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TOP 100

Alphaliner TOP 100 : How it works ?

The Alphaliner TOP 100 provides a constantly updated ranking of the 100 largest
container/liner operators as well as global capacity figures taking into account the
fleets of virtually all container operators worldwide. Alphaliner has computed it on a
daily basis since 1996 and it has become a benchmark for the liner shipping industry.
It allows to follow the progression of the fleet of each operator as well as the
evolution of their global market shares.

The Alphaliner TOP 100 is updated every day. It is based on the fleet effectively
deployed by each operator. Subsidiaries are consolidated to give a clear picture. The
present document explains the way this TOP 100 is computed and how the market
shares are established.


Selecting the operators and ships included in the liner count

Global figures : the total liner count
Display of individual operators fleets
Computing the TEU capacities
Computing the market share of operators
Reliability and accuracy
Pertinence of the TEU count
DWT capacity assessment
TEU capacity assessment
Comments on TEU assessment for non cellular ships
Frequently Asked Questions

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

Selecting the operators and ships included in the liner count

The Alphaliner TOP 100 provides the total TEU capacity of the ships deployed by the 100
largest containership operators. For each operator, a breakdown of the existing fleet
distinguishing owned and chartered tonnage is provided, as well as their total orderbook.
There are some 250 operators, or more exactly operating groups. Thus, for the purpose of
the TOP 100 calculation, we consolidate the TEU capacities of Maersk Line, Safmarine,
MCC-Transport and OACL, which belong to the A.P. Möller-Maersk Group, and we consider
it as a single operator. Should every subsidiary be singled out, the number of operators
would approach 500.
The subsidiaries (if any) included under an operator heading can be displayed in a separate window. It can be
opened using the relevant link in the TOP 100 page (i.e. click on All figures are consolidated)

Global figures : the total liner count

A set of global figures displayed at the head of the TOP 100 page includes the total TEU
capacity and DWT tonnage actively deployed on liner/container services on a given
day. This count includes :
- All existing ships deployed by all the operators (including small operators beyond the TOP 100),
- Ships on short time unscheduled assignments,
- Ships ending an assignment and not yet on their new assignment,
- Ships positioning (on ballast or with an occasional cargo),
- Ships carrying empties,
- Ships dedicated to liner trades but for which the route is unclear or undocumented,
- Ships in routine General Repairs (GR),
- Ships idle as a result of a market slump,
- Ships in transient situations : it applies mostly to multipurpose ships having left a liner service and
assumed to pursue their careers on liner trades, or switching alternatively between liner and
tramp operations (deletion from the liner count occurs when it can be ascertained that the ship
has clearly left liner trades).

Display of individual operators fleets

Clicking on the ranking figure of an operator (left column) displays the full fleet list of this
operator, in decreasing teu capacity of ships (available for registered users only). The ships
shown are those used for the TOP 100 calculations. In some instances, these lists can differ
from the lists displayed in the OPERATORS section of the website, where main subsidiaries
are differentiated. Thus, in the OPERATORS section, Maersk Line, Safmarine and MCC-
Transport are treated as three distinct operators, and the fleets displayed are those ope-
rated by each one. But as already said, their fleets are consolidated in the TOP 100 ranking.

è In exceptional cases, a small difference can appear between the fleet list downloaded from the
OPERATORS section and the ship list downloaded from the TOP 100. It is explained by the fact that the
lists displayed within the OPERATORS section include -for information purposes- ships which are to join
a given operator, but which have not yet moved in. Because of this particular, transient status, they are
logically excluded from the TOP 100 teu count and, as such, do not appear when displaying the fleet list
from the TOP 100 page. Such ships are included in the operator's figure as soon as taken in charge.
Most of the time, these are ships freshly chartered, either currently idle or positioning to the first loading
port where the ship will be effectively taken in charge by the operator (charterer). It concerns however a
very few ships (technically, the date of delivery of the ship to the charterer is used to include her in the
TEU count). For the sake of exactitude, these ships are counted in the Total fleet figures displayed at the
head of the TOP 100 page (a different indexing scale is used specifically for this purpose).

