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Towards Methods For Systematic Research On Big Data

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2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)

Towards Methods for Systematic Research On Big Data

Manirupa Das, Renhao Cui, David R. Campbell, Gagan Agrawal, Rajiv Ramnath
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
The Ohio State University
{das.65, cui.182, campbell.1760, agrawal.28, ramnath.6}

Abstract—Big Data is characterized by the five V’s - of “messiness” of data being generated), in order to create
Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Value. Research on value [9].
Big Data, that is, the practice of gaining insights from it, Data science is different from database query and
challenges the intellectual, process, and computational limits of retrieval. While database querying asks, “What data satisfy
an enterprise. Leveraging the correct and appropriate toolset this pattern (query)?” data-driven discovery asks, “What
requires careful consideration of a large software ecosystem. patterns satisfy this data?” [1]. We want interesting and
Powerful algorithms exist, but the exploratory and often ad- robust patterns that satisfy the data, where “interesting” is
hoc nature of analytic demands and a distinct lack of something unexpected and actionable with “robustness” is a
established processes and methodologies make it difficult for
pattern expected to occur in the future [1]. Big data
Big Data teams to set expectations or even create valid project
plans. The exponential growth of data generated exceeds the
promises automated actionable knowledge creation and
capacity of humans to process it, and compels us to develop predictive models for use by both humans and computers
automated computing methods that require significant and and makes it feasible for a machine to ask and validate
expensive computing power in order to scale effectively. In this interesting questions humans might not consider [1]. Data-
paper, we characterize data-driven practice and research and driven analytics pipelines thus often comprise the following
explore how we might design effective methods for activities: (i) Descriptive Analytics (What happened?), (ii)
systematizing such practice and research [19, 22]. Brief case Diagnostic Analytics (Why did it happen?), (iii) Predictive
studies are presented in order to ground our conclusions and Analytics (What will happen?) and (iv) Prescriptive
insights. Analytics (How can we make a desired effect happen?).
The first two scenarios represent traditional business
Keywords: Data-driven research; Agile; Data Science; intelligence (hindsight-oriented) scenarios. However, a
Methodology; Experimental Methods common epistemic requirement in assessing whether new
knowledge is actionable for decision-making is its predictive
I. INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM STATEMENT power, not just its ability to explain the past [1]. The final
“Data science” is the science of extraction of "actionable two scenarios are the ones that represent the true essence of
knowledge", usually from “Big Data”, that is, often large data science activities (insight and foresight oriented),
volumes of unstructured or structured data generated by involving analysis, representation of findings, application of
systems, people, sensors or devices, or personal, social and statistics, machine learning, domain knowledge,
digital traces of information from people. "Unstructured programming, model development and model validation to
data" may include web pages, blogs, news and social media, generate actionable insights. This has naturally led to the
repositories of texts such as publications, internal need for data scientists and knowledge engineers who must
organizational knowledge bases, emails, videos, photos and be equal parts analyst, computational scientist, statistician,
a host of user-generated content. Structured data is data programmer and domain expert, as new approaches and
whose schemas are known, and resident in identifiable algorithms to analyze dynamic data streams and enable
repositories, such as databases. Big Data has been analytic workflows often have to be custom designed, rather
characterized in terms of its volume, variety, velocity, than can be readily found in the software marketplace.
veracity and value [9], with the worth, or the value of Big In general, traditional database-focused methods are not
Data and data science, being what we do with it. suited for knowledge discovery because they are optimized
We start by defining Data Science more precisely, as the for fast access and summarization of data given what the user
use of statistical and machine learning techniques on big knows to ask (query), not discovery of patterns in massive
multi-structured data in a distributed computing swaths of data when users lack a well-formulated query [1].
environment to identify correlations and causal In other words, knowledge discovery is more ad-hoc in
relationships, classify and predict events, identify patterns nature, and a different paradigm from well-defined queries
and anomalies, and infer probabilities, interest and and scheduled report generation. Given this, the software and
sentiment. Data Science has been termed the science of hardware architectures used for data science are very
building data products, i.e., software products that provide a different from traditional database systems. Software
data-supported service (such as recommendation or applications provide probabilistic answers, and hardware
prediction) whose core function relies on the application of architectures are designed for exploration at scale, rather
statistical or machine learning methods. The process of than high-volume transaction processing.
building data products needs to scale to deal with volume, In the following sections, we further explore the above
variety and velocity while also addressing veracity (the concepts. We do this through the exemplars of several

