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AHSME 1998 Solutions

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1. (E) Only the rectangle that goes in position II must match on both vertical
sides. Since rectangle D is the only one for which these matches exist, it must
be the one that goes in position II. Hence the rectangle that goes in position
I must be E.

2 5 1
9 E 7 7 D 4 4 A 6
0 8 9
0 8
1 B 3 3 C 5
6 2

2. (E) We need to make the numerator large while making the denominator
small. The smallest the denominator can be is 0 + 1 = 1. The largest the
numerator can be is 9+8 = 17. The fraction 17/1 is an integer, so A+B = 17.

3. (D) The subtraction problem posed is equivalent to the addition problem

4 8 b
+ c 7 3
7 a 2
which is easier to solve. Since b + 3 = 12, b must be 9. Since 1 + 8 + 7 has
units digit a, a must be 6. Because 1 + 4 + c = 7, c = 2. Hence a + b +c
= 6 + 9 + 2 = 17.

4. (E) Notice that the operation has the property that, for any r, a, b, and c,

ra + rb
[ra, rb, rc] = = [a, b, c].
Thus all three of the expressions [60, 30, 90], [2, 1, 3], and [10, 5, 15] have the
same value, which is 1. So [[60, 30, 90], [2, 1, 3], [10, 5, 15]] = [1, 1, 1] = 2.

5. (C) Factor the left side of the given equation:

21998 − 21997 − 21996 + 21995 = (23 − 22 − 2 + 1)21995 = 3 · 21995 = k · 21995 ,

so k = 3.

6. (C) The number 1998 has prime factorization 2 · 33 · 37. It has eight factor-
pairs: 1×1998 = 2×999 = 3×666 = 6×333 = 9×222 = 18×111 = 27×74 =
37 × 54 = 1998. Among these, the smallest difference is 54 − 37 = 17.

r q r q r q q q
3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 4 3 4 3 13 13
7. (D) N N N= N N ·N = 3 N N3 = N ·N9 = N 9 = N 27 .

√  1  13
q   1
  1 1
 1 1 1 1 13
3 3 3 3
N N N = N N (N ) 3 = N N3 ·N9 = N 3 · N 9 · N 27 = N 27 .

8. (D) The area of each trapezoid is 1/3, so 2
· 12 (x + 12 ) = 13 . Simplifying yields
x + 21 = 43 , and it follows that x = 5/6.


a •....... b • b • ..
a •
.... ...
.... ...
.... ....
.... R R
S ....
. S 2S + 2R = S + 3R
R ....
... S = R
.... ...
.... .....
.... ...
• • • •
... b = 2a
R ....

S ....
... a+b+b+a=1
... 2b + a = 5/6
• •.... •

9. (D) Let N be the number of people in the audience. Then 0.2N people heard
60 minutes, 0.1N heard 0 minutes, 0.35N heard 20 minutes, and 0.35N heard
40 minutes. In total, the N people heard

60(0.2N ) + 0(0.1N ) + 20(0.35N ) + 40(0.35N ) = 12N + 0 + 7N + 14N = 33N

minutes, so they heard an average of 33 minutes each.

10. (A) Let x and y denote the dimensions of the four congruent rectangles. Then
2x + 2y = 14, so x + y = 7. The area of the large square is (x + y)2 = 72 = 49.

11. (D) The four vertices determine six possible diameters, namely, the four sides
and two diagonals. However, the two diagonals are diameters of the same
circle. Thus there are five circles.
12. (A) Note that N = 75 , which has only 7 as a prime factor.

13. (E) Factor 144 into primes, 144 = 24 · 32 , and notice that there are at most
two 6’s and no 5’s among the numbers rolled. If there are no 6’s, then there
must be two 3’s since these are the only values that can contribute 3 to the
prime factorization. In this case the four 2’s in the factorization must be the
result of two 4’s in the roll. Hence the sum 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 14 is a possible
value for the sum. Next consider the case with just one 6. Then there must
be one 3, and the three remaining 2’s must be the result of a 4 and a 2. Thus,
the sum 6 + 3 + 4 + 2 = 15 is also possible. Finally, if there are two 6’s, then
there must also be two 2’s or a 4 and a 1, with sums of 6 + 6 + 2 + 2 = 16 and
6 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 17. Hence 18 is the only sum not possible.


