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Football Lighting: A Guide To Effective Sports Lighting For Football

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A guide to effective sports lighting for football


Key Lighting Terms.........................................................................................................................................................................................5

The Planning Process...................................................................................................................................................................................5


Planning Power and Electricity Supply........................................................................................................................................8

Control Supply....................................................................................................................................................................................................8

Operation and Maintenance.................................................................................................................................................................9

Environmentally Sustainable Designs...................................................................................................................................... 11

Football Lighting........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Football NSW Technical Requirements................................................................................................................................... 22

Checklist............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

Key Australian Contacts......................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Acknowledgements................................................................................................................................................................................... 24

Appendix & Further Reading............................................................................................................................................................ 24

Football NSW Limited has produced this Football Lighting Guide to provide general guidance to clubs and associations in NSW to
assist them to provide effective sports lighting. The contents of this Guide should not be used for any other purpose or reproduced
or communicated without our consent. The information contained in this Guide has been sourced from a third party (Musco Lighting
Australia Pty Ltd), and Football NSW makes no representation or warranty about the accuracy or completeness of the information
contained in this Guide. You should not rely solely on the information in this Guide and should make independent inquiries, including
seeking professional advice. To the extent permitted by law, Football NSW disclaims any responsibility and liability for any cost, expense,
loss or damage incurred by any entity or person relying on the information contained in this Guide.

Copyright © 2015 Football NSW Limited. All Rights Reserved. Version 1, issued 6 November 2015


Adequate lighting for football fields is now an essential element in the ongoing viability of any venue.

While community football clubs are unlikely to need the standard of lighting required for televised matches,
nearly all clubs need to be able to light their grounds so players of all ages can train safely and effectively at
night, or even late afternoon in winter.

Some clubs and associations also want the option of playing games at night and it is important the correct
level of lighting is chosen for the particular need of each playing field and consideration is made of the possible
future use of the venue.

As the majority of football fields in NSW are controlled by local government it is essential clubs and associations
planning to install or update lights liaise closely with their relevant council.

There are many considerations to be made when going through the process such as thorough planning,
contract price, life-cycle operating costs, compliance to Australian standards, safety of all users and the impact
on nearby residents.


Facility Lighting Guide for Football
This Guide has been developed to assist clubs and councils to install effective lighting for their facilities.

Some components in this Guide are technical in nature and are therefore predominantly provided to inform
clubs and councils in their discussions with qualified lighting experts.

This Guide covers key topics that councils and clubs will need to consider when planning a sports lighting
project. These include:

• Planning process
• Planning the power supply
• Maintenance and operation
• Environmentally sustainable design
• Types of lighting
• Pole height and location
• Design standards for training and competition
• Where to get further assistance

This Guide covers general information to plan a lighting project and a range of useful tips have been provided
throughout the Guide to highlight a number of planning considerations for local clubs and councils.


Key Lighting Terms
Floodlight: A lamp designed specifically for floodlighting or sports lighting (usually weatherproof).
Glare rating: A numerical value on a scale of 0 to 100, determined in a specified manner, representing
the degree of glare from a lighting system for given observer positions and viewing directions. Higher values
correspond to greater glare from the lighting system.

Illuminance (Lux): The total amount of visible light illuminating a point on a surface from all directions
above the surface. The standard unit for illuminance is Lux (lx). For a lamp it normally refers to the total light
emitted irrespective of the directions in which it is distributed.

Kilowatt (kW): The total power requirements for a series of lamps – a lighting system – are usually defined
in terms of kilowatts. One kilowatt equals 1000 watts.

Light loss factor: The ratio of the illuminance provided by an installation in the average condition of
dirtiness and with a lamp of average age expected in service, to the initial illuminance provided by the same

Metal halide lamp: A high intensity discharge lamp with high efficiency and good colour lamp rendition.
These lamps are used in stadiums, warehouses and industrial settings.

Principal Playing Area: All portions of all surfaces which the ball or participants may touch and be
considered in play in accordance with the rules.

Uniformity ratios: Describes the uniformity of light levels across an area. This may be expressed as a ratio
of minimum to average or it may be expressed as a ratio of maximum to minimum level of illumination for a
given area.

Watt (W): The watt is a unit for measuring electrical power. It defines the rate of energy consumption by an
electric device. The power input to a lamp is usually measured in watts.

The Planning Process

This section assumes the appropriate pre-planning has been undertaken to ascertain that a football lighting
project is needed.

New or amended football lighting installations will need to consider obtaining statutory planning consent and
other appropriate approvals.

