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Be Hacker Vol.1 PDF

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Consider when you are downloading free software or anything from internet
or put a pendrive on your laptop, however , suddenly your system shutting down or
not responding. Now you can think what is the problem? My laptop has 16 GB
RAM, i7 Processor and I have done all my defragmentation and cleaned cookies.
This is called malfunction of the system.
You have to believe most of the laptop are giving way to hackers. Because
of people think they have enough security. People are thinking that nothing
information from laptop. But that nothing would be the important to hackers.
Do you believe? Some of the Trojans are may corrupt your disk and there is
no way to repair. The source of that Trojans is surely a web. Something on the web
force you to download a fake antivirus software. Finally, they can control your full
system function. So that laptop may restarting, Not responding, Network failure,
Continuous ads on web, porn websites continuously top of the page or hardware
Do you believe? Worms can spread, even if you not click it. Email
attachments are the prime place to spread. Before you download some attachments,
must check that mail from trusted web source, Otherwise, don‘t download. If you
want to downloa , after check that file on
Computer security is important for protecting the confidentiality and
availability of computer systems and their resources. Computer administration and
management have become more complex which produces more attack avenues.
Network environments and network‐based applications provide more attack paths.
Evolution of technology has focused on the ease of use while the skill level
needed for exploits has decreased.
What you may loss because of the attacks?
 Financial Loss
 Data Loss
 Misuse of your system and Loss of Trust
Types of security
 Software and Hardware
 Communication
 Information

Top Ten Most-Destructive Computer Viruses

 Stuxnet (2009-2010)
 Conficker Virus (2009)
 agent.btz (2008)
 Zeus (2007
 PoisonIvy (2005)
 MyDoom (2004)
 Fizzer (2003)
 Slammer (2003)
 Code Red (2001)
 Love Letter/I LOVE YOU (2000)
Top Ten Most-Destructive Computer Viruses
 NetBus
 Back Orifice
 Sub7
 Beast (Pretty cool one. I will teach it at the end of the chapter. Prank your
 ProRat
 Zlob Trojan
 SpySheriff
 Vundo
 Turkojan
 Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Kido.a

Who is hacker?

Notable quote
"Before Google, companies in Silicon Valley already knew it was important to
have the best hackers. So they claimed, at least. But Google pushed this idea
further than anyone had before. Their hypothesis seems to have been that, in the
initial stages at least, all you need is good hackers: if you hire all the smartest
people and put them to work on a problem where their success can be measured,
you win. All the other stuff-which includes all the stuff that business schools think
business consists of-you can figure out along the way. The results won't be perfect,
but they'll be optimal. If this was their hypothesis, it's now been verified
- Paul Graham
 A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and
how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to
learn only the minimum necessary.
 One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys
programming rather than just theorizing about programming.
 A hacker is a person who breaks codes and passwords to gain unauthorised
entry to computer systems.
 A person who is good at programming quickly.
 One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or
circumventing limitations.
 A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking
 A hacker is anonymous.
For some people, the challenge of breaking the codes is irresistible and so
precautions have to be taken.
Stand-alone computers are usually safe as there is no connection for the hackers to
break into. Computers which form part of networks or those with external links,
such as attached modems, are in danger from hackers.
Many hackers often don't intend to cause damage or steal data, they just enjoy the
challenge of breaking into a system. However, in some instances the hacker's
purpose could be to commit fraud, to steal valuable data or to damage or delete the
data in order to harm the company.
It might be hard to believe, but most hacking is carried out by employees with a
grudge or those who want to 'make a quick buck'. They have insider knowledge of
passwords and User IDs which makes it easy for them.
Hacking is not a recent invention. In fact, it has been around since the 1930s,
although not always associated with computers. Here's a rundown of some of the
most noteworthy hackers in history.
1: Kevin Mitnick
Kevin Mitnick, once considered the most-wanted cybercriminal in the United
States, is often touted as the poster child of computer hacking. Kevin mastered an
early form of social engineering (scamming operators) and computer hacking to
gain access to and modify telephony switching systems. After a very public two -
year chase, arrest ,and incarceration, the hacker community collectively rose in
protest against what they viewed as a witch hunt.
2: Robert Tappan Morris
On November 2, 1988, Robert Morris released a worm that brought down one-
tenth of the Internet. With the need for social acceptance that seems to infect many
young hackers, Morris made the mistake of chatting about his worm for months
before he actually released it on the Internet, so it didn't take long for the police to
track him down. Morris said it was just a stunt and added that he truly regretted
wreaking $15 million worth of damage, the estimated amount of carnage caused by
his worm.
3: Vladimir Levin
Seeming like the opening of a James Bond movie, Vladimir Levin was working on
his laptop in 1994 from his St. Petersburg, Russia, apartment. He transferred $10
million from Citibank clients to his own accounts around the world. As with most
Bond movies, Levin's career as a hacker was short lived — with a capture,
imprisonment, and recovery of all but $400,000 of the original $10 million.
4: Yan Romanowski
Yan Romanowski, also known as MafiaBoy, was arrested in February 2000 for
launching a denial-of-service attack that brought down many of the Internet's
largest sites, including Amazon, eBay, and Yahoo. Yan's lawyer claimed, "If
[MafiaBoy] had used all his powers, he could have done unimaginable damage." It
is widely believed that Romanowski is no more than a script kiddie. His attacks,
however successful, were implemented using computer scripts that clogged
networks full of garbage data.
5: Kevin Poulsen
Kevin Poulsen, known as Dark Dante in the hacker community, specialized in
hacking phone systems, particularly radio stations. This talent allowed only calls
originating from his house to make it through to the station, assuring him of wins
in listener radio contests. His iconic 1991 hack was a takeover of all of the
telephone lines for the Los Angeles KIIS-FM radio station, guaranteeing that he
would be the 102nd caller and win the prize of a Porsche 944 S2. The bold Poulsen
was wanted by the FBI for federal computer hacking at the same time he was
winning the Porsche and $20,000 in prize money at a separate station. Poulsen
spent 51 months in a federal prison, the longest sentence of a cybercriminal at that
6: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
The now-famous founders of Apple Computer spent part of their youth as hackers.
They spent their pre-Apple days (circa 1971) building Blue Box devices (an early
phreaking tool allowing users to make long distance calls without the financial
charges) and selling them to fellow students at the University of California,
7: David Smith
Smith's fame comes from being the author of the infamous email virus known as
Melissa. According to Smith, the Melissa virus was never meant to cause harm, but
its simple means of propagation (each infected computer sent out multiple infected
emails) overloaded computer systems and servers around the world. Smith's virus
was unusual in that it was originally hidden in a file containing passwords to 80
well-known pornography Web sites. Even though more than 60,000 email viruses
have been discovered, Smith is the only person to go to federal prison in the United
States for sending one.
8: Jonathan James
James gained notoriety when he became the first juvenile, at age 16, to be sent to
prison for hacking. James specialized in hacking high-profile government systems,
such as NASA and the Department of Defense. He was reported to have stolen
software worth more than $1.7 million.
9: George Hotz
While George Hotz may be a renowned jailbreak artist, he's best known for being
named as the primary reason for the April 2011 PlayStation breach. As one of the
first hackers to jailbreak the Sony PlayStation 3, Hotz found himself in the middle
of a very mean, public, and messy court battle with Sony — perhaps because of his
public release of his jailbreaking methods. In stated retaliation, the hacker group
Anonymous attacked Sony in what has been the most costly security break of all
time. Hotz denied any responsibility for the attack and said, "Running homebrew
and exploring security on your devices is cool; hacking into someone else's server
and stealing databases of user info is not cool."
10: Gary McKinnon
In 2002, a decidedly odd message appeared on a U.S. Army computer: "Your
security system is crap," it read. "I am Solo. I will continue to disrupt at the highest
levels." It was later found to be the work of Gary McKinnon, a Scottish system
administrator. Gary has been accused of mounting the largest ever hack of U.S.
government computer networks — including Army, Air Force, Navy, and NASA
systems. The court has recommended that McKinnon be extradited to the United
States to face charges of illegally accessing 97 computers, causing $700,000 in
damage. Adding even more interest to McKinnon's actions is his insistence that
much of his hacking was in search of information on UFOs, information he
believed the U.S. government was hiding in its military computers.

