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DifferentialEquationsOfFirstOrderUnit 5 PDF

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Y. Prabhaker Reddy
Asst. Professor of Mathematics
Guru Nanak Engineering College
Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad.

Name of the Unit Name of the Topic

1.1 Basic definition of sequences and series
1.2 Convergence and divergence.
1.3 Ratio test
Unit-I 1.4 Comparison test
Sequences and Series 1.5 Integral test
1.6 Cauchy’s root test
1.7 Raabe’s test
1.8 Absolute and conditional convergence
2.1 Rolle’s theorem
2.2 Lagrange’s Mean value theorem
2.3 Cauchy’s Mean value theorem
2.4 Generalized mean value theorems
Functions of single variable
2.5 Functions of several variables
2.6 Functional dependence, Jacobian
2.7 Maxima and minima of function of two variables
3.1 Radius , centre and Circle of curvature
3.2 Evolutes and Envelopes
3.3 Curve Tracing-Cartesian Co-ordinates
Application of single variables
3.4 Curve Tracing-Polar Co-ordinates
3.5 Curve Tracing-Parametric Curves
4.1 Riemann Sum
4.3 Integral representation for lengths
4.4 Integral representation for Areas
4.5 Integral representation for Volumes
Integration and its
4.6 Surface areas in Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates
4.7 Multiple integrals-double and triple
4.8 Change of order of integration
4.9 Change of variable
5.1 Overview of differential equations
5.2 Exact and non exact differential equations
Unit-V 5.3 Linear differential equations
Differential equations of first 5.4 Bernoulli D.E
order and their applications 5.5 Newton’s Law of cooling
5.6 Law of Natural growth and decay
5.7 Orthogonal trajectories and applications
6.1 Linear D.E of second and higher order with constant coefficients
6.2 R.H.S term of the form exp(ax)
Unit-VI 6.3 R.H.S term of the form sin ax and cos ax
Higher order Linear D.E and 6.4 R.H.S term of the form exp(ax) v(x)
their applications 6.5 R.H.S term of the form exp(ax) v(x)
6.6 Method of variation of parameters
6.7 Applications on bending of beams, Electrical circuits and simple harmonic motion
7.1 LT of standard functions
7.2 Inverse LT –first shifting property
7.3 Transformations of derivatives and integrals
7.4 Unit step function, Second shifting theorem
Laplace Transformations
7.5 Convolution theorem-periodic function
7.6 Differentiation and integration of transforms
7.7 Application of laplace transforms to ODE
8.1 Gradient, Divergence, curl
8.2 Laplacian and second order operators
Unit-VIII 8.3 Line, surface , volume integrals
Vector Calculus 8.4 Green’s Theorem and applications
8.5 Gauss Divergence Theorem and applications
8.6 Stoke’s Theorem and applications
Differential Equations-I

 Overview of differential equations

 Exact and non exact differential equations

 Linear differential equations

 Bernoulli D.E

 Orthogonal Trajectories and applications

 Newton’s Law of cooling

 Law of Natural growth and decay

Differentiation: The rate of change of a variable w.r.t the other variable is called as a
In this case, changing variable is called Dependent variable and other variable is called as an
Independent variable.
Example: is a Differentiation, Here is dependent variable and is Independent variable.

DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION: An equation which contains differential coefficients is called as a D.E.

Examples: 1) 2) + +1=0.
Differential Equations are separated into two types

Differential Equations

Ordinary D.E Partial D.E

Ordinary D.E: In a D.E if there exists single Independent variable, it is called as Ordinary D.E
Example: 1) + is a Ordinary D.E 2) + is a Ordinary D.E
Partial D.E: In a D.E if there exists more than one Independent variables then it is called as Partial
Example: 1) + +1=0 is a Partial D.E, since are two Independent variables.
2) + 1 =0 is a Partial D.E, since are two Independent variables

ORDER OF D.E: The highest derivative in the D.E is called as Order of the D.E
Example: 1) Order of +2 is one.

