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Does The Central Bank Directly Respond To Output and x202 2016 Central Ban

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Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 53e57

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Does the central bank directly respond to output and

inflation uncertainties in Turkey?

Pelin Oge Güney*
Department of Economics, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper investigates the role of inflation and output uncertainties on monetary policy rules in Turkey
Available online 8 June 2016 for the period 2002:01e2014:02. In the literature it is suggested that uncertainty is a key element in
monetary policy, hence empirical models of monetary policy should regard to uncertainty. In this study,
JEL classification codes: we estimate a forward-looking monetary reaction function of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
E43 (CBRT). In addition to inflation and output gap variables, our reaction function also includes both the
inflation and output growth uncertainties. Our results suggest that the Central Bank of the Republic of
Keywords: Turkey (CBRT) concerns with mainly price stability and significantly responds to inflation and growth
Uncertainty uncertainties.
Taylor rule © 2016 Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
Monetary policy access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction estimate similar parameters for some countries other than US,
Rudebusch and Svensson (1999) find larger optimal parameters for
The Taylor rule indicates that, the central bank should adjust the US. Ball (1997) also argues that an efficient parameter on the output
nominal interest rate in response to deviations of inflation from gap should be larger than Taylor (1993)’s estimate. Brainard (1967)
target and output from potential. According to this rule, the central provides an explanation for this distinction between actual central
bank raises the interest rates in response to inflation. On the other bank behaviour and the optimal parameters which is suggested by
hand, it reduces interest rates to stimulate output. While the Taylor these studies. He argues that uncertainty about the effects of policy
rule provides a simple and clear rule for monetary policy and ex- on economy makes policymakers more conservative.
plains monetary policy behaviour in many countries, this rule has Uncertainties make conduct of monetary policy more compli-
some disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is that according cated. Due to the measurement difficulties, policymakers cannot
to Taylor rule, central bank responds only to the inflation rate and observe the current values of the inflation and output gap accu-
the output gap. However, central banks may respond to other rately when they set the interest rate. Therefore, they should pre-
variables such as exchange rate, asset prices, monetary aggregates dict them from the inflation and output gap data. Some studies
and so on to achieve price stability. In more open economies, for examine how monetary policy should be conducted under data
example, beside output gap and inflation, exchange rate is also uncertainty. For example, Aoki (2003) states that if data uncertainty
important to describe the state of the economy. The other disad- in one variable increases, the policy maker should respond less to
vantage is that the changes in the structure of the economy may the movements in that variable. In addition, Smets (2002),
lead to a change in the coefficients of optimal policy rule (Peersman Peersman and Smets (1999), Rudebusch (2001) show that data
and Smets, 1999). In the literature, there is not any consensus about uncertainty (particularly about the output gap) reduces the optimal
what the efficient Taylor rule parameters should be. Taylor (1993) coefficient on the output gap in a Taylor rule. Some other studies
proposed a parameter of 1.5 on inflation and 0.5 on the output discuss the effects of inflation uncertainty on interest rates. How-
gap to explain the Fed's behaviour. While Clarida et al., (1999) ever, these studies do not provide definite evidence about the ef-
fects of inflation uncertainty on nominal interest rates in both
theoretical and empirical literature. Juster and Wachtel (1972a, b)
* Tel.: þ90 (312) 297 8652; fax: þ90 (312) 299 20 03. and Juster and Taylor (1975) state that if inflation variability and
E-mail address: nominal income do not move one for one, the variance of
Peer review under responsibility of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
1303-0701/© 2016 Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
54 € Güney / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 53e57