Since 5 does not divide 144 and 63 > 144, there can be no 5’s and at most two
6’s. Thus the only ways the four dice can have a sum of 18 are: 4, 4, 4, 6; 2, 4, 6, 6;
and 3, 3, 6, 6. Since none of these products is 144, the answer is (E).

14. (A) Because the parabola has x-intercepts of opposite sign and the y-coordinate
of the vertex is negative, a must be positive, and c, which is the y-intercept,
must be negative. The vertex has x-coordinate −b/2a = 4 > 0, so b must be

15. (C) The regular hexagon can be partitioned into six equilateral triangles,
each with area one-sixth of the original triangle. Since the original equilateral
triangle is similar to each of √
these, and the ratio of the areas is 6, it follows
that the ratio of the sides is 6.

16. (B) The area of the shaded region is

 !2 !2  !
π  a+b a b πa+b a+b a−b π(a + b)a
+ − = + =
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4

and the area of the unshaded region is

 !2 !2  !
π  a+b a b πa+b a+b b−a π(a + b)b
− + = + = .
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4

Their ratio is a/b.

17. (E) Note that f (x) = f (x + 0) = x + f (0) = x + 2 for any real number
x. Hence f (1998) = 2000. The function defined by f (x) = x + 2 has both
properties: f (0) = 2 and f (x + y) = x + y + 2 = x + (y + 2) = x + f (y).

Note that

2 = f (0) = f (−1998 + 1998) = −1998 + f (1998).

Hence f (1998) = 2000.

18. (A) Suppose the sphere has radius r. We can write the volumes of the three
solids as functions of r as follows:
1 2
Volume of cone = A = πr2 (2r) = πr3 ,
3 3
Volume of cylinder = M = πr2 (2r) = 2πr3 , and
Volume of sphere = C = πr3 .
Thus, A − M + C = 0.

Note. The AMC logo is designed to show this classical result of Archimedes.

19. (C) The area of the triangle is 12 (base)(height) = 12 · (5 − (−5)) · |5 sin θ| =

25| sin θ|. There are four values of θ between 0 and 2π for which | sin θ| = 0.4,
and each value corresponds to a distinct triangle with area 10.


The vertex (5 cos θ, 5 sin θ) lies on a circle of diameter 10 centered at the origin.
In order that the triangle have area 10, the altitude from that vertex must be
2. There are four points on the circle that are 2 units from the x-axis.

20. (C) There are eight ordered triples of numbers satisfying the conditions:
(1, 2, 10), (1, 3, 9), (1, 4, 8), (1, 5, 7), (2, 3, 8), (2, 4, 7), (2, 5, 6), and (3, 4, 6). Be-
cause Casey’s card gives Casey insufficient information, Casey must have seen
a 1 or a 2. Next, Tracy must not have seen a 6, 9, or 10, since each of these
would enable Tracy to determine the other two cards. Finally, if Stacy had
seen a 3 or a 5 on the middle card, Stacy would have been able to determine
the other two cards. The only number left is 4, which leaves open the two
possible triples (1, 4, 8) and (2, 4, 7).

h h+d
21. (C) Let r be Sunny’s rate. Thus and are the times it takes Sunny
r r
to cover h meters and h + d meters, respectively. Because Windy covers only
h − d meters while Sunny is covering h meters, it follows that Windy’s rate is
(h − d)r
. While Sunny runs h + d meters, the number of meters Windy runs
(h − d)r h + d d2 d2
is · = h − . Sunny’s victory margin over Windy is .
h r h h
22. (C) Express each term using a base-10 logarithm, and note that the sum

log 2/ log 100! + log 3/ log 100! + · · · + log 100/ log 100! = log 100!/ log 100! = 1.

