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3G Key Optim

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To Reduce Speech Drop rate ( CDR ) :

Parameter Default Recommendation Units

T313 3 7/8 s
rlFailureT 10 20 0.1s
dchRcLostT 50 100 0.1s
nInSyncInd 3 1 frame
nOutSyncInd 10 20 frame
n315 1 1 frame
n313 100 100 frame

**To reduce speech and packet drop there are simply methode by Adding Neighbor Optimization using GPEH
To Reduce Speech Drop rate after 2G-3G IRAT HO Activation :
Parameter Default Recommendation Units
QSC 7 8
MRSL 16 30

UL RSSI -> Impact to degradation Speech and PS Drop :

1. Faulty RU Replacement

Channel switching parameter tuning that have high PS drop due to FACH congestion (pmNoCellFachDisconnectAbnorm)

Parameter Default Recommendation Units

dlRlcBufUpswitch 1000 500
ulRlcBufUpswitch 512 256
downswitchThreshold 4 0

PS compressed mode threshold standardization, previous setting is too low so IRAT CC would be very difficult to trigger :
Parameter Default Recommendation Units
serviceOffset2dRscp for ueRc PS -50 0
serviceOffset2dEcNo for ueRc PS -20 0
Congestion control strategy change, the strategy is to disable speech call termination during congestion

Parameter Default Recommendation Units

tmCongAction 2000 10000
releaseAseDl 1 0

minPwrMax and minPwrRl, objective is to give more power per radio link to increase retainability both on PS and Speech.
Drawback would be higher cell power utilization, so need to monitor cells congestion due to power and CSSR.
Parameter Default Recommendation Units
minPwrRl -150 -120
minPwrMax 0 15

Improvement for reducing PS Drop after change parameter value of “rateSelectionPsInteractive_dlPrefRate” from 64 to 16 kbps
Parameter Default Recommendation Units
rateSelectionPsInteractive_dlPrefRate 64 16 Kbps

HSDPA drop rate has been improved after optimize RNC parameter downSwitchTimer and downswitchTimerThreshold to higher value in orde
RNBDG03 commonly has power issue since still many RBS using 20W output power then downswitch to R99 maybe failed due to power admis

Improvement in PS Services has been notice to happened mainly in RNBDG03. PS R99 and HSDPA drop rate has been improved after 2nd carr
Previous improvement on HSDPA drop and trafffic has been made after change channel switching parameters on RNC level (downswitchtimer
Parameter Default Recommendation Units
downswitchtimer 50 30
downswitchtimerthreshold 10 0
After 2nd Carrier Implementations
Besides improvement after integration of 78 2nd carrier cells in RNBDG03 at 3 February 2012, some degradation in SHO success rate has bee
Degraded SHO success rate impacted in speech drop caused by SOHO and speech drop due to congestion has been identifed to be degraded
Planned (and some actions has been taken) to re audite utran relation, includes inter freq. and intra freq. also review congestion resolving para

RNIMY01 shows very good improvement on accessibility in PS and CS services indicstes by increasing RRC success for both PS and CS.
Improvement has been made after admission parameters adjustment related to congestion resolving to reduce rejection due to Lack DL Power,

After conducting consistency check on IRAT relation RNBDG02 and implemented on Feb 13, significant improvement happened at IRAT CS & P
In the other side number of IRAT attempt (CS+PS) considerable declined which good to reduce signaling processing @RNC MP Load.
The idea of reducing MP Load in each of RNC GPB boards, has been realized in trial of RNC MP load balancing by forcing RNC to re-allocate Iub
This trial has been worked for made load more evenly distributed between subracks and reduce RRC rejection MP load caused significantly.

Re-Sub IuB Link reservation

RNBDG02 has unbalanced traffic PS at several sites. Action taken to solve this issue by re-sub Iub Link reservation with intention to make RNC
The positive impact as result seen in the graph, PS Drop Call Rate decreased and inline with declining of pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket.

RRC Rejection on some RNC board module (subrack)

It been noticed @RNBDG03, that some of RNC module have high RRC Rejection due to MP Load.
Load balancing has been tried to re-allocate IubLink reservation in each high loaded board to the lesser ones.
However this action appears not as permanent solution, since the problem occurred again after several days. This issue has been escalated to
Coverage Improvement with primaryCpichPower Adjustment
Coverage issue of 3G network in Bandung City was triggered directive of increasing 1148 utran cell’s primaryCpichPower in to value 330.
This value didn’t obey the rule if primaryCpichPower = 10% of Max DL Power capability but the concern was to observe how far coverage could
The growth of DL power congestion immediately increased and admission parameters adjustment as well as primaryCpichPower has been don

PrimaryCpichPower is constant power used to transmit common pilot channel, which affected in WCDMA signal strength experienced by custo
The decision of increasing 1148 cell’s primary CpichPower to 330 has been verified as good improvement in customer experience in signal stre
DT result is shows several bad RSCP spot improved well inside Bandung City.

RRC Improvement,
Improvement Auxiliary
has been madeUnit
several sites that indicating degradation of traffic handling ability. This cases has been identified after we

We found unequality of voltage in branch A and branch B (diversity) and it is suspect some auxiliary unit hasn’t been recognized by RBS, this
Severeal sites has been solved, as example (graphics) 3G JAMIKA, 3G CIPENDEUY & 3G CIGANITRI BANDUNG, as can be seen if the RRC conn
VIP complain
complain in
in one
one of
of XL’s
XL’s dealer
dealer very low HSDPA
has been treatedaccesibility and complain
well. User was retainability
about very low HSDPA accesibility and retainability, the main serv

Investigations has outcome with recommendations of reconfiguring aal2path definition (still ATM), since we found some inconsistency definitio
The result was surprisingly significant in PS drop rate, and the user experience should be much better after this troubleshooting.

Missing RAC value

As routine parameter consistency check that done every week in starting day, aside from normal parameter discrepancy that found and correct
On W14 special case was found, missing RAC value for several 3G cells: 3G_CITY_LINK_MALL-2, 3G_TAMAN_KOPO_BARU-2 and 3G_DS_UTA

After RAC value has been added, specified cells had function normally and absorb R99 and PS HS traffic (traffic significant increased)

After RAC value has been added, PS R99 and PS HS Drop Call Rate has declined to proper level
Beside PS Traffic and DCR had improved, set proper RAC value also improved cell reselection success rate (improve mobility user perceived r

TMA Internal Power Case

Improvement has been made from 3G CISITU, formerly sector 3 has been identified as sleeping cell. First symptom was customer complain ab
UL RSSI for sector 3 always in same value, it was suspected sector3 unable to carry any traffic.
After checking the configuration it was found that sector3 ‘s TMA didn’t has any internal power turn ed on yet.
After fixing the configuration, RRC Success and Speech & PS drop rate improved significant. SOS case was solved in 3G CISITU sector3

Cell Level Improvement Congestion relieve

RRCChannelization Code and DLsuffered
success rate performance Power Congestion Vs increasing
as impact the RRC Performance
of Code(Group Cellscongestion.
and Power Level):

CR batch I not sufficient enough to overcome the problem and therefore CR batch II implemented and the result successfully to reduce conges
Improvement of RRC Total success rate of RNC has been experienced available problem and has been noticed has abnormal behaviour and ba