Types of hackers
Do you think hackers are only evil?
Mainly three types (White,Black,Grey)
There are seven types of hacker,
White Hat Hackers: These are the good guys, computer security experts who
specialize in penetration testing and other methodologies to ensure that a
company‘s information systems are secure. These IT security professionals rely on
a constantly evolving arsenal of technology to battle hackers.
Black Hat Hackers: These are the bad guys, who are typically referred to as just
plain hackers. The term is often used specifically for hackers who break into
networks or computers, or create computer viruses. Black hat hackers continue to
technologically outpace white hats. They often manage to find the path of least
resistance, whether due to human error or laziness, or with a new type of attack.
Hacking purists often use the term ―crackers‖ to refer to black hat hackers. Black
hats‘ motivation is generally to get paid.
Script Kiddies: This is a derogatory term for black hat hackers who use borrowed
programs to attack networks and deface websites in an attempt to make names for
Hacktivists: Some hacker activists are motivated by politics or religion, while
others may wish to expose wrongdoing, or exact revenge, or simply harass their
target for their own entertainment.
State Sponsored Hackers: Governments around the globe realize that it serves
their military objectives to be well positioned online. The saying used to be, ―He
who controls the seas controls the world,‖ and then it was, ―He who controls the air
controls the world.‖ Now it‘s all about controlling cyberspace. State sponsored
hackers have limitless time and funding to target civilians, corporations, and
Spy Hackers: Corporations hire hackers to infiltrate the competition and steal
trade secrets. They may hack in from the outside or gain employment in order to
act as a mole. Spy hackers may use similar tactics as hacktivists, but their only
agenda is to serve their client‘s goals and get paid.
Cyber Terrorists: These hackers, generally motivated by religious or political
beliefs, attempt to create fear and chaos by disrupting critical infrastructures. Cyber
terrorists are by far the most dangerous, with a wide range of skills and goals.
Cyber Terrorists ultimate motivation is to spread fear, terror and commit murder.

How to be hacker?

1. Start by learning the fundamentals before attempting to do anything:

Rather than unnecessarily trying to be one with no sound technical knowledge to
back you up, you ought to start at the very beginning by having a sound
knowledge in computers. A great way to dip your toes into the water, when you are
confused about where to begin from is by understanding Unix. What many do not
know is that Unix is the operating system of the internet. You can use the internet
without learning about Unix, Yet you cannot become a hacker without learning
2. Begin by trying to learn the correct attitude of a hacker: If being a
professional hacker is something which you are interested in, then make sure that
you imbibe the correct attitude. It is of paramount importance that a hacker,
besides knowing the intricate nuances of computer system as well as computer
programming, knows that he or she does not need to adhere to any stereotype when
it comes to hacking. There are a lot of negative things which are said and written
about hackers, yet you should work as per what you want to do with your skill.
3. Know that not all hacking has to be a negative thing: Before you think that
you rather not become a hacker, because there is so much negativity associated
with it, you ought to remember that hacking is not always a negative thing. Peo ple
that use their ability for negative use are commonly referred to as hackers, but this
term is actually wrong, as such people should be correctly referred to as crackers.
Crackers in a community are people that are involved in illegal as well as unethic al
things which you ought to steer clear off.
4. Gradually build on your ability to write in Hyper Text Mark Language: To
become a professional hacker, it is not merely enough to have the correct attitude,
you must know how to write in Hyper Text Mark Language, or html as it is
popularly referred to as. When you see a website which is composed of pictures,
images as well as text, it is all done through the use of HTML.You can write your
HTML in any basic word processing program, like for example Notepad. It is not
at all difficult to master the art of writing in HTML and over time you have to keep
5. Do be proficient in more than one language of programming: Needless to
say, before you can run, you ought to learn to walk, before you can write an essay
you need to learn the alphabet, similarly, to become a hacker and break the rules,
you need to be well versed in all the rules first. So keeping this in mind, a hacker
has to have a sound and in depth knowledge in the language of programming. It is
advisable to make use of a starting platform such as r3 or Kali. In addition to this a
good language to start off with is ‗Python‘ and for more serious work, C or C++.
6. Become a Creative and unconventional thinker: Hackers are known for their
unconventional as well as creative bend of mind. To become a hacker you too must
try and think of out of the box techniques when it comes to getting things done.
There is no particular set of rules a hacker can follow to get his work done
therefore it is up to him to assimilate all the textbook knowledge in programming
which he or she has gained and to put it to use in a practical manner. There is no
diploma course in hacking therefore to a large extent hackers must rely on their
own expertise.
7. Read up some old pieces to get the true spirit of a hacker: To be a good
professional hacker one think which you ought to imbibe is the spirit of a true
hacker. It is practically impossible that you will imbibe this spirit on your own
without any source of inspiration, therefore , for you it is advisable to read up some
old pieces that might help you know what hacking is all about. Two examples of
such old pieces include, ‗Jargon File‘ as well as ‗Hackers Manifesto‘ written by
The Mentor, the technical issues addressed may be old but the essence surpasses
the boundaries of time.
8. Use your expertise to stand up against injustice and inequality: If you think
you have what it takes to become a professional hacker, then you can put your
knowledge to positive use by helping people in need. In such a case you can make
your chief enemy those sources of authority that use their power in a bad way to
withhold information from the common man or from weaker individuals. By doing
this positive work you will become a crusader raising your voice for those
individuals who are too afraid or even too backward to raise their voices on their
9. You can land a corporate job if that interests you: There are many people
who have a joint interest for becoming professional hackers as well as landing a
corporate job. If you are one of these people as well, then you need not worry at
all, you can fulfill your dream. It is not a very well known fact that hackers are
hired by big companies as well so as to ensure that all their data is very well
protected. Since hackers know how other hackers work, therefore they will be able
to take the necessary precautions as well as ensure any damage is minimal.
10. Learn about a number of operating systems, rather than just one: There
are a number of operating systems that are being used across the globe and as a
hacker it would greatly benefit you to learn about a number of different operating
systems rather than being acquainted with only one. Apart from the popular
operating system UNIX, there are numerous other ones as well. Windows is in fact
one of the systems which is compromised most often and therefore you should
have a working knowledge of a Microsoft System.
11. Your networking concepts need to be very sharp to become a
hacker: Learning network concepts will really help you go a long way when it
comes to becoming a hacker. A great reference book that you can make use of is
‗A Top down Approach‘, which is by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross. In
addition to reading this what you must do is to familiarize yourself with what
exactly is VPN, LAN, WAN as well as subnet. If your primary aim as a hacker is
to use to your advantage the vulnerabilities of the net, then you ought to know
about, UDP protocol and TCP/IP.
12. Embark on a project to help you get in depth knowledge on
computers: Being a hacker you must have all computer related knowledge at your
finger tips. What can really help you is embarking on a self assigned project. A
popular project which many hackers do is building a computer on their own right
from scratch. This sounds like a lot of work and indeed it is, yet this has been a
tried and tested method to help hackers improve on their work and get better
acquainted with a computer as well as a computer system.
13. Carefully read up on tutorials for hacking which you can find
online: There is a lot of information online as well, when hackers are looking for
help or even information. In addition to the information, there are also several step
by step tutorials online which are very helpful indeed. Figuring things out in your
own way and in your own time is a good thing yet if you reach a dead end then you
can always find answers for your queries online. They may not be the best, but
they will certainly guide you in the right direction.
14. Keep a log book to document your progress: A method which scientists
make use of to keep a track of the work they are doing is by maintaining a log
book. If you wish to be a hacker, then this is something that you can do as well so
that you know what all you have experimented with, what has worked successfully
as well as what has not. In addition to this when maintaining a log book, it
becomes easy for you to keep a track of what as well as how much you have been
able to accomplish in a given span of time.
15. It is advisable to work alone rather than in a team: Becoming a hacker is
not a very popular job that people opt for and given the general job description it is
always advisable to work on your own. This does not imply that you cannot seek
good council from friends or colleagues, but it has been noticed that working in
solitude yields more positive results in general.
16. Continuous practice is a must: Once you become a hacker you cannot
possibly assume that your studying or practicing days are over. If you want to
succeed it is up to you to keep up with the changing times in terms of
advancements in programming and make sure that you do your studying well, such
that you are not left behind in the rat race. There are a number of individuals who
choose to become hackers, for the sheer thrill of the fact that they can constantly as
well as continuously gain more information with each passing day.
17. Do participate in several hacking challenges online: Healthy competition
has proved as a highly effective way of making us give our hundred percent at all
times. To improve on your skill and ability you can participate in a number of
hacking challenges online where you can test yourself as well as find out, as
opposed to others in your field, where you stand and how you perform. As a
professional hacker you will have to brace yourself to work under pressure, so this
can be an excellent way for you to gauge, how quickly you are able to act when the
going gets tough.
18. Use your knowledge responsibly or the consequences could be dire: When
choosing to take up a career as a professional hacker you must remember that in
the course of your career there will be many temptations where you might want to
use the wealth of knowledge which you have for negative purposes. Yet, you ought
to remember that ‗hacking ‗in the negative sense if used, has serious as well as dire
consequences as it has been deemed illegal by the law. So keeping this in mind this
should be reason enough for you to not indulge in any illegal and unethical actions.