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

Computing the TEU capacities

The Alphaliner TOP 100 figures result from the automatic addition of the nominal TEU
capacities of all the ships deployed on a given day by such or such operator (cellular or not).
Besides, the total TEU liner count displayed at the head of the TOP 100 page results from
the addition of the nominal TEU capacities deployed by ALL operators, including those
beyond the TOP 100 and including ships in transient situations as explained above.
The TEU capacities used to compile the TOP 100 and the Total liner TEU count are nominal
capacities as shown in ship descriptions, for all types of ships, and as reported in the ships
data sheets in the website, provided they are employed on liner trades.
As we monitor constantly the fleet of every operator, with the deployment of each ship (with
each ship assigned to a well identified service, or to a short time spot employment -which
remains a rare case-), we assume that the TEU figure derived from this count is the best
way to assess the weight of each operator and the market evolution.
It is not however 100% perfect - as explained hereunder and in the subsection Reliability
and accuracy.
In the case of multipurpose ships, reefer ships, roros, conbulkers or barge carriers, we use
the nominal TEU capacity to compile the TOP 100 and the Total TEU liner count. Of course,
part of the capacity of these ships may be used for non-containerized cargo.
That said, the majority of the TOP 100 operators employ several non cellular ships which are
in fact used as pure container ships, so their TEU capacity is, or can be, used to its
We insist on the fact that only ships effectively deployed on Liner trades are counted. Ships
deployed on non-liner trades are EXCLUDED from the count EVEN IF THEY ARE FITTED
TO CARRY CONTAINERS. Thus, the website includes about 5,000 container-friendly non-
cellular ships which are NOT deployed on liner trades. Of course, when one of these latter
ships is assigned to a liner service, its status is altered to “Liner operation” and it is then
taken into account in the TOP 100 count and in the global figures displayed at the head of the
TOP 100 page.

Computing the market share of operators

The operator market shares shown inside the bargraph and table are computed in TEU
terms, based on the overall TEU capacity deployed on liner trades (Total liner TEU count).
All types of ships are considered : cellular, multipurpose, roro, conbulkers and barge
carriers, as far as they are effectively deployed on liner/container trades.
This calculation is made possible because Alphaliner tracks the assignments of ships
deployed by all liner operators worldwide, operating international lines or important
domestic lines, down to tiny companies using one or two ships of 100 or 200 teu.
Ships that are not deployed on liner trades are NOT included in the teu count, even if they
are container fitted.
In this respect, even cellular ships can be excluded from this global count in the following
cases : ships undertaking long time repairs after an accident and ships under long term lay
up (over one year) or arrested.

Containerships idle for carriers account as a consequence of a market slump or during

seasonal lows are included in the carriers figures, as far as the period of idling or lay up
remains under one year (laying up over one year remains exceptional).

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

Ships performing General Repairs (GR – routine periodic maintenance including dry
docking) remain included in the operators counts, as this a normal event within an operated
fleet, affecting all operators (ships undertake GR on every three to five years and are
generally idle for about three weeks).

Reliability and accuracy

The fleet of each operator is monitored with the utmost care. However, as there are human
beings behind the computer input, mistakes or omissions surely occur. Remarks are then
always welcome.
Technically, the chartered component of an operator's fleet is, if any, the most critical to
assess with an accurate timing. Although the Alphaliner team constantly follows the comings
and goings of chartered ships, the very day a ship starts or ends a charter (laycan / expiry)
is not always known exactly, at least for some operators.
So, the count on a given day may slightly differ from the reality. With this in view, it can be
said that the TEU count on a given day is accurate at some point during a period of time
lasting one or two weeks, according to operators. This is largely enough to assess the
current weight of an operator on the market.

With this in mind, it is therefore not surprising that the TEU figure of an operator can go
down from one day to the other, as a chartered ship may have left the fleet while there were
no entries. It is a punctual situation. Over a longer period of time, the TEU count will show
evidence of its growth.

