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HK Lift Analysis

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MECH3005 – Building g Services

Lift and Escalators:

Lift Traffic Analysis
Dr. Sam C M Hui
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
E mail:
cmhui@hku hk
Sep 2010

• Lift Traffic Analysis

• Lift Traffic Calculations

• Advanced Traffic Planning

Lift Traffic Analysis

• Assessment of demand
• Traffic patterns (in an office building)
• Morning UP peak
• Evening DOWN peak
• Two-way traffic (lunch periods)
• Interfloor traffic
• Other considerations, e.g. ‘Flexitime’ attendance
• E
i i off population
l i (occupant
( density)
d i )
• Estimation of arrival rate
Traffic pattern in an office building
[Source: CIBSE Guide D]
Up peak traffic profile
[Source: CIBSE Guide D]
Down peak traffic profile
[Source: CIBSE Guide D]
Estimation of population
Building type Estimated population
Hotel 1.5-1.9 persons/room
Flats 1 5-11.9
1.5 9 persons/bedroom
Hospital 3.0 persons/bedspace*
School 0 8-1 2 m2 net area/pupil
Office (multiple tenancy):
- Regular 10-12 m2 net area/person
- Prestige 15-18 m2 net area/person
Office (single tenancy):
- Regular 8-10 m2 net area/person
- Prestige 20 m2 net area/person
* excluding patient

[Source: CIBSE Guide D]

Percentage arrival rates and up-peak intervals
Buildingg type
yp Arrival rate ((%)) Interval ((sec))
Hotel 10-15 30-50
Flats 55-77 40-90
40 90
Hospital 8-10 30-50
School 15-25 30-50
Office (multiple tenancy):
- Regular 11-15 25-30
- Prestige 15-17 20-25
Office (single tenancy):
- Regular 15 25-30
- Prestige 15-17
15 17 20-25
20 25

[Source: CIBSE Guide D]

Lift Traffic Analysis

• Estimation of quality of service

• Actual average passenger waiting time (AWT)
• Time between the instant of passenger arrival until the
instant of the actual arrival of the lift
• Shorter the waiting time, better the service
• But cannot be measured easily y
• Interval of car arrivals at the main terminal
• Oft
Often taken
t k to t estimate
ti t the
th probable
b bl quality
lit off service
• A part of the evaluation of handling capacity
• AWT ≈ 85% of the interval (assumed 80% car loading)
Probable quality of service in office buildings
Interval (sec) Quality of service
≤ 20 Excellent
25 Very good
30 Good
40 Poor
≥ 50 Unsatisfactory

[Source: CIBSE Guide D]

Lift Traffic Calculations

• Lift traffic calculations

• (1) Based on classical formulae & results
• For the worst 5-min period during morning up peak
• (2)
( ) Based on a discrete digital
g simulation of the
building, its lifts and the passenger dynamics
• Such as for down peak
peak, two-way
two way & interfloor traffic
• Need to work at early design stage with
architect or planner, and the client to establish
the lift system & its design criteria
Lift Traffic Calculations

• Calculate up peak performance

• Determine round trip time (RTT)
• Time for a single lift to make a round trip
• Select number of lifts (L)
( )
• Determine up peak interval (UPPINT)
• Such
S h as, <= 30 sec ((good)
• Determine up
p peak
p handling
g capacity
p y (UPPHC)
( )
• During the worst 5-min (300 sec) of up peak
Lift Traffic Calculations

• RTT = 2 H tv + ((S + 1)) ts + 2 P tp

• H = average highest call reversal floor
• tv = single
i l floor
fl transit
t it time
ti (s)
• S = average no. of stops
• ts = time consumed when stopping (s)
• P = average of passengers carried
• tp = passenger transfer time (s)
• UPPHC = (300 x L x P) / RTT
Lift Traffic Calculations

• Parameters in RTT equation

• Average no. of passengers (P)
• P = 0.8 x rate capacity of lift car
• Average
g highest
g call reversal floor (H)
( )
N 1 P
 i 
H  N   
i 1  N 
• Average no. of stops (S)
  1 

S  N  1  1   
  N 
 
Lift Traffic Calculations

• Parameters in RTT equation (cont

• Single floor transit time, tv = df / v
• df = average interfloor distance (m)
• v = contract (rated) speed (m/s)
• For a lift serving an upper zone, an extra time to make
the jjumpp to/from the express
p zone to the main terminal
must be added:
RTT = 2 H tv + (S + 1) ts + 2 P tp + [2 He tv]
• He = number of average height floors passed through to
reach the first served floor of the express zone
Lift Traffic Calculations