Programming: This is the most important. Learn how to solve problems and
automate tasks.
- Operating Systems: Learn not (only) how to use them, but how they work, how
and where it stores (important) information, how to access it's APIs.
- Networking: Know how networks works, not only the concepts, but the inner
workings too, how each type of packet is formed and the tricks you can do
manipulating its bits. And learn how to use this knowledge with some
programming language.
- Website Hacking: There are lots of techniques to do this, just google OWASP.

This 4 are the main in my opinion, you can be an average to good hacker with this.

To be a ninja you'll need more:

- Cryptography: Deep knowledge, how to use, how to implement common

cyphers and how to break them. (By common cyphers I mean cyphers used today,
like RSA, not caesar's cypthers and others like this).
- Reverse Engineering (and debugging): How to debug or disassemble and
analyse software to see what and how a software process its information and how
to extract this information from memory at run time.
- (Anti-) Forensics: Where incriminating information is stored and how to safely
erase them.
- Exploit writing: You need to know debugging and computer memory to do this

Kali linux

Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and
penetration testing. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security Ltd. It was
developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through the
rewrite of BackTrack, their previous forensics Linux distribution.

Kali Linux is preinstalled with numerous penetration-testing programs, including

nmap (a port scanner), Wireshark (a packet analyzer), John the Ripper (a
password cracker), Aircrack-ng (a software suite for penetration-testing wireless
LANs), Burp suite and OWASP ZAP (both web application security scanners). Kali
Linux can run natively when installed on a computer’s hard disk, can be booted
from a live CD or live USB, or it can run within a virtual machine. It is a supported
platform of the Metasploit Project’s Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing
and executing security exploits. Introduction to Kali Linux

Kali Linux is an advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing Linux

distribution. Kali Linux Features

Kali is a complete re-build of BackTrack Linux, adhering completely to Debian

development standards. All-new infrastructure has been put in place, all tools
were reviewed and packaged, and we use Git for our VCS.
More than 300 penetration testing tools: After reviewing every tool that was
included in BackTrack, we eliminated a great number of tools that either did not
work or had other tools available that provided similar functionality.
Free and always will be: Kali Linux, like its predecessor, is completely free and
always will be. You will never, ever have to pay for Kali Linux.
Open source Git tree: We are huge proponents of open source software and our
development tree is available for all to see and all sources are available for those
who wish to tweak and rebuild packages.
FHS compliant: Kali has been developed to adhere to the Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard, allowing all Linux users to easily locate binaries, support files, libraries,
Vast wireless device support: We have built Kali Linux to support as many wireless
devices as we possibly can, allowing it to run properly on a wide variety of
hardware and making it compatible with numerous USB and other wireless
Custom kernel patched for injection: As penetration testers, the development
team often needs to do wireless assessments so our kernel has the latest injection
patches included.
Secure development environment: The Kali Linux team is made up of a small
group of trusted individuals who can only commit packages and interact with the
repositories while using multiple secure protocols.
GPG signed packages and repos: All Kali packages are signed by each individual
developer when they are built and committed and the repositories subsequently
sign the packages as well.
Multi-language: Although pentesting tools tend to be written in English, we have
ensured that Kali has true multilingual support, allowing more users to operate in
their native language and locate the tools they need for the job.
Completely customizable:
ARMEL and ARMHF support: Since ARM-based systems are becoming more and
more prevalent and inexpensive, we knew that Kali’s ARM support would need to
be as robust as we could manage, resulting in working installations for both
ARMEL and ARMHF systems. Kali Linux has ARM repositories integrated with the
mainline distribution so tools for ARM will be updated in conjunction with the rest
of the distribution. Kali is currently available for the following ARM devices:
- rk3306 mk/ss808
- Raspberry Pi
- Samsung Chromebook
- EfikaMX
- Beaglebone Black
- CuBox
- Galaxy Note 10.1
its important to realize that most of the commands in kali are GUI or graphic user
interface unlike previous installations of backtrack which require terminal input.

Terminal is like windows command prompt, with a derivative you will be quick to
notice, in file paths in windows the slash is forwards

In the linux enviroment, the slash is backwards

Filepaths are case sensitive and when launching a program you also have to type
the extension.
Ex. Root/user/admin/

If you had the above program installed, the extension being ".py" would launch
the program.

Another cool thing about kali, and linux period, is if and when you learn a
programming language, you can code your own programs in their "notepad" style
program and save it as something like "" and it will save as a
python file, then right click and change advanced settings to executable file
andddddd voila! Your very own custom program has been created.

