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2018 Specpro Cases

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RULE 86 debtors obligated in solidum.

Thus, if husband and

wife bound themselves jointly and severally, in case
ALIPIO vs. COURT OF APPEALS of his death, her liability is independent of and
separate from her husband's; she may be sued for
the whole debt and it would be error to hold that the
claim against her as well as the claim against her
Respondent Romeo Jaring was the lessee of a 14.5
husband should be made in the decedent's estate.
hectare fishpond in Barito, Mabuco, Hermosa,
Bataan. The lease was for a period of five years
ending on September 12, 1990. On June 19, 1987, he
subleased the fishpond, for the remaining period of 1. WON a creditor can sue the surviving spouse of a
his lease, to the spouses Placido and PuritaAlipio and decedent in an ordinary proceeding for the collection
the spouses Bienvenido and Remedios Manuel. The of a sum of money chargeable against the conjugal
stipulated amount of rent was P485,600.00, payable partnership.
in two installments of P300,000.00 and P185,600.00,
with the second installment falling due on June 30, 2. Joint or solidary obligation baitey?
1989. Each of the four sublessees signed the
contract. SC: REVERSED LOWER COURTS. Petition granted!
Creditor CANNOT sue. Proper remedy is for him to file
The first installment was duly paid, but of the second
a claim in the settlement of estate of the decedent.
installment, the sublessees only satisfied a portion
thereof, leaving an unpaid balance
First. Petitioner's husband died on December 1,
of P50,600.00. Despite due demand, the sublessees
failed to comply with their obligation, so on October 1988, more than ten months before private
13, 1989, private respondent sued the Alipio and respondent filed the collection suit in the trial court on
Manuel spouses for the collection of the said amount. October 13, 1989. This case thus falls outside of the
In the alternative, he prayed for the rescission of the ambit of Rule 3, §21 which deals with dismissals of
sublease contract should the defendants fail to pay collection suits because of the death of the defendant
the balance
during the pendency of the case. As amended, Rule
Petitioner PuritaAlipio moved to dismiss the case on 3, §20 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure now
the ground that her husband, PlacidoAlipio, had provides that the case will be allowed to continue
passed away on December 1, 1988. She based her until entry of final judgment.
action on Rule 3, 21 of the Rules of Court. (but this is
now amended! See ratio later). Petitioner and her late husband, together with the
Manuel spouses, signed the sublease contract binding
The trial court denied petitioner's motion on the themselves to pay the amount of stipulated
ground that since petitioner was herself a party to the
rent. Under the law, the Alipios' obligation (and also
sublease contract, she could be independently
impleaded in the suit together with the Manuel that of the Manuels) is one which is chargeable
spouses and that the death of her husband merely against their conjugal partnership. When petitioner's
resulted in his exclusion from the case. The Manuel husband died, their conjugal partnership was
spouses failed to file their answer. For this reason, automatically dissolved and debts chargeable against
they were declared in default. it are to be paid in the settlement of estate
RTC and CA ruled against petitioners. SABI NG CA:
The reason for this is that upon the death of one
The rule that an action for recovery of money, debt or
interest thereon must be dismissed when the spouse, the powers of administration of the surviving
defendant dies before final judgment in the regional spouse ceases and is passed to the administrator
trial court, does not apply where there are other appointed by the court having jurisdiction over the
defendants against whom the action should be settlement of estate proceedings.Indeed, the
maintained. surviving spouse is not even a de facto administrator
such that conveyances made by him of any property
Moreover, it is noted that all the defendants, including
belonging to the partnership prior to the liquidation of
the deceased, were signatories to the contract of sub-
lease. Under the law and well settled jurisprudence, the mass of conjugal partnership property is void.
when the obligation is a solidary one, the creditor
may bring his action in toto against any of the
Where a complaint is brought against the surviving 2. That the total lease rental for the sub-leased
spouse for the recovery of an indebtedness fishpond for the entire period of three (3) years and
chargeable against said conjugal [partnership], any two (2) months is FOUR HUNDRED EIGHT-FIVE
judgment obtained thereby is void. The proper action THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED (P485,600.00) PESOS,
should be in the form of a claim to be filed in the including all the improvements, prawns, milkfishes,
testate or intestate proceedings of the deceased crabs and related species thereon as well all fishing
spouse. equipment, paraphernalia and accessories. The said
amount shall be paid to the Sub-Lessor by the Sub-
It must be noted that for marriages governed by CPG, Lessees in the following manner, to wit:
an obligation entered into by the husband and wife is
chargeable against their conjugal partnership and it is A. Three hundred thousand (P300,000.00) Pesos
the partnership which is primarily bound for its upon signing this contract; and
repayment.Thus, when the spouses are sued for the
enforcement of an obligation entered into by them, B. One Hundred Eight-Five Thousand Six-Hundred
they are being impleaded in their capacity as (P185,6000.00) Pesos to be paid on June 30, 1989.
representatives of the conjugal partnership and not as
Clearly, the liability of the sublessees is merely
independent debtors such that the concept of joint or
joint. Since the obligation of the Manuel and Alipio
solidary liability, as between them, does not
spouses is chargeable against their respective
apply. But even assuming the contrary to be true, the
conjugal partnerships, the unpaid balance
nature of the obligation involved in this case, as will
of P50,600.00 should be divided into two so that each
be discussed later, is not solidary but rather merely
couple is liable to pay the amount of P25,300.00.