Planning Permits
A planning permit is a statement that a particular use or development (subdivision, buildings, and works) may
proceed on a specified parcel of land. Sometimes a permit is specific to a nominated person or operator. It is
always subject to a time limit and will expire under specified circumstances. The responsible authority (usually
local council) is entitled to impose conditions when granting a permit.

If you propose to use or develop land, first discuss the proposal in detail with your local council planning and
recreation departments. Early discussion will confirm whether a planning permit is necessary and highlight
likely conditions. Typically, sports lighting upgrades do not require a permit.


The planning permit process may require consultation with surrounding residents and other stakeholders.
Organisations should consider undertaking community consultation prior to seeking a planning permit to help
address any community concerns.

It is important not to confuse planning permits with building permits.

Building permits relate to the method of construction of a building or development to ensure it complies with
relevant standards.

A planning permit does not remove the need to obtain a building permit.

When applying for a planning permit, applicants should use their local council’s Planning Permit Application
form and include the prescribed permit application fee (refer to the Planning and Environment (Fees)
Regulations 2000), and all necessary supporting information, such as accurate plans, reports and photographs.

Spill Light
As residential properties are often in close proximity to sporting fields, spill light issues (i.e. light that falls
outside the area intended to be lit) need to be considered in the planning process. Planning permits often
require verification of obtrusive lighting provisions (i.e. calculation of spill light to nearby residences). There may
also be special traffic and aviation spill lighting requirements that apply to your area.

Building Permits
Many light pole installations will require a building permit, irrespective of whether a planning permit is also
required. In many instances the local council is the landowner and needs to grant permission for any works
to be carried out on its land. The Building Regulations 2006 indicate that for poles not attached to a building,
a permit is required when they are over eight metres in height. Further information about the building permit
process can be obtained from the building department of your local council.


• If planning permits require verification of Obtrusive Lighting Provisions (i.e. calculation of spill light to
nearby residences or other sensitive locations), include this into your project design brief and be aware
that additional design time may be required.

• Establish the proximity and orientation of any nearby residential areas at the time of planning the
site design layout. Simple matters like field/court orientation and set out can help limit spill light to
residential areas. Typically greater than 20m distance from a property boundary will likely see less light

• Identify any particularly sensitive locations that may be impacted by proposed sports lighting e.g. main
roads and/or intersections.

• Consider proximity to airports and ensure civil aviation requirements for screening of sports lights are
addressed. Restrictions typically exist up to 6kms away from airport runways.


Lighting should be designed and installed so that the football being conducted can be comfortably performed
by the participants and officials and viewed by spectators.

Before installation, consideration should be given to determine what the intended purpose of play is; training,
club competition or semi-professional play. Making provision for upgrades (e.g. pole size and cabling) can
significantly reduce the cost of upgrades in the future.

The decision to install football lighting should be made following consultation between the user groups, council
and peak sporting bodies. Visiting sites with different levels of lighting also provides project proponents with a
practical understanding of what various lux levels actually mean.

The football lighting installations can also serve to intentionally illuminate the areas where spectators gather.
Poles can be used to mount other lights to illuminate perimeter areas. This needs to be considered when
specifying poles and allowing the provision to mount such lighting (usually at lower levels on the poles),
using separate electrical cabling infrastructure. This will allow operation of the lights for different times and
requirements, such as public lighting.


Planning Power and Electrical Supply
Contact your local electricity company early in the process to organise power to the facility. Consider who is
paying for the power use. Options include providing a separate metered account, installing a check meter which
logs hours of use or payments based on typical usage patterns.

Power supply requirements should be discussed early in the planning process to ensure supply requirements
can be met for both immediate and future lux levels.

A field of play will vary in its power demand requirements depending on the illumination level. Competition
level lighting power demands are often greater than the rest of the facility’s demand combined.

In addition, many sports lights have a higher demand during start up and this demand needs to be carefully
considered when selecting the electrical supply and cable reticulation.

Power supply to each pole can come from either the clubroom main switchboard (for training level) or a
dedicated floodlighting switchboard and submain supply system for each pole (for competitive level). Ensure
existing switchboards have the capacity to cope with additional requirements.


The power supply to each pole can come from the clubroom main switchboard. While not mandatory,
control via a suitable Residual Current Device is recommended.

The Residual Current Device is designed to disconnect the power supply to prevent an ‘electrical leak’
which can cause fatal injury through an ‘electric shock’.


• Establish what method will be used to meter/record lighting use, particularly for the purposes of
attributing power bill payments and maintenance.

• Determine the power supply required to meet immediate and future levels of play. Ascertain whether
the supply required is readily available and any potential costs.

