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Proposal Document
Prepared for
PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Page Number

1. Introduction 1
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Background 2
1.3. Context – International and North American Tourism Trends 2
1.4. Purpose of Study 3
1.5. Tourism Development International - Added Value Approach 4

2. Our Understanding of Your Needs 6

2.1 Overall Objectives 6
2.2 Specific Requirements 6
2.3 Deliverables 7

3. Relevant Experience 9

4. Methodology 15
4.1 Stage 1 - Situation Analysis, Research and Consultations 16
4.2 Stage 2 – Strategic Options 18
4.3 Stage 3 - Tourism Strategy and Road Map 20

5. Project Management 23
5.1 Resource Expertise and Project Management Procedures 23
5.2 Consultant Biographies 24

6. Timeline 28
6.1 Timeline 28

Appendix 1 – Extract from Marketing Strategies for Tourism Destinations – A Competitive
Analysis prepared by TDI for the European Travel Commission
Appendix 2 – References
Appendix 3 – Curriculum Vitae of Peter Mac Nulty, Ciaran Tuite and Robert Travers

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
This proposal follows an invitation from the Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward Island
(TIAPEI) requesting proposals from qualified consultants with demonstrated strategic planning
and tourism experience to lead in the development of an integrated, province-wide strategic
plan for tourism.

The proposal document, prepared by Tourism Development International (TDI), outlines our
understanding of the background to this assignment, our understanding of TIAPEI’s requirements
and specifications, relevant experience in the preparation of strategic tourism plans, our
approach, project team details, project timescale and fee quotation.

TDI has extensive worldwide experience in the development of tourism strategies and has a
particularly strong focus on product development and market positioning. We have assisted
destinations in Western and Eastern Europe, the United States of America, the Middle East and
Asia-Pacific. In addition we have prepared Tourism Product Development Handbooks for the
European Travel Commission, and COMCEC (the Standing Committee for Economic and
Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation). TDI has a particular
expertise and has undertaken significant assignments in activity tourism.

TDI has a good appreciation of tourism and the particular challenges facing Prince Edward
Island and the Atlantic Canada region. In 2007 TDI designed and arranged a Study Tour to
Ireland on behalf of the Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership. Our experience details are
outlined in Section 3 of this proposal document.

We are aware of the issues facing destinations where access transport is critical to success with
the consequent need to create magnets which are a sufficient draw to overcome perceptions
of remoteness. In addition, our experience in Ireland and some other highly seasonal tourism
destinations (e.g., the Gulf States) gives us a particular understanding of how to tailor and
present season extending products. Together with our wide international experience we have,
in both the international and Canadian consultants being retained, wide experience of the
challeges facing tourism in Canada as a whole, and, specifically, the Atlantic provinces.

The assignment calls for a team with multi-disciplinary skills with experience in strategy
formulation, product and market development, market positioning, partnership development,
and with heavy emphasis on the implementation of recommendations. We know that there is a
wealth of experience among the stakeholders in the PEI tourism industry, and are committed
through a comprehensive interactive process to merging the insights which we can provide
from our international experience with the knowledge base reposing among the island’s tourism

TDI is pleased to submit this proposal to TIAPEI. We are confident that the TDI team (made up of
the company’s own consultants and researchers plus our Canadian partner) has the requisite
skills and experience to address the terms of reference in full.

Peter MacNulty
23rd March 2016

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

1.2 Background
PEI is primarily a domestic destination with 87% of all overnight stays in commercial
accommodation on the island being by Canadian residents. A further 7.7% of stays are by USA
residents. In 2014 in common with Canada as a whole, all major tourism indicators—tourism
revenue, GDP, arrivals and employment—increased. The tourism industry is one of the island’s
fundamental economic drivers and is the number one service export. Early estimates for the
2015 outturn show further modest increases in the number of visitors and the value of their
spending on 2014, when estimates show 1,359,858 people visited PEI. Direct spending for 2014
was calculated at $401,000,000, an increase of 5.1 percent over 2013. On PEI, there are 7,741
full-time equivalent (approximately 16,000) positions in tourism businesses, accounting for 6.4
percent of GDP.

Visitation to PEI has grown dramatically since 1997 when the 12.9km Confederation Bridge was
opened linking the island to the Canadian mainland at Cape Jourimane, New Brunswick.
However nearly all this growth took place immediately after the bridge opening. Staying visitors,
based on paid bednight statistics appear to have been almost static, except for the campsite
sector, over the past decade. The hotel sector continues to have the lowest annual room
occupancy rates (47%) of any Canadian province.

1.3 Context – International and North American Tourism Trends

An additional 51 million persons made an overnight visit to a destination outside their home
country in 2014 compared with the previous year, bringing the worldwide total for international
tourist arrivals to 1.138million, a rise of 4.7% over 2013, according to the United Nations World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Since 2010, the average annual increase recorded in the level of international tourist arrivals has
been a full percentage point above the long term trend line rise of 3.8% a year in the UNWTO
Tourism Towards 2030 forecast.

The Americas (+8%) saw the highest relative growth across all world regions in 2014, welcoming
13 million more international tourists, increasing the total to 181 million arrivals. International
tourism receipts in the region reached US$ 274 billion, an increase of 3% in real terms. The region
increased its share of worldwide arrivals to 16%, while its share of receipts was 22%. The region’s
growth was led by North America (+9%), which accounts for two thirds of international arrivals in
the Americas, driven largely by Mexico’s surge in arrivals (+20%) and strong results in the United
States (+7%), the region’s top destination and the world’s second largest destination. Canada

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

(+3%) saw more modest growth.

Canada in its totality has been faced with the challenge of an increasing reliance on domestic
tourism. This was particularly marked in the period up to 2011. Travel by Canadians within
Canada reached just over 80% of total visitor spending in 2011. In 2000 domestic spending
represented only 67% of total spending. That significant increase in domestic travel spending, as
a proportion of total travel spending, resulted from declining international visitation (mostly
caused by declines in U.S. day visitors) as well as increasing volumes of Canadians traveling
within Canada. Since 2012 both the domestic and international markets have grown, but for PEI,
as for many other parts of Canada, domestic tourism continues to account for almost 90% of
total, which is an unhealthy dependence on one market.

1.4 Purpose of Study

There is a definite need to diversify the PEI tourism product that is over dependent on the
summer family market easing the high seasonality factor that creates huge inefficiencies.
Product offerings and positionings which significantly impact on shoulder season occupancy
must be identified. Both the market readiness of existing products and the suitability of new
offerings require critical examination. Strategic options need to be set out.

The actual and perceptual barriers impeding greater visitation need to be identified together
with innovative actions and marketing approaches which can minimise these barriers. Issues
relating to access transport in particular have to be set out and addressed, while the manner in
which the authentic set of visitor experiences available is presented and communicated needs
to be reviewed and, where necessary, reformulated and fine-tuned.

Industry players on the island have a wealth of experience and insights based on their
interaction over many seasons with incoming visitors from PEI’s major markets in Atlantic
Canada, Ontario, Quebec and New England. The extent to which signifcant penetration can
be achieved in other markets, especially on the American Eastern Seaboard, has to be freshly

One important end goal of this project is to contribute to increasing the number of tourists
attracted to the island by a refreshed range of differentiated products in the off peak season.
This goal is expected to be achieved by identifying clear ways for improving the structure of the
existing offer of the differentiating products – Residential, Wellness, Nature, Nautical, Meeting
Industry, Touring, Cycling, Hiking and Island Cuisine – namely in terms of product and service
design, service and experience delivery, communication and promotion, and distribution.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

1.5 Tourism Development International - Added Value Approach

TDI can offer added value to TIAPEI in the following areas:

 Tourism Knowledge and Expertise: As tourism specialists, TDI has a detailed knowledge and
understanding of tourism. The company has a long established track record in undertaking
major consultancy and research assignments. In March 2014, TDI was commissioned by the
European Travel Commission to undertake a Review of Tourism Strategy of Europe’s Main
Competitors in Select Outbound Markets. The executive summary from this report is
included as an appendix to this proposal.

 Tourism Product Development and Marketing: TDI’s tourism product development capability
has been recognised by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). In 2010, the UNWTO and
ETC commissioned TDI to prepare the Handbook on Tourism Product Development; and in
2013, COMCEC appointed TDI to prepare the study Tourism Product Development and
Marketing Strategies in COMCEC Member Countries.

In many instances, TDI has also been hired to translate strategies into practice through
detailed action plans. Examples include Ireland (Dublin and separate plans for two of its
constituent counties i.e. Dun Laoghaire and South Dublin, the Munster Peaks, Ballyhoura
Country in Ireland), the USA (separate plans for the eight regions of the State of South
Carolina), Europe (Rural Tourism in Poland, Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Albania), the
Middle East (Qatar Tourism Value Chain Plan) and Asia (Rural Tourism in Malaysia, Guizhou
Province in China). Details are outlined in section 3 of this proposal.

 Tourism Research Capability: The assignment calls for proven experience in market
research and specifically tourism research. TDI has a full-service market research capability
which is used to bring an innovative market-led approach to and underpin strategic tourism
development and marketing plans and other consultancy assignments. In addition to more
conventional approach involving the use of secondary data, TDI’s use of primary research is
aimed at bringing innovation and added value to our clients. With trade research forming
an important input to the report, TDI will call upon its long experience in conducting
insightful one-on-one and focus group research.

 Strategic Tourism Planning Experience: As tourism specialists, TDI has built up an

understanding of the dynamics and the critical factors required to achieve success in
tourism. The company has formulated tourism strategies and destination plans at a County,

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Regional and National level. Evidence of successful delivery of similar projects is presented
in section 3 of this proposal document.

 Project Team: The joint Irish-Canadian multi-disciplinary team that has been put in place has
all the requisite skills, expertise, experience and knowledge of the region to ensure that the
terms of reference are addressed in full.

Further details on the project team are outlined in Section 5.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

2. Our Understanding of Your Needs

2.1 Overall Objectives
TIAPEI’s principal objective in commissioning this work is to have delivered a five year strategic
plan for tourism which will build on past successes and will create a new, shared vision for
tourism competitiveness in Prince Edward Island.

