Sample UI Bill
Sample UI Bill
Sample UI Bill
Please consider adding $1 for Operation Fuel to your payment this month or call 1-800-7-CALL-UI to donate more than $1.
New Charges & Credits Expect the expected with our free Budget
Billing Plan. Your UI bills are evenly
POD 1231231231231 (CYCLE 07) distributed throughout the year. Call
Current Supplier: THE UNITED ILLUMINATING COMPANY UI to sign up today.
New Supplier: Supplier ABC, LLC
Generation Services Charge 341 kWh X $.115680
Is your refrigerator leaking energy?
. Total Generation Services Charges $ 39.45 Check by shutting a piece of paper in
the door. If the paper slides out
Transmission per kwh 341 kWh X $.017465 $ 5.96 without resistance, your refrigerator
Distribution Basic Service $ 15.85 may be leaking cold air.
Distribution per kwh 341 kWh X $.053234 $ 18.15
Combined Public Benefits Charge 341 kWh X $.007375 $ 2.51 kWh Delivery
Competitive Transition Assessment per kwh 341 kWh X $.015222 $ 5.19 Per Day Daily Usage Chart
Non-Bypassable FMCC per kwh 341 kWh X $.001292- $ 0.44 cr
Decoupling Adjustment 341 kWh X $.000291 $ 0.10
Pension Tracker and Earnings Sharing 341 kWh X $.000665- $ 0.23 cr
. Total Delivery Charges $ 47.09
CTCleanEnergyOptions (100%) 341 kWh X $.013000 $ 4.43
.Total New Charges $ 90.97
All charges are due as of your Statement Date. Any unpaid charges will be subject to interest as of
your Statement Date, at the rate of 1.25% per month, if not paid on or before December 13, 2010.
Making your payment on the Due Date at an authorized payment agent may not post until the following
business day. If you have a question, contact UI. As authorized by law, for residential accounts, we
supply payment information to credit rating agencies. If your account is more than 90 days delinquent,
a delinquency report could harm your credit rating.
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Account Number Payment Due Amount Now Due
.789-7897897-7897 . 12/13/10 . 90.97
Please make your check payable to:
The United Illuminating Company.
Please lndicate Amount Paid .
Electricity Usage c/kWh Generation Rate
Meter Service Meter Reading Multiplier Kilowatt
Period Current Last Hours
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