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By Kenneth Williams


A guide to help build your personal credit combined with starting and

running a cleaning company. How it changed my life.


Born in Norristown, Pennsylvania, by the young age of 14 1 started

selling cocaine to help my mother pay bills; also keeping the newest
sneakers on my feet. I continued to sell drugs for several years, and in
1997 1 slipped up and sold to an undercover cop and was convicted of
possession with intent to deliver, and served 3 months in prison,
followed by 23 months of probation.

Once released from prison I continued to sell drugs. During that time; I

had gotten my girlfriend pregnant and had my first horn in 20010 Sadly to

say, that the very next year (2002) I was arrested for another attempt to

deliver. This was the result of drug sale to a confidential informant

equipped with a video, camera. I was convicted and served an 11-month

sentence, followed by 23 months of probation Once released, T decided to

take the show on r the road and set up shop out of town. After good \2yr.

run, my name somehow got back to the Federal Authorities and before you

know it, I got indicted by the Feds in 2004, and was sentenced to 12 years

in federal prison. The next time I would see the streets was in 2016.

Once released from Federal Prison, I was sent to-as, half-way house in
Philadelphia. Once there I heard. that a long- time friend of mine had his

own cleaning business running, and that he was doing good for himself. So, T

contacted him just for a way to get out of the half-way house, and before

you know it he was there at the half-way house stating that I was hired by

him from that point on I was introduced to the cleaning game: where he

taught me the business. He too was once a drug dealer, one that I looked up

to growing•-up in the game 0

He had changed his hustle to the Cleaning Business, and had more than he
ever ideas a legitimate business man than a drug dealer %
He quickly got my attention once he brought me. back to his house in a

gated community with a brand-new Mercedes Benz. parked in his two-car

garage. He taught me the blueprint to his success and within several

months I too was rolling in my new Mercedes Benz CLS 550 and waiting to

make closing on a mortgage through the First Time Buyers Program c


I would like to thank my mother (Patricia Williams) for being there for me

100% throughout my incarceration, for giving me. birth and. unconditional


I Love You Mom!

I would like to thank my old head Eric a/k/a Cousin F, c for giving me

the game on the Business and how to manage my credit.) but

most. importantly
being a true friend. and their accomplishments and success

And, a special shout-out. to my
two role models in Life, my Cousin, Mr.
James sawyer, a/k/a "Jim Love"
Sean Carter a/k/a "Jay-Z" with all but

most of all their growth in becoming

TO The r

I come to show you that there is a better way other than committing

crime. And before it is too late to change because you may have slipped up

and caught a life sentence in prison or even worse, got murdered on the


I give you my blueprint to success, not only for yourself, but to share with
your families, friends and children.

Many of us may not be college educated or even graduated high school, but

still possess the smarts that can compete on any level when it comes to

conducting business.

I encourage you to not let money be your only motivation through your

journey in life. For being hard pressed for cash will only make it harder to

come. As you progress in building your credit and learning business, it is

important to share your knowledge to our people so that they too can overcome

the revolving door of mass incarceration and death on our streets.

This book was designed to help you achieve the four C t s (CCCC) within
one and a half years, (Crib, Car, Cash, Credit). So, may my Blueprint to
Success help to carry you to a comfortable, legitimate lifestyle for yourself
and others.

Clearing Your Credit Report/ Debt

Clearing up any debt that is on your credit report. This is even more
important than starting your Cleaning Company. Good Credit combined with
starting your Cleaning Business is that makes all the magic happen.

I started building my credit while I was serving a 12-year sentence in

a Federal Prison in New Jersey (. ECI Fort Dix). At the time, I had about
3-4 years left on my sentence. I got with any counselor and let him know
that I wanted to clear up any debt that I might owe on my Credit Report
before I was released from prison.

The counselor provided me with a form to be filled out with an LLC my

personal information, then to be mailed-in to one of the three Credit
Bureaus. Once I received my credit report back, it stated that I owe a
Sprint cellphone bill of $ x, 000.00 dated back from 1997. The current date
at the time I received my credit report was 2012. Fifteen years had passed
since T- owed this cell phone bill.