978-1-4799-9926-2/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 2072

projects undertaken by us that use large, heterogeneous, or churn, and that complaints beyond a certain number actually
complex data sets for analytics and mining insights by predicts an active subscriber, from our transactional models
providing ad-hoc tools for querying a dataset or to answer a of churn [13].
larger business or research question. Based on our
experiences, we then present our perspectives on B. Mining Emotion-Word Correlations in a Large Blog
characterizing data-driven research and a discussion of tools, Corpus [11]
methodologies and processes to make data-driven research Blog data presents us with unique challenges. Informal
more systematic. We then conclude with a discussion speech is less structured, and is harder to make sense of with
regarding systemization of data-driven research practices. traditional methods. Users express ideas differently in blogs
e.g., emoticons, neologisms, and memes, in addition to very
II. CASE STUDIES large data sizes. We are interested to know more about
A. Maximum Entropy Churn Prediction Using Topic words people choose when expressing themselves in a blog
environment and in identifying which, if any, correlations
Models [13]
exist between words from specific semantically related
In this work, our objective is to explore various categories drawn from a basic theory on emotion [11]. This
structured and unstructured data available within a news was an exploratory study, where we try to determine
organization, from print and on-line properties, to gain whether the words people choose correlate well with these
insight into various factors affecting newspaper subscriber categories. If successful, we could use this information to
engagement [13]. We then use these insights, to come up better predict how blog entries might cluster based on
with predictive models for customer churn using features emotion, leading to improved models of information
mined from transactional databases or Web-based textual retrieval for blogs, or a better understanding of theoretical
data to determine which factors most impact user models of emotion in the unstructured literary domain. We
engagement, using appropriate methods for each. We use used the dataset made available by for the
any available Web data indicative either of user activity, ICWSM 2009 data challenge, a set of 44 million blog posts
e.g., search clicklogs, or of readership, e.g., Web news, a spanning 62 days between August 1st and October 1st,
potential rich source of signal for the task of churn 2008, covering some big news events such as the 2008
prediction, hence these sources are also included into our Olympics, both 2008 US presidential nominating
study to determine factors affecting churn. We hypothesize conventions, and the beginnings of the financial crisis. The
that clicklogs provide important signals related to traffic total size of the dataset was 142 GB uncompressed, or about
patterns and preferences of users, e.g., searches for items 30 GB compressed. We used the Ekman (1972) model of
that: (i) cannot be easily or directly found in news or six basic emotions: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness,
advertisements, (ii) are very related to news or advertised and surprise. WordNet was used to expand the names of
products, or (iii) are unrelated to news. Similarly, Web news each of these categories into groups of related words. For
offers almost similar content to the subscriber as print. We article selection, we removed all the non-English articles
therefore use Web news as a source of signal to look at the and retained only articles from six website domains viz.
impact of environmental context on consumer behavior MySpace, WordPress, LiveJournal, BlogSpot, Vox and
hypothesizing that top ranking news items may provide TypePad. We wrote various programs and scripts using
valuable cues into user engagement and hence may be Java, Python, and Unix shell scripting, to carry out pre-
correlated. Our strategy was to mine these Web information processing, indexing, and analysis for our dataset. In
sources using an unsupervised learning approach such as particular, we wrote programs for pre-processing of the
LDA-based topic modeling, in order to extract useful corpus for article selection using emotion words, document
features to gauge user engagement, followed by a word frequency generation, compressed bit-vector indexing
supervised learning using these features, for churn of the preprocessed data, association rule mining [6], and
prediction. The dataset comprised data from various shell scripts for executing these on a Linux cluster. Our
divisions of the enterprise, viz. newspaper subscriber index achieved high compression (75x), i.e., ~400MB down
transactional data with subscription history, viz. current from 30G, thus it was able to fit in-core, and association rule
status of a subscription, time-stamped transactions for start, mining actually became feasible and quick [11].
stop, changes to or renewal of a subscription and associated
memo text, and news stories, blog content and comments C. Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Identify Successful
data from thirteen different websites. We trained a Bloggers [12]
maximum-entropy based classifier on features extracted Identifying influential bloggers in a weblog community
from the TRANS (print subscription history portion of the by analyzing the blog network (Agarwal et al., 2008) is a
dataset) and WEB-NEWS & WEB-CLICKLOG (Web portion research area of interest. In this work, we hypothesized that
of the dataset) integrating features derived from activity, there may exist characteristics of language use by informal
stories and sentiment from the Web, to create models of writers, such as vocabulary or word choice, that are directly
churn based on linguistic, temporal and transactional associated with successful communication. Specifically, we
metadata features. Our experiments reveal some insightful hypothesized a relationship between the vocabulary of a
findings for this dataset, such as local news is more blog and comment density [12]. In this study, we used latent
predictive than national news from our Web models of semantic analysis (LSA) to reduce the dimensionality of a

