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Is A Publications SP 2016

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The document highlights ISA's catalog of automation and control books and resources available for purchase.

The catalog features books on topics like fundamentals of automation, instrumentation, project management, and more across various pages.

ISA provides technical publications, standards, certification, conferences, and other educational resources for automation professionals.


ISA Publications

The information
you need—
in the format
you want!
Whether you want to
flip through a book or
scroll through information
on your mobile device,
we’ve got the automation
and control technical
resources you need!

save 20% off
list price on most
See page 38
for details.

gniniarT & noitacudE
Education & Training
stibihxE & secnerefnoC
Conferences & Exhibits
Everything You Want to
Know about Automation
and Control
ISA books bring you the most authoritative
technical resources in automation. Relying on
subject-matter experts in the field to write and
review books on current and emerging technologies
and applications, ISA provides a variety of titles
for engineers, technicians, managers, sales and
marketing professionals, and academics.

These technical publications focus on real-world

application of technologies and methodologies
with the necessary theory for a complete
understanding of the subject.

Three Ways to Order Index

• Online: Academic/Fundamentals
101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career.............................. 21
• Call ISA Customer Service: +1 919-549-8411
(Reference code BKCAT16) A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge, Third Edition........7

• Download printable order form at Automation Made Easy: Everything You Wanted to Know
About Automation—and Need to Ask........................................ 22
and mail or fax to: ISA, PO Box 12277, Calibration: A Technician’s Guide................................................. 10
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA Condensed Handbook of Measurement and Control,
Fax: +1 919-549-8288 Third Edition (with CD)................................................................ 24
Control Systems Engineering Exam Reference Manual:
A Practical Study Guide, Third Edition...................................... 9, 11
Control Systems Engineer Technical Reference Handbook....... 9, 11
Fundamentals of Industrial Control, Second Edition (with CD)...... 27
Industrial Data Communications, Fifth Edition............................. 13
eBooks Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation,
The ISA eBook library is expanding rapidly! Second Edition............................................................................ 32
Look for this icon highlighting titles that are ready Loop Checking: A Technician’s Guide.......................................... 10
for download to your mobile devices. ISA adds titles as Managing Industrial Controls...................................................... 13
they become available, so be sure and visit the eBooks
Measurement and Control Basics, Fifth Edition............................ 15
website ( for the latest list of
available titles. Preventive Maintenance, Third Edition......................................... 35
Project Management: A Technician’s Guide................................. 10
SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition,
Fourth Edition.............................................................................. 36
Start-Up: A Technician’s Guide, Second Edition............................ 10
The Tao of Measurement: A Philosophical View of
Flow and Sensors................................................................... 16, 37
Troubleshooting: A Technician’s Guide, Second Edition................ 10

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Asset Management and Enterprise Integration Cybersecurity
Bottom-Line Automation, Second Edition.................................... 23 Industrial Automation and Control System
Security Principles, Second Edition..................................... 8, 13, 31
Driving Business Value in Industrial Innovation: Disciplined
Agility for Manufacturing Automation..................................... 9, 26 Industrial Network Security, Second Edition............................. 8, 31
MES Guide for Executives: Why and How to Select, Implement, Cybersecurity Tech Pak............................................................ 8, 25
and Maintain a Manufacturing Execution System........................ 33
SCADA: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition,
Fourth Edition.............................................................................. 36 Certification Exam Study Guides
The High Performance HMI Handbook........................................ 30 Control Systems Engineering
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Manufacturing Operations Control Systems Engineering Exam Reference Manual:
Management: ISA-95 Best Practice Book 1.0............................... 30 A Practical Study Guide, Third Edition...................................... 9, 25
The MOM Chronicles: ISA-95 Best Practices Book 3.0........... 15, 34 Control Systems Engineer Technical
The Road to Integration: A Guide to Applying the Reference Handbook............................................................... 9, 25
ISA-95 Standard in Manufacturing ............................................. 36 Control Systems Engineering (CSE)
The Value of Automation: The Best Investment an Industrial Study Guide, Fifth Edition...................................................... 11, 25
Company Can Make............................................................. 16, 38 Certified Automation Professional® (CAP®)
When World’s Collide in Manufacturing Operations: Study Guide, Second Edition....................................................... 23
ISA-95 Best Practices Book 2.0.................................................... 38 A Guide to the Automation Body of
Knowledge, Third Edition........................................................ 7, 30
Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®)
Communications Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST),
A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge, Study Guide, Level I..................................................................... 23
Third Edition............................................................................ 7, 30 Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST),
Applying FOUNDATION Fieldbus.............................................. 7, 22 Study Guide, Level II.................................................................... 23
Automation Network Selection: A Reference Manual, Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST),
Third Edition............................................................................ 7, 22 Study Guide, Level III................................................................... 23
Bottom-Line Automation, Second Edition.................................... 23 Fundamentals of Industrial Control, Second Edition..................... 27
Foundation Fieldbus, Fourth Edition...................................... 12, 27 Calibration: A Technician’s Guide........................................... 10, 23
Industrial Data Communications, Fifth Edition....................... 13, 31 Loop Checking: A Technician’s Guide.................................... 10, 33
Industrial Network Security, Second Edition............................. 8, 31 Project Management: A Technician’s Guide........................... 10, 36
MES Guide for Executives: Why and How to Select, Implement, Start-Up: A Technician’s Guide, Second Edition...................... 10, 37
and Maintain a Manufacturing Execution System......................... 33 Troubleshooting: A Technician’s Guide, Second Edition.......... 10, 38
PROFIBUS: A Pocket Guide.......................................................... 35 Certified Maintenance Reliability Technician® (CMRT®)
Project Management: A Technician’s Guide........................... 10, 36
Certified Maintenance Reliability Technician (CMRT)
The Road to Integration: A Guide to Applying the Study Guide................................................................................ 24
ISA-95 Standard in Manufacturing.............................................. 36

Conferences and Proceedings Automation Can Prevent the Next Fukushima......................... 7, 22
53rd ISA Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium.......... 19 Detecting Leaks in Pipelines..................................................... 9, 26
58th ISA Power Industry Division (POWID) Symposium................ 19 Future Energy: Opportunities and Challenges........................ 12, 30
60th ISA Analysis Division Symposium......................................... 19 Modeling, Control, Simulation and Diagnosis of
ISA Automation Conference and Exhibition 2015 Complex Industrial and Energy Systems....................................... 34
Europe—Middle East—Africa ..................................................... 19 Performance-based Fire and Gas Systems
The 2015 ISA Process Control and Safety Symposium................. 19 Engineering Handbook.................................................... 14, 15, 34
The 2015 ISA Food and Pharmaceutical Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis,
Industries Division Symposium..................................................... 19 and Justification, Second Edition........................................... 14, 36
Variable Speed Drives: Principles and Applications
for Energy Cost Savings, Third Edition......................................... 38

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General Interest Industrial Automation and Control System Security
Principles, Second Edition.................................................. 8, 13, 31
101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career.............................. 21
Industrial Data Communications, Fifth Edition....................... 13, 31
Automation Can Prevent the Next Fukushima......................... 7, 22
Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation,
Automation Unplugged: Pinto’s Perspectives, Pointers, Second Edition............................................................................ 32
& Prognostications....................................................................... 22
Managing Industrial Controls................................................ 13, 33
Bungee Jumping & Cocoons: The Dual Nature of the
Industrial Marketplace................................................................. 23 Measurement and Control Basics, Fifth Edition...................... 15, 33
Dispersing Heat Through Conviction: The Funnier Side Motors & Drives: A Practical Technology Guide............................ 34
of Process Control....................................................................... 26 Practical Thermocouple Thermometry, Second Edition........... 15, 35
Future Energy: Opportunities and Challenges........................ 12, 30 Programmable Controllers: Fourth Edition................................... 35
Logical Thoughts at 4:00 A.M..................................................... 33 Successful Instrumentation and Control Systems Design,
ISA Handbook of Measurement Equations Second Edition (with CD)............................................................. 37
and Tables, Second Edition.......................................................... 32 The Condensed Handbook of Measurement and Control,
How to File Your Own U.S. Patent Applications..................... 12, 31 Third Edition................................................................................ 24
Out of the Barn........................................................................... 34 The Tao of Measurement: A Philosophical View of Flow
and Sensors........................................................................... 16, 37
Pinto’s Points: How to Win in the Automation Business............... 34
Tuning of Industrial Control Systems, Third Edition................ 16, 38
Sell More Through Effective Technical Presentations,
Second Edition............................................................................ 37 Wireless Control Foundation: Continuous and Discrete
Control for the Process Industry......................................... 6, 16, 38
The Automation Legal Reference: A guide to legal risk
in the automation, robotics and processing industries................. 22
The Funnier Side of Retirement for Engineers and People
of the Technical Persuasion.......................................................... 30
Bottom-Line Automation, Second Edition.................................... 23
The Funny and Not So Funny Side of Life as an Automation
Engineer (CD).............................................................................. 30 Control Systems Engineering Exam Reference Manual:
A Practical Study Guide, Third Edition................................ 9, 11, 25
The Life and Times of an Automation Professional—
An Illustrated Guide..................................................................... 33 Driving Business Value in Industrial Innovation:
Disciplined Agility for Manufacturing Automation................... 9, 26
Maintainability and Maintenance Management, Fourth Edition.... 33
Instrumentation and Control Managing Industrial Controls................................................ 13, 33
A Guide to the Automation Body of MES Guide for Executives: Why and How to Select, Implement,
Knowledge, Third Edition......................................................... 7, 30 and Maintain a Manufacturing Execution System........................ 33
Advanced Control Foundation: Tools, Techniques, Practical Project Management: Learning to Manage the
and Applications.................................................................. 6, 7, 21 Professional, Second Edition.................................................. 15, 35
Advanced pH Measurement and Control, Third Edition............... 21 Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and
Advanced PID Control................................................................. 21 Justification, Second Edition.................................................. 14, 36
Advanced Temperature Measurement and Control, The Value of Automation: The Best Investment an
Second Edition ........................................................................... 21 Industrial Company Can Make.............................................. 16, 38
Advances in Reactor Measurement and Control...................... 7, 21
Applying FOUNDATION Fieldbus.............................................. 7, 22
New and Notable
Automation Network Selection: A Reference Manual,
A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge, Third Edition... 7, 30
Third Edition............................................................................ 7, 22
Applying FOUNDATION Fieldbus.............................................. 7, 22
Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: System Design
and Applications, Third Edition................................................ 9, 23 Automation Network Selection: A Reference Manual,
Third Edition............................................................................ 7, 22
Collaborative Process Automation Systems.................................. 24
Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: System Design
Control Loop Foundation—Batch and
and Applications, Third Edition................................................ 9, 23
Continuous Processes.......................................................... 6, 9, 25
Control Systems Engineering Exam Reference Manual:
A Practical Study Guide, Third Edition................................ 9, 11, 25 Control Systems Engineering Exam Reference Manual:
A Practical Study Guide, Third Edition................................ 9, 11, 25
Control Valve Primer: A User’s Guide, Fourth Edition................... 25
Detecting Leaks in Pipelines..................................................... 9, 26
IEC 61499 Function Blocks for Embedded and Distributed
Systems Design, Third Edition................................................ 12, 31 Driving Business Value in Industrial Innovation: Disciplined
Agility for Manufacturing Automation..................................... 9, 26