2.2 Specific Requirements

The PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism: 2021 needs to be built on a comprehensive research, strategic
option analysis and a consultative framework. It should identify the actual and perceptual
barriers facing Prince Edward Island’s tourism industry, and recommend innovative strategies
and actions that will focus stakeholder attentions on the key issues, challenges and

The fully integrated strategic plan for tourism will examine and address issues that will include, but
not be limited to:
 Leadership, vision and defined growth through partnerships and collaboration - including
working with federal and provincial governments, First Nations, provincial and regional
tourism industry associations and communities to research, develop and implement tourism
programs throughout the province; provide stable and predictable funding for marketing,
product development and business establishment, modernization and expansion; etc., that
highlight key directions including demand generators, target markets and overarching
 Access and the removal of barriers to growth and development - such as accessible and
affordable air, sea and land transportation; creating favourable tax and regulatory
environments; access to capital, investment and financing; labour force development;
tourism technologies; leading evaluative and investigative research agendas; industry
engagement .
 Identify and confirm authentic visitor experiences that support demand generators –
including, but not limited to: immersive and experiential product development; beaches
and golf; culinary tourism; attractions and activities; market readiness planning tools and
support for programs; information and communications technologies; visitor services,
facilities and amenities; training and productivity planning tools and support programs, with
the goal of exciting and promoting entrepreneur engagement.
 Focused marketing by industry – Support the diverse, leading and integrated marketing
campaigns of the Provincial brand; assist industry stakeholders to leverage and integrate
the Province’s considerable brand equity into their marketing efforts; focus on PEI’s high
potential markets with the strategic use of imagery, messaging and marketing
communications, etc.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

TDI’s experience is that success in achieving buy-in to a strategy by all the key stakeholders and
partners is highly dependent on an integrated and holistic approach. The critical success factors
include not only the quality of research and analysis by the consultant team and their ability to
communicate findings and recommendations but equally importantly the ability to elicit and
develop key insights and lateral thinking from stakeholders with a deep knowledge of the issues
on the ground. As part of the workplan a consultation process shall include a tiered approach
with in-depth individual consultations, group discussion and open/general forums and/or
surveys. The scope of the consultation process will be determined in conjunction with the TIAPEI
Steering Committee.

TDI takes full cognisance of the requirement for the end report to be action-oriented with a clear
set of recommendations for implementation.

2.3 Deliverables
Following acceptance of an engagement plan by the Steering Committee appointed by
TIAPEI, the consultants will begin the comprehensive research, strategic option analysis and
consultative framework required to complete the assignment. Upon completion of this work, the
consultants will recommend innovative strategies and actions that will focus stakeholder
attention on key issues, challenges and opportunities. Draft and final reports will be prepared for
approval in a format acceptable to the Steering Committee. On acceptance of the final
report, we will prepare for and host a strategy information session. At this session, the key finding
of research, strategic option analysis and consultative framework will be presented, together
with recommended strategies and actions to advance the sustainability and competitiveness of
PEI’s tourism industry.

Included in the final report shall be an Implementation Progress Chart, detailing key areas,
responsibilities, timelines and accountability.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

3. Relevant Experience
Atlantic Canada Study Tour
Client: Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership

The Atlantic Canada Tourism Partnership is an alliance of Canada’s

East Coast Tourism regions. In 2007, the partnership hired TDI to design
and arrange a Study Tour to Ireland. The objective of the Study Tour
was to provide regional tourism executives with an insight into ‘best
practice’ examples of tourism product development, tourism
organisation structures and marketing strategies (including cross-
border/co-operative marketing).

This Study Tour was organized by TDI Research Director David Mac Nulty.

Tourism Product Development Plan for South Carolina

Client: South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism

The Upstate is one of 8 regions in South Carolina, USA. In 2007, TDI

was appointed to prepare Tourism Strategy for the State of South
Carolina. A key objective was to maximize South Carolina’s
competitiveness as a tourism destination both within the US market
and internationally. As part of this process, TDI set out clear
‘positioning’ recommendations for each of the State’s 8
regions. Given its proximity to the Appalachian Mountains, ‘Gateway to the Outdoors’ was
recommended as the proposed ‘market positioning’ for the Upstate region.

Following the adoption of this market positioning by tourism leaders and industry stakeholders,
TDI was subsequently re-appointed to prepare Product Development Plan for the Upstate. This
plan sets out concept recommendations in respect of walking/hiking trails, visitor and orientation
facilities, signage, viewing points, linkages with other tourism products [ie Native American
Culture, Food etc].

Marketing Strategies for Tourism Destination – A Competitive Analysis (see Appendix 1)

Client: European Travel Commission (ETC)

TDI was appointed by the European Travel Commission (ETC) to undertake a study on
the tourism strategy of Europe's main competitors in select outbound travel markets.
The purpose of the study was to gain an insight into the tourism strategy of Europe's
main competitors in select long haul markets.

The study consists of a detailed analysis of destination marketing strategies, a comparative

analysis of Europe's main competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and an analysis of the
reputation of tourism services in Europe vis-a-vis competitors based on TripAdvisor data.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Capitalising on Dublin’s Potential

Client: Irish Tourist Confederation (ITIC)

The Irish Tourist Industry Confederation (ITIC) commissioned TDI to prepare

a tourism plan for Dublin. The plan, which was launched in June 2012, sets
out a vision for Dublin to 2012. Central to the vision is the positioning of
Dublin as a destination comprising both the city centre and the wider
area of Dublin County and environs. It is anticipated that the proposed market positioning will
broaden Dublin’s market appeal and contribute to a longer average length of stay.

South Dublin Tourism Strategy

Client: South Dublin County Council

South Dublin is one of three regions in the Greater Dublin Metropolitan

Area. In 2012, following Dublin City’s loss of market share to other
European cities, TDI was appointed by the Irish Tourism Industry
Confederation to prepare a report ‘Capitalizing on Dublin’s Potential’. TDI
concluded that over the period of the previous decade, Dublin had not
sufficiently differentiated itself as a tourism destination. To this end, TDI
recommended that Dublin should seek to broaden its appeal by offering visitors the opportunity
to sample activities and cultural experiences in areas adjacent to Dublin- City +.

This market positioning was subsequently adopted by the Irish Tourist Board and key tourism
stakeholders in the Dublin region in the Grow Dublin Taskforce report. In September 2014, South
Dublin County Council appointed TDI to prepare a new Tourism Strategy for the South Dublin
Area with the specific objective ensuring that the area was properly ‘positioned’ to take
advantage of the new marketing campaigns for DUBLIN.

As this area’s primary natural resource is the Dublin Mountains, it was logical that product
development recommendations would focus on a range of outdoor tourism activities including
hiking/walking. To fully capitalize on Dublin’s new market positioning, a range of product
interventions will be developed including the Dublin Mountains Orientation Centre, way-marked
trails, car parking, signage, in addition to organized activities. A key recommendation involves
the establishment ‘linkages’ and ‘product clusters’ around the main towns and villages to
maximize sustainability.

Handbook on Tourism Product Development

Client: European Travel Commission, UNWTO

TDI was appointed by the European Travel Commission (ETC) and the
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to prepare a Handbook on tourism
product development. The tourism ‘product’ includes natural and man
made attractions, hotels, resorts, tourist facilities and amenities,
infrastructure, festivals and events. The purpose of the Handbook is to
provide practical and user-friendly guidelines on the implementation of effective product
development in tourism. The Handbook will have relevance for National Tourism Organizations
and other stakeholders involved in the tourism planning process.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Study on Tourism Product Development and Marketing Strategies in COMCEC Member Countries
Client: Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of
the Islamic Conference

TDI was appointed by COMCEC – the Standing Committee for

Economic and Commercial Co-operation of the Organization of
the Islamic Co-operation to prepare a Study on Tourism Product
Development and Marketing Strategies in COMCEC Member

A key objective of the study was to increase awareness of tourism product development and
marketing in 57 COMCEC member states and to identify the relationship between tourism
product development and marketing. The study investigated the latest trends and ‘best
practices’ in tourism product development across the Islamic World.

Identification and Assessment of Business Opportunities in the Tourism Value Chain in Qatar
Client: Qatar Development Bank/Qatar Tourism Authority

TDI was appointed by Qatar Development Bank (QDB) and Qatar

Tourism Authority (QTA) to undertake an Identification and
Assessment of Business Opportunities in the Tourism Value Chain in
Qatar. Stage 1 of the project involved a comprehensive
programme of product and market research and analysis with a
view to identifying 25 tourism SME opportunities for Qatar.

Ballyhoura Rural Tourism Destination Plan 2014-2020

Client: Ballyhoura Development Ltd

Tourism Development International prepared a major Rural Destination

Plan for Ballyhoura - Ireland’s leading rural tourism destination. The plan
comprises of an economic assessment of the impact of tourism in the
Ballyhoura area, a review of current supply and demand and
development of a vision and product and marketing strategy based on
rural and activity tourism (including hiking and cycling) to guide future tourism growth.

Recreation, Tourism and Commercial Product Identification Study Grand Canal Rural/Royal Canal
Client: Waterways Ireland

TDI was appointed by Waterways Ireland to prepare a product

identification study for the Grand and Royal Canals, Ireland’s principal
inland waterways. The key aim of the study was to identify market led,
innovative and sustainable recreational, tourism and commercial product
development opportunities for the Grand Canal and Royal Canal including walking and cycling.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

The Vision – Tourism Master Plan for Dun Laoghaire Rathdown

Client: Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Tourism Ltd, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Tourism, in association with Dun Laoghaire

Rathdown County Council, commissioned TDI to prepare a Tourism Master
Plan for the County.

In undertaking the situation analysis for this assignment, TDI concluded that
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown area currently lacked a clear identity and
image. To develop as a tourism destination, it must signal its appeal with credible brand image
which would facilitate a clear market positioning.

Product development opportunities were also identified with a particular focus on the county's
maritime setting and heritage. A range of measures designed to enhance the quality of the
environment were also identified.

Guizhou Tourism Master Plan (2002-2022)

Client: World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

Guizhou Provincial Tourism Organisation, China In March 2002 TDI

was appointed to draw up a 25-year tourism master plan for
Guizhou province in South Western China. The overall objective of
the tourism master plan was to strengthen capabilities in tourism and
to put in place a framework for the sustainable development of
tourism in Guizhou.

