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Oral Presentations

I learned a lot. Besides the knowledge that the course taught us,
I also improved many skills.
—Business student

his chapter will examine a range of issues relating to presenting your results
in an oral presentation. An oral presentation may not be essential for all
research projects but is often required. If you have the opportunity to give
an oral presentation, you need to clearly explain your research in a way that is
appropriate for the audience and assigned requirements. You also need to provide
support for the arguments presented. In business, some managers are often too
busy to read the complete written report and so will make a decision largely based
on an oral presentation (Waller, 2012). Such a presentation can be used to outline
the research problem, methodology undertaken, main findings, and recommenda-
tions. It is a very effective tool to reinforce key elements of the research project. Like
your written report, the oral presentation is an opportunity to sell your findings,
and clear communication is critical.
Oral presentations are in an audiovisual manner (unlike written reports), which
attracts the audience’s attention to what is being communicated. Although they are
oral, there are almost always visuals used to improve the communication of ideas.
Effective presentations, academic or business, require preparation and share some
important elements. Some people, such as Scott Armstrong (2003), a highly
regarded academic, suggest that there are several main phases of the presentation
that need to be considered. These include the following:

1. Activities before the talk that set the stage

2. During the talk, activities that include issues such as (a) organization of mate-
rials, (b) visuals used, and (c) oral communication issues


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3. At the close of the talk, activities that round off the presentation
4. After the talk, activities that further emphasize the material, such as sending
or distributing summaries

The following discussion expands on the issues that relate to giving an oral

Before the Presentation

For an effective presentation, you must undertake some groundwork setting up the
actual presentation. Only skillful communicators with extensive experience in pub-
lic speaking can successfully ad lib a presentation or speech with no preparation.
When presenting research findings, it is very important that you prepare before you
present because you want to incorporate critical issues and present your work effec-
tively. In fact, the less experience you have with oral presentations, the greater the
amount of preparation that you may need. Some things you will have to address are
the following:

1. Know Your Audience

It is vital that you know about your audience before you begin your presentation.
Try to discover who your audience is, what they already know about your topic, and
what they want and need to know from your presentation. By answering these types
of questions, you can better focus your presentation and pitch it at the the appropri-
ate level, with language that will satisfy the audience’s requirements. This can result
in the best use of your presentation time and reduce any misunderstandings
between you and your audience. Within your assigned topic, some of the questions
identified above may be easily addressed, and the answers will equally affect your
presentation style and coverage of the material.

2. Know Your Surroundings

This can be difficult for some people, who may not know where they are making
their presentation, but it can be helpful to go to the room before you present to get
a feeling for its physical surroundings. To be comfortable in the room you are going
to present in, it might be a good idea to see the layout of the room, find out where
you will be positioned, and test the sound, overhead projector, PowerPoint system,
and so forth. This is especially important with the increased use of multimedia
materials. For example, if you develop a PowerPoint presentation using a version
that is more advanced than the version on the computer you are supposed to use,
you might have a problem getting your materials to work. Similarly, you should test
the online connections if you are having slides that will link to an Internet site to
confirm that the link is available and you have access to the Internet from the room.

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This will be an even more important issue if there are time constraints, and thus the
more time you take to set up or sort out equipment problems, the less time you have
for the presentation. Being more confident in your physical surroundings can assist
you in being more confident in your oral presentation.

3. Plan Your Presentation

Planning your presentation is extremely important, because a planned presentation
is a good presentation, and you must thoroughly know the topic you are presenting.
You should plan the structure of your presentation (see below), what is to be said
(and by whom if it is a group presentation), what is to be shown in a visual format,
and how long it will take to present it. (As will be discussed in the next section,
practicing the presentation will also ensure that your plan actually works.)
Planning and understanding all areas of your presentation can reduce any ner-
vousness about giving the presentation and make you more confident in what you
are saying. However, even if you plan, you may need to be flexible. For example, if
one person in your group goes on too long, it might require adjustments in others’
materials. It has been said that for presentations, “planning begins with your pur-
pose,” so from the start you should be very clear in what the purpose of your pre-
sentation is (e.g., to entertain, inform, teach, or persuade). Your lecturer, professor,
or supervisor should help you in planning your presentation.