Suddenly Increased Speech and PS Drop

Increased Speech and PS drop has been noticed after FOP fixed the faulty ASC. Faulty ASC problem has been escalated
Counter Related :
- pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech
- pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket
Significant speech and PS drop mainly in RNC has been noticed due to major problem od fluctuative cell availabity which caused by frequent a
Major problem suffered by site with IP based IuB, but also affected surrounding site with ATM based IuB since SHO to problem cells degraded d
Counter Related :
- CS12_DCR

Recommendation for DL Code & Power Congestion in RNC

1. Cellmore
Cell with target including
than : utilisation
85% power
2. Cell with code utilisation more than ( >) [dlCodeAdm]*(1-0.25)*(1-(numHsPdschCodes/16))
Power congestion treatment :

1. primarycpichpower
2. pwradm & pwroffset
DL Code congestion treatment :
1. Dlcodeadm
2. numspdschcodes

RAB failed due to Lack DL power which improved RRC reject due MP load
Adjustment of admission control parameters mainly for DL Tx Power has been succesfully reduced the number of RAB failed
Counter Related :
- pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr
- pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC

After insertion of additional GP Boards @RNC on Feb 01 - 23:00, MP Load has reduced almost 10%. Monitoring will be continued to see further

After insertion of additional GP Boards @RNC, hourly performance monitoring showed that Paging Success Rate has improved as seen on the
The power offset parameters control the relative power of the DPCCH in the transmission
There are 3 different parameters:
- pO1, TFCI power offset
- pO2, TPC power offset
- pO3, Pilot power offset

Power Offset 3 (Pilot) is reduced to decrease non-HS used power

code power usage


cqi and throughput
- Good improvement in term of accessibility is observed after pO3 optimization executed at 3 November UP TO 100 KBPS
- This improvement is coming from reduction of cell downlink power shortage / congestion


* Traditionally, WCDMA was more uplink-limited, hence setting T313 shorter than dchRcLostT
* But nowadays, downlink has also become more limited due to the huge increase in PS/HS traffic
* Increasing the following timers can revert on retainability improvements
* T313 timer
- After N313 consecutive "out of sync" frames the UE starts the T313 timer. If T313 expires before N315 successive "in sync" frames have been received,
* tRrcActiveSetUpdate timer
- Active Set Update procedure supervision timer. It is the time to wait for Active Set Update Complete or Active Set Update Failure before the system relea


T313 is not long enough to
maintain a call
retainability impact

Speech drop call rate reduced from

1.2% to 0.9%
onnectAbnorm), the strategy is to keep more users on dedicated and less on common (FACH) :

fficult to trigger :

PS and Speech.

te” from 64 to 16 kbps

merThreshold to higher value in order to keep HSDPA traffic more longer rather than downswitched to R99 which consume more power
R99 maybe failed due to power admission limit. HSDPA traffic is improved well.

ate has been improved after 2nd carrier implementation on 28 sites which resulting 78 new F2 Cells.
eters on RNC level (downswitchtimer (50 >> 30) and downswitchtimerthreshold (10 >> 0)).
radation in SHO success rate has been identified.
on has been identifed to be degraded as well.
also review congestion resolving parameters (tmcongaction & releaseasedl )

RRC success for both PS and CS.

educe rejection due to Lack DL Power,

mprovement happened at IRAT CS & PS HOSR RNBDG02.

processing @RNC MP Load.
ncing by forcing RNC to re-allocate IubLink reservation in each high loaded board to the lesser ones.
ction MP load caused significantly.

eservation with intention to make RNC to choose better new subrack with lesser load.

ays. This issue has been escalated to Ericsson Local Support.

maryCpichPower in to value 330.
was to observe how far coverage could be improved in RNBDG03.
l as primaryCpichPower has been done for several days in order to minimize the congestion’s impact in RAN performance.

signal strength experienced by customer.

in customer experience in signal strength.

is cases has been identified after we did some trial to activating antenna system’s supervision in RBS.

hasn’t been recognized by RBS, this symptom began from DT experiences (no RRC setup).
DUNG, as can be seen if the RRC connect Success Rate significantly improved after auxiliary unit redefined in RBS.
sibility and retainability, the main serving cell was 3G SUKASARI that known as the most PS drop worstcell in RNBDG03.

we found some inconsistency definition between RBS and RNC.

er this troubleshooting.

er discrepancy that found and corrected.

MAN_KOPO_BARU-2 and 3G_DS_UTAMA-8. MO value in OSS already checked to verify that the case is valid.

(traffic significant increased)

ate (improve mobility user perceived rate)

symptom was customer complain about SOS state even in very good coverage of sector 3.

as solved in 3G CISITU sector3

result successfully to reduce congestion and improve RRC success rate for contributor cells
oticed has abnormal behaviour and back to normal after reset the RBS

been escalated

availabity which caused by frequent alarm NTP Server Reachability fault

since SHO to problem cells degraded due to unavailability

umber of RAB failed

toring will be continued to see further performance

ess Rate has improved as seen on the graph




ve "in sync" frames have been received, a "Radio Link failure" has occurred, and the UE goes to idle. The current setting is 3 seconds