2) Order of is Five.

DEGREE OF D.E: The Integral power of highest derivative in the D.E is called as degree of the D.E
Example: 1) The degree of is One.

2) The degree of is Two.

NOTE: Degree of the D.E does not exist when the Differential Co-efficient Involving with
exponential functions, logarithmic functions, and Trigonometric functions.
Example: 1) There is no degree for the D.E
2) There is no degree for the D.E
3) There is no degree for the D.E .
NOTE: 1) The degree of the D.E is always a +ve Integer, but it never be a negative (or) zero (or) fraction.

2) Dependent variable should not include fraction powers. It should be perfectly Linear.

Ex: For the D.E Degree does not exist.


A D.E can be formed by eliminating arbitrary constants from the given D.E by using
Differentiation Concept. If the given equation contains ‘n’ arbitrary constants then differentiating
it ‘n’ times successively and eliminating ‘n’ arbitrary constants we get the corresponding D.E.

NOTE: If the given D.E contains ‘n’ arbitrary constants , then the order of its corresponding D.E is ‘n’ .

NOTE: For then the corresponding D.E is given by

In general, if then its D.E is given by

, where

Special Cases: If then D.E is given by where .

In general, if then the corresponding D.E is given by

NOTE: For then D.E is .

Let be the given equation then its corresponding D.E is given by

This method is applicable when there

are two arbitrary constants only.


A D.E of the form is called as a First Order and First Degree D.E in terms of

dependent variable and independent variable .

In order to solve above type of Equation’s, following methods exists.

1) Variable Separable Method.

2) Homogeneous D.E and Equations reducible to Homogeneous.
3) Exact D.E and Equations made to exact.
4) Linear D.E and Bernoulli’s Equations.

First Form: Let us consider given D.E

If then proceed as follows

is the required general solution.

Second Form: If then proceed as follows


By using variable separable method we can find its general solution.

Let it be . But


Homogeneous Function: A Function is said to be homogeneous function of degree ‘n’ if

Example: 1) If is a homogeneous function of degree ‘0’

2) If is not a homogeneous function.

Homogeneous D.E: A D.E of the form is said to be Homogeneous D.E of first order

and first degree in terms of dependent variable ‘y’ and independent variable ‘x’ if is a
homogeneous function of degree ‘0’.

Ex: 1) is a homogeneous D.E 4) is not a homogeneous D.E

2) is a homogeneous D.E
5) is not a homogeneous D.E

3) is a homogeneous D.E

Working Rule: Let us consider given homogeneous D.E

Substituting we get

By using variable separable method we can find the General solution of it

Let it be . But
be the required general solution.

A D.E of the form is called as a Non-Homogeneous D.E in terms of independent

variable and dependent variable , where are real constants.

Case (I): If then procedure is as follows

Let us choose constants h & k in such a way that


Let and also then above relation becomes

(From I)

Which is a Homogeneous D.E of first order and of first degree in terms of and .

By using Homogeneous method, we can find the General solution of it. Let it be .
But ,

is the required General Solution of the given equation.

Case (II): If , then By Using Second form of Variable Seperable method we can
find the General Solution of the given equation.


A D.E of the form is said to be exact D.E if .

Its general solution is given by


A D.E of the form is said to be Non-Exact D.E if

In order to make above D.E to be Exact we have to multiply with which is known as
Integrating Factor.
To Solve such a type of problems, we have following methods.

1) Inspection Method
2) Method to find Integrating Factor I.F

3) Method to find Integrating Factor I.F

4) Method to find Integrating Factor I.F

5) Method to find Integrating Factor I.F

This Method is used for both

Method 1: INSPECTION METHOD exact and non-exact D.E

Some Formulae:

Hints while solving the problems using Inspection Method

99% of the problems
If in a problem term is there then select another term. can be solved using
Inspection method
Always take combination with .

