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Autonomy and Diabetes

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Silva et al.

BMC Public Health (2018) 18:699


Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and living

with a chronic condition: participatory
José Adailton da Silva* , Elizabethe Cristina Fagundes de Souza, Ana Gretel Echazú Böschemeier,
Camyla Cristina Maia da Costa, Héllydade Souza Bezerra and Eva Emanuela Lopes Cavalcante Feitosa

Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most serious chronic illnesses in the world due to its prevalence,
economic and social effects, and negative impact on the quality of life of the affected people. The diagnosis implies
changes in life habits especially related to feeding, physical activity, and constant self-care, requiring greater personal
Methods: This study aims to understand how individuals living with diabetes deal with the recognition of the chronic
condition in their health care practices. This is a participatory research with a qualitative approach focusing on reflexivity.
Sixteen people with diabetes mellitus were intentionally chosen, and qualified to participate in the study. The selected
methodology allowed the constitution of life stories and focused on the multiple ways human beings deal with their
Results: The participants attended eight closed group meetings, with an specific methodology which benefited them
to retrieve their own history as well as the multiple experiences to deal with the disease, here called Strategic Health
Promotion Group (SHPG). The data produced and the dialogue between researcher and researched subjects were
related to three major thematic perspectives: I) recognizing diabetes II) living with diabetes III) exercising personal
autonomy. This work contains the meanings attributed to the Perspective I from which the following three categories
emerged: The impact of the diagnosis, the denial of the illness, and the acceptance of the illness. It was observed that
the diagnosis of a chronic illness generates a multiplicity of feelings, moving through narratives of complications and
death events shared between generations. The participants expressed feelings related to denial or acceptance of the
chronic condition which required an active adaptation exercising. From the current diagnosis, it was observed that
new signs were added to the person’s existence, influencing their habits, health care practices and quality of life.
Conclusions: The emotional aspects of subjects diagnosed with diabetes mellitus strongly influence the acceptance or
denial of the illness, interfering in their personal adherence to treatment. As a chronic condition, involving life-longing
care practices, which intervenes in therapeutic participation, it is indispensable to respect and to encourage the
personal autonomy of the subjects.
Keywords: Chronic illness, Participatory research, Health promotion, Personal autonomy

* Correspondence:
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
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Silva et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:699 Page 2 of 8