term-document matrix for each blog in a collection (where a in the data, before establishing the goal of the research.
blog is a concatenated set of blog entries). We then Furthermore, data-driven research evolves the goal with
performed two separate experiments. First, using an more sophisticated information discovered from the data
unsupervised clustering approach to see if relationships to until a satisfactory conclusion is reached.
comment density naturally emerge from this analysis. The
results of this approach suggest that naive clustering
attempts end up clustering documents by topic and subtopic Table 1. Projects and Characteristics
rather than communication style. Second, we attempted a
supervised classification method to identify high and low Projects A B C D
comment density blogs, by using two complimentary
models built through LSA. The results of this approach were Scientific Media, Data Artificial Market
above chance levels, suggesting potential future directions Discipline/ Publishing Mining, Intelligence Research
for this research [12]. Industrial Computa- Computa-
Domain tional Lin- tional
D. Brand specific tweet classification with user provided guistics Linguistics
Mostly Struc- Yes No No No
Many companies take feedback information on their tured Data
products from Twitter, from where a large number of tweets
are collected for data analysis for the purpose of market Mostly Yes Yes Yes Yes
research. In this project, we aim to label tweets that mention unstructured
a certain brand or its product with predefined names.
Classification on tweets becomes critical and essential with
Hypothesis Yes No Yes No
the dramatic increase in size of the data, and it is helpful for Testing
many downstream processing tasks especially human
reading of the tweets, as it reduces the volume of the data Hypothesis Yes Yes Yes No
and increases the concentration of the data within each Generation
label. The companies interested in feedback also define
some rules containing keywords and simple logic to be able Internet- Yes Yes Yes Yes
to label some tweets into certain bins of interest. However,
this keyword-based solution can only cover a small portion Scale TB GB GB TB
of the vast tweet data. Therefore, starting from the brand
specific data, and the simple keyword-based logic rules, we Distributed Yes Yes Yes Yes
build a system that is able to label many more tweets with a elements
certain confidence level. We utilize the Labeled Latent
Dirichlet Allocation (LLDA) [20] model to assign Computa- Yes Yes Yes Yes
topics/labels to each tweet. The LLDA model holds the tionally
assumption that each document/tweet is generated by using Data
related words from some underlying topics, therefore these Preparation
topics decide the idea of the document. We collect the
mentioning tweets for 5 brands and build a topic model for Computa- Yes Yes Yes Yes
each of them. The number of predefined labels, the ways of tionally
creating the keyword-based logic, and the amount of tweets Execution
collected for the same 6-month period differ across all
brands. All these limitations make the task very domain- In-memory No Yes No No
specific and require a data-driven subtask for each brand. execution
Overall, we can get a precision of around 85-90% with a
reasonable level of recall considering the size of the Parallelizable Yes Yes Yes Yes
available tweet data. code
Table I shows the abstracted characteristics of these
projects, with a view to characterizing data-driven research Non- LDA- Associa- Latent LLDA-
traditional based tion Rule Semantic based
as described in sections to follow. analysis Topic Mining Analysis Topic
modeling modeling
Data-driven research differs from typical research from Ad-hoc data Yes Yes Yes No
the standpoint of how the research goal is defined. Typical product
research starts from a pre-determined goal, and then collects In this sense data-driven research is atypical in that we
data and validates and builds models to achieve the goal. A may not have a clear purpose and outcome defined at the
data-driven research project, on the other hand, starts from very outset, but evolve this in an iterative fashion.
the data, and tries to reveal the pattern or information stored