Enough about kali, im sure youre ready to get started on lesson 2

Real World Applications for Kali Linux

Real world applications for Kali Linux are very diverse. Incorperating them into
your repertoire as a sales pitch is crucial to forming a thriving business model that
will generate revenue for you and your company.
Small business examples:
Every 9 seconds a personal computer is hacked. Thousands of people either own
their own business or work from home. These are businesses that you will start
with at first to build a reputation.
Stressing the importance of Data Security to the customer is an integral part of
the sales pitch. Looking up articles about local businesses around your area, and
even college databases being breached can not only raise awareness, but also
raise the fear factor. Ever heard the term a little fear is healthy? Well fear sells,
and in todays day and age everyone is digital.
Some people run their business sites via wordpress, even blog on them daily
about events. This consumes a good portion of time for the client, and if someone
were to access that because they had a faulty line of code in their site, they could
not only lose their investment, but lose customers and customer data as well.
A Kali Linux application for this would be a tool called wpscan, which we will
review later on, but it scans the site for vulnerabilities allowing you to report
them to the sitemaster or admin.
Its illegal to scan without permission, always get permission.
Another tool to use would be nmap
This tool scans open ports on wifi connections
Open ports are like open doors that anyone with the right knowledge can access,
and access things like customer data, and even credit card transaction
You will find when launching these programs via the drop down menu that they
launch a sort of command prompt via a program called terminal. Kali is already
preconfigured to run root access, so a tutorial in sudo isnt necessary.
Terminal accepts your commands and runs basically every function on kali and
this is where you will spend most of your time.
Everytime you start kali, if its a live disk and not a full install, i recommend
opening up a terminal first thing Then type apt-get update
This updates the files
You can also search for upgraded software apt-get upgrade
Other commands are listed below System Info
date – Show the current date and time cal – Show this month's calendar uptime –
Show current uptime w – Display who is online whoami – Who you are logged in
as finger user – Display information about user uname -a – Show kernel
information cat /proc/cpuinfo – CPU information cat /proc/meminfo – Memory
information df -h – Show disk usage du – Show directory space usage free – Show
memory and swap usage
Keyboard Shortcuts
Enter – Run the command
Up Arrow – Show the previous command
Ctrl + R – Allows you to type a part of the command you're looking for and finds it
Ctrl + Z – Stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in
the background
Ctrl + C – Halts the current command, cancel the current operation and/or start
with a fresh new line Ctrl + L – Clear the screen
command | less – Allows the scrolling of the bash command window using Shift +
Up Arrowand Shift + Down Arrow
!! – Repeats the last command
command !$ – Repeats the last argument of the previous command
Esc + . (a period) – Insert the last argument of the previous command on the fly,
which enables you to edit it before executing the command
Ctrl + A – Return to the start of the command you're typing
Ctrl + E – Go to the end of the command you're typing
Ctrl + U – Cut everything before the cursor to a special clipboard, erases the
whole line
Ctrl + K – Cut everything after the cursor to a special clipboard
Ctrl + Y – Paste from the special clipboard that Ctrl + U and Ctrl + K save their data
Ctrl + T – Swap the two characters before the cursor (you can actually use this to
transport a character from the left to the right, try it!)
Ctrl + W – Delete the word / argument left of the cursor in the current line
Ctrl + D – Log out of current session, similar to exit Learn the Commands
apropos subject – List manual pages for subject man -k keyword – Display man
pages containing keyword man command – Show the manual for command man
-t man | ps2pdf - > man.pdf – Make a pdf of a manual page which command –
Show full path name of command time command – See how long a command
whereis app – Show possible locations of app
which app – Show which app will be run by default; it shows the full path
grep pattern files – Search for pattern in files grep -r pattern dir – Search
recursively for pattern in dir
command | grep pattern – Search for pattern in the output of command locate
file – Find all instances of file
find / -name filename – Starting with the root directory, look for the file called
find / -name ”*filename*” – Starting with the root directory, look for the file
containing the string filename locate filename – Find a file called filename using
the locate command; this assumes you have already used the command
updatedb (see next)
updatedb – Create or update the database of files on all file systems attached to
the Linux root directory which filename – Show the subdirectory containing the
executable file called filename grep TextStringToFind /dir – Starting with the
directory called dir, look for and list all files containing TextStringToFind File
chmod octal file – Change the permissions of file to octal, which can be found
separately for user, group, and world by adding: 4 – read (r),2 – write (w), 1 –
execute (x) Examples:
chmod 777 – read, write, execute for all chmod 755 – rwx for owner, rx for group
and world For more options, see man chmod. File Commands
ls – Directory listing
ls -l – List files in current directory using long format
ls -laC – List all files in current directory in long format and display in columns ls -F
– List files in current directory and indicate the file type ls -al – Formatted listing
with hidden files
cd dir – Change directory to dir cd – Change to home mkdir dir – Create a
directory dir pwd – Show current directory
rm name – Remove a file or directory called name
rm -r dir – Delete directory dir rm -f file – Force remove file
rm -rf dir – Force remove an entire directory dir and all it’s included files and
subdirectories (use with extreme caution)
cp file1 file2 – Copy file1 to file2
cp -r dir1 dir2 – Copy dir1 to dir2; create dir2 if it doesn't exist
cp file /home/dirname – Copy the filename called file to the /home/dirname
mv file /home/dirname – Move the file called filename to the /home/dirname
mv file1 file2 – Rename or move file1 to file2; if file2 is an existing directory,
moves file1 into directory file2
ln -s file link – Create symbolic link link to file touch file – Create or update file cat
> file – Places standard input into file cat file – Display the file called file
more file – Display the file called file one page at a time, proceed to next page
using the spacebar head file – Output the first 10 lines of file
head -20 file – Display the first 20 lines of the file called file tail file – Output the
last 10 lines of file
tail -20 file – Display the last 20 lines of the file called file tail -f file – Output the
contents of file as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines
tar cf file.tar files – Create a tar named file.tar containing files tar xf file.tar –
Extract the files from file.tar
tar czf file.tar.gz files – Create a tar with Gzip compression tar xzf file.tar.gz –
Extract a tar using Gzip
tar cjf file.tar.bz2 – Create a tar with Bzip2 compression tar xjf file.tar.bz2 –
Extract a tar using Bzip2
gzip file – Compresses file and renames it to file.gz gzip -d file.gz – Decompresses
file.gz back to file
/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd start – Start the print daemon /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd stop –
Stop the print daemon
/etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd status – Display status of the print daemon lpq – Display jobs
in print queue lprm – Remove jobs from queue
lpr – Print a file lpc – Printer control tool
man subject | lpr – Print the manual page called subject as plain text man -t
subject | lpr – Print the manual page called subject as Postscript output printtool
– Start X printer setup interface Network
ifconfig – List IP addresses for all devices on the local machine
iwconfig – Used to set the parameters of the network interface which are specific
to the wireless operation (for example: the frequency) iwlist – used to display
some additional information from a wireless network interface that is not
displayed by iwconfig
ping host – Ping host and output results whois domain – Get whois information
for domain dig domain – Get DNS information for domain dig -x host – Reverse
lookup host wget file – Download file wget -c file – Continue a stopped download
ssh user@host – Connect to host as user
ssh -p port user@host – Connect to host on port port as user ssh-copy-id
user@host – Add your key to host for user to enable a keyed or passwordless
User Administration
adduser accountname – Create a new user call accountname
passwd accountname – Give accountname a new password
su – Log in as superuser from current login exit – Stop being superuser and revert
to normal user Process Management
ps – Display your currently active processes top – Display all running processes kill
pid – Kill process id pid killall proc – Kill all processes named proc (use with
extreme caution) bg – Lists stopped or background jobs; resume a stopped job in
the background fg – Brings the most recent job to foreground fg n – Brings job n
to the foreground
Installation from source
./configure make make install
dpkg -i pkg.deb – install a DEB package (Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint) rpm -Uvh
pkg.rpm – install a RPM package (Red Hat / Fedora) Stopping & Starting
shutdown -h now – Shutdown the system now and do not reboot halt – Stop all
processes - same as above shutdown -r 5 – Shutdown the system in 5 minutes
and reboot shutdown -r now – Shutdown the system now and reboot reboot –
Stop all processes and then reboot - same as above startx – Start the X system

