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Course Outline: MATH1011 Fundamentals of Mathematics B

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Course Outline


Fundamentals of Mathematics B

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Faculty of Science

Semester 1, 2017

1. Staff ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Administrative matters......................................................................................................................... 3
Contacting the Student Services Office............................................................................................... 3
3. Course information .............................................................................................................................. 4
Course summary ................................................................................................................................. 4
Course aims ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Course learning outcomes (CLO) ........................................................................................................ 4
4. Learning and teaching activities .......................................................................................................... 5
Lecturers & Tutorial Schedule ............................................................................................................. 5
Tutorials ............................................................................................................................................... 5
UNSW Moodle ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Computing ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Assessment overview .......................................................................................................................... 6
Class tests ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Online Algebra/Calculus tests ............................................................................................................. 7
Computing Test ................................................................................................................................... 8
Schedule of all class assessments ...................................................................................................... 9
Calculator Information ......................................................................................................................... 9
5. Expectations of students ................................................................................................................... 10
School Policies .................................................................................................................................. 10
6. Academic integrity, referencing and plagiarism ................................................................................ 10
7. Readings and resources ................................................................................................................... 11
Text books ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Getting help outside tutorials ............................................................................................................. 11
Staff Consultations ............................................................................................................................ 11
Mathematics Drop-in Centre.............................................................................................................. 11
Maple Lab Consultants ...................................................................................................................... 11
8. Additional support for students ......................................................................................................... 11
Applications for Special Consideration .............................................................................................. 12
Important Notes ................................................................................................................................. 13
University Statement on Plagiarism .................................................................................................. 14
9. Algebra Syllabus ............................................................................................................................... 15
10. Calculus Syllabus ............................................................................................................................ 16
11. Computing ....................................................................................................................................... 17
12. Formulas and table of integrals ....................................................................................................... 23

1. Staff

Position Name Email Room

Course Authority Dr Jonathan Kress RC-3073

Lecturer – Calculus Dr Stephen Meagher RC-3092

Lecturer – Algebra Mr Frank Reid RC-3092

Lecturer-in-charge of computing Dr Chi Mak RC-4073

and Maple TA quizzes

Staff consultation times are provided on Moodle and in the School of Mathematics and Statistics
website for current students > undergraduate > student services > help for students page, at the
beginning of each semester.

2. Administrative matters

Contacting the Student Services Office

Please visit the School of Mathematics and Statistics web-site for a wide range of information on
School Policies, Forms and Help for Students by visiting the “Student Services” page.
For information on Courses, please go to “Current Student”, “Undergraduate and/or Postgraduate”
“Courses Homepage” for information on all course offerings.
The “Student Notice Board” can be located by going to the “Current Students” page; Notices are
posted regularly for your information here. Please familiarise yourself with the information found in
these locations. The School web page is found:
If you cannot find the answer to your queries on the web pages you are welcome to contact the
Student Services Office directly. The First Year Advisor in the Student Services Office is Mrs Markie
Lugton. All administrative enquiries concerning first year Mathematics courses should be sent to M
Lugton, either:
• By email to
• By phone: 9385 7011
• Or in person to the Red Centre building, level 3, room 3072

Change of tutorials, due to timetable clashes or work commitments, permission to take class tests
outside your scheduled tutorial, advice on course selection and other administrative matters are
handled in the Student Services Office. Constructive comments on course improvement may also be
emailed to the Director of First Year Mathematics, Dr Jonathan Kress. Should we need to contact
you, we will use your official UNSW email address of in the first instance. It
is your responsibility to regularly check your university email account. Please state your
student number in all emails to the Student Services Office.

3. Course information
Units of credit: 6
Assumed knowledge: It is assumed that you have the equivalent knowledge of a mark of at least 70
in the HSC Mathematics (formerly known as HSC 2 unit Mathematics), to enrol in MATH1011.
It will be assumed that you have good understanding of everything in the syllabuses for
School Certificate Advanced Mathematics and HSC Mathematics (2 unit) and that you have
well-developed skills in the basic techniques of high school mathematics. If you feel as though
you don’t have sufficient knowledge to successfully complete this course then you should seek advice
from the Director for First Year Mathematics, Dr Jonathan Kress.
Teaching times and locations: see the link on the Handbook web pages:

Course summary
MATH1011 will provide you with an in-depth knowledge of topics in Calculus and Linear Algebra and
show applications in interdisciplinary contexts through lectures and exercises. It will enhance your
skills in analytical thinking and problem solving through illustrative examples in lectures and problem
based tutorials. The course will also engage you in independent and reflective learning through your
independent mastery of tutorial problems and Maple. The mathematical skills that you will develop
are generic problem solving skills, based on logical arguments that can be applied in multidisciplinary
work. You will be encouraged to develop your communication skills through active participation in
tutorials, and by writing clear, logical arguments when solving problems.

Course aims
The aim of MATH1011 is that by the time you finish the course you should understand the concepts
and techniques covered by the syllabus and have developed skills in applying those concepts and
techniques to the solution of appropriate problems. The exact syllabus is defined by the content of the
lectures and tutorial problems.
The syllabus includes a computing component, based on the software package Maple, and you
should develop sufficient facility with Maple to solve appropriate problems.