The master plan (which also included a 5 year action plan), incorporated recommendations in
relation to:-

 product development,
 regional tourism administration,
 SME development,
 visitor servicing and
 marketing.

A five year marketing strategy incorporated recommendations on market positioning coasted

proposals for the establishment of an internet portal and on-line reservation system.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Rural Tourism Master Plan - Malaysia

Client: Government of Malaysia, UNDP, World Tourism Organisation

TDI was appointed to prepare a Rural Tourism and Cultural Master

plan for Malaysia. The objectives of the 12-month assignment
involved putting in place a strategy to develop tourism and local
culture in rural Malaysia, with economic benefits for farming

The project team included experts in market research, strategic

planning, sustainable development, institutional change, rural tourism, island tourism and
marketing. Extensive emphasis was given to training and skills transfer, and Tourism Development
International planned and undertook residential training programmes for government officials,
district officers, SME operators and community groups.

Taking into account the results of a comprehensive market research programme, Tourism
Development International prepared a 5-year destination and product marketing strategy,
positioning Malaysia as an outstanding ecotourism/ rainforest destination.

Uzbekistan Tourism Master Plan

Client: Government of Uzbekistan, UNDP, World Tourism Organisation

TDI undertook the task of preparing an action plan for the

sustainable Development of Tourism in Uzbekistan. The assignment
was a key component in underpinning the Silk Route Cross-border
Tourism Initiative.

The development objective was to establish in Uzbekistan an

informed tourism policy, a basic tourism infrastructure of
international standards, marketing expertise, and trained tourism officers within a one year
timeframe. This would enable the country to expand its tourism industry in a planned, controlled
and sustainable manner, in order to benefit from foreign revenue generation, increased
employment, and international exposure. The Silk Route Cities of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara,
and Khiva were considered to be of major historic and cultural importance in the sustainable
development of tourism.

A key output of the assignment involved transfer of knowledge to Uzbek Tourism Officials during
the project and on a subsequent Study Tour to the EU.

Rural Tourism Master Plan Poland

Client: EU Phare Programme
Following a baseline study of tourism in Poland carried out by TDI and
funded by the Irish Government under a bi-lateral agreement with Poland,
TDI was appointed to undertake a two year comprehensive Rural Tourism
Master Plan for Poland, which covered all regions of the country. The 24
month assignment involved auditing the rural tourism product,
development planning, marketing plans, two pilot regional development
plans, and comprehensive training in the regional areas, including tourism information office

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

TDI also undertook a six month rural tourism training programme for regional and agricultural
officials in the Pomerania Province based in Kozalin. The purpose of the training programme was
to introduce tourism expertise to agriculture and regional officials in order facilitate the
development of tourism in rural areas. Establishing a pilot model of a tourism information office
and training information office personnel.

Albania Cultural Marketing Strategy and Action Plan

Client: UNDP, Government of Albania

TDI was appointed by the Government of Albania to prepare a

Cultural Marketing Strategy and Action Plan for that country. The
objective of the project is to provide technical assistance and
support to the National Tourism Agency in the Ministry of Tourism,
Culture, Youth and Sport. The consultants were also required to
set out proposals for the strengthening of Institutional

The Cultural Marketing Strategy and Action Plan’s aim is to make Albania a more attractive
destination for cultural tourism and strengthen the country’s image abroad. In undertaking this
assignment, Tourism Development International drew extensively on the very rich and diverse
cultural heritage of Albania’s seven past civilisations (including Illyrian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine
and Ottoman), UNESCO World Heritage Sites at Butrinti, Gjirokastra and Berat, the Ruins of
Apollonia and the Antigonea Archaeological Site.

3. 1

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

4. Methodology
The RFP states clearly the requirements from the consultant appointed for study. Taking the
specification outlined in the RFP, TDI will develop a plan for implementation following the
process required.

There will be three main stages to the PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021. Such a
methodological approach will ensure full account is taken of the present scale, profile and
trends in PEI’s visitor market, with considered assessment of its strengths, shortcomings,
competitive positioning and primary opportunities for growth as a tourism destination.

The approach will also ensure that opportunity is afforded to a full cross-section of stakeholders
at all levels in the tourism industry (i.e. accommodation providers, tour operators, travel trade
distributors, airlines, destination tourism marketing organisations, cruise line operators and service
providers) to have their views and requirements taken into consideration. The approach will also
allow for analysis and consideration of strategic options.

Table 1: Project Delivery – A Three Stage Approach

Situation Analysis,
Stage 1 Research and

Stage 2

Tourism Strategy and

Road Map Stage 3

At the outset, TDI will also prepare a contextual review comparing the challenges, potential and
approaches to tourism development as between PEI and other Canadian and Atlantic
destinations. This background research will allow the consultants to get a more rapid and
detailed assessment of the position and potential of PEI.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

TDI will also undertake a comprehensive review of the enabling environment (external and
internal). This will be followed by a detailed analysis of all elements and activities that impact on
the marketing, product, operating environment and institutional framework for PEI’s tourism. This
background research, analysis and conclusions drawn from it will be a valuable base starting
point for framing discussions and generating proposals and recommendations to be made in
subsequent stages of the Plan.

The consultants will develop and follow an engagement plan strategy that will directly engage
the Strategy 2021 Steering Committee in all aspects of the assignment. TDI acknowledges the
requirement for the consultants to organise a programme comprising individual and group
consultations, and open forums. The timing of the open forums will be important. Such
gatherings could be front –ended or held at the end of each project stage. Geographic
considerations should also be taken into account.

4.1 Stage 1 - Situation Analysis, Research and Consultations

This stage will seek to establish a detailed understanding of the sector and its key components. It
will comprise four elements.

Table 2: Stage 1 – Situation Analysis and Opportunity Assessment


Review of Review of
Existing Access and Best Practice –
Markets and
Product Enabling Case Studies

Gaps/Needs SWOT

Tourism Supporting
Product Infrastructure, Target Markets
Development Facilities and and Segments
Opportunities Services


PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

4.1.1 Product Review

The assessment of the present situation in respect of tourism in PEI will comprise:-

1. Desk research of all data, reports, plans, policy documents and other materials relating to
the development, operation and marketing of tourism in PEI, and a number of destinations
identified as representing principal competitors or facing similar challenges. This stage will
also incorporate a detailed content analysis of how the PEI experience is communicated in
relevant media and marketing messages

2. Field visits and site inspections in PEI both of existing operations and in other areas identified
(in conjunction with stakeholder consultations in 3 below) as offering potential for the
development of new or reformulated activities and attractions, and associated
infrastructure and facilities.

3. Stakeholder consultations with representatives of both the private and public sectors in PEI
as identified by the Steering Committee to understand the scale, trends and performance
of tourism provision on the island and to identify “missings” and unrealized potential.
Establishing and maintaining close collaboration throughout the project with these
stakeholders will be vital.

The review will seek to identify tourism product gaps and identify new product development
opportunities and scope for authentic visitor experiences.

4.1.2 Review of Access and Enabling Environment

TDI will undertake a review of current air, sea and land access and assess the adequacy to
meet the needs of current/future market demand. Other potential barriers to tourism growth will
also be identified including the current regulatory environment, investment and financing, and
labour force development.

4.1.3 Markets and Segments

The consultants will undertake a review of current PEI tourism markets. Taking into consideration
global and North American tourism demand patterns and trends, potential market opportunities
will be identified.

Opportunities for the diversification of market segments attracted to PEI will be examined with a
view to contributing to greater seasonal and spatial spread of tourism.

4.1.4 Best Practice/Case Studies

The consultants will prepare three Case Studies as a core component of the Stage 1 Analysis.
The Case Studies (to be agreed in advance with the TIAPEI Steering Committee), will examine
key success factors that have contributed to tourism revenue growth in each case (i.e.
leadership, organization, stakeholder collaboration, market positioning, product development

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

4.1.5 SWOT Analysis

The analyses and assessments from Stage 1 will be pulled together in a detailed SWOT analysis
focusing on the identification of:

1. PEI’s comparative advantages in selected product offerings and experiences to be

exploited, and shortcomings to be addressed,

2. The key gaps/ needs in the future development of the island’s product portfolio,
infrastructure/facilities/services and markets/segments.

3. The potential and opportunities for engaging all relevant stakeholders in addressing issues
identified at (1) and (2).

4.1.6 Stakeholder Forum

Following the initial product review, and taking full account of the international market research
undertaken and best practice case studies prepared, a forum will be arranged to which the key
stakeholders as identified by TIAPEI will be invited. The product and market development
opportunities will be presented and discussed. Stakeholders’ input will be received in order to
develop the strategic approach by which to realise these opportunities, such options to be
progressed to recommendations and actions in Stage 2.

4.2 Stage 2 – Strategic Options

In order to facilitate informed debate and consideration, TDI will develop a number of strategic
options for discussion with the steering group and key stakeholders. The goal will be to define
the optimal way forward whereby PEI can maximise its tourism potential with the resultant
economic benefit spreading around the country.

Table 3: Stage 2 – Strategic Options

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Vision for the

of Tourism in PEI




The following strategic elements will be identified:

4.2.1 Vision for the Development of Tourism in PEI

The vision to guide the future development tourism in PEI will be prepared based on a full
understanding of the situation analysis, existing plans for tourism markets, the strategies
and activities of primary competing destinations, and the plans and asp irations of tourism
stakeholders in the region.

4.2.2 Product Development

Having identified the gaps and opportunities in Stage 1, TDI will prepare a series of tourism
product development concepts to be considered and incorporated in the overall Plan.

These concepts will incorporate the reformulation of existing products as well as identifying
offerings which do not form part of the current portfolio.

4.2.3 Market Positioning

Proposals for future market positioning and targeting for the PEI offering will be based on:

 an assessment and evaluation of existing marketing strategy and activities, including an

assessment of the degree of market readiness of key offerings.

 an analysis and interpretation of trends and tastes in regional and international t ourist
source markets, and the known planned and possible developments in competing

4.2.4 Supporting Measures

Strategic indicators will be outlined for the provision of access infrastructure, organisation
and supporting measures to facilitate the realisation of the potential identified.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

4.2.5 Options Workshop/Forum

In order to achieve consensus among all stakeholders across the island on the optimal way
forward in increasing tourism for widespread economic benefit, an Options Workshop/Forum is
proposed. This would comprise presentation by the consultants of its proposed vision and
market positioning along with the three strategic development scenarios. Feedback from
stakeholders will enable the options to be refined and finalised with maximum consensus. The
outcome from the workshops will be very important in coming up with a set of preferred
scenarios as well as building trust and engagement with the stakeholders concerned.