All hacker’s tools list

Password Cracker Software

A password cracker software, which is often referred to as a password recovery
tool, can be used to crack or recover the password either by removing the original
password, after bypassing the data encryption, or by outright discovery of the
password. In the process of password cracking, a very common methodology used
to crack the user password is to repeatedly make guesses for the probable password
and perhaps finally hitting on the correct one. It cannot be denied that whenever we
are referring to cyber security, passwords are the most vulnerable security links.
On the other hand if the password is too completed, the user might forget it.
Password Cracker software are often used by the hackers to crack the password
and access a system to manipulate it. Do not unethically use these software for
hacking passwords.
In the next section you would be getting familiar with some of the popular
Password Cracker tools which are used by hackers for password cracking.

It is a free password cracker software which is based on the effective
implementation of the rainbow tables. It runs on a number of Operating Systems
like Mac OS X, Unix/Linux and Windows Operating System. It is equipped with
real-time graphs for analyzing the passwords and is an open source software.
Ophcrack has the capability to crack both NTLM hashes as well as LM hashes.

Medusa is one of the best online brute-force, speedy, parallel password crackers
which is available on the Internet. It has been designed by the members of the
website It is also widely used in Penetration testing to ensure that the
vulnerability of the system can be exposed and appropriate security measures can
be taken against hacking.

Rainbow Crack as the name suggests, is a cracker for hashes with the Rainbow
Tables. It runs on multiple operating systems such as Linux, Windows Vista,
Windows XP (Windows Operating Systems). It supports both Graphical User
Interface as well as Command line Interface. It's software which is used for
password cracking by generating rainbow tables, fuzzing all the parameters.

Wfuzz is a flexible tool for brute forcing Internet based applications. It supports
many features like Multithreading, Header brute forcing, Recursion when
discovering directories, Cookies, Proxy Support, hiding results and encoding the
URLs to name a few. Wfuzz is a useful tool for finding unlinked resources like
scripts, directories and servlets as well.

Brutus is one of the most flexible and free password crackers which operates
remotely. It is popular also because of its high speed and operates under operating
systems such as Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows 9x. Currently it does
not operate under the UNIX operating system. Brutus was initially designed to
check network devices like routers for common as well as default passwords.

L0phtCrack which is now known as L0phtCrack6, is a tool which tests the strength
of a password given, as well as to recover lost passwords on Microsoft Windows
platform. Thus it is a tool for both password recovery as well as auditing the
password. It uses techniques such as Rainbow tables, brute-force and dictionary to
recover passwords.

Fgdump is a powerful cracking tool. In fact, it's much more powerful than
pwdump6 as the latter has the tendency to hang whenever there is a presence of an
antivirus. Fgdump has the capability to handle this problem of hanging by shutting
down first. It later restarts the Antivirus software. It supports multi threading which
is very relevant in the multitasking and multi-user environment.

THC Hydra
Every password security study has revealed that the biggest security weaknesses
are the passwords. THC Hydra is a tool for cracking logins and it is flexible as it
supports various protocols. It is very fast and at the same time, new modules can be
easily added. Hydra can run on operating systems like Solaris 11, OSX, Windows
and Linux.

John The Ripper

John the Ripper is a free software for password cracking which was originally
designed for the Unix Operating System. At present, it can run on 15 Operating
systems which includes 11 different versions of UNIX, Win32, DOS and BeOS. It
has the capability to combine several password crackers into a single package
which has made it one of the most popular cracking tools for hackers.

It is a network software suite used in 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks. It
consists of tools such as a packet sniffer, detector and a WEP. This tool runs on
both Windows and Linux Operating systems. It can work with any type of wireless
network interface controller, provided the driver is supporting the raw monitoring

Cain And Abel

Cain and Abel, often referred to as Cain, is a tool for recovering the password in
the Windows platform. It has the capability to recover various kinds of passwords
using techniques such as cracking the password hashes by using brute-forcing,
dictionary attacks, cryptanalysis attacks and packet sniffing in the network.

The objective of this security tool is to locate the valid user identities in a Virtual
Public Network along with the secret key combinations. Once this is accomplished,
this information can be used easily by a hacker to have access to a VPN in an
unauthorized manner

Wireless Hacking Tools

Wireless Hacking Tools are those hacking tools which are used to hack into a
wireless network which is usually more susceptible to security threats. One must
also ensure that the network is completely secured against hacking or other
malwares. The list of wireless hacking tools which would be discussed now can be
used to do a Penetration Testing for a Wireless Network. This is an intentional
attack on a network to detect security vulnerabilities by accessing its data and

It is a software suit specially designed for a wireless network and which operates
under both the Windows and the Linux Operating System. Aircrack-ng consists of
a packet sniffer, WPA cracker and analysis tool and a detector for the wireless
Local Area Networks (802.11). The best part of this software suit is one need not
install it to use it. It is a collection of files which can be easily used with a
command prompt.

There have been many wireless hacking tools exposed in recent past. When a
hacker hacks a wireless network, it is supposed to defeat the Wireless network‘s
security devices. The Wi-Fi networks i.e. the Wireless LANs are more exposed to
the security threats from a hacker while compared to that of a wired network.
While hackers are always more than ready to hack specially if there are
weaknesses in a computer network, hacking is often a tedious and complicated
Kismet is a wireless detector system which detects possible intrusion to an 802.11
layer2 wireless network, it is also a sniffer. There are certain plug-in supported by
Kismet which enable sniffing media like DECT. . It also has the capacity to infer
whether a non beaconing network is present or not via the data traffic in the
network and a network is identified by this tool by collecting data packets
passively, detecting hidden and standard named networks.

InSSIDer is a network scanner which is used in a Wi-Fi network for the Windows
Operating System as well as the Apple OS X. It has been developed by MetaGeek,
LLC. It is used to collect information from both software and a wireless card and is
useful in selecting the availability of the best wireless channel. It also shows those
Wi-Fi network channels which overlap with each other.

It is a discovery tool for a wireless network for the Mac OS X operating system. It
has many features which are similar to another wireless detector tool called
Kismet. This tool is meant for expert network security personnel and is not very
user friendly for the beginners

In order to log into a website, a user has submit details like his or her username and
password. The server validates these data and sends back a ―cookie‖. The websites
usually encrypts the password however does not encrypt other details which leaves
the cookie exposed to hacking threats which are also known as HTTP session
hijacking. Firesheep has a packet sniffer which can intercept the cookies which are
encrypted from Social Media sites like Twitter and Facebook and comes with the
Firefox web browser. Firesheep is available for both the Windows and Mac OS X
operating system. It would also run on the Linux platform in the new future.

It is a powerful tool for packet injection in an 802.11 wireless network and is very
useful as it has the capability to send in forged de-authentication packets. This
feature is usually used by a hacker to bring down a network.

KARMA is an attack tool which takes the advantage of the probing techniques that
is used by used by a client of a WLAN. The station searches for a Wireless LAN in
the list of preferred network and it is then that it makes the SSID open for an
attacker who is listening. The disclosed SSID is used by KARMA for
impersonation of a valid WLAN and attracts the station to the listening attacker.