4. Practice Your Presentation

As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect.” You may not end up with a perfect
presentation, but by practicing your public speaking skills and specific presentations,
the result will definitely be a more effective presentation. Especially if you are using
any visual aids or slideshow technology (such as PowerPoint, Keynote, or Prezi) that
you are not familiar with, it is important to practice before your presentation as it
will look unprofessional to make basic mistakes during your presentation.
You can practice in front of family or friends, who will give you feedback as well as
experience with the content of what you are saying and will be able to assess the timing
of the presentation. Some people may find it more comfortable to practice by them-
selves, which can be done in front of a mirror or into an audio/video recorder. Again,
being more familiar with what you are going to say will give you more confidence and
help reduce nerves. Practice also allows you to see if visuals are clear and whether your
talk can be delivered within the time allocated and the technology works.


On the website (, there are interviews with

students who are giving advice on how they prepared for their oral presentation.
What was the main piece of advice from the students?

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The Presentation
In business, a number of different types of presentations (e.g., impromptu, from
memory, and scripted) can be made for various situations (e.g., a staff member leav-
ing, a new product launch, imparting consumer information, and revealing research
results). When it comes to the actual presentation of your research, a number of skills
can be used that will assist in an effective oral presentation (Polonsky & Waller, 2004).

1. Presentation Content
An important part of an oral presentation is the content of what is being commu-
nicated. While planning what will be in the content of your presentation, there are
a number of things to keep in mind, including the following:

Structure the Presentation

Make sure that your presentation has a planned structure, with a clear beginning,
middle, and end that flow in a logical way. Explain to the audience what you are
going to talk about, give them the information they want to hear (e.g., the over-
view, results, and recommendations of the project), and then conclude by sum-
marizing what you have told them. Malhotra et al. (2002) describe this as the “tell
’em” principle:

1. Tell ’em what you’re going to tell ’em.

2. Tell ’em.
3. Tell ’em what you’ve told ’em.

Make it simple, easy to understand, and within the time limit. This cannot be
done effectively and professionally without a planned structure. You might even
want to have one of your first overheads communicate this to the audience. A
possible structure for your business project presentation is found in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1    Presentation Structure

Percentage of the
Topic Issues Speech

1. Introduction Introduce speaker(s) and the 5

structure of the presentation

2. Research problem Basic background to the topic 15

Research problem, objectives/

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Percentage of the
Topic Issues Speech

3. Research design Explain methodology in 10

nontechnical terms
Data collection

4. Results Data analysis 35

Tables with results that answer
the research objectives/hypothesis

5. Recommendations Clear recommendations that 20

answer the research problem

6. Conclusion Summing up and emphasizing 10

the main points

7. Thank you/ Thank audience and ask for 5

Questions questions

You should also be aware of the concentration curve, which states that memory
retention is greatest at the beginning and end of any presentation (Ehrenborg &
Mattock, 2003). This is particularly true for any talk more than 5 minutes long. It
is, therefore, important that you plan a strong beginning and end with an emphasis
on the most important information. Ways to try to create some extra peaks of atten-
tion include voice loudness, pitch, and so forth; equipment changes; body language
and position; involving the audience; telling a joke or story; using videos or visuals;
and keeping a clear, flowing structure (Ehrenborg & Mattock, 2003).

Beware of the Beginning

The beginning, or introduction, of your presentation is very important and can set
the scene for the rest of your presentation. You should use the time carefully to get the
audience’s interest regarding the project. Two things you should not do in the intro-
duction stage are to begin with an apology for what you are about to say or to begin
with a joke or story that may not be funny or could embarrass or offend some audi-
ence members. You should be professional at all times during the presentation.