4.3 Stage 3 – Tourism Strategy and Roadmap

The PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 will be prepared under four headings:

Table 4: Stage 3 – Tourism Strategy & Road Map

Organisation/ Access/
Strategic Enabling Marketing
Leadership Environment

Tourism Strategy
Action Plan 2016-2021

4.3.1 Organisation/Strategic Leadership

TDI will set-out the key strategic interventions to ensure that the necessary leadership and
organization mechanisms are put in place to oversee the implementation of the Tourism
Strategy over the next 5 years,

Such mechanisms should build on existing partnerships and collaboration (including Federal and
Provincial Government, First Nations, Provincial and Regional Tourism Organisation) to set-out the
strategic direction for tourism on Prince Edward Island. A key leadership responsibility will be to
ensure that sustainable funding is identified and put in place for product development,
enterprise and business development support and training and marketing.

4.3.2 Access and Enabling Environment

Taking into account the findings of the access review in Stage 1 (including learnings from the
case studies), the consultants will set-out recommendations to enhance access to PEI. Initiatives
to expand year round flights, sea transport (including cruise) and road transport will be

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Finally, the strategy will also set-out enabling measures to support the further development and
expansion of tourism in PEI.

4.3.3 Product Development

The gap between the present tourism offer in PEI and what the customers would wish for will
have been identified in earlier stages of the study, and the extent to which tourism stakeholders
across the island consider it feasible to address these additional requirements will have been
agreed at the workshop/forum at the end of Stage 2.

Recommendations will be presented outlining the improvements needed and the increased
range and upgraded quality of facilities and services which make up the visitor’s experience of
his/her visit.
4.3.4 Marketing

Building on and coordinating existing marketing initiatives to develop the tourism sector being
undertaken by the national agencies and cities and towns around the island, and taking full
account of the trends in the market, the recommended marketing strategy will set-out clear
recommendations on the positioning of PEI as a tourism destination. The marketing strategy will
outline B2B and B2C marketing and promotional activities. The plan will also incorporate a
budget and 5 year growth targets scenarios.

4.3.5 Action Plan 2016-2021

Each of these recommendations will be translated into clear and implementable actions over a
five-year period.

Actions will be set-out under four headings: Organisation/Strategic Leadership; Access/Enabling

Environment; Product Development; Marketing.

The focus will be on presenting a clear set of actions, identifying for each action:-
 time frame, by year 1 - 5
 rationale for action proposed
 lead and support agencies/organisations/operators responsible for implementing the
 level of priority

TDI is aware of the pressing need for early action and will seek to identify a number of “quick
wins” that could be put into operation at the beginning of the five year Plan period.

4.3.6 Communicating the Strategy

On acceptance of the final report, the consultants will prepare for and host a strategy
information session/forum. At this session/forum, the consultants will present the key finding of
research, strategic option analysis and consultative framework, and the recommended
strategies and actions to be taken to advance the sustainability and competitiveness of PEI’s
tourism industry.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

5. Project Management
5.1 Resource Expertise and Project Management Procedures

For this assignment, TDI has put together an experienced team. Specific responsibilities for each
team member are set out in the table below. Further details on the qualifications and
experience of each team member are presented in Section 5.2 below.

Table 5: Resource Expertise

Team Member Position on Team Responsibility

Peter Project Director/  Client Liaison

Mac Nulty Strategic Tourism  Project Management
Planner  Stakeholder Consultations
 Vision/Concept Development/ Strategy
 Forums
Ciaran Tuite Tourism Planning and  Product and Infrastructure Review
Investment Specialist  Stakeholder Consultations
 International Market Analysis
 Product Development/Investment
Stan Cook Tourism Industry  Market Analysis
Specialist  Stakeholder Consultations
 Forums
 Organisation
 Activity Product Development
David Mac Nulty Research Director  Best Practice/Case Studies

Robert Travers Advisor/Tourism  International Market Analysis

Marketing Specialist  Canada Market Analysis
 Marketing
 Reporting
Research/  Web Research
Advisory Support  Statistical Analysis


As Project Director, Peter Mac Nulty will have overall responsibility for the management of this
project. In this capacity, he will be responsible for on-going liaison with the TIAPEI Steering
Committee and for ensuring that the assignment is undertaken in accordance with the client’s
specific requirements and the methodology as set - out in this proposal.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

5.2 Consultant Biographies

5.2.1 Peter Mac Nulty – Project Director/Strategic Tourism Planner

Peter Mac Nulty was appointed Managing Director of Tourism Development International in
January 2001. Prior to taking this position he was Research Director with the firm since its
establishment in 1988.

He has extensive experience in the field of tourism project management, strategic planning and
marketing and has been responsible for the direction of over 200 major tourism projects,
including tourism research programmes, feasibility studies, marketing and branding strategies
and strategic tourism studies including a number of assignments in Islamic countries. He has
worked on tourism and leisure projects in the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Gulf
Region. As project director for the Cultural Marketing Strategy for Albania (2010), he was
responsible for the development of proposals to promote the three UNESCO World Heritage Sites
of Butrint, Gjirokastra and Berat.

He has been responsible for the direction of all major strategic tourism planning projects
undertaken by TDI. He has particular experience in market-led tourism planning and product
development within the context of the tourism value chain and has worked in developed and
developing tourism economies throughout the world.

His project management experience includes the South Carolina Tourism Product Development
Plans (2009-2010), the Albania Culture Marketing Strategy and Action Plan (2010), the Rural
Tourism Master Plan for Malaysia (2000/2001), the Poland Rural Tourism Master Plan (EU 1994),
Yugoslavia Rural Tourism Scoping Mission (U.N.W.T.O. 2002), the Rural Tourism Seminars In Ukraine,
Poland and Serbia (U.N.W.T.O. 2002/2003) and the Nigeria Tourism Master Plan (2006).

He was co-author of the ETC/UNWTO Handbook on Tourism Product Development. He was

project director for the project Identification and Assessment of Business Opportunities in the
Tourism Value Chain in Qatar, which was carried out on behalf of Qatar Tourist Authority (QTA)
and Qatar Tourism Bank (QTB). In 2013 he was co-author on the Study on Tourism Product
Development and Marketing Strategies in the Comcec Member Countries. He was recently
project director on the European Travel Commission (ETC) Study on Tourism Strategy of Europe’s
main Competitors in selected outbound Travel Markets.

He is a member of the UNWTO Panel of Tourism experts.

5.2.2 Ciaran Tuite – Tourism Planning and Investment Specialist

Ciaran is an honors graduate of both University College Dublin (UCD) and McMaster University,
Ontario, Canada. Having originally qualified as an urban and regional planner, he subsequently
graduated in the top quartile of his MBA class at UCD.

After an initial urban planning career in Dublin and Cork, he joined Bord Fáilte – The Irish Tourist
Board in 1979 and was appointed the Board’s Manager of Research and Marketing Planning in
1986. During his Tourist Board career he directed a range of functions including Central
Marketing, Brand Planning and Advertising, Trade Promotions and Product Marketing.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

He is former Head of Investment and Product Development with Fáilte Ireland -The National
Tourism Development Authority. In that capacity he had direct implementation responsibility
for two European Union funding programs which have provided investment support of over
€100million for the Irish tourism industry, and also drew up a tax incentive scheme to assist the
industry which the Irish Revenue Commissioners subsequently implemented. He was the author
of the highly-commended Fáilte Ireland National Product Development Strategy 2007-2013.

Ciaran has served as a company director in both the private and public sectors in the Irish
tourism industry. He also spent over ten years as a Director of the representative body for the
sector, The Irish Tourism Industry Confederation.

As an international consultant he has conducted a wide range of tourism planning assignments

in Albania, Estonia, Georgia, Iceland, Qatar, United Kingdom, USA and Uzbekistan. He has also
completed three terms as Chairman of the Research Directors Group of the European Travel

A regular visitor to Canada, he is fluent in both the country’s official languages.

5.2.3 Stan Cook – Tourism Industry Specialist

Stan Cook Jr. is the co owner and president of an award winning nature based tourism
company, Stan Cook Sea Kayak Adventures, located in the Newfoundland outport community
of Cape Broyle.

Stan Jr. became formally involved with the NL tourism industry in 1999 when he was the founding
Chair of the Adventure Tourism Association of NL but in 2009 his dedication was truly tested
when he was named the first Chair of the Newfoundland & Labrador Tourism Board and tasked
to create an atmosphere of success and cooperation within the dozens of extremely tribal
Regional Tourism Associations and marketing entities that existed, all the while working hard to
keep his own business plugged into the dynamic tourism landscape.

The NL Tourism Board is a private-public partnership created to advise on the implementation of

Uncommon Potential: A Vision for Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism (Vision 2020). This board
is designed as the vehicle through which government and industry together shape the
province’s tourism industry. By 2012 when Stan stepped down as Chair he had helped guide the
NL Tourism Industry and it’s partners to an un-before seen level of communication, coordinated
effort and helped create a model of how to move forward the larger industry agendum.

While Chairing the Canadian Tourism Commission’s (Destination Canada) Brand Enhancement
Committee he helped forge the CTC’s revolutionary Explorer Quotient program. He’s Chaired of
Gros Morne Institute of Sustainable Tourism since it’s inception in 2003.

5.2.4 David Mac Nulty – Research Director

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

David Mac Nulty was appointed Director of Tourism Development International in June 1990.
Prior to taking this position he was assistant manager of both the Burlington and Shelbourne
Hotels. He is a graduate of Cathal Brugha Street, College of Hotel Management, Dublin.