Pertinence of the TEU count

The TEU count is the only way to assess the weight of each operator. Ideally, the annual
turnover would be the best figure for comparisons. However, it does not work because a
number of companies do not publish any financial report while some other ones dilute their
liner shipping sales figures in a wider count, including non liner operations (tanker, bulker
etc.) and sometimes with activities which have nothing to do with shipping.
Another interesting figure is the number of TEU carried annually. Many carriers also do
not publish this data, and when it is, it may take into account movements of empty boxes for
an operator and not for another one. Or it may count the number of containers carried,
which is different from the number of TEUs carried. For regional companies operating short
sea shuttles, the figures would even compare with the number of TEUs carried by much
larger carriers that ship containers mainly on long haul trades. So, the average distance
travelled by containers is needed to balance the result. Obtaining this kind of information is,
needless to say, a wishful thinking.
There are two figures which cannot be hidden and represent a good compromise to assess
the weight of operators : the cumulated TEU capacity and the Deadweight capacity of the
operated fleet. It is recalled that the Deadweight (DWT) of a ship represents its carrying
capacity expressed in tonnes, including allowance for bunkers and other supplies. With
containers having invaded the liner trades, the TEU figure can also be considered a
Besides its obviousness, the TEU count (or the DWT count) has another advantage, it
allows virtually a day-to-day assessment of the operators weights. This could not be
achieved with annual figures, or even quarterly figures, of every sort, published by the

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

è TEU vs DWT
We have compared the TEU and DWT figures for the Top 50 lines in order to weigh up the
TEU against the DWT. We found that the carriers which would be advantaged by a DWT
ranking operate multipurpose tonnage along with cellular tonnage.
As multipurpose tonnage is generally slower than cellular tonnage, what is gained on one
side is lost on another. Furthermore, multipurpose tonnage dealing with breakbulk cargoes
as well as containers spends more time in port. Thus, relatively low sea speed and time
spent in port offset the DWT advantage.
Therefore, the TEU figure represents, in our opinion, a good yardstick to compare carriers
and to assess market shares.

è DWT capacity assessment

DWT figures are always provided in a variety of official documents as this figure has to be
computed mandatorily according to accurate standard rules published by the IMO (the Load
Line convention, which has been established in order to avoid the overloading of ships).
However, when going down in the ranking, there are operators that operate only
multipurpose tonnage on breakbulk-dominated liner trades. It is why we do not publish the
TEU ranking beyond the rank 100 as it would lead to confusion and even unpleasant,
understandable comments from the TEU disadvantaged breakbulk liner operators.

è TEU capacity assessment

There is more controversy for the TEU figure than for the DWT one, as its computation is
not governed by strict rules. The only limitations deal with stability, lashing and visibility from
the wheelhouse. Basically, capacities shown in the website and used in related statistics are
nominal TEU capacities.
The nominal TEU capacity is the maximum geometric capacity of the ships, taking into
account the above mentioned limitations. The nominal TEU capacity does not reflect the real
carrying capacity of the ship in laden boxes, called effective TEU capacity, as it takes into
account a top deck layer of empty boxes (or even two layers in extreme cases) and does not
deal with other specific features of a trade.
On some trades where High Cube boxes dominate, there can be a loss of stowage space
underdeck (mostly on older ships) due to the inadequate under hatch clearance, so reducing
further the effective capacity.
On other trades where heavily laden boxes dominate, the TEU capacity has to be matched
with the total weight of the boxes vs. the deadweight of the ship, leading to an effective
capacity lower than it would be on “lighter” trades. From these two examples, it can be seen
that the effective TEU capacity of a given ship varies according to the trade on which it is
Besides, some carriers undervaluate the capacity of ships deployed on such or such line,
even quoting figures lower than the effective TEU capacity - probably not to terrify the
competitors (especially when they are to launch a new service) or to lure competition
observers. This is however becoming a thing of the past.
The nominal TEU capacity remains the base reference figure for containership capacity, and
is even contractual in charter deals. The nominal TEU capacity of chartered ships is always
accurately known as it is contractual and is generally reasonably maximized. The nominal
TEU capacity of ships controlled by their operators is derived either from their own fleet data
or from other reliable sources, including shipyards.

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

Differences can occur because it depends on how the capacity above deck is measured.

