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ZF Style Guide

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The key takeaways are that Zenger Folkman exists to revolutionize leadership and organization development through empirical research and innovations. They provide architecture and components to help companies grow their leadership talent.

The guidelines specify that the logo should always be in color on a white background and reversed out to white on other backgrounds. It also outlines spacing requirements and minimum sizes.

The different parts of the logo include the name Zenger Folkman, the letters ZF, and the accompanying dots. The dots can also be used as a design element as long as no single dot exceeds 0.25 inches.

Style Guide

Leadership and
Organization Development

Zenger Folkman exists to

revolutionize leadership and
organization development
through empirical research,
innovations in development
methods, and the employment
of software tools that drive
more effective implementations.
Zenger Folkman provides the
architecture and many key
components for companies
wanting to grow their leadership
Proper Usage of the Logo
Preferred Size
The recommended size, where
applicable, is 2” wide. When
typed in body copy, the Zenger
Folkman names should always
be capitalized (no “space |
space” separator). The names
should stay together on one
3" line and not be wrapped.
They should not be italicized
unless the surrounding text is

Sizing Restrictions
In order to maintain a
consistent and readable
2" look throughout the brand,
proper logo size is vital. The
logo should be applied at a
confident size but should not
be overpowering. For print
and web materials in general,
the logo should be sized at 2”
1" wide. The logo should never be
printed smaller than 1” wide.

Clear Space
Clear Space is an important
element in the
Zenger Folkman logo. This
will keep a consistent look
to the brand and ensure that
there are no distractions within
the layout. Clear Space is
determined by the width of the
distance from the beginning
of the “Z” in ZENGER to
the end of the “N” being
determined as “X”. Around all
sides of the logo, there should
Width from “Z” to “N” equals “X”
always be at least the space
determined as “X” around all

Further Logo Usage

The Logo
The logo can be broken into
many different parts. These
parts include the name
Zenger Folkman, the “ZF”
with the accompanying “dots”,
and the “dots” themselves .The
“dots” can also be used as a
pattern or design element as
long as one single dot does not
exceed 0.25”.

Logo Color
The logo should always be
in color if used on a white
background. When the logo
is placed on a solid-colored
background or a photograph It
should be reversed out
to white.

Unacceptable Logo Usage

Do Not reverse the logo on

a light background

Do Not partially reverse

the logo

Do Not put the logo in a

containing shape

Do Not develop your own

color combinations

Do Not angle the logo

Do Not alter the typography

Do Not distort the logo in

any manner

Do Not fill the logo with a

gradient or pattern

The Zenger Folkman
Color Palette

Primary Pantone
(PMS) colors are mostly used
in 2-, 3- and 4-color print
applications that do not involve
PMS PMS PMS 5415 any full-color visuals. Pantone
C: 82 R: 0 C: 87 R: 93 C: 42 R: 93 colors are the truest form of
M: 18 G: 28 M: 63 G: 135 M: 08 G: 135 colors in the palette and they
Y: 4 B: 48 Y: 42 B: 161 Y: 00 B: 161 offer a richness that is difficult
to duplicate with process
K: 93 K: 24 K: 40
inks. If a 5th or 6th color is
an option, they may also be
used in addition to 4-color
printing. CMYK equivalents
are listed in the chart below.
PMS 5425 PMS 5425 25% These should be used in all 4-
C: 30 R: 128 C: 08 R: 214 color process print applications.
M: 04 G: 161 M: 01 G: 224 RGB equivalents are also
Y: 00 B: 182 Y: 00 B: 233 provided for on-screen (web
and interactive) applications.
K: 31 K: 08


PMS 4515 PMS 4525 PMS 4525 25%

C: 00 R: 203 C: 00 R: 218 C: 00 R: 244
M: 09 G: 182 M: 07 G: 199 M: 02 G: 237
Y: 50 B: 118 Y: 39 B: 147 Y: 10 B: 220
K: 24 K: 17 K: 04



C: 42 R: 75 C: 30 R: 125 C: 25 R: 178
M: 86 G: 20 M: 93 G: 34 M: 58 G: 113
Y: 79 B: 17 Y: 100 B: 16 Y: 89 B: 57
K: 66 K: 38 K: 9

Brand Typography

Gotham Typefaces
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Zenger Folkman brand is a
0123456789 sensitive combination and use
of our chosen font families and
Gotham | Medium the specific fonts contained
Use for: Titles, headlines, and subheads
within each family. These
fonts should be used whenever
possible consistently to ensure
Adobe Caslon Pro and support the correct
Adobe Caslon Pro | Regular Medium [set at 16pt.] is
Use for: Body copy used for titles, headlines, and

Arial Adobe Caslon Pro

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Regular [set at 12pt.] is the
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz preferred font for body copy.
0123456789 Italic and semibold italic may
also be used where appropriate
Arial | Regular
Use for: PowerPoint presentations, display type for titles, headlines, subheads,
callouts, quotes, and small
Trajan Pro
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Regular is the preferred font
0123456789 for display type including
PowerPoint presentations and
Trajan Pro | Bold website.
Use for: Cover titles

Trajan Pro
Bold is used for the titles on
Adobe Garamond our covers.
Adobe Garamond
Semibold italic is used for the
Adobe Garamond | Semibold Italic subtitles on our covers.
Use for: Cover Subtitles

Copyright and
Footer Guidelines

The Zenger Folkman copyright
Zenger Folkman Company appears on the back of each
610 East Technology Avenue, Building B manual’s or appendix’s title
Orem, UT • 84097-9850 page. It includes the name,
address, website and copyright
© 2009 Zenger Folkman information.
All rights reserved in all parts.
No portion of this book may be reproduced
in any form without permission.