Course learning outcomes (CLO)

At the successful completion of this course you (the student) should be able to:
• State definitions as specified in the syllabus.
• State and prove appropriate theorems.
• Explain how a theorem relates to specific examples.
• Apply the concepts and techniques of the syllabus to solve appropriate problems.
• Prove specific and general results given specified assumptions.
• Use mathematical and other terminology appropriately to communicate information and
• Use the symbolic computing package Maple as an aid to solve appropriate problems.

4. Learning and teaching activities

Lecturers & Tutorial Schedule

Please note that Lectures commence in week 1 and run to week 12 according to your myUNSW
timetable. Classroom tutorials commence in week 2 and run until week 13.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1-2pm Algebra 2-3pm Calculus
Reid Meagher
CLB 2 Macauley
2-3pm Calculus Theatre
Meagher 3-4pm Algebra
9-10 Calc 9-10 Calc
Tutorials 9-10 Alg
4-5 Alg

Students in MATH1011 are enrolled in two tutorials, one for algebra and one for calculus. The algebra
nd st
tutorial is timetabled for the 2 half of the week, whilst the calculus tutorial is scheduled for the 1 half
of the week. Attendance is compulsory for all classroom tutorials and a roll will be called at all
tutorial classes.
Students are able to change their tutorials via myUNSW until the end of week 1. After that time, they
can only change tutorials by going to the Student Services Office, Red Centre Building room RC-3072
with evidence of a timetable clash or work commitments. Please note that all tutorials commence in
week 2 and continue to week 13; attendance at tutorials is compulsory and the roll will be called in

UNSW Moodle
The School of Mathematics and Statistics uses the Learning Management System called Moodle. To
log into Moodle, use your zID and zPass at the following URL:
Once logged in you should see a link to MATH1011 that will take you to the homepage in Moodle.
Here you will find announcements, general information, notes, lecture slide, classroom tutorial and
homework problems and links to online tutorial and assessments.

In addition to the calculus and algebra components, there is a computing component in MATH1011.
This is partly interwoven with the calculus and algebra components and partly independent of them.
This computing component is constructed so that you teach yourself how to use the Maple software
package to solve a selection of mathematical problems. The aim here is to give you experience in
learning new (computational) techniques by yourself.
There will be introductory instructional videos available in UNSW Moodle.
Students are then expected to independently work through and understand the provided Maple
worksheets and use the practise tests in Maple TA for self-assessment. More details about the
computing component, including information about the online Maple test are given later in this

booklet. Finally, note that the end of semester exam may contain one or two questions requiring
knowledge of Maple.

Assessment overview
Your final mark will be made up as follows:
Class tests 20%
Online Algebra/Calculus tests 5%
Computing test 5%
End of semester exam 70%

• During the first lecture there will be pre-test based on the final exam material. Students who
o At least 50% in this pre-test, and
o At least 50% on their best 3 class tests, and
o At least 50% on the Maple computing component
will be guaranteed a pass in the course.
The purpose of this pre-test is to provide accurate information on each student’s knowledge
at the beginning of the course. This will help students, tutors and lecturers to target their
effort more effectively. Students should bring pens and a calculator to the first lecture. The
final exam will be multiple choice questions; the duration is 2 hours.

• You will be able to view your final exam timetable once Exams Central has finalised the
timetable. Please visit the web page: for
• It is very important that you understand the University’s rules for the conduct of Examinations
and the penalties for Academic Misconduct Guide. This information can be accessed
through myUNSW at: NB: In recent years there have
been cases where severe penalties have been imposed for misconduct in relation to tests
and exams in Maths courses.
• Assessment criteria: UNSW assesses students under a standards based assessment policy.
For how this policy is applied within the School of Mathematics and Statistics, please visit the
web site:
• If you are unwell / miss your final examination, please refer to the Special Consideration
Policy by visiting the website:
• As from S1, 2016 students with a final mark in the range of 45-49 will be permitted to take
the Additional Assessment Exam as a Concessional Additional Assessment (AA). There will
be no notification to the individual student of the right to take the Concessional AA, but the
details of the courses AA exam schedule will be provided on the School’s website Notice
Board, after the Provisional Results are published (normally 1 week after the exam period
The final mark after completing the Concessional AA will not increase to a mark higher than
50. Website to School Notice Board:

Class tests
The two calculus class tests are scheduled for weeks 5 and 9, whilst the two algebra class tests are
scheduled for weeks 6 and 12. The tests will examine topics in the syllabus as shown in the table
below; problems section numbers refer to the Algebra Booklet and the Calculus Booklet:
Test Lecture Topics Problem from section
Calculus Test 1 Lecture topics from weeks 1 and 3 inclusive 1.1 to 1.3 inclusive
(week 5)
Calculus Test 2 Lecture topics from weeks 4 to 7 inclusive 1.4 to 2.4 inclusive
(week 9)
Algebra Test 1 Lecture topics from weeks 1 to 4 inclusive 1.1 to 2.1 inclusive
(week 6)
Algebra Test 2 Lecture topics from weeks 4 to 10 inclusive 2.2 to 4.4 inclusive
(week 12)

• Examples of previous class tests can be found in the back of the Calculus and Algebra
• You must be enrolled in an Algebra and Calculus tutorial, and you must take every test in
the tutorial to which you have been officially allocated.
• To each test you must bring your student ID card.