Any debt, other than student loans on your credit report that is (7)
Seven years or older must be cleared off your credit report relieving you
from that debt. T then contacted the credit bureau and brought. to their
attention that -the debt was more than seven years old. The cell phone debt.
was expunged from my credit report, and L was working with a clear credit
report and was on me to start building my credit score.


Your credit report shows how you built your credit to the score that you
have • so it is important to have more than one credit card, maybe a
cellphone or car payment in your name. By doing this it shows that you can
handle multiple payments at once.

If you are currently in prison and have a year or more to do, 1 highly
recommend that you start building your credit score ASAP!! By the time or
are released, you will come home tO good credit instead of having to wait
a year and a half of the streets before your credit score is right.
I was ten steps ahead of the game when I contacted my mother from prison
and told her to apply for a credit card under my name, and gee if I get
approved, now that 1 cleared my credit report. She filled out a random
application and sent it in, and I couldn't believe it! By the next time I
called my Mom she gave me the news that I had been approved for a f i ve
hundred dollar Capital One Credit Card.
When filing cut the application they will ask you if you are
employed. Just put self-employed, you will not be lying being as though every
inmate is assigned to a job or duty 0

When it is time to activate your credit card, they just need to hear
that it is a guy’s voice pretending to be you. Be sure to give whoever you
decide to handle your affair a POWER OF ATTORNEY, to handle Legal affairs,
and that way you and the person are covered. . . so that no fraud is done.


If you are incarcerated, you will need to give someone Power-of -

Attorney over all your personal, financial, credit cards and Bank accounts.

See your Unit Counselor and he will direct you to the Institution's Notary

Public. They will provide you with a Power-of -Attorney form to be filled

out, and then the Notary will stamp it with their official State stamp

and Seal, being the witness that you are authorizing Power-of -Attorney of

all your affairs to in my own case it was my Mother.

You will then mail the application to whoever you are giving Power-of-

Attorney to, and they will take the Power-of-Attorney form to a licensed

Notary public in their area to be notarized that they are indeed the person

that will be handling all your personal affairs. Your Authorized Person will

show their State ID and then the Notary will then stamp their official seal on

the form, being the witness that your authorized person officially has Legal

Authority to handle all your affairs.

If the Institution that you are in does not have any Power of

-Attorney forms, you can get them mailed in to you. Power-of-Attorney forms

are available at any licensed Notary Public. Or you can get a complete packet

from the store "STAI) Lis. 't

t Cards

Now that you got the game on clearing your credit report and retrieving
a credit card, you want to manage the use of your credit cards properly.
Most important is TO NEVER MISS A MONTHLY PAYMENT . . . "NEVER"!
My first Capital One credit card had a $ 500 .00-dollar Limit, with a
minimum payment of $30 a Month. At the time I had about five family members
that were supporting me through my incarceration, averaging about $50 to $75
a Month sent to my books so That I could go to the institutions Commissary,
for my monthly needs such as hygiene products, food and snacks.

I started saving any cash money that was sent to my books from home to
my mother so that she could make a $50 a Month payment on my credit card, so
that me. payment will never be late, and I would have my mother send me 2-3
Hundred Dollars off my credit card and making on time monthly payments every
time that my bill was due.

My Credit Card had a high interest rate at 26%, but don't worry
about the interest rate in the beginning. The Key is getting your feet in the
door. Once the creditor sees that you are paying back a high interest they will
really love your business.

Look at it this way. If you get drugs from the dope march, and he gives
you a $300 pack worth of drugs, he is going to want back $200, and whatever
shorts you take comes out. of your profit which is $3.00. The dope men will
also want his money in a very short time, a month being too long,

For every $100 that the Credit Card Provider gives you they only want
$26 and they want a minimum of $30 a month for however long you want to
take paying It back. If they were to give you a $300 pack like the dope
man, they would only want back the $300 plus $78 interest at that $ 26%. It
is a No Brainer when you do the math. The creditor wins far, and don't
forget you will also have no worries about going back to jail.

