44
200 / 75 / 2 30,3 Fv 21490 14925 10965 8395 6635 5375 4440 3730 3180 2740 2390 2100 1860
f 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,14 0,17 0,21 0,24 0,28 0,32 0,37 0,41
150 / 100 / 2 40,3 Fv 44800 31110 22855 17500 13825 11200 9255 7780 6625 5715 4980 4375 3875
f 0,03 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,17 0,20 0,23 0,26 0,30 0,34
200 / 100 / 2 34,5 Fv 34915 24245 17815 13640 10775 8730 7215 6060 5165 4455 3880 3410 3020
f 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,25 0,28 0,32

150 / 30 / 2,5 30,8 Fv 7495 5205 3825 2930 2315 1875 1550 1300 1110 955 835 730 650
f 0,09 0,12 0,17 0,22 0,28 0,34 0,42 0,49 0,58 0,67 0,77 0,88 0,99
200 / 30 / 2,5 28,3 Fv 5725 3975 2920 2235 1770 1430 1185 995 845 730 635 560 495
f 0,08 0,12 0,16 0,21 0,27 0,33 0,40 0,47 0,56 0,64 0,74 0,84 0,95
250 / 30 / 2,5 26,8 Fv 4635 3220 2365 1810 1430 1160 960 805 685 590 515 455 400
f 0,08 0,11 0,16 0,20 0,26 0,32 0,39 0,46 0,54 0,63 0,72 0,82 0,92
150 / 50 / 2,5 36,4 Fv 17240 11975 8795 6735 5320 4310 3560 2995 2550 2200 1915 1685 1490
f 0,05 0,08 0,11 0,14 0,17 0,22 0,26 0,31 0,36 0,42 0,48 0,55 0,62
200 / 50 / 2,5 32,5 Fv 13270 9215 6770 5185 4095 3320 2740 2305 1965 1695 1475 1295 1150
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
250 / 50 / 2,5 30,2 Fv 10800 7500 5510 4220 3335 2700 2230 1875 1600 1380 1200 1055 935
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,16 0,20 0,24 0,28 0,33 0,39 0,44 0,51 0,57
150 / 75 / 2,5 43,4 Fv 33840 23500 17265 13220 10445 8460 6990 5875 5005 4315 3760 3305 2930
f 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,22 0,25 0,30 0,34 0,39 0,44
200 / 75 / 2,5 37,8 Fv 26245 18225 13390 10250 8100 6560 5425 4555 3880 3350 2915 2565 2270
f 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,14 0,17 0,21 0,24 0,28 0,32 0,37 0,41
250 / 75 / 2,5 34,4 Fv 21475 14910 10955 8390 6625 5370 4435 3730 3175 2740 2385 2095 1860
f 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,14 0,17 0,20 0,23 0,27 0,31 0,35 0,40
150 / 100 / 2,5 50,4 Fv 54965 38170 28040 21470 16965 13740 11355 9540 8130 7010 6105 5365 4755
f 0,03 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,17 0,20 0,23 0,26 0,30 0,34
200 / 100 / 2,5 43,1 Fv 42850 29755 21860 16740 13225 10710 8855 7440 6340 5465 4760 4185 3705
f 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,13 0,16 0,19 0,22 0,25 0,28 0,32
250 / 100 / 2,5 38,6 Fv 35205 24450 17960 13750 10865 8800 7275 6110 5210 4490 3910 3440 3045
f 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,13 0,15 0,18 0,21 0,24 0,27 0,31

* = Key to symbols

Fv = uniformly distributed load (UDL) 1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N

in daN/m2

f = deflection in cm at load Fv

BN-O Multiplication Factors See Below

span in mm Data
1800 1900 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 Material stress (permissible tension):
485 435 395 325 275 235 200 1600 daN/cm2 (Material S235JR ^= St 37-2)
1,11 1,24 1,37 1,66 1,97 2,31 2,68
Safety factor to yield point:: 1,5

Perf.Metal Planks
370 335 300 250 210
1,06 1,18 1,31 1,58 1,88 Safety factor to breaking limit: 2,05
1100 985 890 735 620 525 455 395 350 310 275 245 225
0,70 0,78 0,86 1,04 1,24 1,45 1,69 1,94 2,20 2,49 2,79 3,11 3,44
845 760 685 565 475 405 350 305 270 235 210 The perforated metal plank support should provide a
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,60 1,84 2,09 2,36 2,65
bearing distance at each end of at least 25 mm. De-
viations may be permitted, providing suitable measu-
2140 1920 1735 1430 1205 1025 885 770 675 600 535 480 435 res are taken to prevent excessive movement away
0,49 0,54 0,60 0,73 0,87 1,02 1,18 1,36 1,54 1,74 1,95 2,17 2,41 from the supports (see instruction sheet BDI 588).
1660 1490 1345 1110 935 795 685 600 525 465 415 370 335
0,46 0,51 0,57 0,69 0,82 0,96 1,12 1,28 1,46 1,65 1,85 2,06 2,28
3455 3100 2800 2315 1945 1655 1430 1245 1095 970 865 775 700 Pedestrian traffic
0,38 0,42 0,47 0,57 0,68 0,79 0,92 1,06 1,20 1,36 1,52 1,70 1,88
2695 2420 2180 1805 1515 1290 1115 970 850 755 675 605 545 Yellow: Perforated metal planks manufactured in
0,36 0,40 0,44 0,54 0,64 0,75 0,87 1,00 1,14 1,28 1,44 1,60 1,78 accordance with the requirements of instruction
sheet BGI 588 of the Berufsgenossenschaft profes-
580 520 470 385 325 275 240 210 sional association and to quality instructions RAL-
1,11 1,24 1,37 1,66 1,98 2,32 2,69 3,09 GZ 639, are considered suitable for pedestrian traf-
440 395 360 295 250 210
fic when they meet the following design criteria:
The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does not
1,06 1,19 1,31 1,59 1,89 2,22
exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’ or 4 mm whichever is
360 320 290 240 200 the lesser, under a concentrated load of 150 daN
1,03 1,15 1,28 1,54 1,84 applied in the most unfavourable position, over a
1330 1195 1080 890 750 640 550 480 420 375 335 300 270 concentrated load area of 200 x 200 mm.
0,70 0,78 0,86 1,04 1,24 1,45 1,69 1,94 2,20 2,49 2,79 3,11 3,44
1025 920 830 685 575 490 425 370 325 285 255 230 205 Green: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’,
does not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,60 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65 2,95 3,27
concentrated load of 1,5 kN applied in the most un-
835 750 675 560 470 400 345 300 265 235 210
favourable position, over a concentrated load area
0,64 0,71 0,79 0,96 1,14 1,34 1,55 1,78 2,02 2,28 2,56 of 200 x 200 mm.
2610 2345 2115 1750 1470 1250 1080 940 825 730 655 585 530
0,49 0,54 0,60 0,73 0,87 1,02 1,18 1,36 1,54 1,74 1,95 2,17 2,41 Blue: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
2025 1820 1640 1355 1140 970 835 730 640 570 505 455 410 not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a uniformly
0,46 0,52 0,57 0,69 0,82 0,96 1,12 1,28 1,46 1,65 1,85 2,06 2,28 distributed load of 500 daN/m2.
1655 1485 1340 1110 930 795 685 595 525 465 415 370 335
Multiplication factor for other materials
0,44 0,50 0,55 0,66 0,79 0,93 1,08 1,24 1,41 1,59 1,78 1,98 2,20
4240 3805 3435 2840 2385 2035 1755 1525 1340 1190 1060 950 860 Material load deflection
0,38 0,42 0,47 0,57 0,68 0,79 0,92 1,06 1,20 1,36 1,52 1,70 1,88
Stainless steel 1.4301 0,82 0,84
3305 2965 2680 2215 1860 1585 1365 1190 1045 925 825 740 670
Stainless steel 1.4571 0,88 0,90
0,36 0,40 0,44 0,54 0,64 0,75 0,87 1,00 1,14 1,28 1,44 1,61 1,78
Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22 0,54 1,61
2715 2440 2200 1820 1530 1300 1125 980 860 760 680 610 550
0,35 0,39 0,43 0,52 0,61 0,72 0,84 0,96 1,09 1,23 1,38 1,54 1,71 Multiplication factor for type BN-O
Larger spans are possible The appropriate loads may be determined by using
muliplication factors ranging between 0,86 (for
150/30/2) and 0,73 (for 250/100/3) depending on the
plank type considered.The corresponding deflec-
tions under load may be determined by using muli-
plication factors ranging between 1,34 and 1,41.

BZ Loadtable
The table indicates distributed load „Fv“ in daN/m2 and the deflection „f“ in cm. Material S 235 JR (^= ST 37-2).

approx. Load / span in mm

Type galv. weight Deflection*
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
BZ kg/m2
120 / 40 / 2 23,9 Fv 8070 5610 4120 3150 2490 2020 1670 1400 1190 1030 900 790 700
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,31 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
180 / 40 / 2 20,7 Fv 5380 3740 2750 2100 1660 1350 1110 930 800 690 600 530 470
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,31 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
240 / 40 / 2 19,2 Fv 4040 2800 2060 1580 1250 1010 830 700 600 515 450 390 350
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,31 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
300 / 40 / 2 18,1 Fv 3230 2240 1650 1260 1000 810 670 560 480 410 360 315 280
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,31 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
360 / 40 / 2 17,5 Fv 2690 1870 1370 1050 830 670 560 470 400 340 300 260 230
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,31 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
420 / 40 / 2 17,1 Fv 2310 1600 1180 900 710 580 480 400 340 290 260 225 200
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,31 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
480 / 40 / 2 16,7 Fv 2020 1400 1030 790 620 505 420 350 300 260 220 200 175
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,31 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09

120 / 50 / 2 26,7 Fv 11640 8080 5940 4550 3590 2910 2400 2020 1720 1480 1290 1140 1010
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,60 0,68 0,78 0,88
180 / 50 / 2 22,6 Fv 7760 5390 3960 3030 2395 1940 1600 1350 1150 990 860 760 670
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,60 0,68 0,78 0,88
240 / 50 / 2 20,6 Fv 5820 4040 2970 2270 1800 1455 1200 1010 860 740 650 570 500
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,60 0,68 0,78 0,88
300 / 50 / 2 19,2 Fv 4655 3230 2375 1820 1440 1160 960 810 690 590 520 455 400
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,60 0,68 0,78 0,88
360 / 50 / 2 18,5 Fv 3880 2690 1980 1515 1200 970 800 670 570 495 430 380 340
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,60 0,68 0,78 0,88
420 / 50 / 2 17,9 Fv 3325 2310 1700 1300 1030 830 690 580 490 420 370 325 290
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,60 0,68 0,78 0,88
480 / 50 / 2 17,4 Fv 2910 2020 1480 1140 900 730 600 505 430 370 320 280 250
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,60 0,68 0,78 0,88

120 / 75 / 2 33,8 Fv 23060 16010 11760 9010 7120 5760 4760 4000 3410 2940 2560 2250 1995
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
180 / 75 / 2 27,3 Fv 15370 10675 7840 6000 4740 3840 3180 2670 2270 1960 1710 1500 1330
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
240 / 75 / 2 24,1 Fv 11530 8000 5880 4500 3560 3880 2380 2000 1705 1470 1280 1130 1000
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
300 / 75 / 2 22,1 Fv 9220 6405 4710 3600 2850 2310 1910 1600 1360 1180 1025 900 800
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
360 / 75 / 2 20,8 Fv 7690 5340 3920 3000 2370 1920 1590 1330 1140 980 850 750 665
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
420 / 75 / 2 19,9 Fv 6590 4575 3360 2370 2030 1650 1360 1140 975 840 730 640 570
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
480 / 75 / 2 19,1 Fv 5760 4000 2940 2250 1780 1440 1190 1000 850 735 640 560 500
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59

* = Key to symbols

Fv = uniformly distrubuted load (UDL) 1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N

in daN/m2

f = deflection in cm at load Fv

span in mm Data
1800 1900 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000
Material stress (permissible tension):
620 560 505 420 350 300 260 220 200 175 1600 daN/cm2 (Material S235JR ^= St 37-2)
1,22 1,36 1,51 1,82 2,17 2,55 2,95 3,39 3,86 4,35
415 370 340 280 230 200 170 Safety factor to yield point: 1,5

Perf. Metal Planks

1,22 1,36 1,51 1,82 2,17 2,55 2,95
310 280 250 210 175 Safety factor to breaking point:: 2,05
1,22 1,36 1,51 1,82 2,17
250 220 200
The perforated metal plank support should provide a
1,22 1,36 1,51 bearing distance at each end of at least 25 mm. De-
210 190 viations may be permitted, providing suitable measu-
1,22 1,36 res are taken to prevent excessive movement away
180 from the supports (see instruction sheet BDI 588).