• You will not be allowed to use a calculator in class tests.

• Your best three scores in the four tests will be counted towards your final assessment mark.
• If you miss a class test due to illness, please DO NOT apply for Special Consideration on-
line. You should provide your tutor with a medical certificate in the following week so that
your absence can be converted to an M grade to signify a “Medical Absence”. The M grade
is converted to a mark that is the average result from completed tests, and is recorded
towards the end of semester. No more than two “M’s” will be accepted in any one semester.
• You can check class marks through the Student Web Portal accessed via the “Maths & Stats
marks” link on the course page for MATH1011 on the UNSW Moodle server. It is your
responsibility to check that these marks are correct and you should keep marks tests and
assignments until the end of session in case an error has been made in recording the marks.
If there is an error, either speak to your tutor or bring your test paper to the Student Services
Office (Red Centre, room 3072) as soon as possible but not later than Friday week 13.

Online Algebra/Calculus tests

Each week you must complete a simple online test that is designed to help you prepare for the
tutorials for that week. There are two algebra questions and two calculus questions. A new test will
become available at 1pm on each Tuesday in weeks 1 to 11, and are due by 1pm on Tuesday of the
following week.
You will be allowed 5 attempts at each test and your best 8 tests will contribute up to 5% of your final

These tests can be found on the MATH1011 class in Maple TA and information on how to access and
use Maple TA can be found on the MATH1011 homepage in Moodle. In order to gain access to these
tests on Maple TA you must first complete the “Declaration” and “Using Maple TA” tests on Maple TA.
• The first test starts in week 1 as preparation for the week 2 tutorials;
• Each attempt at these tests must be your own work, but you are encouraged to discuss the
methods required with other students;
• Each test presented to you will be slightly different, so don’t just copy answers from one
attempt to the next.
• No additional attempts will be granted. You have 5 attempts at these tests to allow for
technical or other problems that may result in one or more attempts being lost.
• No deadline extensions will be granted. You should attempt these tests with sufficient
remaining time to allow for unplanned services interruptions.

Computing Test
In MATH1011 you will learn how to use the computer algebra software called Maple which is installed
in the Red-Centre labs and also available to use on your own computer via the myAccess service:
Worksheets and notes are provided for this on Moodle and the assessment consists of an online test
on Maple TA. The online test contributes 5% of your final grade but there will also be some questions
on Maple in the final exam. The online Maple test will prepare you for the Maple question(s) in the
Questions will be presented to you via Maple TA, you will answer them using Maple and then submit
your answers online. A mark and feedback will be available as soon as the test is completed.
Before any tests can be undertaken in Maple TA you must complete a declaration that you are
attempting the tests without the assistance of any other person. Then an unlimited number of practice
tests will be available from the beginning of week 1 and you must score at least 5/10 in one of these
before 4pm on Friday at the end of week 8 to gain access to the Maple test that counts towards your
final MATH1011 mark. Once you have this access, and until 4pm on Friday at the end of week 12,
you will be allowed 5 attempts at the Maple test. Your final mark will be the best mark from your 5
attempt. Each attempt at a practice test and the actual test will have a limit of 1 hour.
All the information that you will need to will be available on the MATH1011 UNSW Moodle site.
To prepare for this test, you should watch the inductory videos provided on Moodle, and work through
this material in your own time. You will need to continue to attempt the Maple practice tests (in Maple
TA) until you are confident with them and you should aim to score 9 or 10 out of 10 once you attempt
the Maple Test that counts for marks.
WARNING: Your answers to the Maple test must be your own work. You must not receive any help
during an attempt at the Maple test. Just as for online tutorial preparation tests, no additional
attempts or deadline extensions will be granted for the Maple Test.
More details of the Computing Component of this course are provided later in this booklet.

Schedule of all class assessments
Lectures run during weeks 1 to 12, and tutorials run during weeks 2 to 13. The table below gives the
schedule of class tests and computing assessments.
TP1, TP2, etc. denote the weeks when the online tutorial preparation tests are due for completion.

Week Algebra Calculus Maple Consulting

Week 1

Week 2 TP1 TP1

Week 3 TP2 TP2

Week 4 TP3 TP3

Week 5 TP4 TP4, Test 1

Week 6 Test 1, TP5 TP5

Week 7 TP6 TP6

Mid-semester break

Week 8 TP7 TP7 Online Maple practice completed

Week 9 TP8 TP8, Test 2

Week 10 TP9 TP9

Week 11 TP10 TP10

Week 12 Test 2, TP11 TP11 Online Maple test completed

Week 13

End of semester examination – check UNSW exam timetable for details

Web link:

Calculator Information
For end of semester UNSW exams, students must supply their own calculator. Only calculators on the
UNSW list of approved calculators may be used in the end of semester exams. Before the exam
period, calculators must be given a “UNSW approved” sticker, obtained from the School of
Mathematics and Statistics Office, and other student or Faculty centres. The UNSW list of calculators
approved for use in end of semester exams is available at:

5. Expectations of students

School Policies
The School of Mathematics and Statistics has adopted a number of policies relating to enrolment,
attendance, assessment, plagiarism, cheating, special consideration etc. These are in addition to the
Policies of The University of New South Wales. Individual courses may also adopt other policies in
addition to or replacing some of the School ones. These will be clearly notified in the Course Initial
Handout and on the Course Home Pages on the Maths Stats web site.
Students in courses run by the School of Mathematics and Statistics should be aware of the School
and Course policies by reading the appropriate pages on the Maths Stats web site starting at:

The School of Mathematics and Statistics will assume that all its students have read and understood
the School policies on the above pages and any individual course policies on the Course Initial
Handout and Course Home Page. Lack of knowledge about a policy will not be an excuse for failing
to follow the procedure in it.