consumer's real income increases. Then, consumers intending to In the traditional inflation targeting framework, financial sta-
protect themselves against inflation will increase savings. As a bility is not separately included in the objective function and the
result, according to loanable funds theory, interest rates decline. central bank reacts to variables related with financial stability only
This implies a negative relationship between inflation uncertainty indirectly through their impact on inflation (Kara, 2012). However,
and interest rates. Some arguments such as market frictions and a since late 2010, the CBRT has been explicitly concerned with
positive relationship between inflation uncertainty and real rates financial stability. Since CBRT's reaction function could be affected
may also give rise to a negative relationship between inflation from this policy shift, we extended our model. To capture the policy
uncertainty and nominal interest rates (e.g. Jorda and Salyer, 2003; stance of advanced countries, we include the change in the ten-year
Frankel and Lown, 1994). On the other hand, portfolio theory sug- treasury rate of the US Treasury as one of the explanatory variables.
gests a positive relationship (e.g. Markowitz, 1952). Namely, the Our results show that the CBRT significantly responses to US trea-
variance of the rate of return is taken as a risk measure. Since sury rate.
inflation uncertainty increase the rate of return variability, risk- The next section introduces the literature. The third section
averse agents require (desire) higher yields. Asset pricing model, summarizes the monetary policy of the CBRT. The forth section
the Fisher hypothesis and the term structure theory also suggest a reports empirical model, data and empirical results. The final sec-
positive relationship between inflation uncertainty and nominal tion concludes the paper.
interest rates (e.g. Cox et al., 1981; Fama, 1975; Chan, 1994). Simi-
larly, while some empirical studies such as Fama and Gibbons 2. Literature
(1982), Mishkin (1992) and Berument (1999) find a positive rela-
tionship between inflation uncertainty and interest rates, some Many studies investigate the effects of uncertainties on the co-
other studies such as Stulz (1986), Jorda and Salyer (2003), efficients in the Taylor rule. Bihan and Sahuc (2002) show that
Berument et al. (2005) and Omay and Hasanov (2010) find a when parameter uncertainty is taken into account, inflation and
negative relationship. output gap parameters decline in the optimal reaction function.
These arguments suggest that uncertainty is a key element in Smets (1998) argues that output gap uncertainty affects the
monetary policy, hence empirical models of monetary policy parameter in the monetary policy rule. He shows that higher un-
should regard to uncertainty. In this study, we have estimated the certainty leads to a fall reaction coefficient on the output gap in
monetary reaction function of the CBRT. Apart from the previous simple Taylor rules for the US economy. Peersman and Smets
studies for Turkey, we consider the reaction of the CBRT to un- (1999) show that estimation error in the output gap causes the
certainties. Some studies (see Berument and Malatyalı (2000), weight of output gap in a Taylor rule to fall for EU5. The amount of
Berument and Tasci (2004), Omay and Hasanov (2006), Gozgor this decline in this coefficient depends on the weights in the
(2012)) estimated the different specifications of the monetary objective function. Similarly, Swanson (2004) shows that when one
policy rules for CBRT. However, none of these studies have con- variable is more uncertain, the weight on the other variable may be
cerned with the effect of uncertainty on monetary policy rule. larger. Orphanides (2003) emphasizes that the ignorance of the
Therefore, to fill this gap, we investigate whether the monetary measurement errors of the data causes misleading decisions about
