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The Audio Engineers Dictionary

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Alchemea The Audio Engineers Dictionary

M Electronics Mu, letter of Greek alphabet used as SI prefix where it is pronounced as Micro meaning 1/100,000th (10^-6)

3:1 Rule microphones Practical rule to avoid comb-filter distortion; keep adjacent microphones > three times as far apart as the distance
between the sound source & the mic.
3:2 Pull Down Film To transfer from 24fps (IE cinema Film) to 30fps each film frame is alternately scanned as 2, then 3 fields. The 30fps
result comprises of 2 fields / Fm. Produces the correct running speed but often with motion artefacts

A/D Digital Analog to Digital converter

AAC Digital Advanced Audio Coding. Lossy data Reduction part of MPEG-2 & beyond.
Absorption Loss or conversion of energy into a less useful form as it travels though a medium
Academy frame {ratio} Film 1.33 aspect Ratio as used for presentation of all Silent & sound movies up to the 1950's. Also TV

Academy Roll off Curve Film Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Hiss/noise reducing HF filter, flat to 1kHz, 2K@-1, 5k@-4, 9k@-10, 10kHz@-
ACM computer Audio Compression Manager, part of MS (r) Windows where Audio CODECS are stored Eg to be able to play MP3 files

ACPI Computer Advanced Configuration & Power Interface, Gives power saving & IRQ steering Can cause problems on Pc's used for
active circuit Analog electronic circuit containing Valves or transistors IE can have gain
Active Lines Video with a 625 line video picture only 576 lines contain picture info
ADPCM Digital Adaptive Differential {or Delta} Pulse Code Modulation. A/D conversion where the difference rather than the actual
value is stored. Often used as a lossy data reduction scheme
ADR Film Automatic {or Assisted} Dialogue replacement. Re voicing due to technical or artistic fault(s) in the location recording aka
ADSL Digital Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line; data via standard phone line, Asymmetrical = different data rates Up & down
stream, IE up to 640kb/s send/ 8Mb/s receive
ADSR Attack Decay Sustain Release. Typical 4 stages in an amplitude envelope.
AES/EBU Digital Digital audio interface jointly conceived by the Audio Engineering Society and the European Broadcasting Union.
Standard IEC-958. 2 Channels Max 24Bit, usually uses XLR (3 pin) See S/PDIF.

AES31-3 Digital File format & Edl spec for interchange between DAW's
Aftertouch MIDI Midi message sending data about overall pressure applied to the keys of a keyboard whilst notes are sustained. Also
known as Channel Aftertouch.
AGP Computer Accelerated {Advanced} Graphics Port. Much improved over PCI buss port for graphics cards. Post 1997

AIFF Computer Audio Interchange File Format. Digital Audio, native for Mac
aka Also Known As
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Allpass filter Phase shifter; Circuit that phase shifts on a frequency selective basis (as any other Filter) but gives no frequency
dependant attenuation or boost
Alpha Graphics As well as RGB or CMYK a amount of transparency or Alpha channel is supported Eg PSD & PNG formats

Alpha Computer a functional initial build of a program that probably has a number of bugs
Alpha numeric Computer The letters A-Z, numbers and generally other symbols on a typewriter style keyboard
AM Electronics Amplitude Modulation. A carrier wave is modulated in level

Ambience (Atmos) Film Low level sound effects that set a mood or suggest the character of a particular place.
ambisonics Surround Sound Method of recording (+ playback) a full perphonic soundfield as 4 components, W sound pressure and three pressure
gradient (fig 8) signals XY&Z. see B format
Amp Electronics Ampere. Unit of electric current equals one coulomb per second. 1Amp will flow in a circuit with 1ohm resistance if 1Volt
is applied
amp Analog Amplifier
amplifier Electronics An electronic circuit that increases signal level by increasing voltage or current. Amplifiers isolate one part of a circuit
from another. Impedance matching amplifiers actually can decrease level. Preamplifiers are designed to handle small
voltages, such as microphone signals. Power amplifiers are designed to drive loudspeakers.

amplitude signal level. Often measured in dB above a reference point.

