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Mamiscal Vs Abdullah

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Mamiscal vs Abdullah Issue: Whether or not Abdullah should be held administratively

liable for his actions in connection with the registration of the

On September 26, 2010, Mamiscal and his wife, Adelaidah
divorce between Mamiscal and Adelaidah.
Lomondot (Adelaidah) had a heated argument. In a fit of anger,
Mamiscal decided to divorce his wife by repudiating her.
Subsequently, Mamiscal had a change of heart and decided to make Held: No. The Court rules in the negative. Article 185 of the Muslim
peace with his wife. However, on February 23, 2011, Adelaidah filed Code provides:
the Certificate of Divorce (COD), dated September 26, 2010, with
Article 185. Neglect of duty by registrars. Any district registrar or
the office of Abdullah for registration. Although unsigned, the
circuit registrar who fails to perform properly his duties in
certificate, purportedly executed by Mamiscal, certified that he had
accordance with this Code shall be penalized in accordance with
pronounced talaq in the presence of two (2) witnesses and in
Section 18 of Act 3753.
accordance with Islamic Law for the purpose of effecting divorce
from Adelaidah. Commonwealth Act (C.A.) No. 375325 is the primary law that
governs the registry of civil status of persons. To ensure that civil
On March 24, 2011, Abdullah issued the Certificate of Registration
registrars perform their duties under the law, C.A. No. 3753
of Divorce (CRD) finalizing the divorce between Mamiscal and
Adelaidah. For Mamiscal, the CRD should be declared invalid
considering that: a) he was deprived of due process because the Section 2. Civil Registrar-General his duties and powers. – The
AAC, before which he and his children were supposed to express director of the National Library shall be Civil Registrar-General and
their sentiments regarding the divorce, was yet to be constituted; b) shall enforce the provisions of this Act. The Director of the National
three days before the issuance of the CRD, Professor Mustafa Library, in his capacity as Civil Registrar-General, is hereby
Lomala M. Dimaro, appeared before Judge Cali to discuss the authorized to prepare and issue, with the approval of the Secretary
possibility of reconciliation between the parties; and c) their of Justice, regulations for carrying out the purposes of this Act, and
children, Adelah Rima and Nairn Mamiscal, prayed that the trial to prepare and order printed the necessary forms for its proper
court advise their mother not to proceed with the divorce. In compliance. In the exercise of his functions as Civil Registrar-
addition to the revocation of the CRD, Mamiscal also prayed that General, the Director of the National Library shall have the power to
Abdullah order the reconvening of the AAC and, thereafter, grant give orders and instructions to the local Civil registrars with
the restoration of his marital rights with Adelaidah. reference to the performance of their duties as such. It shall be the
duty of the Director of the National Library to report any violation of
Mamiscal filed a complaint against respondent Abdullah, Clerk of
the provisions of this Act and all irregularities, negligence or
Court, Shari'a Circuit Court, Marawi City, for partiality, violation of
incompetency on the part of the officers designated as local civil
due process, dishonesty, and conduct unbecoming of a court
registrars to the (Chief of the Executive Bureau or the Director of
the Non-Christian Tribes) Secretary of the Interior, as the case may
be, who shall take the proper disciplinary action against the This authority of the Mayor to exercise administrative jurisdiction
offenders. over Circuit Registrars was also recognized generally, under Section
47(2) of the Administrative Code of 1987, and specifically, under
Prescinding from the foregoing, it becomes apparent that this Court
Rule 11 of Administrative Order No. 2, Series of 1993 of the OCRG,
does not have jurisdiction to impose the proper disciplinary action
and the more recent Administrative Order No. 5, Series of 2005 of
against civil registrars. While he is undoubtedly a member of the
the same office, which applies specially to the registration of acts
Judiciary as Clerk of Court of the Shari'a Circuit Court, a review of
and events concerning the civil status of Muslim Filipinos. It should
the subject complaint reveals that Mamiscal seeks to hold Abdullah
be remembered that the authority of the Mayor to exercise
liable for registering the divorce and issuing the CRD pursuant to his
administrative supervision over C/MCRs is not exclusive. The Civil
duties as Circuit Registrar of Muslim divorces. It has been said that
Service Commission (CSC), as the central personnel agency of the
the test of jurisdiction is the nature of the offense and not the
government, has the power to appoint and discipline its officials and
personality of the offender. The fact that the complaint charges
employees and to hear and decide administrative cases instituted
Abdullah for "conduct unbecoming of a court employee" is of no
by or brought before it directly or on appeal. Under Section 9 of the
moment. Well-settled is the rule that what controls is not the
Revised Uniform Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service,
designation of the offense but the actual facts recited in the
the CSC is granted original concurrent jurisdiction over
complaint. Verily, unless jurisdiction has been conferred by some
administrative cases.
legislative act, no court or tribunal can act on a matter submitted to
it. Consequently, this Court must forward the subject complaint to the
Office of the Mayor, Marawi City and to the CSC for appropriate
When C.A. No. 3753 took effect and centralized the system of civil
registration in the country. Under this law, the director of the
National Library was made responsible as the Civil Registrar-General
to exercise technical supervision and ensure the proper
establishment and maintenance of our civil registry system.

Then, following C.A. No. 591, the duties exercised by the director of
National Library with regard to matters concerning the system of
civil registration were transferred to the Bureau of Census and
Statistics. This bureau subsequently became the NSO, whose
Administrator concurrently served as the Civil Registrar-General. At
present, the National Statistician is empowered by Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 10625, as Civil Registrar-General to exercise technical
supervision of civil registrars.

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