Prepare the Ending

The end of your presentation is just as important as the beginning. By the end, you
should have achieved your purpose, satisfied the audience’s basic informational
needs, summed the main points, and pointed to future action or future research.
After a great deal of effort and work on your project, it is not appropriate to leave

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the ending of your final presentation as a spur-of-the-moment grab for words. The
ending is your last chance to sell your work and thus is an opportunity to emphasize
issues of importance. Everything should be planned from beginning to end.

Be Visual
Visual aids can assist in effective communication during an oral presentation,
because (a) people are visually minded, (b) memory retention is increased, (c) visu-
alization encourages organization, and (d) misunderstandings are less likely to
occur (Luck & Rubin, 2007). Visual aids also have the effect of diverting the audi-
ence’s attention away from the speaker to the visual (illustration, graph, or slide),
thereby giving the speaker a few moments in which to relax, gather thoughts, and
prepare for the next point (Elliot & Windschuttle, 2001). Designing overheads that
communicate information in a visually appealing way is important. Therefore, to
help in the explanation of the project results or to emphasize particular points, it is
worthwhile to use visual aids. These can include overheads, slides, PowerPoint or
Prezi presentations, flipcharts, smartboards, chalkboards, whiteboards, magnetic
boards, videos, and practical examples. However, if you use these devices, make
sure that they assist in presenting the results and are not interfering in, or diverting
attention away from, the communication of the intended ideas.
You can use a wide range of presentation tools, and in Table 14.2 we have
described three that are frequently used for traditional presentations. These allow
you to do much more than present information—they also can structure your
thoughts and ideas. Of course, no matter which support tool you use, it is important
to ensure that this assists with getting your point across, rather than just being a
technology that you use. “Cool technology” is, however, no substitute for useful
content, and technology needs to support the content.
As mentioned above, the presentation should be tested and practiced before the
final delivery. Also ensure that these can be delivered within the time constraints of
the presentation. Problems can occur, for example, when the information is too
cluttered or too small to be read by the audience and where there are too many

Table 14.2    Some Alternative Presentation Software

Program Company Webpage YouTube/Training




en-au/templates/?CTT=97 watch?v=kNtEcD6U-ew


iwork/keynote/ watch?v=6yp2dL7Mx50

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Chapter 14  Oral Presentations   301

information-packed slides or too few to keep up with the spoken information. Do

not just photocopy or cut and paste sections of your written report onto an over-
head. While it is technically a presentation of your work, it is not an effective oral
presentation. Presentation slides should be developed specifically to communicate
the key issues.
Discussion of the ways to present the results is found in Chapter 12, and the same
suggestions apply to visuals within an oral presentation. Although you do need to
present the findings, you need to present all the associated information as well. Visu-
als are a tool that allows you to emphasize things as well as lead the audience through
the discussion. You, therefore, need to make sure that you stick to the key issues, as
you can distract the audience by trying to discuss every issue in minute detail. Keep-
ing the discussion focused will allow you to keep the audience focused.
We do caution the group about allocating the development of materials/overheads
to one person in the group, as the presentation materials need to flow with the presen-
tation, and therefore the person presenting the material needs to understand what he
or she is discussing. In one case, one member of a group incorporated very sophisti-
cated links and graphics, which the other members of the group did not know how to
use. These tools could have made things more informative but instead made the group
look disorganized. Having people in the group develop overheads for their section,
which are then merged into one style and structure (i.e., are reviewed by everyone), is
better at ensuring a consistent feel and that each presenter knows his or her slides.


An example of the PowerPoint slides used for one past student presentation is
posted on the website (

2. Presentation Style
Once the content of your presentation has been planned and prepared, effort must
be made to ensure that your presentation style effectively communicates your mes-
sage. Even if you have all the information necessary in your presentation, your
overall presentation could be ruined by poor presentation style. Improving your
public speaking and presentation skills can increase the effectiveness of your pre-
sentation. The following are some suggestions to improve the presentation style
for your oral presentation and prevent it from becoming an embarrassing mess.
Table 14.3 provides some links to sources that discuss various aspects of presenta-
tions discussed within this section, as does the list of additional support materials
at the end of the chapter.