NetStumbler is a hacking tool which is used in the Windows Operating system and
comes with add ons which are used to hack a wireless network. It has the
capability to convert a WIFI enabled laptop on Windows OS into a network
detector in an 802.11 WLAN.

The WebLab is a tool which teaches about the weaknesses of a WEP, how a WEP
works and how it is used to break a wireless network which is WEP protected. It
has the features of a WEP Security Analyzer.
Best Network Scanning & Hacking Tools

Nmap or Network Mapper is a free open source utility tool for network discovery
and security auditing solution for you. It is a flexible, powerful, portable and easy-
to-use tool that is supported by most of the operating systems like Linux,
Windows, Solaris, Mac OS and others.

It is an multi-functional application that is designed for scanning TPC port. This is
also a pinger and address resolver. It also has useful features like ping, traceroute,
WhoIs and HTTP request. There is no need of installation as it is a portable

Angry IP Scanner
It is a fast port and IP address scanner. It is a lightweight and cross-platform
application that has the capacity to scan the IP addresses in any range and also in
their ports. It simply pings each IP address.

Packet Crafting To Exploit Firewall Weaknesses

Through Packet crafting technique, an attacker capitalizes your firewall‘s
vulnerabilities. Here are some packet crafting tools
Earlier Hping was used as a security tool. Now it is used as a command-line
oriented TCP/IP packet analyzer or assembler. You can use this for Firewall
testing, advance port scanning, network testing by using fragmentation, TOS and
different other protocols.

It is a powerful and interactive packet manipulation program. Scapy has the
capability to decode or forge the packets of a large number of protocols at a time.
One of the best feature is that it can confuse the process of decoding and

Netcat is a simple Unix utility program. This program has the capability to read
and write data across network connections and it does so by using UDP or TPC
protocol. It was created as a reliable back-end tool.

Not all the network protocols are powerful. In order to take advantage of the
weakness of certain network protocols Yersinia is created. It is a full-proof
framework that analyzes and tests the deployed networks and systems.

It is a command-line crafting and injecting utility tool used for network packets.
This program works for both Unix and Windows operating systems. This is a well-
suited tool for testing Network, Intrusion Detection System, IP Stacks, Firewalls
and many others
This is again a command-line based utility tool. It has the capability to establish a
two bidirectional byte streams through which it transfers data. In this tool streams
can be constructed from a large set of different data sinks.

Traffic Monitoring for Network Related Hacking

These tools allow users to monitor the websites one‘s children or employees are
viewing. Here‘s a list of some of these tools

If you want to convert your data into powerful insights Splunk tools are the best
options for you. The Splunk tools are the leading platforms for operational
intelligence. It can collect any type of data from any machine in real time.

Nagios is the name for the industry standard in monitoring IT infrastructure. The
Nagios tools helps you monitor your entire IT infrastructure and have the
capability to detect problems well ahead they occur. It can also detect security
breaches and share data availability with stakeholders.

It is versatile passive tool that is used for OS fingerprinting. This p assive tool
works well in both Linux and Windows operating systems. It has the capability to
detect the hooking up of the remote system whether it is Ethernet, DSL or OC3.
Ngrep or network grep is a pcap-aware tool that allows you to extend hexadecimal
or regular expressions in order to match it against the data loads of the packet. It
can recognize IPv4/6, UDP, TCP, Ethernet, SLIP, PPP, FDDI and many others.

Packet Sniffers To Analyze Traffic

These tools help capture and analyze incoming traffic on your website. Some of
the popular ones are listed below

If you want to put a security system, Wireshark is the must have security tool. It
monitors every single byte of the data that is transferred via the network system. If
you are a network administrator or penetration tester this tool is a must have.

Tcpdump is a command-line packet analyzer. After completing the designated task
of packet capturing Tcpdump will throw the report that will contain numbers of
captured packet and packets received by the filter. The user can use flags like –v, -r
and –w to run this packet analyzer tool.

It is comprehensive suite in the middle of the attack. It has the feature of sniffing
the live connections and content filtering along with many other interesting tricks.
It offers three interfaces, traditional command line, GUI and Ncurses.
Dsniff is the collection of various tools that are used for penetration testing and
network auditing. The tools like dsniff, msgsnarf, mailsnarf, webspy and urlsnarf
passively monitor a network of interesting data like files, emails, passwords and
many others.

EtherApe is graphical network monitor for UNIX model PCs after etherman. This
interactive tool graphically displays network activity. It features link layer and
TCP/IP modes. It supports Token Ring, FDDI, Ethernet, PPP, SLIP, ISDN and
other WLAN devices.

Web Proxies: Proxies fundamentally assist in adding encapsulation to distributed

systems. The client can request an item on your server by contacting a proxy

It is a Java-based HTTP/HTTPS proxy that helps in assessing the vulnerability of
web applications. It supports both viewing and editing HTTP messages on-the-fly.
It is supported by Unix and Windows systems. There are some other features as
well like client certificate, spiders, proxy chaining and many others.

It is free web debugging proxy tool that can be used for any browser, platforms or
systems. The key features of this tool include performance testing, HTTP/HTTPS
traffic recording, web session manipulation and security testing.
A passive and semi-automated application which is essentially a security audit
tool. It can accurately detect and annotate problems in web 2.0 platforms.

This tool is the one that demonstrate HTTPS stripping attack. It has the capability
to hijack HTTP traffic on the network in a transparent manner. It watches the
HTTPS link and then redirect and maps those links into homograph-similar or
look-alike HTTP links.

SSL/TLS Security Test By High-Tech Bridge

This free online service performs a detailed security analysis and configuration test
of SSL/TLS implementation on any web server for compliance with NIST
guidelines and PCI DSS requirements, as well as for various industry best-
Rootkit Detectors To Hack File System
This is a directory and file integrity checker. It checks the veracity of files and
notifies the user if there‘s an issue.

AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment)

It is a directory and file integrity checker that helps in creating a database using the
regular expression rules that it finds from the config files. This tool also supports
message digest algorithms and file attributes like File type, Permissions, Inode,
Uid, Gid and others.
Firewalls: Firewalls monitor and control network traffic. A firewall is the
quintessential security tool used by novices and tech experts alike. Here are a few
of the best ones for hackers:

Netfilter offers softwares for the packet filtering framework that works within the
Linux 2.4.x and later series of kernel. The softwares of Netfilter help in packet
mangling including packet filtering along with network address and port

PF: OpenBSD Packet Filter

It is an OpenBSD system that enables filtering of TCP/IP traffic and also performs
Network Address Translation. It also helps in conditioning and normalizing of
TCP/IP traffic along with packet prioritization and bandwidth control.

Fuzzers To Search Vulnerabilities

Fuzzing is a term used by hackers for searching a computer system‘s security
vulnerabilities. Here is a list of a few:

It's a reconnaissance web application security tool. Some of it's features are
dictionary-based probes and recursive crawls. A website's sitemap is eventually
annotated for security assessments.

This tool is designed in such a way that it helps in brute-forcing web applications.
Wfuzz can be used for finding resources but it does not play any role in finding the
links like directories, servlets, scripts and others. It has multiple injection points
and allows multi-threading.

Wapiti is a web application vulnerability scanner that allows you to audit the
security of the web applications that you are using. The scanning process is ―black-
box‖ type and detects the vulnerabilities like file disclosure, data injection, XSS
injection and many others.

