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Hira Textile Mill Horizontal Analysis 2015-13

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Balance sheet

2015 2013
Note Amount Amount
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipme 4 2,083,750,163 1,956,539,688
Long term investments 5 570,897,959 421,091,330
Long term deposits 6 26,534,648 32,041,918
2,681,182,770 2,409,672,936
Current assets
Stores, spares and loose tool 7 177,042,638 145,377,352
Stock-in-trade 8 1,714,457,816 1,545,710,707
Trade debts 9 125,829,226 131,419,342
Advances, deposits, prepaym 10 119,265,469 60,524,146
Advance income tax 11 130,090,886 128,913,402
Sales tax refundable 52,042,321 90,234,324
Cash and bank balances 12 21,368,329 21,411,012

TOTAL ASSETS 2,340,096,685 2,033,590,285

increase or decrease
Amount Percentage

127,210,475 6.5018090755
149,806,629 35.5758046598
-5,507,270 -17.1877039321
271,509,834 11.2674973414

31,665,286 21.7814436461
168,747,109 10.9171210522
-5,590,116 -4.2536478382
58,741,323 97.0543607505
1,177,484 0.9133914564
-38,192,003 -42.3253605801
-42,683 -0.1993506893

306,506,400 15.0721805794
Balnce sheet
2017 2016
Note Amount Percentage Amount
Share capital and reserves
Authorized capital
87,000,000 (2016: 87,000,000) ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each
870,000,000 15 870,000,000
Issued, subscribed and paid up capital 13 865,779,200 15 865,779,200
Share premium 14 82,500,000 1 82,500,000
Un-appropriated profit 1,020,350,274 17 996,958,197
1,968,629,474 33 1,945,237,397
aSurplus on revaluaon of property, plant 15 529,234,822 9 550,041,726
Non-current liabilites 0
Long term financing 16 400,384,490 7 430,000,000
Liabilites against assets subject to finance 17 25,659,431 0 36,124,645
Deferred liabilites 18 92,110,458 2 88,671,217
518,154,379 9 554,795,862
Current liabili es 0
Trade and other payables 19 701,857,076 12 576,697,976
Accrued mark-up 20 59,686,751 1 57,348,517
Short term borrowings 21 2,056,268,085 34 1,683,933,727
rCurrent poron of long term financing 22 133,634,330 2 146,550,352
2,951,446,242 49 2,464,530,572
Con ngencies and commitments 23 0
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 5,967,464,918 100 5,514,605,557
2015 2014 2013
Percentage Amount Percentage Amount Percentage Amount Percentage

16 800,000,000 16 800,000,000 18 750,000,000 16.879486

16 787,072,000 16 787,072,000 17 715,520,000 16.10348
1 82,500,000 2 82,500,000 2 82,500,000 1.8567435
18 983,250,076 20 892,612,468 20 831,093,349 18.704572
35 1,852,822,076 37 1,762,184,468 39 1,629,113,349 36.664795
10 65,892,542 1 65,892,542 1 65,892,542 1.4829763
0 0 0 0
8 542,166,123 11 328,914,284 7 428,757,142 9.6496003
1 47,535,287 1 1,645,771 0 4,338,458 0.0976413
2 84,022,100 2 55,984,217 1 93,591,207 2.106362
10 673,723,510 13 386,544,272 9 526,686,807 11.853604
0 0 0 0
10 612,596,835 12 404,640,979 9 436,354,487 9.820586
1 1,606,582,666 32 1,706,400,436 38 1,553,671,851 34.96691
31 56,141,653 1 84,895,356 2 89,954,068 2.0245046
3 153,520,173 3 104,482,343 2 141,590,117 3.1866246
45 2,428,841,327 48 2,300,419,114 51 2,221,570,523 49.998625
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
100 5,021,279,455 100 4,515,040,396 100 4,443,263,221 100
Balnce sheet
2017 2016 2015
NoteAmount PercentaAmount Percentage Amount
Share capital and reserves
Authorized capital
87,000,000 (2016: 87,000,000) ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each
870,000,000 15 870,000,000 16 800,000,000
Issued, subscribed and paid up 13 865,779,200 15 865,779,200 16 787,072,000
Share premium 14 82,500,000 1 82,500,000 1 82,500,000
Un-appropriated profit 1,020,350,274 17 996,958,197 18 983,250,076
1,968,629,474 33 1,945,237,397 35 1,852,822,076
aSurplus on revaluaon of prope 15 529,234,822 9 550,041,726 10 65,892,542
Non-current liabilites 0 0
Long term financing 16 400,384,490 7 430,000,000 8 542,166,123
Liabilites against assets subjec 17 25,659,431 0 36,124,645 1 47,535,287
Deferred liabilites 18 92,110,458 2 88,671,217 2 84,022,100
518,154,379 9 554,795,862 10 673,723,510
Current liabili es 0 0
Trade and other payables 19 701,857,076 12 576,697,976 10 612,596,835
Accrued mark-up 20 59,686,751 1 57,348,517 1 1,606,582,666
Short term borrowings 21 2,056,268,085 34 1,683,933,727 31 56,141,653
Current porton of long term fin 22 133,634,330 2 146,550,352 3 153,520,173
2,951,446,242 49 2,464,530,572 45 2,428,841,327
0 0
Con ngencies and commitment 23 0 0
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 5,967,464,918 100 5,514,605,557 100 5,021,279,455
2014 2013
Percentage Amount Percentage Amount Percentage