Don’t Read
Listening to a presentation that is being read word for word is generally very boring
for the audience. Reading hinders the communication process and often can prevent

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Table 14.3    Video and Online Links to Oral Presentation Tips

Presentation Skills—How to Improve
Your Presentations (3.24 min) v=bt8YFCveNpY

Effective Presentation Skills: Using Eye

Contact (4.49 min) v=oSZfqCBUpOs

Making Effective Professional

Presentations—Northern Illinois v=JbEI07RvfKg
University (11:00 min)

10 Simple Rules for Making Good Oral

Presentations—Phillip Bourne (10 min) info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal

any eye contact between you and the audience, which is important for holding
people’s attention. Knowing your material before the presentation and being confi-
dent with what you are going to say and when you will say it can reduce the depen-
dence on reading (Waller, 2012). If you need help with remembering information,
then use palm cards or visual devices (e.g., PowerPoint slides or other devices men-
tioned above) with the main points written to assist your presentation. Thus, you
need to remember to communicate the key points to your audience; do not read to
them. You do need to be careful that you also do not try to put too much information
on slides, which can result in reading these to the audience. This can also distract the
audience as they focus on reading the overheads and not on the material being pre-
sented. Therefore, overheads should be designed to display key points that guide you
through the presentation. If you know your topic, you should be able to expand on
these points, thereby making the presentation more interesting.

Speak Up and Be Clear

Your audience must be able to hear and understand what you say, so it is important
to speak up clearly. Everyone in the room should be able to hear you. Speaking
quickly or mumbling will only distract the audience and prevent your message get-
ting across. The loudness of your voice may have to differ depending on whether
you are presenting in a classroom or a lecture theater and whether you have a
microphone or not. It may then be important, as mentioned above, to visit the room
first to test the physical surroundings. Of course in a group presentation, people
may have differing levels of skill and experience. It is always difficult to decide
whether everyone should be involved in the presentation. You might not want to
have too many presenters. Issues can also arise when some people are not effective
oral communicators. On one hand, not including them in the presentation does not
allow them to develop their skills, but on the other hand, ineffective presenters can
negatively affect the overall grade. There is no easy answer.

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Use Your Voice

It is important for a presenter to use his or her voice. There are a wide range of voice
qualities involved in oral presentations, including speed, pitch, loudness, and
rhythm. To communicate effectively, the speaker must control all these aspects of
his or her voice. For example, to communicate less anxiety when speaking, a
speaker should lower the pitch, slow down the pace, and use subtle pauses between
key points (Elliot & Windschuttle, 2001).

Use Your Body

Body language features, such as position, posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye
contact, may influence the audience’s perception of both you as a speaker and the
presentation of the results. It is important for you to express confidence in what you
have done. Therefore, you should stand erect with your head up (i.e., don’t look at the
floor), avoid hiding behind objects, keep gestures to a minimum but use them effec-
tively to emphasize points, establish various eye contact points, and dress profession-
ally (Ehrenborg & Mattock, 2003). When you take yourself seriously, you are more
likely to appear confident and thus be more believable. The audience will only know
if you are scared or intimidated if your voice or presentation style gives this away.

Be Interested/Enthusiastic
Show that you are interested in your project results and get the audience interested,
too. If you are not interested, why should the audience be? This interest and enthu-
siasm will also encourage you in your presentation style. After undertaking all the
project research activities, no matter what the final results, you do have something
interesting to tell others—so tell them! Try to keep the audience awake, attentive,
and involved. Unfortunately, a monotone voice and seeming lack of enthusiasm for
the project will quickly be communicated to your audience and makes it hard for
them to stay engaged, even if they are interested in the topic.

