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D3542-08 (2013) Standard Specification For Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals For Bridges

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Designation: D3542 − 08 (Reapproved 2013)

Standard Specification for

Preformed Polychloroprene Elastomeric Joint Seals for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D3542; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D575 Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Compression

1.1 This specification covers the material requirements for D1149 Test Methods for Rubber Deterioration—Cracking in
preformed polychloroprene elastomeric joint seals for bridges. an Ozone Controlled Environment
The seal consists of a multiple-web design composed of D2240 Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hard-
polychloroprene and functions only by compression of the seal ness
between the faces of the joint with the seal folding inward at D3040 Practice for Preparing Precision Statements for Stan-
the top to facilitate compression. The seal is installed with a dards Related to Rubber and Rubber Testing (Withdrawn
lubricant adhesive and is designed to seal the joint and reject 1987)3
3. Marking and Ordering Information
NOTE 1—This specification may not be applicable for seals whose
height is less than 90 % of its nominal width. 3.1 Each lot of seal shall be marked with characters of not
less than 0.25 in. (6.35 mm) in height on the top of the seal at
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded a maximum of 4 ft (1.22 m) intervals showing the lot number,
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical date of manufacture, and the manufacturing seal designation.
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only The seal shall also have die markings which are registered with
and are not considered standard. the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA).
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
3.2 The purchaser shall specify the anticipated required
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
minimum acceptable joint movement, and either the minimum
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
joint opening, or the nominal width of seal.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
4. Materials and Manufacture
2. Referenced Documents 4.1 The seals shall be preformed, and the material shall be
2 vulcanized elastomeric compound using virgin polychloro-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D395 Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression Set prene as the only polymer.
D412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplas-
tic Elastomers—Tension 5. Physical Requirements
D471 Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids 5.1 The materials shall conform to the physical properties
D518 Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface prescribed in Table 1.
Cracking (Withdrawn 2007)3
5.2 In the applicable requirements of Table 1 and the test
D573 Test Method for Rubber—Deterioration in an Air
methods, all deflection shall be based on the nominal width.
6. Dimensions and Working Parameters
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Road
and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.34 on 6.1 The size, shape and dimensional tolerances shall be as
Preformed Joint Fillers, Sealers and Sealing Systems. outlined in 6.1.1.
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2013. Published November 2013. Originally 6.1.1 Measurements used for laboratory testing shall be
approved in 1976. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D3542 – 08. DOI:
10.1520/D3542-08R13. taken to the nearest 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) and reported/recorded to
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or the nearest 0.1 in. (3 mm) as the average of three measure-
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM ments. The measured width shall be greater than or equal to the
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
nominal width. The seal height shall not be less than 90 % of
the ASTM website.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on the nominal width unless joint recess dimensions or special design considerations dictate the geometry.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D3542 − 08 (2013)
TABLE 1 Physical Requirements for Preformed Elastomeric Joint Seals
Requirements ASTM Test Method
Tensile strength, min, psi (MPa) 2000 (13.8) D412
Elongation at break, min, % 250 D412
Hardness, Type A durometer, points 55 ± 5 D2240 (modified)A
Oven aging, 70 h at 212°F (100°C)
Tensile strength, max, % loss 20
Elongation, max, % loss 20
Hardness, Type A durometer, points change 0 to 10
Oil swell, ASTM Oil No. 3, 70 h at 212°F:
70 h at 212°F (100°C)
Weight change, max, % 45 D471
Ozone resistanceB no cracks D1149C
20 % strain, 300 pphm in air, 70 h, at 104°F (40°C) (wiped with toluene to remove surface
Low-temperature recovery,
72 h at 14°F (−10°C), 50 percent:
Deflection, min, % 88 Section 8.2D
Low-temperature recovery,
22 h at − 20°F (−29°C), 50 %:
Deflection, min, % 83 Section 8.2D
High-temperature recovery,
70 h, at 212°F (100°C), 50 %:
Deflection, min, % 85 Section 8.2D
Compression-deflection properties:
LC min in. (mm) See 8.3.5 D575 Method A (modified)E
LC max in. (mm) See 8.3.5
Movement range, in. (mm) See 8.3.5
The term “modified” in the table relates to the specimen preparation. The use of the joint seal as the specimen source requires that more plies than specified in either
of the modified test procedures be used. Such specimen modification shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier prior to testing. The hardness test shall
be made with the durometer in a durometer stand as recommended in Test Method D2240.
Sample prepared in accordance with Method A of Test Method D518.
Cracking, splitting, or sticking of a specimen during a recovery test shall mean that the specimen has failed the test.
The reference section and subsections are those of this specification. The values found in 6.2.2, 6.2.3, and 6.2.4 shall be within the range specified by the purchaser
in 3.2.
Speed of testing shall be 0.5 ± 0.05 in. (13 ± 1.3 mm), min at room temperature of 73 ± 4°F (23 ± 2.2°C). The sheets of sandpaper are not used.