policy responds to both inflation and output uncertainties by the performance of the activist policies. They suggest less activist
changing the interest rate in the case of Turkey. Additionally, pre- policies to provide economic stability when the noise in the data is
vious studies generally investigate the affect of the uncertainty in taken into account. Ehrmann and Smets (2003) show that the
the output and inflation on the coefficients of the optimal monetary performance of the Taylor rule is not affected by output gap un-
policy rule. In this study, we focus directly on the parameters of certainty. Uncertainty about the output gap causes reaction coef-
output and inflation uncertainties. These uncertainties are included ficient on the output gap to fall only marginally. Martin and Milas
into the Taylor e type monetary policy rule. We apply Generalized (2009) find that when inflation and output gap are more certain,
Methods of Moments (GMM) for estimating monetary policy re- the weights of these variables are lower. The other finding is that
action function. Significant coefficients of inflation and output when one variable is more uncertain, the weight of the other var-
uncertainties suggest that the monetary authority takes these un- iable is larger.
certainties into consideration while forming the interest rate rule. Another line of the literature investigates the effects of inflation
On the other hand, insignificant coefficients indicate that un- uncertainty on interest rate within the Fisher hypothesis frame-
certainties have no explanatory power for the interest rate de- work. Berument et al. (2005) show that inflation uncertainty is
cisions. The results show that the CBRT concerns mainly with price important to explain interest rate for UK. Similarly, Berument
stability after the adoption of the inflation targeting. We also (1999) suggests that expected inflation and inflation uncertainty
conclude that the CBRT considers the inflation and output un- have positive effect on interest rate for UK. Yuksel and Akdi (2009)
certainties in setting the policy rate. find a significant effect of inflation risk on interest rate for US. Omay
Another contribution of our study is to include an indicator of and Hasanov (2010) suggest a negative relationship between
global financial liquidity conditions in our reaction function sepa- inflation uncertainty and the interest rate for US. They also show
rately. The experience of the global crisis indicates the importance that this relationship is regime dependent and it is greater in low-
of financial stability especially for emerging market economies. inflationary periods.
Capital flows towards Turkey like other emerging markets Some studies discuss why the central bank should respond to
increased as a result of the expansionary monetary policies of uncertainties. Mishkin (2000) and Goodfriend (2007) provide some
advanced economies in the post-global crisis period. This surge in principles for central banks to avoid the creation of uncertainties.
capital inflows supported domestic credit growth and caused Montes (2010, p.95) states that “in modern economies, expecta-
appreciation of Turkish Lira. As a consequence of these de- tions play a decisive role as a transmission mechanism of monetary
velopments, the current account deficit widened. Since the current policies.” Since monetary policy affects the economic performance
account finance mainly depends on the short-term capital move- through expectations in the inflation targeting regime, almost all
ments, the concerns about financial stability increased (Başçı and inflation targeting central banks are concerned with the mainte-
Kara, 2011). Therefore, since 2010, the CBRT has been implement- nance of credibility. Therefore, it is conceivable that the central
ing a new monetary policy concerning both financial stability and banks respond to uncertainty shocks in order to improve the
price stability. effectiveness of monetary policy.
€ Güney / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 53e57
P.O. 55