t Update Failure before the system releases the call. Currently set to 5 seconds


nough to

Drop due to sho

reduced by 38%
Drop due to lost of sync
reduced by 22%
MO Parameter Default Recommended (F1)
UtranCell aseDlAdm 500 500
UtranCell aseUlAdm 500 500
UtranCell compModeAdm 15 16
UtranCell dchIflsMarginCode 0 0
UtranCell dchIflsMarginPower 0 0
UtranCell dchIflsThreshCode 0 60
UtranCell dchIflsThreshPower 0 60
UtranCell dlCodeAdm 80 80
UtranCell fachMeasOccaCycLenCoeff 4 3
UtranCell hoType 2 1 (GSM_PREFERRED)
UtranCell hsIflsMarginUsers 0 20
UtranCell hsIflsThreshUsers 0 10
UtranCell iflsMode 2 2 (RAB_EST_AND_UPSWITCH_ATT)
UtranCell interFreqFddMeasIndicator 1 0
UtranCell interPwrMax 38 38
UtranCell maxPwrMax 48 48
UtranCell minPwrMax 0 0
UtranCell nInSyncInd 3 1
UtranCell nOutSyncInd 10 20
UtranCell pathlossThreshold 170 170
UtranCell pwrAdm 75 85
UtranCell pwrOffset 10 10
UtranCell qHyst1 4 0
UtranCell qHyst2 4 0
UtranCell qualMeasQuantity 2 (CPICH_EC_NO) 2 (CPICH_EC_NO)
UtranCell rateSelectionPsInteractive_channelType 0 (DCH) 0 (DCH)
UtranCell rateSelectionPsInteractive_ulPrefRate 64 16
UtranCell rateSelectionPsInteractive_dlPrefRate 64 64
UtranCell rlFailureT 10 20
UtranCell treSelection 2 1
UtranCell sHcsRat -105 4
UtranCell sInterSearch 0 0
UtranCell sIntraSearch 0 0
UtranCell sRatSearch 4 2
UtranCell sf16Adm 16 16
UtranCell sf16AdmUl 16 50
UtranCell sf16gAdm 16 16
UtranCell sf32Adm 32 32
UtranCell sf4AdmUl 4 0
UtranCell sf8Adm 8 8
UtranCell sf8AdmUl 8 8
UtranCell sf8gAdmUl 8 8
UtranCell minPwrRl -150 -150
UtranCell hsdpaUsersAdm 10 32
UtranCell individualOffset 0 0
UtranCell primaryCpichPower 300 300
UtranCell qQualMin 300 -18
UtranCell qRxLevMin -115 -109
UtranCell usedFreqThresh2dEcno -12 -20
UtranCell usedFreqThresh2dRscp -100 -105
UtranCell maximumTransmissionPower 400 (maxDlPowerCapability - 1)
Hsdsch codeThresholdPdu656 6 6
Hsdsch cqiFeedbackCycle 8 8
Hsdsch deltaAck1 5 5
Hsdsch deltaAck2 7 7
Hsdsch deltaCqi1 4 4
Hsdsch deltaCqi2 6 6
Hsdsch deltaNack1 5 5
Hsdsch deltaNack2 7 7
Hsdsch hsMeasurementPowerOffset 80 80
Hsdsch numHsPdschCodes 5 3
Hsdsch numHsScchCodes 1 2
Recommended (F2) Recommended Range
80 90 for high congested code cells, 80 for the rest
85 75 to 90
10 pwrAdm + pwrOffset < 100
0 (DCH)
1 8 for cells in RNC border, 1 for the rest
-120 -150 to -120
32 16 or 32
0 - 30 to 30
300 270 to 330
maxDlPowerCapability - 1 390 to 470
6 0 to 6
disable ASE admission
disable ASE admission
allow more CM users in F2, keep low CM users in F1
load sharing - put more speech + r99 in F1
load sharing - put more speech + r99 in F1
load sharing - put more speech + r99 in F1
load sharing - put more speech + r99 in F1
code admission, 20% for nonguaranted and handover
fach inter FREQ & RAT reselection
layering strategy, F2 -> F1 -> GSM
load sharing - put more HS at F2
load sharing - put more HS at F2
ifls for both new RAB and Upswitch
fach IFHO enabled for F2
maximum power ramping for PS 128
maximum power ramping for PS 384
maximum power ramping for PS 64
number of frames for insync
number of frames for outsync
pathloss threshold for IFLS
can be adjusted to 90, but always follow constraint pwrAdm + pwrOffset < 100
pwrAdm + pwrOffset = 95, 5% for handover
make faster reselection
make faster reselection
EcNo as criteria for reselection
DCH is initial state for PS
initial rate for PS UL = 16, reduce channelswitching
initial rate for PS DL = 64, reduce channelswitching
make it longer to allow UE have more time to re-insync
make faster reselection
start measure GSM at qRxLevMin + sHcsRat = -105
always measure interFreq neighbor for reselection
always measure intraFreq neighbor for reselection
start measure GSM at qQualMin + sRatSearch = -16
utilize all SF
disable unnecessary admission in UL
utilize all SF
utilize all SF
disable PS 384 on uplink, go with EUL instead
utilize all SF
utilize all SF
utilize all SF
can be changed to -120 for cells with high drop UL sync
depend on license
can be optimized at area with high drop due to SHO
recommended is 300, > 300 for cells need more coverage, < 300 for cells with power congestion
F1 start measure GSM at qQualMin + sRatSearch = -16
F1 start measure GSM at qRxLevMin + sHcsRat = -105
start compressed mode
start compressed mode
depend on maxDlPowerCapability and RU capacity
to prevent drop call during reconfiguration from HS to DCH, can be set to 0 when cells need very high throughput
intensity for cqi reporting, can be adjusted to maximum during throughput trial
to be optimized later for throughput
to be optimized later for throughput
to be optimized later for throughput
to be optimized later for throughput
to be optimized later for throughput
to be optimized later for throughput
offset to cqi reported, lower value to reduce transmission, higher value to increase cqi
minimum code reserved for HS, F2 should have more throughput.. can be reduced to 1 if DCA is active and cells have code congestion
number of users scheduled in same TTI, flexiblescheduler feature in RBS should be active.. can be reduced to 1 if cells have code congestion
MO Parameter Default Recommended Value
ChannelSwitching bandwidthMargin 90 90
ChannelSwitching bandwidthMarginUl 0 95
ChannelSwitching coverageTimer 10 10
ChannelSwitching dlDownswitchBandwidthMargin 0 80
ChannelSwitching dlRlcBufUpswitch 500 1000
ChannelSwitching dlRlcBufUpswitchMrab 0 0
ChannelSwitching dlThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold 0 0
ChannelSwitching dlThroughputDownswitchTimer 20 20
ChannelSwitching downswitchPwrMargin 2 2
ChannelSwitching downswitchThreshold 0 4
ChannelSwitching downswitchTimer 10 10
ChannelSwitching downswitchTimerSp 2 2
ChannelSwitching downswitchTimerThreshold 0 10
ChannelSwitching downswitchTimerUp 60 60
ChannelSwitching fachToHsDisabled 0 (FALSE) 0 (FALSE)
ChannelSwitching hsdschInactivityTimer 2 2
ChannelSwitching inactivityTimeMultiPsInteractive 50 50
ChannelSwitching inactivityTimer 120 10
ChannelSwitching inactivityTimerPch 30 30
ChannelSwitching reportHysteresis 6 6
ChannelSwitching ulDownswitchBandwidthMargin 0 80
ChannelSwitching ulRlcBufUpswitch 256 512
ChannelSwitching ulRlcBufUpswitchMrab 8 8
ChannelSwitching ulThroughputAllowUpswitchThreshold 0 0
ChannelSwitching ulThroughputDownswitchTimer 20 20
ChannelSwitching upswitchPwrMargin 6 6
ChannelSwitching upswitchTimer 5 8
ChannelSwitching upswitchTimerUl 5 10
RncFunction hsToDchTrigger_servHsChangeInterRnc 0 1
RncFunction hsToDchTrigger_servHsChangeIntraRnc 0 1
RncFunction hsToDchTrigger_changeOfBestCellIntraRnc 0 1
RncFunction hsToDchTrigger_poorQualityDetected 0 0
RncFunction hsToDchTrigger_changeOfBestCellInterRnc 0 1
RncFunction hsCellChangeAllowed 0 1 (TRUE)
RncFunction hsCellChangeCfnOffset 50 50
RncFunction hsOnlyBestCell 1 1 (TRUE)
RncFunction loadSharingDirRetryEnabled 0 0 (FALSE)
RncFunction loadSharingRrcEnabled 0 0 (FALSE)
RncFunction loadSharingThreshold 20 20
RncFunction networkResourceIdentifierLengthCs 0 6
RncFunction networkResourceIdentifierLengthPs 0 5
Handover fddGsmHOSupp 0 1
Handover fddIfhoSupp 0 1
Handover gsmAmountPropRepeat 4 2
Handover gsmPropRepeatInterval 5 5
Handover ifhoAmountPropRepeat 4 4
Handover ifhoPropRepeatInterval 5 5
Handover iflsHyst 20 10
Handover maxActiveSet 3 3
Handover releaseConnOffset 120 180
Handover tCellChange 20 20
Handover timeReleaseIuPs 10 10
Handover timeRelocoverall 5 5
Handover timeRelocprep 10 10
Handover timeRelocsup 15 15
Handover tmStopGsmMeas 20 20
Handover tmStopIfMeas 20 20
Handover tsHoInIratHo 2 2
UeMeasControl event1dRncOffset 0 0
UeMeasControl event1dRncThreshold 4 4
UeMeasControl filterCoeff4_2b 2 2
UeMeasControl filterCoeff6 3 3
UeMeasControl filterCoefficient1 2 2
UeMeasControl filterCoefficient2 2 2
UeMeasControl gsmFilterCoefficient3 1 1
UeMeasControl gsmThresh3a -95 -95
UeMeasControl gsmTimeDiffRepInd 0 9
UeMeasControl hsHysteresis1d 10 10
UeMeasControl hsQualityEstimate 1 (CPICH_RSCP) 1 (CPICH_RSCP)
UeMeasControl hsTimeToTrigger1d 640 640
UeMeasControl hyst4_2b 10 10
UeMeasControl hysteresis1a 0 0
UeMeasControl hysteresis1b 0 0
UeMeasControl hysteresis1c 2 0
UeMeasControl hysteresis1d 15 15
UeMeasControl hysteresis2d 0 0
UeMeasControl hysteresis2f 0 0
UeMeasControl hysteresis3a 0 0
UeMeasControl maxNumbRepCells4_2b 2 2
UeMeasControl maxNumberRepCells1a 3 3
UeMeasControl maxNumberRepCells1c 3 3
UeMeasControl maxNumberRepCells1d 1 1
UeMeasControl maxNumberRepCells3a 4 4
UeMeasControl measQuantity1 2 (CPICH_EC_NO) 2 (CPICH_EC_NO)
UeMeasControl nonUsedFreqThresh4_2bEcno -9 -13
UeMeasControl nonUsedFreqThresh4_2bRscp -95 -90
UeMeasControl nonUsedFreqW4_2b 0 0
UeMeasControl reportingInterval1a 3 3
UeMeasControl reportingInterval1c 3 3
UeMeasControl reportingRange1a 6 6
UeMeasControl reportingRange1b 10 10
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1a 11 11
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1b 12 13
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1c 11 11
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger1d 14 14
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger2dEcno 320 320
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger2dRscp 320 320
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger2fEcno 1280 1280
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger2fRscp 1280 1280
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger3a 6 6
UeMeasControl timeToTrigger6d 320 5000
UeMeasControl timeTrigg4_2b 100 100
UeMeasControl timeTrigg6a 320 320
UeMeasControl timeTrigg6b 1280 1280
UeMeasControl triggerCondOne1b 1 1
UeMeasControl triggerCondTwo1a 5 5
UeMeasControl txPowerConnQualMonEnabled 1 (TRUE) 1 (TRUE)
UeMeasControl ueTxPowerThresh6a 21 21
UeMeasControl ueTxPowerThresh6b 18 18
UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh2fEcno 2 1
UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh2fRscp 3 3
UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh4_2bEcno -1 0
UeMeasControl usedFreqRelThresh4_2bRscp -3 0
UeMeasControl usedFreqThresh2dEcnoDrnc -12 -12
UeMeasControl usedFreqThresh2dRscpDrnc -100 -100
UeMeasControl usedFreqW2d 0 0
UeMeasControl usedFreqW2f 0 0
UeMeasControl usedFreqW4_2b 0 0
UeMeasControl utranFilterCoefficient3 2 2
UeMeasControl utranRelThresh3aEcno -1 0
UeMeasControl utranRelThresh3aRscp -3 0
UeMeasControl utranW3a 0 0
UeMeasControl w1a 0 0
UeMeasControl w1b 0 0
RabCombination060 featureState 1 (ACTIVATED)
RabCombination113 featureState 1 (ACTIVATED)
RabCombination020 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination019 featureState 1 (ACTIVATED)
RabCombination018 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination031 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination028 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination052 featureState 1 (ACTIVATED)
RabCombination067 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination068 featureState 1 (ACTIVATED)
RabCombination053 featureState 1 (ACTIVATED)
RabCombination030 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination032 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination029 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination016 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination069 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
RabCombination021 featureState 0 (DEACTIVATED)
Recommended Range