So, continuing using your credit card, and paying your monthly bill on
time for your remaining incarceration if you are incarcerated. Your Credit
Report will show that you never missed one payment, and in my case that was
for 3-4 years.

Legitimizing o your Cleaning Business
First you should think of a name that you will operate your cleaning
business under. Really consider the name because this will be the name on all
your Bank Statements, Credit & Debit Cards, and check • that you will.
eventually start receiving from customers and contractors. Be sure to Google
your game to make sure someone else is not operating under that same name.

At the same time why determining a name for your Cleaning Business, keep
in mind that you are not in a Business where the name really matters. What
matters is if your Cleaning Business is reliable or not. I say this because
many of the names that you come up with are already being used. So, if you
must settle for a name that you really don't Like, it will not affect you from
get tiny contracts just if your company provides reliable, good work.


When opening a business account go with a bank that you are comfortable
with. Each bank will provide different perks and benefits, keep in mind that
you can change banks at any time you want if later you find out. that a differ—
ant bank is more of your interest.
Once you. open your Business Account you will be available for a Credit
Card Merchant Machine/ Device, one that could connect to your cell phone or
tablet. YO" will then be able to accept VISA@, Mastercard@This is good because
not everybody that you clean for will have a daily contract with your company,
a lot of people will just need a onetime cleaning rather if it is a car or an
apartment/house clean up. Remember you are a legitimate Business so most
people do not carry cash like people in the cocaine business (Drug World).
They typically carry credit cards, Debit. Cards or write Checks.


Applying for an EIN# you must contact the Department of State. Your EIN#
is your Social Security Number to your business. Apply for an F is free
and could be done over the phone. It serves as an identification number and
serves as a Taxpayer Identification Bomber for the Business.


REGISTER UNDER AN LLC (Limited Lability Corporation)

I highly recommend when registering your business under an LLC, that

you hire a business lawyer. You want this to be done exactly right so that
when it is time to File Taxes for your business there will be no problems.

I had to learn the hard way because I wanted to be cheap and register on
my own for free. One thing that I didn't know was that your LLC name and
Business' Name must match EXACTLY. The name of my Cleaning Company at the time
was TAPRI'S Cleaning Services without the (s) and there for my Bank Account,
and LLC did not match exactly as required. This small mistake would have
stopped me from filing taxes for my business at the end of the year and
created tax problems with 'the IRS,

Once this was brought to my attention, I hired a Business Lawyer to hand

le registering my business under LLC. The Lawyer only charged One $400.00
one flat fee, and the good thing about it was that if I ever needed him for
anything about my business or needed paperwork faxed to a company for verify
I cation, I had him on call.

The benefits of having an LLC., C that you put yourself down as an

employee that works for the cleaning company. This way you are not let) Led
as the owner of the company, and therefore cannot be sued. The person would
be suing your company, and not you personally, your business under an LLC is
like it I s own person. Therefore, if your t .re ever sued you can take all
money out of your business account, and the person suing will be suing a
company that has no money, and you personally are not reliable for the
company's faults. (EXAMPLE) If your kids mother wanted to take you for child
support and your company made $200, 000 for that year, but you are on your
company's Books as an employee I-hat makes minimum wage”. ewe 11 guess what?
Child Support can only be determined an amount to pay only from your salary,
not what the company made.

Registering an LLC is a Legal Loophole that mostly all companies use co

get aroused. being sued and going bankrupt. You can always operate under a
different name if it ever comes down to it.

k*Nortek Hire an Accountant. You also get good tax benefits

registering your company under an iJi2(j. I highly recommend hiring an
accountant to handle your s.
This will get you the most beneficial results. Most important to make sure
that your company is always caught up on its taxes.

INSURANC, FI (Federal Bonded is a T e of Insurance Police

() obtaining insurance for your company. You will need two types of
insurance policies for your C, leaning Company.