E.g., we notice from Table 1 that we were generating Quantitative methods require the use of standardized
hypotheses in more cases than we were testing hypotheses. measures so that varying perspectives and experiences of
Further, most of our projects made use of more people can be fit into a limited number of predetermined
unstructured, rather than structured relational data, thus response categories to which numbers are assigned, thus
introducing a necessary step of Information Extraction and facilitating comparison and statistical aggregation of the
Cleaning. They all used user-generated Internet-based data, giving a broad, generalizable set of findings presented
content in some fashion; all involved both computationally succinctly and parsimoniously. By contrast, qualitative
intensive data preparation and execution phases; and methods facilitate study of issues in depth and detail, i.e.,
distributed computational elements including offline or ad- they typically produce a wealth of detailed information about
hoc batch processing. All of them involved developing an a much smaller number of people and cases. This increases
algorithm for non-traditional analysis or resulted in an ad- the depth of understanding of the cases and situations
hoc data product. studied, but reduces generalizability [4]).
We underline here that despite the undefined and Quantitative research [8], is defined as “Explaining
evolutionary aspects of data-driven research, it still builds phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed
on the established paradigms of traditional research, where using mathematically based methods (in particular
at a certain point after research goals have been sufficiently statistics)”. – Aliaga and Gunderson (2000). Explaining
honed in and agreed upon, standard approaches are applied. phenomena is a key element of all research, be it quantitative
Thus, bearing in mind this notion, that in data-driven or qualitative. When we set out to do some research, we are
research, starting from the data itself, we aim to define what always looking to explain something. E.g., in Education, this
our research objectives should be, following are certain key could be questions like ‘Why do teachers leave teaching?’ or
considerations we must take into account to characterize ‘What factors influence pupil achievement?’ In case of
our own primary research activities to better evaluate which quantitative research, the specificity lies in collecting
aspects of our research fit within a data-driven model: numerical data. In order to be able to use mathematically
based methods, our data have to be in numerical form. This
A. Clarity About Purpose ([4], Ch. 5) is not the case for qualitative research. Qualitative data is not
Purpose is the controlling force in traditional research. necessarily numerical, and therefore cannot be analyzed by
Decisions about design, measurement, analysis, and using statistics alone, while quantitative research is about
reporting all flow from purpose. Therefore, the first step in a collecting numerical data to explain a particular phenomenon
research process is getting clarity about purpose. The [8]. Many researchers, both quantitative and qualitative, take
centrality of purpose in making methods decisions becomes a pragmatist approach to research, using different methods
evident from examining alternative purposes along a depending on the research question they are trying to answer.
continuum from theory to action. The five different types of In some cases, this will lead them to quantitative research,
research along this continuum are: as, for example, when they need to give a quantitative
1-Basic research: Contributes to fundamental knowledge answer to a question, need to generalize findings to a
and theory population, or are looking to test a theory mathematically; in
2-Applied research: Illuminates a societal concern or other cases, they will employ qualitative methods. In many
problem in search for solutions cases, a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative
3-Summative evaluation: Determines if a solution (policy or and qualitative methods will be the most appropriate [8]. The
program) works four main types of research questions that quantitative
4-Formative evaluation: Improves a policy or program as it research is particularly suited to are:
is being implemented 1. Questions demanding a quantitative answer, e.g.,
5-Action research: Understands and solve a problem as ‘How many students choose to study Science?’
quickly as possible. 2. Trends or numerical change can likewise accurately be
Standards for judging quality vary among these five studied only by using quantitative methods, e.g., Are the
different types of research. Expectations and audiences are numbers of students in our university rising or falling?
different, as are reporting and dissemination approaches. 3. Wanting to find out about the state of something or
Different purposes lead to different ways of conceptualizing other, we often want to explain phenomena, e.g., what
problems, different designs, different types of data gathering, factors predict the recruitment of Math teachers?
and ways of publicizing and disseminating findings. 4. The final activity for which quantitative research is
B. Methods considerations: Contrasting Qualitative and especially suited is the testing of hypotheses [8]
Quantitative Approaches and Outcomes ([4], [8]) ĀA hypothesis is a tentative explanation that accounts
for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation.”
“The key to making good forecasts is weighing quantitative E.g., one hypothesis we might want to test is that poverty
and qualitative information appropriately” – Nate Silver, causes low achievement. Quantitative researchers design
2012, [4], suggests that thinking about design alternatives studies that allow us to test these hypotheses. We collect the
and methods choices leads directly to consideration of the relevant data (e.g., parental income and school achievement)
relative strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and and use statistical techniques to decide whether or not to
quantitative data, where some questions naturally lend reject or provisionally accept the hypothesis. Accepting a
themselves to numerical answers, while some don’t. hypothesis is always provisional; as new data may emerge