500 to 1000

0 to 4

10 to 30

256 to 512

enable chswitch in UL

bytes threshold upswitch from FACH to HS, set to 500 if RNC have cells with FACH congested

kbps threshold for downswitch from HS/DCH to FACH, can be set to 0 if RNC have cells with FACH congested

set to 30 for RNTGR01 (MP Load Trial)

bytes threshold upswitch from FACH to HS, set to 256 if RNC have cells with FACH congested

reduce unnecessary IRAT retry

reduce unnecessary IRAT retry

faster loadsharing execution

disable IRAT due to TX Power

faster IFHO execution

faster IFHO execution
faster IRAT execution
faster IRAT execution

Conv. CS Speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (128/HS)

Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (16/HS)
Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (384/HS)
Conv. CS speech 12.2 + Interact. PS (64/HS)
Interact. PS (128/128)
Interact. PS (128/384)
Interact. PS (128/64)
Interact. PS (128/HS)
Interact. PS (16/16)
Interact. PS (16/64)
Interact. PS (16/HS)
Interact. PS (384/128)
Interact. PS (384/384)
Interact. PS (384/64)
Interact. PS (384/HS)
Interact. PS (64/16)
Interact. PS (URA/URA)
MO Parameter Default
UtranRelation qOffset1sn 0
UtranRelation qOffset2sn 0

IFLS Startegy Result


* New traffic management strategy is introduced to deal with with current traffic profile in the network and completion of 2nd carrier rollout
* The new traffic management strategy includes: Idle Mode Reselection Strategy, Connected Mode (IRAT / IFHO) Strategy, and Load Sharing (HS
* New traffic strategy has been done in whole Jabotabek network, there are some benefits observed:
- More distributed traffic and interference (Speech, FACH, and HS)
- Slight improvement (0.04%) on accessibility, for both speech and PS
- Congestion event reduced by 16%, both carrier are now more utilized
- 22% relative PS Drop Call Rate improvement
- 16% FACH erlang traffic increment, indicates more users camp on 3G during idle mode
- 46% HSDPA traffic volume increment, indicates users stay longer in 3G, more satisfied users to use HSDPA service
- 76% IFLS activity reduction, while HS IFLS success rate slightly improved, it indicates more efficient signaling
- 48% Compressed Mode time reduction, indicates less IRAT to GSM
- EcNo level from drive test measurement is improved
- Better 3G penetration based on idle mode drive test measurement
- Expected end users perceived: easier to get 3G coverage, faster browsing / data access

2nd carrier progress status
* Based on latest kget dump (28 Oct 2011):
- Number of Sites in Jabo = 2064
- 1 carrier sites = 94
- 2 carrier sites = 1970
95,4 % sites have been configured with 2 carrier

