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X Aga Aaaaaaa
By inserting a Foley catheter, you are gaining access to the bladder and its
contents. Thus enabling you to drain bladder contents, decompress the
bladder, obtain a specimen, and introduce a passage into the GU tract.
This will allow you to treat urinary retention, and bladder outlet obstruction.
1. Gather equipment.
2. Explain procedure to the patient
3. Assist patient into supine position with legs spread and feet together
4. Open catheterization kit and catheter
7. Generously coat the distal portion (2-5 cm) of the catheter with
8. Apply sterile drape
9. Apply sterile drape
10. If female, separate labia using non-dominant hand. If male, hold the
penis with the non-dominant hand. Maintain hand position until
preparing to inflate balloon.
12. Pick up catheter with gloved (and still sterile) dominant hand. Hold
end of catheter loosely coiled in palm of dominant hand.
13. In the male, lift the penis to a position perpendicular to patient's body
and apply light upward traction (with non-dominant hand)
14. Identify the urinary meatus and gently insert until 1 to 2 inches
beyond where urine is noted
15. Inflate balloon, using correct amount of sterile liquid (usually 10 cc but
check actual balloon size)
16. Gently pull catheter until inflation balloon is snug against bladder
21. Evaluate catheter function and amount, color, odor, and quality of
IV Cannulation
Administration of fluids. Administration of fluids.
Administration of medications. Administration of medications.
Administration of blood or blood products. Administration of blood or
blood products.
Radiological imaging using IV contrast
Sites close to infection ƒ ƒ
Veins of fractured limbs
Where there is an AV fistula present ƒ ƒ
Oedema ƒ ƒ
Affected side of CVA ƒ
Side of Mastectomy Si
Extra care to be taken on patients with bleeding, clotting
disorders & on warfarin.
Dressing Tray - ANTT
Non Sterile Gloves / Apron
Cleaning Wipes
Gauze swab
IV cannula (separate slide)
Dressing to secure cannula
Alcohol wipes
Saline flush and sterile syringe or fluid to be
Sharps bin
Wash hands prepare equipment ANTT
Remove the cannula from the packaging and
check all parts are operational
Loosen the white cap and gently replace it
Apply tourniquet
Identify vein
Clean the site over the vein with alcohol wipe,
allow to dry
Absolute contraindications
Relative contraindications
Coagulation abnormality
Esophageal varices or stricture
Recent banding or cautery of esophageal varices
All necessary equipment should be prepared, assembled and
available at the bedside prior to starting the NG tube. Basic
equipment includes:
Personal protective equipment
NG/OG tube
Catheter tip irrigation 60ml syringe
Water-soluble lubricant, preferably 2% Xylocaine jelly
Adhesive tape
Low powered suction device OR Drainage bag
Cup of water (if necessary)/ ice chips
Emesis basin
pH indicator strips
1. Gather equipment
2. Don non-sterile gloves
3. Explain the procedure to the patient and show equipment
IDNO 7695