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Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide, Fourth Edition....................... 12, 30 Successful Instrumentation and Control Systems
Design, Second Edition.......................................................... 16, 37
IEC 61499 Function Blocks for Embedded and Distributed
Control Systems Design, Third Edition................................... 12, 31 The MOM Chronicles: ISA-95 Best Practice Book 3.0............. 15, 34
Industrial Data Communications, Fifth Edition....................... 13, 31 The Value of Automation: The Best Investment an
Industrial Company Can Make.............................................. 16, 38
Industrial Automation and Control System Security
Principles, Second Edition.................................................. 8, 13, 31 Troubleshooting: A Technician’s Guide, Second Edition.......... 10, 38
Measurement and Control Basics, Fifth Edition...................... 15, 33
Performance-based Fire and Gas Systems
Engineering Handbook.................................................... 14, 15, 34 Safety
The Tao of Measurement: A Philosophical View of Control Systems Safety Evaluation & Reliability,
Flow and Sensors................................................................... 16, 37 Third Edition.......................................................................... 14, 25

The Value of Automation: The Best Investment an Performance-based Fire and Gas Systems
Industrial Company Can Make.............................................. 16, 38 Engineering Handbook.......................................................... 14, 34
Safety Instrumented Systems Verification:
Practical Probabilistic Calculations.......................................... 14, 36
International Resources Safety Instrumented Systems: Design, Analysis, and
Justification, Second Edition.................................................. 14, 36
Válvulas de Control : Selección y Cálculo..................................... 38
Safety Integrity Level Selection: Systematic Methods
Seguridad Funcional en Instalaciones de Proceso Sistemas
Including Layer of Protection Analysis.................................... 14, 36
Instrumentados de Seguridad y Análisis SIL ................................ 36
Safety Profiles for Real-Time Ethernet-Based
......................................... 25
Industrial Automation Networks............................................ 14, 36
(Control Loop Foundation—Batch and Continuous Processes)
Foundation Fieldbus, Quarta Edição ........................................... 27
IEC 61499 Function Blocks Für Den Entwurf Von Eingebetteten Symbols, Terminology, and Documentation
Und Verteilten Systemen Dritte Ausgabe............................... 12, 31
Advanced Control Foundation: Tools, Techniques,
Analizadores de Proceso en Linea: Introducción and Applications.................................................................. 6, 7, 21
a sus Técnicas Analíticas.............................................................. 21
Control Systems Documentation: Applying Symbols
20 Years of the Russian Section of ISA......................................... 21 and Identification: Second Edition............................................... 25
Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation,
Second Edition............................................................................ 32
Plant Maintenance and Operations
ISA Handbook of Measurement Equations and Tables,
Automation Made Easy: Everything You Wanted to
Second Edition............................................................................ 32
Know about Automation—and Need to Ask............................... 22
The Automation, Systems, and Instrumentation
Boiler Control Systems Engineering, Second Edition.................... 23
Dictionary, Fourth Edition............................................................ 22
Calibration: A Technician’s Guide........................................... 10, 23
Detecting Leaks in Pipelines..................................................... 9, 26
Driving Business Value in Industrial Innovation: Disciplined Additional Resources
Agility for Manufacturing Automation..................................... 9, 26 Software
Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide, Fourth Edition....................... 12, 30 ISA-20—Instrument Forms Plus Pro............................................. 18
IEC 61499 Function Blocks for Embedded and ISA-20—Instrument Forms Plus LITE............................................ 18
Distributed Control Systems Design, Third Edition................. 12, 31
ISA-20—Instrument Loop Forms Plus Combo.............................. 18
Industrial Data Communications, Fifth Edition....................... 13, 31
ISA-TR20.00.01—Specification Forms in Microsoft®
Industrial Ethernet on the Plant Floor: A Planning Word Format, Forth Edition......................................................... 18
and Installation Guide................................................................. 31
PC-ControlLAB, Release 3............................................................ 18
Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition.......... 33
Instrument Specification Forms: An ISA20
Models Unleashed: Virtual Plant and Model Industry Implementation.............................................................. 18
Predictive Control........................................................................ 34
Monitoring and Measuring I&C Performance
in Nuclear Power Plants......................................................... 15, 34 ISA84 Process Safety Standards and User Resources,
Third Edition................................................................................ 18
Practical Thermocouple Thermometry, Second Edition........... 15, 35
ISA99 Security Guidelines and User Resources for Industrial
Preventive Maintenance, Third Edition......................................... 35 Automation and Control Systems, Fourth Edition........................ 18
Sensor Performance and Reliability.............................................. 37
Servomotor Sizing and Application........................................ 16, 37

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ISA Books
ISA Foundation Series
Develop the solid foundation of knowledge you need to design, install, commission,
and maintain control systems and applications.

Advanced Control Foundation: Tools, Wireless Control Foundation:

Techniques, and Applications Continuous and Discrete Control
Terrence Blevins, Willy K. Wojsznis, and Mark Nixon for the Process Industry
This book covers advanced control techniques Terrence Blevins, Deji Chen, Mark Nixon, and Willy Wojsznis
most commonly used in the process industry, This book details recent technical innovations
including: tools for monitoring control system that address control using wireless measurements
performance, on-demand and adaptive tuning and final control elements. It discusses the wire-
techniques, model predictive control, LP optimiza- less communication concepts and terminology
tion, data analytics for batch and continuous pro- needed to apply wireless control in the process
cesses, fuzzy logic control, neural networks, and industry, such as how control can be structured to
PID advancements for wireless measurements. It manage the slow and non-periodic measurement
also discusses integrating advanced control tools update rates provided by a wireless transmitter
into an existing DCS that does not support advanced control. and to compensate for communication delay to
the final control element.
Print: $95 ISA Member • $107 Affiliate Member • $119 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-937560-55-3 Print: $99 ISA Member • $112 Affiliate Member • $125 Community Member/List
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List ISBN: 978-0-87664-088-3
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0289 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-0-87664-028-9 eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6598 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-659-8

Control Loop Foundation—Batch and

Continuous Processes 
Terrence Blevins and Mark Nixon Buy all three and save 20%!
This is an in-depth guide for engineers, managers,
technicians, and others who are new to process Control Foundation Book Combo
control or who are unfamiliar with multi-loop
control techniques. It addresses the concepts and
Print: $247 ISA Member • $260 Affiliate Member • $283 Community Member/List
terminology, as well as the practical aspects of
control design and process applications. At various
points, the reader is directed to web-based work-
shops with dynamic process simulations to provide
a realistic “hands-on” experience.
Print: $95 ISA Member • $107 Affiliate Member • $119 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-036007-54-7
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0072 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-93756-007-2

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A Guide to the Automation Body of Applying FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Knowledge, Third Edition B. R. Mehta and Y. J. Reddy
Nicholas Sands and Ian Verhappen, A comprehensive guide to the theory, engineering,
Editors and Contributing Authors and implementation of FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Leading experts from all aspects of automa- in process control systems, this book explains
tion have contributed to this ultimate resource. the different topologies and installation options
This book defines the most important automa- available in FOUNDATION Fieldbus standards
tion concepts and processes, and describes the and how to use them to design control systems
technical skills required to implement them in to solve industry problems. This book is an
today’s industrial environment. Whether you are ideal introduction to the subject for junior-level
an engineer, manager, control systems integrator, professionals, as well as an essential reference for
student, or educator, you will turn to this book more experienced practitioners.
again and again.
Print: $116 ISA Member • $130 Affiliate Member • $145 Community Member/List Print: $87 ISA Member • $98 Affiliate Member • $109 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-941546-91-8 ISBN: 978-1-941546-71-0