From the foregoing, it is clear that private respondent

cannot maintain the present suit against petitioner.
Second. The trial court ordered petitioner and the
Manuel spouses to pay private respondent the unpaid
balance of the agreed rent in the amount
Private respondent filed a Complaint for a Sum of
of P50,600.00 without specifying whether the amount Money and Damages against petitioner. During the
is to be paid by them jointly or solidarily. Art. 1207— lifetime of Carlos Ngo he was indebted with the
presumption of joint obligation! plaintiff (herein priv. resp.). Said obligation is already
due and demandable and the defendant thru Ms.
To be sure, should the lessees or sublessees refuse to Ventura who is ostensibly taking care of the
vacate the leased property after the expiration of the properties/estate of deceased Carlos Ngo, refused,
lease period and despite due demands by the lessor, failed and neglected and still continues to refuse, fail
and neglect to pay despite repeated demands.
they can be held jointly and severally liable to pay for
the use of the property. The basis of their solidary Petitioner moved to dismiss the foregoing complaint
liability is not the contract of lease or sublease but the on the ground that “the estate of Carlos Ngo has no
fact that they have become joint tortfeasors.In the legal personality,” the same being “neither a natural
case at bar, there is no allegation that the sublessees nor legal person in contemplation of law.”
refused to vacate the fishpond after the expiration of
In his Opposition to Motion to Dismiss, petitioner
the term of the sublease. Indeed, the unpaid balance
insisted that since “the money claim subject of this
sought to be collected by private respondent in his case actually represents the costs of automotive spare
collection suit became due on June 30, 1989, long parts/replacements contracted by deceased Carlos
before the sublease expired on September 12, 1990. Ngo during his lifetime for the benefit/business of the
family x x x the conjugal partnership x x x shall be
Neither does petitioner contend that it is the nature of accountable for the payment thereof.” Subsequently,
lease that when there are more than two lessees or private respondent's counsel manifested that he is
sublessees their liability is solidary. On the other poised to “amend the complaint in order to state the
hand, the pertinent portion of the contract involved in correct party defendant that he intends to sue in this
case”. The public respondent gave private
this case reads:
respondent fifteen (15) days to make the assuming it was a charge against the conjugal
amendment. property, could only be paid after an inventory is
made in the appropriate testate or intestate
Petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the proceeding, private respondent simply reiterated his
order of public respondent permitting private demand that petitioner pay her husband's debt which,
respondent to amend his complaint. Public he insisted, redounded to the benefit of everyone in
respondent issued the herein assailed order that the her family.
indebtedness was incurred by Carlos Ngo and
defendant Sulpicia Ventura and since Carlos Ngo is It is true that amendments to pleadings are liberally
now dead that will not preclude the plaintiff from allowed in furtherance of justice, in order that every
filing a case against the living defendant, Sulpicia case may so far as possible be determined on its real
Ventura. facts, and in order to speed the trial of causes or
prevent the circuitry of action and unnecessary
Petitioner scurried to this Court praying that the expense. But amendments cannot be allowed so as to
foregoing order of the public respondent be set aside confer jurisdiction upon a court that never acquired it
and the amended complaint of private respondent. in the first place. When it is evident that the court has
no jurisdiction over the person and the subject matter
RULING: and that the pleading is so fatally defective as not to
be susceptible of amendment, or that to permit such
We grant the petition. The original complaint of amendment would radically alter the theory and the
petitioner named the “estate of Carlos Ngo as nature of the action, then the court should refuse the
represented by surviving spouse Ms. Sulpicia Ventura” amendment of the defective pleading and order the
as the defendant. Petitioner moved to dismiss the dismissal of the case.
same on the ground that the defendant as named in
the complaint had no legal personality. We agree. Moreover, as correctly argued by petitioner, the
conjugal partnership terminates upon the death of
Neither a dead person nor his estate may be a party either spouse. After the death of one of the spouses,
plaintiff in a court action. A deceased person does in case it is necessary to sell any portion of the
not have such legal entity as is necessary to bring conjugal property in order to pay outstanding
action so much so that a motion to substitute cannot obligations of the partnership, such sale must be
lie and should be denied by the court. An action made in the manner and with the formalities
begun by a decedent's estate cannot be said to have established by the Rules of Court for the sale of the
been begun by a legal person, since an estate is not a property of deceased persons. Where a complaint is
legal entity; such an action is a nullity and a motion brought against the surviving spouse for the recovery
to amend the party plaintiff will not likewise lie, there of an indebtedness chargeable against said conjugal
being nothing before the court to amend. Considering property, any judgment obtained thereby is void. The
that capacity to be sued is a correlative of the proper action should be in the form of a claim to be
capacity to sue, to the same extent, a decedent does filed in the testate or intestate proceedings of the
not have the capacity to be sued and may not be deceased spouse.
named a party defendant in a court action.
In many cases as in the instant one, even after the
It is clear that the original complaint of private death of one of the spouses, there is no liquidation of
respondent against the estate of Carlos Ngo was a the conjugal partnership. This does not mean,
suit against Carlos Ngo himself who was already dead however, that the conjugal partnership continues.
at the time of the filing of said complaint. At that And private respondent cannot be said to have no
time, and this, private respondent admitted, no remedy. Under Sec. 6, Rule 78 of the Revised Rules
special proceeding to settle his estate had been filed of Court, he may apply in court for letters of
in court. As such, the trial court did not acquire administration in his capacity as a principal creditor of
jurisdiction over either the deceased Carlos Ngo or his the deceased Carlos Ngo if after thirty (30) days from
estate. his death, petitioner failed to apply for administration
or request that administration be granted to some
To cure this fatal defect, private respondent amended other person.
his original complaint. In his amended complaint,
private respondent deleted the estate of Carlos Ngo
and named petitioner as the defendant. When
petitioner, in her comment to the amended complaint,
reasoned that the conjugal partnership of gains
between her and Carlos Ngo was terminated upon the
latter's death and that the debt which he contracted,
RULE 87, Section 6