Background to rules that are not always well accepted, such as healthy
Chronic non-transmissible diseases represent a major eating, correct and regular use of medication, including
problem in the world, being the main cause of death oral anti-diabetic drugs and/or insulin, and
today [1]. Diabetes mellitus is one of the most worrying self-monitoring of blood glucose. Living with a chronic
chronic diseases for its major economic and social im- condition can be very threatening because it affects all the
pact, reported as responsible for 11.6% of the health care signs of the subjects, changing their routine and their
expenses worldwide in 2010 [2]. According to the World relatives’ routine [8].
Health Organization [3], in 2014, a total of 422 million The results presented in this article are a part of the re-
adults had diabetes and in 2012 there were 1.5 million search Project “Health Promotion Strategies: Autonomy
deaths caused by this illness. challenges in subjects living with Diabetes Mellitus”, from
Diabetes mellitus is defined as a syndrome caused by the Collective Health Department at the Federal University
several etiologies and is characterized by a metabolic of Rio Grande do Norte. Its main objective is to “compose
dysfunction with a degenerative potential that involves health promotion strategies in a direction to stimulate the
energetic sources resulting from changes in the produc- autonomy and health care of people living with diabetes”.
tion, secretion and/or inability of the insulin to ad- For doing so, it was initiated the creation of a Strategic
equately exercise its effects. It is a chronic condition that Health Promotion Group (SHPG). In this article, results are
requires the subjects living with the illness to have a presented around the objective of “sharing the experiences
continuous self-management of the lifestyle and adapta- of people living with diabetes as well as how they build and
tion to the illness [4]. fortify their autonomy, facing the necessity of lifestyle
Diabetes mellitus is often considered a silent illness changes and their participation in the therapeutic and
and linked to poor health care. In fact, 46.5% of the af- health care decisions”. The importance of this study for
fected people are unaware of their condition [5]. Thus, public and collective health is linked to the need of recogni-
the news of having diabetes is often abrupt and may be tion not only of the subject’s own perceptions and life strat-
accompanied by feelings of denial and/or difficulty in egies, but also to the significance of searching new forms of
the treatment participation, which involves important understanding their condition, through dialogue, as well as
changes in lifestyle. the discomfort related to the impact of the diagnosis and its
The projections for diabetes mellitus are worrying. Cur- daily treatment. This project also intends to elaborate
rently, 10% of the world population lives with the illness strategies directed to therapeutic participation, proposing
and it is estimated that, by 2025, 300 million people will innovative ways of dealing and taking care of the health of
be affected. At that time, 75% of people with diabetes will subjects with a chronic condition.
be residents of developing countries, as a 170% increase in The working groups of people living with diabetes are gen-
new cases is estimated for these countries, while an in- erally associated to linked diseases like high blood pressure
crease of 42% is expected for in developed countries [6]. and are very common at Basic Health Care. However, they
The statistics in Brazil are close to the world average. are frequently directed only to a biomedical approach con-
However, it is estimated that by 2030, the country will sisting of: prevention, control and treatment of diseases [9],
occupy the 6th position in the world ranking, with 11.3% diverging from the emancipatory actions of subjects that are
of the population affected by the illness [2]. proposed by Health Care Promotion actions. In the Brazilian
However, more than preventive actions, the health care Health System, groups like the SHPG - that is described here
system needs health promoting actions that impact on the - could help to qualify the processes of Basic Health Care,
quality of life of the subjects already affected by the illness. consolidating its attributes and fortifying Health Care
It is necessary to stimulate a greater autonomy for Promotion actions in accordance with the principles and
self-care actions and participation into the required treat- guidelines of the National Health Promotion Policy.
ment, strategies that go beyond the use of medications. The knowledge about the perception of patients who
The main interferences into different diabetes types of live with diabetes is important because of the psycho-
treatment are caused by the negative emotional reactions social discomfort and the continuous treatment hinder
that arise before the need for permanent care to control the participation of these subjects to their new way of
the illness. The subject’s emotional background can set life. The present study aims to understand how subjects
difficulties to the adoption of self-care actions and with diabetes deal with the fact that they are chronically
participation in the treatment [7]. ill and how being aware of their situation influences the
The treatment of diabetes encompasses a number of way they take care of their health.
factors, some of which are specific, other global. Overall,
they all involve a permanent education and the modifica- Methods
tion of a lifestyle from the very moment that the disease This study is a participatory research with a qualitative
has been diagnosed. For subjects, this includes submitting and reflexivity-centered approach. It followed the
Silva et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:699 Page 3 of 8