6. Academic integrity, referencing and plagiarism

Academic integrity is fundamental to success at university. Academic integrity can be defined as a

commitment to six fundamental values in academic pursuits: honesty, trust, fairness, respect,
responsibility and courage. At UNSW, this means that your work must be your own, and others’
ideas should be appropriately acknowledged. If you don’t follow these rules, plagiarism may be
detected in your work.
Further information about academic integrity and plagiarism can be located at:
• The Current Students site, and

• The ELISE training site

The Conduct and Integrity Unit provides further resources to assist you to understand your conduct
obligations as a student:
Further information about academic integrity and plagiarism can be located at:

• The Current Students site, and

• The ELISE training site
The Conduct and Integrity Unit provides further resources to assist you to understand your conduct
obligations as a student:

International Center for Academic Integrity, ‘The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity’, T.
Fishman (ed), Clemson University, 2013.

7. Readings and resources

Text books
• J.C. Arya and R.W. Lardner, Mathematics for the Biological Sciences, Prentice-Hall.
• J.B. Fitzpatrick, New Senior Mathematics – Three Unit Course for Years 11 and 12,

Arya & Lardner and Fitzpatrick are available at the UNSW Bookshop, while all other need material for
MATH1011 is available via UNSW Moodle.

Getting help outside tutorials

Staff Consultations
From week 3 there will be a roster which shows for each hour of the week a list of names of members
of staff who are available to help students in the first year mathematics courses, no appointment is
necessary. This roster is displayed on the same Notice Board as timetables, near the School Office
(room 3070, Red Centre), it is also available from the web page:

Mathematics Drop-in Centre

The Maths drop-in centre provides free help to students with certain first and second year
mathematics courses. First year courses supported are Math1011, Math1031, Math1081, Math1131,
Math1141 and Math1151. The Maths drop-in centre office is located in RC-3064, and opening times
during semester is from 10am – 12pm and 1pm to 3pm from Mondays to Fridays. The Maths drop-in
centre schedule will be available on the Schools website: by the end of week 1.
Please note that no appointment is necessary, this is a drop in arrangement to obtain one-on-one
help from tutors.

Maple Lab Consultants

For help with the Maple computing component of this course, consultants will be available in the Red
Centre lab RC-G012B from 11am to 4pm each teaching day in weeks 1 to 9. For more details, visit

8. Additional support for students

• The Current Students Gateway:
• Academic Skills and Support:
• Student Wellbeing, Health and Safety:
• Disability Support Services:
• UNSW IT Service Centre:

Applications for Special Consideration
If you feel that your performance in, or attendance at a final examination has been affected by illness
or circumstances beyond your control, or if you missed the examination because of illness or other
compelling reasons, you may apply for special consideration. Such an application may lead to the
granting of Additional Assessment.

It is essential that you take note of the rules 1, 2, 5 and 6, which apply to applications for special
consideration in all first year Mathematics courses. Rules 3 and 4 apply to the above courses only.

1. Within 3 days of the affected examination, or at least as soon as possible, you must submit a
request for Special Consideration to UNSW Student Central ON-LINE with supporting documentation

Visit website to Apply for Special Consideration:

2. Please do not expect an immediate response from the School. All applications will be considered
together. See the information below.

3. If you miss a class test due to illness or other problems, then you should provide the appropriate
documentation to your tutor who will record an M. No more than 2 “M’s” will be accepted in any one
semester. DO NOT apply on-line for Special Consideration for class tests or for on-line or computing

4. If your course involves a MAPLE/MATLAB lab test which you missed, you should contact the
lecturer in charge of computing as soon as possible. A resit will be organised for later in the session.

5. You will NOT be granted Additional Assessment in a course if your performance in the
course (judged by attendance, class tests, assignments and examinations) does not meet a
minimal standard. A total mark of greater than 40% on all assessment not affected by a request for
Special Consideration will normally be regarded as the minimal standard for award of Additional

6. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out from the School of Mathematics and Statistics,
whether you have been granted Additional Assessment and when and where the additional
assessment examinations will be held. Do NOT wait to receive official results from the university, as
these results are not normally available until after the Mathematics Additional Assessment Exams
have started.

Information about award of Additional Assessment and a provisional list of results will be made
available on the Maths & Stats Marks page later in the semester. A link to the Maths & Stats Marks
page is provided on Moodle.

7. The Additional Assessment exam will be on Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th July, 2017. A
link to the Additional Assessment timetable, including locations, will be placed on the Current
Students Notice Board under heading “Special Consideration and Additional Assessment”
information. Web link:

8. If you have two Additional Assessment examinations scheduled for the same time, please consult
the Student Services Office either by email or phone ( or 9385 7011), so
that special arrangements can be made.