Control Supply
How should lights be controlled
Training level lighting is often controlled directly through manual switches.

Club competition level lighting can also be controlled in a similar way on a pole-by-pole basis. Pole switches can
be located at a central location or at the base of each pole.

Switches should be either operated by key, in a lockable enclosure or locked in a controlled area accessible to
authorised persons only. Accessibility should be considered when locating lighting controls.


A useful and inexpensive additional measure is to fit an hours-run indicator to log operating hours. This allows
clubs to keep track of energy use (= hours x total rated wattage of lights) and provides a log for repair and
maintenance purposes.

There are systems available that enable SMS and web control of lighting systems on council controlled football
fields. Instead of issuing keys to lighting boxes, council registers mobile phone numbers for sporting club
representatives (and council staff) so that the clubs simply SMS the lights to turn them on and off.

The configuration of competition lighting in set groups (banks) enables the provision of lower lighting
levels to suit training use. This will save energy, reduce running costs and increase the life cycle of the

Operation and Maintenance

Sports lights are usually operated manually. Curfew timers can, however, offer a simple inexpensive energy
saving measure to ensure sports lights do not burn excessively if they are accidentally left on. Curfew timers
can also ensure that sports lights are not run past a set ‘curfew’ time that have been set in agreement with local
residents or council policy. N.B. Curfew timers are not appropriate if the lighting could be used by emergency

Operation and maintenance manuals

Operation and maintenance manuals provide guidance on the correct operation and maintenance of
floodlights. Developing an operation and maintenance manual at the time of the sports lighting installation will
assist with the longevity and performance of lights.

Section 4 in AS 2560.1-2002 ( contains useful details concerning ‘Maintenance of

Outdoor Lighting Equipment’ which should be used when developing a maintenance manual.

The operation and maintenance manual should identify a policy for lamp replacement and should specify how
regularly lights are cleaned. Manufacturer’s advice should be sought regarding cleaning procedures and any
other maintenance recommendations.

Labelling each light with a unique reference and cross referencing this in the operation and maintenance
manual assists with future maintenance and record keeping. Information from hours-run indicators and curfew
timers (devices that automatically record the hours of lighting usage) should be recorded in the operation and
maintenance manual to assist with further maintenance scheduling.

Usage Patterns
Lamp manufacturers determine the average life of lamps according to expected usage patterns. Therefore,
more frequent ‘switching on’ of the lights will shorten their life and reduce performance.

Manufacturers typically base the average life of lamps on a three hour ‘on’ operation. Discuss potential
implications with manufacturers if your lighting’s usage patterns are expected to differ from this.


Be aware that some manufacturers base average life of lamps on a ten hour ‘on’ operation which is not
consistent with practical use in a club setting.

There are a number of factors that affect the life of a lamp. These include:

• Lamp lumen depreciation (light output drops off with age).

• Lamp dirt depreciation (light output will reduce as dirt accumulates on the lamps).

Aiming has a major impact on performance. A common factor in poor light performance is lamps which are not
aimed correctly at installation.

Sports Light Aiming and Commissioning

It is important that sports light aiming is completed by a professional under the supervision of the lighting
designer or floodlight supplier. The aiming should be undertaken using specifically designed equipment and not
‘by eye’. The set aiming positions should be recorded in case it is necessary to re-aim errant lights in the future.

Make provision for a commissioning lighting measurement test, preferably by an independent party, to verify
that the aiming has indeed achieved the design outcome.

Generally, this involves taking lighting measurements on a 10m grid of points and should be directly compared
with the lighting design. It is important to allow reasonable tolerances which the lighting design usually states
(10% is commonly used).

The test should also form a necessary component of proof that the contractor has delivered the project
properly and evidence of this may be required by funding partners. It is worth noting that the test may also be a
requirement of the competition/league administrator if night matches intend to be held.

Light Loss Factor (previously known as Maintenance Factor)

To compensate for the progressive deterioration of a lighting system as it ages, an overall compensating factor
referred to as ‘Light Loss Factor’ must be included in the design. For average outdoor conditions, a light loss
factor of 0.8 to 0.7 should be included in the design calculation. If air pollution is heavy (e.g. in a heavy industrial
area) or regular maintenance is not planned, factors of 0.65 or even 0.55 should be used to offset the increased
light loss.

Environmentally Sustainable Design

Several facets of design require consideration to optimise environmental sustainability.

Sports Light Quantity

More floodlights equals more power. Designs which minimise sports light quantity will therefore also help
minimise power use. Lighting installations should seek to use the most efficient floodlights possible with the
highest practical light loss factor (e.g. 0.8).