* Existing Traffic Management strategy was introduced at beginning of 2nd carrier implementation
* Dual Carrier Traffic Management should be evaluated based on current status and traffic profile

Unbalanced utilization F1 / F2
* Existing layering strategy managed to balance HS traffic between 2 carrier (F1 : F2 cells ~ 48% : 52%), as consequence of aggressive HS IFLS from F1
* FACH traffic is still concentrated in F1 (63%), as existing setting still limits F2 idle coverage. FACH drop rate is observed higher in F1, mostly due to cong
* Common case: once finished a session, an HS user in F2 perform FACH reselection to F1, then when another session starts, it is back to F2 through HS
* Speech is mainly concentrated in F1, as existing traffic management strategy prioritize F2 to be used for HS traffic, while speech + R99 traffic are carried
* Speech drop call rate is observed to be higher at F2, lower number of attempt in F2 can be the main reason, another reason can be neighbor definition t


CURRENT strategy VS NEW strategy


Proposal CURRENT VS NEW parameter

New gsmrelation and UMFI addition

Result traffic balancing

Following graphs illustrate new traffic management strategy impact into traffic balancing between F1 and F2 carriers
Result accessibility and congestion BETTER PACKET DATA ACCESSIBILITY

slight improvement (0.04%) on accessibility, for both speech Congestion event reduced by 16%, both car
and PS utilized

Result Packet data (PS) retainability BETTER PS RETAINABILITY, BALANCED F1 / F2

22% relative PS Drop Call Rate improvement, mostly Balanced FACH traffic between F1/F2, less
contributed by HS drop improvement and FACH drop congestion, distributed load

Result Packet data (PS) traffic trend MORE USERS ON 3G AND BETTER HS EXPERIENCE

16% FACH erlang traffic increment, indicates more users camp 46% HSDPA traffic volume increment, indica
on 3G during idle mode longer in 3G, more satisfied users to use HS
16% FACH erlang traffic increment, indicates more users camp 46% HSDPA traffic volume increment, indica
on 3G during idle mode longer in 3G, more satisfied users to use HS

Result SPEECH traffic & retainability trend

* New traffic management strategy managed to balance speech load between F1 and F2 cells
* Speech drop call rate maintained

Result load sharing & compressed mode activity LESS SIGNALING, LESS IRAT TO GSM

76% IFLS activity reduction, while HS IFLS success rate slightly 48% Compressed Mode time reduction, i
improved, it indicates more efficient signaling GSM

Result drive test EC/no COMPARISON






Used in XL:
HSCS = HSDPA Cell Selection
IFHO = Inter-Frequency Hand Over
IRAT HO/CC = Inter-Radio Access Technology HO/Cell Change

Not Used in XL:

LBHO = Load Based Hand Over
IF LBHO = Inter-frequency LBHO
HCS = Hierarchical Cell Structures
IFLS/D = Inter-Frequency Load Sharing/Distribution


- A pathloss check is performed at HSDPA / R99 RAB setup from SRB before a blind IFHO can be triggered
- Note that the pathloss check is not performed before an upswitch from FACH.
- Pathloss has to be below a configured threshold:
CPICH_TxPwr - reported DL CPICH_RSCP < pathlossThreshold
- If the pathloss is too high then HSPA / non-HSDPA loadsharing is aborted
- Current setting for pathlossThreshold is 170 for F1 and 130 for F2
- It means when we have primaryCpichPower setting set to 330, then minimum target cell RSCP for pathloss check is:
DL CPICH_RSCP > CPICH_TxPwr – pathlossThreshold
DL CPICH_RSCP > 33 – 170
DL CPICH_RSCP > -137 dBm --> so at -137 dBm RSCP, IFLS can be triggered !!
- In other words, if pathlossThreshold is set to 170, then almost no pathloss check is performed, IFLS would be independent to pathloss

Risk if no pathloss check

* In case of fast moving UE there is a risk of setting up on wrong carrier
- Can cause failed access and dropped connections
* Proposed Tuning:
- Use load sharing with tuned pathlossThreshold, reducing the IFLS attempts in area close to cell border
- Using iflsMode=0 RAB_Est, good load balance with less IFLS attempts.

Need IFLS tuni

for iflsMode an
* pathlossThreshold DL CPICH_RSCP > 33 – 110
- Current Value: 170 (F1) and 130 (F2) DL CPICH_RSCP > -87 dBm
- Trial Value: 120 (both F1 and F2)  to be tuned

* iflsHyst
- Trial Value: RAB_EST
- Description: Configures which RAB switches that can trigger load sharing.
Also applies to non-HSPA load sharing. RAB_EST: Trigger at RAB establishment only; UPSWITCH_ATT: Trigger at upswitch attempts caused by chann
Note that this value will disable non-HSPA load sharing since this feature is only triggered by RAB establishment; RAB_EST_OR_UPSWITCH_ATT: Tri

Expected Result
- Reduced number of IFLS HS / Non HS
- HS / Non HS remains balanced between F1 and F2
- Slight improvement on HS IFLS success rate and DCH IFLS success rate
- Slight improvement in terms of retainability and accessibility
Recommended Value Recommended Range
0 -30 to 30
0 -30 to 30

Looking at current traffic distribution between F1 and F2, there are still some
room for improvements, most of traffic including HS are still concentrated in

The new strategy:

1) prioritize HS traffic / users on F2
2) prioritize Speech / R99 traffic / users on F1

By using this strategy, we expect less DL interference in F1 since usually

HS traffic consumes much power and make lower EcNo lower at street level,
and better throughput for HS in F2 as less Code Tree used by speech / R99
traffic during busy hour.

ork and completion of 2nd carrier rollout

(IRAT / IFHO) Strategy, and Load Sharing (HS IFLS and DCH IFLS)

s consequence of aggressive HS IFLS from F1 to F2

ate is observed higher in F1, mostly due to congestion
nother session starts, it is back to F2 through HS IFLS mechanism
HS traffic, while speech + R99 traffic are carried more by F1
son, another reason can be neighbor definition that is different with F1, note that F2 don’t have relation with GSM

F1 and F2 carriers

on event reduced by 16%, both carrier are now more


FACH traffic between F1/F2, less fach

on, distributed load


DPA traffic volume increment, indicates users stay

3G, more satisfied users to use HSDPA service
DPA traffic volume increment, indicates users stay
3G, more satisfied users to use HSDPA service



Compressed Mode time reduction, indicates less IRAT to

d be independent to pathloss

Need IFLS tuning

for iflsMode and
xPwr – pathlossThreshold

T: Trigger at upswitch attempts caused by channel switching.

blishment; RAB_EST_OR_UPSWITCH_ATT: Trigger both a RAB establishment and at upswitch attempts
no offset between F1 and F2, idle mode reselection based on quality, can be adjusted with clear reason
no offset between F1 and F2, idle mode reselection based on quality, can be adjusted with clear reason
MO MO Parameter Value Before Value After
Power Control RACH maxPreambleCycle 32 3
RACH RACH preambleRetransMax 32 15

F2 Parameter
RNC UtrCell uarfcnDl compModeAdm qQualMin qRxLevMin
RNBKS01 345JK3G211074 10788 15 -18 -109