Pedestrian traffic
900 810 730 600 505 430 370 320 280 250 220 200 180 Yellow: Perforated metal planks manufactured in
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05 2,38 2,73 3,11 3,51 3,93 4,38 4,86 accordance with the requirements of instruction
600 540 485 400 340 290 250 220 190 sheet BGI 588 of the Berufsgenossenschaft profes-
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05 2,38 2,73 3,11 sional association and to quality instructions RAL-
450 400 360 300 250 215 190 160 GZ 639, are considered suitable for pedestrian traf-
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05 2,38 2,73 fic when they meet the following design criteria:
The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does not
360 320 290 240 200 170
exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’ or 4 mm whichever is
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05
the lesser, under a concentrated load of 150 daN
300 270 240 200 applied in the most unfavourable position, over a
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 concentrated load area of 200 x 200 mm.
260 230 210 170
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 Green: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’,
220 200 180 does not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a
0,98 1,10 1,21 concentrated load of 1,5 kN applied in the most un-
favourable position, over a concentrated load area
1780 1600 1440 1190 1000 850 735 640 560 500 445 400 360 of 200 x 200 mm.
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65 2,96 3,28
1190 1060 960 790 670 570 490 430 375 330 300 270 240 Blue: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65 2,96 3,28 not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a uniformly
890 800 720 595 500 430 370 320 280 250 220 200 180 distributed load of 500 daN/m2.
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65 2,96 3,28
710 640 580 480 400 340 290 260 225 200 180
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65
Multiplication factor for other materials
590 530 480 400 330 280 245 210 190
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 Material load deflection
510 460 410 340 290 240 210 180
Stainless steel 1.4301 0,82 0,84
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84
445 400 360 300 250 210 180
Stainless steel 1.4571 0,88 0,90
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22 0,54 1,61

Larger spans are possible.

BZ Loadtable
The table indicates distributed load „Fv“ in daN/m2 and the deflection „f“ in cm. Material S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2).

approx. Load / span in mm

Type gal. weight deflection*
kg/m2 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
120 / 40 / 2,5 29,9 Fv 9610 6670 4900 3750 2970 2400 1990 1670 1420 1230 1070 940 830
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
180 / 40 / 2,5 25,3 Fv 6410 4450 3270 2500 1980 1600 1320 1110 950 820 710 630 550
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
240 / 40 / 2,5 23,8 Fv 4805 3340 2450 1880 1480 1200 990 830 710 610 530 470 420
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
300 / 40 / 2,5 22,4 Fv 3840 2670 1960 1500 1190 960 790 670 570 490 430 375 330
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
360 / 40 / 2,5 20 Fv 3200 2225 1630 1250 990 800 660 560 470 410 360 310 280
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
420 / 40 / 2,5 22,4 Fv 2750 1910 1400 1070 850 690 570 480 410 350 305 270 240
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09
480 / 40 / 2,5 20,7 Fv 2400 1670 1230 940 740 600 500 420 355 310 270 235 210
f 0,09 0,14 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,38 0,46 0,54 0,64 0,74 0,85 0,96 1,09

120 / 50 / 2,5 33,4 Fv 13960 9690 7120 5450 4310 3490 2880 2420 2065 1780 1550 1360 1210
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,78 0,88
180 / 50 / 2,5 27,6 Fv 9310 6460 4750 3635 2870 2330 1920 1620 1380 1190 1030 910 805
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,78 0,88
240 / 50 / 2,5 25,6 Fv 6980 4850 3560 2730 2150 1745 1440 1210 1030 890 775 680 600
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,78 0,88
300 / 50 / 2,5 23,7 Fv 5580 3880 2850 2180 1720 1400 1150 970 830 710 620 545 480
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,78 0,88
360 / 50 / 2,5 21,3 Fv 4650 3230 2370 1820 1440 1160 960 810 690 590 520 450 400
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,78 0,88
420 / 50 / 2,5 23,4 Fv 3990 2770 2035 1560 1230 1000 820 690 590 510 440 390 345
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,78 0,88
480 / 50 / 2,5 21,6 Fv 3490 2420 1780 1360 1080 870 720 610 520 445 390 340 300
f 0,08 0,11 0,15 0,19 0,25 0,30 0,37 0,44 0,51 0,59 0,68 0,78 0,88

120 / 75 / 2,5 42,2 Fv 27965 19420 14270 10920 8630 6990 5780 4855 4140 3570 3110 2730 2420
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
180 / 75 / 2,5 33,4 Fv 18640 12950 9510 7280 5750 4660 3850 3240 2760 2380 2070 1820 1610
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
240 / 75 / 2,5 29,9 Fv 13980 9710 7130 5460 4320 3500 2890 2430 2070 1780 1550 1365 1210
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
300 / 75 / 2,5 27,3 Fv 11190 7770 5710 4370 3450 2800 2310 1940 1655 1430 1240 1090 970
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
360 / 75 / 2,5 24,1 Fv 9320 6470 4760 3640 2880 2330 1930 1620 1380 1190 1040 910 810
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
420 / 75 / 2,5 25,9 Fv 7990 5550 4080 3120 2470 2000 1650 1390 1180 1020 890 780 690
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59
480 / 75 / 2,5 23,8 Fv 6990 4855 3570 2730 2160 1750 1440 1210 1030 890 780 680 605
f 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,20 0,25 0,29 0,35 0,40 0,46 0,52 0,59

* = Key to symbols

Fv = luniformly distributed load (UDL) 1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N

in daN/m2

f = deflection in cm at load Fv

span in mm Data
1800 1900 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000
Material stress (permissible tension):
740 670 600 500 420 355 310 270 235 210 185 1600 daN/cm2 (Material S235JR ^= St 37-2)
1,22 1,36 1,51 1,82 2,17 2,54 2,95 3,39 3,85 4,35 4,88
490 440 400 330 280 240 200 180 Safety factor to yield point: 1,5

Perf. Metal Planks

1,22 1,36 1,51 1,82 2,17 2,54 2,95 3,39
370 330 300 250 210 180 Safety factor to breaking limit: 2,05
1,22 1,36 1,51 1,82 2,17 2,54
300 270 240 200
The perforated metal plank support should provide a
1,22 1,36 1,51 1,82
bearing distance at each end of at least 25 mm. De-
250 220 200
viations may be permitted, providing suitable measu-
1,22 1,36 1,51 res are taken to prevent excessive movement away
210 190 170 from the supports (see instruction sheet BDI 588).
1,22 1,36 1,51
1,22 Pedestrian traffic
1080 970 870 720 610 520 445 390 340 300 270 240 220 Yellow: Perforated metal planks manufactured in
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05 2,38 2,73 3,11 3,51 3,93 4,38 4,86 accordance with the requirements of instruction
720 640 580 480 400 340 300 260 230 200 180 sheet BGI 588 of the Berufsgenossenschaft profes-
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05 2,38 2,73 3,11 3,51 3,93 sional association and to quality instructions RAL-
540 480 440 360 300 260 220 190 170 GZ 639, are considered suitable for pedestrian traf-
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05 2,38 2,73 3,11 fic when they meet the following design criteria:
430 390 350 290 240 210 180 The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does not
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05 2,38 exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’ or 4 mm whichever is
the lesser, under a concentrated load of 150 daN
360 320 290 240 200 170
applied in the most unfavourable position, over a
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 2,05
concentrated load area of 200 x 200 mm.
310 280 250 210 170
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 1,75 Green: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’,
270 240 220 180 does not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a
0,98 1,10 1,21 1,47 concentrated load of 1,5 kN applied in the most un-
favourable position, over a concentrated load area
2160 1940 1750 1440 1210 1030 890 780 680 605 540 490 440 of 200 x 200 mm.
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65 2,96 3,28
1440 1290 1165 960 810 690 590 520 455 400 360 320 290 Blue: The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65 2,96 3,28 not exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’, under a uniformly
1080 970 870 720 610 520 450 340 340 300 270 240 220 distributed load of 500 daN/m2.
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65 2,96 3,28
860 775 700 580 485 410 360 310 270 240 220 190 175
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65 2,96 3,28 Multiplication factor for other materials
720 650 580 480 405 345 300 260 230 200 180 Material load deflection
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 2,65
620 550 500 410 350 295 255 220 195 170 Stainless steel 1.4301 0,82 0,84
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84 2,10 2,37 Stainless steel 1.4571 0,88 0,90
540 480 440 360 300 260 220 190 Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22 0,54 1,61
0,66 0,74 0,82 0,99 1,18 1,38 1,61 1,84

Larger spans are possible.