9. You will need to produce your UNSW Student Card to gain entry to the Additional Assessment

Important Notes
• The Additional Assessment exam may be of a different form to the original exam and must be
expected to be at least as difficult.

• If you believe your application for Special Consideration has not been processed, you should
immediately consult the Director for First Year Mathematics, Dr Jonathan Kress (Room 3073,
Red Centre).

• If you believe that the above arrangements put you at a substantial disadvantage, you should
send full documentation of the circumstances to: Director of First Year Mathematics, School
of Mathematics and Statistics, University of NSW, Sydney NSW 2052, at the earliest possible

• If you suffer from a chronic or ongoing illness that has, or is likely to, put you at a serious
disadvantage, then you should contact the Disability Support Services who provide
confidential support and advice. Their web site is:
Disability Support Services (DSS) may determine that your condition requires special
arrangements for assessment tasks. Once the School has been notified of these we will
make every effort to meet the arrangements specified by DSS.

• Additionally, if you have suffered misadventure during semester then you should provide full
documentation to the Director of First Year Mathematics as soon as possible. In these
circumstances it may be possible to arrange discontinuation without failure or to make special
examination arrangements.

Professor B Henry
Head, School of Mathematics and Statistics

University Statement on Plagiarism
This statement has been adapted from statements by the St James Ethics Centre, the University of
Newcastle, and the University of Melbourne.

Plagiarism is the presentation of the thoughts or work of another as one's own. Examples include:

• Direct duplication of the thoughts or work of another, including by copying work, or knowingly
permitting it to be copied. This includes copying material, ideas or concepts from a book,
article, report or other written document (whether published or unpublished), composition,
artwork, design, drawing, circuitry, computer program or software, web site, Internet, other
electronic resource, or another person's assignment without appropriate acknowledgement
• Paraphrasing another person's work with very minor changes keeping the meaning, form
and/or progression of ideas of the original;
• Piecing together sections of the work of others into a new whole;
• Presenting an assessment item as independent work when it has been produced in whole or
part in collusion with other people, for example, another student or a tutor; and,
• Claiming credit for a proportion a work contributed to a group assessment item that is greater
than that actually contributed.
• Submitting an assessment item that has already been submitted for academic credit
elsewhere may also be considered plagiarism.
• The inclusion of the thoughts or work of another with attribution appropriate to the academic
discipline does not amount to plagiarism.

Students are reminded of their Rights and Responsibilities in respect of plagiarism, as set out in the
University Undergraduate and Postgraduate Handbooks, and are encouraged to seek advice from
academic staff whenever necessary to ensure they avoid plagiarism in all its forms.

The Learning Centre website is the central University online resource for staff and student information
on plagiarism and academic honesty. It can be located at:

The Learning Centre also provides substantial educational written materials, workshops, and tutorials
to aid students, for example, in:
• Correct referencing practices;
• Paraphrasing, summarising, essay writing, and time management;
• Appropriate use of, and attribution for, a range of materials including text, images, formulae
and concepts.

Individual assistance is available on request from The Learning Centre.

Students are also reminded that careful time management is an important part of study and one of the
identified causes of plagiarism is poor time management. Students should allow sufficient time for
research, drafting, and the proper referencing of sources in preparing all assessment items.

Algebra Syllabus
Week Lecture Topics Tutorial Exercises
for this week
1 Trigonometry No tutorial; try the
Right triangles, sine and cosine rules, applications to 2 and 3 Revision exercises
dimensional problems, radians, solution of sin x = k, and start learning how
introduction to inverse trig. functions, solution of to use Maple TA.
sin−1 k = x, sketching trig. and inverse trig. functions)
2 Trigonometry 1.1 (1–20)
(Trig. identities, exact trig. ratios,
auxiliary angle and modelling with waves)
3 Vectors 1.1 (21–36)
(introduction, application to displacement,
problems, vector geometry, dot and cross products )
4 Polynomials and complex numbers 1.2 (1–19)
(Remainder and factor theorems, polynomials with
complex roots, arithmetic with complex numbers,
modulus and argument, argand diagrams)
5 Complex Numbers 2.1 (1–11)
(Polar form of complex numbers, powers, square roots, 2.2 (1–7)
inequalities in R2 , sketching regions of the complex plane)
6 Matrices
(matrix arithmetic, 2 × 2-determinants, 2.2 (8–18)
inverses, and applications )
7 Systems of Linear Equations 2.3 (1–3)
(Gaussian elimination, back-substitution, and applications) 3.1 (1–8)
8 Counting 3.2 (1–16)
(sizes of (finite) sets,
addition law, inclusion/exclusion, multiplication law,
arrangements and selections)
9 Counting (contd) 4.1 (1–14)
(Selections and Applications)
Probability 4.2 (1–3)
(introduction, addition and multiplication laws)
10 Probability 4.2 (4–10)
(independent events, conditional probability)
Sequences 4.3 (1–3)
(Arithmetic and geometric)
11 Summation and induction 4.3 (3–11)
(Summation notation, series, mathematical induction) 4.4 (1–9)
Binomial Theorem
12 Binomial Theorem
Revision 4.5 (1–10)
4.6 (1–6)
13 No Lectures 4.7 (1–7)

Tutorial exercise numbers refer to the Algebra Booklet available from the MATH1011 module
on UNSW Blackoard.

