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Post Revamp Modifications in Urea Plant K.L.Singh, N.I. Patel, BPS Mehta

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Post Revamp Modifications in Urea Plant

K.L.Singh, N.I. Patel, BPS Mehta

Abstract :
After revamp of Ammonia and Urea plants at IFFCO Kalol , the
specific consumption of steam became critical due to maximum
stretching of boiler. This gives a challenge as well as opportunity to
think of innovative ideas to improve plant performances with
minimum input of cost & resources. This paper describes
implementation of some innovative ideas in Urea plant with
spectacular results. All the schemes have now became regular part of
the plant and operating satisfactorily since commissioning.

Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd (IFFCO), is a premier national level Co-operative Society, engaged in
business of manufacture and marketing of chemical fertilisers in India. The annual installed capacity is 3.2 Million
Tonnes of Urea and 1.2 Million Tonnes of NPK/DAP with Annual sales revenue of US $ 810 Million.

IFFCO Kalol Unit operates Ammonia & Urea Plants of MW Kellogg and Stamicarbon design respectively since
1974. In 1997, after running the plants for almost 23 years, Ammonia plant capacity has been increased from
original designed capacity of 910 MTPD to 1100 MTPD and Urea Plant capacity from original designed capacity of
1200 MTPD to 1650 MTPD. Urea Plant at IFFCO Kalol was constructed by Humphreys & Glasgow, UK (now
known as Jacob H&G) on turnkey basis in 1973-74 based on CO2 stripping total recycle process, developed
by Stamicarbon bv of The Netherlands.

Introduction :

Capacity of Kalol Urea plant was enhanced by 37.5% based on the concept of “MORE-IN-MORE-OUT”. The
concept was taking advantage of maximum cushions available in various process equipment and supplementing
deficit areas by modifications and replacement of relevant equipment.

The basic design package was provided by Stamicarbon. Revamp plant achieved all criteria of performance
guarantee and is presently operating consistently producing 1700 MTPD. The Urea plant was revamped with the
aim to manage with existing dedicated LSHS fired Boiler capable to supply 80 te/hr steam (60 ATA , 410 deg C) to
Urea plant at normal design capacity. Before revamp , the Urea plant was already consuming 82 te/hr steam at
production capacity of 1300 tpd , stretching the Boiler to some extent but within manageable level. After revamp,
steam consumption jumped up to 86 te/hr at plant capacity of 1650 tpd stretching the Boiler further. Some time
situation aggravated to an alarming level when steam consumption shot up to 91 te/hr during plant start up and/or
during higher load of evaporators to bring down urea solution tank level. This situation caused stretching of Boiler to
almost extreme with all possibility of Boiler tube failure. Moreover, as there is only one Boiler for Urea plant , so ,
it might cause frequent plant stoppages.

Therefore, steam saving was one of the area of concerned for further improvement. Following schemes are
implemented for steam saving.
1. Steam Saving Schemes :-

1.1 Rotor Modification of CO2 Centrifugal Compressor :

New HITCACHI make CO2 centrifugal compressor was commissioned in November- 1997 which consists of two
casings, having seven impellers in LP case and six impellers in HP case. There is one inter-stage in both LP & HP
cases. The LP case consist of three impellers in first stage & four impellers in second stage. Similarly, HP case
consist of four impellers in third stage & two impellers in fourth stage. The compressor unit is driven by extraction
cum condensing steam turbine having provision of LP steam induction. 60 ata steam is supplied from steam
generation plant. The required 23 ata steam is extracted from the turbine and balance LP steam of Urea plant

After commissioning it was observed that third stage discharge pressure was about 94 to 96 kg/cm2g as compared to
design value of 84 kg/cm2g. The final discharge temperature was 101 to 102 deg C as compared to design of 120
deg C. This low final discharge temperature was causing higher steam consumption in HP stripper where 23 ata
steam is being used as heating media in shell-tube heat exchanger. The sound level in vicinity of the compressor area
was also high in the range of 110 to 120 dB in comparison to required level of 85 dB.
The supplier suggested to increase the fourth stage suction temperature to 60 deg C to achieve the final stage
discharge temperature of 120 deg C. Supplier considered that above counter measure is the best method to increase
the final stage discharge temperature. The fourth stage suction temperature was gradually increased to 55 deg C and
final discharge temperature was increased to 105 deg C. But third stage discharge pressure increased to 100 kg/cm2
causing safety valve passing. Fourth stage discharge temperature could not be increased further. This method was
highly energy inefficient way to achieve the higher final discharge temperature as higher suction temperature was
increasing steam consumption in turbine. This matter was discussed with the supplier of the compressor. It was
proposed to modify the rotor of CO2 compressor. Accordingly, HP case rotor was modified by the supplier. It is first
time in HITACHI experience to modify the compressor rotor to match the design condition. Following modifications
are carried out in the 5th and 6th impellers of the HP case :-

• Each blade and impeller is cut to obtain step outlet flow angle &

• Outlet flow passage width is expanded by slightly grinding the wall by 0.2 mm with 40 mm length.