BP BR BZ Loadtable for concentrated loads
The table indicates possible concentrated load „Fp“ in daN and the deflection „f“ in cm. Material S 235 JR ( ^= St 37-2).
Contact area 200 x 200 mm. Max. concentrated load in direction „B“ is to be considered.
approx. Load / span in mm
Type gal. weight Deflect ion*
kg/m2 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

200 / 30 / 2 21,4 Fp 400 400 315 235 190 160 135 120 105 95 85 75
f 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,12 0,17 0,22 0,29 0,36 0,44 0,53 0,63 0,74
200 / 50 / 2 24,8 Fp 400 400 400 400 400 345 295 260 230 210 190 170 160 150 135
BP f 0,03 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,14 0,18 0,22 0,27 0,32 0,38 0,45 0,52 0,59 0,67
200 / 75 / 2 29,1 Fp 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 395 360 330 305 280 265
f 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,22 0,26 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45
200 / 100 / 2 33,2 Fp 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
f 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,14 0,16 0,19 0,23 0,26 0,30 0,34
200 / 30 / 2,5 27,1 Fp 530 530 530 280 225 185 160 140 125 110 100 95 85 80 75
f 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,12 0,17 0,22 0,29 0,36 0,44 0,53 0,63 0,74 0,85 0,97 1,10
200 / 50 / 2,5 31,4 Fp 530 530 530 530 500 415 355 310 275 250 225 205 190 180 165
BP f 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,14 0,18 0,22 0,27 0,32 0,38 0,45 0,52 0,59 0,67
200 / 75 / 2,5 36,6 Fp 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 480 435 400 370 345 320
f 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,22 0,26 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45
200 / 100 / 2,5 41,8 Fp 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 520
f 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,14 0,16 0,19 0,23 0,26 0,30 0,34
200 / 30 / 2 21,4 Fp 630 470 315 235 190 160 135 120 105 95 85 75
f 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,12 0,17 0,22 0,29 0,36 0,44 0,53 0,63 0,74
200 / 50 / 2 24,8 Fp 810 810 685 520 415 345 295 260 230 210 190 170 160 150 135
BR f 0,03 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,14 0,18 0,22 0,27 0,32 0,38 0,45 0,52 0,59 0,67
200 / 75 / 2 29,1 Fp 810 810 810 810 790 660 565 495 440 395 360 330 305 280 265
f 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,22 0,26 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45
200 / 100 / 2 33,2 Fp 810 810 810 810 810 810 810 795 710 635 580 530 490 455 425
f 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,14 0,16 0,19 0,23 0,26 0,30 0,34
200 / 30 / 2,5 27,1 Fp 745 560 375 280 225 185 160 140 125 110 100 95 85 80 75
f 0,03 0,04 0,08 0,12 0,17 0,22 0,29 0,36 0,44 0,53 0,63 0,74 0,85 0,97 1,10
200 / 50 / 2,5 31,4 Fp 1010 1010 830 620 495 415 355 310 275 250 225 205 190 180 165
BR f 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,10 0,14 0,18 0,22 0,27 0,32 0,38 0,45 0,52 0,59 0,67
200 / 75 / 2,5 36,6 Fp 1010 1010 1010 1010 960 800 685 600 535 480 435 400 370 345 320
f 0,01 0,02 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,22 0,26 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45
200 / 100 / 2,5 41,8 Fp 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 975 865 780 710 650 600 555 520
f 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,11 0,14 0,16 0,19 0,23 0,26 0,30 0,34
240 / 40 / 2 19,2 Fp 420 420 400 300 240 200 170 150 135 120 110 100 90 90 80
f 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,09 0,12 0,17 0,21 0,27 0,33 0,39 0,47 0,55 0,63 0,72 0,82
BZ 240 / 50 / 2 20,6 Fp 420 420 420 420 350 290 250 220 190 175 160 145 130 125 120
f 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,22 0,26 0,32 0,38 0,44 0,51 0,58 0,66
240 / 75 / 2 24,1 Fp 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 380 350 310 290 270 250 230
f 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,34 0,39 0,44
240 / 40 / 2,5 23,8 Fp 470 470 470 360 290 240 210 180 160 140 130 120 110 100 100
f 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,09 0,12 0,17 0,21 0,27 0,33 0,39 0,47 0,55 0,63 0,72 0,82
BZ 240 / 50 / 2,5 25,6 Fp 470 470 470 470 420 350 300 260 230 210 190 170 160 150 140
f 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,07 0,10 0,13 0,17 0,22 0,26 0,32 0,38 0,44 0,51 0,58 0,66
240 / 75 / 2,5 29,9 Fp 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 420 380 350 320 300 280
f 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,05 0,07 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,21 0,25 0,30 0,34 0,39 0,44

1 daN ^= approx. 1 kp = 10 N
Multiplication factor for load table
B load deflection
120 1,65 1,00
150 1,35 1,00
180 1,10 1,00
200 1,00 1,00
240 1,00 1,00
250 1,00 1,00
300 1,00 1,00
360 1,00 1,00
420 1,00 1,00
480 1,00 1,00

span in mm
* = Key to symbols
1700 1800 1900 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 Fp = value of concentrated load in daN when
uniformly distributed over a concentrated
load area of 200 x 200 mm
130 125 115 110 100 90 85 75 f = deflection in cm at load Fp

Perf. Metal Planks

0,75 0,84 0,94 1,03 1,25 1,48 1,73 2,00
245 230 220 210 190 170 160 145 135 125 120 115 105 100 Material stress (permissible load):
0,51 0,57 0,63 0,69 0,84 0,99 1,16 1,34 1,54 1,75 1,97 2,21 2,46 2,72 1600 daN/cm2 (Material S235JR ^= St 37-2)
400 375 355 335 305 275 255 235 220 205 195 180 170 165
0,38 0,43 0,47 0,52 0,63 0,75 0,88 1,01 1,16 1,32 1,49 1,66 1,85 2,05 Safety factor to yield point: 1,5

Safety factor to breaking limit: 2,05

155 145 140 130 120 110 100 90 85 80 75
0,75 0,84 0,94 1,03 1,25 1,48 1,73 2,00 2,29 2,61 2,94
300 280 265 255 230 210 190 180 165 155 145 135 130 125 The perforated metal plank support should provide
0,51 0,57 0,63 0,69 0,84 0,99 1,16 1,34 1,54 1,75 1,97 2,21 2,46 2,72 a bearing distance at each end of at least 25 mm.
485 460 430 410 370 340 310 290 270 250 235 220 210 200 Deviations may be permitted, providing suitable
0,38 0,43 0,47 0,52 0,63 0,75 0,88 1,01 1,16 1,32 1,49 1,66 1,85 2,05 measures are taken to prevent excessive movement
away from the supports (see instruction sheet BDI
130 125 115 110 100 90 85 75
0,75 0,84 0,94 1,03 1,25 1,48 1,73 2,00
245 230 220 210 190 170 160 145 135 125 120 115 105 100
0,51 0,57 0,63 0,69 0,84 0,99 1,16 1,34 1,54 1,75 1,97 2,21 2,46 2,72 Pedestrian traffic
400 375 355 335 305 275 255 235 220 205 195 180 170 165
0,38 0,43 0,47 0,52 0,63 0,75 0,88 1,01 1,16 1,32 1,49 1,66 1,85 2,05 Yellow: Perforated metal planks manufactured in
accordance with the requirements of instruction
sheet BGI 588 of the Berufsgenossenschaft pro-
155 145 140 130 120 110 100 90 85 80 75 fessional association and to quality instructions
0,75 0,84 0,94 1,03 1,25 1,48 1,73 2,00 2,29 2,61 2,94 RAL-GZ 639, are considered suitable for pedestri-
300 280 265 255 230 210 190 180 165 155 145 135 130 125
an traffic when they meet the following design cri-
0,51 0,57 0,63 0,69 0,84 0,99 1,16 1,34 1,54 1,75 1,97 2,21 2,46 2,72
485 460 430 410 370 340 310 290 270 250 235 220 210 200
The maximum permissible deflection ‘f’, does not
0,38 0,43 0,47 0,52 0,63 0,75 0,88 1,01 1,16 1,32 1,49 1,66 1,85 2,05
80 70 70 60 exceed 1/200th of the span ‘L’ or 4 mm whichever
0,92 1,03 1,14 1,26 is the lesser, under a concentrated load of 150
110 100 100 90 80 80 70 65 daN applied in the most unfavourable position,
0,74 0,83 0,92 1,02 1,23 1,45 1,70 1,97 over a concentrated load area of 200 x 200 mm.
220 200 190 180 165 150 140 130 120 110 105 100 90 90
0,50 0,56 0,62 0,69 0,83 0,98 1,15 1,33 1,52 1,73 1,95 2,18 2,43 2,69
90 85 80 80 70 60
0,92 1,03 1,14 1,26 1,52 1,80
Multiplication factor for other materials
130 120 120 110 100 90 80 80 70 70 60
0,74 0,83 0,92 1,02 1,23 1,45 1,70 1,97 2,26 2,56 2,89
Material load deflection
260 250 230 220 200 180 170 155 145 135 130 120 110 110
0,50 0,56 0,62 0,69 0,83 0,98 1,15 1,33 1,52 1,73 1,95 2,18 2,43 2,69 Stainless steel 1.4301 0,81 0,95
Larger spans are possible. Stainless steel 1.4571 0,87 0,95
Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22 0,54 1,60
Max. possible concentrated load over a contact area of 200 x 200 mm
in daN in direction „B“
Concentrated loads BN-O and BN-G
B Type BP Type BR Type BZ
2 mm thick 2,5 mm thick 2 mm thick 2,5 mm thick 2 mm thick 2,5 mm thick
120 2980 3325 Limited concentrated loads for BN-O and BN-G
150 805 1065 1630 2025 see pages 50/51. The end of the yellow region indi-
180 740 825 cates a concentrated load of 150 daN in a contact
200 400 530 810 1010 area of 200 x 200 mm at a max. deflection „f“ of
240 420 470 4 mm. The end of the green region indicates a
250 265 355 540 675 concentrated load of 150 daN in a contact area of
300 200 265 285 325 200 x 200 mm, whereby the deflection „f“ is
360 225 255 < L/200.
420 180 205
480 155 170

B Treads
Standard and tailor-made perforated metal plank treads are fa- The optimal level of safety may be achieved by supplying
bricated using the same patterns as used for the landings in treads complete with a serrated nosing.
oder to ensure the complete staircase has a homogeneous ap-
Treads can also be produced in stainless steel quality 1.4301
pearance (Requirements for steel stairs - see page 19).
and 1.4571, as well as in aluminum AlMg 3 G 22.

Standard treads

Dimensions Type
600 x 250 mm BP
700 x 250 mm BP
800 x 250 mm BP
900 x 250 mm BP
1000 x 250 mm BP

On request, we can supply fixings for treads consisting of:

- hexagon screw M 12 x 35, DIN EN 24018
- hexagon nut M 12, DIN EN 24034
- washer A 14, DIN 7989.