1) . You will need to be Federally Bonded. Bonding is a type of Insurance

policy. It gives business and others a reason to conduct business with you,
versus others who may not be Bonded. This Insurance will cover your l)
business up to () ne and Two Million Dollars.
This policy gives whatever company that you are contracted by Insurance
coverage just in case something has been stolen, broken or damaged by your
Cleaning Company.
Most, if not all C, leaning Companies that subcontract cleaning
contracts to smaller companies will want your company to be Federally Bonded.


2) . You will need to have basic insurance on your Cleaning Business. This
Insurance will cover your C, leaning Company's equipment just in case its
stolen or other damages, and covers employees while they are working on a
jot). Be sure to read your policy to be aware of what your insurance covers!
Contact any Insurance Agent, and they will get you the Insurance that fits
your needs.
I had got my Insurance through a Nationwide Insurance Agent. T- was
charged a payment of $999.00 to be paid in the sum of three payments of $333
.00 a month, and after the full $999 .00 was paid I would then pay a total
amount of $600.00 a year on my basic Insurance.

CLEANING Lycians: (Mercantile Tax License)

A Mercantile Tax License and/or Business Privilege License must be

conspicuously posted at the place of business or each of the places of
business always. If there is more than one place of business within the
District it is necessary to procure a license for each location. In other
words, Your License Up to Date!
I obtained my cleaning license through Berkheimer Tax Innovations
website. hat) It was an annual License fee of $65 .00.
You officially have a legitimate C, leaning (.’, company Now!! When
setting up your company follow these steps in order:
Step Name of your (.’, company.
Step () pen a Business Account,
Step Apply for an (Jill IN) Player Identification Number.
Step Registering your company under a (LLC,) Limited Lability Corporation.
Step Insurance, Basic Business Insurance and Bonding Insurance.
Step Cleaning Incense/ Mercantile Tax IA sense.

When choosing your cleaning company % equipment and products, always

use the best products so that your contractor receives good quality cleaning
experience from your Company. A lot of business I s are into G () Griff
movement. So, to not miss out on any business you should have the best of
both worlds Regular C, leaning Products and G () products that are

As a drug dealer, I always made sure that I kept the raw less product
possible to provide to my customers. I also provide them with the largest
in size amount of product to insure their guaranteed business. Buying cheap
equipment as far as vacuum cleaners you will find yourself working harder
if your vacuums do not pick up trash on its first go-over.

I first experienced this problem when I was contracted by a Nationwide

Company in Hallsville, PA. It was a super big room with about 200 office
cubicles. T- had to vacuum the entire room, dump each trash can and dust
around the top of each cubicle. T. was using a cheap vacuum cleaner that was
' t picking up any of the tiny lint balls on the first, second or third go-
over. This made me keep having to keep back tracking.
() nice I purchased a quality vacuum, it was like comparing a Honda I to
a Bentley Flying Spar. I was then breezing through that super big room 20
menu test faster, and for the first time in my life I never thought that I
would find myself being proud of owning a good vacuum cleaner.
I started my Cleaning Business off purchasing two of everything. (2)
Vacuums, (2) Mops and Buckets, (2) Brooms, (2) Spray Bottles for each
(2) dusters, and a trash bag full of cleaning rags. After that T- slowly
brought t cleaning products and equipment adding to my business as my Company

When it comes to getting cleaning contracts from other companies, you

can go about it two basic ways. You can either go through a cleaning
subcontractor that will charge you a minimum fee of around in
which that company will guarantee that they will provide your cleaning
company contracts making 2,000-2,500 Dollars monthly. cleaning Sub-
Contractors have package deals minimum up to at
the top end. Whatever package deal you decide, you will need that sum of
money up front If you have the money to pay a C: leaning Sub-Contractor up
The downside of going through a cleaning Sub-Contractor is that the
Subcontractor is simply playing the role of middle man between your company
and the business that you will be cleaning for. So, you already know what
that means. SMH! The Sub-Contractor takes his money from off the top and pays
your company the remainder.
Fairmile e

In the (drug world) cocaine business, the sub-contractor would be the

Kingpin, the one that sells nothing but Kilograms for the lowest price of
$17,500 and once you get it, you can sell that same Kilo untouched for
$3036, 000 Dollars. The Sub-Contractor is making half the money doing
nothing on every contract.