Support Activities and Materials

Students frequently look to differentiate themselves and their presentations. This
can be done in various ways. For example, students may dress up to support the
theme of the presentation or seek to get audience participation. These activities are
generally fine, as long as they do not distract from the presentation and are used to
support the material being presented. Therefore, asking people what their favorite
sporting team is might be relevant in a presentation on customer loyalty if it linked
with the teams’ performance later in the presentation, whereas asking something
that does not add to the presentation could seem to distract the audience and take
up time, which is usually limited.
The same caution needs to be raised with using video materials within a presen-
tation. Although short “grabs” or advertisements as examples may highlight points,

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showing a 10-minute video in a 20-minute presentation would usually be unwar-

ranted. This would reflect 50% of the presentation and, therefore, its importance
should be commensurate with the time allocated. Thus, make sure your visuals
accentuate the points you are trying to make.
A second issue within supplementary materials relates to whether you should
distribute materials before or during the presentation (distributing at the end of the
presentation will be discussed later). Distributing materials before or during the pre-
sentation could be valuable, especially if there are detailed tables that will be dis-
cussed, making it easier for the audience to follow the material. On the other hand,
distributing the report, a set of PowerPoint notes, or other supplementary informa-
tion in the beginning could serve to distract the audience. Audiences sometimes
spend the time reading this other material instead of paying attention to the presenta-
tion, thereby reducing the benefit of presenting material.

Be Positive
You should be positive about your results, even if the final results do not give clear
findings. Do not be negative, even as a joke, as this can make the audience negative
toward your project and you as a researcher.

Keep to Your Time Limit

The audience will lose interest if the presentation is too long and does not hold their
interest. Keep to the point, while providing the main information required by the
audience, and aim to be finished within your time limit to leave time for questions.
You cannot bore someone into understanding, let alone implementing your recom-
mendations or giving you a good grade. However, do not be too regimented. We had
a group that timed how long slides took and then tried to have these change auto-
matically. Although a nice idea in principle, when one person went over the time
allotted, the rest of the process seemed disorganized, which was not the case.

Be Professional
It is important that you present in a formal fashion. While you may not have to
present in business attire, it always seems that when students take themselves more
seriously, this translates to the audience taking the presentation more seriously.
Other issues to consider here relate to how members of your group behave when
they are not presenting. If those not presenting appear to be disinterested (i.e., talk-
ing among themselves), how can you expect the audience to be interested? All
group members’ body language and mannerisms are equally important, so things
such as chewing gum or being disorganized distract from what is said. Other issues,
such as using a phrase too frequently, can also distract in this regard. For example,
an audience can get distracted when the presenter frequently says “Umm.” Although
this phrase is frequently used when people are nervous, it is a stylistic issue that you
should seek to eliminate; an alternative may be to take a breath.

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Wrapping Up
The oral presentation has the benefit of going beyond the written words, as well as
being flexible in activities. Two final activities associated with the oral presentation
frequently occur at the end: dealing with questions and distributing supplementary
materials. These two issues will be discussed next.

