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Bioinformatic Methods I

Welcome to Bioinformatic Methods I!

Instructor: Nicholas Provart

Nicholas Provart is an associate professor in the Department of Cell & Systems

Biology at the University of Toronto. He’s taught a course on which this Coursera
course is based since 2009 to approximately 700 undergraduate University of
Toronto biology students. His involvement with bioinformatics goes back to 1998.
He was Director of the Collaborative Graduate Program in Genome Biology &
Bioinformatics from 2006-2011, and is one of the founding members of the
International Arabidopsis Informatics Consortium.

Please use the Coursera tools to discuss lecture content and labs.

Course material developed by Ryan Austin, David Guttman, Laura Hug, Momoko Price, and Nicholas Provart
Course produced by Jamie Waese, Rohan Patel, William Heikoop, and Nicholas Provart

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Course format and syllabus

This Coursera course will cover the basics of searching one of the main
repositories of sequence information, NCBI’s GenBank, using GQuery/Entrez and
Blast, along with creating sequence alignments and phylogenies. Selection
analysis will also be covered, as will next generation sequence analysis and
metagenomics. Most tools used for exploration are web-based.

Week Topic
1 NCBI/Blast I
2 Blast II/Comparative Genomics
3 Multiple Sequence Alignments
4 Phylogenetics
5 Selection Analysis
6 NGS Analysis / Metagenomics .

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What is bioinformatics?

• is the development and application of computational tools in managing all
kinds of biological data
• involves the technology that uses computers for storage, retrieval,
manipulation, and distribution of information related to biological
macromoleculates such as DNA, RNA, proteins and metabolites
• generally limited to sequence, structural, and functional analysis of genes
and genomes and their corresponding products
• sometimes called computational molecular biology

This field has developed over the past decade or so to help manage the
huge increase in data generated by genome sequencing projects, high-
throughput technologies etc.

Xiong (2006) Essential Bioinformatics, Cambridge University Press.

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Why bioinformatics?
>gi|27500381:c623297-542205 Homo sapiens chromosome 17 genomic contig

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Biological Databases


• Why databases?
• What is a database?
• Data structures: Flat File and Relational
• Accession numbers and identifiers
• A practical example of utility – GQuery/Entrez

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Why databases?

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Why databases?

Genome and genomic sequences

Gene sequences, mutations
Gene regulation
Gene expression (where and when)
Intron splice variants
Protein sequence, post-translational
Protein tertiary structure (3D)
Protein networks
Protein localization
Enzyme Kinetics
Metabolites, metabolic networks

To archive accumulated knowledge and to

provide scientists with easy access to
biological data

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What is a database?

How can data be stored...


Flat-file format, with fields separated by some delimiter

Nancy|Dengler|Botany|University of Toronto|25 Willocks St, Toronto, ON. M5S 3B2
Peter|Lewis|Dept. of Biochemistry|Uni. Toronto|1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON. M5S 1A8
John|Coleman|Department of Botany|University of Toronto|25 Willcocks St, Toronto, ON. M5S 3B2
John|Coleman|Dept. of Biology|York University|4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON. M3J 1P3

These data could also be stored in a spreadsheet

First_name Last_name Institution Department Address

Nancy Dengler University of Toronto Botany 25 Willocks St, Toronto, ON. M5S 3B2

Peter Lewis Uni. Toronto Dept. of Biochemistry 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON. M5S 1A8

John Coleman University of Toronto Department of Botany 25 Willcocks St, Toronto, ON. M5S 3B2

John Coleman York University Dept. of Biology 4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON. M3J 1P3

What are the problems with this sort of database?

Relational Databases offer a solution...

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Relational Databases
Nancy|Dengler|Botany|University of Toronto|25 Willocks St, Toronto, ON. M5S 3B2
Peter|Lewis|Dept. of Biochemistry|Uni. Toronto|1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON. M5S 1A8
John|Coleman|Department of Botany|University of Toronto|25 Willcocks St, Toronto, ON. M5S 3B2
John|Coleman|Dept. of Biology|York University|4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON. M3J 1P3

A relational database consists of a relations (tables) containing attributes

(fields or columns). Each row in a table is known as a tuple or a record.
Information should be ‘normalized’ so that it is non-redundant  this means
that every row should be unique, although this ideal is not always observed.

Professor_id First_name Last_name Contact_id

1 Nancy Dengler 1
Table 'Professors' 2 Peter Lewis 2
3 John Coleman 1
4 John Coleman 3
foreign key
primary key

Contact_id Institution Department Address

Table 'Contacts' 1 University of Toronto Dept. of Botany 25 Willocks St, Toronto, ON. M5S 3B2
2 Uni. Toronto Dept. of Biochemisty 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, ON. M5S 1A8
3 York University Dept. of Biology 4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON. M3J 1P3

primary key

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Accession codes, identifiers, GIs, etc.

Many of the biolological databases (GenBank, UNIPROT etc.) have two (or
more!) different ways of identifying a given entry:

• Identifier
• Accession code (or number)

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Accession codes, identifiers, GIs, etc. [2]


An identifier ("locus" in GenBank, "entry name" in UNIPROT) is a string of

letters and digits that understandable in some meaningful way by a human.

Identifiers are not as stable as accession numbers, mainly because they are
modified by the curators if the presumed function of the protein is found to be
something else.

GenBank: HUMADH6A01

An identifier can change. For example, the database curators may decide that
the identifier for an entry no longer is appropriate. This does not happen very

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Accession codes, identifiers, GIs, etc. [3]

Accession code (number)


An accession code (or number) is a number (with a few characters in front)

that uniquely identifies an entry. It is often assigned arbitrarily. For example, the
accession code for ADH6_HUMAN in UNIPROT is P28332.
In the case of GenBank, the accession code for the human ADH6 gene
sequence is AH001409.