recommendations of the Research Ethics Committee Those experiences were initially related to the illness,
(REC) from the Onofre Lopes University Hospital but the narratives moved beyond it to connect this ex-
(HUOL) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do perience with other aspects of their life’s complexity.
Norte (UFRN). Each meeting was defined based on a chosen topic com-
A participatory research strategy was adopted consider- ing from the previous one. The role of the researcher in
ing the production of knowledge guided by shared care, the coordination of a participatory group is to mediate
where the subject who needs health attention, in this case, the dialogues between the subjects that are a part of the
people living with a diabetes mellitus condition, are at the research, without missing the objective of contributing
center of the stage. An epistemological, clinical and meth- with the shared management of the participants.
odological approach based on shared care stimulates the This type of group management has been developed in
preeminence and autonomy of the subjects, considering researches about mental health in Brazil and Canada
the individual, familiar, social and cultural dimensions of [12, 14]. Those experiences have taught us the import-
the person who is under its view and treatment [10]. ance of dissipating the centrality of the researcher – ob-
Therefore, a participatory research approach shows its server to evidence the collective realm where knowledge
dynamism and capacity of being a strategy for social construction through shared experiences manifests itself.
change, relying on the mutual collaboration among the In such approaches, the shared management brings up
subjects who take part on the process [11]. the necessary opening for the production of each group’s
Following this perspective, we adopted the participatory identity, and, consequently, the production of a shared
research strategy described by Passos et al. [12]: in this group autonomy.
proposition, knowledge and awareness are first developed In terms of the techniques used to collect the narratives,
in each group,for subsequent collective comprehension, it is necessary to point out that the meetings were audio
being the responsibility of the researchers to take care of recorded and the speeches were transcribed literally and
their own intervention by a reflexive approach, character- in their complete versions. The produced data has been
izing the ethical-political nature of the research. classified into three main thematic axes composed by the
Subjects with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes were following dialogue stages: I) recognizing diabetes; II) living
intentionally chosen to participate in the group as long with diabetes; and III) exercising personal autonomy. The
as they agreed with being part of the experience, as long current study contains the analysis of the perspective I
as they were monitored by a health unit located in Santa “Recognizing diabetes”, which deals with the impact of the
Cruz, a small town from Rio Grande do Norte – Brazil, diagnosis and the process of acceptance and denial of the
which was the research field qualified to participate in chronic condition. For the sake of a better organization,
the study. The total number of voluntary participants we chose to have the statements that compose the per-
was justified as an intentional sample derived from a spective I in categories defined upon the objective of the
specific population of 70 (seventy) people diagnosed study and quoted above.
with diabetes mellitus belonging to this health unit. The The content of the data was analyzed under Minayo’s
minimal number defined to compose the group was of perspective [15], and under the directions of a reflexive
12 subjects, being the maximum a number of 25 sub- approach, which in this study is considered as the ability
jects. To define the minimum and maximum values of of the subjects to monitor their own actions and their
the sample there was a specific operational criteria that own desires through traditional principles of promoting
would allow the participants to feel assisted, to commu- the dialogue. For researchers, the reflexive dialogue can
nicate in an effective way, to acknowledge and recognize be established within themselves and their subjective
each other and, finally, to build the particular dynamics preferences as well as with the collective experience,
of the group identity [13]. The sample size should also pursuing an attitude of continuous anxiety about one’s
allow the coordinators to feel comfortable during the own actions, the preconceptions involved in each deci-
process of assessing the communication of the group sion, and the methods used to filter, to control, to define,
members. We also considered the potential loss of par- and to guide the social processes [16].
ticipants during the programmed 8 (eight) sessions, by Written informed consent was obtained from all
spontaneous quitting or personal impediments. The participants. In order to maintain confidentiality, each
eight encounters treated specific topics chosen by the in- participant was identified by the name of an Ancient
dividuals participating in the group. This closed group is Greek city. Despite its geographical distance, this
in the category of the denominated SHPG – Strategic country has a particular relevance in the etiology of
Health Promotion Group. two central words that guide this research experience:
The encounters took place between May and August diabetes (διαβαίνειν) and autonomy (α τόνομος). In
2017, with a specific methodology oriented to capture this study, the participants’ names are: Corfu, Fira,
the life stories and multiple experiences of the subjects. Mykonos, Meteora, Veria, Atenas, Heraklion, Creta,
Silva et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:699 Page 4 of 8