He has extensive experience in the field of destination planning and marketing, and has been
responsible for the direction of over 250 major tourism and recreation projects. Since 1990 David
has directed the following Tourism Projects:
 Capitalising on Dublin's Potential- Tourism Plan for Dublin
 Recreational Study for the Grand Canal Rural and Royal Canal Rural
 The Butler Trail
 Explore The Nore River Trail
 Marine and Leisure Socio Economic Study / Spatial Plan for the East Coast of Ireland
 Malahide Marina - Business Plan
 Walk the Tipperary Ten
 Atlantic Canada Study Tour
 Guinness HopStore- Business Plan/Capacity Study/ Marketing Representation
 Powerscourt Marketing Representation/ Market Research
 Magee - Visitor Centre Feasibility Study
 Ballina Salmon Capital of Ireland - Feasibility Study
 Bewleys Hotel - Feasibility Study
 Fáille Ireland - National Visitor Attractions Survey
 Fáilte Ireland - Trade Services Department Review and Action Plan
 New Waterford Crystal Visitor Centre Feasibility Study/ Development Plan

5.2.5 Robert Travers – Advisor/Tourism Marketing Specialist

Robert Travers has over 15 years’ senior consultancy experience. He is currently retained by
USAID in Jordan, and has worked under many EU programmes including ACP, STABEX, INTERREG,
TACIS, MEDA and Asia Invest. He has undertaken tourism consultancy assignments in over 20
countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East He is an experienced team leader,
marketing expert and project appraiser and has undertaken numerous enterprise related
assignments for many organisations. He is a native English speaker and has excellent report
writing skills, including tourism master plans, marketing strategies, value chain analyses, business
plans and market research reports.

His specific marketing experience includes the Tourism Marketing Strategy for Egypt (2009-2020)
as well as national marketing strategies for Nepal, Jordan and the Lao PDR. He is currently
advising the Kenya Tourist Board on its global marketing campaign Magical Kenya. He has
drafted many regional marketing plans in Ireland, the UK and other regional initiatives. He is
currently retained to advise the Jordan Tourism Board on strategic marketing implementation
and has previously advised the tourism marketing departments of the Aqaba Special Economic
Zone Authority as capacity enhancement adviser.

In addition to USAID and EU assignments he has worked on World Bank, International Finance
Corporation (IFC), UNDP, UNWTO, and NGO projects.

He was a member of the TDI team that undertook the Identification and Assessment of Business
Opportunities in the Tourism Value Chain in Qatar. He also participated as International Tourism
Marketing specialist on the study on Tourism Product Development and Marketing Strategies in
the Comcec Member Countries.
5.2.6 TDI Research Unit

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Tourism Development International is a leading Irish tourism consultancy specializing in

development and marketing planning with a specialist market research division.

In view of the importance attached to market research by the company, TDI established a
dedicated Market Research Unit. The TDI Research Unit is responsible for the primary and
secondary research which underpins all consultancy assignments undertaken by the
Company. Using on-line research techniques, TDI has developed a number of dedicated
research services, including:

 Tourism barometer
 Visitor attractions survey
 Business travel monitor
 Travel trade survey
 Visitor surveys
 Occupancy surveys
 Airline and ferry passenger surveys
 Rural tourism research
 Tourism industry research
 Special interest/activity tourism research
 Market share estimations
 Economic impact analysis

The company will be able to call on the full resources of the TDI Market Research Unit in
undertaking the necessary research for the preparation of the Prince Edward Island Strategic
Plan for Tourism 2016-2021.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

6. Timeline
6.1 Timeline

The PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2021 will be undertaken over a 8 month timeframe. Therefore
subject to appointment by early April, TDI will aim to complete the assignment by end of
November 2016. We note that TIAPEI have indicated completion by 1st December 2016.

Table 6: Project Timescale

April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov
Stage 1 – Situation Analysis, Research
and Consultations
Project Planning and Set-up
Inception Meeting 
Product Review
Review of Access and Enabling
Markets and Segments
Best Practice/Case Studies
SWOT Analysis
Workshop/Forum 
Stage 1 Client Meeting/Presentation 
Stage 2 – Strategic Options
Vision for Tourism in PEI
Product Development
Market Positioning
Supporting Measures
Options Workshop/Forum 
Stage 3 – Tourism Strategy and Road
Organisation/Strategic Leadership
Access/Enabling Environment
Product Development
Action Plan
Draft Final Report 
Review and Clarifications
Final Report Presentation/ Strategy 
Information Session

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document


Appendix 1 – Extract from Marketing Strategies for Tourism Destinations – A Competitive

Analysis prepared by TDI for the European Travel Commission
Appendix 2 – References
Appendix 3 – Curriculum Vitae of Peter Mac Nulty, Ciaran Tuite and Robert Travers

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Appendix 1
Extract from Marketing Strategies for Tourism Destinations – A Competitive Analysis
prepared by TDI for the European Travel Commission

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

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Appendix 2

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PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Appendix 3
Curriculum Vitae

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document


Birth: 1959


Institution: University College Dublin

Date: from (month / year) to (month / year) October 1978 - June 1981
Degree or diploma obtained: BA Economics and Political Science
Institution: Irish Management Institute
Date: from (month / year) to (month / year) December 2000 - January 2002
Degree or diploma obtained: SME Business Development Programme -

LANGUAGES: (1 = basic; 5 = excellent)

Language Reading Speaking Writing

English Mother Tongue
Irish 3 4 4
French 3 4 4



• European Society of Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR)
• Member of World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Panel of World Tourism Experts


Peter Mac Nulty is Managing Director of Tourism Development International (TDI). He is a

Tourism Planner who has worked as a consultant to public and private sector tourism
organisations over a period of 26 years. He has wide experience in the field of tourism
development planning in the context of economic development and poverty alleviation. His
specialities include market research, tourism destination planning, institutional capacity
development, and tourism product development. He is an experienced project director who has
worked in Ireland, the United States, Africa, Asia and the Balkans.

Peter’s background is market research. Prior to entering the tourism industry, he worked for six
years with Irish Marketing Surveys (Millward Brown).

His experience during this period (1981-1988) included client accounts in the FMCG and
financial services sectors, media, and political opinion polling.

Appointed Research Director at TDI in July 1988, he oversaw the set up of a full-service Market
Research Unit within TDI. This afforded him the opportunity to design and develop a range of
innovative research platforms for the tourism industry including the Business Travellers Survey,
the Visitor Attractions Survey, the Tourism Barometer and the Accommodation Occupancy
Survey. This research capability is now firmly embedded in TDI.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Over the past decade, he has applied his research skills to tourism destination planning and
tourism product development over a wide range of countries and diverse cultures. He has been
employed as a Project Director and Tourism Expert by a range of international agencies
including the UNWTO, European Travel Commission (ETC), Adam Smith International,
Luxembourg Development [LuxDev], in addition to the main Irish organisations responsible for
tourism – Fáilte Ireland (National Tourism Development Agency), Tourism Ireland, and the Irish
Tourism Industry Confederation.


2016 Project Director – Description: Consultancy Services for Tourism and Project
Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Activities in The Kakheti Region, Georgia
TDI was recently appointed by the Municipal Development Fund of Georgia to
provide Consultancy Services for Tourism and Project Performance Monitoring
and Evaluation Activities in The Kakheti Region, Georgia

2015 Project Director – Description: Algarve Assessment and Product Development

Action Plan for Hiking and Cycling
The goal of the project was to contribute to the increase in the number of tourists
attracted to the Algarve region by a new range of differentiated products in the
off-peak season. The resulting Action Plan identified clear ways of improving the
product and service design, service and experience delivery, communication and
promotion, and distribution.

2015 Project Director – Description: Shared Strategy to Maximise the Economic

Growth of Cruise Tourism Across The Island of Ireland
The objective of this report was to deliver a comprehensive strategic plan for
cruise tourism development on the island of Ireland, including clear actions and
recommendations for the implementation of the plans arising from the strategy.

2015 Project Director – Description: South Dublin Tourism Strategy

The overall objective of the strategy was to identify actionable recommendations
to guide and stimulate tourism development and investment and which can
maximise national and international stays/visits to South Dublin County from
market segments offering an economic return.

2014 Project Director – Description: Tourism Capital Investment Programme 2007 –

2013 Impact Study
The study’s purpose was to provide Fáilte Ireland with a comprehensive report
on the benefits to Irish tourism, and wider society, arising from the varied range
of projects funded under the Tourism Capital Investment Programme 2007-

2014 Project Director – Description: ETC Marketing Strategies for Tourism

Destinations - A Competitive Analysis
The purpose of the study is to gain an insight into the tourism strategy of
Europe's main competitors in select long haul markets. The study consists of a
detailed analysis of destination marketing strategies, a comparative analysis of
Europe's main competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and an analysis of the

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

reputation of tourism services in Europe vis-a-vis competitors based on

Tripadvisor data.
2014 Director of Research – Description: Conservation, Development and Business
Plan for Kylemore Abbey
The objective of the commission was to provide an overall plan with two
components: (1) – Conservation Management Plan; Provide a practical
reference guide to deal with the issues that arise when operating a historical
property. (2) – Detailed Estate Business Plan; A comprehensive business plan
for all aspects of the estate for the next five years. The plan provided details of
future capital development options, capacity development and operational
requirements and identified future sources of capital.

2013 Project Director – Description: Assessment of 3 Tourism Trends Impacting on

Nepal’s Tourism Sector
The primary goal of this study was to support SAMARTH-NMDP in its efforts to
improve the underlying pro-poor performance of rural Nepal through tourism.
To help achieve this goal, the study had the following specific objective: to
“provide clear, evidence-based insight into the characteristics of the (1) South-
East Asian outbound market, (2) the domestic tourism market in Nepal and (3)
the global trends in active (hiking) tourism.” The report provided
recommendations in respect of institutional capacity development, HRD, product
development and marketing.

2013 Co Author – Description: Tourism Product Development and Marketing Strategies

in the COMCEC (Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation
of the Organization of the Islamic Conference) Region.
Examination of tourism product development and marketing strategies in the
COMCEC Member States. This involved a review of the current situation in the
Member Countries regarding tourism product development and marketing the
products (including existing policies, legal framework, institutions and responsible
stakeholders) and evaluation of the potential of the COMCEC Region for developing
new tourism products (by taking into consideration the future plans and strategies
for tourism product development). Recommendations made for developing
tourism products and marketing strategies in the COMCEC region by developing
countries and Least Developed Countries separately.