that reject it later on. Problems one and two above are called how much we paid for it, when it was delivered, and often
‘descriptive’. We are merely trying to describe a situation. what we thought of the product or service [9]. Social media
Three and four are ‘inferential’. We are trying to explain is creating unfathomable amounts of data: e.g., More than a
something rather than just describe it [8]. billion tweets are sent every 48 hours; every minute,
While quantitative methods are good at answering the 293,000 status updates are posted on Facebook; and every
above four types of questions, there may be other questions second, two new members join LinkedIn [9]. An estimated
that are not well suited to quantitative methods, e.g., 571 new websites are created every minute of the day.
1. When we want to explore a problem in depth. Every minute, Tumblr owners publish approximately 27,778
Quantitative research is good at providing information in new blog posts and 3 million new blogs come online every
breadth, from a large number of units, but when we want to month [9]. Thus, data can be structured or unstructured and
explore a problem or concept in depth, quantitative methods may be in various forms such as recorded, individual daily
can be too shallow. To really get under the skin of a traces, time-varying, distributed, graph-based, or from the
phenomenon, we will need to go for ethnographic methods, social Web, sensors and the Internet ([9], Ch. 2).
interviews, in-depth case studies and other qualitative Heterogeneous and Complex Data ([6], Ch. 1): Rapid
techniques ([8], Ch. 1). advances in data collection and storage technology have
2. Quantitative research is well suited for the testing of enabled organizations in research and industry, to
theories and hypotheses. What quantitative methods cannot accumulate vast amounts of data. Often, traditional analysis
do very well is develop hypotheses and theories. techniques cannot be used due to the massive size of the
3. If the issues to be studied are particularly complex, an dataset, or sometimes, the non-traditional nature of the data
in-depth qualitative study (a case study, for example) is more means that traditional approaches cannot be applied even
likely to pick up on this, than a quantitative study. though the dataset is small. Data mining is a technology that
4. Finally, while quantitative methods are best for blends traditional data analysis methods with sophisticated
looking at cause and effect (or causality), qualitative algorithms for processing large volumes of data. Traditional
methods are more suited to looking at the meaning of data analysis methods often deal with data sets containing
particular events or circumstances ([8], Ch. 1). attributes of the same type, either continuous or categorical,
If we want to look at both breadth and depth, or at both or even more complex data objects. Examples of non-
causality and meaning, it is best to use a so-called mixed- traditional data types include collections of Web pages
methods design, in which we use both quantitative (e.g., a containing semi-structured text and hyperlinks, DNA data
questionnaire) and qualitative (e.g., a number of case studies) with sequential and 3D structure, and climate data that
methods. Mixed-methods research is a flexible approach, consists of time series measurements (temperature, pressure,
where the research design is determined by what we want to etc.) at various locations on Earth’s surface. Exploring and
find out, rather than by any predetermined epistemological mining such complex data objects needs to take into
position. In mixed-methods research, qualitative or consideration relationships in the data, e.g., temporal and
quantitative components can predominate, or both can have spatial auto-correlation, graph connectivity, parent-child
equal status [8]. relationships between elements in semi-structured text and
XML documents. In the scientific communities such as
C. Type and Availability of Data ([9], Ch. 2; [6], Ch. 1) ocean modeling or weather forecasting self-describing file
Business Analytics, data-driven research and science and formats such as netCDF or HDF are well known.
Big Data work with structured data (data located in a fixed Data Ownership and Distribution ([6], Ch. 1):
field within a defined record or file, e.g., in a relational Sometimes, the data needed for an analysis is not stored in
database or spreadsheet) and unstructured data (websites, one location or owned by one organization. Instead the data
text files or documents such as email, blogs and social is geographically distributed among resources belonging to
media posts, images, videos, slideshows etc.) [9]. Internal multiple entities, which requires implementation of
data accounts for everything a business currently has or can distributed algorithms that take into account: (1) how to
access, e.g., Customer feedback, Sales data, Employee or reduce the amount of communication needed to perform
customer survey data, CCTV video data, Transactional data, distributed computation, (2) how to effectively consolidate
Customer record data, Stock control data, HR data [9]. results obtained from different sources, and (3) how to
External data is the infinite array of information that exists address data security issues.
outside a business. External data is either public or private.
Examples of external data include: Weather data, D. Type of Experiments ([9], Ch. 3)
Government data such as census data, Twitter data, Social Numerous classifications of experiments exist in
media profile data, Google Trends, or Google Maps [9]. scientific literature. According to the primary goal of an
Most human and computer based activities leave a digital experiment, there exist testing experiments (the empirical
trace (or data) that can be collected and analyzed to provide verification of a certain hypothesis) and search experiments
insights. Data is now being mined from our: activities, (the acquisition of necessary empirical data for constructing
conversations, photos and video, sensors, the Internet of or refining a conjecture or idea). Based on the character and
Things [9]. Our activities leave a data trail when we go diversity of the means and conditions of an experiment, it is
online so that web servers log what we are searching for, possible to separate out direct experiments (the means are
what websites we visit, and what we share or like or buy, directly used to study an object), model experiments (an