6.2 Compression Deflection Properties—The contact pres- of nominal width, the LC min equals 70 %.
sure expressed in pounds-force per square inch (or pascals) 6.2.3 The maximum limit of compressibility (LC max) is
when the seal is compressed to any particular width indicates defined as the compressed width (expressed in terms of percent
the stress-strain relationship that exists in the seal. This of nominal width) corresponding to a contact pressure of 35 psi
relationship is dependent on both the properties of the elasto- (241.32 kPa). The LC max shall be determined in accordance
mer and the cross-sectional configuration of the seal. with 9.3. LC max has been designated at 35 psi (241.32 kPa)
Therefore, for a predetermined allowable pressure, a definitive in order to mitigate the tendencies toward pressure decay of the
relationship will exist and the working limits of the seal may be seal during use. A reading of 35 psi is considered an absolute
defined. maximum pressure which should not be exceeded.
6.2.1 The working limits (minimum and maximum degrees 6.2.4 The movement range of the seal is defined as the
of compression) of the seal shall be determined on the basis of numerical difference between the LC min and the LC max
the minimum and maximum limits of compressibility (LC min expressed in inches (mm). For the purpose of calculating the
and LC max), and the movement range as specified herein. The movement range, a value at 85 % shall be used for LC min
purchaser shall specify the movement range, anticipated maxi- when the measured value of LC min exceeds 85 %. For
mum joint opening and the target nominal width of seal. Seals purposes of acceptance testing, the calculated movement range
with nominal width differing from that specified are of the seal shall not be less than the specified value by more
acceptable, providing the compressed width at LC max is less than 5 %.
than the minimum anticipated joint opening, and the movement
range requirement is met. 7. Sampling
6.2.2 The minimum limit of compressibility (LC min) is
7.1 A lot shall consist of the quantity for each cross section
defined as the compressed width (expressed in terms of percent
agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.
of nominal width) corresponding to a contact pressure of 3 psi
(20.68 kPa). The LC min shall be determined in accordance 7.2 Samples shall be taken at random from each shipment of
with 9.3. For the purpose of calculating movement range, a material. If the shipment consists of more than one lot, each lot
value at 85 % of nominal width shall be used for LC min when shall be sampled.
the measured value of LC min exceeds 85 %. 7.3 The minimum lengths of samples for testing purposes
NOTE 2—If the seal generates a pressure of 3 psi at 90 % of nominal shall be as prescribed by the purchaser or as prescribed in Table
width, LC min equals 85 %. However, if the seal generates 3 psi at 70 % 2.