Tailor-made treads

Perf.Metal Plank type Dimension Size ‘d’

BN-O / BN-G 240 / 50 / 2 600 x 240 mm 120 mm

BN-O / BN-G 240 / 75 / 2 800 x 240 mm 120 mm
BN-O / BN-G 240 / 75 / 2 1000 x 240 mm 120 mm
BN-O / BN-G 240 / 75 / 2 1200 x 240 mm 120 mm
BN-O / BN-G 270 / 50 / 2,5 600 x 270 mm 150 mm
BN-O / BN-G 270 / 50 / 2,5 800 x 270 mm 150 mm
BN-O / BN-G 270 / 75 / 2,5 1000 x 270 mm 150 mm
BN-O / BN-G 270 / 75 / 2,5 1200 x 270 mm 150 mm
BN-O / BN-G 300 / 50 / 2,5 600 x 300 mm 180 mm
BN-O / BN-G 300 / 50 / 2,5 800 x 300 mm 180 mm
BN-O / BN-G 300 / 75 / 2,5 1000 x 300 mm 180 mm
BN-O / BN-G 300 / 75 / 2,5 1200 x 300 mm 180 mm

BP 300 / 50 / 2 600 x 300 mm 180 mm

BP 300 / 50 / 2 800 x 300 mm 180 mm
BP 300 / 75 / 2,5 1000 x 300 mm 180 mm
BP 300 / 75 / 2,5 1200 x 300 mm 180 mm

BZ 240 / 50 / 2 600 x 240 mm 120 mm

BZ 240 / 75 / 2 800 x 240 mm 120 mm
BZ 240 / 75 / 2 1000 x 240 mm 120 mm
BZ 240 / 75 / 2 1200 x 240 mm 120 mm
BZ 270 / 50 / 2,5 600 x 270 mm 150 mm
BZ 270 / 50 / 2,5 800 x 270 mm 150 mm
BZ 270 / 75 / 2,5 1000 x 270 mm 150 mm
Tailor-made treads are produced with serrated nosing upon BZ 270 / 75 / 2,5 1200 x 270 mm 150 mm
request. Depending on the perforated metal type required, BZ 300 / 50 / 2,5 600 x 300 mm 180 mm
preferred widths (dimension B) are 150 mm, 200 mm, 240 mm BZ 300 / 50 / 2,5 800 x 300 mm 180 mm
250 mm and 300 mm. The required position of fixing holes (di- BZ 300 / 75 / 2,5 1000 x 300 mm 180 mm
mension d), should be indicated separately. BZ 300 / 75 / 2,5 1200 x 300 mm 180 mm
Please note that tailor-made treads are not supplied with a
Other dimensions on request
sloping section at the lower rear end.

LSP Ladder Rungs
Permanently fixed vertical ladders made These rungs can be fixed over the round susceptible to dirt accumulation and of-
out of steel, are often used in iron and rungs of existing ladders and welded la- fers a very good level of safety, even
steel making plants, rolling mills, mining, terally to either a cross member or steel during extreme working conditions.
the chemical industry, power plants and angle. For fitting to ladders with 25 mm Thus, the essential safety requirements
many other fields where good tread sa- dia. rungs, type LSP 35 special rungs are fulfilled.
fety on rungs is specifically required. are recommended.
For new ladders, we would recommend Ladder rungs are supplied in a standard
In order to ensure this level of safety on the supply of special rung types LSP finish (self coloured), but an additional
tread surfaces, special slip resistant 50G and LSP 50R. surface treatment can be provided upon

Perf. Metal Planks

ladder rungs can be supplied to suit request.
most applications. The surface structure of all our special
ladder rungs is serrated, although not

Ladder rungs LSP 25 LSP 25

Description: 800/25/39/2 mm
Materials: Steel
Stainless steel 1.4301
Stainless steel 1.4571
Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22
Length: 800 mm
Surface: self-coloured

Ladder rungs LSP 35 LSP 35

Description: 2000/35/34/2 mm
Materials: Steel
Stainless steel 1.4301
Stainless steel 1.4571
Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22
Length: 2000 mm
Surface: self-coloured

Ladder rungs LSP 50 LSP 50 R

Description: 2000/50/39/2 mm
Materials: Steel
Stainless steel 1.4301
Stainless steel 1.4571
Aluminum AlMg 3 G 22
Length: 2000 mm
Surface: self-coloured
Center of rung
LSP 50 G 497/50/39/2 mm
with straight ends
LSP 50 R 485/50/39/2 mm
with round ends
suitable for tube
ø 48,3 mm

B Fixings for Perforated Metal Planks
We recommend our specially de- to DIN 267, page 10. Notice
veloped Lichtgitter fixings for all types The clamp upper part with BZ-gratings
of perforated metal planks and undersi- By srewing together perforated metal is an „olive“. For all other types no spe-
de support. planks (if possible, at every 500 mm cen- cial upper part is necessary.
tres, see fixing no. 27,28 & 29), stumbling To avoid deflection at the intersection of
Perforated metal planks should be pre- edges are avoided and a greater level of perforated metal planks, the use of
vented from lifting up and slipping off. load distribution is achieved. Fixings are thrust connections no. 24 for types BN-
Every element having a width greater supplied loose with perforated metal G and BN-O are recommended.
than 300 mm should be attached from at planks and details relating to their
least four points to the underside sup- attachment can be found in „Arbeits- The fixing number plus indication of the
port, otherwise two fixings are suffi- stätten-Verordnung“, §12: ‘Protection grating height and type of perforated
cient. against falling objects’. metal plank, form the description and
order number of the fixing. For example
The under parts of fixings are adjusted All fixings require service and should be fixing no. B 21
to suit the appropriate types of perfora- regularly inspected regarding their effi- grating height 50
ted metal plank and the different types ciency. The inspection intervals depend and type BP „P“
of underside supports they may have. on operating conditions.The user may form order no. B 2150 P.
All screws and nuts are either supplied have to hand-screw fixings.
in stainless steel, or like all other fixing Therefore, all fixing materials are
parts, supplied centrifugally galvanised excluded from legal warranty.

No. 21 Standard fixing

clamp connection, consisting of:
- under part
- flat headed screw M 8 x ... DIN EN ISO 2009
- square nut M 8 DIN 557
- and for BZ-gratings additionally with „olive“
Type BN-G with screw and nut M6

Thsi fixing is suitable for the types BR, BP, BP-Ü, BZ and BN-O.

No. 22 Hook screw-fixing

for perforated metal planks on vertical support profiles without bottom flange,
consisting of:
- under part
- flat head screw M 8 ... DIN EN ISO 2009
- and for BZ-gratings additionally with „olive“
profile of underside support must be indicated upon order.
No. 23 as per no. 22, but vertical support profiles with bottom flange.
Thsi fixing is suitable for the types BR, BP, BP-Ü, BZ and BN-O.

No. 24 Thrust connection

avoids stumbling edges at intersection and enables an attachment to underside sup-
port. Consisting of:
- U-Profile
- self-tapping screw D M 5 x 20 DIN 7516
- flat head screw M 8 x ..DIN EN ISO 2009
(alternatively: tapping flat-headed screw acc. DIN ISO 7050)
- washer 9 DIN 126
- nut M 8 DIN EN ISO 7042, self-locking.
This fixing is suitable for the types BN-O and BN-G. Necessary boring in the perforated
metal plank has to be done at site.

No. 32 Olive
Fixing upper part for BZ-perforated metal planks.
Material grey cast iron without surface treatment or made of synthetic PA 6.6.

No. 25 S-Clamp
is a clamp connection consisting of:
- S-hook (suitable for underside support with a flange thickness of max. 9 mm)
- flat head screw M 8 x... DIN EN ISO 2009
- and for BZ-gratings additionally with „olive“.
This fixing is suitable for the types BR, BP, BP-Ü and BZ.

No. 26 Direct screwing
forms a safe connection with underside support, consisting of:
- flat head screw M 8 x ... DIN EN ISO 2009
- washer 9 DIN 126
- nut M 8 DIN EN ISO 7042, self-locking.
type BN-O with screw and nut M 6 and BZ with „olive“.

This fixing is suitable for the types BR, BP, BP-Ü, BZ and BN-O.

No. 27 Element thrust connection

avoids stumbling edges and enhances load distribution on larger spans at unfixed
Consisting of:
- connection part
- self-tapping screw D M 5 x 20 DIN 7516.

This fixing is suitable for the types BR, BP, BP-Ü, BZ, BN-O and BN-G.

No. 29 Screw connection

consisting of:
- screw M 8 x 16 DIN EN 24017
- washer 9 DIN 126 and nut M 8 DIN EN ISO 7042, self-locking.
This fixing is suitable for the types BR, BP, BP-Ü, BZ, BN-O and BN-G

No. 30 Fixing angle

avoids lifting off perforated metal planks.
Consisting of:
- piece of angle 30/30/3 ... 50 mm length
- 2 pieces self-tapping screws D M 5 x 20 DIN 7516.

This fixing is suitable for the types BR, BP, BP-Ü, BZ, BN-O and BN-G.

No. 31 Thrust flap

Suitable for connecting grating elements together at thrust and areas of restricted
load transmission.

The position of screws, washers and nuts are adjusted to line up with existing holes in

This fixing is suitable for the types BR, BP, BP-Ü, BZ, BN-O and BN-G.

BZ BP-Ü Walkway Elements
Walkway elements with hook fastening
(Patent no. DE 39 11 526 C2) are used as
a „travel way“ for underground applica-
tions (mining, etc.). The types used are
BZ (see page 43) as well as BP-Ü (see
page 44).

Hook fastening

The major advantages of this patent

protected hook fastening are:
● easy cleaning
● no stumbling edges at connecting
parts, either from inclination or un-
even levels
● reduction in labour requirement du-
Adaptive elements at floor unevennesses ring installation of the single ele-
ments, „travel ways“ no longer need
to be screwed, but can be connec-
ted to each other by using hook fa-
● no separate unfastening of ele-
ments; minor radii at uneven floors
may be compensated for, by using
hook fastenings
● simple replacement of walkway
elements in case of repair
● no corrosion at welding points be-
cause of galvanising according to
● straight walkways can be compli-
mented with curved and T-pieces to
provide a complete system
● serration inspected by BIA
● immediate delivery ex stock

The following dimensions and types can

be delivered ex stock.

Walkway elements for mining

3000 / 400 / 50 / 2 type BZ
3000 / 350 / 50 / 2 type BP-Ü
3000 / 400 / 50 / 2 type BP-Ü.

Walkway elements with laterally wel-

ded anchor flaps can be fabricated,
upon request.

„travel way" underground

B Perforated Metal Planks designed for Sprinkler Systems

In order to meet specific fire protection These products have been inspected by As results of the fire tests show, the in-
regulations in multi-floor towers and/or the Insurance Association „Sachversi- stallation of ceilings made out of perfo-
buildings with closed ceilings, sprinkler cherer e.V. (VdS)“ with regard to the re- rated metal planks, does not negatively
systems should be supplied. quirements for permitted sprinkler sy- affect fire fighting activities. Temperatu-
However, by installing perforated metal stems in buildings and towers. It is a re distribution and warning signs remain
planks as ceilings in areas above lan- particular requirement that the distance virtually unchanged when perofrated
dings, walkways and platforms, it beco- between the sprinkler plate and the tops metal planks are used.
mes unnecessary to have to provide ad- of perforated metal planks, be at least
ditional sprinkler systems on every floor. 500 mm. Test have shown that the installation of

Spec. Applications
type BR 250/50/2 perforated metal plank
In these cases perforated metal planks For safety reasons, the covering of per- provides a shorter response time than
of the following types can be used. forated metal planks with materials or test carried out where closed ceilings
other items is not allowed. The test re- have been installed. The accreditation
sults show that Lichtgitter perforated given by the Insurance Association,
BZ metal planks perform exceptionally well
in fire extinguishing situations.
‘Sachversicherer e.V.’, guarantees full
insurance cover in case of damage,
without having to go to the additional
BP A shorter response time and access to expense of complying with any con-
each individual floor, is provided for struction precautions levied, or other in-
BR sprinkler systems having favourable
water distribution in areas having suita-
surance preconditions.

ble perforated metal planks. Homoge-

neous water distribution supports the fi-
re extinguishing process within the af-
fected building.

