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A Review On Cosmetic Preparation of Hair

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The document discusses the anatomy, physiology and cosmetic uses of hair. It also reviews formulations and modes of action of hair cosmetics.

The main component of hair is keratin. Hair also contains water, lipids, trace elements and melanin.

The two types of melanin that determine hair color are eumelanin (dark pigment) and pheomelanin (light pigment).

International Journal of Trend in Scientific

Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal
ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | | Volume - 2 | Issue – 4

A Review on Cosmetic Preparation of Hair

Abujam Nganthoi Devi

Devi, Zakariya
ya Noorani, Gaurav Kumar Sharma
Faculty off Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mewar University, Gangar, Chittorgarh,, Rajasthan, India


Hair is an integrated system with a particu

particular chemical
and physical behaviour. It is a complex structure of
several morphological components that act as unit and
has several functions, from protecting of skins to
sexual and social communications. In literature, there
are various study about hair that hat take into
consideration different aspects within many fields of
science, including biology, dermatology, cosmetics
,forensic science and medicine. These review the
formulations and mode of action of hair cosmetics,
summarized the principal anatomical aand
Fig1: structure of hair
physiological aspect of different types of human hair,
hair growth cycle, hair porosity. This review could be COMPONENT OF HAIR:
the basic improvement and progression in the field of
hair research. Hairs contain water, lipid, trace of mineral elements
and melanin[3] but the main component of hair is a
Keywords: Hair, Hair cosmetic, shampoo, hair dyes, hard protein is actually called as keratin. The hair
hair conditioner, Hairr growth cycle, Hair porosity, shaft is made of keratin. This protein is actually dead,
Anatomy of hair so the hair that we actually see is dead.
Melanin is responsible
ble for natural colour of hair. This
Hair has two parts the follicle is in the skin and the
process occurs in the hair root during hair
shaft which is visible above the head. The hairs
development. There are two types of melanin:
follicle has several layers with different function:
eumelanin (dark) and phepomelanin (light). The level
substance that help to prevent hair and skin drying
of melanin can very over time causing a person’s hair
out. The origin of hair by week22, developing fetus
to change colour and it is possible to have follicles to
has all of its hair follicle form.
have with different combinations of melanin.[5-6]
At this stage of life there are about 5millio hair
Why hair colour is different?
follicles on the body. There are total of one million on
the head, with one hundred thousand of those folfollicles Hair colour is the pigmentation of hair follicles due to
residing on the scalp. This is the largest number of two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin.
hair follicles a human will ever have, since we don’t Generally, if more eumelanin is present,
pres the colour of
generate new hair follicles during the course of our the hair is darker; if less eumelanin is present, the hair
live.[1,2] is lighter. The darker a person's natural hair colour,
the more individual hair follicles they have on their

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scalp. Levels of melanin can vary over time causing a growing their hair beyond a certain length because
person's hair colour to change, and it is possible to they have a short active phase of growth. On the other
have hair follicles of more than one colour on the hand, people have long active phase of Anagen
same person. Particular hair colours are associated
with ethnic groups. Gray or white hair is associated Anagen is the active phase of the hair. The cells in the
with age.[4] root of the hair are dividing rapidly. A new hair is
formed and pushes the club hair (a hair that has
Genetic and biochemistry of hair colour: stopped growing or is no longer in the anagen phase)
The genetics of hair colours are not yet firmly up the follicle and eventually out.
established. According to one theory, at least two
gene pairs control colour. One phenotype The hair on the arms, legs, eyelashes, and eyebrows
(brown/blonde) has a dominant brown allele and a have a very short active growth phase of about 30 to
recessive blond allele. A person with a brown allele 45 days, explaining why they are so much shorter than
will have brown hair; a person with no brown alleles scalp hair.
will be blond. This explains why two brown-haired Catagen
parents can produce a blond-haired child. However,
this can only be possible if both parents are The catagen phase is a transitional stage and about
heterozygous in hair colour- meaning that both of 3%of all hairs are in this phase at any time. This phase
them have one dominant brown hair allele and one lasts for about two three weeks. Growth stops and the
recessive allele for blond hair, but as dominant traits outer root sheath shrinks’ and attaches to the root of
mask recessive ones the parents both have brown hair. the hair. This is the formulation of what is known as a
The possibility of which trait may appear in an club hair.
offspring can be determined with a Punnett square.[7]
Hair Growth Cycle
Hair on the scalp grows about .3 to.4mm/day or about Telogen is the resting phase and usually accounts for
6 inches per year. Unlike other mammals, human hair 6% to 8% of all hairs. This phase lasts for about 100
growth and shedding is random and not seasonal or days for hairs on the scalp and longer for hairs on the
cyclical. At any given time, a random number of hairs eyebrow, eyelash, arm, and leg. During this phase, the
will be in one of three stages of growth and shedding: hair follicle is completely formed. Pulling out a hair in
anagen, catagen, and telogen. this phase will reveal a solid, hard, dry, white material
at the root. About 25 to 100 telogen hairs shed
normally each day.[8]
Why don’t we have hair on palms?
The main functional reason is we need to be able to
grip things with our hands (and feet, which are also
hairless), and hair would interfere with that.
Physiologically, the epidermis in these parts of the
body is very thick and highly keratinized, and when
combined with the thick under laying layer of dermis,
this results in skin that does not support the growth
Fig2: Hair growth cycle and maturation of hair follicles
Anagen Typically, people don't grown hair on the soles of our
feet or palms of our hands. This is because this skin
Anagen is the active phase of the hair. The cells in the root on these parts lacks hair follicles, and does not
of the hair are dividing rapidly. A new hair is formed and
therefore produce hair.[9]
pushes the club hair (a hair that has stopped growing or is
no longer in the anagen phase) up the follicle and Hair porosity: Hair porosity refers to how much
eventually out. moisture it certain. Certain hair types like curly hair
may be impacted by porosity more than others due to
During this phase the hair grows about 1cm every a lack of moisture, but porosity can impact other hair
days. Scalp hair stays in this active phase of growth
for two to six year. Some people have difficulty