The deck capacity is a very elastic figure. It depends on how many layers of containers are
taken into account. In order to assess the true figures for ships for which the TEU capacity is
obviously underevaluated, we simply take the TEU figures of straight sister ships for which it
is well known. When this cannot be done, we have worked out ship plans when available
and also simply counted the number of boxes on deck when seeing a ship at full load or with
the help of photos (taking into account the height of boxes, as the standard container height
used to evaluate ships capacities is 8 ft 6 in).
As said above, the upper tier of containers -and sometimes the two upper tiers- consists in
empty boxes for stability reasons. These layers of empty boxes are taken into account in the
ship contractual descriptions and it makes sense to include them to assess the capacity of
all ships. However, there are ships for which other technical limitations occur, such as the
resistance of hatch covers (mainly old ships were designed at a time when the maximization
of deck capacity was a secondary consideration).
Obviously, there are ships which are seen from time to time with layers of a height rivalling
with that of the funnel on their aft deck - this is usually not a normal condition and we do not
consider it.
A question often raised concerns the pertinence of retaining the nominal TEU capacity for
statistical purposes vs. the effective TEU capacity, or even the capacity in TEU at 14 tons
and the fact that the top layer consists in empty boxes. The TEU at 14 tons intake expresses
the ability to load a given number of teu containers (of 8 ft 6 inches in height)
homogeneously loaded at a total weight of 14 tons, without jeopardizing the ship stability
and to remain within the draft allowed by the freeboard rules. This is computed with a given
quantity of supplies (included fuel oil) and ballast water.

Although this question makes sense, we answer that :

1) it remains a fact that on many trades, containers are stuffed with relatively light
goods/packings that compensate for heavier boxes, so that the average TEU weight stands
at only 11 or 12 tons.
2) empty boxes are part of the logistics game and top layers of empties are welcome for
repositioning purposes.

Comments on TEU assessment for non-cellular ships

Beyond the 100th rank appear a lot of operators operating breakbulk ships with a relatively
low teu intake because containerized cargo is only part of their business. It is why we do not
publish the TEU count beyond the 100th as it would not be fair (the DWT count would be the
best way to assess their carrying capacity). That said, a TOP 100 ranking based on DWT
would disadvantage most of the large liner operators as it would not be weighed against the
high productivity and/or speed of container ships.

As far as reefer ships are concerned, we include their TEU intake (in most cases, it is
confined only on deck) when such ships are deployed on regular services where there is a
mix of reefer cargoes in holds and reefer containers on deck, or on return legs with
breakbulk in holds and containers on deck. Reefer ships are usually deployed on pure reefer
trades (carrying fruit, meat and fish), including on regular services (often weekly) operated
by fruit traders or by reefer specialists such as NYK/Cool or Seatrade. Containers are
confined to the weather deck. The reefer breakbulk under deck capacity is then excluded. It
does not matter (in our view) as it is generally seen as a different business.

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

The reefer ship operators can also sublet the container capacity of their ships to third party
carriers. In most cases, it is limited to deck capacity as many of these reefer ships are not
designed to carry containers under deck. Well established third party carriers are taken into
account in the Liner count, although they are small ones and are far beyond the 100th

Large reefer ship operators such as Dole or Chiquita/GWF operate pure container ships
(fully celled) alongside with some reefer ships of more conventional design deployed on well
defined regular trades. Both their containerships and the deck capacity of their reefer ships
are included in the Liner/TOP 100 count.
Conbulkers are counted ONLY when they are deployed on liner trades, and are excluded
when they are operated on parcel trades or pure forest products trades, even if regular.
Actually, conbulkers interfere today only marginally with container trades. In rare cases,
container operations are mixed with forest products (such as Westwood), and we include
the involved TEU figures in the liner TEU count.
Roro ships usually deployed by companies such as Delmas, Grimaldi or Linea Messina are
basically versatile ships able to deal with a large variety of cargoes, including containers.
For the TEU count, we retain the TEU intake of these ships, as displayed by these
operators, although the TEU volumes can be partly filled with rolling stock and other
cargoes, including breakbulk cargoes on MAFI, trailers, or handled with lift trucks. In fact,
these cargoes have a TEU equivalent to the TEU capa they filI. Conversely, volumes
dedicated to rolling stock only can be used to load containers on MAFI, the capacity of
which is usually not counted in the nominal TEU intake.
In the case of Grimaldi, the hybrid roro ships used have a relatively low TEU capa and it
does not reflect the overall transportation capa of such ships. However, as these ships are
largely used to carry vehicles, this pure vehicle capa is de facto excluded from the count.
We also completely exclude from the count the PCTCs deployed by Grimaldi (although they
are displayed in the Grimaldi profile for information purposes). This is logical as we exclude
all vehicle carriers from our count. In the same way, we do not take into account the PCTCs
fleets of NYK, MOL, Kawasaki etc., and we also exclude the Wallenius-Wilhelmsen fleet,
today comprising pure vehicle carriers only.