2013 Project Director – Description: Identification and Assessment of Opportunities in

the Tourism Value Chain in Qatar.
TDI was appointed by the Qatar Development Bank and the Qatar Tourism
Authority. The objective of the project was to identify 25 new tourism business
opportunities for the SME sector in Qatar as part of a national economic
diversification programme.

2012 Project Director – Description: Mid-Term Evaluation of Project LAO/020 –

Strengthening of Human Resources in the Hospitality and Tourism Sector in Lao
Mission objective was to undertake a mid-term evaluation of the Government of
Luxembourg’s supported intervention for the Strengthening of Human Resources

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Lao PDR. The evaluation set out
recommendations for the future scope and direction of the project.
2012 Research Director – Description: Capitalising on Dublin’s Potential
The Irish Tourist Industry Confederation (ITIC) commissioned TDI to prepare a
tourism plan for Dublin. The plan, which was launched in June 2012, sets out a
vision for Dublin to 2012. Central to the vision is the positioning of Dublin as a
destination comprising both the city centre and the wider area of Dublin County
and environs. It is anticipated that the proposed market positioning will broaden
Dublin’s market appeal and contribute to a longer average length of stay. TDI also
outlined recommendations on organization and institutional capacity
development for Dublin.

2012 Project Director – Description: Mid Term Evaluation of Project VIE/031 –

Strengthening of Human Resources in the Hospitality Sector in Vietnam Mission to
evaluate the fourth phase of Government of Luxembourg supported intervention
for the strengthening of human resource capacities in Vietnam. The evaluation
report produced a series of actionable recommendations for the refocusing of the

2012 Project Director – Description: Socio-Economic Survey of Recreational Angling

TDI was appointed by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) to carry out a Socio-Economic
Survey of Recreational Angling in Ireland. The overall objective of the project was
to establish the current volume and value of domestic and overseas recreational
angling in Ireland. The project comprised a number of research components
including a survey of 1,000 recreational anglers at a household survey of 2,000
adults and a survey of 100 angling stakeholders. In addition to the three primary
market research components, TDI also undertook desk research to include a
review and analysis of relevant reports, statistics and research relating to
recreational angling in Ireland.

2008-2012 Project Director – Description: Tourism Employment Survey

TDI has been appointed by Fáilte Ireland to carry out the Tourism Employment
Survey for the three year period (2010-2012). The purpose of the survey is to
track changes in employment numbers and the structure of employment. The
Tourism Employment Survey is carried out on-line with a sample of 1,800
enterprises drawn from Tourism Development International’s tourism industry
2011 Project Director/ Co-editor – Description: ETC/ UNWTO Handbook on Tourism
Product Development
TDI was appointed by the European Travel Commission (ETC) and the World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to prepare a Handbook on tourism product
development. The tourism ‘product’ included natural and man-made attractions,
hotels, resorts, tourist facilities and amenities, infrastructure, festivals and events.
The purpose of the Handbook was to provide practical and user-friendly
guidelines on the implementation of effective product development in tourism.
The Handbook also addresses key issues in respect of HRD and institutional capacity
development in order to facilitate sustainable tourism product development. To
date, Peter Mac Nulty has presented extracts from the Handbook at seminars in

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Ireland, Croatia, and at the UNWTO/ PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook
in Guilin, China (October 2011).

2010 Project Director – Description: Albania Cultural Marketing Strategy and Action
The UNDP and Government of Albania commissioned TDI to prepare a Cultural
Marketing Strategy and Action Plan for that country. The objective of the project
was to provide technical assistance and support to the National Tourism Agency
in the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sport. The consultants were also
required to set out proposals for the strengthening of Institutional Arrangements.
A key aim of the Cultural Marketing Strategy and Action Plan was to establish
Albania as a more attractive destination for cultural tourism and also to
strengthen the country’s image abroad. The very rich and diverse cultural
heritage of Albania’s seven past civilisations (including Illyrian, Greek, Roman,
Byzantine and Ottoman), UNESCO World Heritage Sites at Butrinti, Gjirokastra
and Berat, the Ruins of Apollonia and the Antigonea Archaeological Site were
featured prominently.

2010 Project Director – Description: Evaluation of Destination North West Marketing

The Destination North West (DNW) is a cooperative cross-border tourism
marketing programme involving the counties in the North West region of Ireland.
TDI was retained to carry out an evaluation of the programme, measuring
achieved outputs (ie visitor numbers, revenue) against original programme

2006-2012 Project Director – Description: Accommodation Occupancy Survey

TDI conducts the Accommodation Occupancy Survey on behalf of Fáilte Ireland.
This is a state of the season survey which has been undertaken since 2002. The
objective of this on-line survey is to provide an insight into bed and room
occupancies in the guesthouse, B&B and self-catering sectors. Information on the
performance of the main markets is also collected for each of these sectors.

2008-2010 Project Director – Description: South Carolina Tourism Product Development

Programme, USA
In April 2008, the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism
(SCPRT ) appointed Tourism Development International to undertake the product
development phase of the South Carolina Tourism Action Plan.

The product development plan for SCPRT comprised two components:

Component A – Tourism Product Development
Develop Tourism Concept Plans for each of the eight (8) Product Development
Areas (PDA). This study developed a framework for the development of
substantive tourism products in all regions of the state in order to attract visitors
from targeted market segments and maximize the economic benefit of tourism in
the State.

Component B – Creation of a Product Development

Program within the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism. A

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

plan was prepared for an enhanced Product Development Programme within

SCPRT. TDI conducted a needs assessment for SCPRT as it related to staffing and
services provided by the programme. A training plan for product development
staff was developed and implemented.

2007 Consultant - Description: Romania Rural Tourism Master Plan Scoping Mission
Appointed by the UNWTO, Peter Mac Nulty carried out a two week scoping
mission in Romania. The objective of the mission was to identify potential
opportunities for rural tourism development in Romania and prepare terms of
reference and project formulation for a rural tourism master plan.

2006 Research Consultant - Description: South Carolina Tourism Action Plan, USA
In October 2005, Tourism Development International was appointed by the South
Carolina Tourism Cluster Committee to prepare a Tourism Action Plan for the
State of South Carolina. The objective of the Tourism Action Plan is to capitalize
on existing tourism assets including historic Charleston and identify tourism
products capable of South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
attracting new tourist markets/segments. South Carolina, United States. A key
objective was the identification of HRD needs in the tourism sector with
recommendations for action to deliver practical industry orientated training.

2005 Project Director - Description: Nigeria Tourism Development Master Plan Tourism
Development International was contracted by UNWTO as consultants to produce
a Tourism Master Plan for Nigeria. The Tourism Sector in the Federal Republic of
Nigeria has been identified by the President of the Federal Republic, Chief
Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR, as one the six priority areas for development. A
Tourism Master Plan is required to develop the sector. Poverty alleviation and
generation of employment, physical environmental enhancement and cultural
and social issues, including HIV Aids are central issues in the plan. Federal
Government of Nigeria, Nigeria. The master plan set out recommendations on
effective manpower development and vocation training throughout the tourism

2004 Project Director - Description: Socio-Economic Evaluation or Cahersiveen marina

In September 2004, TDI was retained by the Department of Communications and
Marine to undertake a review of Cahersiveen Marina. As part of this review, the
consultants were required to undertake an economic impact analysis which
involved a survey of business houses, survey of marina visitors and survey of
marina bertholders.

2004 Project Director - Description: Causeway Coast and Glens Tourism Master Plan
In August 2003, Tourism Development International was appointed by the
Northern Ireland Tourist Board to prepare a Strategic Tourism Master Plan for the
Causeway Coast and Glens Region of Northern Ireland. The study area includes
the Giant Causeway, Northern Ireland premier visitor attraction. The two key
objectives of the Master Plan are to spread the benefits of visits attracted by the
Giant’s Causeway to a wider geographical area and to develop strong attractions

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

elsewhere in the area. Northern Ireland Tourism Board, Northern Ireland

2004 Project Director - Description: Cliffs of Moher Feasibility Study

In June 2003, Tourism Development International was commissioned by Clare
County Council to prepare a 5 year Development and Marketing Plan for the Cliffs
of Moher, Ireland’s leading visitor attraction. Funding for the project has been
sought from Fáilte Ireland under the National Development Programme. Clare
County Council, Republic of Ireland
2002 - 2006 Project Director - Description: Tourism Barometer
(on going) Tourism Development International has been awarded the contract to undertake
the Tourism Barometer on behalf of the Irish Tourist Board. This major research
assignment has been conducted every year since 2002. This is a survey of almost
1000 tourism enterprises. The objective of the survey is to measure performance
of the year to date compared with the previous year. The survey is conducted in
three waves (June, August and September). The survey was the first major on-line
survey to have been commissioned by the Irish Tourist Board. Apart from
benchmarking current performance, the Tourism Barometer provides an insight
into the main operational issues causing concern for accommodation and other
tourism providers in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Irish Tourist
Board/Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland.

2000 - 2006 Research Consultant - Description: Tourism Development Strategy for Ireland
Tourism Development International undertook the preparation of Bord Fáilte’s
national tourism development strategy as part of the Government’s National
Development Plan process. The strategy recognises that landscape, heritage,
culture, the environment, a relaxed lifestyle and a warm welcome will remain at
the core of Ireland’s attraction to tourists. However, the strategy stresses that the
key to nurturing this attraction will be the need for a policy of sustainable tourism
development involving local destinations and local communities. The preparation
of this strategy involved an extensive consultation process and a thorough review
of the market potential for the country and of particular regions within Ireland.
Irish Tourist Board, Republic of Ireland.

2004 Project Director - Description: International Tour Operator Survey

In May 2004, Tourism Development International was appointed by Tourism
Ireland to undertake a survey of international tour operators in 8 key markets.
Over 200 interviews were successfully completed, with data presented in
database format and also the form of computer tabulations. Tourism Ireland,
Republic of Ireland.

2004 Project Director - Description: Christian Heritage Action Plan

In January 2004, Tourism Development International was appointed by the
Northern Ireland Tourist Board to prepare a Tourism Action Plan for the St
Patrick/Christian Heritage Product. St Patrick/ Christian Heritage has been
identified as one of the five ‘signature projects’ in the Board’s Strategic
Framework Document. Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Northern Ireland.