When I worked for Nationwide Insurance Company, T- was cleaning under a

subcontractor. The total amount of the Nationwide cleaning contract was $35,
000 a month. The middle man was the contractor that hired my C, leaning
Company, along with nine other small cleaning companies. The middle man
contractor then pays all ten (10) contains $1,000 a month and divides the
Nationwide Building into ten (10) sections to be cleaned by each of our
cleaning companies. If you do the math, Nationwide is paying the middleman
$35,000 to keep their building clean. The middle man is paying ten (10) small
companies $1,000 a piece equaled to be $10,000 a month out of $35,000 that he
is getting paid. The middle man also puts $5,000 to the side every month for
cleaning supplies and the remainder of the money is a profit for his pocket
Nationwide Contract $35, 000
Keeping Building C, lean $10,000
Cleaning Supplies $5,000
A profit of $20,000 goes to the middle man.

You eventually want to start landing contracts on your own, cutting out
the middle man. So that keeps an extra $20,000 profit for your own,


By finding contracts on your own you will be cutting out the middle man.
This is the part of the Cleaning Business that I Love. I love pulling up to a
business, hoping out of my car or van with my C, leaning Company’s Service
logo on my T-Shirt, with all current documents of my Insurance and licensing
in hand, hoping to finesse my next cleaning contract.

This is the part of the game that most drug dealers are good at. .
.reading people, negotiating and convincing. We develop this skill from
dealing on the streets and crossing paths with people from all walks of life.
From little kids in your neighborhood trying to get over Okiya for a dollar
every day, to the neighborhood crackheads trying to negotiate a deal on every
$10 bag of crack that they buy, to your corporate clean white clientele
customers that often have straight money. Why prison teaches us patience,
strength opening
-my eyes. Through it all we develop a skill that can' t be taught in any
school or college.

So, as I enter your place of business, T- simply ask for the Property
Manager or () owner and once he or she is standing in front of me, I give a 30
second presentation of who T- am and my company with its benefits.

My 30 second presentation/commercial.

"Good morning! My name is Kenneth Williams and T- am with TAPRT- 'S CL}
I.'JANT-NG Servilities, we provide the best cleaning at an affordable price
that •t fit your company budget. We are Federally Bonded and would love to
take your company’s hand in Marriage. . . So please say I DO!! () or at least
say that you will think about it! And if it' s a female, I would go the extra
mile and get on one knee then say. . . Will You Hire Me???

This approach always seems to make a person's day, putting them in a good
mood, not to mention that you will not be easily forgotten about, if their
business has a barren atmosphere.
So, put yourself a nice n presentation together so you can finesse
owners into hiring your cleaning company. I chose my presentation/
commercial to be about 30 seconds long so that you 're not taking up too
much of people 's
time. Remember, time is money, and most of the time when your

presentation you will be in someone else's place of business.


Determining a price of a job the professional way and the non-
professional way 0 I prefer the non-professional way because I am never going
to charge my customer the full price because I am always looking forward to
cutting cut the middle man or stealing the contract from another company
simply because I will give them a price that is about almost half of what
they were prep iOS lee paying.
This is something that I was use*' to being as though drug dealers try
to steal other drug dealer’s customers all the time by offering them a
better price, all while maintaining a good quality product. in the drug
world we call this) stepping on toes.
Once I saw the area that needed to be cleaned, and depending on what else
the customer wanted done, as far as window cleaning, parking Lot trash
pickup, etc. I would then throw a price out there depending once monthly
personal expenses/ bills.
The S its


Remember you never want to miss a payment once you have -credit cards, a

car payment, Mortgage and maybe you treat yourself to a Rolex@ watch or

something along the way. Let t G say your monthly expenses were:

1. 4 Credit Cards with a Minimum Payment of $50 each a month, a total of


2. Car payment with insurance: $700

3. Mortgage on by our home: $700

4. Phone Bill (Family Plan):

5. Rolex Watch: $120

Total of: $2,020 Monthly Expenses.