Alphaliner is a leading data and information provider in the liner shipping field, providing an exhaustive and
permanently updated inventory of all the world containerships and liner services.

Detailed descriptions of the containerships are provided, together with their commercial history and their
current status. Liner services data sheets detail the rotation of each service and the ships deployed. A full
section is dedicated to the liner operators, with trading profiles, fleets and orderbooks. On top of this,
Alphaliner also provides fleet statistics, forecast and market analysis, as well as a weekly newsletter.

This data is available by subscription at .

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

TOP 100 - Frequently asked questions

Are multipurpose ships included in the TOP 100 ?

Multipurpose ships are included in the Alphaliner TOP 100 ONLY when they are deployed on
liner/container trades by liner/container operators. In all other cases, they are excluded.

Actually, the vast majority of multipurpose ships are employed outside the liner trades. In the
rare cases when a multipurpose ship joins a liner operator to carry containers, then
Alphaliner assigns the "liner" status to the ship and assigns it to the operator employing her.
Thus, its TEU capacity is de facto included in the operators capacity count.

Are vehicle carrying lines or forest products lines covered in the TOP 100 ?

No, they are not as these lines are not container-oriented. The operators included in the
Alphaliner TOP 100 are selected according to our definition of liner trades. The liner
operations described in the Alphaliner website include every liner service in the common
acceptance of the term.

Given this common acceptance, are excluded a number of specific, more or less regular
services such as parcel trades (steel and other neo-bulk products), pure forest product
trades or pure vehicle carrying services. Although some of them are shown in the website
for information purposes, we do not include them in the fleet statistics. In fact, they usually
do not involve the carrying of containers.

Therefore, operators of regular vehicle carrier services or of forest product carrying services
are not covered in the TOP 100 count or in the fleet statistics.

Why is the TEU fleet bigger than the Total TEU liner fleet at the head of the TOP 100 ?

It is because you include in your own count all the container-capable ships listed in the
database, including those which are NOT deployed on liner trades.
The total TEU liner fleet figures displayed at the head of the Alphaliner TOP 100 (Today,
there are xxx ships active on liner trades, for yyy TEU and zzz TDW) results from the
addition of the TEU capacities of the ships deployed by ALL liner operators, i.e. those in the
TOP 100 and those beyond the TOP 100 (down to the smallest operator in the database, with
a single ship of 60 teu), as well as ships in transient situations.
The total TEU fleet computed through the addition of the capacities of all ships included in
the Alphaliner database is not relevant as it includes the capacities of ships fitted for
containers, but which are not currently deployed on liner trades (and thus are excluded from
the total TEU liner fleet count). Such ships are conbulkers employed on grain trade, timber
trade etc., cargo vessels employed on tramp trade or on project cargo voyages (not liner),
roros employed as truck ferries on short sea routes etc., and even cellular ships
exceptionally deployed on non-container tramp trades.
When one of these excluded ships is chartered by a liner operator involved in the container
business, then it is included automatically within the TEU liner count.

Why is one of my operated ships not included in the count of my company ?

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

It is because this ship is idle as a result of an accident (repairs after a collision, a grounding
or a fire), or a grave engine failure (implying for example the replacement of a broken engine
crankshaft), or an upgrading (such as lengthening in progress), or because of a seizure.
In such cases, the ship does not participate to any trade while being idle and is even not
available for charter (at least at short notice), and it is why we exclude her from the
operators TEU count, and hence from the total liner count. Of note, the ships lying idle for
operators’ account as a result of a market slump, or awaiting their sailing slot, remain
counted in the operator’s fleets.
In the case of a chartered ship, she would even be excluded de facto from the fleet of your
company in the case of an accident, which usually triggers the “off hire” clause.