Advanced Control Foundation: Tools, Automation Can Prevent the Next Fukushima
Techniques, and Applications Béla Lipták
Terrence Blevins, Willy K. Wojsznis, and Mark Nixon In this age of cyber terrorism, it is not a question
This book covers advanced control techniques of if, but when the next Fukushima will occur.
most commonly used in the process industry, The accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl,
including: tools for monitoring control system and Fukushima could all have been prevented if
performance, on-demand and adaptive tuning these plants were provided with fully automated
techniques, model predictive control, LP optimiza- SIS safety controls. This book shows that the
tion, data analytics for batch and continuous pro- accumulated, collective knowledge of the
cesses, fuzzy logic control, neural networks, and automation profession can prevent most of this
PID advancements for wireless measurements. It type of accidents.
also discusses integrating advanced control tools
into an existing DCS that does not support advanced control.
Print: $95 ISA Member • $107 Affiliate Member • $119 Community Member/List Print: $87 ISA Member • $98 Affiliate Member • $109 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-937560-55-3 ISBN: 978-087664-0-17-3
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0289 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-0-87664-028-9

Advances in Reactor Measurement Automation Network Selection:

and Control A Reference Manual, Third Edition
Gregory K. McMillan Dick Caro
This book underscores how control system Automation networks have changed since this
design can address the process responses and book was first published in 2003. In 13 years,
fundamental characteristics of the major types some promised network standards have become
of reactors in the process industry. Readers will reality, wireless networks have proliferated, and
learn which measurements, control strategies, two international standards have emerged:
controller features, and tuning parameters WirelessHART and ISA100 Wireless. Ethernet has
will achieve process objectives for a given type become dominant at the base network layers as
of reactor, as well as the fundamentals and well as with several application/user layers, and
principles for becoming proficient in obtaining wireless now carries traffic previously assigned
optimal reactor and control system performance. only to the wired Ethernet network.
Print: $63 ISA Member • $71 Affiliate Member • $79 Community Member/List Print: $69 ISA Member • $79 Affiliate Member • $89 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-0-87664-089-0 ISBN: 978-1-941546-80-2

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Cybersecurity Tech Pack
Cybersecurity Resources Title
1001 1100 0101 1001
To help you navigate your way through the
text 1001 1100 0101 1001
potential cybersecurity threats facing you and your plant,
As a widely recognized world leader in 0101 1001 1001 1100
0101 1001 1001 1100
0101 1001 1010 1100
the ISA Cybersecurity Tech Pack combines critical industry
cybersecurity standards development, training,
0101 1001 1001 1100
0101 1001 1001 1100
0101 1001 1001 1100
1001 1001 1100 0101
technical papers and PowerPoint presentations, written
and technical resources, ISA provides the proven 1001 1001 1100 0101
and presented by world-renowned cybersecurity and
automation systems experts, into a single downloadable resource.
expertise and know-how to help you safeguard
Capitalize on ISA’s leadership in cybersecurity by ordering this compilation
industrial automation and control systems. of valuable cybersecurity technical papers, publications, and InTech articles.
Print: $299 ISA Member • $337 Affiliate Member • $375 Community Member/List

Industrial Automation and Control System

Security Principles, Second Edition Industrial Network Security, Second
Print: $__ ISA Member • $__ Affiliate Member • $__ CommunityEdition
Ronald L. Krutz, PhD, PE
ISBN: J. Teumin
Cyber warfare as a prelude or substitute eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
Process control systems that run chemical plants
for conventional attacks has gone from ePUB (iPad) ISBN: 0000000000 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 0000000000
and refineries, supervisory control and data acquisi-
conjecture to reality. This work develops a novel
tion (SCADA) systems for utilities, and factory
protection approach based on merging the best
automation systems for discrete manufacturing are
relevant and proven government and industry
Title Title the backbone of our nation’s critical infrastructure
standards. The result is a practical instrument
Author Author and we depend on their continued operation. This
that can be straightforwardly applied to secure
text book introduces processes for keeping our industrial
crucial elements such as refineries, chemical
networks secure amid rising threats from hackers,
plants, manufacturing operations, power plants,
disgruntled employees, and even cyberterrorists.
transportation systems, and pipelines.
Print: $79 ISA Member • $89 Affiliate Member • $99 Community Member/List Print: $55 ISA Member • $62 Affiliate Member • $69 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-941546-82-6 ISBN: 978-1-936007-07-3
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6086 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-608-6 ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6109 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-610-9

www._____ www._____ New
Print: $__ ISA Member • $__ Affiliate Member • $__ Community Member/List from
Print: $__ ISA Member • $__ Affiliate Member • $__ Community Member/List
ISBN: 0000000000
your cybereBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ISBN: 0000000000 ISA!
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: 0000000000 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 0000000000 ePUB (iPad) ISBN: 0000000000 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 0000000000

Title Title
Author your critical
text control systems text

System Wide Awareness Training

Industrial communications & cybersecurity
training for process professionals

www._____ www._____

Print: $__ ISA Member • $__ Affiliate Member • $__ Community Member/List Print: $__ ISA Member • $__ Affiliate Member • $__ Community Member/List
ISBN: 0000000000 ISBN: 0000000000
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: 0000000000 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 0000000000 ePUB (iPad) ISBN: 0000000000 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 0000000000

Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: Control Systems Engineer Technical Reference
System Design and Application, Third Edition Handbook
Harold L. Wade Chuck Cornell, PE, CAP, PMP
This intermediate-level book explains the This is an excellent technical reference for control
application of basic and advanced regulatory systems professionals, as well as a study aid for
control strategies for the wet process industries. the CSE Professional Engineer exam. It provides a
It addresses the characteristics of processes and detailed view of the fields of measurement, final
feedback control loops, advanced regulatory control elements, signals/transmission/networking,
control (ARC) strategies, and advanced process automation/control systems, relief devices, codes
control (APC). New and expanded topics and standards, hazardous areas, safety instrument-
include set-point weighting controllers, valve ed systems, and basic electrical motors and UPS
problems, a control algorithm for dead-time topologies. Sample exam questions are included.
processes, cross-limiting control systems, and a heuristic procedure
for improving “as-found” tuning. Print: $79 ISA Member • $89 Affiliate Member • $99 Community Member/List
Print: $89 ISA Member • $98 Affiliate Member • $109 Community Member/List ISBN: 978-1-937560-47-8
ISBN: 978-0-876640-13-5

Control Loop Foundation—Batch and Detecting Leaks in Pipelines

Continuous Processes Edward J. Farmer, PE
Terrence Blevins and Mark Nixon This book discusses the fundamentals of leak
This is an in-depth guide for engineers, detection science and technology, including the
managers, technicians, and others who are mathematics on which the fundamentals are
new to process control or who are unfamiliar based. It addresses threats pipelines encounter
with multi-loop control techniques. It addresses along with the underlying concepts, capabilities,
the concepts and terminology, as well as the and limitations of leak detection technology. It
practical aspects of control design and process also develops the applicable science, explores
applications. At various points, the reader is the available technology, shows how to estimate
directed to web-based workshops with dynamic and monitor performance, and discusses how to
process simulations to provide a realistic “hands-on” experience. maintain and ensure consistency over time.
Print: $95 ISA Member • $107 Affiliate Member • $119 Community Member/List Print: $70 ISA Member • $80 Affiliate Member • $89 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-036007-54-7 ISBN: 978-1-941546-48-2
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0072 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-93756-007-2

Control Systems Engineering Exam Driving Business Value in Industrial

Reference Manual: A Practical Study Guide, Innovation Disciplined Agility for
Third Edition Manufacturing Automation
Bryon Lewis, PE, CMfgE, CCNA Augustine Tibazarwa
Use this expanded edition to prepare for the This is a guide for automation innovators looking
Control Systems Engineering (CSE) examination, to improve the performance of their innovation
which covers subjects from the electrical, operations and for manufacturers looking to
mechanical, and chemical engineering disciplines. drive greater economic value by incorporating au-
This manual reviews the foundations of process tomation and who need to develop a respectable
control. Topics include process measurement ROI based on using automation. Agility is critical
and calibration, sizing process control elements, for sustaining responsiveness to highly cyclical
digital logic, analog signals, process safety and business demand and unrelentingly disruptive
shutdown, industrial control networks, and NEC technology supply. This book provides eight prac-
and NFPA codes. Includes recommended reference materials and tices for adopting disciplined agility.
detailed examples.
PDF: $68 ISA Member • $76 Affiliate Member • $85 Community Member/List Print: $63 ISA Member • $70 Affiliate Member • $79 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-941546-56-7 ISBN: 978-1-941546-78-9

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ISA Technician Start-Up: A Technician’s Guide,
Second Edition
Guide Series Diane R. Barkin
Whether the start-up is a newly built or substan-
This series features practical methodologies tially changed facility, or the start-up of a portion
that help technicians do their jobs more easily of a manufacturing facility, control systems
and safely. It includes a variety of topics—all technicians face special challenges. From the
first start-up team meeting to the last round of
peer-reviewed for accuracy and relevance to tuning and loop checking, this book provides
technicians. an overview of the scope of duties a technician
must perform in real-world start-up situations.
Calibration: A Technician’s Guide
Mike Cable Print: $63 ISA Member • $70 Affiliate Member • $79 Community Member/List
This comprehensive review of calibration provides ISBN: 978-1-936007-53-0
an excellent foundation for understanding the
principles and applications of the most frequently
performed tasks of a technician. Topics addressed Loop Checking: A Technician’s Guide
include terminology, bench versus field calibra- Harley M. Jeffery
tion, loop versus individual instrument calibration,
In today’s competitive markets, manufacturers
instrument classification systems, documentation,
strive to continually improve manufacturing
and specific calibration techniques for tem-
performance to meet their business needs and
perature, pressure, level, flow, final control, and
goals. As process control loops have a major
analytical instrumentation.
impact on a plant’s financial performance, focus- ing on loop performance is critical. This guide
Print: $76 ISA Member • $85 Affiliate Member • $95 Community Member/List defines loop checking in the broader scope of
ISBN: 978-1-55617-912-9 control loop performance as well as the more
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List traditional terms of the plant startup.
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0852 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-0-87664-085-2
Print: $70 ISA Member • $80 Affiliate Member • $89 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-55617-910-5
Project Management: A Technician’s Guide
Leo Staples
Books on project management typically focus on
the theory of project management and the role
Troubleshooting: A Technician’s Guide,
of the project manager or project engineer. This Second Edition
text explores project management from a techni- William L. Mostia, Jr., PE
cian’s perspective. Subjects include documenta- This valuable reference draws on the author’s
tion requirements, communication requirements, experience as an instrument and electrical engi-
planning and resource coordination, monitoring neer and his maintenance expertise to provide
and control, administration, and closeout—sub- a detailed look at the skills and knowledge
jects covered in domains six (project organization) required for troubleshooting. It covers trouble-
and seven (administration) of the ISA Certified Control Systems Techni- shooting methods, hints and troubleshooting
cian (CCST) exam. aids, troubleshooting safety, basic maintenance
concepts, training, and developing troubleshoot-
ing skills. It includes troubleshooting examples
Print: $55 ISA Member • $62 Affiliate Member • $69 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-934394-75-5
for mechanical systems, process connections, pneumatic systems,
electrical systems, electronic systems, and valves.
Print: $70 ISA Member • $80 Affiliate Member • $89 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-55617-963-1