Control Gear Wattage

Control gear is required to operate sports lights which itself consumes energy. The amount of energy depends
on the make and model of lamp but typically 50-150W is consumed on top of the lamp power. Therefore a
2000W lamp may actually consume 2000 + 150 = 2150 Watts or close to 10% more power.


Control gear systems are available to optimise the energy consumption of lamps throughout their life. This
reduces energy consumption and lowers maintenance costs as lamps need less frequent replacement.
Sometimes called ‘lumen maintenance’ strategies, the control gear systems operate the lamps to obtain a more
consistent light output, rather than having high light output at the beginning and diminished output as lamps age.

Duration - Hours of Use

Energy is power (watts) multiplied by time. Measures to limit the time lights are in use (e.g. curfew timers or
key switch controls permitting access to authorised persons only) are relatively inexpensive to install. Costs are
typically $300-500 to supply or retrofit. Such measures return the expense quite quickly (typically 3-5 years).


• Have the contractor develop an operation and maintenance manual at the time of commissioning the
new or upgraded sports lighting. The manual should include lamp replacement and cleaning intervals to
assist sports light performance being maintained throughout their life.

• Aiming is a relatively small component of many installations but has a major impact on performance.
Have it done professionally.

• Record the final aiming position of floodlights in the operation and maintenance manual along with any
on site adjustments made during commissioning.

• Install hours-run indicators to automatically record hours of use to assist with maintenance scheduling.

• Consider including curfew timers as an energy saving device or to comply with planning restrictions.

• Consider energy and maintenance costs over the life of the installation (not just the initial capital outlay)
and budget accordingly.

• Have an appropriately qualified professional review lighting quotes prior to acceptance to provide advice
on efficiency and performance.


Football Lighting
Key Standards
AS 2560.1 – 2002 Sports lighting Part 1: General Principles
AS 2560.2.3 – 2007 Specific Applications – Lighting for football (all codes)
AS 4282 – 1997 Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting

The Australian Standard (series 2560.2.3) contains lighting recommendations and requirements specific to
football to ensure that the ball is adequately illuminated at all times while in play (this information must be
accessed directly from the Australian Standards website

The standard deals with training and competition and takes into consideration spectator viewing requirements.

The standards contain information about maintained horizontal luminance (lux), minimum horizontal
uniformities (U1 & U2) and maximum glare rating. These properties vary depending on whether the level of play
is recreational, amateur or semi–professional.

Football NSW has adopted the Australian Standard (series 2560.2.3) as the basis for match lighting
requirements by football for affiliated competitions.

See the beginning of this guide for more information.

Illuminance Requirements
The information outlined in this section is technical in nature. It is provided to make the reader aware of the
standards and qualified lighting designers/contractors will then be able to plan your project.

Uniformity ratios are an important part of a complete set of lighting criteria and can have a positive effect
on the quality of lighting installations. Adequate uniformity is required to create balanced lighting conditions
so that people’s eyes do not have to continually adapt to a different light level. The Minimum Horizontal
Uniformities are given in two ratios, each providing a numerical representation of the uniformity of illuminance
over a given area.

This may be expressed as a ratio of minimum to average (U1) or it may be expressed as a ratio of minimum
to maximum (U2) level of illumination for a given area. For example, (U1) club competition and match play
minimum uniformity equals 0.5. The lowest level of illumination should not be less than 50% of average (U1) or
30% (U2) of the maximum level of illumination.


• Making provisions for future upgrades (e.g. pole size and cabling) can significantly reduce the cost in the
long term. Plan for the ultimate design.

• Consider design flexibility to allow running of fewer floodlights for training purposes. Use of all
floodlights in a system may only be required during competition.

• Where it is intended that a pitch be used for night competition the lighting needs to be planned and
delivered to meet Football NSW requirements.


The above values are identified to provide for the safety of participants
and level of visual tasks anticipated. Factors such as large crowds (e.g.
more than 10,000) with consequent longer viewing distances will require
higher values to be chosen than indicated above.

Types of Floodlights
The 2kW (2000W) Metal Halide lamp is a standard floodlight for football
sports lighting. It provides a versatile, robust design solution with good
colour rendering properties and average lamp life of 3,000 - 5,000 hours.

Many existing grounds where there are no issues with light spillage use
standard 2kW Metal Halide lamps with an ‘open face’ design. Use of
floodlights with an ‘open face’ design is limited as they do not have any
screening mechanisms and therefore are more likely to produce spill

Major lighting suppliers have standard designs for various levels of

play which can prove quite helpful. Caution should be exercised before
adopting an indicative layout as site specific issues such as spill light and
glare-to-light sensitive locations are not usually considered with such

Be aware that all lights lose brightness over time due to the gradual
reduction in lamp efficiency and the accumulation of dirt and dust
on fittings. A ‘light loss factor’ should be incorporated into designs to
compensate for this.