Several recent studies explore the behaviour of monetary policy tools like interest rate corridor, liquidity policies and required
policy in emerging markets and contain important findings. Taylor reserves have been adopted to achieve these objectives (CBRT, 2011).
(2002) shows that the use of monetary policy rules in emerging
economies has some benefits. He states that monetary policy rules
4. Empirical model, data and empirical results
increase the anticipation effects of monetary policy. Corbo (2002)
finds that Latin American central banks set their interest rates
Following Clarida et al., (1999) we use a forward-looking version
according to inflation and other objectives. Monetary Authority of
of the Taylor rule. Then, we use ‘Enriched Taylor-Type’ rule (e.g.
Singapore (2000) estimates a forward-looking interest rate reac-
Berument et al., 2005) where inflation and growth uncertainty is
tion function for East Asia economies. Their results indicate that
added to Taylor rule. It is widely accepted that because of the official
the authorities place greater weight on inflation since the cur-
dislike of financial instability, monetary authorities adjust interest
rency crisis and are more willing to raise interest rates according
rates gradually (see, e.g. Clarida et al., (1999); Ozlale, 2003).
to inflation expectations. Mohanty and Klau (2004) state that most
Therefore we allow for interest rate smoothing by including two
central banks in emerging countries change interest rates in
lags of interest rate in the monetary policy rule. We included two
response to inflation and exchange rate shocks. Minella et al.
lags of interest rate, which was sufficient to overcome the residual
(2002) estimate a Taylor-type reaction function for Brazil and
show that the Central Bank reacts strongly to inflation expecta-
The model is as follows:
tions. Ncube and Tshuma (2010) suggests that nonlinear Taylor
rule holds for South African Bank. it ¼ u0 þ u1 it1 þ u2 it2 þ u3 ptþ12 þ u4 gaptþ12 þ u5 uncpt
A number of studies have estimated the monetary policy re-
action function for Turkey. However, none of these studies have þ u6 uncgt
analysed the role of uncertainties in the monetary policy rule. (1)
Berument and Malatyalı (2000) state that the CBRT concerns the
lagged inflation rate rather than the future rate and implement Where it is the nominal interest rate, u0 is the intercept term. pt is
output-targeting policy during the period 1989:07e1997:03. the inflation gap (inflation minus inflation target), gaptis the output
Berument and Taşçı (2004) conclude that the CBRT deals with the gap, which is calculated by detrending the index of industrial
output stability instead of inflation in the period from 1990:01 to production using the Hodrick Prescott (HP) filter. In HP filter we
2000:10. Omay and Hasanov (2006) state that backward-looking specify smoothing parameter as 14 400, which is appropriate for
models explain the CBRT's reaction function for the period of monthly data. We used seasonally adjusted industrial production
1990:01e2003:12. They find that while the aim of expansionary series. uncpt is the end of year inflation uncertainty and uncgt is the
monetary policy is to stabilise output, contractionary policies end of year growth uncertainty. u5 and u6are coefficients for the
aimed at reducing the inflation rate. Yazgan and Yilmazkuday inflation and output growth uncertainty, respectively.
(2007) report that a forward-looking Taylor rule can describe
the CBRT's behaviour for the period of 2001:08e2004:04. Go €zgo
4.1. Data and empirical results
(2012) find that the reaction function of the CBRT can be explained
by Taylor rule specification in inflation targeting.
We use monthly Turkish data from 2002:01 to 2014:02. The data
are gathered from International Monetary Fund-International
3. The monetary policy of the CBRT
Financial Statistics. The inflation series is the annual percent
change in CPI. Targeted inflation rates are obtained from CBRT. In-
The Turkish economy has experienced high and volatile infla-
terest rate is the weighted average of overnight interbank interest
tion during the 1990's and the beginning of 2000's. The inflation
rate, which is used as a policy instrument by the CBRT. The output gap
rate reached its highest level 107.3% in 1994 and its lowest level
is obtained by detrending the index of industrial production using the
6.16% in 2012. Turkey has undergone two economic crises during
Hodrick Prescott (HP) filter. Uncertainties in inflation and growth
this period, in 1994 and in 2001. The Turkish economy declined by
data are obtained from the CBRT's survey of expectations. Inflation
6.1% in 1994 and by 5.7% in 2001. Additionally, the global financial
uncertainty is the series of the standard deviation of expected annual
crisis causes GDP to decline by 4.8% in 2009.
end-year CPI-based inflation rate. Similarly, growth uncertainty is the
Turkey has implemented several stabilization programs to keep
series of the standard deviation of expected GDP growth rate.1
inflation under control. In 1999 an exchange rate based stabilisation
Figs. 1 and 2 plot graphs of inflation rate and interest rate,
programme under support of IMF was adopted. However, this pro-
respectively. As can be seen from the figures, inflation rate and
gramme was abandoned in February 2001 in the face of speculative
interest rate had been volatile and high before the 2002. Since 2002
attacks. The Turkish economy experienced its severest economic
both series have become more stable.
crisis in 2001. The law on the Turkish Central Bank was amended in
We first test for stationarity of the series using conventional ADF
April 2001, and the central bank was reinforced instrument inde-
test. The results of the ADF test are presented in Table 1. The results
pendence. The primary objective of the bank was stipulated as
suggest that the series are stationary.
ensuring price stability. Turkey adopted implicit inflation targeting
We estimate the Taylor rule using the linear Generalised Method
from January 2002 to December 2005. During this period the
of Moments (GMM). This method is used to avoid a possible cor-
necessary pre-conditions to implement an explicit inflation targeting
relation between dependent variables and the residuals. We choose
regime were tried to be satisfied. Some reforms such as restructuring
the instrument variables regarding two criteria. First, the instru-
of the banking system, fiscal reforms, and structural reforms were
ment set should be included in the central bank's information set
realized. The explicit inflation targeting regime started to be imple-
which it uses to determine interest rate at time t. Second, the in-
mented in January 2006. The CBRT used the short-term interest rate
struments should be correlated with the dependent variables.
as a primary instrument to implement its disinflation policy.
The experience of the recent global economic developments
shows the importance of the financial stability. Therefore, since 1
When the measure of uncertainties are changed, for example when we use a
2010, the CBRT has been implementing a new monetary policy GARCH model to measure inflation and output uncertainties, we found insignificant
concerning both financial stability and price stability. The new coefficients. This issue desires further exploration in future research.
56 € Güney / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 53e57