Why some ships owned by my company are excluded from its TEU count ?

It is because these ships are chartered out by your company to another operator, and are
thus counted in the fleet of this other operator. The Alphaliner TOP 100 is based on ships
effectively deployed by an operator on its own services. So, if one your ships is NOT
deployed by your company on your own services, it is excluded from your company's fleet
count. These chartered-out ships thus appear in the fleets of the operators which have
chartered them, which is logical. The same apply to chartered ships you would sublet to a
third party.
As far as the owned component is concerned, all the ships owned by your company can be
displayed in the OWNERS section of the website (where only the owned ships are listed).
This list of “owned ships only” includes the ships that you charter out to third party operators,
which are labelled TO in the status field of the ship data sheets to mark the fact that they are
chartered ships provided by operating owners, at the difference of ships provided by non-
operating owners (TO = charter by opportunity or charter within the frame of an operational
exchange – as explained in the Ship Glossary).

Why do I get a list of ships that does not match with TOP 100 figures ?

It is because you got the fleet list from the “operated fleet” item of an affiliate of a wider
operating group.

The fleet listed in the OPERATORS profile are those strictly operated by affiliated units
within an operating group. Thus, clicking in the “operated fleet” item of the Maersk Line
profile leads to a display of the ships operated under the “Maersk Line” name, excluding
those operated by other companies within the APM-Maersk Group, namely “Safmarine”,
“MCC-Transport” and "OACL", the fleets of which appear under their respective profiles.

In order to get an APM-Maersk Group exhaustive fleet list, as used for the TOP 100 daily
compilation (consolidating the fleets of Maersk Line, Safmarine, MCC-Transport and OACL),
you can either click on the ranking of APM-Maersk in the TOP 100 page (this function is
active only for registered users), or you can hit the relevant link at the head of the Maersk
Line profile.

Why is there a ship named with an APL prefix in the MOL’s operated fleet ?

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ALPHALINER – TOP 100 - How It Works –
The worldwide reference in liner shipping

It happens in a few cases that ships chartered (and therefore operated) by a given line are
named after the name style of a partner for commercial reasons. Thus, taking an example, it
may be surprising to see a ship with a name prefix in APL listed in the MOL's fleet. It is not a
mistake. It reflects only that the ship is actually operated by her charterer MOL, but has
been given an APL name in order to represent the presence of APL on the trade on which
she is deployed. Such a case occurs also when ships are exchanged within a partnership,
without changing their names.

Breakbulk services and ships – To what extent are they covered ?

Alphaliner covers regular, established liner breakbulk services offering transportation of a

variety of general cargo/project cargo as common carriers, including containers (such as
OPEX or COREX at Safmarine). These services involve mostly multipurpose cargo vessels.
Other typical examples include services offered by Rickmers Linie, OXL, Spliethoff’s or CEC
Lines. Sometimes, the ships are advertised at the last minute.

Of note, some of the breakbulk services displayed focus almost only on breakbulk cargoes, project cargoes or
parcels, with the only containers carried being ‘client’ containers (enclosing for example small items
accompanying a larger project cargo shipment). The capacity of these ships is excluded from the Global liner
count in order to not distort the total liner TEU figure by TEU capable ships that actually do not carry containers
(or very few) on the service on which they are employed.

Alphaliner DOES NOT cover regular parcel services, involving for example full cargoes of
steel, or of forest products, or of bagged rice, etc. (even if for several shippers). These
services involve mostly open hatch bulk carriers of 20-50,000 tdw, excluded from the
website (except when they are conbulkers – listed just in case they would come one day on
container trades). Some of these services are however listed in the website as they are in
the grey zone between established liner breakbulk services and regular parcel services.

Alphaliner DOES NOT cover regular captive services (i.e. offering regular services for a
single shipper), even if employing multipurpose cargo vessels. It can be for example a
regular service between two production units of the same group. Given their nature, there
are no published schedules, and by definition they are not common carriers.


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