Calculus Syllabus

Week Lecture Topics Tutorial Exercises

for this week
1 Notation, domain and range of functions No tutorial; try the Revision exercises
Sketching curves without calculus and watch the introduction to Maple videos
(straight lines, quadratics, cubics) on Moodle.
2 Inequalities and absolute values 1.1 (1–9)
(sketching and solving)
Surds and indices
3 Exponentials and logarithms 1.2 (1–6)
Introduction to functions 1.3 (1–3)
Odd, even and inverse functions
4 Limits (polynomial and trigonometric) 1.3 (4–12)
Continuity and introduction to 1.4 (1–3)
5 Differentiation
(product, quotient and chain rules) 1.4 (4–5)
2.1 (1–7)
6 Higher derivatives 2.2 (1–5)
Interpretations of the derivative 2.3 (1–3)
Curve sketching
7 Further applications of differentiation 2.3 (4–12)
(motion of a paticle, maxima and minima)
8 Newton’s method 2.3 (13–19)
Implicit differentiation 2.4 (1–12)
Parametric equations, related rates
9 Exponential growth and decay
Newton’s law of cooling 2.5 (1–8)
Modelling with the exponential function 2.6 (1–5)
10 Integration – methods of 2.6 (6–20)
integration, including substitution 2.7 (1–3)
Riemann sums
11 Fundamental theorem of calculus 2.7 (4–11)
Areas under curves 3.1 (1–9)
Definite integrals
12 Simpson’s rule 3.2 (1–3)
Applications of Integration 3.3 (1–13)

13 No lectures 3.4 (1–6)

3.5 (1–6)

Tutorial exercise numbers refer to the Calculus Booklet available from the MATH1011 module
on UNSW Moodle.

Computing in MATH1011
Why computing?
MATH1011 covers many mathematical techniques that are useful in understanding and predicting
the behaviour of physical and biological systems. In order for you to become comfortable with these
techniques, the problems presented in lectures and tutorials often involve only small data sets, few
variables or simple functions.
The aim of the computing component of this course is to show you how you can use computer
algebra software to apply the mathematics you have learnt to solve problems that would be very
cumbersome to tackle by hand. In MATH1011, the software we will be using is called Maple. Even
for relatively simple problems, Maple can be useful as it does not make simple arithmetic errors!
Whether or not you continue on in mathematics, the computing skills you learn with us should
still be useful in your university studies and beyond because:

• Your experience with Maple will make it easier to learn other software packages.

• Many other Schools are starting to use packages like Maple.

• Symbolic computing techniques will be useful when you use mathematics in your future career.

UNSW has a policy that all students (no matter what program they are in) should be introduced
to the basic techniques of computer use. For students in science and engineering programs, part of
this requirement is met by the computing included in first year mathematics.

What sort of computer or applications do I need?

The School of Mathematics and Statistics provides computing labs with everything you will need
for computing in MATH1011 (see below). Most of the School’s computers run Linux, and we
encourage you to use these. There are also PCs running Microsoft Windows that you may use.
You can access material on Moodle, the testing environment Maple TA and the School’s website
from almost any web browser anywhere. You can also use Maple on your own computer via the
myAccess service

Note: We recommend that you attempt the actual Maple Test in one of the School’s computer
labs. If you take this test from somewhere else we cannot be responsible for the reliability of your
computer and internet connection.

What will I have to do and when?

In MATH1011 you will be required to complete an online Maple test which will make up 5% of your
final grade. There will also be at least one Maple sub-question in the end of semester
exam. The online Maple test will prepare you for the Maple question(s) in the exam.
Questions will be presented to you via Maple TA, you will answer them using Maple and then
submit your answers online. A mark and feedback will be available as soon as the test is completed.
Before any tests can be undertaken in Maple TA you must complete a declaration that you
are attempting the tests without the assistance of any other person. Then an unlimited number of
practice tests will be available from the beginning of week 3 and you must score at least 5/10 in
one of these before 4pm on Friday at the end of week 8 to gain access to the actual Maple testthat
counts towards your final MATH1011 mark. Once you have this access, and until 4pm on Friday
at the end of week 12, you will be allowed 5 attempts at the Maple test. Your final mark will be

the best mark from your 5 attempts. Each attempt at a practice test and the actual test will have
a time limit of 1 hour. Note: Historically the most common mark for this test is 9 or 10/10.
All the information that you will need will be available on the MATH1011 UNSW Moodle site
(see page 4).
To prepare for this test, you should:

1. Watch the inductory videos provided on UNSW Moodle.

2. Work though the introductory material on UNSW Moodle in your own time.

3. Continue to attempt the Maple practice tests (in Maple TA) until you are confident with
them. You must score at least 5/10 before the end of week 8 in order to be allowed to
attempt the Maple Test.

WARNING: Your answers to the Maple test must be your own work. You must not receive any
help during an attempt at the Maple test. Just as for the online tutorial preparation tests, no
additional attempts or deadline extensions will be granted for the Maple Test.