Refer to PDF WON Contract to sell without the requisite court

approval is valid


RULE 89, Section 7
Contract to Sell is valid
OPULENCIA vs. COURT OF APPEALS Section 7 of Rule 89 of the Rules of Court is not
applicable, because petitioner entered into the
FACTS: Contract to Sell in her capacity as an heiress, not as
an executrix or administratrix of the estate. In the
Aladin Simundac and Miguel Olivan filed a complaint contract, she represented herself as the lawful owner
for specific performance against Natalia Carpena and seller of the subject parcel of land.
Opulencia on the ground that the latter executed in
their favor a 'contract to sell' of lot in Sta. Rosa, Hereditary rights are vested in the heir or heirs from
the moment of the decedent‟s death.
Opulencia, therefore, became the owner of her
Opulencia, despite demands, failed to comply with her
hereditary share the moment her father died.
obligations under the contract.
Thus, the lack of judicial approval does not invalidate
Opulencia contends that where the estate of the the Contract to Sell, because the petitioner has the
deceased person is already the subject of a testate or substantive right to sell the whole or a part of her
intestate proceeding, the administrator cannot enter share in the estate of her late father.
into any transaction involving it without prior approval
of the Probate Court. She maintains that the Contract Administration of Estate not prejudiced by Contract to
to Sell is void because it was not approved by the
probate court, as required by Section 7, Rule 89 of The Contract to Sell stipulates that petitioners offer to
the Rules of Court. sell is contingent on the complete clearance of the
court on the Last Will Testament of her father.
SEC. 7. Regulations for granting authority to sell,
mortgage, or otherwise encumber estate. The court Therefore, there is no basis for petitioner‟s
having jurisdiction of the estate of the deceased may apprehension that the Contract to Sell may result in a
authorize the executor or administrator to sell, premature partition and distribution of the properties
of the estate. Indeed, it is settled that the sale made
mortgage, or otherwise encumber real estate, in
by an heir of his share in an inheritance, subject to
cases provided by these rules and when it appears the pending administration, in no wise stands in the
necessary or beneficial, under the following way of such administration.
Opulencia, instead of submitting evidence, filed a
demurrer. She had already received P300,000 as initial payment
of the purchase price. She may not renege on her
Meanwhile, the court a quo granted the demurrer and own acts and representations, to the prejudice of the
dismissed the complaint. private respondents who have relied on them.
Jurisprudence teaches us that neither the law nor the
courts will extricate a party from an unwise or
On appeal, the appellate court set aside the trial
undesirable contract he or she entered into with all
court's dismissal of the complaint holding that Sec. 7 the required formalities and with full awareness of its
Rule 89 does not apply in this case because she consequences.
entered into the Contract to Sell in her capacity as an
heiress, not as an executrix or administratrix of the Disposition: Petition denied.
RULE 93 Clearly, the issues raised and arguments in support of
Goyena„s position require a review of the evidence,
hence, not proper for consideration in the petition at
bar. The Court cannot thus be tasked to go over the
proofs presented by the parties and analyze, assess,
FACTS: and weigh them to ascertain if the trial court
and appellate court were correct in according them
Amparo Ledesma-Gustilo filed a Petition for Letters superior credit.
of Guardianship over the person and property of her
sister Julieta since she is not in a position to take care That the issues raised are factual is in fact admitted
of herself anymore due to her old age, general by Goyena in her Reply. Goyena claims that the
weakness, and suffering from a mini-stroke thereby petition falls within the exceptions to the rule because
requiring the assistance of a guardian to manage her the findings of the Court of Appeals are clearly belied
interests in various enterprises. by the evidence on record.