Rhodes, Castória, Micenas, Patras, Delfos, Zakynthos, Other speeches also drew attention to the recognition
Epidauros and Volos. of hereditary factors in the diagnosis of the illness. How-
ever, there is again concern and fear about the prognosis,
Results when they compared their situation to that of people
All 16 (sixteen) participants live with Type 2 Diabetes they had heard of in their life experiences:
Mellitus, of whom 12 (twelve) are females and 4 (four) “I come from a diabetic family, my brothers and sisters
are males aged from 57 to 90 years. have it. One of them is already dead”. (Meteora).
Based on the perspective I “Recognizing diabetes” and “I’m also from a diabetic family. Most of my uncles
on the objectives of this study, the results were orga- had problems (with diabetes) and died”. (Véria).
nized into three categories discussed below, namely: the “My brother died of diabetes, he lost both legs, so I’m
impact of the diagnosis; the denial of the illness and the afraid because I remember this when my diabetes (glu-
acceptance of the illness. cose) gets too high...” (Volos).
In this category, it was observed that the dialogues in
The impact of the diagnosis a group caused important reflections in the way each
This category shows how subjects reacted to the dis- participant faced the diagnosis, which can influence the
covery of their chronic condition, which was mostly different stages of acceptance and denial of the chronic
unexpected. The impact of the news caused several condition and in its ways of carrying out self-care as well
reactions, a mix of emotions and feelings, such as as in dealing with institutional health care.
despair, preoccupation, unrest and even panic, when
the information was disclosed by means of a diagnos-
tic test or a health professional: The denial of the illness
“I discovered it at age 42... I was a bit overweight. The We imagine that the way to deal with the diagnosis and the
doctor said: you are diabetic! What a shock! I almost new ways of carrying on with life directly influences the ac-
died!” (Fira). ceptance or denial of the illness. This category is composed
“I panicked. I thought I was never going to be normal by the dialogues concerning the non-acceptance of the
anymore in my life. I panicked! Do you know what panic chronic condition attributed, mainly, to the limitations of
is?” (Zankythos). daily life implied by having to live with a long-term illness.
As diabetes sometimes has a silent character, in some Denial is present in the reactions of dissatisfaction
cases it can be discovered with important previously in- exposed by Castória.
stalled complications, and this can lead to the feeling of “You feel unhappy by having diabetes. There are days
anger and revolt at the moment of diagnosis, as shown that I meditate a lot, there are times when I am alone,
in the speech of Patras. sometimes I cry, then I try to visit someone; I want to get
“At first I felt anger, I was angry at the time, because that thought out of my head. I cry because of diabetes
when I discovered I was already harmed, I already had and because of the difficulties too”. (Castória).
my vision affected, then at the time I felt revolted, angry”. For Veria, the dissatisfaction, revolt and non-acceptance
(Patras). comes from the lack of the indicators control of the illness
For Heraklion, however, the reaction to the chronic caused by many factors:
condition was not immediate, perhaps due to the “I was diagnosed four years ago ... but I cannot control
non-correlation of the diagnosis of diabetes with a it, I could never control it, I take insulin, but I cannot
chronic condition: control it ... I thought it was a simple thing. I thought I
“At that time (the diagnosis) I confess that I did not feel was going to control it”. (Veria).
anything... only with time I started to feel the difficulties Other participants, in the dialogue in a large group,
and started to get more... I wouldn’t say unhappy, but end up expressing the dissatisfaction with the illness
worried!” (Heraklion). resulting from abrupt changes in lifestyle, not always
Still on the impact of the diagnosis, we also detected a tolerated, especially when related to food:
change of attitude of some participants in relation to the “It’s very annoying to live with diabetes, you cannot eat
recognition of diabetes. Some expressed certain predict- everything, and you have to be on a diet”. (Heraklion).
ability in relation to the illness, especially because of her- “I got like this because it is an illness that forbids us to
edity from the histories of complications and deaths eat everything, I miss it, especially the sweet stuff”.
shared between generations, as we can see below: (Epidauros).
“I did not suspect (of the illness) but I had doubts, On the other hand, the participants also take the
because of the family, my father died at 45, most of group to reflect on stigma towards the illness as well as
Dad’s family all died of diabetes... everything is on the fact that seeking to adapt to the illness, doesn’t
hereditary”. (Mykonos). always mean accepting it:
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“I feel sad because of this diabetes, I tell everyone it emotion and diabetes, where one directly influences the
was a nickname they gave me, I do not say that I am other [17]. It is also known that the emotional impact
diabetic, it was a nickname they gave me”. (Micenas). generated by the diagnosis and its entire burden triggers
“No one gets rid of this. Diabetes is forever. But, I con- the complications of diabetes mellitus [17].
trol it and I live”. (Volos). In this same perspective, some studies have pointed
Thus, living with diabetes is complex and out a greater vulnerability of people living with chronic
non-acceptance can come from multiple factors, all of conditions to the emotional instabilities that can vary
which permeate the meanings people give to their life- from mild to serious problems, such as severe depres-
style habits. sion, and that would be associated with the therapeutic
rigour of the illness [18].
Acceptance of the illness It is important to understand that diabetes has a
Acceptance of the illness, the last category analyzed, negative impact on the quality of life of the subjects,
may be directly related to the control of the illness and especially due to the emotional changes, the limiting
strategies for overcoming and living with the new situation, and the process of (non-)acceptance of the ill-
chronic condition. It is evident that there is an under- ness. A study carried out in Brazil that measured the
standing of the importance of self-care for their quality of life of patients, identified that among the
well-being and on their health-illness process: subjects studied, physical and emotional factors were the
“I take the medicine on time, I do not eat food I’m not most determinant for their quality of life, and the emo-
supposed to eat, we cannot eat them! We need to adapt”. tional impact occupied the second place, corresponding
(Corfu). to a value of 77.2%. The authors explained that diabetes
“You have to try to do those physical activities that are mellitus interferes in the patients’ quality of life in a
good for diabetes: you have to try to walk, exercise, swim, negative way [19].
it’s extremely good for us”. (Rhodes). Still on the diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus, some
Patras’s speech also contributes to the understanding authors [17] mention that the diagnosis is made
that by controlling the illness, acceptance becomes more through routine tests or through the suspicion of
feasible, as an intrinsic relationship between symptoms of the illness. They also affirm that, as in
accepting-controlling and controlling-accepting. the present research, the disclosure and confirmation
“Diabetes is an illness that we will live with and we of the diagnosis generates many feelings before the
have to try to be happy... under control! We need to try new chronic condition.
to control every day more... food, physical activity, medi- In the context of acceptance, denial, and the impact of
cine, taking them correctly, always up to date with the diagnosis, we can describe the stages of mourning ex-
medication”. (Patras). plained by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross [20] in her book “On
In this category, reflexivity is also raised about the Death and Dying”: denial, anger, bargaining, depression
exchange of experiences of the group. The dialogues and acceptance. Some studies [21, 22] have shown that
with the participants could facilitate the acceptance of the impact of the diagnosis of a chronic illness resembles
the chronic condition, as it’s seen in the speech of the stages of mourning, as it is always very difficult and
Epidauros: affects the self-image and self-esteem. People that re-
“Today I think I’m more relaxed, I think I’m more ceive the diagnosis, just as mourning, go through several
optimistic, to know what diabetes is, how we should stages where feelings can go through several phases. The
live together and what to do to have better health”. stages of mourning should be used in a flexible way and
(Epidauros). help a comprehensive understanding of the subjects di-
Accepting a chronic illness is a gradual process where agnosed with a chronic illness [21].
the subjects first become aware of their situation, by this Fear was a common reaction in the dialogues of the
means, facilitating their adaptation. This contributes to a participants of this study, especially when they reported
better quality of life and decreases the risk of complica- traumatic family experiences with complications and
tions related to the illness. deaths caused by diabetes. Some studies pointed out that
sometimes the awakening to the illness can cause bad
Discussion feelings when, for example, the patients are aware of
The discourses of the participants regarding the impact histories with traumatic prognoses such as death or am-
of the diagnosis made it possible to perceive that a mix- putations, and because of this, they tend to fear the
ture of feelings emerge. They include preoccupation, repetition of those events with risk of tragic ends, such
panic, and even anger and consequently denial of the as those observed in relatives or close friends, especially
condition. This was also observed in another study that arising from the fear of chronic complications of the
identified the existence of a relationship between illness [23, 24].
Silva et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:699 Page 6 of 8