Getting started with computing in MATH1011

The MATH1011 module in UNSW Moodle has several short instructional videos illustrating how
to access and use all the computing related components of MATH1011.
You should use some of your free time in week 1 go to the Red Centre lab G012 and complete the
Maple introductory materials, available in UNSW Moodle, and in Maple TA you should complete
the assignment “Using Maple TA”. Consultants will be on duty from 11am to 4pm each day to
help you get started with these tasks.

Getting further help

There is a wide range of self-help material in the computing pages in the MATH1011 module on
UNSW Moodle and this should be the place you check in the first instance.
A computing consultant will be available in Room G012 from at least 11am to 4pm every
weekday until at least the end of week 9. There will be no computing consultants available during
week 10 when the labs are closed for laboratory tests in other courses and only a reduced consulta-
tion roster in weeks 11 to 12. The consultant will be sitting at one of the Consultant’s Terminals
at the front of the main blocks of PCs or helping people at their computers and wearing a bright
yellow vest. If you have a problem with Maple, ask the consultant.
For all Maple problems (but not equipment faults, login problems and password problems) you
should see the consultant, or see your tutor if it is a problem with the mathematics involved.
Equipment faults, login problems and password problems should be notified to the
operators at the Help Desk (the window in Room M020). Please note that the operators and
other staff of the Computer Centre are NOT available to act as computing consultants. They are
not experts in Maple.
If all else fails, contact or send an email to the Lecturer in Charge of MATH1011 Computing,
Dr. Chi Mak (Red Centre Room 4073), email

Computing Facilities
A detailed description of the computing facilities in the School of Mathematics and Statistics is
available via documents linked from the web page


These documents are also available from within the Linux desktop (see page 21). Here we describe
only those features needed for MATH1011.

The computing laboratories

The School of Mathematics and Statistics runs 2 Undergraduate Student Laboratories, containing
a network of approximately 150 personal computers (PCs) which run either the Linux or Microsoft
Windows operating system (see below). It does not matter which PC you use at any particular
session, they all behave the same way.
The School’s laboratories are in rooms G012 and M020 of the Red Centre. Room M020 is
through the glass door (and along the corridor) opposite the Mathematics entrance to the Red
Centre. Room G012 is down the stairs from the main entrance, and is split into three sections “A”,
“B” and “C”. The “A” and “C” sections also provide data projection facilities and are therefore
not always available for general use. The “C” section (which is immediately to your left as you
enter the lab) is made up of Microsoft Windows computers and mostly used in the teaching of
Statistics subjects.
The following table describes the labs:

M020 has 40 dual boot (Linux/Windows) PCs available for your use except when booked for a

G012A has 35 Linux PCs, and is often booked for teaching sessions.

G012B has 40 Linux PCs and is normally available for general use.

G012C has 38 Windows PCs, and is often booked for teaching sessions.
Check the door of G012 to find out when G012A or G012C is booked.

These laboratories also have 2 printers each. The lab printers use the same payment system
as the printers in the UNSW Library. Follow the instructions at

for setting up the necessary credit and information about copy and printing charges.
In most cases you will print directly from an application used to display your document. How-
ever, the print job will then sit in an electronic queue until you use a terminal next to the printer
to authorize use of your credit for printing.

Hours of Opening
The laboratories will normally be open as follows:

M020 G012
During semester: Monday to Friday 9 am to 9 pm 9 am to 9 pm
Week 10 and Monday of Week 11: 9 am to 9 pm Closed
During holidays: Monday to Friday 9 am to 9 pm Closed
Public holidays and Weekends Closed Closed.

Any changes to these times will be posted on the door of Room M020.
Remember that there will always be unscheduled periods when the computers are not working
because of equipment problems and that this is not a valid excuse for not completing tests on time.

Using the computers
The computers in the school labs, UNSW Moodle, Maple TA and the School of Mathematics
and Statistics student web portal ALL require your UNSW username (z followed by your student
number, e.g. z3900007) and your zPass to log in.
Before you can use your account you must have a valid zPass and it must be unlocked. You
can create or unlock your zPass using the UNSW Identity Manager at

If you have trouble logging in to a computer in a School of Mathematics and Statistics lab, you
should first try resetting your zPass using IDM.
Remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, and any misuse of it by
you or anyone else (for example, using the account for anything not related to your mathematics
subjects) will be treated as a case of Academic Misconduct. DO NOT GIVE YOUR ZPASS TO
ANYONE ELSE. You must NOT write your zPass down anywhere where it can be identified with
your student number. If you think someone has found out what your zPass is, change it immediately.


If you are enrolled in a Mathematics or Statistics course will be able to log in to the computers
in the Mathematics and Statistics computer labs using their zID and zPass. Once logged in will
have access to your university wide H drive. Any file that we wish to be preserved after you log
out should be stored on your H drive.
If you have trouble logging in to a computer in the lab first try changing your zPass using the
UNSW Identity Manager and if that fails, go to the Help Desk window in RC-M020 between 9 am
and 5 pm on any weekday.