Since 1/logk 100! equals log100! k for all positive integers k, the expression
equals log100! (2 · 3 · · · · · 100) = log100! 100! = 1.

23. (D) Complete the squares in the two equations to bring them to the form

(x − 6)2 + (y − 3)2 = 72 and (x − 2)2 + (y − 6)2 = k + 40.

The graphs of these equations are circles. The first circle has radius 7, and
the distance between the centers of the circles is 5. In order for the circles to
have a point in common, therefore, the radius of the second circle must be at
least 2 and at most 12. It follows that 22 ≤ k + 40 ≤ 122 , or −36 ≤ k ≤ 104.
Thus b − a = 140.

24. (C) There are 10,000 ways to write the last four digits d4 d5 d6 d7 , and among
these there are 10000 − 10 = 9990 for which not all the digits are the same.
For each of these, there are exactly two ways to adjoin the three digits d1 d2 d3
to obtain a memorable number. There are ten memorable numbers for which
the last four digits are the same, for a total of 2 · 9990 + 10 = 19990.


Let A denote the set of telephone numbers for which d1 d2 d3 and d4 d5 d6 are
identical and B the set for which d1 d2 d3 is the same as d5 d6 d7 . A number
d1 d2 d3 -d4 d5 d6 d7 belongs to A ∩ B if and only if d1 = d4 = d5 = d2 = d6 = d3 =
d7 . Hence, n(A ∩ B) = 10. Thus, by the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle,

n(A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B) − n(A ∩ B) = 103 · 1 · 10 + 103 · 10 · 1 − 10 = 19990.


25. (B) The crease in the paper is the perpendicular bisector of the segment that
joins (0,2) to (4,0). Thus the crease contains the midpoint (2, 1) and has slope
2, so the equation y = 2x−3 describes it. The segment 
joining (7,3) and (m, n)
1 7+m 3+n
must have slope − , and its midpoint , must also satisfy the
2 2 2
equation y = 2x − 3. It follows that
1 n−3 3+n 7+m
− = and =2· − 3, so
2 m−7 2 2
2n + m = 13 and n − 2m = 5.
Solve these equations simultaneously to find that m = 3/5 and n = 31/5, so
that m + n = 34/5 = 6.8.
As shown above, the crease is described by the equation y = 2x−3. Therefore,
the slope of the line through (m, n) and (7, 3) is −1/2, so the points on the line
can be described parametrically by (x, y) = (7 − 2t, 3 + t). The intersection of
this line with the crease y = 2x − 3 is found by solving 3 + t = 2(7 − 2t) − 3.
This yields the parameter value t = 8/5. Since t = 8/5 determines the point
on the crease, use t = 2(8/5) to find the coordinates m = 7 − 2(16/5) = 3/5
and n = 3 + (16/5) = 31/5.
26. (B) Extend DA through A and CB through B and denote the intersection by
E. Triangle ABE is a 30◦ -60◦ -90◦ triangle with C•.............
.. ......
AB = 13, so AE = 26. Triangle CDE is also ..... ..........
.. ......
..... ..........
◦ ◦ ◦ .. ......
a 30 -60 -90 triangle,
√ from which
√ it follows that √ .....
CD = (46 + 26)/ 3 = 24 3. Now apply the 24 3 ..
.. ......
..... .......
.. ........ ...•
PythagoreanqTheorem to triangle CDA to find ..... .....
.... .. ..
√ ..
...... ... 13
. ...
. .... .....
2 2
that AC = 46 + (24 3) = 62. • •.. ...

D 46 A 26 E
Since the opposite angles sum to a straight angle, the quadrilateral is cyclic,
and AC is the diameter of the circumscribed circle. Thus AC is the diameter
of the circumcircle of triangle ABD. By the Extended Law of Sines,
AC = ◦
=√ .
sin 120 3/2
We determine BD by the Law of Cosines:
1 √
BD2 = 132 + 462 + 2 · 13 · 46 · = 2883 = 3 · 312 , so BD = 31 3.
Hence AC = 62.