• Parameters in RTT equation

q ((cont’d))
• Time consumed when stopping
ts = T - tv = tf(1) + tc + to - tv
• T = floor-to-floor cycle time (s)
• tf(1) = single floor flight time (s)
• tc = door closing time (s)
• to = door opening time (s)
• Floor cycle
y time ((T)) has the most effect on RTT
• Can be used to judge the quality of service
• For a good system, T = 9 to 10 sec
Lift Traffic Analysis

• Parameters in RTT equation (cont

• Passenger transfer time (tp), vague to define. It
d on:
• Shape of lift car
• Size and type of car entrance
• Environment (commercial
(commercial, institutional,
institutional residential)
• Type of passenger (age, gender, purpose, etc)
Lift Traffic Calculations

• Basic assumptions of RTT equation

• Average no. of passengers
• Passengers arrive uniformly in time
• All floors equally populated
• All cars load to 80%
• Rated speed reached in a single floor jump and
g are equal
interfloor height q
• Other operating time (like dwell time) ignored
• Traffic controller is ‘ideal’
Lift Traffic Calculations

• Average passenger waiting time (AWT)

• Average time an individual passenger waits at a
floor before
b f being
b i able
bl to board
b d a lift
• Not dependent solely on UPPINT
• Also affected by the average car load and the arrival
pprobabilityy distribution function
• Some design criteria for different traffic patterns
have been derived empirically based on the
simulation method (see CIBSE Guide D)
Lift Traffic Calculations

• Computer software: SIMPLE (suite of

iterative balance method and other programs
f lift
for lif andd elevator
l d i )
Advanced Traffic Planning

• Key
y considerations
• Lifts and escalators should provide
• Sufficient handling capacity for the building's traffic
• Short waiting and journey times throughout the day
• Optimum
O ti use off core building
b ildi space
• The main parameters are
• Handling Capacity (HC) – the number of people the
elevators can carry to upper floors within five minutes
d i the
during th morningi "up-peak“
" k“
• Interval (I) – the average departure time for elevators
from th
the maini entrance
t during
d i morning i up peakk
Advanced Traffic Planning

• Building categorization
• The need for traffic planning varies according to
h type andd usage off the
h building
b ildi
• Typical categories:
• Residential
• Public service (e.g.
(e g subways,
subways shopping centers,
centers airports)
• Hospital and multi-purpose buildings
• Commercial mid-, high- and mega high rise -buildings
(e.g. offices, hotels, cruise liners)
Advanced Traffic Planning
• Residential buildings
• Traffic intensity is rather low
• Waiting times even twice as long as those in commercial
b ildi
buildings may be
b acceptable
t bl
• Can normally be selected by using local, international or
comparable standards
• Public service (airports/subways, shopping centres)
• Travelling height is typically no more than a few floors
• Escalators can handle many times the traffic of lifts
• Autowalks speed the people flow across long walking
• Lifts are usually
y provided
p for handicapped
pp access and the
transport of goods or equipment
[Source: Kone]
Residential buildings – passenger traffic flow

[Source: Kone]
Advanced Traffic Planning

• Hospitals
• Need detailed planning to cover emergency, service, bed,
patient visitor and staff transportation
• Architecture and special needs e.g. the location of the
operating theatre affect transportation arrangements
• Multi-purpose buildings
• Separate elevators for different purposes
• If the same lifts are to serve office and residential areas,,
they should be selected according to the highest estimated
peak traffic demands
Advanced Traffic Planning

• Mid
rise commercial buildings
• Hotels: the selection largely depends on the
b off rooms and d bbeds.
d Addi
i l lifts
lif are
required for service purposes
• Office buildings: three peak traffic hours generally
occur: morning up peak,
peak lunchtime mixed traffic
and evening down peak
• U
Up peak
k iis normally
ll usedd in
i lift
lif planning
l i
• Lunch hour traffic is often heavier than the morning up
Advanced Traffic Planning

• High-rise
g commercial buildings
• One lift group alone cannot meet all needs. They are often
divided into zones,
zones served by separate lifts groups
• In mega-high-rise buildings (> 50-60 floors), either
double deck lifts are used or lift groups are stacked on top
of one another in sky lobby arrangements
• Shuttle groups serve traffic between the main entrance floor and
the sky lobby
• Local elevator ggroups
p start from both the main floor and from the
sky lobby
• Shuttle group criteria: HC > 16 % / 5 min.; Interval < 32 sec
Typical lift arrangements in Mega high rise buildings

[Source: Kone]
Typical double-deck lifts


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