object’s model is used in place of the object), field in the data. The discovered patterns are typically represented
experiments (in natural conditions, e.g., in space), and in the form of implication rules or feature subsets. Because
laboratory experiments (in artificial conditions). As of the exponential size of its search space, the goal of
described earlier, we can also consider qualitative and association analysis is to extract the most interesting
quantitative experiments (depending on different results of patterns in an efficient manner, e.g., finding groups of genes
an experiment) where, a qualitative experiment may be that have related functionality or understanding the
conducted for identifying the impact of certain factors on an relationships between the elements of the Earth’s climate
analyzed process (without establishing a precise quantitative system ([6], Ch. 1).
relationship between characteristic parameters), while, to Desired Response Times: Depending on nature of
guarantee exact values of essential parameters influencing desired output of the research activity, e.g., whether data
the behavior of a studied object, one should organize a processing/analytic job submission must be done in batch,
quantitative experiment. According to the character of or interactively, i.e., either incremental or real-time updates
experiment’s strategy, we can distinguish among: 1. or responses are desired, would have an impact on various
experiments implemented by the trial-and-error technique; aspects of the research be it experimental design or
2. experiments based on a closed algorithm; 3. experiments participant engagement, hence this is a major consideration
involving the “black box’’ technique, leading from in data-driven research design.
conclusions by the knowledge of a function to cognizing the Non-traditional Analysis ([6], Ch. 1): The traditional
object’s structure; 4.experiments using the “open box,’’ statistical approach is based on a hypothesize-and-test
enabling the design of a sample with given functions (based paradigm, i.e., a hypothesis is proposed, an experiment is
on the knowledge of structure). In many cases, when designed to gather the data, and the data is then analyzed
addressing direct experiments or with material models in with respect to the hypothesis. This process is extremely
real systems is impossible, computer simulation labor-intensive. Current data analysis tasks often require
experiments dramatically simplify the research process generation and evaluation of thousands of hypotheses, and
(they serve to “reproduce’’ different situations by consequently, the development of some techniques has been
developing a model of a studied system). Retrospection is a motivated by the desire to automate the process of
look in the past, a review of the past events. Retrospection hypothesis generation and evaluation. Furthermore, the data
research aims to study the state of an object and its sets analyzed are typically not the result of a carefully
development trends historically. Forecasting is a special designed experiment and often represent opportunistic
scientific study of concrete development prospects of an samples of data, rather than random samples. Also, the data
object. Naturally, each branch of scientific knowledge sets frequently involve non-traditional types of data and data
possesses well-established traditions in treating and distributions.
applying research methods ([7], Ch. 3).
F. Infrastructure considerations
E. Type of Analytics ([6], Ch. 1) Infrastructure and resource considerations such as mode
Knowledge discovery tasks are divided into two major of data acquisition, storage platform, available compute and
categories: backup resources, project members with technical and
a. Predictive tasks: The objective of these tasks is to domain expertise, availability of technical and system
predict the value of a particular attribute based of the values support personnel are important supporting factors in the
of other attributes. In predictive modeling, we build a model execution of a data-driven research project. Other
of the target variable as a function of the explanatory considerations relating to implementation are scalability,
variables. There are two types of predictive modeling tasks: dimensionality and traditional methods.
1. Classification – used for predicting a category e.g., Scalability ([6], Ch. 1): Because of advancements in
whether a Web user will make a purchase or not (discrete data generation, data sets with sizes of terabytes and even
target variable, i.e., binary-valued) [8], 2. Regression – used petabytes are nowadays very common. Thus many data
for predicting a value, e.g., predicting stock prices mining algorithms have to employ special search strategies
(continuous target variable) [8], and a third, 3. to handle exponential search problems. Scalability may
Recommendation – used for predicting a preference (item- require the implementation of novel data structures to access
based, content-based, collaborative filtering) [10] individual records in an efficient manner, e.g., out-of-core
b. Descriptive tasks: The objective here is to derive algorithms may be required when processing of datasets
patterns (correlations, trends, clusters, trajectories, and cannot fit in main memory. Scalability can also be improved
anomalies) that summarize the underlying relationships in by using sampling or developing parallel and distributed
the data. Descriptive tasks are often exploratory in nature algorithms
and frequently require post-processing techniques to High dimensionality ([6], Ch. 1): It is now common to
validate and explain the results. Cluster analysis seeks to encounter data sets with hundreds or thousands of attributes
find groups of closely related observations that belong to the instead of just a handful, e.g., in bioinformatics, progress in
same cluster. Anomaly detection identifies observations that microarray technology has produced gene expression data
are significantly different from the rest of the data, known as involving thousands of features. Data sets with temporal or
anomalies or outliers. Association Analysis is used to spatial components also tend to have high dimensionality,
discover patterns that describe strongly associated features e.g., measurements of temperature at various locations, or

temperature measurements taken repeatedly for an extended framework written in Java for running applications on large
period, where the number of dimensions increases in clusters of commodity hardware and incorporates features
proportion to number of measurements taken. similar to those of the Google File System and of
Data-driven methods employing e.g., data mining and MapReduce. Hadoop implements the MapReduce algorithm
information retrieval techniques, draw upon ideas from: (1) to run on the Hadoop Distributed File System, HDFS, which
sampling, estimation, hypothesis testing from statistics (2) is a highly fault-tolerant distributed file system and like
search algorithms, modeling techniques, and learning Hadoop designed to be deployed on low-cost hardware. It
theories from artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, and provides high throughput access to application data and is
machine learning, (3) optimization, evolutionary computing, suitable for applications that have large data sets (In the
information theory, signal processing and visualization. range of terabytes to zetabytes).
Traditional areas of computing play key supporting roles. In While it is a common recommendation to use Hadoop
particular, database systems are needed to provide support for analytics, it’s not always the case that it is the most
for efficient storage, indexing and query processing. appropriate tool for the job. The Hadoop Distributed File
Techniques from high performance (parallel) computing, System (HDFS) is originally designed to run on commodity
and distributed techniques are also very important in hardware and for embarrassingly parallel applications.
addressing not only the massive size of certain data sets but Using Hadoop introduces some distinct disadvantages but
also when the data cannot all be gathered, stored or also a lot of computational overhead which must be
processed at one location ([6], Ch. 1). carefully balanced with the goals of a group. Hadoop is
designed to handle large files that can be disassembled into
IV. TOOLS, METHODS AND PROCESSES blocks, so that when a dataset is loaded into Hadoop, the
A. Computing Platforms blocks must be reliably replicated across the HDFS, which
incurs significant disk and network costs. As pointed out by
The selection of tools for data analytics is roughly Rowstron & Narayanan et al. [29], sometimes those
analogous to choosing the architecture for an Agile project. engaged in data analytics are better off choosing singular,
There is an enormous variety of frameworks for more powerful computers, or employing other alternatives
approaching big data analytics, and the choice of which one when the volume does not warrant the use of Hadoop.
to use requires more careful thought than to use
Hadoop. These frameworks are developed by companies B. Methodologies ([3], Ch. 1)
such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, or Amazon to solve data Agile software development is a group of software
problems at scale on distributed computing clusters running development methods in which solutions evolve through
on commodity hardware in their datacenters. The primary collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional
goal of such frameworks is to maintain roughly linear teams [30]. It promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary
growth in their ability to process data as an organization development, early delivery, continuous improvement, and
adds machines to a distributed computation, and avoid or encourages rapid and flexible response to change. These
mitigate bottlenecks that can limit the throughput of a large lightweight methods included: from 1994, unified process
system. Each framework is designed around a core set of and dynamic systems development method (DSDM); from
requirements that force the developers to choose trade-offs 1995, SCRUM; from 1996, crystal clear and extreme
in terms of consistency, partitioning, and availability as programming (aka "XP"); and from 1997, adaptive software
stated by Eric Brewer’s CAP theorem. [27] development and feature-driven development. Although
Google introduced two of the foundational technologies these originated before the publication of the Agile
for big data analytics, in the form of the Google File System Manifesto in 2001, they are now collectively referred to as
[28] and the MapReduce algorithm [21]. GFS was Agile methods; and often abbreviated loosely as Agile [30].
introduced as a means to reliably store and access large Agile Analytics [3] is a recommended development style,
datasets across a cluster of machines in a datacenter. To not a prescriptive methodology, where the dynamics of each
efficiently process these distributed datasets, Dean & project within each organization require practices that can be
Ghemawat introduced the MapReduce algorithm [21], tailored appropriately to the environment, the primary
which borrows the functional programming concepts of map objective being a high-quality, high-value, working analytic
and reduce to apply them to a distributed dataset to solve system. The following characteristics serve this goal:
embarrassingly parallel problems. 1-Iterative, incremental, evolutionary: Foremost, Agile is
For an organization seeking to methodically choose the an iterative, incremental, and evolutionary style of
appropriate architecture for their dataset, this introduces two development. Work is in short iterations that are generally
important questions about which tool is appropriate for the one to three weeks long, and never more than four weeks.
job. The first is whether the dataset is so large that it needs The system is built in small increments or “chunks” of user-
to be stored on a cluster of machines in the first place, and valued functionality and we evolve the working system by
the second question is whether the analysis of data will be adapting to frequent user feedback [3].
suited to parallel computing or whether it requires some 2-Value-driven development: The goal of each
other approach. In the case that the answer to these development iteration is the production of user-valued
questions is yes, the most popular tool for use is features. While data and computer scientists appreciate the
Hadoop. Originally developed by Yahoo, Hadoop is a difficulty of complex data architectures, elegant data models,