The modified rotor was replaced during plant turnaround. After modification, third stage discharge pressure was
about 88 kg/cm2g and final stage discharge temperature was about 112 deg C with fourth stage suction temperature
of 50 deg C. The fourth stage suction temperature was maintained at 55 deg C to achieve the final discharge
temperature of 117 deg C. The sound level in the vicinity of compressor area has also came down to 85 dB. With
this modification, 60-ata steam consumption in urea plant was reduced by 3 MT per hour.

1.2 Evaluation of Steam Tracing :

There are four pressure level steam headers in the plant i.e 60 ata , 23 ata , 9 ata & 4 ata. The total requirement of 60
ata steam from Boiler is consumed in the extraction cum condensing CO2 compressor turbine. Requirement of 23 ata
steam for process is met out of extraction from CO2 compressor turbine and 9 ata steam generated by flashing of 23
ata condensate produced in HP stripper and additional by letting down 23 ata steam for meeting the requirement of
second stage evaporator and for tracing duty of HP loop. Any reduction of 23 ata steam letdown is a direct saving in
60-at steam production in the Boiler.

Requirement of tracing heat duty of the high pressure process lines was reviewed and was concluded that 4 ata
steam which is available in plenty could very well meet the requirement in lieu of 9 ata steam. Further, it was also
decided to switch over to 4 ata steam injection to urea melt line in place of 9 ata steam.
The modification was implemented by simply connecting existing 4 ata steam header to 9 ata line meant for tracing
duty by 3 meter long 6” pipe with an isolation valve at total cost of about $100. One redundant 23 ata steam line for
tracing of gas chromatograph on Prill tower top was removed. After commissioning of the scheme, it is observed
that Boiler steam production has came down further by 3 MT/hr. This system is in operation for the last six
months and performance is satisfactory.

2.0 Ammonia Saving Schemes :-

2.1 Diversion of LP System Vapor to Hydrolyser Reflux Condenser :

Rectifying column vapours are condensed in LP carbamate condensers. Uncondensed ammonia and carbon di-oxide
were scrubbed in atmospheric scrubber before finally discharged to vent stack. This is one of the main source of
ammonia loss in the vent stack. Desorber/hydrolyser vapours are condened on reflux condenser. To reduce the
ammonia loss, a line is provided from LP separator vapour outlet to reflux condenser inlet. Line is steam traced and
insulated to avoid condensation / choking of the line. The ammonia recovered through this modification is directly
fed into the LP system and there is reduction in load on hydrolyser. This scheme is in line for last six month and
operation data before and after the modification are as given in Table 1 .

Table 1: Process parameter before and after modification

Sr. Particulars Unit/ Before After

No Design

1 Low pressure system pressure kg/cm2 3.7 3.7

2 Low pressure system control valve opening % 40 0
3 LP system carbamate density kg/m3 1,190 1,205
4 Carbamate composition :- %
NH3 30.6 29.12 38.38
CO2 38.5 36.01 31.09
H2O 30.9 34.87 30.53
Total 100 100 100
5 Reflux carbamate composition :- %
NH3 26.6 22.84 23.94
CO2 22.3 18.92 22
H2O 51.1 58.24 54.06
Total 100 100 100
6 Carbamate flow from reflux tank to LP system kg/hr 7,500 8,600
7 Reflux tank pressure kg/cm2 3.4 3.4
8 First desorber top temperature deg C 115 115
9 Reflux tank vent control valve opening % 20 20
10 CW exit temperature of reflux condenser deg C 80 60

The vapor earlier vented out from LP system are recovered fully. This also improve desorber operation. At
1650 MTPD plant load, vent control valve remain full close at most of the time.
2.2 Pressurized Operation of Ammonia-Oil Separator :
Liquid ammonia pumped to high pressure system by High pressure reciprocating pumps. Stuffing boxes of pumps
are furnished with an oil sealing device to prevent escape of ammonia as well as to minimize the friction between the
plunger and the stuffing box packing. Lubricating oil is well distributed by a oil pump driven by a linkage fastened to
the upper cross-head. Lubricating oil leaks out from each stuffing box of HP ammonia feed pumps. The oil outlet
from each plunger is taken to the ammonia-oil separator via a common header. The lubricating oil pump supply
pressure remains about 2.0 to 4.5 kg/cm2g. Ammonia-oil separator is a cylindrical vessel and is heated with 3.5 bar
saturated steam via coils to vaporise the ammonia separated out in the separator as shown in the Figure 1.
Ammonia-oil separator is protected with one relief valve .

