Micro Teach 3
Micro Teach 3
Micro Teach 3
Standards: 111.26 (b) (12) (C) summarize numeric data with numerical summaries, including
the mean and median (measures of center) and the range and interquartile range (IQR) (measures
of spread), and use these summaries to describe the center, spread, and shape of the data
distribution; an
Teacher Input (Explain & Elaborate): Define mean, median, mode, and
Begin by explaining that data summary is range.
giving you a “snapshot” of the data set Identify mean, median, mode, and
Write {2, 3, 4 ,4,6} on the board range.
Ms. Berry 6th grade math
Call on student ask, “what number Create data sets and label mean,
occurs most frequently?” median, mode, and range
o Relate the correct answer Discuss how data summary and
the term “mode” and define “snapshot” data is useful.
mode on the board.
Call on another student ask, “what
is the lowest and highest number in
the set?” have student subtract
largest from the smallest.
o Relate correct answer to
“range” and define on the
Call on another student and ask,
“what is the middle number?”
o Relate correct answer to
“median” and define on the
Ask, “who knows how to calculate
the average of the data?”
o Calculate average as a class
o Relate correct answer to
“mean” and define on the
Review definitions on board and
discuss as a class. Ask, “where have
you seen these numbers before?”
and “how might you use them?”
Pass out an index card to each
Have each student write down how
many letters they have in their first
Create dot plot (adding numbers as
needed in order).
Go one by one and record answers
Once finished, have students get up
and “pair-share” to analyze data and
see if they can come up with some
“snapshot” numbers.
Discuss as a class and call on 3-4
students to come up with the mean,
mode, and range.
o If students have not
mentioned yet ask, “how
can we find the median?”
Ms. Berry 6th grade math
Guided Practice (Explore): Begin by Play a game to help create data sets
explaining to students that they will be and identify mean, median, mode,
working in groups of 3 to play mean, and range
median, mode, and range game.
Take the time to fully explain the
game rules (attached to game).
Use blank card and dice to go thru
one example of how to play.
o Ask, “does anyone have any
questions before we split
Group students in threes taking care
to pair up individuals in different
levels of comprehension.
o Students with learning
disability will either play
with aide or at teacher table.
o GT students will be grouped
and may work on their unit
o (see list attached)
Each group will find a place to
work in the room.
Pass out one card to each student,
and one dice to each group.
Ms. Berry 6th grade math
Enrichment (Extend): Reteach:
GT students (listed and attached for ESL, bilingual, and those with
each class) will work on unit learning disabilities (listed and
project folders and complete focus attached for each class) should be
for lesson. given “cheat sheet” prior to teacher
Students should have completed input:
sample surveys from previous o Provides simple definitions
focus. o Colorful context animation
o Students will tabulate o Highlighted function words
survey and answer focus (i.e. “add” “subtract”
questions (during teacher divide”) in relation to each
input). term
During guided practice, students During guided practice, pair ESL
will complete lesson focus by and bilingual students to work
researching statistical data in a job through the game.
field related to their mock business Those with learning disabilities will
(guide included in folders). either work with aide or at teacher
For independent practice students table.
will answer focus questions in their For independent practice students
journals. will work through modified chart.
Ms. Berry 6th grade math
References: http://deceptivelyeducational.blogspot.com/2015/01/mean-median-match-up-