efficient ETL scripts etc., users may not. Users of analytic clear pattern of the data, therefore affecting the whole
systems care more about the presentation of and access to planning process. Moreover, noisy data is harmful to most
information that helps them either solve a business problem machine learning models as well.
or make better business decisions. Thus every iteration must 3. Inadaptable methodology: The huge difference
ideally produce at least one new user-valued feature [3]. between structured and unstructured data may create a big
3-Production quality: Each newly developed feature drop in performance or research goals when utilizing a
must be fully tested and debugged during the development methodology built for one type of data, with another. This
iteration. Agile development is not about building hollow challenge is very likely to happen where a lot of state-of-art
prototypes; it is about incrementally evolving to the right models are built on structured data that cannot provide the
solution with the best architectural underpinnings [3]. same solution on unstructured data. Then the conversion of
4-Barely sufficient processes: Agile falls somewhere the methods, is yet another data-driven process where old
between just enough structure and just enough flexibility. If a methods are changed to be adaptive to the new unstructured
data dictionary is deemed important for use by future data by either modifying the method given the new data, or
developers, then perhaps a digital image of a whiteboard training the old model on the new data.
table or a simple spreadsheet table may suffice [3]. 4. High-frequency data generation: Unstructured data
5-Automation, automation, automation: The only way to is generated at a very high speed, and the most useful data is
be truly Agile is to automate as many routine processes as very likely to be recently generated. Therefore the timeliness
possible. Test automation is perhaps the most critical. Agile of the unstructured data becomes another challenge for data-
Analytics teams seek to automate any process that is done driven research. The performance of a model trained on a
repeatedly, and thus, focus on developing user features [3]. certain collection of data may start to fade when the training
6-Collaboration: Agile business intelligence data becomes old and the inference data is new. This
acknowledges that there is a broader project community that challenge would either trigger more frequent data collection,
shares responsibility for project success, which includes the or a model that is less sensitive to the timeliness of the data,
sub-communities of users, business owners, stakeholders, would be needed.
executive sponsors, technical experts, project managers, and
others. Frequent collaboration between the technical and user V. DISCUSSION: HOW TO MAKE DATA-DRIVEN
communities is critical to success [3]. RESEARCH MORE SYSTEMATIC
7-Self-organizing, self-managing teams: Hire the best The core of data-driven research is the data, but it should
people, give them the tools and support they need, then stand start from a question of what to get from the research and the
aside and allow them to be successful. This is a key shift in data. The final output of the research decides the process of
the Agile project management style compared to traditional how to handle the data and what to aim at the data. The
project management [3]. Thus the Agile project manager’s output could be a real value prediction, a class label
role is to enable team members to work their magic and to assignment, a statistical analysis, trend analysis, reports or
facilitate a high degree of collaboration with users and other even a method comparison and evaluation based on the data.
members of the project community [3]. Aiming for a systematic process for data-driven research, we
C. Challenges in data-driven research believe that the data should be the focal point along each of
the following Agile analytic steps for data-driven planning
In the process of data-driven research, clear and and execution of the research pipeline:
informative discoveries are critical and can have a big 1. Information extraction and cleaning – Big data makes
influence on the tasks to follow. However, unstructured data it easier to extract a huge amount of data for a certain
brings many barriers in doing this. Most difficulties with purpose; however, it also increases the variation and noise
unstructured data are introduced by the informal and non- contained in the extracted data, especially in data from social
standard ways of creating the data. Therefore, it is important media platforms. In this case, some data or some attributes of
to also highlight certain challenges that may be presented in the data would need to be eliminated regardless of the
the face of structured versus unstructured data, whilst purpose of the research.
attempting to adhere to Agile processes in a data-driven 2. Preliminary data analysis – To find an appropriate
computational environment. target and starting point of the research, we need to reveal
1. Informal use of language and creation of new some patterns or information from the data. Simple methods
words: Many text-processing models rely on the use of word can be applied as the first step of data analysis. Some
or tokens with a specified dictionary. Therefore, multiple unsupervised models such as clustering are easy to start with
user generated word variations and new-created words to find underlying patterns or to narrow down to specific data
greatly affect classic dictionary based methods. domain for further analysis.
2. Noise and redundant information: Data-driven 3. Research goal or Hypothesis generation – Research
research requires collecting a wide range of data to discover goal is the key part of a successful research project, and it
and build a solid goal, so it is normal to collect a huge needs to be well designed to fulfill the requirement of the
amount of data although not all of it is needed eventually. academic, business, or industrial purpose. The observation
However, with the enormous data size, it is really easy to from the preliminary data analysis can provide some
include a considerable portion of noise or redundant data. suggestions towards defining a good research goal.
Such noise and redundancy makes it harder to look for a Moreover, the research goal does not only cover what idea or