27. (E) After step one, twenty 3 × 3 × 3 cubes remain, eight of which are corner
cubes and twelve of which are edge cubes. At this stage each 3 × 3 × 3 corner
cube contributes 27 units of area and each 3 × 3 × 3 edge cube contributes 36
units of area. The second stage of the tunneling process takes away 3 units of
area from each of the eight 3 × 3 × 3 corner cubes (1 for each exposed surface),
but adds 24 units to the area (4 units for each of the six 1 × 1 center facial
cubes removed). The twelve 3 × 3 × 3 edge cubes each lose 4 units but gain
24 units. Therefore, the total surface area of the figure is

8 · (27 − 3 + 24) + 12 · (36 − 4 + 24) = 384 + 672 = 1056.

28. (B) Let E denote the point on BC for which AE bisects 6 CAD. Because
the answer
√ is not changed
√ by a similarity transformation, we may assume that
AC = 2 5 and AD = 3 5. Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to triangle ACD
to obtain CD = 5, then apply the Angle Bisector Theorem to triangle CAD to
obtain CE = 2 and ED = 3. Let√x = DB. Apply the Pythagorean Theorem
to triangle ACE to obtain AE = 24, then √apply the Angle Bisector Theorem
to triangle EAB to obtain AB = (x/3) 24. Now apply the Pythagorean
Theorem to triangle ABC to get
√  √ 2
(2 5)2 + (x + 5)2 = 24 ,
from which it follows that x = 9. Hence BD/DC = 9/5, and m + n = 14.

Denote by a the measure
√ of angle CAE. Let AC = 2u, and AD = 3u. It
√ that CD = 5u. We may assume BD =
5. (Otherwise, we could simply modify the tri-
... B

angle with a similarity transformation.) Hence, .
the ratio CD/BD we seek √ is just u. Since cos 2a = ...
2/3, we have sin a = 1/ 6. Applying the Law of .
Sines in triangle ABD yields .
√ ...
sin D sin a 2/3 1/ 6 .
= √ =q √ = √ . ...
..... D
.. ....•
AB 5 (2u)2 + ( 5(1 + u))2 5 ..
. .
.. ... .. .....
... .....
... .....
... .
Solve this for u to get ...
... ........ .....
... ................ •E
... ....... ......3a ...............
√ √ q
... .... ..
.. .............2a ...................
... ....... ................ ....
2 5 6 = 3 4u2 + 5(1 + 2u + u2 ) ... ..... ........ ...
................. ... ..
........... a.. ...
A • . •C
120 = 9(9u2 + 10u + 5)
0 = 27u2 + 30u − 25
0 = (9u − 5)(3u + 5)

so u = 5/9 and m + n = 14.


Again, let a = 6 CAE. We are given that cos 2a = 2/3 and we wish to compute
CD AC tan 2a tan 3a

= = −1 .
BD AC(tan 3a − tan 2a) tan 2a

Let y = tan a. Trigonometric identities yield (upon simplification)

tan 3a 2(1 − 3y 2 ) 2 1 − y2

−1 = and = cos 2a = .
tan 2a (1 + y 2 )2 3 1 + y2

Thus y 2 = 1/5 and

CD 2(1 − 3/5) 5
= 2
= .
BD (6/5) 9
Alternatively, starting with a = cos−1 (2/3)/2, electronic calculation yields
tan(3a)/ tan(2a) = 2.8 = 14/5, so CD/BD = 5/9.