D3542 − 08 (2013)
TABLE 2 Minimum Lengths of Seal Samples shall have a 1⁄4-in. (6–mm) diameter pressure foot with a force
Seal Size, in. (mm) Length of Sample, in. (m) of 0.18 6 0.02 lbf (0.80 6 0.09 N). Measurements with the
Less than 2 (51) 96 (2.44) platform-mounted gauge should be taken with the pressure foot
2 (51) to less than 3 (76) 72 (1.83) centered on the longitudinal edge of the seal. Calculate the
3 (76) and larger 60 (1.52)
recovery as follows:
Recovery, % 5 ~ recovered width 3 100! / ~ nominal width! (1)
8. Specimen Preparation
Report the least value of recovery to the nearest 1 %.
8.1 All test specimens shall be cut, buffed, or both from the
sample of preformed seal. Care should be taken not to overheat NOTE 3—The use of a desiccant, such as calcium chloride, in the
refrigerated box should be used to minimize frosting. The desiccant should
the test specimen during buffing. The cut shall be square to be changed or reactivated as frequently as necessary to keep it effective.
within 2° and smooth, with no roughness visible to the naked
eye. The use of a tooth blade device or a guillotine-type cutter, 9.2.4 Place a clamp assembly containing the compressed
or both, is not acceptable. This process will eliminate irregu- specimen in a refrigerated box capable of maintaining a
larities. temperature of −20 6 2°F (–29 6 1.1°C) for 22 h. (Note 3).
Unclamp the assembly and remove the upper compression
8.2 Specimens for determining tensile strength and elonga-
plate, or carefully remove the specimen and transfer it to a
tion (Test Method D412) shall be prepared using Die C when
wooden surface in the refrigerated box. Allow the specimen to
possible. Die D may be used when the flat sections of a seal are
recover for 1 h at −20 6 2°F (–29 6 1.1°C). Measure the
too small for Die C. However, the requirement of Table 1 shall
recovered width and calculate the recovery as in 9.2.3.
apply regardless of the die used. Buffing should be carefully
performed and kept to a minimum. 9.2.5 Place a clamp assembly containing the compressed
specimen in an oven conforming to Test Method D573. The
8.3 Specimens for low-temperature and high-temperature temperature shall be maintained at 212 6 2°F (100 6 1.1°C)
recovery tests and for pressure deflection tests shall consist of for 70 h. Do not preheat the clamp assembly. Unclamp the
6-in. (150-mm) lengths of the preformed seal. Low- assembly, carefully remove the specimen, and allow it to
temperature recovery and pressure deflection specimens shall recover at 73 6 4°F (23 6 2.2°C) on a wooden surface for 1
be lightly dusted with talc on all internal and external surfaces. h. Measure the recovered width and calculate the recovery as in
Specimens for high-temperature recovery shall be lightly 9.2.3.
dusted with talc on the external surfaces only.
9.3 Compression-Deflection Tests:
9. Test Methods 9.3.1 Determine compression-deflection values using speci-
9.1 Compliance with the requirements of Table 1 shall be mens prepared in accordance with Section 8. Measure the
determined by tests conducted in accordance with the methods length of each specimen at the top, center, and bottom using a
specified. rule graduated in thirty seconds of an inch (or millimetres).
Average the three measurements and record as the length of the
9.2 Recovery Tests:
specimen to the nearest 1⁄32 in. (0.8 mm). Measure the height of
9.2.1 Determine the low-temperature and high-temperature
the contact area on both sides and at both ends (four measure-
recovery test values using specimens prepared in accordance
ments) with a dial caliper or suitable rule. Average and record
with Section 8. Two specimens shall be used for each test.
to the nearest 1⁄32 in. (0.8 mm).
9.2.2 Deflect the specimen between parallel plates to 50 %
of the nominal width using the compression set clamp assem- 9.3.2 Calculate the contact area of the specimen by multi-
bly described in Method B of Test Method D395. Prior to plying the average length times the average height of the
compression, place the specimen in a horizontal position, such contact area as determined above.
that the plane through both edges of the top surface of the joint 9.3.3 Calculate the forces required to compress the speci-
seal is perpendicular to the compression plate. As the specimen men to LC min and LC max by multiplying the contact area
is being compressed, the top surface of the joint seal should times 3 psi (20.68 kPa) and 35 psi (241.32 kPa), respectively.
fold inward toward the center of the specimen. 9.3.4 Place the specimen on its side in such a manner that a
9.2.3 Place a clamp assembly containing the compressed plane through both edges of the top surface of the seal shall be
specimen in a refrigerated box capable of maintaining a perpendicular to the platens. Close the platens until the
temperature of 14 6 2°F (−10 6 1.1°C) for 72 h. Unclamp the distance between them is slightly larger than the actual width
assembly and remove the upper compression plate, or carefully of the seal. Test in accordance with Method A of Test Method
remove the specimen from the assembly and transfer it to a D575, except that the speed shall be 0.5 6 0.05 in. (13 6 1.3
wooden surface in the refrigerated box. Allow the specimen to mm)/min, and the sheets of sandpaper are not used.
recover for 1 h at 14 6 2°F (−10 6 1.1°C). Measure the 9.3.5 Compress the specimen to LC max by observing the
recovered width in the center of the 6-in. (150–mm) length at force calculated in 9.3.3. Immediately reverse at the same rate
both the top and bottom longitudinal edges of the specimen. to the original distance between the platens. Repeat this cycle
The recovered width shall be taken as an average of these two two times for a total of three cycles. Record the compressed
measurements. Measurements may be made with either a dial width of the seal obtained at both the LC min and LC max on
caliper or a platform-mounted dial gauge graduated in thou- the compression portion of the third cycle by measuring the
sandths of an inch (0.025 mm). The platform-mounted gauge compressed width of the seal at those forces calculated in 9.3.3.