Dealing With Questions

One key benefit of an oral presentation is that you can directly deal with issues that
are not clear to the audience right away. For example, although the material is clear
to you, it might not be clear to the audience. In some cases, you are in fact graded
on how well you deal with questions. If you are given the choice of dealing with
questions during the presentation or at the end, we suggest that students always
deal with questions at the end. The main reasons for this are that a hard question
might fluster you or others in your group, questions can take up time (i.e., disrupt
your rhythm), and questions are not always about a core point of the presentation.
Therefore, dealing with questions at the end allows you to present the material as
you intended. The only negative with this approach is that if an essential point is
not understood, it could detract from the remainder of the presentation and a
quick clarification would have helped the audience. Thus, you may suggest that
points of clarification can be raised while you present, but this will require that you
carefully manage the points raised and time allocated to clarify the issues. It is
important to realize that questions are not necessarily an indication that there are
problems with the presentation or report—they could indicate that you have
stimulated the audience’s interest and thus are a positive, as the audience wants to
learn more.
Given that there will most likely be questions, you need to consider how these
will be dealt with. This is especially important when there is a group presentation
and questions may relate to different individuals’ sections. Should the individual
who presented the material deal with the question or should others in the group
respond? This will partly depend on how sections to the presentation have been
allocated. For example, the presenter might not have worked on the section of the
research related to the question and, therefore, someone else in the group might be
better able to respond. To ensure there is no confusion as to who answers the ques-
tion, you might allocate types of questions to individuals in advance, so the group
knows who will handle what questions.
You should consider what questions people might ask, as in some cases it may
be clear from your presentation that people might want more information about
specific issues. For example, in past presentations, some groups have prepared
additional overheads that they use to further explain points they believe may be
asked about in question time. When the questions are raised, they then refer to
these additional materials. This indicates that the group really understands the
topic and the audience. As mentioned earlier, having people ask questions does
not mean the points were not covered well in the presentation; rather, they may

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suggest that more depth is needed to explain the issue to some members of the
audience. Thus, understanding the audience might indicate the types of questions
they may ask.
Another problem that frequently arises in presentations of research is that some-
one will ask about an issue that you or the group did not consider. This sort of
question often is difficult to address off the top of your head, although thinking on
your feet is a valuable skill to have. You need to be careful that questions about
unanticipated issues do not result in you or others in your group getting overly
defensive. If you believe that the individual asking the question has not understood
a point, then it is important to clarify the matter. This should be done in a civil and
objective fashion; that is, do not attack the person.
In some cases, the question asked might relate to an issue that was not consid-
ered in the research or that you do not know the answer to. There is nothing wrong
with identifying that this is the case and that the issue raised should be taken into
consideration in future research. It is impossible to cover everything in one
research project or the presentation of that research. If the person’s question iden-
tifies an error, you should also recognize and acknowledge that this is the case. If
this does arise, you should try and identify the impact on what you have done and
presented. In some cases, errors may simply be related to typos. For example, in
one place you mention you interviewed 20 people and in another it is 25. If the
problems are more fundamental, however, it may not be as easy to answer them off
the top of your head. Ideally, these errors will not occur, but admitting something
is wrong is often better than trying to defend the error. An easy answer may be,
“That is a good point and how it affects the project needs to be considered in
future research.”

Table 14.4    Dealing With Questions Online Support Materials

Presentation Skills—Handling Questions
With Confidence (12.01 min) v=QQMttnZJG_Y

How to Answer Questions on Your

Presentation (3:56 min) v=Hgk215R2zkc

Distributing Support Materials

The issue of supplementary materials was discussed with regard to distributing
them at the beginning or during the presentation itself. It was suggested that dis-
tributing these early in the presentation might serve as a distraction, while these
same materials distributed at the end of the presentation might serve to reinforce
the points made in the presentation—timing is everything. At the end of the pre-
sentation, you might want to distribute an executive summary, PowerPoint notes,
or even the full report. These materials distributed at this point can be referred to
later by the audience when they are thinking about the topic. Some students have
distributed other materials, such as promotional materials related to their product.

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For example, a group discussing a brewery gave each person one of the company’s
beers at the end. In another situation, students distributed brochures about the
organization the presentation was about. However, if there are several presentations
in a row, materials distributed about one project might distract the audience from
listening to the other presenters. It should be noted that in a business presentation
in which there is a client, distributing materials at the end to reinforce what you
have said is exceptionally valuable.
If you wish to distribute materials at the end, it might be beneficial to ask your
lecturer or professor in advance to ensure that he or she does not believe it will
distract from other groups’ presentations. You should also make sure you have
materials for everyone, especially if it is something everyone might want. For
example, we once had a group who gave away free samples from a chocolate firm
but then did not have enough for everyone, including their professor who was run-
ning the class, and thus a good idea ended up looking disorganized. Failing to have
enough “samples” in a real business presentation would potentially alienate mem-
bers of the organization who did not receive the material. You should also stay well
away from distributing anything that might be offensive to anyone. For example, a
project on a company that produces condoms may be fine, but giving samples away
could possibly offend some people in the audience.