Perforated metal planks, specifically designed for sprinkler systems in buildings with several floors

BP BR Perforated Metal Planks as Protection Panels
Protection panels made from perforated Loads greater than 1,5 kN produced by
metal planks can be used with particu- conveyor systems or other aggregates
larly good results below conveyor belt are imposed directly upon the steel sup-
systems for the automotive industry. porting structure by using a specially
The design and technical finish of the developed adapter (see sketch below)
protection panels are produced to serve with elongated holes and distance
as an alternative to the well-known wire tubes.
It is possible to change aggregates
One of the many advantages is that without making new cutouts into the co-
greater loads can be carried. For ex- vering. All work can be done from abo-
ample, the elements are delivered pre- ve, without the requirement for scaffol-
treated, in dimensions of 3000 x 1000 ding, shortening the installation time
mm. By providing a notch in the support significantly.
area, the elements will not slip in the di-
rection of span, even when not fixed do-

This type is protected by patent;

patent n° 198 18 133

T Spiral Staircases

Spiral Staircases

T Spiral Staircase „LG Standard“
Lichtgitter have developed two systems of spiral staircase to
suit specific constructive and static requirements. Type „LG
Standard“ (diameter of staircase in three standard sizes) and
type „LG Special“ (diameter of staircase is variable up to 2500

Spiral staircases type „LG Standard“

in galvanised finish are produced in a building-block system
with a diameter of 1600, 1800 and 2000 mm (max. diameter of

Spiral staircases „LG Standard“ are particularly easy to self-


Stairs and handrailing elements of different stair angles (stairs/

spiral) can be used with this type of construction.

We can offer these staircases at reasonable prices and with

short delivery terms due to the availability of standard sizes.

Calculations are carried out to determine the design require-

ments for staircases, by considering a uniformly distributed lo-
ad of either 3,5 kN/sq.m., or a concentrated load of 1,5 kN ap-
plied over an area of 100 x 100 mm from the leading edge of the
nosing, at a distance of 100 mm from the outside line of the
stair. Spiral staircase systems provided by Lichtgitter have be-
en inspected by the appropriate department of the German Mi-
nistry (see test report ‘11 B 6-543-206’ dated 09.11.1995).

Tread widths are supplied in accordance with the German

Standard DIN 18065.

T Spiral Staircase „LG Standard“
Spiral staircase Details of handrailing
(turned right)

Spiral Staircases
Stair tread type

a = 16 treads / spiral
b = 18 treads / spiral
c = 20 treads / spiral

Fixing for treads

T Spiral Staircase „LG Standard“

Necessary data for spiral staircases type „LG Standard“

One complete spiral staircase in galvanised finish

Diameter of the staircase (D) ø ____________ mm

Total height FF to FF (H) ____________ mm

Rise of steps ____________ mm

Height of hand railing ____________ mm

Number of stairtreads ____________ pce

Landing at exit dimension: ___________________ ____________ pce

(if possible please add your sketch)

Intermediate landing dimension: ___________________ ____________ pce

Grating type SP 225 - 34/38 - 3 (Standard)

Basic tube ø ____________ mm

including foot plate 200 x 200 x 8
and blind riveting nut, acc. to slope of stair tread linkage,
one piece per stair tread
concrete base level to finished floor level (B) ____________ mm

Specification for guarding: Handrail fabricated out of 33,7 mm O.D. x 2,6 mm w.t. CHS, complete with fixing brackets.
Each tread is supplied with a 30 x 30 x 2 mm special profile newel, complete with a slot on one
side to faciliate fixing a screw at the tread position. Each newel has a shaped 12 mm diameter
round bar welded to either one or both sides in order to reduce the maximum clear space bet-
ween newels to either 120 mm or 180 mm.

T Guide for planning of Spiral Staircases

15 Treads / Spiral

ø 1500 - 1800 mm
Width of treads 225 - 270 mm

16 Treads / Spiral

ø 1700 - 2000 mm
Width of treads 235 - 280 mm

Spiral Staircases
18 Treads / Spiral

ø 1900 - 2200 mm
Width of treads 235 - 270 mm

20 Treads / Spiral

ø 2100 - 2400 mm
Width of treads 235 - 270 mm

22 Treads / Spiral

ø 2300 - 2500 mm
Width of treads 230 - 250 mm

Landings - Examples of Layout

Stair turned left Stair turned right Stair turned left or right

T Spiral Staircase „LG Special“
Spiral staircases type „LG Special“

in galvanised finish are developed in modular system for self-

assembly. They are functional and reliable and suitable for
many types of application.

Spiral staircases type „LG Special“ are produced with a maxi-

mum diameter of 2500 mm.

For areas accessible to the general public, guarding systems

are fabricated with the maximum clear space distance bet-
ween rail stanchions of 120 mm, whereas for industrial areas
the maximum clear space distance is 180 mm.

The height of the handrail measured from the leading edge of

the tread to the top of the handrail, should not be less than 1000
mm, except where the total height of the stair exceeds 12 m
and then this distance should not be less than 1100 mm.

Calculations are carried out to determine the design require-

ments for staircases, by considering a uniformly distributed lo-
ad of either 3,5 kN/sq.m., or a concentrated load of 1,5 kN ap-
plied over an area of 100 x 100 mm from the leading edge of the
nosing, at a distance of 100 mm from the outside line of the

Tread widths are supplied in accordance with the German

Standard DIN 18065.

T Spiral Staircase „LG Special“

Spiral Staircases

T Spiral Staircase„LG Special“
Spiral staircase Details of handrailing

Stair tread type

with serrated flat bar as nosing

Nosing m
ade of serrated fl
at bar

Necessary data for spiral staircases „LG Special“

One complete spiral staircase in galvanised finish

Diameter of the stair (D) ø ____________ mm
Total height FF to FF (H) ____________ mm
Rise of steps ____________ mm
Height of hand railing ____________ mm
Number of stairtreads ____________ pce
Landing at exit dimension: ___________________ ____________ pce
(if possible please add your sketch)
Intermediate landing(s) dimension: ___________________ ____________ pce
Grating type pressure-locked gratings or
forge-welded gratings type: ____________________
Basic tube including foot plate 300 x 300 x 10 ø ____________ mm
Concrete base level to finished level (B) ____________ mm
Specification for guarding: Handrail fabricated out of 33,7 mm O.D. x 2,6 mm w.t. CHS
Newel fabricated out of 21,3 mm O.D. x 2,3 mm w.t. CHS
Max. clear space ____________ mm
Including M10 screw x 30 mm long and nut

SP P B Serration


SP P B Serration
Metal gratings having members without slip resistance required to suit a varying The Occupational Safety Authorities
serrated walking surfaces, generally range of adverse conditions, several ty- have determined criteria relating to ser-
have sufficient slip resistant properties pes of serrated top surfaces have been ration. Instruction sheet BGR 181 refers
for normal use in good environmental developed and are described below to:
conditions. However, in locations where
dirt, oil, grease, water or food increases - working locations with an increased
the risk of slipping, there is the require- SP Serration no. 1 & 11; danger of skidding,
ment for an improved slip resistant wal- - the inspection procedure to find cri-
king surface on floor coverings. This teria for serration and
can be achieved by supplying either Serration - the categories of the inspected floor
metal gratings with a series of notches P no. 2, 22, 3, 31, 32 and 4; coverings.
or serrations in the top surfaces of bea-
ring bars and/or cross bars or perfora- Regarding the description of types, we
ted metal planks having a series of rai-
sed pattern punched holes in the top B Serrated qualities because
of surface specification
would refer to pages 15 (SP), 25 (P) and
43 to 45 (B).

In order to meet the different levels of

Grating XSP - type no. 1 & 11 Grating XP - type no. 2 Grating XP - type no. 22

Grating XP - type no. 3 / 31 Grating XP - type no. 32 Grating XP - type no. 4

Perforated metal plank - type BZ Perforated metal plank - type BP-Ü Perforated metal plank - type BN-O

Extract of BGR 181
Working rooms and working Serration testing
areas where there is a potential
slipping hazard Lichtgitter gratings and perforated me-
tal planks have been tested by the Oc-
Floor coverings in working rooms and cupational Authorities and certificates
working areas are collated under diffe- confirming the test results are available
rent categories according to the relative upon request and are also published by
danger of skidding. the Occupational Authorities. In view of
this, we are entitled to use a special
This procedure is based upon pedestri- sign (BG-Zeichen) for the products men-
an traffic over the floor covering and te- tioned, to confirm our certification.
sted on an inclined level. This test Details of serration classes in terms of
proves whether or not the floor covering angles of inclination are shown in the
is suitable for a specific work room. following table.
Valuation categories for serration
The average angle of incline measure-
Total average value Valuation category
ment, decides the coordination of the
floor covering in one of the five serrati- from 3° to 10° R 9
on classes. The serration class provides more than 10° to 19° R 10
the scale for the degree of serration, more than 19° to 27° R 11
therefore, coverings with serration more than 27° to 35° R 12
class R 9 have the lowest and R 13 the more than 35° R 13
highest requirements for serration.

The displacement of the tested products

was certified in each case with V10.

Examples for necessary serration in working areas

Working rooms and areas Serration Displacement Working rooms and areas Serration Displacement
class class
Production of margarine, cooking fat, salad-oil Chemical and thermal treatment of
Production and packaging R 12 steel and metal
of margarine Tempering shop R 12
Production and packaging Laboratory rooms R 11
of cooking fat, bottling R 12 Workshops for maintenance of aircrafts
of salad-oil Airplane hangars R 11
Treatment of milk and manufacturing of cheese Shipyards halls R 12
Manufacturing, stocking R 11
Washing bays R 12 V4
and packaging of cheese
Installations for treatment of sewage
Slaughter and treatment of meat
Pump room R 12
Treatment of poultry R 12 V6
Rooms for installations of
Department of cold meat
sludge draining
and packaging R 12
Computer rooms R 12
Kitchens, dining rooms
Wet areas for production of
Kitchens for food-supply R 11
for residences, schools, food and beverage
kindergartens, hospitals Beverage filling R11
Reheating kitchens R 10 Fruit juice production
Stock cellar, fermentation R 10

SP P B Serration
Test results of serration (test certificates are available)