16 800,000,000 18 750,000,000 3.988E-07

16 787,072,000 17 715,520,000 3.923E-07
2 82,500,000 2 82,500,000 4.112E-08
20 892,612,468 20 831,093,349 4.449E-07
37 1,762,184,468 39 1,629,113,349 8.784E-07
1 65,892,542 1 65,892,542 3.285E-08
0 0 0
11 328,914,284 7 428,757,142 1.64E-07
1 1,645,771 0 4,338,458 8.204E-10
2 55,984,217 1 93,591,207 2.791E-08
13 386,544,272 9 526,686,807 1.927E-07
0 0 0
12 404,640,979 9 436,354,487 2.017E-07
32 1,706,400,436 38 1,553,671,851 8.506E-07
1 84,895,356 2 89,954,068 4.232E-08
3 104,482,343 2 141,590,117 5.208E-08
48 2,300,419,114 51 2,221,570,523 1.147E-06
0 0 0
0 0 0
100 4,515,040,396 100 4,443,263,221 2.251E-06
Balnce sheet
2017 2016 2015
Note Amount PercentaAmount PercentaAmount Percenta
Share capital and reserves
Authorized capital
87,000,000 (2016: 87,000,000) ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each
870,000,000 15 870,000,000 16 800,000,000 16
Issued, sub 13 865,779,200 15 865,779,200 16 787,072,000 16
Share pre 14 82,500,000 1 82,500,000 1 82,500,000 2
Un-appropriated profit 1,020,350,274 17 996,958,197 18 983,250,076 20
1,968,629,474 33 1,945,237,397 35 1,852,822,076 37
Surplus on 15 529,234,822 9 550,041,726 10 65,892,542 1
Non-current liabilites 0 0 0
Long term 16 400,384,490 7 430,000,000 8 542,166,123 11
Liabilites a 17 25,659,431 0 36,124,645 1 47,535,287 1
Deferred li 18 92,110,458 2 88,671,217 2 84,022,100 2
518,154,379 9 554,795,862 10 673,723,510 13
Current liabili es 0 0 0
Trade and o 19 701,857,076 12 576,697,976 10 612,596,835 12
Accrued ma 20 59,686,751 1 57,348,517 1 1,606,582,666 32
Short term 21 2,056,268,085 34 1,683,933,727 31 56,141,653 1
Current por 22 133,634,330 2 146,550,352 3 153,520,173 3
2,951,446,242 49 2,464,530,572 45 2,428,841,327 48
0 0 0
Con ngenci 23 0 0 0
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIA5,967,464,918 100 5,514,605,557 100 5,021,279,455 100
2014 2013
Amount PercentaAmount Percentage

800,000,000 18 750,000,000 16.8794861501

787,072,000 17 715,520,000 16.1034799068
82,500,000 2 82,500,000 1.8567434765
892,612,468 20 831,093,349 18.7045715652
1,762,184,468 39 1,629,113,349 36.6647949485
65,892,542 1 65,892,542 1.4829763334
0 0
328,914,284 7 428,757,142 9.6496003202
1,645,771 0 4,338,458 0.0976412556
55,984,217 1 93,591,207 2.1063619764
386,544,272 9 526,686,807 11.8536035522
0 0
404,640,979 9 436,354,487 9.8205860265
1,706,400,436 38 1,553,671,851 34.9669099876
84,895,356 2 89,954,068 2.0245045933
104,482,343 2 141,590,117 3.1866245585
2,300,419,114 51 2,221,570,523 49.9986251659
0 0
0 0
4,515,040,396 100 4,443,263,221 100

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