Analog (in UK Eng traditionally spelt analogue) one continually varying quantity {Eg sound/air pressure) is represented by a 2nd
analogous one {Eg Volts}
Analogue Synthesis Or Subtractive Synthesis. Reproducing real organic sounds through the use and manipulation of simple electronic
waveforms. Usually, the waveforms are harmonically rich and filters will remove unwanted content.

Anamorphic Film Lens or optical attachment that squeezes {on a camera} or unsqueezes {movie projector} the width of the image used in
CinemaScope & Panavision formats
Anechoic Acoustics a room with no reverberation, or total absorption of sound
ANSI Computer American National Standards Institute. They have set the standard for Screen display of text under DOS

Answer Print Film First print from a cut negative containing picture density & colour corrections probable also a combined optical sound
API Computer Application Program Interface; set of commands to program a device or software (Eg Windows Media)

Application Computer An executable piece of code or program. Is specific to a particular operating system. On a PC will have .EXT or .COM
extension On an Atari .PRG
Arpeggiator Synths Pattern that regularly plays through the notes of a chord, making arpeggios. Usually found on Monophonic synthesizers.

ASCII Computer American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Standard for using a 7bit word for 128 defined letters & control
characters found on a computer keyboard. A .TXT file uses only ASCII characters.
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ASCII encoding Computer A way of sending Binary data via an E-mail. Eg BinHex, MIME and UUENCODE
ASIO Computer Audio Streaming Input Output; driver protocol
Aspect Ratio Film Ratio of screen width to height, the height being 1. Eg Panavision/CinemaScope has a Ratio of 2.35:1 For simplicity
expressed as just 2.35.
Aspect Ratio TV Rather than use a sensible system as with Films TV picture shape tends to be expressed as a ratio of any 2 arbitrary
numbers Eg Film 1.33 is 4:3, 1.77 is 16:9
ASPI Computer Advanced SCSI Programming Interface (r) Adaptec, unified drivers for SCSI cards
Assembly Language Computer Very low level programming language, that will be specific to the CPU used
ATA Computer AT Attachment; a hard disk for the IBM AT computer
ATAPI Computer AT Atachment Packet Interface; aka ATA 4 Disk interface
ATM Digital Asynchronous Transfer Mode; data transmitted in 53 Byte packets or cells. Suitable for TDM and packet switching.

Atmos Film Atmosphere. Low level sound effects that set a mood or suggest the character of a particular place.

ATR Audio Tape Recorder

Attack Fx Units Time taken for parameter to rise from 0 to peak level
attenuator Electronics device for reducing signal level. Can contain active circuitry or just resistors.

atto SI Units prefix Symbol a Eg attogram (ag) = 0.000000000000000001grams Or 10^-18

auditory canal The Ear auditory meatus. Ear canal extending from the concha to the eardrum (tympanic membrane)
auditory system The Ear hearing system comprising of the outer ear (pinna, concha, auditory meatus, and tympanic membrane), the middle ear
(ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes), the inner ear (cochlea), and the brain.

AutoConform Video Software that can read an EDL & control 2 or more Broadcast VTR's [or Audio tape recorders] to produce a high quality
replica of an offline edit
AutoTune Fx Units Automatic pitch shifter introduced by Antares. Will pitch shift audio to the nearest note in the chosen scale, virtually in
Aux Auxiliary sends Used to provide a feed to musicians or Fx units from each channel of a mixing console

AVI Computer Audio Video Interleave, MS (c) RIFF format, originally part of the Video for Windows standard
Avid Film Trade name of the most widely known Microprocessor based non linear editing system (NLE) for pictures & sound

axial modes Acoustics frequency dependant resonance between wall surfaces

B format Surround Sound 4 channel system to capture a full perphonic soundfield as 4 components, W sound pressure and three pressure gradient
(fig 8) signals XY&Z.
Baby Legs Film a short {approx 1 m max} camera tripod. Legs implies a separate Pan & tilt head will be added
BAFTA Film British Academy of Film and Television Arts.
Balance To mix or control the relative level & Eq of a number of sound sources. If from a multitrack often called a mixdown
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Balanced Line A twisted pair of cables neither of which is at 0 volts; there is a 1800 polarity difference between the 2. May have a 3rd
screening wire at 0Vols / Earth or ground potential. Used for Analog parts of phone system & high quality Pro audio