I determine" what to charge a company strictly off my Month | Expenses.

Example: Let's say that you can get a company to pay your company $1, 500
a month for a cleaning contract, but you are going to give them a better deal
than the $1,500 a month just to ensure that you get their business end making
it impossible for any other cleaning company to under-cut your price.

I would then think of all my monthly bills and pick one or two of my
bills that I am going to have this new contract cover. My mortgage and a car
note are my most expense bills at $700 apiece. I can easily charge the
company $15400 monthly and that would cover both my car payment and my
Mortgage Monthly.
But charging that amount I would be Leaving room for another company to
step on my toes and offer a better price. So, to secure this company's
business longevity, I am going to charge them $700 a month knowing that my
Mortgage is covered every month from this one contract alone. Leaving no
room f or any other cleaning company to negotiate.

If your credit is good and that you pay all your expense/bills on time,
you can always get personal loans if you need cash, a new car, if you
wanted to treat y yourself, jewelry if you wanted to shine, taking your boo
on a nice trip or invest Emerita proper ties if you felt like becoming" You

your credit is the key to everything that you want and paying your expenses
on time is the Key to good credit.
As youth contracts grow, you will be able to save money into your bank

account without having to touch it because Yd will already have, everything

that want through your credit, with nothing else but to S aver

My good friend Eric, a/k/a Cousin E, he i.e. the one that me

the to Credit Combined Cleaning. He started out making $2,500 a

month when he first got into the. cleaning business. He then worked his way

up to making $9,000 a ninth which comes out to be $108, 000 a year. And for

the year 2018 he had reached his all-time high and made an even $200,000 for

that year When T- talked to him on the phone he had given me the nears as

his accountant just had relayed the news to him.

You see, your cash cockney will eventual. I grow just if you are focusing can

keeping all. Of your expenses paid and landing contracts. A woman 's

Dream Man is a man that got the (4) c. 's:

1. Cri b

3 . Cash

4 . Credit

ache Professional Way of Pricing a Job

You go by the Square Footage of the area that you are cleaning e You can
Google this information for the full details on how to calculate and find out
the square footage of a room. Also, the average price per square foot for a
Cleaning Company's charge. *Note'" Let Google be your best friend whenever
you got a question.


How to pay your employees. It all depends on who you got working for your
company. You can have someone who wants to get paid under the table (off the
books). you could have someone that needs a legitimate paying j to). (the


When paying someone off the books, it is normally someone that don't want
to pay taxes on the money that they make. This person would be someone that
is receiving some type of government assistance, and by having a jot) would
affect the benefits of their assistance as far as food stamps, Housing or
Day Clare. So, this person would want to get paid off the books.

Another type of person that would like to get paid off the books is someone
that just needs to make some on the spot extra money. This type of person is
normally someone that has a drug addiction or in a lot of cases are just
simply homeless. And let's not forget about all the illegal immigrants that
come to America Looking for work trying to make a Living but having to stay
under the radar, and there for need to get paid off the books.

The benefit of hiring these types of people in need of confidentiality or

a fast buck, you can pay them a lot less than the legal pay rate than
someone that you are paying that is on your books as an employee.

The downside of having someone with an addiction working for you is that they
are more than likely a risk of stealing from you or your place of work.
Although not all people with addictions will steal, you must be extra cautious
that nothing comes up missing, for this would jeopardize losing your contract.
Situations like this is what we need insurance for.


Paying on the books. You can get applications made up through the store '
'Stapp les" and many other stores that provide the same service. () nice your
employee fills out the application with all his/her personal information, you
will then provide your business account banker with the application so that
person can be added on your payroll. The bank will then provide you with that
employee ' s check weekly or bi-weekly with the proper hours and taxes taken

Talk to your banker for full details. You can also go through a payroll
company if you have ten (10) or more employees, ten is recommended.

All your employees that you will have on the books will be able to file
taxes at the end of the year, simply because they were getting taxed on every
dollar that they made while working for your company.

Talk to your business account banker about adding employees on your

payroll. Also consult with a payroll company to determine if it benefits your
company more to go through their services.