© 2009 Zenger Folkman. All rights reserved. EL50.1.0 Footers

The Zenger Folkman copyright
also appears on the right page
footer of each manual. It
includes the copyright with
the current year, company
name, “All rights reserved.” and
the Bill of Materials (BOM)

EL50.1.0 BOM Number

Brand.Extraordinary Leader.PM-CCDG.Version
The Bill of Materials (BOM)
number consists of the client/
product initials, materials
number, component number,
and version number.

Correct: Zenger Folkman has been in business for 5 years. Name Usage
Incorrect: Zenger | Folkman has been in business for 5 years. When writing the company
name in text, you should do
NOT include the “ | “ “space-
line-space” between Zenger
and Folkman. The line will only
appear when using the logo.

Correct: Website and Email Addresses

Incorrect: When listing our website or
your email address, please use
the full Zenger Folkman name.
Strategic Partner
Marketing Guidelines

Strategic Partner Logo Strategic Partner

This is the approved logo for use when representing Applications
your relationship to Zenger Folkman. You may list In many instances, the
your company name above the Strategic Partner Logo, Zenger Folkman logo will be
however it should not encroach on the logo itself. required to coexist with the
(Please follow the logo sizing restrictions on page 3.) logo(s) of one or more entities
If you need a copy of the logo, please reference the belonging to our partners.
Partner Resources webpage, or contact us. Most situations will require
the Zenger Folkman logo to be
Example: either dominant or subordinate,
The XYZ Company though it is difficult to
anticipate all potential
scenarios in which this will
happen. These are suggestions
for both applications.

In many instances, the Zenger Folkman logo will

be required to coexist with the logo(s) of one or
more entities belonging to our partners. Most
situations will require the Zenger Folkman logo
to be either dominant or subordinate, though it
is difficult to anticipate all potential scenarios in
which this will happen. These are suggestions for
both applications.

Dominant Relationship


Subordinate Relationship

Zenger Folkman
Article Use Guidelines

As one of our strategic partners at Zenger Guidelines

Folkman Company, we are more than Articles must be posted to the
willing to honor your requests to use our partner’s site as a locked PDF
articles on your websites. However, we do document
have a set of simple guidelines that must be
met before we will permit our intellectual The Zenger Folkman copyright
property to be used. So, if you are planning must be included
to post something on your website, we must When the article is ready to be
ask that you follow these guidelines. posted, it must be returned to
Zenger Folkman for approval
No modifications, editing or
re-writing is permitted
Please link to the new website
URL which is http://www.
Extraordinary Performance. Delivered. At least two links back to the
Zenger Folkman site must be
23D3:=>7<5AB@3<5B6A included in every article
=@E3/9<3AA3A( • Author Bio URLs
=dS`Q][W\UbVS:c`S]TbVSE`]\U1V]WQS • Extraordinary Leader URLs
by Jack Zenger
• Product URLs
• Other Zenger Folkman
One of the basic questions facing everyone creating a
personal development plan is the fundamental question
of whether to focus attention on correcting faults and fail-
’ Third, there is a group of leaders who have one or more
strengths and it also contains approximately one-third
of the leader population. As a group they are perceived
Article URLs
ings or whether to focus on building strengths. Like many as performing at the 81st percentile.1
questions that appear simple, there are some interesting
complexities. The answer to the question depends on the
competencies of the person involved. And the answer for
any one person can vary over time.
• Zenger Folkman
The first issue to be considered is whether or not the
Homepage URLs
person in question possesses one or more “fatal flaws.”
After analyzing over 6,000 leaders in our database on
the dimension of possessing strengths or weaknesses,
we observed that they are arrayed into three, roughly Partners must represent
themselves as strategic partners
equal categories.
The following chart summarizes those three groups and how
they are perceived by the people who work with them. 7[^OQb]T4ObOZ4ZOeaO\R>`]T]c\RAb`S\UbVa

’ The first group consists of those who have one or more

weaknesses. We’ve defined that serious weakness as a
of Zenger Folkman, and not as
a direct part of the organization
“fatal flaw.” It describes some behavior at the 1st to the
Having a “fatal flaw” gets in the leader’s way. This leader
10th percentile. Note that as a group that they are seen
should not spend time working on developing strengths
to be performing at the 18th percentile in the eyes of
at this time. It is extremely important to first correct the
their peers, direct reports and bosses.
obvious flaw. Only when it is been improved does it be-
’ The second group consists of those who have neither come useful for a person in the left hand group to work
strengths nor weaknesses. Strengths are behaviors or
competencies at the 90th percentile and above. This sec-
ond group also has about one-third of the population
on developing a strength. Therefore, for one-third of the
Partners are responsible for the
cost, time and full translation
of leaders in it. Overall it is seen as performing right O\ReSOY\SaaSaPcbPSQOcaSbVWaWaacQVOa[OZZ^]`bW]\]T
in the middle of the curve, or at the 50th percentile. OZZZSORS`aeS¸ZZWU\]`SbVS[T]`^c`^]aSa]TbVWaO\OZgaWa

of each and every article
All translated text from the
article must be formatted using
the design template which
Zenger Folkman will provide

Brand Guidelines

All artwork and logos contained in this guide are Brand Guidelines
copyrighted materials and are available for use to This document, in its entirety, as
individuals and partners of Zenger Folkman. well as the logos contained herein,
are available to individuals or
Zenger Folkman requires approval of all usage prior partners upon request from
to publication. Zenger Folkman.

The Office Of
Zenger Folkman
It is inevitable that questions will
arise as these brand guidelines
are used and implemented. For
questions concerning any points
outlined in this document and for
approval of all applications, please
Zenger Folkman at:
610 East Technology Avenue,
Building B, Orem, UT 84097
Phone: 801.705.9375
Fax: 801.705.9376


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