Vapor from separator were sent to atmospheric scrubber for scrubbing by ammonia-water liquid before discharge
into atmosphere. Liquid from bottom of atmospheric scrubber is the main source of feed to Hydrolyser-Desorber
system. High ammonia concentration in feed stream is directly affecting the performance of Hydrolyser-Desorber
system and atmospheric scrubber. Vapor ammonia from Ammonia-oil separator is diverted to inlet carbamate
condenser along with vapor from rectifying column . Therefore ammonia vapor from ammonia oil-separator is
directly introduced in to the LP system.

The carbamate analysis and vent stack analysis were also monitored to check the performance of modification.
Diversion of ammonia vapor to LP carbamate condenser is reflected on the carbamate analysis at HP carbamate
pumps suction line. The analysis of carbamate before & after the modification is given in Table -2.

Table 2 : Effect on Carbamate analysis with Modification ( Basis w/w%)

Parameters Design Value Before After Modification

CO2 38.60 36.10 38.38
NH3 30.70 29.00 30.53
H20 30.70 34.90 31.09

2.3 Reduction in Elevation of Lean Carbamate Pump :

The lean carbamate pump was installed to pump out the lean carbamate solution to LP system during revamp. In
actual plant operation, lean carbamate pumps were hardly able to pump out the carbamate solution from lean
carbamate vessel even when both pumps were running. To control lean carbamate vessel level, some times the
vessel had to be drained to ammonia water tank which was causing upsets in the hydrolyser operation due to increase
in ammonia concentration.

Head developed by the lean carbamate pump was 45.8 m at design flow of 4.4 m3/h which was lower than the
calculated head. The pump discharge line was lowered by about 1.8 m. This has improved the pump performance
and only one pump is now capable to pump out the carbamate solution. This has improved the performance of
hydrolyser section..

2.4 Stoppage of Lean Ammonia water Pump Operation :

Two lean ammonia water booster pumps were provided to supply ammonia-water to LP absorber first and second
bed separately located on Prill tower top. As scrubbing fluid is same for both the beds, capacity of one pump was
checked and found that one pump is sufficient to supply ammonia-water to both beds. Accordingly modification was
carried out and one pump was lined up for both the beds and other pump was stopped. There is electrical energy
saving of about 18.4 kW with this modification.

3.0 Product Quality Improvement :-

3.1 Prill Bucket Modification:

During urea plant revamp, old prill machine and prill buckets were replaced with new. Stamicarbon has designed
new prill bucket for mean prill dia of 1.6 mm (mean dia 1.7 mm before revamp) to achieve lower prill temperature at
outlet of prill tower. In actual practice, mean dia was 1.4 mm instead of guaranteed 1.6 mm. Stamicarbon suggested
increase of prill tower fan capacity to 9,000,00 Nm3/h for installation of another new design bucket to achieve prills
of 1.6 mm mean dia.

Old prill bucket was installed after suitable modification to make it compatible with new prill machine. This
innovative idea improved prill size range and crushing strength significantly as figured out in the analysis below.

Table 3: Change of urea prill size distribution :

Prill bucket installed after revamp(Average urea production 1730 tpd) :

Size,mm +2.8 + 2.4 +2.0 +1.7 +1.4 +1.0

Content,(%) Nil Nil 2.4 27.2 28.7 40.2
Crushing strength, 30 kg/cm2

Modified Prill bucket installed on 30.06.1999(Average urea production 1730 tpd) :

Size,mm +2.8 + 2.4 +2.0 +1.7 +1.4 +1.0

Content,(%) Nil 0.73 16.79 57.66 13.14 10.95
Mean size dia, 1.60 mm
Crushing strength, 28 kg/cm2

Conclusions :
Innovative ideas comes out spontaneously when plant is facing some teething problems. In general , innovative ideas
require in-depth analysis of process & plant and it incurs minimum expenditure though reap substantial benefits. A
conducive atmosphere is essential for generation of innovative ideas and it requires the participation of all the
concerned to benefit the organization to a great extent in improving the over-all productivity. Kalol unit is immensely
benefited with the implementation of above innovative schemes.
NH3/ To Vent Stack

Atmospheric Scrubber
To HP System

Ammonia-water tank
Liquid Ammonia

CCS-I Exit
DM water

NH3-H2O tank Rectifying

Exit vapor
Inlet To carbamate
pump suction

Ammonia-Oil mixture

Low Pressure Carbamate Condensers




LP steam

TT Figure 3 :
IFFCO Kalol Unit
Ammonia-Oil Modification
Ammonia-Oil Separator in Urea Plant
To spent oil storage

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