Table 2
Estimates of the monetary policy reaction function: 2002:01e2014:02.

Constant 0.018 (0.828) 0.039 (0.806)

it1 1.453* (0.000) 1.600* (0.000)
it2 0.471* (0.000) 0.602* (0.000)
ptþ1 0.045* (0.000) 0.008 (0.280)
gaptþ12 0.001 (0.788) 0.0002 (0.889)
uncpt 0.157* (0.000) 0.073 (0.205)
uncgt 0.199** (0.014) 0.202* (0.000)
iusa 0.036 (0.377)
dummy 4.232* (0.000)
Fig. 1. Inflation rate. it1dummy 0.134** (0.006)
it2dummy 0.330* (0.000)
ptþ12dummy 0.012 (0.661)
gaptþ12dummy 0.010 (0.105)
uncptdummy 1.130* (0.000)
uncgtdummy 1.191* (0.000)
usdummy 1.666* (0.000)
Jtest 0.11 0.16

Notes: The instrument set includes lagged values up to 6 lags and 9 lags of inflation,
the output gap, nominal exchange rate and money growth in the first column and in
the second column, respectively. P-values are reported in parentheses *, **, and ***
denotes significance of the coefficient at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level.

In addition, to see the effect of the CBRT's modification of its

inflation targeting framework at the end of 2010 on the CBRT's
reaction function, we extended our model. We include the ten-year
Fig. 2. Interest rate.
treasury rate of the U.S. Treasury as one of the explanatory vari-
ables. This variable would be useful to capture the policy stance of
Table 1
advanced countries. In addition, we include a dummy variable to
ADF unit root test results. see whether there has been a shift in all the reaction parameters
since November 2010. The dummy variable is interacted with all
i 3.193 (0.09)
p 6.954 (0.000)
the parameters. The results are presented in the second column of
gap 3.812 (0.000) Table 2. We find that the coefficients of inflation, output gap,
uncpt 4.123 (0.000) inflation uncertainty and treasury rate of the U.S. are insignificant
uncgt 3.567 (0.008) before November 2010. The results show that the CBRT reduced the
P-values are reported in parentheses. interest rate in response to an increase in growth uncertainty
during this period. On the other hand, we see that the CBRT has
Following the Clarida et al., (1999), we choose the inflation forecast responsed to treasury rate of the U.S., inflation uncertainty and
horizon of 12 for monthly estimate of the Taylor rule for Turkey. The growth uncertainty after November 2010. These results imply that
instrument set used in the model includes lagged values of the since the adoption of unconventional monetary policy at the end of
output gap and the inflation rate. Additional instruments include 2010, the CBRT has responsed the global liquidity conditions. The
the lagged values of annual changes of nominal exchange rate and parameters of the reaction function also imply that the monetary
annual M1 growth that help forecast inflation and output. We use policy has become more responsive to growth uncertainty since
the Hansen's J-test to test the validity of over identifying restrictions. November 2010.
The evidence from Table 2 shows that while the coefficients for The results show that using a dummy variable changes the co-
the expected inflation are positive and statistically significant, the efficients of the Taylor rule. This might be due to several factors.
coefficients for the output gap in both specifications are statistically First, when the sample is divided into two sub-periods, there might
insignificant. This implies that the CBRT mainly targeted price be a short-sample problem, especially in the later sub-period.
stability after the adoption of the inflation targeting. The results Second, a simple Taylor rule may not be suitable to represent the
also show that the CBRT considers the inflation and output un- reaction of the monetary policy since the global financial crisis.
certainties in setting the policy rate. The coefficient of inflation After the global financial crisis many central banks around the
uncertainty is positive and statistically significant. That is, the CBRT world have started to care more about financial stability. Hence, the
targeted inflation uncertainty in addition to inflation targeting. This Taylor rule might need to be modified to incorporate the financial
result may imply that the CBRT presumes a positive link between stability objective.
inflation and inflation uncertainty as suggested by Okun (1971) and Overall, our results indicate that the CBRT concerns the market
Friedman (1977). The high inflation experience of Turkish economy perception. It is important for credibility of monetary policy un-
for more than twenty years provides supporting evidence to this der inflation targeting. In addition to credibility, the main
expectation. Inflationary process makes public's expectations about essential characteristics of inflation targeting are an explicit
future inflation more persistent. Since the CBRT expects that in- inflation target, ability to conduct an independent monetary
creases in inflation expectation leads to an increase inflation rates, policy from fiscal policy and a high degree of transparency and
the monetary policy becomes responsive to inflation expectations. accountability. The central bank must announce targets and
The results also show that the coefficient of growth uncertainty is policy plans to the public and explain the reasons of policy
negative and statistically significant. This implies that although the changes. Our results suggest that when uncertainties rise the
monetary policy authorities do not target the output, they concern CBRT responds immediately to restrict these changes. That is, if
growth uncertainty. The CBRT reduces the interest rates in response there is an uncertainty in inflation, the monetary authorities in-
to increased growth uncertainty to stimulate output. In other word, crease the interest rate. However, if growth uncertainty increases
the CBRT tries to smooth fluctuations in output. they reduce the interest rate.
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