2004 Project Director - Description: Rathlin Island Sustainable Tourism Strategy

In December 2004, Tourism Development International in association was

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

appointed by Causeway Coast and Glens heritage Trust to prepare a Visitor

Management Plan for Rathlin Island. Rathlin Island is Northern Ireland’s last
inhabited island, with a population of 90. It is of particular importance for its
nesting seabirds, heatland habitats and rare plants. Causeway Coast and Glens
Heritage Trust, Northern Ireland

2003-2004 Policy Document on the Environment and Sustainable Tourism

Policy document on the environment and sustainable tourism. Bord Fáilte had
identified a need to re-assert tourism’s role as a champion of the environment
against a growing public perception of increasing damage to the environment
through tourism. The policy paper, which outlines key issues now facing the
tourism industry in Ireland under the following headings.

from 2002 Project Director - Description: Yugoslavia – Scoping Mission

In May 2002, Tourism development International was commissioned to
undertake a scoping mission to determine the potential for the development of
cultural/heritage tourism in Yugoslavia. U.N.W.T.O., Yugoslavia

2002 - 2003 Tourism Consultant - Description: Rural Tourism Seminars - Ukraine, Poland,
Serbia In 2002/2003, Tourism Development International was retained by the
World Tourism Organization to organise a programme of national seminars on
Rural Tourism in Serbia, Poland and Ukraine. The seminars were targeted at
tourism officials operating at a national and regional level, local community
groups, and owners of tourism enterprises (SMEs). Seminar topics included the
Principles of Sustainable Tourism Development, Strategic planning, Product
Development, Marketing, Customer Care, Internet applications for tourism
(including customer relationship management (CRM), on-line research, visitor
information and booking systems). U.N.W.T.O., Ukraine, Poland, Serbia

2002 Tourism Consultant - Description: Tourism Master Plan for Guizhou Province
A twenty year tourism development plan for one of China’s poorest and most
beautiful South Western provinces. The project, which has been funded by the
World Bank and supported by the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA),
also incorporates a 5 year action programme (2003-2007) which will guide
tourism in Guizhou in the short term. U.N.W.T.O./Guizhou Provincial Tourism
Administration, Guizhou Province, China

2002 Tourism Consultant - Description: W.T.O. Seminar on Information Technology

In April 2002, in association with partners Automatic Netware, Tourism
Development International was invited to make a presentation to the World
Tourism Organization Asia Pacific Conference on IT tin Tourism which was held in
Kunming, Yunnan Province in China. The presentation brief was “How to develop
a dynamic Destination Management System (DMS)” and covered Automatic’s
definition of the key issues and solution technologies and included a case study of
the Softguides DMS. U.N.W.T.O., Yunnan Province, China

2002 Tourism Consultant - Description: Policy Document on Environment and

Sustainable Tourism

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

Tourism Development International was commissioned by Irish Tourist Board to

draw up its policy document on the environment and sustainable tourism. Irish
Tourist Board had identified a need to re-assert tourism’s role as a champion of
the environment against a growing public perception of increasing damage to the
environment through tourism. The policy paper, which will shortly be published,
outlines key issues now facing the tourism industry in Ireland under the following
headings. Irish Tourist Board, Republic of Ireland
2001 Tourism Consultant - Description: Malaysia Rural Tourism Master Plan
In 2001, the World Tourism Organisation (WTO), in association with U.N.D.P.
retained Tourism Development International to prepare a Rural Tourism Master
Plan for Malaysia. As a key activity in the master-planning process, Tourism
Development International carried out a comprehensive programme of market
research. The research programme comprised 2,000 interviews with international
and domestic visitors to Malaysia; 100 interviews in travel agents in 10 main
source markets, and 8 focus group discussions with visitors. U.N.W.T.O./U.N.D.P.,

2001 Project Director - Description: Culture/Heritage Consumer Research Programme

In July 2001, Tourism Development International was appointed by the Irish
Tourist Board to undertake a major culture/heritage consumer research
programme. The objectives of this research programme were to identify the main
motivating factors for visitors to Ireland, where culture and heritage are
concerned; the extent to which gaps exist between visitor motivations and
promotional message; participation in cultural/heritage activities; rating of
aspects of culture/heritage; booking patterns and information usage. In total
1000 interviews were conducted with visitors from each of Ireland’s main source
markets. Interviews were also conducted with representatives from the travel
trade in the main overseas markets. Irish Tourist Board, Republic of Ireland

1999 Project Director - Description: Visitor Management and Master Plan Programme –
In June 1999, Tourism Development International was retained by Galway Co.
Council to prepare a baseline study of tourism in Inishmore, Aran Islands. The
study is being funded under the Pilot Initiative on Tourism and the Environment
(P.I.T.E.). Having established an up-to-date benchmark of tourism on the island,
the primary aim of the above initiative was to encourage tourism projects whilst
at the same time sustaining the environment on which these projects are based.
A key aspect of this assignment involved a detailed appraisal of the islands
accommodation base and recommendations for accredited accommodation
designed to meet visitor needs on a year round basis. Galway County Council,
Republic of Ireland

1999 - 2000 Project Director - Description: Strategic Review of Visitor Attractions

National Tourist Boards have a strong role in influencing the funding of the
construction of visitor attractions. Both Wales Tourist Board and the Irish Tourism
Board have used Tourism Development International’s extensive experience in
this sector to inform their strategic policy direction, through our ability to model
in this sector. Wales Tourist Board/Irish Tourist Board, Wales /Republic of Ireland

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

1998 Research Consultant - Description: Review of India Tourist Board Marketing

Following a 15% decline in visitors to India, Tourism Development International
was commissioned by the World Tourism Organisation to carry out a review of
India Tourist Board Marketing Activity in the United Kingdom market. The review
identified that the advertising strategy employed in the United Kingdom was
inappropriate for the target market segments in that market. As a consequence,
the Tourist Board revised its U.K. marketing strategy with the primary emphasis
being placed on India as a cultural holiday destination. U.N.W.T.O./India Tourist
Board, India
1996 Tourism Consultant - Description: Marketing Operations Review - Netherlands
Assessment of marketing approach and current operations in the UK market.
Netherlands Tourist Board, England
from 1995 Tourism Consultant - Description: Poland Rural Tourism Master Plan
5 year strategic plan, marketing plan, regional development plan, training
strategy, training publications, establishing national organisation and grant
assistance programme for pilot projects. EU funded. EU/Government of Poland,

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document


Date of Birth: 23.06.50

Country of Citizenship/Residence: Ireland

Smurfit Graduate Business School, University College Dublin, 1983- 1985: MBA
School of Architecture, University College Dublin, 1973-1975: Diploma in Town Planning
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont, Canada, 1971-1973: M.A.
National University of Ireland, Dublin 1967-1971: B.A.

Employment record relevant to the assignment:

1. Professional experience:
Period Employing Country Description
Organization / Title
2012 Dec- Tourism Development Qatar Value chain study to identify opportunities for SME development in
2013 International Ltd Qatar
March Mr Peter Mac Nulty This study, carried out on behalf of the Qatar Development Bank and the Qatar Tourism Authority identifies opportunities and gaps in
+353 1 230 1665 Qatar’s tourism product which new or existing SME’s could fill. It
Product Development included preliminary feasibility studies for 24 identified tourism
Expert business opportunities
2012 Mar- Tourism Development Ireland Capitalising on Dublin’s Potential
June International Ltd Study for the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation on the marketing
Mr Peter Mac Nulty requirements for Dublin to position it as a leading European city- break destination
+353 1 230 1665
Tourism Expert
2012 Liffey Cable Car Ireland Creating a Business Plan for a new cable car venture in Dublin
January- Company Limited +353 Drafting a full business plan for submission to funding and regulatory
February 86 2427424 Mr Barry authorities
Boland, Managing
Business Plan Author
2011 Miona Limited Ireland Developing a Business Plan for a new hostel company in Dublin
November- Mr Mark Byrne
+353 87 2584207
Business Planning
2010 June Tourism Development Albania Albania Cultural Heritage Social and Economic Development
International Ltd Programme
Mr Peter Mac Nulty The development of a five year national strategy and one year action plan for marketing Albania’s cultural heritage abroad. The study also
+353 1 230 1665 involves developing an institutional structure and business model
Organization and involving public-private partnership to undertake implementation
Structure Expert with a strong pro-poor agenda. Included consideration of linkages
with crafts and with European markets and progress towards EU
member candidacy

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

2008 May- Tourism Development South South Carolina Tourism Action Plan
July International Ltd Carolina, USA Within the overall Plan prepared by TDI for the South Carolina Parks
Mr Peter Mac Nulty Recreation and Tourism Department, was responsible for drawing up A Product Development Program for the agency.
+353 1 230 1665
Product Development
2004 Tourism Estonia Estonia Training seminars for new product development department
Ms Riina Lohmus
Training Consultant
2003 June- National Tourism Ireland Full time senior manager in NTA
2011 Development Authority Responsible for all the product development and investment
September +353 1 8874000 functions of the National Tourism Authority, including the operation
Head of Product of capital investment support programmes with annual budgets of up
Development to €30 million as well as sponsorship and support programmes for
major sporting and cultural events.
1997 Tourism Development Uzbekistan  Tourism Marketing Plan for Uzbekistan
March- International Ltd  Principal author for the above document which was
October Mr Michael Mac Nulty commissioned from TDI by the United Nations Development
michael@tourismdev.c Programme (UNDP)
om +353 1 230 1665
Marketing Consultant
1979 Bord Fáilte-The Irish Ireland  Manager and Senior Manager in National Tourist Board
March- Tourist Board  Managed a wide range of functions during a twenty-four
2003 May Manager-Research and year career with the National Tourist Board, and represented
Planning the Board on the thirty-six nation European Travel
Manager-Central Commission.
General Manager-
Enterprise Support

Membership in Professional Associations:

Member of the Irish Planning Institute. (MIPI)
 Approaches to Tracking the Impact of National Destination Advertising (1991). Travel and
Tourism in Transition, Esomar, Amsterdam.
 The role of large conventions in the Tourism Industry (1982). AIEST Conference Papers.
 Director of Feilte Dubh Linne Ltd, St Patricks Festival Company, 2007-2010
 Director of Gulliver InfoRes Ltd, 2002-2004
 Director MERTA
 Director of Cork-Kerry Tourism Ltd, 2000-2005
 Director of Irish Tourist Industry Confederation 1989-1998