If you started building your credit score while in prison for the last year
and a half or more without missing any of your payments, your credit score
will be in the high 600-1 ow 700 range. To be approved for the First home time
buyers program your credit score only must be a 620 or better to be approved
for a Mortgage on a house.

Depending on how much money that you are making at the time the bank will then
determine your monthly mortgage off your income and other expenses as far as
your car loan and/or personal cash loan that you may have gotten prior to your
application for the (FHA).

() nice I was released from prison I was sent to a half-way house in

Philadelphia (Kinetic). Once there I started working on getting my permit so
that T- could take the driving test to obtain my driver I s license. The
process was about 3 months. Soon as T- got them I went straight to a used car
dealer not too far away from the halfway house, as T- walked in the
dealership, a car salesman approached me, sat me down, and I gave him my
personal information, along with a pay stub from my homeboy's cleaning
company. Now, I don' t know what the computer showed, but the salesman got up
and quickly guided me to their outside parking lot showing off three of his
prized cars.

The first car that I looked at was a SL500 Mercedes Benz. Well that was out of
the question being-as-though it was a two-seater and I have two kids. Next, the
salesman showed me a S 550 Mercedes Benz "Which T- really liked, but at the
time it was too big to be parked on my mother 's block, where I was going to be
released to once I finished with the half-way house program. Then finally, the
salesman came to a CLS 550. the same car that I am Leaning on on the cover of
this book . It was perfect! ! Not too big, not too small. Something that Could
push every day. I had to pay for my tax and tags out of pocket then I rolled
off the lot within the same hour. Keep in mind that I had just come home after
doing 12 years and at this point I had good credit, my driver’s license for the
first time, a job cleaning for my old-head, Cousin J!, (4) credit cards with a
$1,000 a piece on them, and about three months away from starting my own
cleaning company once I had completed the half-way house program.

()nce I was completely out of the half-way house program, I started my

cleaning company, landing my first sub-contract with Nationwide. Weeks Later,
Chava Juice Bar and Auto Zone.

From there T- got a real estate agent and applied for the first home time
buyers program. Talking with my agent is where I learned that your credit
score only must be a 620 or better to be approved, two years proof of income,
and to maintain about $3,000 Dollars in your saving account just to show that
you can save money.

To be approved for the First Home time Buyers Program.

1. A 620 Credit Score or better.

2. Two years of work history.
3. Maintain $3,000 in saving account.

At this point I am working on keeping my car payment paid on time, my credit

cards, and a $5,000 Dollar Personal Loan that T- had gotten during things •
If T-=hold-i-.t down and in the next year T- will be closing on a $150, 000
Thousand Dollars home. . . with no worries of going back to prison.

It is also good to join a business referral group. There are plenty of

groups out there waiting for new members that fits their group’s needs.
A business referral group is a group of people that all are business owners of
a specific company sworn to give each other their companies business and
referral to your business of anyone that they may know in need of your

There can be only one certain type of company in each individual group. For
example, there can only be One cleaning company, () ne electrician, One car
sales man, () ne Real Estate Agent and so on

Once you find a group then your company would have to be voted in the group
selected members. There will be an application fee of some sort, in my case I
had paid an application fee of $600.00. Being as though you paid this fee does
not mean that you will be selected to be a member of that group.
At the time T- submitted my application and fee to my group, there were also
three other cleaning companies awaiting to see their cleaning company would
be selected by the group.

I quickly brought to their committees• attention, that by choosing my

cleaning company, I would be the only (Black) African American member in your
I would also be the youngest person in the group as well. T- brought to
their attention that I was currently cleaning for Nationwide Insurance
Company and that I have access to hundreds of people there; being as though
T- clean their office cubicles and breakrooms every day.