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in different ways”[9]. Hair porosity can be determines Formulation of shampoo
by using three methods:

Fig3: hair porosity

1. The float test: Take a couple of hair strands of hair
from the comb or brush and drop them into a bowl of
water. Let them sit for 2-4minutes. If the hair is
floated, that means low porosity. If it sinks, that is Fig4: Shampoo
high porosity.
1. ”Preservative: Anionic surfactant, Example:
2. The slip’n’slide test: Take a hair strand of hair and Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
slide the fingers up the shaft. If you feel little bumps
along the way, this means that your cuticle is lifted 2. Conditioning agent: improve manageability, feel
and that you have high porosity. If the fingers slip and lustre of hair, Example: Lanoline, Mineral oil,
smoothly, then it has low porosity hair[10].
Egg albumin, Amino acids, Lecithin and herbal
3. “The spray bottle test: take a small section of hair extract like Shikakai and Henna.
and pin the rest back. Spray that section with a little
water and mist it. If the water sits on the top of hair 3. Thickening agent: make shampoo viscous so that
beads up, i.e. low porosity hair. If hair absorb the they are easy to pour and handle. Example Gum,
water quickly I.e. high porosity hair. If the water sits CMC,HPMC, PVA, carbopol 934p etc.
on the hair for several minutes then is absorbed i.e.
4. Chelating agent: prevent deposition of calcium
normal porosity hair”.[11]
and magnesium salt of soap on hairs. Examples:
Disodium edetate, polyphosphates, citric acid, etc.
Hair cosmetics
5. Antidandruff agent: zinc pyridium thiol-N-oxide
SHAMPOOS (ZPTO), Selenium sulphide, bithinol, resorcinol,
“Shampoos are not only scalp cleaners, but etc.”[21]
indubitably act as preventing the hair shaft damage. Types of shampoo:
Many scalp diseases are also treated by active
ingredients that are added to the shampoo's  “Liquid shampoo
formulations. Shampoos are typically composed of  Powder shampoo
10–30 ingredients although products with as few as  Cream shampoo
four ingredients are available are: (1) Cleansing
 Gel based shampoo
agents; (2) additives that contribute to the stability and
comfort of the product; (3) conditioning agents,
intended to impart softness and gloss, to reduce Evaluation of shampoo:
flyaway and to enhance disentangling facility, and (4)
1. Changing powder
special care ingredients, designated to treat specific
2. Foaming powder
problems, such as dandruff and greasy hair.”[12]
3. eye erretation potential.[13]

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FORMULATIONS OF SHAMPOO Color, perfume, preservative q.s
Natural essential oil blend 0.5%
POWDER SHAMPOO Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (Guar Gum) 1%
Henna powder 5% Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) extract 2%
Soap powder 50% Glycerin 1%
Sodium carbonate 22.5% Hydrolysed wheat protein 2.5%
Borax 15% Salvia officinalis (Sage) leaf extract 1.5%
q.s Salvia officinalis (Sage) 1.5%
CREAM SHAMPOO Glyceryl oleate 1%
SLS 38% Polysorbate 20 0.5%
Cetyl alcohol 7% Potassium sorbate 5%
Water Upto 100% Aloe barbadensis (Aloe vera) extract 0.5%
Color, perfume q.s Arctium minus (Burdock) root extract 0.5%
LIQUID SHAMPOO Disodium coco‐glucoside 0.5%
SLS 40% sulfosuccinate
NaCl (to desired viscosity) 2-4% Preservatives q.s
Water Upto 100% Water Upto 100%
Perfume, color, preservatives q.s
Preservative Q.s 8. Hair Dyes
Alkyl dimethyl benzalkonium chloride 15%
TLS 28%
Coconut ditethanolamide 7%
Water Upto 100%
Color, perfume, preservative q.s
TLS 60%
Coconut diethanolamide 2%
Water Upto 90%
Propellent 10%
Color, perfume, preservative q.s
Thymol 0.05% Fig5: Hair dye
Menthol 0.1%
Camphor 0.1% Definition: Hair colourants are the cosmetic
TLS 55% preparations which are used by men and women either
Water upto 100% to change the natural hair colour or to mask grey hair.
Color, perfume, preservative q.s The properties of typical hair colourants are
Cocamidopropylamine oxide 5%  The formulation of the hair colourant should be
Lauramine DEA 1% stable.
Lactic acid (50%) 1%  They should colour the hair evenly.
Formaldehyde 0.1%  They should not lead to loss of the natural shine of
Selenium sulfide 2.5%  The shaft of the hair must not be damaged.
Bentonite 5%
 The natural moisture of the hair must not be lost.
SLS paste 35%
 Must possess properties like non-irritant and non-
Water upto 100%

