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If I Were The Prime Minister of India

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If I were the Prime Minister of India (First)

India is a democratic country. The Prime Minister is a key figure in a democratic set up. The power
concentrates in his hands. He runs the governance of the country. Though constitutionally, the President
is the head of the country, yet the Prime Minister is the all-powerful man in the country. He administers
the whole country in every sphere of life.

Since my early childhood I had a dream to become the Prime Minister of India. I have certain ideas and
ideals that I would like to put into practice. I want to make India a prosperous country. I would like to see it
free from all the evils. First of all, I would like to check the corruption which has become the hotbed of
administration? It has robbed India of all its vigor and vitality. It has caused erosion in the moral values of
life. It is a great hurdle on the way to progress and development of the country.

Poverty remains a big challenge for India. Even after the six decades of independence one fourth of its
population is destined to live a life of want and deprivation. It is a shame for us that we are the biggest
poor country in the world. A large number of people have to go to bed without food. Potable water is a
rare commodity for many people living in the remote areas. They have to go to miles to take drinking
water. About ten per cent of Indian villages have to go to earthen lamp. They have not been electrified
until now. Life comes to a standstill with the setting of the sun. All these and many more evils that I would
like to eradicate if I become the Prime Minister.

Illiteracy is another big challenge for India. About one-third of its population is still illiterate. They do not
know how to read and write. This puts our head in shame. In addition, the standard of living of the
common masses is very low. Moreover, illiteracy and poverty provides a breeding ground for the growth
of many social evils. Illiteracy makes people an easy prey to various evils. If I become the Prime Minister I
would work hard for the promotion of education. I would make education mandatory for all.

India is mainly an agricultural country. More than fifty per cent of its population still depends on
agriculture. Agriculture in India is backward and dependent on rains. Rain here is uncertain and untimely.
This is also a major factor causing to the overall backwardness and low standard of living of the people.
As a Prime Minister I would promote industrialisation to minimise the dependence of people on
agriculture. Above all, I would ensure the equitable distribution of wealth to people. I would work hard to
bring social justice. I would promote good friendly relations with the neighboring countries. I would
eradicate terrorism from the Indian soil. I would turn it into a country to which people would feel proud to
be the Indians.
If I were the Prime Minister of India (Second)
To be the Prime Minister of a country is a matter of pride. He can wake or mar the country.

I wish I were the Prime Minister of India so that I might serve my country in a most humble
manner. The Prime Minister enjoys the highest place in the Government of India, next to the
President of India. However, in reality it is the Prime Minister who does everything on the behalf
of the President of India. It is, therefore, that I wish I could serve my country as Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister serves the country self-lessly and with great devotion and sacrifice. The
welfare of the country is always uppermost in his mind. He is always concerned about it. Day in
and day out he thinks of the poor, down trodden masses of the country and wants to improve
their lot quite earnestly.

As a Prime Minister of India I would see that poverty vanishes from this land forever and people
get at least two square meals a day. I would also see that illiteracy is removed from the masses
and all the people acquire the knowledge of three R’s. I would make education free for al up to
middle classes.

As a Prime Minister I would work to bring about communal harmony in the country. People
would not fight in the name of religion, caste or language. I would take effective steps to check
communal riots. My next step would be to fight corruption which is rampant these days
throughout the country. I would not let the public money be wasted.

My next priority as a Prime Minister would be that India continues to acquire strength so that
she can face internal disturbances and external aggressions from any quarters. I would not
allow any complacence in this regard, because a weak nation always invites invaders. I would
make the country’s defence stronger. Armed forces of the country would be well-provided in all
respects so that ne enemy dares have evil designs against our sovereignty.

However, I would continue to follow the policy of peaceful co-existence and maintain friendly
relations with our neighboring countries like China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. India
would not join any power blocs but she would always take keen interest in non-aligned
movement. She would work for the welfare of mankind and endeavor to bring about a new
economic order so that the developed countries of the world may not exploit the developing

India would always work for world peace and human good. She can raise her head high among
the community of nations. I am sure the power blocs would realize the importance of non-
aligned movement and give up the bloc in the interest of the human race. I would promote trade
and improve agriculture and industry. I would lead India to great heights.
If I were the Prime Minister of India (Third)
Anyone would dream about a big stage in life. So did I. I use to think myself as the Prime
Minister of India. In my imagination, if I were the Prime Minister of India I would emphasize on
the following:

 A well disciplined student force who are going to lead the nation

 Development and safety of children, especially every girl child

 Importance of moral strength, cultural heritage and national significance

 Educate people on the power and responsibility of a common man

If I were the Prime Minister of India I would work on the solutions for conflicts, contradictions
and controversies in the society. I would encourage the students to build the developing India
into a Super Nation. I would encourage women to come up and mark their footprints in all the

Children are the hope of any nation. If I were the Prime Minister of India I would ensure that they
get healthy food, hygienic environment and high quality education.

If I were the Prime Minister of India I would wipe out dowry system from our society, bring down
the differences in quota based on caste system and help in energizing the economy. I would
educate people on the importance of voting and help them build a better nation.

If I were the Prime Minister of India, I would answer the voices of my people through positive
actions. I want to see the pace of progress in every way and make our nation the best nation if I
were the Prime Minister of India.

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