At the time T- was also promoting and throwing my own party events on the
weekends. I had pictures of all my events stored in my phone. T- brought to
their committee 's attention that not only do T- cross paths with hundreds of
people in my party world as well, as T- was flashing through picture after

The committee then told each one of the three Cleaning Companies that we will
be receiving an F}-Mail if our company had been chosen. At that point T- knew
that my company would be selected. Anyone with basic business since about
making a dollar could see that. I waited for about one week before getting
their fill-Mail saying. e. 'I Congratulations!!! You have been selected and is
now the newest member of our group. "
() ne thing that I liked about joining this group was that it opened my eyes
to how business is supposed to be run. Keeping all the money circulating in
the family,

The group was run something like the Italian Mob runs their Mafia. My group
was in 64 (.)countries broken down into individual chapters that covers
certain areas.
It all made sense to me how the bigger Cleaning Companies always get first
dibs on the bigger cleaning contracts. They are all apart of some type of
group sworn to give each other their business.

For example: Let 's say that someone that is in the same group as I am in but
is in another chapter in another Country. Let's say that they are a
Billionaire () ill Tycoon or something and was looking to buy an entire Mall
or Casino in the United States that was in the area that my business group
covers. The Billionaire would need to hire someone to maintain the cleaning at
his new business, he checks to see what Chapter of the group is nearby, and it
just so happens that my Cleaning Company is the one referred to the contract
J- quickly go from small time to big time Landing a seven-figure cleaning
contract thanks to my Referral Group.
Never stop networking cutting in with other people because you never
know who someone might know that could land you a contract.

When determining a companion to in a relationship with, you really need

to consider their credit score, and if they have any debt. And if they do
have bad credit and a shit load of debt, that burden becomes yours.

At this point you worked so smart (not harder) to get your credit to be
where it needed to be. You organized all your monthly expenses and paid all
your bills on time. You are even waiting on your (FHA) to go through. Your
life has a promising future!

We, as men, we always seem to be attracted to a female I s Looks, which

blind us from her principles and morals. You want to choose a female that has
something to offer other than her looks and sex.

T- don' t want you finding yourself knocking out cleaning contracts just
to take care of a female, for she will just be another expense added to your
Monthly bills.

So be sure to investigate your female friend's credit history and to make

sure that she got all her priorities in order before you make that decision
to t 'wifey-up. n F: vent if she doesn’t have good credit and have a little
debt, it at least gives you something to work with just if she is going to
listen to your advice. Being as though you know the game, you can have her
debt free and help her build her credit in which in the long run will only
add to your success, being as though she will become your wifey.
Use Your Credit to Make Other Power Moves
Now that your credit is accomplished, I encourage you to
start investing into other adventures as far as real estate
investments. Properties to buy, fix and sale or to fix and
rent out for a monthly income.

I see nice properties all the time between $10 f 000-

$20,000 that just need a little work/ nothing that we as ex—

drug dealers/ Hustlers can it handle.

We know all the people in our neighborhood to do all the

work at a discount price / drywall/ paint flooring, yard

work, bricklayer and the list goes on. And we are also smart

enough to hire a license professional for all the important

stuff as far as roofing, electric wiring and basement.

Supplies will also come easy most of the time and at half

price once you put the word out through the Hood and or a few


I personally moved on to investing into properties. I

also do the same technique with buying and sale in
Automobiles. 1 also like to party, so why not get paid for
it. 1/11 get a small loan between depending on
the event. 1
threw All black dress code events, Comedy events, Christmas sweater

parties and young adult parties ages 13 to 17.1 pay back all my

loans on time having the creditors and banks eager for my business.

In conclusion / I hope that my story/ blue print will

inspire you to overcome drug dealing and the repeated cycle

of incarceration. Have patients with the process and may this

book help you reach your highest peak in success.

I wish you all the best!


From drug dealing in the streets of Philadelphia and the surrounding


to establishing, combined with starting and running a small cleaning

company. How it changed my life financial Ly and no worries of going back to


This book was designed to help Drug Dealers get out of the game and put

forth all their skills from dealing drugs into the cleaning business and

building their person credit,

In this book I will teach you how to set up your Cleaning Company's business
Business Account k
Register Under an LLC *
Obtain a Cleaning License

Apply for F, (Employee Identification Number) *


*** And how I did it from Start to Finish and how my Hustling Skills made it
easy for me in the C Leaning world.

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