Idle Parameter Consistensy

RNC UtrCell uarfcnDl qQualMin qRxLevMin sRatSearch
RNJKT03 JK3G00941 10763 -16 -103 4
RNJKT03 JK3G00942 10763 -16 -103 4
RNJKT03 JK3G00943 10763 -16 -103 4
RNJKT03 JK3G00961 10763 -18 -105 4
RNJKT03 JK3G00962 10763 -18 -105 4
RNJKT03 JK3G00963 10763 -18 -105 4
RNJKT03 JK3G01001 10763 -18 -115 4
RNJKT03 JK3G01002 10763 -18 -115 4
RNJKT03 JK3G01003 10763 -18 -115 4

PS Drop Rate Improvement

Significant improvement of PS Drop rate in RNPWK01 mostly caused by successful Iub ATM reconfiguration for 3G_SUBANG & 3G _CIKALONG WE
Reconfiguration has been done in order to fix inconsistency Aal2path definition (VC numbering for more specific) between RBS and RNC which brin
usedFreqThresh2dEcno usedFreqThresh2dRscp compModeAdm qQualMin qRxLevMin usedFreqThresh2dEcno
-24 -100 32 -14 -91 -24

qQualMin qRxLevMin sRatSearch
-18 2
-18 2
-18 2
-109 2
-109 2
-109 2

econfiguration for 3G_SUBANG & 3G _CIKALONG WETAN.

g for more specific) between RBS and RNC which bring HSDPA (Class C) traffic.
Configuration (R99+HS+EUL) :

- HWAC 512/768 --> SW CE=512/387 (UL/DL)

Parameter standardization for POWER 30 WATT / cell carrier

Parameter standardization for POWER 20 WATT / cell carrier

Parameter standardization for POWER 40 WATT / cell carrier

Parameter standardization for POWER 60 WATT / Sectors

cell carrier

cell carrier
cell carrier

URA design & execution
RNBDG03> lpr ura

120426-11:02:10 8.0v RNC_NODE_MODEL_L_1_140 stopfile

Proxy MO
6699 SwManagement=1,ConfigurationVersion=1
91948 RncFunction=1,Ura=50
91949 RncFunction=1,Ura=52
91950 RncFunction=1,Ura=53
92195 RncFunction=1,Ura=61
92196 RncFunction=1,Ura=62
92197 RncFunction=1,Ura=63

URA in RNBDG03 have been activated on April 18th

-- 6
3 new
new URA
ID is
is created
created in
in the
the RNC
RNC on April 24th

- 6 RAC ID is created in the RNC on April 26th

FACH & URA Switching after URA Design & Execution
URA state is working, it is confirmed by channel switching statistics between FACH & URA

URA design & execution-PAGING CONGESTION

Paging Congestion is increasing, further monitoring needed
Compared to all TC that we had, TC 3 has best performance, paging congestion and paging per second has significantly reduced, which is the lowest valu
Improvement in paging congestion in peak value is about 50% and 75% in paging per sec.
URA design & execution-Iu ps signalling
Iu Ps signalling between RNC and SGSN is significantly reduced compared to before data. And between TC 1,2,3 has not so much different perf

URA design & execution-RETAINABILITY

Drop Call is considered as maintain

Formula Change for

PS DCR =100*(pmNoSyste

URA design & execution-RNC PROCESSOR LOAD

TC3 has best performance compared among TC 1,2,and 3. RNC MP load and CC Load are significantly reduced.
Paging Load (Routing Area) Balancing
After Test Case #3 (6 URA & 6 RAC) implemented, each of 6 RACs had unbalance paging load and impacted to Paging Success Rate below 99%

PAGING SUCCESS RATE – Before and after Rebalancing RAC

After implementation Test Case #3 (6 URA & 6 RAC), Paging Success Rate having significant improvement, however still below target which is
RNBDG03> get routing rac
RNC_NODE_MODEL_L_1_140 stopfile=/tmp/28175
================================== 120426-11:04:34 8.0v RNC_NODE_MODEL_L_1_140 stopfile=/tmp/29015
================================== MO Attribute Value
LocationArea=35123,RoutingArea=52 rac 52
LocationArea=35123,RoutingArea=53 rac 53
LocationArea=35123,RoutingArea=50 rac 50
LocationArea=35123,RoutingArea=61 rac 61
LocationArea=35123,RoutingArea=62 rac 62
LocationArea=35123,RoutingArea=63 rac 63
================================== ===============================================================
Total: 6 MOs

y reduced, which is the lowest value compared to all data.

3 has not so much different performance.

Formula Change for PS Drop Call Rate

PS DCR =100*(pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket-
Paging Success Rate below 99% on busy hours. Two steps of rebalancing been taken and the goal achieved

wever still below target which is 99% on busy hours. Within 2 steps of rebalancing the goal achieved
RNBDG01, RNBDG02, RNIMY01 & RNPWK01, EUL execution was done on May 4th around 12 am.
EUL volume has increased significantly
Accessibility is maintained.
Retainability is maintained, except RNIMY01 suspected due to decreased availability
UL RSSI is maintained


- Majority of the cells now have primaryCpichPower set to 327 (32.7dbm)
- CSSR CS, CSSR PS & HS maintained
- Drop Call Rate CS slightly increased & DCR PS slightly improved
- CQI value is maintained
- HS MAC & User Throughput maintained
- In general traffic volume maintained, except HS traffic slightly declined
- CE Utilization for both DL and UL maintained
- 3G penetration on normal mode increased after NCCR execution

Majority primaryCpichPower setting 327 (32.7 dB)

CSSR CS, CSSR PS & HS maintained

Drop Call Rate CS slightly increased & DCR PS slightly improved
Average CQI
Average CQI maintained, around 19

HS MAC & User Throughput maintained

In general traffic maintained, except HS traffic slightly declined
CE Utilization
CE Utilization for both DL and UL maintained

RSCP plot (Lock 3G – Dedicated) --> RSCP performance slightly degraded after NCCR execution

ECNO plot (Lock 3G – Dedicated) --> EcNo performance slightly degraded after NCCR execution

Idle Mode Technology --> 3G penetration on normal mode increased after NCCR execution

- There is no side impact after reference point moving from antenna (A) to top of cabinet (B)
- EcNo and RSCP from drive test are improved, 3G penetration is also significantly improved
- CQI statistics are improved by 0.6 points
- All the cells now have primaryCpichPower set to 339 (8.5% of the total output power)
- Accessibility is improved during trial, CSSR CS improved from 98.7% to 99.1%, CSSR HS improved from 99.1% to 99.5%
- Drop Call Rate after trial is improved, DCR PS improved from 1.25% to 0.8%, while DCR Speech improved from 2% to 1.1%
- Mac HS Throughput improved after coverage enhancement test case 2 is applied, Throughput is increased from 1140 kbps to 1220 kbps
- Power utilization is increased from 28% (before) to 34% (TC2), but no power congestion observed
- CE Utilization for both DL and UL is maintained
- Traffic is maintained during coverage enhancement trial, high external interference is limiting traffic to go up