Save 20%
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6215 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-621-5

when you buy all

five books in the series!
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Exam Preparation
These valuable resources will help you prepare for the Control Systems Engineer (CSE) Professional Engineer
(PE) examination produced by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) and
administered by U.S. state professional license boards each October.

Control Systems Engineer Technical Control Systems Engineering

Reference Handbook (CSE) Study Guide, Fifth Edition
Chuck Cornell, PE, CAP, PMP ISA
This book is an excellent technical reference
Print: $47 ISA Member • $53 Affiliate Member
guide for the control systems professional, as
• $59 Community Member/List
well as a study aid for the CSE Professional ISBN: 978-1-937560-03-4
Engineer Exam. It provides a detailed insight-
ful view into the fields of measurement, final
control elements, signals/transmission/network- Control Systems Engineering
ing, automation/control systems, relief devices, Exam Reference Manual:
codes/standards such as NEC and NFPA 70E, A Practical Study Guide,
hazardous areas, safety instrumented systems, and basic electrical
(motors and UPS topologies). Additionally includes sample problems/
Third Edition
Bryon Lewis, PE, CMfgE, CCNA
solutions for use in preparation for the CSE PE Exam. PDF: $68 ISA Member • $76 Affiliate Member
Print: $79 ISA Member • $89 Affiliate Member • $99 Community Member/List • $85 Community Member/List
PDF only
ISBN: 978-1-937560-47-8 ISBN: 978-1-941546-56-7

Also from ISA

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and skills areas that are included on the Control Systems Engineering Professional Engineer examination.
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Foundation Fieldbus, Fourth Edition How to File Your Own U.S. Patent
Ian Verhappen and Augusto Pereira Application
This edition provides comprehensive step-by-step Hans Baumann
procedures for each stage of a typical FOUNDA- In this downloadable booklet, the author gives
TION Fieldbus (FF) installation: inspection and concise, down-to earth instructions on how a
electric commissioning to ensure cable integrity, budding inventor can save time, cost, and effort
H1 network commissioning, configuration, and by filing his or her own U.S. patent application.
communications tests in the segments and spurs. The text is easy to read and is free of the typi-
The principles and procedures are then put to cal “legalese.” The booklet includes all of the
use with a full sample network design based on forms required and concludes with hints about
a typical simplified distillation tower, the sample approaching potential buyers or licensees of your
includes calculations and documentation. invention.
Note: available in Portuguese (
Print: $70 ISA Member • $80 Affiliate Member • $89 Community Member/List PDF: $28 ISA Member • $31 Affiliate Member • $35 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-937560-20-1 ISBN: 978-0-876640-47-0
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0904 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-93756-040-9

Future Energy: Opportunities and IEC 61499 Function Blocks for Embedded
Challenges and Distributed Control Systems Design,
Thomas W. Kerlin Third Edition
How can we produce enough sustainable energy Valeriy Vyatkin
while avoiding unacceptable environmental IEC 61499 is the standard for distributed
consequences? To evaluate the various energy control systems that follows the IEC 61131 stan-
options, we must understand the science of dard for programmable logic controllers (PLC). This
each potential energy source and energy use book is a practical guide for component-based
technology. This book presents the science in development of distributed embedded and control
an easy-to-understand way to enable readers to systems as proposed by the new international
make informed decisions about what is possible standard. Each chapter is designed as an indepen-
and practical, and to choose lifestyle options to dent study unit, making the book ideal for use in
implement in his/her personal life. university courses, industrial training, or self-study.
Print: $95 ISA Member • $107 Affiliate Member • $199 Community Member/List NOTE: available in German (
ISBN: 978-1-937560-28-7 PDF: $79 ISA Member • $89 Affiliate Member • $99 Community Member/List
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List ISBN: 978-1-941546-72-7
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6079 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-607-9

Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide, Fourth Edition Test your knowledge at ISA Interchange!
Gregory K. McMillan Want to find out how much you really know about auto-
This practical guide includes step-by-step mation and control? Go to to find the
descriptions of the three best, field-proven loop answers to these and other questions on the many facets of
tuning procedures; a table of typical tuning
industrial automation.
settings; a summary of valve performance
problems; logic diagrams for trouble-shooting; 1. How do thermal level elements infer level measuring?
and more than 70 “rules of thumb.” It addresses
2. What ladder logic symbol is used to identify a discrete
the interrelationship between the process, tuning,
performance, and PID controller features—
other than tuning settings—and how each can 3. What control is used when a specific blend of two
contribute to improving process efficiency and different materials is required?
specific-blend-of-two-different-materials-is-required/ 3.
Print: $47 ISA Member • $53 Affiliate Member • $59 Community Member/List 2.
ISBN: 978-1-941546-43-7 infer-level-measuring/

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Industrial Data Communications,
Fifth Edition 2015 Publications
Lawrence (Larry) M. Thompson and Tim Shaw
This edition is designed to give technical profes-
Award Recipients
sionals with little or no background in data
communications the knowledge they need to
enhance their understanding of legacy systems
2015 ISA Transactions Best Paper Award
and the advanced systems now being installed
throughout automated facilities. The text con- Jun-yong Zhai
tains a complete description of the relevant termi- Wen-ting Zha
nology, standards, and protocols and expanded
information on Ethernet and router technologies,
VPNs, cybersecurity, SCADA, DCS, and fieldbus systems. Presented by the ISA Publications Department
For the Best Paper Published in ISA Transactions in 2014
“Global adaptive output feedback control for a class of nonlinear
Print: $99 ISA Member • $112 Affiliate Member • $125 Community Member/List time-delay systems”
ISBN: 978-0-0876640-95-1 ISA Transactions, Vol. 53, Issue 1

2015 Raymond D. Molloy Award

Industrial Automation and Control System Terrence Blevins
Security Principles, Second Edition Deji Chen
Ronald L. Krutz, PhD, PE
Cyber warfare as a prelude or substitute for
conventional attacks has gone from conjecture Mark Nixon
to reality. This work develops a novel protection Willy Wojsznis
approach based on merging the best relevant
and proven government and industry standards.
The result is a practical instrument that can Presented by the ISA Publications Department
be straightforwardly applied to secure crucial For the Best Selling ISA Book of 2014
elements such as refineries, chemical plants,
Wireless Control Foundation: Continuous and Discrete Control
manufacturing operations, power plants, for the Process Industry
transportation systems, and pipelines.
Print: $79 ISA Member • $89 Affiliate Member • $99 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-941546-82-6
2015 Nels Tyring Award
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List Allan Kern
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6086 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-608-6

Managing Industrial Controls Presented by the ISA Publications Department

For the Best Published Article in an ISA Journal of 2014
N. E. Battikha
“Multivariable control performance: The case for model-less
This guide is designed to help train industrial multivariable control”
control managers and future managers on
managing control system projects and industrial
control groups. Topics include business
development and establishing corporate 2015 Keith Otto Award
standards for managing control groups; industrial Leif Poulsen
control project management from needs
assessment, project definition, budgeting, and
scheduling to front-end and detailed engineering;
and post-engineering phases including equipment installation, check-
Presented by the ISA Publications Department
out, commissioning and start-up, and ongoing maintenance. For the Best InTech Article of 2014 “Life-cycle and long-term migration planning: Successfully

upgrading and replacing systems in a running production
Print: $87 ISA Member • $98 Affiliate Member • $109 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-0-0876640-37-1

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Premier publications
focused on safety in automation
ISA Safety Series environments.

ISA is a world leader in educating automation and control professionals on the proven safety standards,
technologies, and procedures that can identify and mitigate safety hazards in industrial environments.