Groups and Group Members in Presentations

Throughout the chapter, we mentioned that having group presentations can bring
about some additional challenges. We do want to return to these issues again briefly
as they are indeed important. Members of groups have different skills and abilities,
and there is nothing wrong with letting people use their strengths. However, in
some instances, broader objectives of the assignment may need to be achieved. For
example, if the requirements of the assignment are that everyone has to present,
then everyone has to present. If this is not a requirement, then you might want to
allocate the presentation tasks among only a few people in the group. Who will
present and who will develop the presentation must be considered when you plan
your assignment, because the best presenter may have other skills that your group
wants to use in other phases of the research. This means that choices need to be
made as to what roles people should undertake; it would be unfair (or at least ineq-
uitable) to ask one person or only a few to take on all roles, even if they are willing
to. If some members of the group are less comfortable with presenting, then as a
group you need to ensure that they are well practiced and supported, if they want
to or are required to present. A harder issue arises when someone thinks he or she
is a great presenter but in fact is not. One strategy to deal with this is to videotape
a trial presentation, because seeing oneself “on screen” often identifies the deficien-
cies better than having other members of the group try to explain any limitations
that person may have.
We also referred to the issue of whether you allocate the development of the
presentation to one person or do it as a team effort. As long as the presenter is

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completely comfortable with the style and content, there is not an issue with others
developing the materials. For this to occur, it means that the person developing the
presentation actively consults the others in the team—that is, it is a true team effort.
An alternative is where the material is developed and then given to the presenter so
he or she can “learn it.’’ This latter approach is less a team effort and works only if
the presenter really can learn the material (as well as knows the underlying content
of the project). Answering questions is more difficult if the presenter does not fully
understand the material. A team presentation works best when it is a true team
effort, just as all steps leading up to the presentation should be.

An oral presentation may play an important part in the assessment of your project.
For some student projects, there may be a specific mark for the oral presentation of
5% or 10%. If there is a grade for the presentation, it is even more important for you
to take note of what has been discussed in this chapter. Also, you should ask your
lecturer or professor, “What criteria are being used for determining the presenta-
tion mark?” Some academics have a marking sheet or rubric available to students
that lists the marking criteria, such as marks for verbal presentation, nonverbal
presentation, time management, and use of visual aids. If you know how you will
be marked, then focus on doing the best you can in those areas. For students who
are being marked for their oral presentation, we wish you good luck.

Video Presentations
Within the discussion below, we focus on live presentations, but using the tools
identified in Table 14.5 and other systems, students may (depending on the require-
ments of the assignment) also have the opportunity to create “video” presentations,
which are assessed. These have the benefit that you can have several “takes” until
you get material to flow smoothly. There are also other skills required with regard
to editing, drawing in materials from other sources, and so on. We do not focus
on these video presentations, but a range of good resources discusses how to do
this, and in many instances, the principles related to presentation content and the
presentation style described below are the same.

Table 14.5    Materials on Making Video Presentations

Create an Effective Presentation
(Harvard University) (3.0 min) create-an-effective-presentati.html

How to Make Your Videos Look More

Professional—Like Apple Do (8.21 min) v=rZP0qKVJOlc

How to Create Presentation Videos

Using Free Online Software (8.07 min) v=vgTGeuGaVj0

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Chapter 14  Oral Presentations   309