D3542 − 08 (2013)
9.3.6 During the course of running the test described in 11.1.1 The precision of these tests methods was determined
9.3.4, the tendency of the top surface of the seal to become from an interlaboratory study of three samples of seals of three
misaligned shall be observed. Misalignment of more than 1⁄4 in. sizes (13⁄16 in., 2 in., 3 in. seals). Each seal was made by three
(6.3 mm) shall be reason for rejection of the seal. different manufacturers, and ten laboratories tested three
9.3.7 Calculate the movement range of the specimen by samples of each type of seal.
subtracting LC max from LC min and express the result in 11.2 Table 3 gives the laboratory quality control precision
inches. data as obtained in the interlaboratory testing program. The
10. Certification and Acceptance values for S given are equivalent to “repeatability” for within-
laboratory testing and “reproducibility” for among-laboratory
10.1 The acceptance of the preformed elastomeric seal shall
testing. The values reported are the pooled values for all of the
be based upon one of the following procedures, as specified by
materials. If two single test results (or determinations) differ by
the purchaser:
more than the pooled values, they must be considered suspect;
10.1.1 A certification of conformance to the specification
that is, to have come from different sample populations.
requirement. This shall consist of a notarized copy of the
Investigation into the cause of this occurence may include
manufacturer’s test report, or a notarized statement by the
incorrect following of the test method procedure, faulty
supplier accompanied by a copy of the results, certifying that
apparatus, or the declaration of a significant difference in the
the material has been sampled, tested, movement rating estab-
two materials, samples, etc. which generated the two test
lished and inspected in accordance with the provisions of the
specification. Each certification so furnished shall be signed by
an authorized agent of the manufacturer or supplier. 11.3 A “test result” is the single value obtained for a test.
10.1.2 A notarized certification of test results by an inde- 12. Keywords
pendent testing agent or notarized statement that the material
has been sampled, movement rating established, tested, and 12.1 bridge deck; bridges; compression seals; expansion
inspected in accordance with the provisions of the specifica- joints; joint seals; polychloroprene; rubber
tion. Each certification so furnished shall be signed by an TABLE 3 For Scale Greater Than One Inch
authorized agent of the testing agency. Compression-Recovery Within Laboratories Among Laboratories
10.1.3 Testing by the purchaser of any or all properties in Test S LSD S LSD
accordance with the provisions of the specification. 22 h at − 20°F 0.57 1.63 3.35 9.48
72 h at 14°F 1.03 2.93 3.70 10.45
10.1.4 Any alternative method agreed upon between the 70 h at 212°F 0.44 1.24 3.94 11.15
purchaser and the supplier. Compression-Deflection Within Laboratories Among Laboratories
11. Precision and Bias LC min 0.86 2.44 2.23 6.31
LC max 1.06 3.00 1.69 4.78
11.1 The precision and bias statements were prepared in Movement Range 0.75 2.12 2.03 5.73
accordance with Practice D3040.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (

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