XTRACT Analysis Report - Demonstration: Section Details
XTRACT Analysis Report - Demonstration: Section Details
XTRACT Analysis Report - Demonstration: Section Details
Section Details:
X Centroid: .2452E-13 mm
Y Centroid: .2292E-13 mm
Section Area: 160.0E+3 mm^2
Loading Details:
Constant Load - P: .1000E-27 N
Incrementing Loads: Mxx Only
Number of Points: 31
Analysis Strategy: Displacement Control
Analysis Results:
Failing Material: Steel1
Failure Strain: .1200 Tension
Curvature at Initial Load: 0 1/m
Curvature at First Yield: 9.291E-3 1/m
Ultimate Curvature: .4185 1/m
Moment at First Yield: 91.29E+3 N-m
Ultimate Moment: 147.3E+3 N-m
Centroid Strain at Yield: 1.108E-3 Ten
Centroid Strain at Ultimate: 57.22E-3 Ten
N.A. at First Yield: 119.2 mm
N.A. at Ultimate: 136.7 mm
Energy per Length: 52.93E+3 N
Effective Yield Curvature: 11.15E-3 1/m
Effective Yield Moment: 109.6E+3 N-m
Over Strength Factor: 1.344
EI Effective: 9.825E+6 N-m^2
Yield EI Effective: 92.58E+3 N-m^2
Bilinear Harding Slope: .9423 %
Curvature Ductility: 37.52
TRC - Demonstration license
XTRACT Analysis Report - Demonstration
For use only in an academic or research setting.
Section Name: Section1
Loading Name: P0 Nonlinear
Analysis Type: Moment Curvature Page __ of __
Mxx Kxx
(N-m) (1/m)
0 0
18.11E+3 1.857E-3
37.05E+3 3.715E-3
54.83E+3 5.572E-3
73.11E+3 7.430E-3
91.73E+3 9.287E-3
96.62E+3 11.14E-3
102.1E+3 13.00E-3
105.3E+3 14.86E-3
106.5E+3 16.72E-3
107.3E+3 18.57E-3
115.0E+3 38.56E-3
115.4E+3 58.55E-3
114.8E+3 78.54E-3
115.6E+3 98.53E-3
115.5E+3 .1185
115.9E+3 .1385
119.4E+3 .1585
121.8E+3 .1785
125.6E+3 .1985
128.2E+3 .2185
131.8E+3 .2385
134.3E+3 .2584
137.5E+3 .2784
139.4E+3 .2984
141.0E+3 .3184
143.3E+3 .3384
144.2E+3 .3584
145.6E+3 .3784
146.6E+3 .3984
147.3E+3 .4184
TRC - Demonstration license
XTRACT Analysis Report - Demonstration
For use only in an academic or research setting.
Section Name: Section1
Loading Name: P0 Nonlinear
Analysis Type: Moment Curvature Page __ of __
Mxx Kxx
(N-m) (1/m)
147.3E+3 .4185