Control Systems Safety Safety Instrumented Systems 

Evaluation & Reliability, Third Verification: Practical
Edition Probabilistic Calculations
William M. Goble William M. Goble and
This updated third edition provides the back- Harry Cheddie, PE, CFSE
ground necessary to understand how to meet Learn the theory and methods for doing probabi-
important new safety regulations and reliability listic calculations to accomplish SIL verification for
engineering topics. Learn to properly evaluate safety systems. Starting with a description of the
control system components, various system architectures, how to better safety life cycle, the authors show where and how SIL verification fits
communicate with vendors, and how to increase accuracy of life-cycle into the key activities from conceptual design through commissioning.
cost estimates.
Print: $85 ISA Member • $95 Affiliate Member • $105 Community Member/List
Print: $95 ISA Member • $107 Affiliate Member • $119 Community Member/List ISBN: 978-1-934394-80-9
ISBN: 978-1-93439-4-80-9
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0454 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-93756-045-4

Performance-based Fire and

Gas Systems Engineering Safety Integrity Level Selection:
Handbook Systematic Methods Including
Austin Bryan, Elizabeth Smith, and Kevin Layer of Protection Analysis
Mitchell Edward M. Marszal and Eric W. Scharpf
This handbook provides an overview of the This book describes a systematic method for
performance-based, fire and gas system (FGS) selecting safety integrity levels for safety instru-
design in the ISA-TR84.00.07 technical report, mented systems (SIS) using quantitative risk
examines each phase of the lifecycle, and discusses the activities required analysis techniques and tools. The method emphasizes accounting for
to develop the design including risk-based techniques for detector existing layers of protection and ensures that the maximum return on
placement. risk reduction investments is achieved.
Print: $55 ISA Member • $62 Affiliate Member • $69 Community Member/List Print: $85 ISA Member • $95 Affiliate Member • $105 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-941546-45-1 ISBN: 978-1-55617-777-4

Safety Instrumented Safety Profiles for Real-Time

Systems: Design, Analysis, Ethernet-Based Industrial
and Justification, Second Edition Automation Networks
Paul Gruhn, PE, CFSE, and Alberto Elia, Luca Ferrarini, and Carlo Veber
Harry Cheddie, PE, CFSE
Part of the ISA/O3neida series, this book discusses
This best-seller is ideal for instrumentation and network systems in industrial automation and their
control system engineers who are responsible features related to real-time and functional safety
for designing, installing, and maintaining safety requirements. It addresses the basics and draw-
instrumented systems. Engineers, managers, technicians, and sales pro- backs of standard Ethernet, the Open System Interconnection (OSI)
fessionals employed by end users, engineering firms, systems integra- reference model layers, and the requirements and solutions adopted by
tors, and consultants can all benefit from the material presented here. communication protocols.
Print: $87 ISA Member • $98 Affiliate Member • $109 Community Member/List PDF: $55 ISA Member • $62 Affiliate Member • $69 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-55617-956-3 ISBN: 978-1-934394-77-9
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6253 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-625-3
Download ISA’s Safety Resources Publications at
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Measurement and Control Basics, Performance-based Fire and Gas Systems
Fifth Edition Engineering Handbook
Thomas A. Hughes Austin Bryan, Elizabeth Smith, and Kevin Mitchell
Ideal for classroom use or self-study, this With the release of the ISA-TR84.00.07 technical
book is a practical introduction to the principles, report on performance-based design of fire and
technologies, and strategies used in industrial gas detection systems for process industries, risk-
process control, supplemented with exercises to based techniques for detector placement have
enhance understanding. This edition includes become prevalent in fire and gas system (FGS)
expanded coverage of process control comput- design. This handbook provides an overview of
ers and industrial networks, and new sections the FGS design lifecycle presented in the report,
on liquid density measurement, human machine examines each phase of the lifecycle, and discusses
interface (HMI), wireless devices, and networks. the activities required to develop an FGS design.
Print: $99 ISA Member • $112 Affiliate Member • $125 Community Member/List Print: $55 ISA Member • $62 Affiliate Member • $69 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-0-97664-014-2 ISBN: 978-1-941546-45-1
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6284 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-628-4

The MOM Chronicles: ISA-95 Best Practices Practical Project Management: Learning to
Book 3.0 Manage the Professional, Second Edition
Charlie Gifford, Editor and Contributing Author Gerald W. Cockrell
The third collection of Manufacturing Operations This book provides project management theory
Management (MOM) methodology white papers supplemented with practical applications to dem-
focuses on using MOM system engineering to onstrate how projects can be designed and man-
organize the 21st-century manufacturing plant aged to conform to ever-tightening schedules
and to optimize its role in a global supply chain. and budgets. Each phase of a project is defined
The key is transforming paper-based operations and practical knowledge is provided in areas such
into real-time manufacturing using artificial intel- as budget and cost estimates, contracts, negoti-
ligence for work processes. Manufacturers must ating, team building, scheduling, and choosing
adopt these processes to be able to compete project management software. Sample forms,
globally by 2025. This book tells how. contracts, and bids are included.
Print/CD: $92 ISA Member • $104 Affiliate Member • $115 Community Member/List Print: $70 ISA Member • $80 Affiliate Member • $89 Community Member/List
Print ISBN: 978-0-876640-09-8 • CD ISBN: 978-0-876640-09-8 ISBN: 978-1-937560-26-3
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0326 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 9 78-0-87664-032-6 ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB0447 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-93756-044-7

Monitoring and Measuring I&C Performance in Practical Thermocouple Thermometry, Second

Nuclear Power Plants Edition
H. M. Hashemian Thomas W. Kerlin and Mitchell Johnson
Instrumentation and control (I&C) equipment Whether your background is engineering, pro-
ensures the safety, viability, and efficient operation curement, or maintenance, this comprehensive
of nuclear power plants by providing accurate book with information on the latest thermocou-
and timely measurement of plant control and ple technology will help you achieve optimal per-
safety system variables, primarily temperature formance with thermocouples. Updates include:
and pressure. The previously published papers real-world case studies demonstrating solutions
collected in this volume discuss a broad range of thermocouple problems, the properties and
of topics on the steady-state and dynamic performance of all commonly used thermo-
performance of process instrumentation systems. couple types, innovative applications of thermocouples, and expanded
information on thermowell selection for required reliability.
Print: $104 ISA Member • $117 Affiliate Member • $130 Community Member/List Print: $70 ISA Member • $80 Affiliate Member • $89 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-0-876640-48-7 ISBN: 978-1-937560-27-0

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Servomotor Sizing and Application Tuning of Industrial Control Systems,
Gary Kirckof, PE Third Edition
Written for mechanical engineers who design Armando B. Corripio, PhD, PE, and Michael Newell
industrial machinery, this book is perfect for control The goal of this edition is to simplify and
engineers because it illustrates practical servomotor demystify the procedure of tuning control
applications. The book breaks the motor sizing systems. In addition, a new chapter addresses
process into elementary topics, covers each in the authors’ experience with auto-tuning
depth, and then provides detailed examples. Topics software currently available in most current
include kinematics, duty cycles, inertia, friction, computer control systems. The authors discuss
mechanics, and linkage analysis using the crank- using the software to carry out dynamic testing
arm and a two-axis parallel robot as examples. on processes as it is less disruptive of operations
than doing the tests manually.
Print: $99 ISA Member • $112 Affiliate Member • $125 Community Member/List Print: $87 ISA Member • $98 Affiliate Member • $109 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-936007-84-4 ISBN: 978-0-876640-34-0

Successful Instrumentation and Control The Value of Automation: The Best

Systems Design, Second Edition Invest­ment an Industrial Company
(with CD) Can Make
Michael D. Whitt Peter G. Martin, PhD
Whether you’re designing a new instrumentation Automation systems have the potential to
and control (I&C) system, or migrating an exist- be one of the most value generating vehicles
ing control system along an upgrade path, you available to industrial companies. Unfortunately,
need a well-conceived design package. This book not all managers perceive automation that way
provides a roadmap to understanding the design and many automation systems are undervalued
process, the elements of a successful project, the and underutilized resulting in underperforming
specific issues to address in a well-designed I&C industrial companies. It is in the best interest
system, and the engineering products that enable of all parties involved to rectify this situation,
practical design and successful maintenance. activate the latent capability of automation systems, and realize the value potential.
Print: $99 ISA Member • $112 Affiliate Member • $125 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-936007-45-5
Print: $70 ISA Member • $80 Affiliate Member • $89 Community Member/List
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List ISBN: 978-0-8766409-2-0
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6581 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-658-1

The Tao of Measurement: A Philosophical Wireless Control Foundation: Continuous and

View of Flow and Sensors Discrete Control for the Process Industry
Jesse Yoder and Dick Morley Terrence Blevins, Deji Chen, Mark Nixon,
This book deals with the past, present, and Willy Wojsznis
and future of flow, sensors, and This book details technical innovations for control
measurement. It is called The Tao of using wireless measurements and final control el-
Measurement because, like the Tao itself, ements. It discusses wireless communication con-
it reveals the underlying principles of flow cepts and terminology needed to apply wireless
and measurement. This book reveals how our control in the process industry, such as structuring
units of measurement were derived, explains control to manage the slow and non-periodic
present day measurement practices, and shows measurement update rates provided by a wireless
how today’s scientific tools can improve our transmitter and compensating for communica-
very units of measurement. tion delay to the final control element.
Print: $63 ISA Member • $70 Affiliate Member • $79 Community Member/List Print: $99 ISA Member • $112 Affiliate Member • $125 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-0-876640-91-3 ISBN: 978-0-87664-088-3
eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List eBook: $40 All Member Levels/List
ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6819 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-681-9 ePUB (iPad) ISBN: ePUB6598 • Mobi (Kindle) ISBN: 978-1-94154-659-8

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Automation Software—Interactive Solutions for
Technical Challenges
ISA-20—Instrument Forms Plus Pro ISA84 Process Safety Standards and User
Use this enterprise-level application to manage and document any Resources, Third Edition
number of instruments—from a few to several hundred thousand— This CD contains recently published standards, the benchmark ISA84
at single or multiple sites with a single application running on a standards and technical reports, and technical publications written
terminal server linked to a Microsoft SQL database. This software by industry subject experts. Other features include chapters on
provides engineers, technicians, and managers the software tools “Process Safety and Safety Instrumented Systems” and “Safe Use
to manage an ongoing new design project, manage an existing and Application of Electrical Apparatus” from the book, A Guide to
instrument preventative maintenance program, and provide critical the Automation Body of Knowledge, Second Edition.
plant information all in the same database management system. Software:
Software: • $1,320 ISA Member • $1,485 Affiliate Member • $1,650 Community Member/List
• $1,595 ISA Member • $1,795 Affiliate Member • $1,995 Community Member/List ISBN: 978-0-87664-069-2