Pilar Y. Goyena, Julieta„s close friend for more than In the selection of a guardian, a large discretion must
six decades, opposed the petition. She claims that be allowed the judge who deals directly with the
Julieta is competent and sane enough to manage her parties. As the Court said in Feliciano v. Comahort:
person and property. The Regional Trial Court (RTC) “As a rule, when it appears that the judge has
declared Julieta to be “incompetent and incapable of exercised care and diligence in selecting the guardian,
taking care of herself and her property” and Gustilo and has given due consideration to the reasons for
was appointed to be her guardian. The RTC decision and against his action which are urged by the
was affirmed by the Court of Appeals (CA). Hence, interested parties, his action should not be disturbed
this petition for review on certiorari. unless it is made very clear that he has fallen into
grievous error.”
In the case at bar, Goyena has not shown that the
Whether or not the court erred in finding Julieta to be lower courts committed any error. Goyena„s assertion
incompetent and incapable of taking care of herself that Amparo„s intent in instituting
the guardianship proceedings is to take control of
HELD: Julieta„s properties and use them for her own benefit
is purely speculative and finds no support from the
It is well-entrenched doctrine that questions of fact
are not proper subjects of appeal by certiorari under
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court as this mode of appeal
is confined to questions of law. The test of whether
the question is one of law or of fact is whether ADOPTION
the appellate court can determine the issue raised
without reviewing or evaluating the evidence, in
which case it is a question of law; otherwise, it is LAHOM vs. SIBULO
question of fact.
In support of an affirmative answer, Goyena posits as
follows: A childless couple adopted the wife‟s nephew and
brought him up as their own.
1. The Court of Appeals„ basis for its decision that
Inn1972 the trial court granted the petition for
there are no antagonistic interests between Julieta
adoption and ordered the Civil Registrar to change
and Amparo is contrary to the evidence on record,
the name of Jose Melvin Sibulo to Jose Melvin Lahom.
Jose Melvin refused to use the surname Lahom and
2. The Court of Appeals„ erred in holding that there is continued to use Sibulo in all his transactions despite
no showing that Amparo is hostile to the best pleas from the Lahom spouses leading to Mrs Lahom
interest of Julieta, and commencing a petition to rescind the decree of
3. Julieta Ledesma„s appointed representatives are
most suitable to be appointed as her guardian. Prior to the institution of the case, in 1998, RA 8552
(Domestic Adoption Act) went into effect, this law
deleted the right of adopters rescind a decree of
adoption; where it was provided that: “Adoption
being in the interest of the child, shall not be subject
to rescission by the adopter(s). However the
adopter(s) may disinherit the adoptee for causes
provided in Article 919 of the Civil Code.

Due to Jose Melvin‟s averred callous indifference,

ingratitude and lack of care and concern prompted
the couple to file a petition in Court in 1999 to rescind
the decree of adoption issued in 1972.

WON the adoption maybe revoked after the effectivity
of RA 8552


Jurisdiction of the court is determined by the statute

in force at the time of the commencement of the
action.The controversy should be resolved in light of
the law governing at the time the petition was filed.
In this case, it was months after the effectivity of RA
8552 that Lahom filed an action to revoke the decree
of adoption in 1972.

The new law has already abrogated and repealed the

right of the adopter under the Civil Code and Family
Code to rescind the decree of adoption, thus the
rescission of the adoption decree, having been
inititated by Lahom in 1999, after the effectivity of RA
8552 (1998) had come into force, could no longer be


Even before passage of RA 8552, an action to set

aside the adoption is subject to the five year bar rule
under Rule 100 of the Rules of Court and the adopter
would lose right to revoke the adoption decree after
the lapse of that period.

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