Type Serration Surface Serration Displacement

No. (*) treatment class
Gratings out of steel
SP 330-34/38-3 --- galvanised R 10 V 10
P 330-33 -3 --- galvanised R 10 V 10
P 230-33/11-3 --- galvanised R 9 V 10
XSP 330-34/38-3 No. 1 galvanised R 10 V 10
XSP 330-34/38-3 No. 11 galvanised R 11 V 10
XP 230-33 -3 No. 2 galvanised R 12 V 10
XP 230-33/22-3 No. 2 galvanised R 12 V 10
XP 230-33/11-3 No. 2 galvanised R 12 V 10
XP 430-33 -4 No. 2 galvanised R 11 V 10
XP 530-33 -5 No. 2 galvanised R 11 V 10
XP 330-33/22-3 No. 22 galvanised R 12 V 10
XP 330-33 -3 No. 3 galvanised R 11 V 10
XP 230-33 -3 No. 31 galvanised R12 V10
XP 330-33 -3 No. 31 galvanised R 12 V 10
XP 430-33 -4 No. 31 galvanised R 11 V 10
XP 530-33 -5 No. 31 galvanised R 11 V 10
XP 330-44 -3 No. 31 galvanised R 12 V 10
XP 330-33/11-3 No. 32 galvanised R 11 V 10
XP 230-33/11-3 No. 4 galvanised R 10 V 10
XP 230-33 -3 No. 4 galvanised R 11 V 10
XP 530-33 -5 No. 4 galvanised R 11 V 10
Gratings out of stainless steel
XP 225-33 -3 No. 3 electrochemically polished R 12 V 10
XP 225-33 -3 No. 31 electrochemically polished R 13 V 10
XP 325-33 -3 No. 31 electrochemically polished R 12 V 10
XP 525-33 -5 No. 31 electrochemically polished R 12 V 10
Gratings out of aluminum
XP 225-33 -3 No. 3 pickled R 13 V 10
XP 225-33 -3 No. 31 pickled R 13 V 10
XP 225-33 -3 No. 4 pickled R 12 V 10
Perforated metal planks out of steel
BR 30/2 galvanised R 11 V 10
BP 30/2 galvanised R 11 V 10
BP-Ü 30/2 galvanised R 12 V 10
BN-G 30/2 galvanised R 10 V 10
BN-O 30/2 galvanised R 11 V 10
BZ 40/2 galvanised R 11 V 10
Perforated metal planks out of stainless steel
BP 30/2 electrochemically polished R 11 V 10
BN-O 30/2 electrochemically polished R 11 V 10
BZ 40/2 electrochemically polished R 12 V 10
Perforated metal planks out of aluminum
BP 30/2 pickled R 11 V 10
BN-O 30/2 pickled R 13 V 10
BZ 40/2 pickled R 13 V 10
* Notes regarding serration
No. 1 endless punching of bearing bars
No. 11 endless punching of bearing bars and cross bars deeper welded
No. 2 endless punching of cross bars, peaked finish (distance between peaks: approx. 11 mm)
No. 22 endless punching of bearing and cross bars, peaked finish (distance between peaks: approx. 11 mm)
No. 3 punching of bearing bars and cross bars, with standard pitch 33,33 mm there are two cutouts within the pitch
No. 31 endless punching of bearing and cross bars
No. 32 endless punching of cross bars (qualified for guide dogs for the blind)
No. 4 endless punching of cross bars; round off peaks at a distance of 5,5 mm

SP P B Serration
Reduction of load bearing capacity on gratings
In order to increase levels of slip resistance, bars are serrated
by punching out material from the walking surface. Due to this
reduction in material, the load values stated in the load tables
for non serrated walking surfaces need to be reduced propor-
tionately. The load bearing capacity of serrated grating types
no. 1, no. 3 and no. 31 is reduced by approx. 24% for forge-wel-
ded gratings and pressure-locked gratings having 20 x 2 mm
bearing bars and by approx. 9% for 60 x 5 mm bearing bars,
compared to the values shown on pages 16 & 17 and 26 & 27.
At the reduced loading on 20 x 2 mm bearing bars, the deflec-
tion is approx.17% greater and on 60 x 5 mm bearing bars, it is
approx. 4% greater.

Walkways having inclines between 6° and 24°

The supply of standard gratings is recommended for walkways
to conveyors or similar installations, when they are inclined up
to 6°. Walkways inclined from 6° to 10° should be provided with
serrated gratings. At an angle of inclination between 10° and
24°, metal gratings should be supplied with an anti-slip metal
strip securely fixed to the top surface, at various pitches*, over
the whole length of the grating (e.g. U20/20/20/2.0). For angles
of incline in excess of 24°, stairs should be used.

* The pitch of anti-slip strips is to be determined from the for-
mula used for stair design, which is 600 ≤ g + 2 h ≤ 660, where g
= the stairtread ‘going’and h = height determined from the
angle of incline.

the an
ce b e tween
Distan strips 0 mm) ting
400 or
50 the gra
33 0 , top of
p strip

10 to 24°

Surface treatment

The preferred surface treatment of The galvanising plant conserves energy,

Lichtgitter products made out of steel is minimises waste and any emissions fall
galvanising according to DIN EN ISO well below the predicted EU Standard
1461. Having our own galvanising plants emission values.
within the group, we are able to achieve
a high level of productivity, and therefo- All remnants are re-used, the level of
re ensure price advantages as well as energy re-use is up to 96% due to heat
consistent quality and short delivery recovery and being a captive system,
terms. the accumulation of dross is not a pro-
We are fully responsible for the environ-
ment within our galvanising plants and In this way, Lichtgitter’s ideas about
therefore environmental protection du- quality and service are fully realised.
ring the galvanising process is of the ut- We strongly believe in offering high
most priority. quality, excellent service and efficient
logistics, to consistently meet the requi-
At our head office in Stadtlohn we have rements of our clients, particularly
built a galvanising plant, which is in line within the galvanising process.
with the latest state of the art for the
galvanising industry and thereby ensu-
res maximum environmental protection.

Areas where acid or chemicals are

used are completely closed off. This en-
sures that working areas are free of
emission and clean working conditions
are achieved.

Surface Treatment


SP P B Surface Treatment
1. Surface treatment for The zinc coat adheres firmly to sur- Plastic coatings
steel gratings and steel for faces. In case of normal mechanical de- Plastic coatings are achieved, e.g. by
construction applications, in mands such as transportation, pedestri- dipping or electrostatic powder coating.
an or vehicle traffic, zinc does not flake The abrasion resistance and thickness
accordance with to DIN EN off or develop cracks. of finish required, depends upon the ap-
10025 plication, so this needs to be considered
The average weight of the zinc coating is when deciding which procedure and
1.1 Galvanising acc. to DIN EN ISO approximately 450 g per sqm of treated plastic to use.
1461 surface. This corresponds to a coating
(hot dip galvanised) thickness of approximately 65 µm. The
1.2 Galvanising followed by thickness of the zinc coating also Painting
bitumen dipping depends on the thickness of the materi- Gratings and perforated metal planks
1.3 Plastic coating *, al (see list on page 81). Before galvani- can likewise be lacquered in a dipping
also galvanised surfaces sing, parts are pre-treated to provide a or spraying process, preferably after
(colours according to RAL) mechanically clean surface in order to galvanising.
1.4 Baked paint *, achieve a faultless adherence of zinc.
also on galvanised surfaces
* A coating with epoxy resin powder
(colours according to RAL)
for outside areas is not recom-
Bitumen dipping mended. For these areas, a polyester
2. Gratings and perforated is often requested as an additional powder coating should be used.
metal planks made of stain- treatment for galvanised gratings, and
less steel, material acc. to gives extra surface protection (mainly
DIN 17440 for chemical use).

2.1 Pickled
2.2 Electrochemically polished
2.3 Glass bead blasting

3. Gratings and perforated

metal planks from aluminum
material acc. to DIN EN 485
and DIN EN 573

3.1 Pickled
3.2 Baked paint *
(colours according to RAL)
3.3 Anodised
3.4 Plastic coating *
(colours according to RAL)

Gratings and perforated metal planks

receive a surface protection to avoid
potential corrosion.

Gratings manufactured from stainless

steel and aluminum generally do not
need a corrosion protection. At least
one after-treatment by pickling (see
2.1/3.1) or anodiing (see 3.3) is recom-

Hot dip galvanising

(usual corrosion protection for gratings)
The term „hot dip galvanising“ means
the adding of a zinc finish by dipping the
pre-treated parts into a molten zinc dip
(see photo).

Extract from DIN EN ISO 1461
Appendix A.2 are supplied with painted surfaces (t Zn surface unevenness is not really a pro-
b), the coating is carried out after galva- blem, providing the minimum value of
A coating of hot dip galvanising is deno- nising. the zinc coating thickness is still achie-
ted: t Zn, where t is short for ‘thermal’, ved. White rust or staining predomi-
e.g. nantly consisting of zinc oxide, usually
DIN EN 6.1 Appearance occurs with light or dark corrosion
Coating ISO 1461 - t Zn o items, when stocking hot dip galvanised
During visual quality inspections, all es- products in humid conditions.
DIN-Number sential areas of the galvanised parts
Short form have to be free of enlargements/
bubbles, roughness, zinc peaks and de- 6.2 Coating thickness
The short form t Zn o denotes, hot dip fects. The meanings of „roughness“
galvanising where o indicates no after- and „smoothness“ are relative. There- The thickness of zinc coating should be
treatment. fore, roughness of partly galvanised conform to the values stated in the fol-
coatings is different to that of conti- lowing table. Deviations on these thick-
Another term used under DIN EN ISO nuous galvanised parts. nesses are permitted but should be
1461 is when a coating is required as an agreed separately.
after-treatment, e.g., t Zn b. This term The appearance of dark or light grey
denotes, hot dip galvanising where b in- areas (e.g., a network structure of grey The inspection of the coating thickness
dicates an after-treatment. When parts areas), white rust, or slight unimportant is normally carried out in accordance
with the requirements of DIN EN ISO
2178. In this case, the measured area is
Table: Coating thickness relatively small and some of the indivi-
dual values may be lower than the va-
Local Average lues of the local or average coating
Material thickness (mm) coating thickness coating thickness thickness. A sufficient number of mea-
minimum value minimum value surements within a reference area are
in µm in µm to be obtained by using magnetic tests
or graphic methods, in order to achieve
Steel parts with thickness < 1,5 mm 35 45
the required local thickness.
Steel parts with thickness ≥ 1,5 mm to < 3 mm 45 55
Steel parts with thickness ≥ 3 mm to < 6 mm 55 70

6.3. Repairing
Steel parts with thickness > 6 mm 70 85
The total area of all individual areas
Thicker zinc coatings or other additonal requirements can be provided, without
contravening the requirements to this standard. without coating that needs to be resto-
red, shall not exceed 0,5% of the total
surface area and the maximum size of a
single area without coating shall not ex-
ceed 10 cm2.

The repairing process should include

the removal of dirt and the necessary
cleaning and surface pre-treatment re-
quired, to ensure complete adherence.

The coating thickness of any repaired

area should be at least 30 µm more than
the required local coating thickness
shown in the table.

SP P B Tolerances
Gratings and perforated metal planks are subject to fixed pro-
duction and delivery tolerances. Details of these tolerances
can be found in RAL-GZ 638 for gratings and RAL-GZ 639 for
perforated metal planks.

Details regarding gratings are restricted to the following:

- bearing bars ≤ 60 mm x 5 mm
- 66,66 mm maximum bearing bar pitch
11,11 mm minimal cross bar pitch
- 2,0 sq.m. maximum area of grating, whereby a side dimensi-
on should not be greater than 2000 mm

Tolerances for other Lichtgitter grating types are available

upon request.

The difference between the measured diagonals D1 and D2

shall not exceed 0,012 x s, where s is the greatest side dimensi-

Maximum Tolerances

Length & width

Dimensions c; e; f = + 0 mm / - 4 mm

Dimension g = ± 1,5 mm
Torsion (deviation of surface evenness) within the grating.
Deviation is permissible to a maximum of 5 mm; with gratings Dimension d = ± 4 mm
ca. 300 x 300 mm maximum approximately 2 mm. (measured over 10 pitches)

dimension h; i = + 8 / - 0 mm

SP Tolerances
Tolerances (deformations) under loaded conditions are not included.