bandpass filter BP; Passes frequencies in specified band & attenuates all others
Bandwidth Digital Upper limit to the amount of data per second that can be handled. Eg kBytye/sec See Baud
Bandwidth Analog Upper & lower frequency limit a system can pass with 3dB or less attenuation. Eg 20Hz-20kHz
BASIC Computer Beginner's All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code; a high level programming language
basilar membrane The Ear part of the human hearing system, a membrane in the cochlea of the ear has sensory cells.
Bass Trap Acoustics LF absorber
Baud Computer A measurement of data rate. For practical purposes can be regarded as the same as Bits/Sec but strictly the number of
transitions / sec. Pronounced Bode
BBS Computer bulletin-board service.
BCC Computer Blind Carbon Copy; E-mail function to send without the people listed in the To or CC field knowing who else is to get the
BCD Computer Binary Coded Decimal. 4bit word used to represent the decimal numerals 0-9 (as binary 0000 to 1001)

BeOs Computer Os {Operating System} from Be Inc designed for Audio & Video Data (unfortunately now obsolete)

Beta Computer Software that is not sufficiently de-bugged to be releasable, but is good enough for Beta Testing
Bias Electronics As applied to magnetic recording a RF signal mixed with audio to overcome the Reluctance of the tape to be magnetized
Help to linearize & reduce distortion
bi-directional Polar pattern, more commonly known as Fig 8 or unhelpfully as Cosine
Binary Computer Numbering system based on 2 values: 0 and 1. This system is the one used by Computer.
binary code Computer Binary code is string of data bits: code strings 7 bits long show the ASCII
binary file transfer Computer The transfer of a file containing 8-bit data, as opposed to 7-bit ASCII
Binary Files Computer Contains data other than ASCII text information
binaural Having or involving the use of two ears.
BinHex Computer Mac standard method to encode Binary file as though text, so for Eg it can be sent via E-mail. Has extension .HQX

BIOS Computer Basic Input Output System. Software held in ROM or RAM that monitors hardware devices, Eg Disks, cards VDU

Bit Computer Binary Digit. Can have one of 2 values. Eg on/off 0/1 True/False Hi/Low
BITC Film Burnt In Timecode; Timecode display superimposed over a video image for human rather than machine reading {In USA
aka Window Dub}
bitmap Computer Binary representation of a picture using a grid of small blocks called Pixels. A single pixel is used for each colour and can
depending on the number of bits/pixel record different brightness levels. Eg 1bit/Pixel for black/white, 8bit/Pixel for 256
different brightness of Red/Green/Blue etc

Black & Burst Video A master House Sync generator. Like a Composite video signal but the picture part is blank IE just Sync & colour burst
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Blumlein pair Microphones stereo microphone arrangement consisting 2, Figure of 8 (bi-directional), coincident microphones at an angle of 90� to
one another. Named after Alan Dower Blumlein it being one of many stereo recording methods he invented

BNC connector Electronics Bayonet Coaxial connector either 50 or 75ohm, widely used for pro video signals also digital audio & clocks

Board {US Eng} same as UK Eng, Desk aka Mixing Console

Boolean Logic Computer In Boolean Algebra operators such as AND, OR, NOR, NOT used to test the truth of a comparison
Boolean operator Computer Eg AND, OR, NOT. Used to define search criteria, when using Internet and other database searches. Eg Cat NOT big

boot Computer to start a computer & load the Operating system

Bridge Rectifier Electronics Uses 4 diodes to provide full wave {positive & negative 1/2 cycles} conversion of AC to pulsating DC

buffer amp Analog a small signal amplifier typically with a high I/p impedance, low O/p Z and unity gain (or a slight attenuation)

Bug computer an error (human) in a program

Burst Error Digital Data error effecting a number of contiguous bits, eg tape dropouts.
Byte Computer BY eighTE, a word of 8 Bits.
C/C Film Cutting Copy. The rushes edited to form the C/c or workprint.
Cache Computer Memory space on a computer, reserved for storing frequently used instructions, makes it go faster. This memory space
is usually takes the form of dedicated circuitry (hardware cache), or part of RAM memory (software cache).