ISA99 Security Guidelines and User Resources

ISA-20—Instrument Forms Plus LITE for Industrial Automation and Control Systems,
This program provides the basic ISA-TR20.00.01 Specification Forms
(2006) in a database management system interface. The interface Fourth Edition
includes an instrument tag list and file utilities for backup and restore. This CD contains critical industry technical reports developed by
There are forms for defining an instrument’s process parameters and world-known cybersecurity and automation systems experts, as well
instrument specification forms for valves and regulator devices, pressure as associated technical publications and resource papers.
and differential pressure, level, flow, and temperature instruments. Software: $480 ISA Member • $540 Affiliate Member • $599 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-0-876640-71-5
Software: $595 ISA Member • $695 Affiliate Member • $795 Community Member/List

Instrument Specification Forms: An ISA20

ISA-20—Instrument Loop Forms Plus Combo Industry Implementation
This software module enhances the Instrument Forms Plus Pro - This CD contains 73 easy-to-use Microsoft® Excel templates,
Enterprise version software by adding instrument loop generation based on the widely used ISA20 Instrument Specification Forms.
and conduit and cable schedules in an AutoCAD® drawing format. These forms cover the most common instrument types used in the
With this standalone or add-on module, loop sheets and conduit pharmaceutical industry, but may be used by other industries that
and cable schedules can be created via the database interface and deal with similar instrumentation and control systems issues.
generated utilizing Autodesk’s AutoCAD Lite software. NOTE: These forms were developed by the Eli Lilly Company as an extension of the ISA-20-1981 standard, which has been superseded
Software: $5,500 ISA Member • $5,700 Affiliate Member by ISA-20.00.03-2001 and ISA-TR20.00.01-2006.
• $5,900 Community Member/List ISBN: RLOOP
ISA-20 Specification Forms (Excel) Software: $595 ISA Member • $620 Affiliate Member • $645 Community Member/List ISBN: 978-1-934394-32-8
Software: $200 ISA Member • $225 Affiliate Member • $250 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-55617-730-9
PC-ControLAB Release 3
This MS Windows®-based process control loop simulation program
enables the user to practice various controller tuning procedures
ISA-TR20.00.01—Specification Forms in and view the effect of both set point changes and disturbances. The
Microsoft® Word Format, Fourth Edition accompanying BUILDER program enables the user to create custom
These electronic forms aid in the design, purchase, and manufacture process models by graphically selecting, connecting, and paramater-
of process measurement and control instrumentation. The 84 reusable izing function blocks from a library of over 20 different blocks.
forms are for a wide range of instrumentation and include operating
For self study, this program makes an excellent companion to
parameters, device specifications, general requirements, and more.
the Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: System Design and Application, Third Edition.
Software: $560 ISA Member • $630 Affiliate Member • $700 Community Member/List Software: $495 ISA Member • $495 Affiliate Member • $495 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-93756-052-2 ISBN: RPCLAB03

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2015 ISA Division Symposia Proceedings
Stay informed on the critical issues and challenges in your field—as well as the new and emerging
strategies, technologies and applications designed to solve them.

ISA’s annual conferences and symposia are recognized worldwide for providing leading edge technical content and
peer-reviewed presentations—along with the latest insights, trends and recommendations from some of the world’s
premier subject matter experts. Whether or not you attended an event, you can purchase and download the technical
proceedings, sessions and presentations directly from the ISA online store. As always, ISA members receive valuable
discounts on the purchase of all proceedings.

ISA Automation Conference and Exhibition 2015 58th Annual ISA POWID Symposium
Europe – Middle East – Africa 7–11 June 2015, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
26–27 May 2015, Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi-UAE This event provided power generation industry leaders with
The two-day event was a full-scale, process and discrete automation information on the latest innovations in controls, instrumentation,
technical conference and tradeshow focused on the latest technologies cybersecurity, SmartGrid, regulatory issues, and variable energy
of measurement and control. The show included 12 fundamental tracks technologies that impact power generation delivery systems.
covering the most important aspects of automation and the desired
alignment of automation with organizations’ core safety requirements, Downloadable Zip File:
workforce capabilities, business objectives and technology infrastructure. $65 ISA Member • $70 Affiliate Member • $75 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-9411546-50-5
Downloadable Zip File:
$89 ISA Member • $94 Affiliate Member • $99 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-941546-62-8
60th Analysis Division Symposium
Flash Drive
26–30 April 2015, Galveston, Texas, USA
53rd Annual Biomedical Sciences This compilation of technical papers presented during the symposium
spans multiple areas of interest and includes the following topics:
physical properties, emerging technology, process applications,
8–10 April 2016, Denver, Colorado, USA
advances in spectroscopy applications, physical properties,
These technical papers consist of the proceedings of the 53rd Annual spectroscopy applications, process applications, analytical system
Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium and the 53rd International engineering, management of analytics, spectroscopy development,
ISA Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium. Technical topics and advances in sample system design.
covered in this year’s sessions include: bioinstrumentation, biologi-
cal sensors, biological signal acquisition and processing, biomaterials,
bioinstrumentation, biomechanics, clinical engineering, computers in Flash Drive:
$60 ISA Member • $68 Affiliate Member • $75 Community Member/List
medicine, neural networks, pharmacological systems, rehabilitation
ISBN: 978-1-9411546-47-5
and prostheses, tissue engineering, and trauma and impact.
CD: $89 ISA Member • $94 Affiliate Member • $99 Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-941546-89-5
2015 ISA Food and Pharmaceutical Industries
Division (FPID) Symposium
9–11 February 2015, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2015 ISA Process Control and Safety Symposium The second annual FPID symposium delivered best-practice insights
9–12 November 2015, Houston, Texas, USA and approaches to improving quality, safety, reliability, profitability,
This event addressed the critical issues in safety, security, communication, cost control, and production throughput in pharmaceutical and
instrumentation and control, chemicals, and pulp and paper. food processing companies. The meeting’s technical program,
titled a “Pharmaceutical Automation Technology Update: Control,
Optimization, Measurement, and Serialization,” highlighted the latest
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Index of ISA Books
Here is an alphabetical list of our current automation and control books. Be sure to
check out for new releases!
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101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career Advanced Temperature Measurement and
Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas Control, Second Edition Gregory K. McMillan
ISBN: 978-1-937560-50-8
ISBN: 978-1-936007-38-7
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$63 $71 $79
$70 $80 $89

20 Years of the Russian Section of ISA - PDF only

Yu Antokhina AA Ovodenko AV Bobovich VM Boer Agent-Based Technology Manufacturing Control Systems Luca Ferrarini and Arndt Lüder
ISBN: 978-5-80880-943-7
ISBN: 978-1-936007-04-2
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ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$0 $0 $150
$63 $70 $79

Advanced Control Foundation: Tools,

Techniques, and Applications Advances in Reactor Measurement and Control 
Terrence Blevins, Willy K. Wojsznis, and Mark Nixon Gregory K. McMillan
ISBN: 978-1-937560-55-3 ISBN: 978-0-87664-089-0

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$95 $107 $119 $63 $71 $79

Advanced pH Measurement and Control, Third Edition Alarm Management: A Comprehensive Guide,
Gregory K. McMillan and Robert A. Cameron Second Edition Bill R. Hollifield and Eddie Habibi
ISBN: 978-1-934394-43-4
ISBN: 978-1-936007-55-4
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$79 $89 $99
$79 $89 $99

Advanced PID Control

Karl J. Åström and Tore Hägglund Analizadores de Proceso en Linea: Introducción a sus Técnicas Analíticas
ISBN: 978-1-55617-942-6 Francisco Velasco
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISBN: 978-8-49969-953-0

$95 $107 $119 ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List

$135.39 $135.39 $135.39
Advanced Regulatory Control: Applications and Techniques
David W. Spitzer Analytical Instrumentation
ISBN: 978-1-60650-124-5 R. E. Sherman
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISBN: 978-1-55617-581-7
$61 $61 $61
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$135 $155 $169

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Applying S88: Batch Control from a Automation Can Prevent the Next Fukushima
User’s Perspective Béla Lipták
Jim Parshall and L. B. Lamb ISBN: 978-0-876640-17-3
ISBN: 978-1-55617-703-3
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$87 $98 $109
$55 $62 $69

The Automation Legal Reference: A Guide to Legal Risk in

Applying FOUNDATION Fieldbus  the Automation, Robotics and Processing Industries
By B. R. Mehta and Y. J. Reddy Mark Voigtmann
ISBN: 978-1-941546-71-0 ISBN: 978-0-87664-0-08-1

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$87 $98 $109 $63 $71 $79

ASM Consortium Guidelines Effective Alarm Management Automation Made Easy: Everything You Wanted
Practice 2009 to Know about Automation—And Need to Ask
Jamie Errington, Dal Vernon Reising, and Catherine Burns; Peter G. Martin, PhD, PE, and Gregory Hale
Foreward by Nicholas P. Sands ISBN: 978-1-936007-06-6
ISBN: 978-1-44218-425-1
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$76 $85 $95
$150 $150 150

Automation Network Selection:

ASM Consortium Guidelines: Effective Procedural A Reference Manual, Third Edition 
Practices 2010 Dick Caro
Peter Bullemer, John Hajdukiewicz, and Catherine Burns ISBN: 978-1-941546-80-2
ISBN: 978-1-45289-387-7
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$69 $79 $89
$150 $150 $150