The acceptance of a chronic condition is a result of a participation in the care of the subjects, improving their
transformation that takes place gradually in the behavior life quality [26–28].
of the subjects, moving in the direction of a greater The group experience can also potentialize changes in
awareness and adaptation to the illness. These aspects lifestyle. However, changes in life habits are complex; it
directly contribute to their responsibility towards their is a difficult and slow process, particularly with regard to
overall health state. When patients accept their condi- food. Eating habits are related to cultural, economic and
tion, they find an inner peace, thus favoring acceptance social factors [25]. We identified in the speeches of the
and better adaptation to their chronic condition [8]. participants that food is one of the most difficult factors
However, the difficulty of accepting a chronic condi- to control the illness. Other studies [19, 29] have stated
tion brings subjects to a particular dialectic dynamic in that the negative impact on the quality of life is influ-
their lives. Accepting the chronic condition requires that enced by the new lifestyle, which should be adopted, and
the person recognizes and learns somehow to live with especially because people with diabetes need more food
the discomfort and pain generated by the restrictions restriction, which has a greater impact on therapeutic
imposed by the new habits. It is necessary to reflect on participation and health care. Thus, food re-education is
alienated acceptance or adaptation to new habits, always one of the greatest challenges faced by some people with
re-evaluating the health practices so as not to stigmatize diabetes mellitus, where negative feelings related to food
subjects, because words such as “patients, diabetic per- control occur, such as the difficulty to meet the goals set
son, carrier” reduce the subjects to objects and as they by the health team and consequent frustration [18].
are submitted to passivity. Accepting treatment, in a Recognition of diabetes, in its broadest sense, emerges
more minimalist conception, “implies recognizing one- not only through the knowledge of clinical diagnosis,
self as having a significant limitation, determined by a but also through the repositioning of the subjects in
chronic illness. It implies, therefore, a loss of autonomy” their ways of living and taking care of health. It goes
[25]. The sense of being stigmatized was exalted in this through reflexivity, looking and re-signifying the percep-
study. In this sense, autonomy is fundamental even to tion of themselves and their social network, identifying
favor therapeutic participation into the new ways of their beliefs, values and establishing a relationship of
dealing with life. mutual support in the search for autonomy. It is known
During the dialogues with the group, we also noticed that recognizing oneself in the condition of living with a
how the impact of the diagnosis and new ways of living chronic illness is fundamental for the good performance
influence on the emotional state of those subjects. The of self-care actions and, consequently, for their participa-
fact of having to live with a chronic illness causes tion on treatments [7]. It is also fundamental to guaran-
discomfort and dissatisfaction because the condition tee the control of their own lives, so that the person may
requires a complex and long-term treatment which im- be able to deal with the limitations that are imposed by
pacts on the whole social network in which the subject the diabetes mellitus, with co-responsibility as a funda-
is inserted. This demonstrates the importance of the ex- mental aspect for the success of the treatment and for
change of experiences in the pursuit for greater the quality of life [30]. Participation through the
autonomy. exchange of experiences in the SHPM was able to influ-
It is known that exchanging experiences also influ- ence this context in a positive way.
ences on a better acceptance of chronic conditions, Providing autonomy to the subjects means to con-
because when it is possible to live with the illness, sider them as owners of conceptions and experiences
there is time for a greater acquisition of knowledge, that directly influence their relationship with both
generating greater ease in the management of the health professionals and their own health-illness
treatment [18]. Thus the experience acquired process. Thus, the experience of illness and self-care
individually is strengthened when transmitted to is taken into account [21, 31].
others through group dialogues that address indivi- Furthermore, it is important to work and encourage
dual experiences in search of collective pacts. the personal autonomy of subjects who live with dia-
Therapeutic participation is a conditional factor for betes because they are full of experiences that influence
improving the quality of life of subjects with chronic dis- their ways of living with the chronic condition. Partici-
eases. Studies have indicated that the therapeutic success patory studies are still insufficiently explored in the
in patients with diabetes mellitus is linked to the extent context of groups of people living with diabetes from the
to which the subjects act and commit themselves for perspective of autonomy. Moreover, further studies are
their well-being, as for example by monitoring their needed to deepen the theme and to make it possible the
glycemic status, changing their life habits and making construction of new propositions. It is also necessary to
correct use of medications. Counseling about the illness apply the SHPG in multi-centric studies to improve the
and its treatment is very important for therapeutic analysis related to the subject’s mutual sharing of illness
Silva et al. BMC Public Health (2018) 18:699 Page 7 of 8