It is a web application attack and audit framework that helps in auditing any threat
that the web application experiences. This framework is built on Python and is
easy-to-use and can be extended. It is licensed under GPLv2.0.

These tools are used for computer forensics, especially to sniff out any trace of
evidence existing in a particular computer system. Here are some of the most

Sleuth Kit
It is an open source digital intervention or forensic tool kit. It runs on varied
operating systems including Windows, Linux, OS X and many other Unix systems.
It can be used for analyzing disk images along with in-depth analysis of file system
like FAT, Ext3, HFS+, UFS and NTFS.
This is a Linux based incident response system. It is also used in system
investigation and analysis along with data recovery and security auditing. The most
recent version of this tool is based on Ubuntu that promises ease of use and

It is an open source forensic and intelligence application. It can be used for
gathering information in all phases of security related work. It saves you time and
money by performing the task on time in smarter way.

Encase is the fastest and most comprehensive network forensic solution available
in the market. It is created following the global standard of forensic investigation
software. It has the capability of quickly gathering data from wide variety of

Debuggers To Hack Running Programs

These tools are utilized for reverse engineering binary files for writing exploits and
analyzing malware.

GDB is a GNU Project debugger. The unique feature of this debugger enables the
user to see what is happening inside one program while it is being executed or
check a program at the moment of crash.

Immunity Debugger
It's a powerful debugger for analyzing malware. It's unique features include an
advanced user interface with heap analysis tool and function graphing.

Other Hacking Tools: Besides the aforementioned tools, there are myriad of
hacking tools used by hackers. They don‘t belong to a particular category, but are
very popular among hackers nonetheless:

It is a featured network utility tool. It has the capability to read and write data
across all network connections that uses TCP/IP protocol. It is a reliable back-end
tool that can be easily and directly driven by other scripts and programs.

It is a tracert or IP tracking tool that displays the path of internet packets through
which it traversed to reach the specific destination. It identifies the IP address of
each hop along the way it reaches the destination.
It is the tracing tool that helps the user to know the time that the data packets took
to reach the host. This is an online application where you just need to place the
host name or IP address and fetch the result.
It is a complete searching and indexing system that is used for a domain or
internet. It works in both Linux and Windows system. It however does not replace
the internet-wide search systems like Google, Infoseek, AltaVista and Lycos.

It is a free and open source software command-line tool that transfers data with
URL syntax. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, Gopher, FTPS, LDAP, POP3 and many
others. It can run under a wide variety of operating systems. The recent stable
version is v7.37.1.

Hacking Operating Systems

There are numerous professionals who aspire to have a career as ethical hackers.
Hacking is not an easy task as it requires great insight about technology and
programing. There are specific operating systems as well that are specially
designed for the hackers to use. These operating systems have preloaded to ols and
technologies that hackers can utilize to hack. This article offers a detailed overview
of various operating systems that are built keeping hacking in mind. All these
operating systems are unique from each other and have proved to be a great
resource for the hackers around the world.

Backtrack 5r3
This operating system is built keeping the most savvy security personnel in mind
as audience. This is also a useful tool even for the early newcomers in the
information security field. It offers quick and easy way to find and also update the
largest database available for the security tools collection till date.

Kali Linux
This is a creation of the makers of BackTrack. This is regarded as the most
versatile and advanced penetration testing distribution ever created. The
documentation of the software is built in an easy format to make it the most user
friendly. It is one of the must-have tools for ethical hackers that is making a buzz
in the market.

Security Enhanced Linux or SELinux is an upstream repository that is used for
various userland tools and libraries. There are various capabilities like policy
compilation, policy management and policy development which are incorporated
in this utility tool along with SELinux services and utilities. The user can get the
software as a tested release or from the development repository.

The website of Knoppix offers a free open source live Linux CD. The CD and
DVD that is available contain the latest and recent updated Linux software along
with desktop environments. This is one of the best tools for the beginners and
includes programs like, Mozilla, Konqueror, Apache, MySQL and

BackBox Linux
It is a Linux distribution that is based on Ubuntu. If you want to perform security
assessment and penetration tests, this software is the one that you should have in
your repository. It proactively protects the IT infrastructure. It has the capability to
simplify the complexity of your IT infrastructure with ease as well.

It is security focused live CD that is created based on Gentoo. It has a large number
of customized tools and kernels including a hardened kernel consisting of aufs
patches. It can backport Wi-Fi stack from the latest kernel release that is stable as
well. There are development tools in Pentoo that have Cuda/OPENCL cracking.

Matriux Krypton
If you are looking for a distro to be used in penetration testing and cyber forensic
investigation, then Matriux Krypton is the name that you can trust. This is a
Debian based GNU/Linux security distribution. It has more than 340 powerful
tools for penetration testing and forensics; additionally, it contains custom kernel

This is regarded as the specialist tool that is specifically designed for security
auditing and penetration testing. It is a reliable, stable and powerful tool to be used
for this purpose and is based on the current Ubuntu Linux distribution. It is a free
and open source system that you can download from the website.

It is free and open source penetration testing distribution available over the
internet. It is based on Ubuntu 10.10, which is designed specifically for the
information security training students and professional. It is fast and stable yet a
powerful tool that works perfectly for you. This software is a recommendation
from most of the users.

It is free and open source penetration testing distribution available over the
internet. It is based on Ubuntu 10.10, which is designed specifically for
information security, training students and professionals. It is fast and stable, yet a
powerful tool that works perfectly for you. This software is a recommendation
from most of the users.

Samurai Web Testing Framework

It is a live Linux environment that is designed in such a way that it functions as a
web-pen testing environment. The software CD contains tools and programs that
are open source and free. The tool selection is based on the ones that the company
themselves use for security of their IT infrastructure.

It's a great pentesting distro comprising of some innovative pentesting tools. The
software uses Fluxbox and is built using Debian Squeeze. One of it's popular
features is its ability to hack old Android based systems.

CAINE (Computer Aided Investigative Environment)

It is an Italian GNU/Linux live distribution list that was created as project of
Digital Forensic. It offers a complete forensic environment. This environment is
organized in such a way that it integrates the existing software tools and software
module, and finally throws the result in the form of friendly graphical interface.
It is one of the most stable and comprehensive distributions. It offers stable and
optimal functionalities with stable manger in real-time. It is based upon 3.2 and 3.4
kernel Generic that is available in both 32 and 64 Bits. Bugtraq has a wide range of
tools in various branches of the kernel. The features of the distribution vary as per
your desktop environment

DEFT is a distribution that is created for computer forensics. It can run in live
stream on the system without corrupting the device. The system is based on
GNU/Linux and the user can run this live using CD/DVD or USB pendrive. DEFT
is now paired with DART, which is a forensic system.

There are various versions of Helix released by e-fense that are useful for both
home and business use. The Helix3 Enterprise is a cyber-security solution offered
by this organization that provides incident response. It throws live response and
acquires volatile data. Helix3 Pro is the newest version in the block of Helix family

Encryption Tools

Times are changing and spying has become a common phenomenon everywhere.
There have been increasing instances where even the governments have been
found to be spying on their citizens from time to time. This is one of the prime
reasons why the importance of Encryption has increased manifold. Encryption
tools are very important because they keep the data safe by encrypting it so that
even if someone accesses the data, they can‘t get through the data unless they
know how to decrypt the data. These tools use algorithm schemes to encode the
data to prevent unauthorized access to the encrypted data.