Automation of Water Resource Recovery Facilities, Fourth

ASM Consortium Guidelines: Effective Console Operator Edition
HMI Design 2013, Second Edition Water Environment Federation
Dal Vernon Reising and Peter Bullemer ISBN: 978-1-57278-275-4
ISBN: 978-1-49287-563-5
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List $155 $155 $155
$150 $150 $150

The Automation, Systems, and Instrumentation

Automation Applications in Bio-Pharmaceuticals Dictionary, Fourth Edition (with CD)
George Buckbee, PE, and Joseph Alford, PhD, PE, CAP ISA
ISBN: 978-1-934394-25-0 ISBN: 978-1-55617-778-1

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$85 $95 $105 $87 $98 $109

Automation and Control Systems Economics, Automation Unplugged: Pinto’s Perspectives,

Second Edition Pointers, & Prognostications – PDF only
Paul G. Friedmann Jim Pinto
ISBN: 978-1-55617-951-8 ISBN: 978-0-87664-006-7

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$70 $80 $89 $20 $25 $30

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Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: Bungee Jumping & Cocoons: The Dual Nature
System Design and Applications, Third Edition  of the Industrial Marketplace
Harold L. Wade John Kenworthy
ISBN: 978-0-87664-013-5 ISBN: 978-1-55617-860-3

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$87 $98 $109 $15 $20 $25

Basic Electricity and Electronics for Control: Calibration: A Technician’s Guide

Fundamentals and Applications, Third Edition Mike Cable
Lawrence (Larry) M. Thompson ISBN: 978-1-55617-912-9
ISBN: 978-1-55617-988-4
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List $76 $85 $95
$70 $80 $89

Cascading Logic: A Machine Control Methodology

Basic Math for Process Control for Programmable Logic Controllers
Bob Connell Gary Kirckof, PE
ISBN: 978-1-55617-813-9 ISBN: 978-1-55617-814-6

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$55 $62 $69 $70 $80 $89

Batch Control Systems: Design, Application, Certified Automation Professional® (CAP®)

and Implementation, Second Edition Study Guide, Second Edition
William M. Hawkins and Thomas Fisher ISA
ISBN: 978-1-55617-967-9 ISBN: 978-1-934394-83-0

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$79 $89 $99 $30 $35 $39

Big Oil and the IT Industry: When Two Giants Shake Hands Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®)
Dr. Byron K. Wallace Study Guide, Level I ISA
ISBN: 978-1-49495-611-0
ISBN: 978-1-55617-573-2
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$40 $40 $40
$31 $35 $39

Boiler Control Systems Engineering,

Second Edition Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®)
G. F. (Jerry) Gilman Study Guide, Level II ISA
ISBN: 978-1-936007-20-2
ISBN: 978-1-55617-629-6
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$79 $89 $99
$31 $35 $39

Bottom-Line Automation, Second Edition

Peter G. Martin, PhD, PE Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®) Study Guide, Level III
ISBN: 978-1-55617-962-4 ISA
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISBN: 978-1-55617-691-3
$79 $89 $99
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$31 $35 $39

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Certified Maintenance Reliability Technician Consumer Guide to Coriolis Mass Flowmeters
(CMRT) Study Guide David W. Spitzer and Walt Boyes
ISA ISBN: 978-1-93209-514-2
ISBN: 978-1-937560-01-0
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List $250 $250 $250
$40 $45 $50

The Consumer Guide to Differential Pressure Flow

Closed-Loop Product Life Cycle Management: Transmitters, Second Edition
Using Smart Embedded Systems David W. Spitzer and Walt Boyes
Markus Frey, Editor ISBN: 978-1-932095-135
ISBN: 978-1-936007-61-5
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List $250 $250 $250
$79 $89 $99

Consumer Guide to Fieldbus Network Equipment for

Compressed Air Operations Manual Process Control, Third Edition 
Brian S. Elliott Dick Caro
ISBN: 978-0-07147-526-5 ISBN: 978-1-93209-512-8

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$81 $81 $81 $250 $250 $250

Computer Control and Human Error  Consumer Guide to Industrial pH and ORP Instrumentation
Trevor Kletz David B. Mills
ISBN: R52693 ISBN: R95098

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$77 $77 $77 $250 $250 $250

Collaborative Process Automation Systems Consumer Guide to Magnetic Flowmeters, Second Edition
Martin Hollender David W. Spitzer and Walt Boyes
ISBN: 978-1-936007-10-3 ISBN: R95047

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$79 $89 $99 $250 $250 $250

Condensed Handbook of Measurement and Consumer Guide to Non-Contact Level Gauges

Control, Third Edition (with CD) David W. Spitzer and Walt Boyes
N. E. Battikha ISBN: 978-1-93209-515-9
ISBN: 978-1-55617-995-2
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List $250 $250 $250
$95 $107 $119

Consumer Guide to Ultrasonic and Correlation Flowmeters

Consumer Guide to Capacitance and Radar Contact Level David W. Spitzer and Walt Boyes
David W. Spitzer and Walt Boyes ISBN: R95055
ISBN: R9511X
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$250 $250 $250
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$250 $250 $250

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Consumer Guide to Vortex Shedding and Fluidic Flowmeters Control Systems Engineer Technical Reference Handbook
David W. Spitzer and Walt Boyes Chuck Cornell, PE, CAP, PMP
ISBN: R95020 ISBN: 978-1-93756-047-8

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$250 $250 $250 $79 $89 $99

Control of Boilers, Second Edition Control System Power and Grounding Better Practice
S. G. Dukelow David Brown, David Harold, and Roger Hope
ISBN: 978-1-55617-330-1 ISBN: 0-7506-7826-7

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$79 $89 $99 $68 $68 $68

Control Loop Foundation—Batch and Control Systems Safety Evaluation & Reliability,
Continuous Processes Third Edition
Terrence Blevins and Mark Nixon William M. Goble This book is also available in Chinese!
ISBN: 978-1-936007-54-7 ISBN: 978-1-937560-68-3 ISBN: 978-1-934394-80-9

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$95 $107 $119 $95 $107 $119

Control System Documentation: Applying Symbols and Control Valve Primer: A User’s Guide,
Identification, Second Edition Fourth Edition
Thomas McAvinew and Raymond Mulley Hans D. Baumann
ISBN: 978-1-55617-896-2 ISBN: 978-1-934394-50-2

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$79 $89 $99 $87 $98 $109

Control Systems Engineering (CSE) Study Guide, Control Valves

Fifth Edition – PDF only Guy Borden, Jr., and Paul G. Friedmann
ISA ISBN: 978-1-55617-565-7
ISBN: 978-1-937560-03-4
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$145 $165 $180
$47 $53 $59

Corrosion Engineering: Principles and Practice

Control System Migrations: A Practical Project Pierre Roberge, PhD
Management Handbook
Daniel Roessier ISBN: 978-0-07148-243-1
ISBN: 978-1-60650-443-7 ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$140 $140 $140
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$89.95 $89.95 $89.95

Cybersecurity Tech Pack

Control Systems Engineering Exam
Reference Manual: A Practical Study  ISBN: 978-0-876640-28-9
Guide, Third Edition – PDF only
Bryon Lewis PE, CMfgE, CCNA ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List $299 $337 $375
ISBN: 978-1-941546-56-7

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List

$68 $76 $85

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Design and Development of Medical Electronic Electronic Security for Manufacturing and
Instrumentation: A Practical Perspective of the Design, Control Systems—An Overview
Construction, and Test of Medical Devices Robert Webb
David Prutchi and Michael Norris ISBN: RSECGUIDE
ISBN: R76233
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$30 $35 $99
$199 $199 $199

An Engineer’s View of Human Error, Third Edition

Design Patterns for Flexible Manufacturing Trevor A. Kletz
Dennis Brandl ISBN: R54301
ISBN: 978-1-55617-998-3
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$104 $104 $104
$79 $89 $99

Environmental Instrumentation and Analysis Handbook

Detecting Leaks in Pipelines Randy D. Down and Jay H. Lehr
Edward J. Farmer, PE ISBN: R6354X
ISBN: 978-1-941546-48-2
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$267 $267 $267
$70 $80 $89

Essentials of Modern Measurements and Final Elements in

Dispersing Heat Through Conviction: the Process Industry
The Funnier Side of Process Control Gregory K. McMillan
Gregory K. McMillan ISBN: 978-1-936007-23-3
ISBN: 978-1-934394-48-9
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$95 $107 $119
$15 $20 $25

Fieldbuses for Process Control: Engineering,

Domain Ontologies for Reasoning Machines Operation, and Maintenance
in Factory Automation Jonas Berge
Jose L. Martinez Lastra, Ivan M. Delamer, and Fernando Ubis ISBN: 978-1-55617-904-4
ISBN: 978-1-936007-01-1
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$95 $107 $119
$55 $62 $69

Flow Measurement, Second Edition

Driving Business Value in Industrial Innovation: David W. Spitzer
Disciplined Agility for Manufacturing
Automation ISBN: 978-1-55617-736-1
Augustine Tibazarwa ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISBN: 978-1-941546-78-9 $135 $152 $169
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$63 $70 $79
Flow of Industrial Fluids—Theory and Equations
Raymond Mulley
Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Locations, ISBN: 0-8493-2767-9
Fourth Edition
Ernest Magison ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List $95 $107 $119
ISBN: 978-0-97923-431-6

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List

$85 $95 $105

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Fluid Power Engineering Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Computer Technology
M. Galai Rabie Helen Beecroft and Ken MacDonald
ISBN: 978-0-07-162246-2 ISBN: FUNCHPT05