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 Must be non-toxic in nature. Must impart stable
(B) Colour Shampoos:
color to the hair.
Formula Quantity for 100 g
1. Temporary Hair Colorants: They are leave-in
preparations. The hair is not rinsed after the Ammonium lauryl alcohol 30g
application of the colorant. The colorant is easily sulphate (surfactant)
removed with one wash using a shampoo because
Coco diethanolamide 2g
they are absorbed in to the cuticle and cannot enter
into the cortex of the hair. They are rarely called as (pearlescent stabilizer )
water rinses. Water (solvent) To make up to 100 g

(a) Powder Formulations:

Formula Quantity for 100 g

Certified color 5g
Tartaric acid (buffer) 95g

2. Semi-permanent Hair Colourants / Direct Dyes (i) O-nitro anilines. (Gives yellow and orange shades)
(ii) Aminonitrophenols and their ethers (gives yellow
Ingredient: The semi-permanent hair colourants are
composed of the following constituents. and orange shades)
(a) Dye (iii) Azo dyes (Gives yellow and orange shades)
(b) Water (iv) Nitrodiphenylamines (Gives 'orange to red
(c) Organic solvent like alcohol, derivatives of glycol. shades).
(d) Fatty acid, fatty acid amide. (v) Nitrophenyienediamines (Gives colour in the
range red to violet).
(e) Thickener.
(vi) Anthraquinone (Gives violet to blue shades).
(f) Surfactant
5. Natural dyes: Since, antiquity, plant materials are
(g) Perfume
looked upon as beneficial sources for
(h) Aliphatic primary amines which work as co-
solvent and buffer. various ailments and other purposes. The leaves are
used as colourants:”[22-23]
Formula Quantity for 100 g
Formula Quantity for 100 g
Acid dyestuff (color) 6g
Powdered henna (color) 89g
Alcohol (antiseptic 10g
Pyrogallic acid (color) 6g
30% acetic acid (buffer 10g
Copper sulphate (color) 5g
Water (solvent) 74g
(A) Dyes:
The dyes which impart different shades belong to the
following categories:

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Chemical Group Prominent Example Colour

Indegoids Indigo, tyrian, purple Blue-pink
Anthraquinones Lac, kermes, cochineal, Red class of dye
madder(alizarian )
Alpha-nepthquinon flavons henna(lawsone) Orange
Anthocynines weld(reseda luteola linn) Yellow class of dye
wood of pines, dahlia,
sunflower, marigold, Palas,
Kamala, chrysanthemum, tea
Betalains Grape skin extract, Bignonia Red orange
Chica Humb &Bonpl.
Carotinoids Beet-root red blue
Annato (bixa orellana Linn) yellow-orange
Carrot orange
Saffron jafran(yellow)
Diferuloyl-methane Curcumin from termaric yellow
Alkaloids Berbarine yellow
Chlorophyll Leaves of lucerne neltles, green
mulberry, green plants,
pasture grasses, algae etc


name& family
1. Brassca spp,(mustard) Seed oil is used as hair oil
Brassicaceac and useful for hair
2. Acacia concinna Dc Pods extracts is used as hair
(shikakai), mimosaceae cleanser and for control of
3. Arnica Montana (Arnica), Flower extract is used as hair

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Asteraceae. oil as a tonic material. It Amla & Acacia concinna
stimulate as hair follicles.
4. Betula pendula(Birch), Extract of leaves is used as
Brassicaceae hair oil and usedfull for hair
5. Candula officinalis Linn, Flower extract is used in hair
(Marigold) Asteraceae cream for smoothing effect
6. Carthamu yinctorius Linn. Alcoholic effect is used as
(safflower) asteraceae hair tonic.
7. Centella asiatica Whole plant extract is used Centella asiatica
Linn,(Urban) Apeaceae for the growth and
maintenance of hairs.
8. Eclipta alba Hassk Whole plant extract is used
(Bhangra) Asteraceae for nourishment and dying.
9 Phyanthaus embelica Fruit extract is used in hair oil
(amla) Euphobiaceae For promotion of hair growth
10 Thymus serpyllum wild Whole herb extract is usedful
(banajwain) lamiaceae For preparing hair tonic
11 Habiscus Antidandruff, premature of
Hair fall

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