Lighting constructed with an Ingress Protection rating of ‘IP6x’ results

in improved maintenance benefits and helps reduce costs through the
ability to apply higher ‘light loss factor’ allowances.

Increased performance is also sometimes claimed through the use of

special lamps or lamps with higher light output. It is important that
factors such as cost and potential lamp availability limitations are
carefully weighed against other claimed benefits of the lamps. It is
best that a consistent make and model of lamp is chosen for ease of
maintenance and re-aiming at a later date.


• Avoid relying on standard designs without seeking advice from qualified persons concerning site specific
issues such as spill light and glare to light sensitive locations.

• Ensure a ‘light loss factor’ is incorporated into designs to compensate for a loss of lamp brightness over

• Use a consistent lamp make and model for ease of maintenance and re-aiming at a later date. Consider
designs having an IP6x classification to improve ‘light loss factor’ i.e. permit use of a higher factor.


Pole Height
Guidelines for Pole Height and Location are given in
the Australian Standard (AS2560.2.3).

Minimum pole heights depend on whether a side

pole or corner pole design is being used. The
height depends on the distance from centre of the
pitch to the base of the pole location. For amateur
competition, required pole height can be estimated by
multiplying 0.36 by the distance from centre of ground
to the base of the pole location.

Layout and Pole Locations

The recommended zones for the location of floodlight
poles are available in the Australian Standard (AS
2560.2.3). The standard identifies placements for
corner and side pole designs with four and six pole

The standard recommends a side pole system with

a minimum of two poles per side. The standard also
recommends that for side pole systems no poles be
located behind the goals or within the arc 10 degrees
front and back of the goal line i.e. to avoid lights in the
vicinity of the corners of the play area.

Similar considerations apply to corner pole designs.

Refer to the Australian Standards for further
information and diagrams. The standard requires poles
to be located behind the boundary fence, where one
exists, or at least 5m outside the Principal Playing Area.

Pole location and height is also affected if multiple

adjoining pitches require lighting and where pitches
will be multi-use (i.e. sharing with cricket or Australian

Access and clearances to reach the lights for

maintenance purposes (e.g. by crane) should also be
considered when planning the pole locations. Start
with an accurate survey plan. This will ensure pole
locations can be accurately positioned.

Side Pole Design

Consider a football pitch 105m long x 68m wide with a
5m run-off zone. The closest position for poles at the
side of the pitch to ground centre (goal to goal centre
line) allowing for foundations (say 1m minimum) =


68/2 (half the pitch width) + 5m (Runoff) + Foundation
(1m) = 40m. 40m x 0.36 = 14.4m.

Therefore a 15m pole could be used in theory, but

in practice Poles at 18m are encouraged for side
pole designs as a general minimum to address other
technical criteria such as the uniformity and glare
rating requirements of the standard.

Corner Pole Design

Consider the same football pitch 105m long x 68m
wide with a 5m minimum runoff zone. With the corner
poles located as per the Australian Standard, the
nearest location a pole can be situated is 15 degrees
back from the goal line (angle from centre goal) and
5 degrees back from the sideline (angle back from
halfway line).

Calculation indicates this distance to be a minimum

of 77.6m. At this distance the pole would be well clear
of the run off clearances and so could be a minimum
practical distance.

Pole height then becomes 77.6m x 0.36 = 27.9m.

Therefore a 28m pole would be the minimum for this

size ground.

Many clubs funding new floodlighting installations

are tempted to install lower height poles than those
recommended in the Australian Standard to reduce

Often side poles can be seen in the range of 12-15m

instead of the 18m+ height recommended.

This approach may not comply with the Australian

Standard (AS 2560) as the uniformity and illuminance
standards are not met with the lower pole heights.

It is important to consider the highest level of play

proposed at a venue prior to the installation. Higher
levels of play require more floodlights and higher
poles which require a larger headframe to support the
floodlights. This may result in increased foundation

Multiple Pitches
New venues often seek to establish more than one
football pitch on a site. The Australian Standard does


not consider this aspect specifically and so the following considerations are highlighted.

Pole infrastructure is a major component of lighting costs. Consideration of lighting implications when planning
for multiple pitches may minimise the number of poles required and therefore the costs. Diagram 1 shows a
side by side pitch arrangement.