Whatever its role in your project, an oral presentation is an effective tool to rein-
force key elements, such as the problem, methodology, main findings, and recom-
mendations. It is vital that you clearly explain your project to a given audience and
provide them with the information they require. To make sure that you have an
effective presentation, you must plan the presentation with a clear, logical structure
and be confident with your content and in your presentation style.
Often, students have complained that they are too nervous when presenting.
Nervousness is not a completely bad thing, as it helps produce adrenaline, which can
assist in your presentation delivery. However, at its worst, it can affect the overall
communication of ideas, as well as embarrass you and the audience. There may be a
few ways to reduce nervousness before public speaking, such as breathing deeply and
relaxing muscles, but as mentioned above, one practical way is to thoroughly plan
and understand all areas of your presentation, as well as practice the delivery so that
you are confident in what you will say. Remember, you have done the research and
thus generally know more about the topic than your audience, and the presentation
will be over before you know it, so it is important to give it your best shot!

•• Will there be an oral presentation as part of your project?
•• When will this be presented?
•• Who will be involved in the presentation?
•• What preparation must be done beforehand?
•• Who will be in the audience and what do they want to know?
•• How will you deal with questions?

Table 14.6    Additional Video, Audio, and Interactive Resources

Resource Brief Description Link
PowerPoint Web page outlining some http://www.shkaminski
Presentations: The do’s and don’ts of using .com/Classes/Handouts/
Good, the Bad and PowerPoint with examples powerpoint.htm
the Ugly Resource type: Website
Steven H. Kaminsky
Death by PowerPoint A humorous perspective on
Don Mcmillan the most common mistakes watch?v=Mjc02ExtHso
made when using
Resource type: Video
Duration: 4 minutes


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Table 14.6    (Continued)

Resource Brief Description Link

How to Avoid Death Practical tips for improving

By PowerPoint the quality of oral watch?v=bOrHxRB3JrQ
David Phillips presentations and
PowerPoint presentations
Resource type: Video
Duration: 21 minutes

Great Openings & Guidelines for giving

Closings presentations watch?v=NyE1Kz0e--0
Deborah Grayson Resource type: Video
Riegel tutorial
Duration: 7 minutes

How to Powerfully Introduces four techniques

Begin a Presentation for opening a presentation watch?v=iq20ZRN10Zk
Gary Hankins Resource type: Video
Duration: 4 minutes


The day has come to present the final report to the management of eSkills. The written
report has been printed up and will be given to the management team at the end of
the oral presentation of the main findings. Different parts of the presentation have
been given to each group member to deliver, and the PowerPoint slides were prepared
to include the main tables and graphics.

•• Would you include all members of the group in the presentation? Explain why
or why not.
•• Think of three questions that the audience might ask and develop an answer.
•• If you have a group presentation, how will you allocate responding to questions?

Chapter Questions

1. Describe the structure of your oral presentation.

2. Identify the key points that you want to make in your presentation.

3. How can the presentation be used to leverage your written report?

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Chapter 14  Oral Presentations   311

4. How will you allocate answering questions if you have a group presentation?

5. How would you respond to a question that highlights an error in your assignment?

6. What equipment is available in your presentation room and what software (including
versions) is available?

Remember, the presentation will be over before you know it, so it is

important to give it your best shot!

Armstrong, S. J. (2003). Checklist for making oral presentations. Retrieved May 2013
Ehrenborg, J., & Mattock, J. (2003). Powerful presentations: 50 original ideas for making a real
impact (3rd ed.). London: Kogan Page.
Elliot, E., & Windschuttle, K. (2001). Writing, researching, communicating: Communication
skills for the information age (3rd ed.). Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill.
Luck, D. J., & Rubin, R. S. (2007). Marketing research (7th ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall.
Malhotra, N. K., Hall, J., Shaw, M., & Oppenheim, P. (2002). Marketing research: An applied
orientation. Sydney, Australia: Pearson Education.
Polonsky, M. J., & Waller, D. S. (2004). Making oral presentations: Some practical guidelines
and suggestions. The Marketing Review, 4(4), 431–444.
Waller, D. (2012). Developing your integrated marketing communication plan. Sydney, Australia:

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