Using the Linux Desktop

The Linux interface is known as KDE, which stands for K Desktop Environment. It is designed to
work in a manner very similar to Microsoft Windows. It is assumed that a windows like environment
will be familiar to you.
Note describing the Mathematics and Statistics computer labs will be available from

Our computers are designed to be left on and you will never need to switch one off.


If you are really stuck and nothing seems to be working on your keyboard, report this at the Help


Code of Conduct
All students are assumed to be aware of the Acceptable Use of UNSW ICT Resources policy, a copy
of which is at

In addition, the School of Mathematics and Statistics reserves the right to monitor all use
of its computer systems, and to share the monitoring results with the relevant law enforcement
authorities. The computing facilities provided by the School of Mathematics and Statistics must
be used only for tasks related to the mathematics course(s) for which your computing account has
been created. Misuse of computers is a serious offence and will be treated as a case of academic
misconduct. This includes damage to or theft of any part of the equipment. A breach of security
will be treated as a case of serious academic misconduct. Breach of security includes but is not
limited to

• deliberately providing a password to another person (student or otherwise);

• attempting to gain unauthorised access to files within the system (“hacking”);

• deliberately introducing computer viruses;

• copying of assignments (by email or any other means).

Electronic mail (email) facilities are provided by the University so that you can communicate with
lecturers and tutors. All use of email is monitored and action will be taken against anyone who
makes excessive use of email or uses it to send annoying, obscene, sexist or racist messages to other
users or to engage in academic misconduct. Internet and other electronic communication services
are provided to allow you to access our computers from other parts of the campus and from home
and to transfer assignments which have been completed on other computers. These services are
NOT provided so that you can access other computers to play games or indulge in other activities
not related to university studies. All electronic communications using the School’s facilities are
monitored to ensure that these facilities are being used in a responsible manner. Likewise, the disk
space allocated to your account should be used only for keeping files related to your course, and
the system administrator may remove any files which are not associated with University work.
These restrictions are imposed because computing resources are limited and there are thousands
of other users of the system (over 4000 students with logins for the Red Centre labs). We all have
to live and work together and you are expected to be considerate to other users. This is the bottom
line when it comes to acceptable behaviour. If you have any doubts about whether an action is
acceptable, don’t do it.
Do not tell anyone else your zPass.

Health and Safety Issues

Students should be aware that using a keyboard or performing any repetitive task for a long
uninterupted period may be associated with physical discomfort and/or muscular or other injury.
To lessen the risk of such problems, a break from typing should be taken at regular intervals, a
good body position adopted, wrists should be kept straight as much as possible and not rested on
a sharp edge.
If you feel pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, cramping, or stiffness in your hands, wrists,
arms, shoulder, neck, or back, see a qualified health professional. For further information contact
the School of Mathematics and Statistics General Office.

Maple is a registered trademark of Waterloo Maple Inc.

Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.


θ 0 π
2 π 2 2π
in radians

θ 0 30 45 60 90 180 270 360

in degrees

1 √1 3
sin θ 0 2 2 2 1 0 −1 0

3 √1 1
cos θ 1 2 2 0 −1 0 1
2 √
tan θ 0 √1 1 3 ∞ 0 ∞ 0

Basic Identities
cos2 x + sin2 x = 1

1 + tan2 x = sec2 x

1 + cot2 x = cosec2 x

sin x
tan x =
cos x

Addition and Subtraction Laws

cos(A + B) = cos A cos B − sin A sin B

cos(A − B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B

sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B

sin(A − B) = sin A cos B − cos A sin B

tan A + tan B
tan(A + B) =
1 − tan A tan B

Double Angle Formulae

cos 2A = 2 cos2 A − 1 = 1 − 2 sin2 A

sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A

2 tan A
tan 2A =
1 − tan2 A


Listed below are the greek characters most commonly used in mathematics.

Lower Upper Lower Upper

Name Name
case case case case

Alpha α Nu ν

Beta β Xi ξ

Gamma γ Γ Pi π Π

Delta δ ∆ Rho ρ

Epsilon ǫ Sigma σ Σ

Zeta ζ Tau τ

Eta η Phi ϕ or φ Φ

Theta θ Θ Chi χ

Kappa κ Psi ψ Ψ

Lambda λ Λ Omega ω Ω

Mu µ

dx = ln |x| + C = ln |kx|, C = ln k
eax dx = eax + C
1 x
ax dx = a + C, a 6= 1
ln a
sin ax dx = − cos ax + C
cos ax dx = sin ax + C
sec2 ax dx = tan ax + C
cosec2 ax dx = − cot ax + C
tan ax dx = ln | sec ax| + C
cot ax dx = ln | sin ax| + C
sec ax dx = ln | sec ax + tan ax| + C
sinh ax dx = cosh ax + C
cosh ax dx = sinh ax + C
sech2 ax dx = tanh ax + C
cosech2 ax dx = − coth ax + C
dx 1 x
= tan−1 + C
a2 + x 2 a a
dx 1 x
2 2
= tanh−1 + C, |x| < a
a −x a a
1 x
= coth−1 + C, |x| > a > 0
a a

1 a + x
= ln + C, x2 6= a2
2a a − x
dx x
√ = sin−1 + C
a2 − x 2 a
dx x
√ = sinh−1 + C
x +a 2 a
dx x
√ = cosh−1 + C, x>a>0
x −a 2 a


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