Method-2: Method to find Integrating Factor

If given D.E is is Non-Exact and it is Homogeneous and also

Then is the Integrating Factor (I.F).

Method-3: Method to find Integrating Factor

Let the given D.E is is Non-Exact, and if given D.E can be expressed as

And also then is an I.F

: Here in there should be only combination (with constants also)

i.e. With same powers .

Method-4: Method to find the I.F

Let be the Non-Exact D.E. If

Where = Function of x-alone or constant then I.F is

NOTE: In this case number of terms in M is greater than or equal to number of terms in N i.e. M≥N

Method-5: Method to find the I.F

Let be the Non-Exact D.E. If

Where =Function of y-alone or constant then I.F is

NOTE: In this case number of terms in N is greater than or equal to number of items in M i.e. N≥M


A D.E of the form is called as a First order and First degree D.E in terms of

dependent variable and independent variable where functions of x-alone (or)


Working Rule: Given that -------- (1)

I.F is given by

Multiplying with this I.F to (1), it becomes

Now Integrating both sides we get

is the required General Solution.


A D.E of the form is also called as a Linear D.E where functions of

y-alone. Now I.F in this case is given by I.F= and General Solution is given by

Equations Reducible to Linear Form

An Equation of the form is called as an Equation Reducible to Linear

Working Rule:
Given that (I) Hint: First make coefficient
as 1, and then make R.H.S term
Let purely function of alone

(I) which is Linear D.E in terms of

By using Linear Method we can find its General Solution.

Let it be But

is the required solution


A D.E of the form is called as Bernoulli’s equation in terms of dependent

variable y and independent variable x. where P and Q are functions of x-alone (or) constant.

Working Rule:

Given that 1


Differentiating with respect to x, we get

(From 2), which is a Linear D.E in terms of

By using Linear Method we can find general solution of it.

Let it be which is general solution of the given equation.

Orthogonal Trajectories
Trajectory: A Curve which cuts given family of curves according to some special law is called as a

Orthogonal Trajectory: A Curve which cuts every member of given family of curves at is
called as an Orthogonal Trajectory.
Orthogonal Trajectory in Cartesian Co-ordinates
Let be given family of curves in Cartesian Co-ordinates.
For O.T,
Differentiating it w.r.t , we get .
because, two lines are
if product of
Substituting , we get . By using previous

methods we can find general solution of it. Let it be ,

which is Orthogonal Trajectory of the given family of curves.

Orthogonal Trajectory in Polar Co-ordinates

Let be given family of curves in Polar Co-ordinates.
Differentiating it w.r.t , we get .

Substituting , we get . By using previous

methods we can find general solution of it. Let it be , which is Orthogonal Trajectory
of the given family of curves.

Self Orthogonal: If the Orthogonal Trajectory of given family of Curves is family of curves itself
then it is called as Self Orthogonal.

Mutual Orthogonal: Given family of curves are said to be Mutually

Orthogonal if Orthogonal Trajectory of one given family of curves is other given family of curves.


Statement: The rate of the temperature of a body is proportional to the difference of the
temperature of the body and that of the surrounding medium.

Let be the temperature of the body at the time and be the temperature of its surrounding
medium (air). By the Newton’s Law of cooling, we have

, where is a positive constant

Integrating, we get

A body is originally at and cools down to in 20 minutes. If the temperature of the air is
, find the temperature of the body after 40 minutes.

Sol: Let be the temperature of the body at a time

We know that from Newton’s Law of cooling


, where is a positive constant

Given temperature of the air

Integrating, we get

Now, given at

Substituting this value of in I , we get


Again, given at


Substituting this value of in II we get

Again, when




If be the amount of substance at time , then the rate of change of amount of a
chemically changing substance is proportional to the amount of the substance available at that

where is a proportionality constant.

Note: If as increases, increases we can take , and if as increases, decreases

we can take


If is the amount of the material at any time , then , where is any constant.

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