29. (D) If a square encloses three collinear lattice points, then it is not hard to
see that the square must also enclose at least one additional lattice point. It
therefore suffices to consider squares that enclose only the lattice points (0,0),
(0,1), and (1,0). If a square had two adjacent sides, neither of which contained
a lattice point, then the square could be enlarged slightly by moving those
sides parallel to themselves. To be largest, therefore, a square
must contain a lattice point on at least two non-
....... .. ..
adjacent sides. The desired square will thus have .......
....... ..
....... . .
... .
parallel sides that contain (1,1) and at least one of .......
....... ..• ..
.......... ....
(−1, 0) and (0, −1). The size of the square is de- ...
... .............
....... ...

.. • • ....... •..
termined by the separation between two parallel ....... ..
. ....... ..
....... ... ... ..............
.. ..
sides. Because the distance between parallel lines .......
....... .....
• • ... .
... .......
....... ..
through (1,1) and (0, −1) can be no larger than
√ ...
.... ...........
....... ...

... .•
....... • ...
.. ....... ..
5, the largest conceivable area for the square is ...
.... ....... ....
.. ...........
... ... .......
5. To see that this is in fact possible, draw the ..

... .......
... ... .......
lines of slope 2 through (−1, 0) and (1, −1), and .
... ...

... ...
the lines of slope −1/2 through (1, 1) and (0, −1).
These four lines can be described by the equations
y = 2x + 2, y = 2x − 3, 2y + x = 3, and 2y + x = −2, respectively. They
intersect to form a square whose area is 5, and whose vertices are (−1/5, 8/5),
(9/5, 3/5), (4/5, −7/5), and (−6/5, −2/5). There are only three lattice points
inside this square.

30. (E) Factor an as a product of prime powers:

an = n(n + 1)(n + 2) · · · (n + 9) = 2e1 3e2 5e3 · · · .

Among the ten factors n, n+1, . . . , n+9, five are even and their product can be
written 25 m(m + 1)(m + 2)(m + 3)(m + 4). If m is even then m(m + 2)(m + 4)
is divisible by 16 and thus e1 ≥ 9. If m is odd, then e1 ≥ 8. If e1 > e3 ,
then the rightmost nonzero digit of an is even. If e1 ≤ e3 , then the rightmost
nonzero digit of an is odd. Hence we seek the smallest n for which e3 ≥ e1 .
Among the ten numbers n, n + 1, . . . , n + 9, two are divisible by 5 and at
most one of these is divisible by 25. Hence e3 ≥ 8 if and only if one of
n, n + 1, . . . , n + 9 is divisible by 57 . The smallest n for which an satisfies
e3 ≥ 8 is thus n = 57 − 9, but in this case the product of the five even
numbers among n, n + 1, . . . , n + 9 is 25 m(m + 1)(m + 2)(m + 3)(m + 4)
where m is even, namely (57 − 9)/2 = 39058. As noted earlier, this gives
e1 ≥ 9. For n = 57 − 8 = 78117, the product of the five even numbers among
n, n + 1, . . . , n + 9 is 25 m(m + 1)(m + 2)(m + 3)(m + 4) with m = 39059.
Note that in this case e1 = 8. Indeed, 39059 + 1 is divisible by 4 but not
by 8, and 39059 + 3 is divisible by 2 but not by 4. Compute the rightmost
nonzero digit as follows. The odd numbers among n, n + 1, . . . , n + 9 are
78117, 78119, 78121, 78123, 78125 = 57 and the product of the even numbers
78118, 78120, 78122, 78124, 78126 is 25 · 39059 · 39060 · 39061 · 39062 · 39063 =
25 · 39059 · (22 · 5 · 1953) · 39061 · (2 · 19531) · 39063. (For convenience, we
have underlined the needed unit digits.) Having written n(n + 1) · · · (n + 9)
as 28 58 times a product of odd factors not divisible by 5, we determine the
rightmost nonzero digit by multiplying the units digits of these factors. It
follows that, for n = 57 − 8, the rightmost nonzero digit of an is the units digit
of 7 · 9 · 1 · 3 · 9 · 3 · 1 · 1 · 3 = (9 · 9) · (7 · 3) · (3 · 3), namely 9.

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