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Accession codes, identifiers, GIs, etc. [4]

Versions and Gene Indices

In 1992, NCBI began assigning a unique number for each sequence

submitted – the Gene Index (GI) number, even for updated versions of a
given accession (unless the two are identical). The same accession number
may be associated with a different GI if a newer or corrected sequence is

Records typically contain the Accession.Version identifier, such as M84402.1,

in the VERSION line of the record. This identifier is mapped to its unique
corresponding GI number, which is the “primary key” of GenBank.

To specify a sequence exactly in GenBank, use either its GI or

Accession.Version. To retrieve the most up-to-date sequence, use the
accession number without version: the most up-to-date sequence will be
retrieved automatically.

Let’s look at the GenBank record for human alcohol dehydrogenase VI

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GenBank Flatfile Format (GBFF)

The GenBank flatfile format (GBFF) is one of the most commonly used formats
used for nucleotide sequences. It contains all of the information associated with
the sequence, as well as the sequence itself.

The GBFF has 3 parts: the header, the features, and the sequence itself.

LOCUS HUMADH6A01 409 bp DNA linear PRI 17-OCT-2000

identifier length source type NCBI entry date

taxonomic group

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GenBank Flatfile Format – Header
DEFINITION Homo sapiens alcohol dehydrogenase 6 (ADH6) gene, exon 1.
ACCESSION M84402 M68895
VERSION M84402.1 GI:178137
KEYWORDS alcohol dehydrogenase; alcohol dehydrogenase VI.
SEGMENT 1 of 8

• DEFINITION: The biology of the molecule in a sentence.

• ACCESSION: Code(s)

• VERSION: Number; GI number found on this line too.

• KEYWORDS: Keywords as defined by the submitters…but: free-text.

• SEGMENT: Appears for multi-exon records. Each record is actually stored

separately, and then is bundled together ‘on-the-fly’ for presentation here.

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GenBank Flatfile Format – Header, cont.

SOURCE Homo sapiens.
ORGANISM Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Mammalia; Eutheria; Primates; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo.
REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 409)
AUTHORS Yasunami,M., Chen,C.S. and Yoshida,A.
TITLE A human alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH6) encoding an additional
class of isozyme
JOURNAL Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88 (17), 7610-7614 (1991)
MEDLINE 91352038
PUBMED 1881901

• SOURCE: Contains organism name

• ORGANISM: Contains complete taxonomic information from the NCBI
taxonomy server.
• REFERENCE: Details on a publication about the sequence.
• COMMENT: Contains misc. information and revision details.

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GenBank Flatfile Format – Features
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..409
/organism="Homo sapiens“
misc_signal 34..48
exon 287..396

• A direct representation of the biological information in the record.

• The Source Feature must be present in all GenBank records, and contains
information as to where the molecule comes from /organism = “Homo
sapiens”, and, potentially, map, chromosome and tissue type information.
• The exon feature tells one that the sequence from 287..396 comprises an

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GenBank Flatfile Format – Features, cont.

In some records the CDS feature is present, and looks like this for X59698, the
nucleotide sequence of an EGF-receptor from mouse:
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
CDS 160..>2301
sig_peptide 160..231
mat_peptide 232..>2301

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GenBank Flatfile Format – Sequence

The last part of the GenBank flat file record is the sequence itself. A summary
of nucleotide composition is presented, and the sequence follows.

BASE COUNT 133 a 75 c 77 g 124 t

1 tgtattttga aaacaacaga aaagaaatac ttttgtacac tctgttagaa attttaagtt
61 tggacattta aaagtccaaa tttaaaactc aaaaaaatgg ataataagag ggacctgttt
121 gattaaggga gaaaaaaata gtttgcattt tcaccttttg gctctttcac tgagatgagc
181 ctatttcaga ttacacttag gaacttccat caagcacggg agagcctact tttcctgttt
241 aataattacc agactacaga gaaggtcgga ccagccttct gatctacagt cgcctgtgta
301 cctttgtact ttctacagtg aaagttgcta caggatctcc ctttctcaat aaattcatct
361 gcggtggaga aaatcagcat gagtactaca ggccaagtag gtgcagtat

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Nucleotide Databases – Growth of GenBank


2005 2008

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Searching GenBank + other sequence DBs

by keyword
by sequence similarity, using BLAST* (

*Google doesn’t handle

sequence searches
well: it can’t put in gaps
to identify partial
matches to similar
sequences, and it
doesn’t know which
amino acids have
similar properties!

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Gene duplication results

in two copies in a
common ancestor of
frog, chick, and mouse

Just one copy of globin

in ancient organism

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Searching across DBs: the Entrez and SRS systems.

Several publically-available tools are available for querying across datasets.

Two of these are good starting points. One is provided by the NCBI and is
called Entrez/GQuery ( or, and the other is provided by a company
called Instem and is called SRS (Sequence Retrieval System, - see this link for a link to public SRS instances).
Entrez/GQuery essentially provides links between many of the databases at

We’ll go through an example using Entrez/GQuery...

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Sample Problem

Identify the SNPs which potentially cause early onset breast cancer, and design
oligos to PCR them in samples of human genomic DNA for sequencing. Use the
OMIM “function” of Entrez/GQuery. OMIM has links to everything that is known
about a given disease across the various databases at NCBI.

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Sample Problem [2]

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Sample Problem [4]

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Sample Problem [5]

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Sample Problem [6]

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Primer3 can then be used to design PCR primers
Use it at

Steve Rozen and Helen J. Skaletsky (2000), in: Krawetz S, Misener S (eds) Bioinformatics Methods and Protocols: Methods in
Molecular Biology. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp 365-386

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Which Database for What?

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