This example shows a 5m run off from each pitch’s Principal Playing Area and an additional 2m between pitches
for placement of light poles.

Aligning the pitches side by side allows optimal placement of four poles in a side lighting design. The two centre
poles are common to both pitches given they are correctly placed to light front and back to each pitch.

If a second pitch will be installed sometime in the future, infrastructure capacity (i.e. additional floodlights and
cabling) and placement of poles to serve a second pitch should be considered when lighting the first pitch. At
semi-professional competition levels this may also result in additional electrical control gear cabinets needing
installation next to the centre poles.


• Consult the Australian Lighting Standard AS 2560.2.3 for recommended zones for the location of poles.

• Be aware of the minimum 5m clearances set out in the Australian Standards from the edge of the
principal playing area (i.e. line marked boundary) when planning the ground lighting layout and pole

• Geotechnical advice should be sought at light pole locations to establish correct foundation
requirements. This will help flag increased foundation costs at the planning stage of the project.


• Refer to AS 2560.2.3 for recommended pole heights.

• Manage the Risk. Check relevant ‘conditions of use’ and insurance matters before proceeding to install
poles of inadequate height which may not to comply with the Australian Standard.

• Establish the highest level of play that the facility will be used for and select poles to accommodate
this higher play level incorporating the required structural capacity, electrical supply configuration and
headframe facilities to mount future floodlights.

• Consider how the light fittings will be maintained. Be aware that a higher pole height may result in a
higher cost of hiring equipment to undertake cleaning and maintenance. Ensure safe access can be
obtained for routine lamp maintenance.

• Typically, allow 3-4 months for pole supply and delivery.


Diagram 6: Side by side pitches – no offset
Diagram 1 - Side by side pitches
12m 5m
minimum 7m

• •

Football (Soccer) Lighting

Offsetting of Pitches a) Pitch one - A four pole side lighting

• • design and
In order to gain the best use of land on a Pitch two – A four pole corner design
site, pitches are sometimes offset along
This is shown in Diagram 7. Pole three
their side line as per Figure 2 & 3.
is the only pole utilised to light both
For floodlighting efficiency, offsetting of pitches.
pitches is optimal where the offset is no
b) Pitch one – A four pole side lighting
more than 7m. This is because a four pole
design and
side light design will generally look to
Pitch two – A six pole side lighting
position poles between 35-42m either side
of the halfway line.
Offsetting of Pitches Offsetting pitches by more than 7m means
This is shown in Diagram 8. Poles
three and four are utilised to light both
an alternative layout for one of the pitches
In order to gain the best use of land on a 30pitches
site, are sometimes
resulting offset
in additional poles. along
Depending on their side line as per Diagrams
the offset between pitches solutions could Other viable arrangements tailored to the
2 & 3. include: site may be possible, particularly where
existing poles are integrated into the
layout. Expert advice should always be
For floodlighting efficiency, offsetting of pitches is optimal where the offset is no more than
sought 7m. This
to determine is because
the best approach.
a four pole side light design will generally look to position poles between 35-42m either side
Diagram ofrequires
7 only the halfway line.
one extra pole.
Care is required to ensure pole three is
not placed too close to the corner of pitch
Offsetting pitches by more than 7m means two. It should be noted that where pitch
an alternative layout for one of the pitches Figure 2: Pitches offset 4 pole side
Diagram 2 corner (Pitch 2) one and pitch two are the same size the
(Pitch 1) + 4 pole corner poles for pitch two will need to be
resulting in additional poles. Depending on the higher than the side poles for pitch one.
offset between pitches, solutions could include:

a) Pitch one - A four pole side lighting design
and Pitch two – A four pole corner design. Pole 3

This is shown in Diagram 2. Pole three is the •

only pole utilised to light both pitches.

b) P
 itch one – A four pole side lighting design
and Pitch two – A six pole side lighting
design. •
Pole 4

This is shown in Diagram 3. Poles three and

four are utilised to light both pitches.

Other viable arrangements tailored to the site

may be possible, particularly where existing


Football (Soccer) Lighting

poles are integrated into the layout. Expert Diagram 8: Pitches offset 4 pole side
(Pitch 1) + 63pole corner (Pitch 2)
advice should always be sought to determine
the best approach.