Outstanding cross bar or binding bar Convex deviation xt max. = 1/150th of length
(for pressure-locked gratings as well) for dimensions > 450 mm; max. 8 mm
k max. = 0,5 mm smaller dimensions than 450 mm; max. 3 mm

Inclination of bearing bars and binding bars

p max. = 0,1 x H Concave deviation ot max. = 1/200th of length
but max. 3 mm for dimensions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm
smaller dimensions than 600 mm; max. 3 mm

Upstanding cross bar

q max. = 1,5 mm

Convex deviation xq max. = 1/150th of width

for dimensions > 450 mm; max. 8 mm
Upstanding binding bar smaller dimensions than 450 mm; max. 3 mm
s max. = 1,0 mm

Lower projecting binding bar

r max. = 1,0 mm

Concave deviation oq max. = 1/200th of width
for dimensions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm
smaller dimensions than 600 mm; max. 3 mm

Cut section of bearing bar

or cross bar
t max. = ± 0,1 x H
but t max. 3 mm

P Tolerances
Tolerances (deformations) under loaded conditions are not included

Cut-out shape to suit manufacturer’s preference

Inclination of bearing bars and binding bars Convex deviation xt max. = 1/150th of length
p max. = 0,1 x H for dimensions > 450 mm; max. 8 mm
but max. 3 mm smaller dimensions than 450 mm; max. 3 mm

Upstanding cross bar Concave deviation ot max. = 1/200th of length

q max. = 1,5 mm for dimensions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm
smaller dimensions than 600 mm; max. 3 mm

Upstanding binding bar

s max. = 1,0 mm

Convex deviation xq max. = 1/150th of width

for dimensions > 450 mm; max. 8 mm
smaller dimensions than 450 mm; max. 3 mm

Lower projecting binding bar

r max. = 1,0 mm

Concave deviation oq max. = 1/200th of width

for dimensions > 600 mm; max. 8 mm
smaller dimensions than 600 mm; max. 3 mm

Cut section of bearing bar

or cross bar
t max. = ± 0,1 x H
but max. 3 mm

B Tolerances
Tolerances (deformations) under loaded conditions are not included

Element length L = + 2,0 mm; - 4,0 mm

Element width B = + 2,0 mm; - 2,0 mm Element height H = + 2,0 mm; - 4,0 mm
Element height H = + 1,5 mm; - 1,5 mm
Rim t = min. 10 mm

Bowing f in direction L = 0,004 x L

outwards a = 0,05 x H
rim i = max. 2,5 mm

Bowing g in direction L = 0,002 x L

inwards b = 0,05 x H

Bowing c in Lateral horizontal deviation h = 0,002 x L
direction H = 0,05 x H

Bowing d in
direction B = 0,015 x B

Max. diagonal deviation between D1 & D2 = max. 0,005 x L

Cutout dimensions i; k = + 8,0 mm; - 0,0 mm

Bowing e (deflection) in
direction B = 0,015 x B

SP P B Static Load Calculations
Spans should be considered as being the clear distance bet- Table 1
ween supports, when carrying out static load calculations. Number of additional bearing bars considered to carry a con-
centrated load applied over an area of 200 x 200 mm, due to
The permissible stress level and ‘E’ value for the appropriate distribution of the load to adjacent bars, via cross bars.
material being considered should be used in calculations and
the worst case loading should be determined by considering bearing bar distribution to adjacent bars, via the cross bars
concentrated loads applied in the most unfavourable position. height

Calculation of moments of resistance (strength) and mm forge-welded gratings pressure-locked

moments of inertia gratings
pitch 34 x 38 mm pitch 33 x 33 mm

a) Forge-welded gratings 20 2,25 3,33

The section modulus ‘W’ and moment of inertia ‘I’ should be 25 2,19 3,25
determined by considering bearing bar sizes without a zinc 30 2,13 3,17
coating, or a reduction factor unless the bearing bars are 35 2,06 3,08
serrated. 40 2,00 3,00
50 1,88 2,83
b) Pressure-locked gratings 60 1,75 2,67
The section modulus ‘W’ and moment of inertia ‘I’ should be 70 1,63 2,50
determined by considering bearing bar sizes without a zinc 80 1,50 2,33
coating, but with a reduction factor ‘v’ of 0,9 to reflect the 90 - 2,17
weakening effect consistent with pressure-locked gratings, 100 - 2,00
even when galvanised. If the actual pitch for the grating being considered is different
from the pitch shown in the table, then the figues shown for ‘m’
c) The section modulus ‘W’ and moment of inertia ‘I’ for perfo- may be different and should therefore be considered.
rated metal planks should be determined as for forge-wel-
ded gratings, but without any reduction factor.
Key to symbols

W = section modulus [cm3]

I = moment of inertia [cm4]
Perforated metal planks
e = greatest distance between the centre of gravity
and the exterior fibre, i.e., extreme fibre distance
When calculating the moments of inertia and resistance for
M max. = maximum bending moment [kNcm]
perforated metal planks, any curve and the rim radius can be
m = number of load-carrying bearing bars
ignored. Calculation of the profile in rectangular form is permit- (due to load distribution of cross bars)
ted providing the plank to is considered up to the first perforati- n = actual number of bearing bars under load
on. n1 = actual number of loaded elements
All types, with plank profiles running in direction B, can be cal- n2 = actual number of loaded planks
culated in this way and an increase in the load carrying capa- f = deflection under load in cm
bility can be achieved by screwing the elements together E = modulus of elasticity [kN/cm2]
σ = maximum stress [kN/cm2]
Various types of plank without profiled bridges running in the v = reduction factor for pressure-locked gratings
direction „B“, are considered suitable for pedestrian use when Fv = uniformly distributed load [kN/m2]
the thickness of sheets and widths of palnks, are constructed Fp = concentrated load on load area[kN]
as follows: A = area [m2]
t = bearing bar pitch [cm] or pitch of planks [cm]
Thickness of sheets in mm width of planks in mm bT = load extent in bearing bar direction [cm]
2,0 200
bV = load extent in cross bar direction [cm]
2,5 250
3,0 300 B = element width
bL = load extent in direction L
When calculating the moments of inertia and resistance of me- bB = load extent in direction B
tal planks without perforation, the complete width ‘B’ of each H = height [cm]
plank should be considered. b = thickness of bar [cm]
h = height of bar [cm]
L = clear span [cm]
Ll =B
= bearing bar direction

Formula table

A1 · x1 + A2 · x2 + A3 · x3
Determination xs =
of center of gravity A1 + A2 + A3

Formula „Steiner“ Ix1 = I + A · a2

Inertia moment
b · h3 Ixtotal = Ix + Ix + ...
I = [cm4] 1 2
b · h3
b · h3 Ireal = · n [cm4] = Ix · n1(n2)
Ireal = · n · v [cm4] 12

b · h2 Ixtotal
Section modulus b · h2 W = [cm3] =
W = [cm3] 6 e

b · h2 b · h2
Wreal = · n· v [cm3] Wreal = · n [cm3]
6 6

Number of A
n = at distributed load
bearing bars L·t
to consider
load width + m (for point load)
n =
bearing bar pitch
Number of n1 = A
loaded elements Ll · B
Number of
loaded planks n2 =
Fv · L
Maximum max.M = [kNcm] at distributed load Fv · L
8 max.M = [kNcm] at distributed
bending moment 8

Fp (L - b )
2 Fp (L - b* )
max.M = [kNcm] at point load 2
4 max.M = [kNcm] at point load
b* = bL bzw. bB

max.M σ = [kN/cm2]
Stress / Sigma σ = [kN/cm2] Wreal

5 · Fv · L3
Deflection 5 · Fv · L3 f = [cm] at distributed
f = [cm] at distributed 384 · E · Ireal
384 · E · Ireal load
f = (8L3 - 4L · b2 + b3) [cm]
Fp 384 · E · Ireal
f = (8L3 - 4L · bT2 + bT3) [cm] at point load
384 · E · Ireal
at point load
b* = bL bzw. bB

SP Static Calculations
Calculation example 1: Forge-welded grating Load arrangement 2

Wheel load 50 kN
Contact area acc. to DIN 1072 20 x 40 mm
Clear span 68 cm
Bearing bar pitch 3,43 cm
Cross bar pitch 3,81 cm

Load arrangement 1

As calculation example shows, stress can be quite different

depending on distance areas.

Closest to permissible stress is forge-welded grating,

type SP 580 - 34/38 - 5 .

P Static Calculations
Calculation example 2: Calculation example 3:
Uniformly distributed loading, imposed upon pressu- Point load imposed upon pressure-locked gratings
re-locked gratings
Point load 1,5 kN
Uniformly distributed loading 5,0 kN/m2 Clear span 100 cm
Clear span 100 cm Contact area 20 x 20 cm
Bearing bar pitch 3,33 cm Bearing bar pitch 3,33 cm
Cross bar pitch 3,33 cm Cross bar pitch 3,33 cm

The grating type P 230 - 33 - 3 may be considered.

Even though calculated stress values may be less than 16,0

kN/cm2, allowing greater spans to be considered, they will be
limited by the maximum permissible deflection and vice versa.


B Static Calculations
Calculation example: Perforated metal planks Calculation in direction „B“

Calculation of moments of inertia and resistance for a

A1 · x1 + A2 · x2 + A3 · x3
special pattern xs =
A1 + A2 + A3
Detail y
0,2 · 0,8 · 0,1 + 0,2 · 3 · 1,5 + 0,2 · 1,0 · 2,9
0,2 · 0,8 + 0,2 · 3 + 0,2 · 1,0


= 1,558 cm

b · h3
Cut C-D Ix1 = (I + A · a12) 2 = ( + A · a12) 2
0,8 · 0,23
=( + 0,8 · 0,2 · 1,4582 ) 2 = 0,6813 cm4

0,2 · 33
Ix2 = ( 12 + 0,2 · 3 · 0,0582) 2 = 0,9040 cm4
Determination of center of gravity for cut C - D
(A1 · x1) 2 + A2 · x2 1,0 · 0,23
xs = Ix3 =( + 1,0 · 0,2 · 1,3422) 2 = 0,7217 cm4
A1 + A1 + A2 12 _________
Ix total = 2,307 cm4
(1,4 · 0,2 · 0,7) 2 + 3,15 · 0,2 · 1,3
1,4 · 0,2 + 1,4 · 0,2 + 3,15 · 0,2

1,211 Ix total
= W =
1,19 e

= 1,017 cm 2,307
I1 = (I + A · a12) 2 = (b · h + A · a12) 2
= 1,4807 cm3

0,2 · 1,43
=( + 0,2 · 1,4 · 0,3172) 2 = 0,1477 cm4

3,15 · 0,23
Ix2 = + 3,15 · 0,2 · 0,2832 = 0,0525 cm4

Ix total = 0,200 cm4

Ix total
W =

= 0,1969 cm3

B Static Calculations
Calculation example 5 Calculation example 6

B = Ll = 200 mm B = Ll = 200 mm
H = 30 mm H = 30 mm
s = 2 mm s = 2 mm
L = 600 mm L = 1100 mm