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):


PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document


Date of Birth: 23.5.1960

Country of Citizenship/Residence Ireland

Leeds Metropolitan University 2009-2011: M Sc (Responsible Tourism Management)
University of Dublin, Trinity College 1978-83, 2004: MA, BA (English Language & Literature)

Employment record relevant to the assignment:

Period Employing Country Summary of activities performed relevant to the Assignment

organization / title
Mar 2015- African Development Côte d’Ivoire African Natural Resources Centre study
date Bank Developing guidelines for measuring equitable resource benefits
Mr Tarek Ahmed enhancing the use of African lakes and rivers in tourism. The objective
+225 2026 1020 of the guidelines is to assist African countries to develop policies to recognize tourism contributions to economic and social welfare in a
Tourism Specialist context of multi-sectorial water resource management.
July 2014 ACDI-VOCA Timor-Leste USAID Value Chain Analysis
Mr William Vu Rapid evaluation of tourism’s impacts and potential in the former
+1 202 469 6168 Portuguese colony of Timor-Leste.
Tourism Value Chain
2015 Jan- GOPA, Ms Eva Raute Vietnam Environmentally and Socially Responsible Tourism Programme
Feb + 49 6172 930-0 Developing a destination management strategy and monitoring framework for the Mekong Delta.
Management Expert
2014 May- GOPA, Ms Eva Raute Vietnam Environmentally and Socially Responsible Tourism Programme
June + 49 6172 930-0 Developing a destination management strategy and monitoring framework for the central provinces of Da Nang, Hue and Quang Nam
Destination centred on three World Heritage Sites.
Management Expert
2013 May- UNDP Montenegro Montenegro Towards Carbon Neutral Tourism
June Ms Ana Jankovic Drafting a GEF US$23 million project document for interventions
ana.jankovic@undp.o which aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Montenegro’s
rg tourism sector by minimizing the carbon footprint of tourism and
+382 20 22 55 33 promoting Montenegro as a place for climate conscious tourism and a
Tourism Expert “carbon neutral” holiday destination.
2012 Mar- Office of the Resident Bosnia & Final Evaluation: MDG-F Culture and development Joint Programme
May Coordinator, UNDP Herzegovina Full final evaluation to UNDG standard of the $8 million Improving
Bosnia & Herzegovina Cultural Understanding in Bosnia and Herzegovina joint programme,
Ms Envesa Hodzic- administered by UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO and covering culture,
Kovac heritage, cultural tourism and education in both entities of Bosnia and
Envesa.Hodzik- Herzegovina. The assignment also involved checking compliance with EU and UNESCO policies relevant to heritage and tourism.
Sole consultant
2012 Jan JE Austin Asscoiates, Bosnia & Fostering Interventions for Rapid Market Advancement (FIRMA)
Inc. Herzegovina project
Mr Karen Isahakyan Joint USAID-SIDA project to support sustainable economic growth,

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

kisahakyan@jeaustin.c employment expansion, and increased household incomes in Bosnia

om and Herzegovina. Engaged to advise on possible tourism interventions
Destination in Sarajevo to create a destination management organisation.
Management Expert
2011 Nov- Asian Development Lao PDR Evaluation: Sustainable Tourism Development Project in Lao PDR
Dec Bank Project (2009-2014)
Mr Rik Ponne This GMS project is financed by a US$ 10 million grant from the Asian Development Bank with additional budgetary resources sourced from
International M&E the Government of Lao PDR. Responsible for mid term evaluation
Expert reporting to the Lao PDR Ministry of Tourism.
2011 UNDP Macedonia FYR Tri-lateral Tourism Strategy and Action Plan for the Prespa Lakes
Sept-Nov Ms Gordana Macedonia, Basin
Cvetkoska Albania &
Desk research and field trip with consultations leading to the
+389 47 455 190 Greece
development of tourism strategy and action plan for one of Europe’s
last remaining remote wilderness areas. The project was part of the
UNDP Integrated Ecosystem Management project in the Prespa Lakes
Sole consultant
Basin covering Albania, FYR Macedonia, and Greece. The projects
identified are to be taken forward with M&E indicators for EU
Partnership funding.
Feb 2011 ACDI-VOCA Sierra Leone Sustainable Tourism Value Chain Appraisal
Mr James Deane Identification of ecotourism opportunities for the USAID Promoting Agriculture, Governance and the Environment (PAGE) program aimed
Tourism value chain at identifying value chain development opportunities in sustainable
expert tourism for the private and community and public sectors.
2010 New Zealand Team Leader Final appraisal of the Fighting Poverty at the Plain of Jars project
Oct, Nov Aid/UNESCO DAC evaluation of US$1.1 million UNESCO project for UXO clearance,
Ms Sokha Mey pro-poor tourism and sustainable resource management at the Plain of
+64 4 439 8200 Jars Archaeological Landscape (candidate World Heritage Site), Xieng
Sokha.Mey@mfat.go Khouang Province, Lao PDR.
Evaluation team
2009 Apr, EU / IBM Business Kenya Monitoring & Evaluation of the Kenya Tourist Board’s 2009-10 EU-
Jun, Nov, Consulting; Valerie Funded Advertising Campaigns
2010 Feb, Couvreur
Capacity enhancement of Kenya Tourist Board staff through 6 missions
Mar, July, +32 2 416 50 72
to Kenya,<>. This programme was designed to
Aug, Nov valerie.couvreur@be.ib
support the recovery of Kenyan tourism following civil unrest. Assessed
project design and relevance, efficiency and effectiveness, used a wide
M&E expert
range of EC evaluation tools, and retained to assist and advise on
quality of planning, budgeting and risk management. Included regular
workshops and presentations.
2009 Dec EC / SEQUA gGmbH Jordan Final Evaluation: EC Protection and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in
Annette von the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Post project evaluation of works undertaken at Um ar Rassas world
heritage site, Lehun archaeological site and the marketing of the Kings
Highway as a heritage route. Included workshops and presentations.
Evaluation Team
2009 Oct Asian Development Lao PDR Project Monitoring Protocol for the Sustainable Tourism Development
Bank Project in Lao PDR Project (2009-2014)
Rik Ponne This GMS project is financed by a US$ 10 million grant from the ADB with additional budgetary resources sourced from the Government of
International M&E Lao PDR. Responsible for establishing an impact monitoring system.
expert Included workshops and presentations.

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

2009 Sept EC & Concern/; Luke Lao PDR EC Mid Term Evaluation of the Healthy Houameaung Project
Stevens DAC evaluation of a health and sanitation programme. The project is
+856 21 213 578 funded by the European Union and 25% funded by Concern Worldwide.
lukestevens@concern.n It involves partnership with the Department of Public Health in
et Houaphanh and the National Institute of Public Health, Vientiane.
Evaluation Team Leader Included workshops and presentations.

2008 Dec EC / Pohl Consulting Jordan Final EC Evaluation IS-ASEZA Programme

Mr Sion Morton Post project appraisal of the €5 million IS-ASEZA programme under the
sm@pohl- EU MEDA programme in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone, Jordan. Covered food laboratory, tourism and environmental initiatives.
Evaluation team leader Included workshops and presentations.
2008 May- Strategic Business Tanzania Value chain analysis of tourism in Tanzania
Jun Advisors, Kenya On behalf of the Tanzanian Confederation of Tourism., this study
Mr John Kashangaki benchmarked tourism competitiveness looking in particular at private sector value chains for beach tourism, safari tourism, FITs, business
International Tourism tourism and domestic tourism. It focussed in Dar Es Salaam,
Trade Expert Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti & the island of Zanzibar.
2007 Sept- SNV; Nicolette Lao PDR & Value chain study of tourism along Trans-Asia Highway 9
Oct Matthijsen Vietnam Route is an A economic corridor from Savannahket on the Mekong
nmatthijsen@snvworld. in ao PFR to Hu and anang in ietnam. This trade development
org study examined new business opportunities in the private sector.
Team leader
2007 Jun Mekong Private Sector Lao PDR Analysis of survey of visitors to Laos
Development Fund Carried out on behalf of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and
Mr Chris Barlow SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. The survey covered visitor satisfaction and visitor expenditure, providing a financial
Tourism Marketing benchmark for the first time.
2006 Aug EC / IBM Business Swaziland Final evaluation of the Private Sector Support Programme in
Consulting Services Swaziland.
Ms Valerie Couvreur This was an €5. million project comprising 3 components: Investment,
valerie.couvreur@be.ib and SME Development and CBT. Included workshops and presentations.
Evaluation expert-
2000 TDI,/EU Tacis Armenia Tourism
ArmeniaTraining Initiative
August- Programme This TACIS project involved an intensive two week residential tourism training assignment for
Sept Peter MacNulty senior tourism officials and the private sector. An extensive
+353 1 230 221 programme of follow up meetings was also held to assess reaction to the course and future training needs. .
Tourism training

Membership in Professional Associations:

MTS (Member of the Tourism Society)
TCN Tourism Consultants Network
UNEP Tourism & Environment Programme (pre-qualified expert)
Conservation Finance Alliance
United Nations Speakers’ ureau

PEI Strategic Plan for Tourism 2016-2021 – Proposal Document

 Nepal and Shangri-La: The Image of a Destination (2004). Tourism, Politics and Democracy
conference paper, Tourism Policy Unit, University of Brighton, UK.
 Nepal: Finding New Markets in Old Ones (2006). Tourism in Asia conference paper, Centre
for Asian Studies, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.
 Economic Corridors and Eco-tourism: Whither Tourism in Laos? (2008). In: Cochrane J. (ed.)
 Towards the Development of the Egyptian Medical Tourism Sector: A Strategic Approach
(2009). In: ANNATOLIA. Vol .20, No. 2 (with Dr Eman Hemly, Helwan University)
 Environmental Goods and Services in the ESCWA Region: Opportunities for SMEs (2011). For:
ESCWA, United Nations, New York.
 Opportunities for SMEs in rural areas of the ESCWA region (2011). For: ESCWA, United
Nations, New York.
 International Year of Forests 2011: ESCWA Region (2011). For: ESCWA, Beirut, Lebanon.
 Maximising opportunities from water through tourism in Africa (2015 pending). For: African
Development Bank

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work):



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