- Apply 0 feeder attenuation for both macro and IBS sites
- Increase cpich power allocation up to 8.5% by setting primaryCpichPower 339 across network with RU 30 watt / cell carrier
- Set maximumTransmissionPower equal to reported maxDlPowerCapability
- Cpich power can be further increase to 350 (35 dB) by implementing dual RUW (2 x 40 watt)


Post performance monitoring Accessibility
- Accessibility is improved during coverage enhancement trial
- CSSR CS improved from 98.7% to 99.1%
- CSSR HS improved from 99.1% to 99.5%
- This is mainly due to balanced traffic among the cells and HSDPA admission changes
Post performance monitoring retainability
- Drop Call Rate after coverage enhancement trial is improved
- DCR PS improved from 1.25% to 0.8%, while DCR Speech improved from 2% to 1.1%
- This is achieved due to higher coverage penetration and less congestion
- There was spike due to high external interference from LP cipinang (jammer)

Post performance monitoring Average CQI

- Average CQI is improved after coverage enhancement trial from 17.6 to 18.2
- This indicates better RF coverage and quality within RNJKT10
TEST CASE SCORING BOARD - Based on given criteria and weighting, Tes
d weighting, Test Case 1 has the highest score
Pilot POWER audit Power CAPABILITY
Most are equipped with 3 x 60 watt RUW for 6 cell carriers --> 60 watt / sectors --> 30 watt / cell carriers
RU capacity is determined by:
- RU type: (RU21, RU22, RUW, RRUW)
- Power License (40 watt and 60 watt)
- maxTotalOutputPower parameter setting
For trial: 40 watt / cell
6 x 40 watt RUW for 6 cell carriers, improved power capacity and more flexible to allocate higher CPICH and other common channel power
er common channel power
Split RAC
RNBDG03 was suffered with extremely high PagingUtranRejected since paging attempt was reached more than 3 billion attempt (dominated by 90%
This situation was triggered high RRC rejected due to MP Load but both speech and PS CSSR seems didn’t affected.
High RRC rejection due to MP load was suspected caused by rejected RRC attempt in order to answer paging. Then it was decided to split RNBDG0

Suddenly degradation RRC Total succes rate

Split RAC into 3 RACs was successful to increase Paging Success Rate significantly and paging attempt was reduced significant as well.
The good impact of paging improvement was speech, PS R99 and HSDPA traffic increased since successful paging will obtain traffic that lost when

Previously RAC under RNBDG03 was split from 1 RAC into 3 RAC and helps Paging Success Rate improved significantly from level 70% to more th
In the other side, number of Paging Re-Attempt declined thanks to disappearing number of Paging Rejection and contribute to reduced MP Load @R
KPI Improvement after RAC Splitting
Decreasing number of Paging Attempt also bring positive impact to lessening MP Load @RNBDG03 and make RRC rejection due to Mp Load not ex
Other KPI improvement after RAC Splitting that monitored were Drop Call improvement, especially on HSDPA Drop Call Rate
lion attempt (dominated by 90% PS Paging) while RNBDG03 only has 1 RAC.

it was decided to split RNBDG03’s RAC into 3 RAC : 50, 52 and 53 (current RAC).

ed significant as well.
will obtain traffic that lost when no paging answered.

antly from level 70% to more than 90% and stay stable.
ntribute to reduced MP Load @RNBDG03
rejection due to Mp Load not exist anymore.
No Behaviour Problem Description
1 Call set-up failure Poor coverage area If problem is poor coverage, this means poor RSCP (<-
95 dBm) thus also the EcNo derades very rapidly (< -12
Call drop dB) when the coverage border is reached.

2 Call set-up failure Poor dominance area. No main server in the area, too many cells with weak
CPICH level.
Call drop
CPICH EcNo is usually very bad even the RSCP is good
e.q. RSCP –80…-90 dBm but EcNo about –10 dB

3 Call set-up failure Pilot Pollution Bad CPICH Ec/Io (<-12 dB) level although CPICH RSCP
level is good. High site in the neighbourhood may cause
Call drop interference.

4 Dropped call/SHO failure Missing neighbour A good usable neighbour is present within cells
coverage area, can cause DL interference if it is not in
the active set.

Swapped sectors in WBTS.

5 Call set-up Failure High PrxTotal due to UL The PrxTotal level is significantly higher than expected in
External interference no/low load conditions.
Call drop
MHA settings should be checked, see more in reference

6 Call set-up failure High Prxtotal due to The PrxTotal level is significantly higher than expected in
Installation problems no/low load conditions.
Call drop
7 Cell set-up failure Bad RRC connection RRC connection set-up complete message not heard by
set-up success rate due BTS.
to slow Ue cell

8 Long call set-up time Long time interval for The value of Parameter N312 is too high: maximum
sync between RNC and number of “in sync” indications received from L1 during
BTS before connection the establishment of a physical channel

9 Dropped call SHO to wrong cell will Overshooting cell come temporarily into active set and
cause drop call. forces a suitable serving cell to be dropped out. Later
RSCP suddenly drops in the “wrong cell” and causes a
dropped call because there is no neighbour defined.

10 Dropped call Cell suffering from UL As the UE Tx power is not enough for target cell
interference = DL synchronisation, the SHO fails which will cause call drop
(CPICH) coverage later.
much bigger than UL

11 Dropped call DL CPICH coverage <> Cell with lower CPICH power than the surrounding is
having “too good” UL performance, as this cells’ UL
cannot be used efficiently due to SHO is decided upon

12 Dropped call Round the corner effect The call drops due to too rapid CPICH coverage
degradation for Cell A, and therefore there is not enough
time for SHO.
13 Dropped call/SHO failure Too many neighbours In SHO area the number of combined neighbouring cells
become more than 31. HO list is created using RNC
algorithm in the final stage some of the neighbours will
randomly be removed
Possible solutions
Check Antenna line installation (antenna position and quality, cable length and quality).

Check that CPICH powers are balanced between the studied cells.

Check presence of shadowing obstacles.

Add a site to the area.

Use buildings and other environmental structures to isolate cell(s) coverage.

Down tilt antennas to make cells dominant and limit effects of interfering cell(s).

Check antenna bearing.

Add a site.

Find interfering cell from Scanner results.

Adjust antenna bearing and down tilt or lower the antenna height (too much tilt will break the

Add interfering cell to the neighbour of the serving cell.

Check scanner data and look for missing neighbours.

Check the cabling in antenna line.

In case of MHA is used in BTS check MHA and cables loss parameters, otherwise PrxTotal
value will be too high.

(If MHA parameter is set to ON, Cable loss parameter is used, Cable loss = Real MHA gain =
Feeder loss parameter)

Check the antenna installation as the last alternative in high PrxNoise case.

Set parameters so that reselection process will start earlier:

Qqualmin, Sintrasearch and Qhyst2 as per latest recommendation [8]

Use smaller value N312 (2, recommendation is 4).

Use Actix for checking the call set-up delay (L3 messages).

Use call set-up time optimisation feature Dynamic setting of “ActivationTimeOffset” (possible in
RAN1.5.2 ED2) enables 200 to 500ms reduction for set up delay.