CAL Computer Computer Assisted Learning

Cannon connector Electronics a ITT(r) XLR or compatible latching low voltage connector. Can have 3-8 pins, 3 pin vers standard for balanced analog and
stereo digital AES/EBU 4 pin for 12V DC power to portable pro equipment

Capacitor Electronics Component that can store an Electrostatic charge. Rather like a rechargeable battery but not so volumetrically efficient

cardioid Microphones heart-shaped polar pattern, -6db @90deg

CBR Digital Constant Bit Rate see VBR

CBT Computer Computer Based Training
CCD Electronics Charged Coupled Device; array of analog light sensitive areas on a chip used for image gathering. Eg digital camera
CD-R Computer Compact Disc Recordable. Once only.
CD-ROM Computer Compact disk read-only memory. CD containing computer files
CD-ROM Computer 12 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 0.635 gig
CD-ROM Computer 8 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 0.180 gig
CD-RW Computer Compact Disc Re-Writable.
CDS Film Cinema Digital Sound; obsolete
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CELP Digital Code Excited Linear Prediction; Audio lossy data reduction encoding very low bit rate & awful sound quality

centi SI Units prefix Symbol c Eg centigram (cg) = 0.01grams Or 10^-2

CGA Computer Obsolete graphics standard for PC's 320x200 pixels & 4 colours
CGI Film Computer Generated Images
character Computer Alpha numeric or other symbol such as Alt, Space & Tab encoded into 1Byte
chip Computer Silicon Chip. An Integrated Circuit containing a number of electronic devices such as transistors & capacitors.

Chorus Fx Units Slightly detuned copies of the main sound. Causes a fattening of the sound when combined with the original. Popular on
bass sounds.
Chroma Video Colour aspect of a video signal {from greek khr�ma}
Chrominance Video Colour aspect of a video signal {from greek khr�ma}
CinemaScope Film Widescreen film format (c) Twentieth Century Fox Originally had 2.55 aspect ratio & 4 tr mag sound Uses Anamorphic
client Computer Program that requests services from another computer called a server.
clipping Electronics distortion of a waveform passing though a system that cannot handle the peak voltage required. If viewed on an
oscilloscope peaks are clipped
Clone Digital a clone is a copy but unlike an analog copy where extra noise & distortion is guaranteed, a clone is regarded as being
identical to the original
Cluster Computer a number of Computer networked together and acting like 1 larger computer
CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK, the 4 ink colours used for full colour printing on paper. Aka Subtractive colours + black

coaxial on the same axis IE a centre point & concentric circle(s) round it Eg Coax cable as used for unbalanced signals

COBOL Computer Common Business Orientated Language

cochlea The Ear inner ear. Sound analysing part of the auditory system connected to the brain via auditory nerves.

Cocktail Party Effect Acoustics The ability of the humans to hear a desired sound by use of our binaural auditory abilities to locate the sound source
CODEC Digital COder/DECoder Software to encode/decode probably using data reduction. for Audio & Video
coercivity resistance of a magnetic material to changes in magnetization. High Coercivity material needs a V large Magnetic field to
demagnetise it.
coincident Microphones 2 or more mic capsules in the same place.

colouration Unwanted frequency response or Eq changes. Is an analogy to light which appears coloured if there are not equal
amounts of Red/Green&Blue.
comb filter Alteration of the frequency response of a system as a result of constructive and destructive summing of a signal and a
delayed version of the signal. If plotted on a linear frequency scale, it look like the teeth of a comb.
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command-line interface Computer Text based method of issuing commands, like open a file. Initiated by typing near English like words using a keyboard. eg
CompactFlash Flash memory card (r) SanDisk
Component video Video Unlike Composite systems Eg PAL & NTSC the chrominance and luminance information are kept separate

Composite print Film Type of film print shown in Cinemas that has both pictures & audio on the same piece of film aka Married print

Composite Video Video Analog signal combining video sync pulses + chrominance and luminance visual information. Eg PAL, SECAM & NTSC

Compressor Unit that reduces dynamic range by attenuating loud signals. Helps to give more consistency (& apparent loudness) to a
Computer Computer An electronic device that uses coded instructions to manage information.
Concert Pitch Acoustics ISO standard, middle A =440Hz
concha The Ear resonant cavity of the outer ear between the pinna and the ear canal.
Condenser Electronics Obsolete name for a Capacitor.