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$162 $162 $162 $44 $49 $55

Foundation Fieldbus, Fourth Edition Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Distributed Control

Ian Verhappen and Augusto Pereira Systems/Digital Automation Systems Helen Beecroft and Jim Cahill
ISBN: 978-1-937560-20-1
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$70 $80 $89
$17 $19 $22

Foundation Fieldbus, Quarta Edição

Ian Verhappen and Augusto Pereira Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Ergonomics and Occupational Safety
ISBN: 978-1-937560-90-4 Eddie Marquis
Setting the Standard for Automation

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISBN: FUNCHPT10

$50 $50 $50
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$12 $14 $16
Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Control System Theory
Gilles J. P. Bouchard Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Final Control Elements
ISBN: FUNCHPT06 Helen Beecroft and Ken MacDonald
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISBN: FUNCHPT04

$20 $22 $25 ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List

$20 $22 $25

Fundamentals of Analytical Instrumentation

Wayne Brown and Steven McDougall Fundamentals of Industrial Control, Second Edition
D. A. Coggan
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$20 $22 $25 ISBN: 978-1-55617-863-4

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List

$135 $152 $169
Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Analog and Digital
Control Devices
Benoit Boulet Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Sensors
ISBN: FUNCHPT07 Dennis Lidfors
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISBN: FUNCHPT01

$10 $12 $14 ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List

$55 $63 $70

Fundamentals on Industrial Control—Chemical

Process Control
James B. Riggs Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Programmable Logic Controllers
ISBN: FUNCHPT03 James E. Bouchard
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISBN: FUNCHPT09

$20 $22 $25 ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List

$35 $40 $45

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Check out these titles now available in e-reader and downloadable PDF formats
101 Tips for a Successful Automation Made Easy: Everything Control Systems Engineering
Automation Career You Wanted to Know about (CSE) Study Guide, Fifth Edition
Greg McMillan and Hunter Vegas Automation—And Need to Ask ISA
Peter G. Martin, PhD, and Gregory Hale
Advanced Control Foundation: Control Systems Engineering
Tools, Techniques, and Applications Automation Network Selection: Exam Reference Manual: A
Terrence Blevins, Willy K. Wojsznis, A Reference Manual, Third Edition Practical Study Guide, Third
and Mark Nixon Dick Caro Edition
Bryon Lewis, PE, CMfgE, CNNA
Advanced Temperature Measurement Basic Electricity and Electronics
and Control, Second Edition for Control: Fundamentals and Control Valve Primer: A User’s Guide,
Gregory K. McMillan Applications, Third Edition Fourth Edition
Lawrence (Larry) M. Thompson Hans D. Baumann
Applying S88: Batch Control from a
User’s Perspective Boiler Control Systems Engineering, Dispersing Heat Through
Jim Parshall and Larry Lamb Second Edition Conviction: The Funnier Side of
G. F. (Jerry) Gilman Process Control
Gregory K. McMillan
Bottom-Line Automation,
Second Edition Foundation Fieldbus, Fourth Edition
Peter G. Martin, PhD Ian Verhappen and Augusto Pereira

Calibration: A Technician’s Guide Fundamentals of Process Control

Mike Cable Theory, Third Edition
P. W. Murrill
Collaborative Process Automation
Systems Future Energy: Opportunities and
Martin Hollender Challenges
Thomas W. Kerlin, PhD
Condensed Handbook of Measurement
and Control, Third Edition The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Manufacturing
N. E. Battikha Operations Management: ISA-95 Best
Practices Book 1.0
Control Loop Foundation—Batch Charlie Gifford, Editor and Contributing
and Continuous Processes Author
Terrence Blevins and Mark Nixon
(A Chinese translation of this book is How to Become an Instrument
available in ePub or Mobi format.) Engineer: The Making of a Prima
Gregory K. McMillan and Stan Weiner

How to File Your Own U.S.

Patent Application
Hans D. Baumann

Human-Machine Interface Design

for Process Control Applications
Jean-Yves Fiset

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Look for this
IEC 61499 Function Blocks for “eBook available”
Embedded and Distributed symbol in
Control Systems Design, this brochure.
Third Edition
Valeriy Vyatkin

Industrial Automation and Control

Systems Security Principles
Ronald Krutz, PhD

Industrial Network Security,

Second Edition
David Teumim Safety Instrumented The Control of Boilers, 
Systems Verification: Practical Second Edition
ISA Handbook of Measurement, Probabilistic Calculations S. G. Dukelow
Equations and Tables, Second Edition William M. Goble and Harry Cheddie
Jim Strothman When World’s Collide in
SCADA: Supervisory and Control Manufacturing Operation:
Loop Checking: A Technician’s Data Acquisition, Fourth Edition ISA Best Practices Book 2.0
Guide Stuart Boyer Charlie Gifford, Editor and Contributing
Harley M. Jeffery Author
Sell More Through Effective Technical
Maintainability & Maintenance Presentations, Second Edition Wireless Control Foundation:
Management, Fourth Edition Paul Gruhn Continuous and Discrete for the
Joseph D. Patton, Jr. Process Industry
Successful Instrumentation and Control Terrence Blevins, Deji Chen, Mark Nixon,
Measurement and Control Basics, Systems Design, Second Edition and Willy Wojsznis
Fifth Edition Michael D. Whitt
Thomas A. Hughes Wireless Networks for Industrial
The MOM Chronicles: ISA-95 Best Automation, Fourth Edition
MES Guide for Executives: Why Practices Book 3.0 Dick Caro
and How to Select, Implement, and Charlie Gifford, Editor and Contributing
Maintain a Manufacturing Execution Author
Bianca Scholten The Tao of Measurement: A
Philosophical View of Flow and
Coming Soon
Practical Project Management: Sensors Industrial Data Communications,
Learning to Manage the Professional, Jesse Yoder and Dick Morley Fifth Edition
Second Edition
Lawrence (Larry) M. Thompson and
Gerald W. Cockrell The Road to Integration: Tim Shaw
A Guide to Applying the ISA-95
Preventive Maintenance, Third Edition Standard in Manufacturing Fundamentals of Industrial
J. D. Patton Bianca Scholten Control, Second Edition
D. A. Coggan
Safety Instrumented Systems: Troubleshooting: A Technician’s
Design, Analysis, and Justification, Guide, Second Edition Instrumentation and Control
Second Edition William L. Mostia Jr., PE Systems Documentation,
Paul Gruhn, PE, CFSE, and
Second Edition
Harry L. Cheddie, PE
Fred A. Meier and Clifford A. Meier

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Fundamentals of Industrial Control—Project Management Good Tuning: A Pocket Guide, Fourth Edition 
Strategies Gregory K. McMillan
Michael Spilmann ISBN: 978-1-941546-43-7
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$47 $53 $59
$14 $16 $18

A Guide to Biotechnology Law and Business

Fundamentals of Process Control Theory, Robert A. Bohrer
Third Edition (with CD)
P. W. Murrill ISBN: 978-1-59460-087-6
ISBN: 978-1-555617-683-8 ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$60 $60 $60
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$95 $107 $119

A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge,

Third Edition
Fundamentals of Process Instrumentation Nicholas Sands and Ian Verhappen, Editors
Job Training Systems ISBN: 978-1-941546-91-8
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$116 $130 $145
$150 $150 $150

Guidelines for Analyzing and Managing the Security

Fundamentals of Test Measurement Instrumentation Vulnerabilities of Fixed Chemical Sites
Keith R. Cheatle Center for Chemical Processing Safety
ISBN: 978-1-55617-914-3 ISBN: R0877X

ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$79 $89 $99 $104 $104 $104

The Funnier Side of Retirement for Engineers and People The High Performance HMI Handbook
of the Technical Persuasion Bill Hollifield, Dana Oliver, Ian Nimmo, and Eddie Habibi
Gregory K. McMillan ISBN: 978-0-9778969-1-2
ISBN: 978-1-934394-28-1
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$129.99 $129.99 $129.99
$20 $25 $30

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Manufacturing

The Funny and Not So Funny Side of Life as an Operations Management: ISA-95 Best
Automation Engineer (CD) Practices Book 1.0 or CD
Gregory K. McMillan Charlie Gifford, Editor
ISBN: 978-1-934394-95-3 ISBN: 978-0-9792343-9-2 BOOK
ISBN: 978-1-934394-21-2 CD
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
ISA Member Affiliate Member Community Member/List
$135 $159 $179
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Future Energy: Opportunities and Challenges

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Second Edition

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urely the thermocouple is one of the simplest measuring were finally provided an easy-to-understand, yet com-
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fferent wires joined at one end? The devil, as they say, is temperature measurements using thermocouples.
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Whether your background is engineering, procure- Mitch Johnson have updated the second edition of Practi-

ment, or maintenance, this comprehensive book will help cal Thermocouple Thermometry to include the latest in
ou achieve good performance with thermocouples. thermocouple technology. They called upon their 60 plus
Second Edition

hermocouples are rugged, inexpensive, and easy to use. years of collective experience in theory, research, teaching,

owever, they have significant inherent inaccuracies and a manufacture and real-world applications to produce this
endency to degrade with use. Understanding the capabili- second edition. Updates include:

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es and limitations of thermocouple measurements is • real-world case studies demonstrating solutions of

ucial for practitioners. thermocouple problems;
For years, the first edition of Practical Thermocouple • properties and performance of all commonly used
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ISBN: 978-1-937560-27-0
nguage. The first edition focused on how thermocouples • expanded information on thermowell selection for
ork; how they go bad; how to assess measurement accu- required reliability; Second Edition
acy; and how to select, install, and operate them. Readers • and much more.

Thomas W. Kerlin and

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nternational Society of Automation Mitchell Johnson

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.O. Box 12277

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