TrueCrypt is open source encryption tool which can encrypt a partition in the
Windows environment (except Windows 8); it‘s equipped for creating a virtual
encrypted disk in a file. Moreover, it has the capability to encrypt the complete
storage device. TrueCrypt can run on different operating systems like Linux,
Microsoft Windows and OSX. TrueCrypt stores the encryption keys in the RAM of
the computer.

OpenSSH is the short name for Open Secure Shell and is a free software suite
which is used to make your network connections secured. It uses the SSH protocol
to provide encrypted communication sessions in a computer network. It was
designed originally as an alternative to the Secure Shell Software developed by
SSH Communications Security. The tool was designed as a part of the OpenBSD

It an open source encryption tool available on both UNIX and Windows operating
system. It is a free implementation of SSH (Secure Shell) and Telnet for both
Windows as well as UNIX. The beauty of this tool is that it supports many network
protocols like Telnet, SCP, rlogin, SSH and raw socket connection. The word
PuTTY has no specific meaning, however as in UNIX tradition, tty is a terminal
OpenSSL is an open source encryption tool which implements the TLS and SSL
protocols. OpenSSL‘s core library is written in the C programming language. The
fundamental cryptographic functions are implemented by it. OpenSSL versions are
available for operating systems like UNIX, Solaris, Linux and Mac OS X. The
project was undertaken in 1988 with the objective of inventing free encryption
tools for the programs being used on the internet.

Tor is a free encryption tool and has the capability to provide online anonymity as
well as censorship resistance. Internal traffic is directed through a free network
which consists of more than five thousand relays so that the user‘s actual location
can be hidden. It is difficult to track the Internet activities like visiting web sites
and instant messages; the most important goal of this tool is to ensure the personal
privacy of the users.

It is an open source tool for the implementation of virtual private network
techniques so that secured site-to-site or point-to-point connections using routers or
bridges are possible, also remote access is possible. OpenVPN offers the users a
secured authentication process by using secret keys which are pre-shared.

Stunnel is a multi-platform open source tool which is used to ensure that both the
clients and the servers get secured encrypted connections. This encryption software
can operate on a number of operating system platforms like Windows as well as all
operating systems which are UNIX like. Stunnel depends upon a distinct library
like SSLeay or OpenSSL to implement the protocols (SSL or TLS)

KeePass is an open source as well as free password management tool for the
Microsoft Windows as well as unofficial ports for operating systems such as iOS,
Linux, Android, Mac OS X and Windows Phone. All the usernames, passwords
and all other fields are stored by KeePass in a secured encrypted database. This
database in turn is protected by a single password.

Intrusion Detection System And The IDS Tools

An Intrusion Detection System is a software application or a device which is
equipped to do network or system monitoring activities for any malicious threats
and sends reports to the management station. Intrusion detection tools can help in
identifying potential threats which can be dangerous for the system or the network.

It is an open source Network Intrusion System as well as a Network Intrusion
Prevention System which is free for all to use. It was created in 1988 by Martin
Roesch. It has the capability to perform packet logging and analysis of real time
traffic on networks which are using the internet protocol.

NetCop is an advanced intrusion detection system which is available practically
everywhere. NetCop makes use of a specific method to classify the spyware. This
is because there are several software programs which intrude your privacy and
which have different kind of capabilities. NetCop gives a distinct threat level to
each program, thus classifying the threats.

Hacking Vulnerability Exploitation Tools

A tool which identifies whether a remote host is vulnerable to a security attack and
tries to protect the host by providing a shell or other function remotely, is called a
Vulnerability Exploitation tool. Here is a list of some o the popular ones:

Metasploit was released in the year 2004 and it was an instant hit in the world of
computer security. Metasploit provides data on the vulnerabilities in the security
system and it helps in conducting penetration testing too.

It is a penetration testing tool which is available as an open source. Its goal is to
automate the detection and exploitation process of the injection flaws in SQL and
to take over the database servers.

The main objective of this tool is to access a vulnerable DB server; it's used for pen
testing so that the procedure of controlling a DB server can be automated when the
vulnerability of an SQL injection has been tracked.

Social Engineer Toolkit

This tool kit also known as SET, was designed by TrustedSec. The tool comes as
an open source code and is Python driven. It is used for conducting Penetration
Testing around Social Engineer.

It is a web based security scanner which has an exploitation engine to confirm the
security vulnerabilities and makes the user concentrate on elimination of security
threats with its False-Positive free feature.

BeEF is the short term for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a tool for
penetration testing which concentrates on a web browser and thus accesses the
actual security position of the environment it‘s targeting.

Dradis stands for Direction, Range and Distance. It is an open source vulnerability
scanner or application which provides the facility of information sharing
effectively, especially during assessing the security of the system in a central

Vulnerability Scanners
The scanners which assess the vulnerability of a network or a computer to security
attacks are known as Vulnerability Scanners. The tools might function differently,
however all of them aim to provide an analysis on how vulnerable the system or a
network is. Here is a list of the best ones:
Nessus is the world‘s most popular vulnerable scanner topping the list in the years
2000, 2003 and in the year 2006 survey on security tools. It's a free to use
vulnerability scanner for personal use in the non enterprise environment.

This scanner is tipped by many to be the most advanced vulnerability scanner in
the world and is a powerful and comprehensive tool for scanning as well as
providing solutions for vulnerability management. It is free software and is
maintained daily.

It is a parser for network infrastructure and its full form is Network Infrastructure
Parser. This open source scanner helps with features like auditing, configuring and
managing devices for network infrastructure as well as managing the computer

Secunia PSI
It is free computer security software which scans software on a computer system. It
tracks those third party/non Microsoft programs which requires security updates to
protect your computer against hackers and cyber-criminals.

Retina, with more than 10,000 deployments, is one of the most sophisticated
vulnerability scanners in the market. It aids in efficient identifications of IT
vulnerability and is also available as a standalone application as well. It essentially
identifies weaknesses in the configuration and missing patches.
It is a vulnerability management scanner which provides solutions for vulnerability
management by applications through the web. Designed by Qualys Inc., it's
available on demand. It helps the users by analyzing their vulnerability status.

Vulnerability management is one of the best security practices to protect the
system or a network from security threats. Nexpose is a vulnerability management
scanner which does different kind of vulnerability checks where there's a ris k in IT

Web Vulnerability Scanners

While vulnerability scanners are meant for your system, the web vulnerability
scanners assess the vulnerability of web applications. It identifies the security
vulnerabilities that your app might have by conducting various tests.

Burp Suite
Burp Suite is a tool for conducting the security test of web based applications. It
has a collection of tools which work together and conduct the entire process of
testing with an objective to find as well as exploit the vulnerabilities in the

It is a testing tool for web security applications and has been written in Java and
thus is operating system independent. It acts as a proxy and lets users change web
requests by web browsers and web server replies. Webscarab often records the
traffic to conduct a further review.

Website security is a crucial factor for both personal as well as organization
websites. The prime goal should be to detect the vulnerability of your website
before an intruder detects it. Websecurify is a testing tool for website security and
can be used to detect the vulnerability of your webs

It is a scanner for web servers and is available as an open source. It conducts
detailed testing for several items against the web servers which include testing of
more than 6700 files or programs which can be dangerous. It also tests for version
specific problems of the web servers.

This tool exposes more than 200 potential vulnerabilities and thus minimizes
security threats to your websites. Its written in the programming language Python.
W3af has both console user interface as well as graphical user interface.

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