Condenser microphone Microphone Mic in which the diaphragm is one plate of a capacitor. Changes in capacitance caused by air vibrations are converted to
a voltage. Requires a buffer amp very close to Capsule also a DC polarising voltage.

conductor Electronics material that allows the easy passage of electrons Eg wire

cps Computer Characters per second. And Obs name {now Hz} for Cycles per second
CPU Computer Central Processing Unit. A microprocessor.
CRC Computer Cyclic Redundancy Check; error checking test when transferring data. A check sum is added to data sent & then the
receiver applies the same check. If they don't match, the data can be requested again

critical distance Acoustics Distance from a sound source where direct & reverberant sound are the same level
CrO2 Chromium Dioxide. A High coercivity tape formulation popular for Video tape use.
crosstalk Leakage {usually unwanted} of Acoustic or Electrical signal into a signal path
cursor Computer An on screen bar which usually blinks, indicates where the next line of text etc will appear.
CV / gate Control Voltage / gate. Old triggering method used with analogue synths before MIDI and digital equipment. A voltage is
sent to trigger a note from the VCO, then gated to interrupt the note.

D/A Digital Digital to Analog converter aka DAC

D1 Video Digital VTR format 1; Professional 19mm {3/4} cassette Component I/O
D2 Video Digital VTR format 2; Professional 19mm {3/4} cassette Composite I/O
D3 Video Digital VTR format 3; Professional 12.5mm {1/2} cassette Composite I/O
D5 Video Digital VTR format 5; Professional 12.5mm {1/2} cassette Component I/O
DAB Digital Digital Audio Broadcasting, digital radio
Dailies Film {US Eng} same as Uk Rushes
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Daisy Chain MIDI Serial connection of MIDI devices.

Damping Electronics ability of a device to stop oscillating when the source of the oscillation stops. Unerdamped = ringing Overdamped = dead

DAO Computer Disk At Once; all data is written in one session. For a CD Audio disk to be a master to Red Book standards data must be
written this way. See TAO
DAT Digital Digital Audio Tape (recorder). 0.15 wide tape in a cassette. 16Bit stereo. Was known as RDAT, R = rotating heads. There
was an SDAT (stationary head) but it was never released.
Data Digital Digital Information stored and processed by a computer.
Data Byte MIDI Starts with a 0. Carries relevant Data for the type of message defined by Status Byte of 7 bits (128 possibilities).

Daughter Board Computer circuit board {probably small} that plugs into a larger circuit board. Eg sound cards can have a superior MIDI sound
module or Dig I/o via a daughter board
DAW Computer Digital Audio Workstation. Usually a computer with dedicated hardware and software for editing and processing digital
dBFS Digital Decibels below full scale. Sound level meters on Digital recorders are calibrated in dBFS, 0dBFS is the maximum level IE
all bits have a value of 1.
DDS Computer Digital Data Storage. Aka Data Dat. Cassettes same size as DAT but is designed with better error correction 2g to20gig
dead Acoustics a room with little reverberation IE near anechoic
Decay Time taken for a parameter to fall from peak level to sustain level once attack time is over.
Decca Tree Microphone 3 spaced Omnidirectional Mics in a T layout. Invented by Decca UK, recording engineers

deci SI Units prefix Symbol d Eg decigram (dg) = 0.1grams Or 10^-1

decibel Tenth of a Bel =dB. A Bel is the logarithmic ratio of two powers. Has been adapted to cover Voltage etc

decoding Film Electronic process of recovering surround information from a 2 channel encoded mix. Eg Dolby Pro Logic

deka SI Units prefix Symbol da Eg dekagram (dag) = 10grams Or 10^1

Delay Time separation between two events. Eg the arrival of a direct sound & 1st & subsequent reflections.