Material = S 235 JR Material = S 235 JR

σ = 16 kN/cm2 σ = 16 kN/cm2
Point load = 1,5 kN Uniformly distributed load Fv = 5,0 kN/m2
Load area = 200 x 200 mm
Calculation in direction „B“
Calculation in direction „B“
A 1
n2 = =
B·t 0,2 · 0,065
bL 200
n2 = = = 3,2 Bridges = 76,68 webs
t 62,5

bB 20 Fv · Ll 5,0 · 20
Fp · (Ll - ) 1,5 · (20 - ) max. M = =
2 2 8 · n2 8 · 76,68
max. M = = = 3,75 kNcm
4 4
= 0,163 kNcm
max. M 3,75
σ = =
W · n2 0,1969 · 3,2
max. M 0,163
σ = =
Wx 0,1969
= 5,95 kN/cm2 < 14,0 kN/cm2
= 0,82 kN/cm < 16 kN/cm2
Calculation in direction „L“
Calculation in direction „L“
n1 = 1 with elements 200 and > 200 wide, providing
A 1
Sigma in direction B < Sigma 16,0 kN/cm2 n1 = =
L · B 1,1 · 0,2

For elements < 200 is n1 = = 4,54 elements

bL 20 Fv · L 5,0 · 110
Fp · (L - ) 1,5 · (60 - ) max. M = =
2 2 8·n 8 · 4,54
max. M = = 1
4·n 4·1
= 15,14 kNcm
= 18,75 kNcm
max. M 15,14
σ = =
max. M 18,75 Wx 1,4807
σ = =
W 1,4807 = 10,22 kN/cm2 < 14,0 kN/cm2
= 12,66 kN/cm2 < 16,0 kN/cm2

5 · Fv · L3
f =
384 · E · Ixtotal
f = (8 L3 - 4 LbL2 + bL3)
384 · E · Ix total 5 · 5,0 · 1103
384 · 2,1 · 104 · 2,307 · 4,54
= (8·603 - 4 ·60 · 202 +203)
384 ·2,1 ·104 ·2,307 = 0,39 cm

= 0,132 cm The max. span of unscrewed elements is max. 1100 mm, other-
wise the deflection is excessive.

SP Production

P Production

B Production



SP P Notes for invoice
Complete rectangular areas that are ● matching the pattern on adjacent tes.
required to produce the final grating gratings
shape, including those areas cut from ● The part list (confirmation of order),
them, form the basis for calculation of ● quantity of binding bar for cutouts, grating layout drawings and/or the
gratings, in accordance with „Arbeits- in rm final measurement, will form the ba-
gemeinschaft Industriebau e.V. (AGI)“. sis of the invoice.
● quantity of binding bar up to 0,5 rm
Calculations are: for small cutouts at a unit price per
rm and additional prices for indivi-
● manufactured area in terms of the dual pieces.
smallest rectangle or square requi-
red in m2, to produce the final gra- ● additional prices for such items as
ting size; kick flat (toe-plate), deep binding
bar, perforated nosing, side plates,
● cutouts for access and penetrati- fixings, etc., will be charged in ac-
ons; cordance with agreed unit price ra-

Bearing bar direction
Actual fabricated area
Because each grating is originally ma-
nufactured in a rectangular shape, the
Additional area to be in- above drawings show the minimum ad-
cluded in calculations ditional material that has to be manu-
Area not to be calculated factured, in order to be able to produce
the actual fabricated area.

B Notes for invoice
For perforated metal planks, the run- The prices per rm or sq.m. are ba-
ning metres will be calculated to suit sed upon grating lengths required to ● Matching the pattern/type on adja-
production requirements (for perfora- suit module sizes. With varying cent planks
ted metal plank module figures, see pa- lengths, the nearest size above to
ges 43 to 45 inc.). suit the module size will be charged ● Quantity of binding bar for special
for. shape cutouts, in rm
The module sizes are:
Calculations are: - BZ 90 mm and ● Additional prices for such items as
● The number of individual gratings - BP, BR, BP-Ü, BN-O and kick flat (toe-plate), deep binding
required in accordance with the BN-G 125 mm. bar, reinforcement of binding bar
part list (confirmation of order) with angles, perforated nosing, side
and/or the grating layout plan which In addition: plates, fixings, etc., will be supplied
necessary for production in line with ● Cutouts for access and penetrati- in accordance with agreed unit pri-
agreed prices either per sq.m. or rm. ons; ce rates.

finished outline

necessary outline

forward feed-module R

Lichtgitter products are usually sup-
plied via forwarding agencies with
whom we hold special contracts, how-
ever, supplies are also possible on an
‘ex works’ basis, upon request.

Standard packaging is provided where

palettes cannot be returned or remain
on site. This form of packing is suffi-
cient for transport via lorry even if tra-
velling abroad, and enables safe trans-
portation with no damage sustained.

Depending on destination, products for

export purposes will be packed in a

special way:

● Screw-bundling
● Packing-cases
● Container.

SP P Enquiry-/Order Form
(Stamp of Company / Address)
Date: …………………………………………….

Contact:.………………………………………. …

❏ Enquiry
❏ Order: .…………………………………………

Delivery date: ……………………………………

Load: ❏ Pedestrian traffic ❏ Vehicle traffic with ........... kN wheel load

❏ Load area:............... kN/m 2

Surface: ❏ Standard ❏ Serrated finish no.... ❏ Serration class R .................

(see page 73)
Material: Steel Steel Stainless steel Aluminium
❏ S235JR (St 37-2) ❏ S355J2G3 (St 52-3) ❏ 1.4301 ❏ AlMg 3 G 22
❏ 1.4571 ❏ AlMg 1 F 15

Surface treatment: ❏ galvanised ❏ galvanised ❏ pickled ❏ pickled

❏ galvanised and bitumen dip ❏ galvanised and bitumen dip ❏ electrochemically ❏ anodised
❏ galvanised and baked paint ❏ galvanised and baked paint polished ❏ plastic-
(colour acc. to RAL) (colour acc. toRAL) ❏ glass bead blasting laminated
❏ self-coloured ❏ self-coloured process

Clear span:...............................………………………………… Pitch: …………………………………………………

Grating type: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Pos.-No. Quantity Bearing bar dim. Cross bar dim. Extras or specialties
gratings Size of grating Size of grating (e.g. fixings)



Pos.-No. Number of Bearing bar dim. Cross bar dim. Fixings for stairtreads

Alternatively estimated quantities
Total quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sqm
rm of cutouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rm
Extra for small cutouts having less than 0,5 rm of binding bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each
Raised flat binding bar to serve as kick flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rm
Perforated nosing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rm
Anti-slip profile U 20/20/20/2,0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rm
Fixings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set
Special parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Layout plan ❏ as per sketch Packaging: ❏ One-way-palettes
❏ YES ❏ NO ❏ as per steel structure drawings ❏ Screw bundling
❏ via data transmission ❏ Packing cases
❏ via E-mail-transmission ❏ Container

B Enquiry-/Order Form
(Stamp of Company / Address)
Date: …………………………………………….

Contact:…………………………………….. …..

❏ Enquiry:
❏ Order: ………………………………………....

Delivery date: ……………………………………

Load: ❏ Pedestrian traffic ❏ Vehicle traffic .......... kN wheel load ❏ Load area : ................. kN/m2

Pattern: ❏ BZ ❏ BP-Ü Serration:

❏ BP ❏ BN-O ➛ serration class R .........
❏ BR ❏ BN-G (see page 73)
Material: Steel Stainless steel Aluminium
❏ S235JR (St 37-2) ❏ 1.4301 ❏ 1.4571 ❏ AlMg 3 G 22

Surface treatment: ❏ galvanised ❏ pickled ❏ pickled

❏ galvanised and bitumen dip ❏ electrochemically polished ❏ anodised
❏ galvanised and baked paint ❏ self-coloured ❏ plastic-laminated
❏ pre-galvanised
❏ self-coloured

Clear span: ……………………………… mm

Indication of element: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Number of Dimension „L“ Dimension „B“ Extras or specialties
elements Element length Element width



Pos.-No. Number of Dimension „L“ Dimension „B“ Fixings for stairtreads

Alternatively estimated quantities
Total quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sqm
rm cutouts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rm
Extra for small cutouts having less than 0,5 rm of binding bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each
Raised flat binding bar to serve as kick flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rm
Perforated nosing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rm
Fixings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set
Special parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Layout plan ❏ as per sketch Packaging: ❏ One-way-palettes
❏ YES ❏ NO ❏ as per steel structure drawings ❏ Screw bundling

❏ via data transmission ❏ Packing cases

❏ via E-mail-transmission ❏ Container



Main Works Stadtlohn Subsidiaries Products
Lichtgitter GmbH
Siemensstraße Suomen Teräsritilä, Finland Forge-welded Gratings
48703 Stadtlohn Le Caillebotis Diamond, France Pressure-locked Gratings
Telephone: +49/2563 / 911-0 CSE/Calidal, France Perforated Metal Planks
Telefax: +49/2563 / 911-118 Lichtgitter U.K., Great Britain Spiral Staircases
E-mail: Las Pers, Netherlands
Internet: Dejo Metaalindustrie, Netherlands Heavy Duty Gratings
Lichtgitter Service Centre OTW, Austria Offshore Gratings
Works Sulz Stegerud Steel, Sweden Aluminium Gratings
Lichtgitter GmbH Werk Sulz Lichtgitter Anton Ruppli, Switzerland Stainless Steel Gratings
Bahnhofstraße 76 Lichtgitter Slovakia, Slovakia
72172 Sulz/Neckar Lichtgitter CZ, Czech Republic GRP Gratings
Telephone: +49/7454 / 95 82-0 Lichtgitter Izgara, Turkey
Telefax: +49/7454 /95 82-49
E-mail: Representatives

Works Blumberg Bulgaria

Lichtgitter GmbH Werk Blumberg Denmark
Schönower Straße 6 Esthonia
16306 Blumberg Greece
Telephone: +49/33331 / 797-0 Indonesia
Telefax: +49/33331 / 797-55 Italy

Acknowledgement Technical specification and concept
This manual includes information Lichtgitter Gesellschaft mbH.
from DIN, BG, RAL and AGI. All technical specifications and da-
And we are grateful to the relevant ta correct at time of going to press.
authorities for permission to repro- We reserve the right to alter these
duce these. specifications and details where
necessary, and without prioir noti-
Rehms 09/99

ce. Protection notice acc. DIN 34. In

case of any queries, please do not
hesitate to contact us.

Head Office Stadtlohn
Lichtgitter GmbH
48703 Stadtlohn
Telephone: +49/2563 / 911-0
Facsimile: +49/2563 / 911-118

Works Sulz
Lichtgitter GmbH Werk Sulz
Bahnhofstraße 76
72172 Sulz/Neckar
Telephone: +49/7454 / 95 82-0
Facsimile: +49/7454 / 95 82-49

Works Blumberg
Lichtgitter GmbH Werk Blumberg
Schönower Straße 6
16306 Blumberg
Telephone: +49/33331 / 797-0
Facsimile : +49/33331 / 797-55

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