Diagram 2 only requires one extra pole. Care is

required to ensure pole three is not placed too Pole 3

close to the corner of pitch two. It should be •

noted that where pitch one and pitch two are

the same size the corner poles for pitch two will
need to be higher than the side poles for pitch

Pole 4

The design in Diagram 3 appears to have no

advantage over Diagram 2 as it requires two
extra poles. However, its main advantage is •

that all poles in this design could be kept to the

same, and lower, height for both pitches. This
The design in Diagram 8 appears to
may be preferred for design appearance. have no advantage over Diagram 7 as Tips & Suggestions
it requires two extra poles. However, its
main advantage is that all poles in this • Keep multiple pitches aligned
design could be kept to the same, and where possible.
OFFSETTING OF PITCHES TIPS AND SUGGESTIONS lower, height for both pitches. This may
be preferred for design appearance.
• Allow space between pitches
additional to the run off zones for
pole placement and ensure
• Keep multiple pitches aligned where possible. sufficient room for maintenance
• If a second pitch is likely to be
• Allow space between pitches additional to the run off zones for pole placement and ensure sufficient
developed in the future, ensure
room for maintenance access. the poles placed closest to the
future pitch are suitable for the
floodlights and electrical supply
• If a second pitch is likely to be developed in the future, ensure the poles placed closest tocurrent
for the the future
and futurepitch
are suitable for the floodlights and electrical supply for the current and future pitch.
• If offsetting pitches, try to
minimize the offset. Less than
7m is best.
• If offsetting pitches, try to minimise the offset. Less than 7m is best. • Consider the relative merits of
four pole corner and six pole side
• Consider the relative merits of four pole corner and six pole side lighting designs. lighting designs. (N.B. Guidance
regarding typical costs is
provided on pages 44-45).

Multi-use Sports Field 32

Multi-use sports fields are becoming more common when there is limited opportunity to build new pitches due
to available open space and/or budget restrictions. They provide an opportunity to maximise use of the facility
along with associated infrastructure such as lighting.

Designing to accommodate multi-use is therefore expected to factor increasingly into future designs. Common
examples include soccer pitches being overlayed onto ovals used for other sports, most commonly Australian
Rules and cricket. An increasingly common application is the location of two side by side pitches onto an
Australian Rules or cricket oval. This layout is shown in Diagram 4.

The following issues should be considered during the design process:

a) Reconciling the pole locations to suit both codes. Field sizes vary so there are no uniform rules. Often pole
locations for Australian Rules can be reconciled at or near the corresponding locations required for football
using a standard four pole Australian Rules lighting design as shown in Diagram 4.


Multi-use Sports Fields Designing to accommodate multi-use is
therefore expected to factor increasingly
Multi-use sports fields are becoming more into future designs. Common examples
common when there is limited opportunity include soccer pitches being overlayed
to build new pitches due to available open onto ovals used for other sports, most
space and/or budget restrictions. They commonly Australian Rules and cricket.
provide an opportunity to maximise use An increasingly common application is the
of the facility along with associated location of two side by side pitches onto
infrastructure such as lighting. an Australian Rules or cricket oval. This
layout is shown in Diagram 9.

b) Due to the multi-use nature of the field, poles Diagram 4

cannot be located in between pitches. Therefore, Diagram 9:Multi-use sports fields and lighting locations –
football (soccer), Australian Rules football and cricket
a corner pole design will more commonly be
used and poles will typically be the same height
as those used for Australian Rules (i.e. typically
25 - 30m).

c) The increased pole height and greater

floodlight quantities associated with lighting an
Australian Rules oval compared to a football • •

pitch should be considered. This is due to the

larger Principal Playing Area for Australian Rules.

d) It is not possible to light only one of the

football pitches as is the case when poles are

positioned between pitches. Newer venues

accommodating the growth of rugby codes
• •
will also see multi-use lighting opportunities
with football having virtually the same lighting
standards, levels and pitch sizes.



• Design to incorporate multi-use where

Football, Australian Rules Football
possible (e.g. football and cricket,
and Cricket
Australian rules and rugby codes).


The budget table below should be used as a guide only (based on Musco Lighting Australia Pty Limited’s
experience over many years). Costs will vary between manufacturers and will also depend on the quantity and
quality of floodlights proposed for use.