result the research needs to output, but also what type and certain form that the model can handle. Models and features
quality of the data the output needs to be. are closely related and serve together to affect the research
4. Research data design – With the setup of the research output. The selection of model relies on both the project goal
goal, more work can proceed on the extracted data. Extended and collected data, while selection of features relies on the
from the preliminary processing of the data, the data can be model and the data. Within this step, the main task is to build
further trimmed and built into certain structures. Further a good system to meet the goals, so that unnecessary change
analysis can then be applied on this data given the goal of the of the research goal is prevented unless requirements change.
research, to ensure the representativeness and consistency of 6. Output evaluation – The evaluation of the output of the
the data, which is not guaranteed by simply including a large project should be geared towards the research goal, but
volume of data. These analyses can be seen as an enhanced taking into consideration the input data. A high quality
version of step 2, with more understanding about the data output is always demanding, but to meet the specific research
and the research, so that an improved research goal may be goal with the limitations of the model and data is a more
generated as in step 3. reasonable target in terms of evaluation. Within an Agile
5. Model and feature selection – Models are the tools to process, the output evaluation can be done in iterative
convert collected data to the type of desired output of the enhancements, starting at step 3. Figure 1 illustrates all of
research goal, and features convert the collected data to a these steps in more detail.

Figure 1: A Process for Systematic Data-driven Research

7. Visualization – As the ability and opportunity to work for multiple projects and purposes. This does not
analyze more and more data has grown, it is impossible to necessarily mean increasing the volume of the data, but
keep on top of it without meaningful data visualization, enlarging the coverage of the data, thus including more
hence the need to find ways to communicate and report the attributes of the data. Although different research tasks may
results effectively [9]. Infographics – a hybrid of examine different aspects of the data, the initial planning
‘information’ and ‘graphics’ – is a one-page visual step can start from the same generalized dataset and the
representation intended to express a lot of information, data differences can be handled by the subsequent workflow.
or knowledge quickly and clearly [9]. An infographic of a Standardized data processing focuses on some common
detailed report or data analysis or survey, for example, can process of the data that can be abstracted to make it reusable
instantly convey the message by using a combination of for multiple projects. Given a big data dataset, especially a
headlines, graphics and narrative to tell the whole story generalized one, many process or mapping functions are
through a one-page visual map [9]. required before the data can be used. Many among these aim
8. Iterate in value-drive chunks (Agile) – Any or all of the to solve various common problems across similar datasets,
above steps may be repeated in an iterative fashion, till the such as filtering out noise data, or fixing the usage of certain
desired results or level of performance is achieved. A language. Standardization collects these common solutions
feasible approach may be to execute above workflow with a and builds tools for similar types of data-driven research.
small subset of the dataset, identify issues early on, and only
when satisfactory, expand to the entire dataset, and expend VI. CONCLUSION
the needed capacity, to process the entire dataset. Our motivation in this paper was to explore the
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