experiences and narratives in therapeutic participation beings, therefore grounded on ethical principles, but can be made available
and health care, especially on the stages of acceptance on the basis of reasonable request to the corresponding author.

and denial of the illness. Authors’ contributions

JAS, ECFS and CCMC participated in the drafting, design, analysis and
Conclusions interpretation of the results, writing and approval of the version to be
published. HSB, EELCF and AGEB participated in data interpretation, writing
This study allowed us to observe that the emotional and critical review. AGEB participated in translation of the article. The final
aspects involved in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus can version of this article has been read and approved by all the authors.
influence whether or not the illness is accepted. The way
in which the subjects recognize diabetes and re-evaluate Ethics approval and consent to participate
This research is a part of a larger study entitled “Health Promotion Strategies:
their habits influence their participation into treatment, The Challenge of Autonomy for People Living with diabetes mellitus”. Since
because this is a chronic condition in which changes are it was a research involving human beings, the study followed the criteria
often marked by their duration and by the risk they offer. and requirements established by the Resolution 466 of December 12, 2012,
of the National Health Council, obeying the recommendations of the
The denial of the chronic condition results in a greater Research Ethics Committee (REC) of the Onofre Lopes University Hospital
difficulty in developing self-care, influencing the lack of (HUOL) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) under
participation into the different approaches of treatment. Opinion n° 1.868.237 CAAE n° 61,947,616.4.0000.5292. The respondents were
also given the opportunity to review and revise the transcripts of their
Denial of the illness seems to be more related to the dif- speeches. Informed consent written was obtained from all participants. The
ficulties in controlling the illness resulting from changes ethical approval opinion is available on Brazil Platform http://
in lifestyle. It is a difficult process for the subjects and re-

quires a slow adaptation because an appropriate treatment Competing interests

needs the understanding of the implications of such The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
changes in the subjects’ lives.
With regard to the acceptance of the chronic condition, Publisher’s Note
we observed that it does not correspond to a static phase, Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
but to a process of transformation that happens gradually. published maps and institutional affiliations.

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