Football Match Practice & Club Football Semi-Professional

Competition (100 Lux) Competition (200 Lux)
4 pole 4 pole 6 pole 4 pole 4 pole 6 pole
corner side corner side
Geotech (Soil) Report $2,500 $2,500 $3,500 $2,500 $2,500 $3,500
Floodlights Supply $25,200 $25,200 $21,000 $50,400 $42,000 $42,000
Floodlights Install $2,400 $2,400 $2,000 $4,800 $4,000 $4,000
Poles Supply $28,800 $10,400 $18,000 $28,800 $10,400 $18,000
Poles Install $9,000 $5,000 $9,000 $9,000 $5,000 $9,000
Foundations $16,000 $10,000 $18,000 $18,000 $10,000 $18,000
Lifting/Cranage $2,500 $2,500 $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 $5,000
Power Supply $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000
Floodlighting Distribution $19,000 $19,000 $21,000 $27,000 $27,000 $29,000
Lighting Controls $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000
Cabling $24,700 $24,700 $26,000 $42,100 $40,600 $43,000
Test, Aim & Commission $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 $3,700 $3,700 $3,700
Maintenance Records $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Design & Project Management $27,000 $22,500 $26,000 $36,500 $30,500 $34,000
Underground Works $33,000 $33,700 $35,600 $33,000 $33,700 $35,600
eg Pits & Conduits
TOTAL CAPITAL COST $207,200 $173,000 $199,000 $280,100 $233,700 $265,300
Maintenance# Avg pa $1,060 $1,060 $1,060 $1,960 $1,980 $1,980
Energy# Avg pa $840 $840 $840 $1,680 $1,680 $1,680
TOTAL 10 YEAR COST $226,200 $192,000 $218,000 $316,700 $270,300 $301,900

# Simple calculation. A Net Present Value Analysis would be slightly less.


Football NSW Technical Lighting Requirements
The Field of Play of Clubs in 1st Grade, U20, U18 and U16 of the National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s 1 and 2
must have a maintained average horizontal floodlighting luminance of 200 lux, regardless of nomination to play
day or night fixtures.

Stadiums used in all other competitions will only require the minimum 200 lux standard should they nominate
to play night matches.

Matches involving grassroots clubs in the Waratah Cup may be played on fields that have a maintained average
horizontal floodlighting luminance of 100 lux which is the standard for grassroots competition matches.

Warm-Up Area Lighting

The Warm-up Areas of Clubs in 1st Grade, U20, U18 and U16 of the National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s 1 and
2 must have a maintained average horizontal floodlighting illuminance of 50 lux, regardless of nomination to
play day or night fixtures.

Stadiums used in all other competitions will only require the minimum 50 lux standard for warm-up areas
should they nominate to play night matches.

Stadium Lighting
At all Stadiums which host night fixtures, general lighting to seating and pedestrian pathways must be provided.

General lighting must conform to all applicable safety standards.

It is the Club’s responsibility to ensure the Stadium lighting, including emergency lighting in case of loss of
power or evacuation, meets the required standards.


Prior to undertaking a football lighting project, ensure that you:

 Discuss the project proposal in detail with your local council planning and recreation departments and
your state sporting association/peak sporting body.

 Agree on the intended purpose of the lights with all user groups including the anticipated costs and
maintenance considerations.

 Select the appropriate type of floodlight for the intended purpose now and in the future. Consider if it
is for training or competition and at what level.

 Seek advice from qualified persons concerning any site specific installation issues and advice on
designs and quotes.

 Obtain the necessary planning and building permits (where applicable).

 Approach the electrical company in your area responsible for providing power to the site. Ensure
power supply is sufficient for lighting requirements.

 Identify appropriate height, type and location of poles with consideration of lighting additional fields in
the future.

 Consider how the light fittings will be controlled, maintained and ensure safe access can be obtained
for routine lamp maintenance.

 Consider whole-of-life costing including operation, maintenance and replacement.


Key Australian Contacts

Football NSW Musco Lighting Australia

Ricardo Piccioni Sanjay Prakash
Head of Facilities Development & Government Relations Unit 1 / 28 Barcoo Street
235-257 Meurants Lane, Glenwood NSW 2153 Chatswood, NSW 2067
Mobile: 0401 107 146 Phone: (02) 9417 0100
Phone: 02 8814 4412 Mobile: 0400 455 380

To provide Clubs and Associations with opportunities to obtain further information and advice on the matters addressed in this Guide, Football NSW has
identified the above suggested contacts. These are, however, suggested contacts only and their inclusion in this Guide should not be taken to suggest that
Football NSW endorses or recommends any specific organisation.

Musco Lighting Australia Pty Ltd

Victorian Government – Community Sporting Facility Lighting Guide

Football Federation Victoria

Eye Lighting

Sylvania Lighting Australia

Thorn Lighting

Standards Australia, Sports Lighting Part 1: General Principles, Volume 2560.1 – 2007

Appendix & Further Reading

Standards Australia

Football NSW Stadium Requirement

Victorian Government Community Sporting facility Lighting Guide

FIFA Lighting Guide


Other guides in this series
Building Development

Drainage & Irrigation

Field Markings & Equipment

Grass Field Maintenance

Project Management

Provider Procurement & Management

Synthetic Fields

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