Pan away overshooting cell if it is too close to the serving cell, otherwise apply down tilting as

Use cell individual offset (negative value) parameter to balance the DL and UL coverage.

Check traffic direction of in-car UEs to decide which cell requires offsets.

Use cell individual offset (positive value) parameter to balance the DL and UL coverage.

Note: Cell individual offsets are not taken into account when calculating the added cell Tx

Use cell individual offset (positive value) parameter to balance the DL and UL coverage.

Note: Cell individual offsets are not taken into account when calculating the added cell Tx
Delete unnecessary neighbours.

Improve dominance.
PS call performance optimisation aims to maximise the data throughput. Throughput depends very much on the round trip time (RTT, delay from mo
The lower the RTT the greater the potential for higher throughput. Normally RTT is around 200ms.
Also the radio resource efficiency for certain bit rate should be optimised, such that resources will only be allocated when needed, based on the thr
It should be noted that there is no optimum parameters set to be used for all networks for maximising PS throughput, but every networks needs som
Throughput also varies with UEs types.

Below are the throughput and efficiency specific problems and solutions, although the common call performance issues also apply.

No Behaviour Problem
1 Low Throughput The User bit rate is much less than the Radio
Bearer bit rate either in DL or UL.

2 Low Throughput The User bit rate is much less than the Radio
Bearer bit rate in bi-directional file.

3 Low Throughput The User bit rate is much less than the Radio
Bearer bit rate in bi-directional file.

4 Low Throughput The User bit rate is much less than the Radio
Bearer bit rate either in DL or UL.

5 Low Throughput The User bit rate is much less than the Radio
Bearer bit rate in bi-directional file

6 Low Throughput The User bit rate is much less than the Radio
Bearer bit rate in bi-directional file
7 Low Efficiency BTS Power resources are wasted in case high bit
rates are used but throughput is low.
data throughput. Throughput depends very much on the round trip time (RTT, delay from mobile, typically through USB , connector to server and back).
oughput. Normally RTT is around 200ms.
uld be optimised, such that resources will only be allocated when needed, based on the throughput demand. This can be optimised with Dynamic Link Optimisati
set to be used for all networks for maximising PS throughput, but every networks needs some local optimisation.

ms and solutions, although the common call performance issues also apply.

The reason for lower throughput problems in file transfer is in flow control between PC and
UE which could mean that TCP parameter settings are not optimum, which may cause
degradation to the throughput [10]

When uploads and downloads are occurring simultaneously then the TCP ACKs (for the
downloading) are competing with the upload traffic to get across the PPP link between the
PC and UE. This competition in combination with the flow control instigated by the UE will
delay the ACK. Depending on how big the extra delay is will depend on how much TCP will
be forced to slow down.

PC has lots of data to send in uplink direction at a rate faster than the actual radio interface
between UE and BTS (=64 kbit/s). To prevent overflow, UE turns flow control on towards PC
to stop data flow. The problem is that this stops also TCP ACK for downlink data, sent in
uplink direction. This causes downlink throughput reduction, because TCP session (=ftp) is
not receiving ACKs so quickly.

The phenomenon is bigger, if the DL data rate is faster than UL data rate.

The reason for lower throughput problems in file transfer could be wrong parameters in

There is Problem in FTP server

Bluetooth connection has been used between UE and PC.

Dynamic Link Optimisation (DyLo) parameters are not set optimum.

m mobile, typically through USB , connector to server and back).

e throughput demand. This can be optimised with Dynamic Link Optimisation (DyLo) feature parameters.
some local optimisation.

Possible solutions
Measure throughput and RTT.

Increase TCP Window Size - RWIN in case RTT is much more than 200ms and low
throughput has been achieved.
In Windows 2000 the default value is 17520 Bytes.
There are many tools available to change the window size, for example DoctorTCP [13].
Optimal RWIN in client = 32660 B
Optimal RWIN in server = 65535 B
See more in reference [11].

Measure throughput and RTT

Increase TCP Window Size - RWIN in case RTT is much more than 200ms and low
throughput has been got.
In Windows 2000 this has default value of 17620 Bytes.
Optimal RWIN in client = 32660 B
Optimal RWIN in server = 65535 B
See reference [11].

Measure throughput and RTT

Increase TCP Window Size- RWIN in case RTT is much more than 200ms and low throughput
has been got.
IWindows 2000 as default value of 17620 Bytes.
Optimal RWIN in client = 32660 B
Optimal RWIN in server = 65535 B
See reference [11].

Tune TCP parameters in the Server:

MSS = Maximum Segment Size (in bytes) = TCP payload
MTU = Maximum Transmission Unit (in bytes) = IP packet size\
MTU = MSS + TCP Header (20 bytes) + IP Header (20 bytes)
Optimal MTU in client and server =1460 Bytes

Change the FTP server.

In general FTP server should be located right after the GGSN (not behind the public internet)
so it would be recommended to have test FTP server located right to the GGSN.

Make several FTP sessions instead of one to increase the throughput.

Try with stream e.g. http//

Use USB connection instead of bluetooth.

Adjust the PtxDLAbsMax parameter (default value 50 dBm as maximum link power, optimum
setting between 35-37dBm) to trigger DyLo earlier.
No Behaviour Problem Description
1 Dropped call Not enough DL power to maintain CS video connection needs more power to
good quality maintain the SIR target and thus also BLER

2 Call set-up High PrxTotal due to UL External The PrxTotal level is significantly higher than
Failure interference expected in no/low load conditions.

Call drop
Possible solutions
Increase the max DL Radio Link power by decreasing the CPICHtoRefRaBOffset

In case the max power increment is a lot (~3dB) then the minimum power is
increased by 3dB as well which can lead to the minimum power problems (BTS
sending too much power to the UEs close to the BTS and therefore causing
problems to the UE and even dropped call)

Therefore the PCrangeDL parameter should be tuned according to the

CPICHtoRefRabOffset parameter tuning (from the default)

More info in reference [9].

Try to figure the possible area/direction of the interference by checking PrxTotal

level on neighbouring cells.

Alternatively use spectrum analyser & directive antenna to locate interferer. Inform
operator/regulator about the found conditions.

Check if auto-tuning range is large enough (20 dB).

Vendor: Huawei
Issue: TBF Assignment Success Rate for EDGE fluctuates frequently ranging from 97% to 20% and impacting cluster level stats.
Investigation Outcome: As per trace information collected for the effected cell degradation corresponds to a single TLLI (highlighted below in the snapshot), i
abnormal mobile ,
it's capacity doesn't match Class 10 which it submits to BSS, so it can't occupy the assign channel properly, and re-apply new EDGE Uplink channel.
Solution: IMSI was blocked from Core end.

Vendor: Huawei
Issue: Throughput limited in some sites to a lower-than-configured value
Investigation Outcome: during general checkings Ive found some sites where I couldnt explain why the IuB throughput was limited (see graph) to a value LO
asked many guys from transport network they say "nothing is wrong".
Solution: one transport engineer noted that after re-configuring the site from 4E1s to 2E1s, the MUX´s configuration was not properly reduced to 2E1s.
So many months later they reduce the config in the MUX to 2E1s and voilla!!! it seems it was stucked... who knows... now we have the 3.8Mbps expected in Iu

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