Delay Line Fx Units Electronic device {usually digital} that can store then forward the signal with a time interval set by a user

Device Driver Computer piece of software that tells an operating system how to communicate with a device such as a Sound card, printer or MIDI
diaphragm A membrane that is freely moved by sound vibrations. Eg a mic/ the eardrum. Or if moved by electrical energy, moves
air. Eg Loudspeaker.
diffraction scattering of sound. (See diffraction grating.)
diffraction grating Optics Grid or grating that splits light into its spectral/frequency/colour components Eg the pits pattern on a CD give a Rainbow
Alchemea The Audio Engineers Dictionary

diffraction grating Acoustics Grid or grating that splits sound into its spectral/frequency components. This scatters the sound in all directions giving a
diffused field. Eg Quadratic Diffuser
diffuse field Acoustics A sound field composed of sound arriving from all directions.
DigiBeta Video Digital Betacam; (r) Sony. Professional Component 10 bit Digital VTR using 2:1 compression
Digital Digital An analog waveform is represented as a series of binary numbers
DIMM Computer Dual In line Memory Module
Dipole Speaker Film Fig 8 {sometimes omnidirectional} radiating LS used to create a diffused surround soundfield
Directory Computer MS DOS name, post Win95 now called a folder
disk drive Computer A physical data storage device Eg hard disk and floppy disk.
Distortion Non linearity between an input & output signal as it passes though a system.
Dither Digital Process that linearizes digital audio by adding a random noise signal at very low level. It allows one to resolve sounds
quieter than the lowest quanization level.
DLT Computer High capacity, speed & cost tape based data storage
DMA Computer Direct Memory Access (or Address)
DNS Computer Domain Name System. Internet service to convert a domain name eg into a numeric IP address

Dolby A Analog Dolby noise reduction. 4 band Compander system for professional use.
Dolby AC-3 Film Multichannel Lossy data reduction coding. Used on Dolby Digital Film prints & DVD-V
Dolby Digital Film Multichannel digital format used for cinema prints, DVD-V & some HDTV. Uses Dolby's AC-3 lossy data reduction.

Dolby Pro Logic Film Surround sound decoder. Analog IC that recovers 4 channels of Dolby Matrix encoded information carried on a 2
channel recording.
Dolby SR Analog Spectral recording. Analogue Noise reduction. The best Dolby noise reduction system, used on SVA Film prints & 1/2 -2
analog tape.
Dolby SRD Film 35 mm release prints containing both an Dolby Stereo SR encoded analog track & a Dolby Digital (D) optical soundtrack.

DOS Computer Disk Operating System from IBM and Microsoft. A command-line operating system & by implication its 16bit Disk format.

Double head Film Projector with 1 head & roll of film for the pictures & another for sound
DPI Computer dots per inch a measurement of how many picture elements, (pixels) per inch. Eg to specify the resolution of printers.

Driver Computer small file containing instructions to control hardware such as a sound card,
DSD Direct Stream Digital Used by Sony for SACD. Delta modulation IE V High sample rate low bit rate {1 or 8 bits}

DSP Digital Digital Signal processor

DTS Film Digital Theater Systems; 5.1 or 6.1 Surround system, Audio is on CD-ROM, synched to picture by an optical timecode
Dual Boot Computer Computer with the ability to boot from 1 of 2 operating systems installed
dummy head Microphones Binaural technique using 2 Omnidirectional Pressure mics placed where a humans eardrum would be, but on a
mannequin head with pinna.
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Duplex Computer Full duplex connection {via a NIC for example} allows data to be sent and received simultaneously whereas a half duplex
link alternate between sending and receiving data.
DVD Removable Optical digital storage medium. Officially the letters have no meaning, previously Digital Versatile Disk & prior
to that Digital Video disk. Can store data on 1 or 2 layers and on both sides of disc, each layer gives about 4 gig

DVD-1 8 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 1.36 gig

DVD-10 12 cm disk, 2 sided/1 Layer) 8.74 gig
DVD-14 12 cm disk, 2 sided/Mixed Layer) 12.32 gig
DVD-18 12 cm disk, 2 sided/2 Layer) 15.90 gig
DVD-2 8 cm disk, 1 sided/2 Layer) 2.47 gig
DVD-3 8 cm disk, 2 sided/1 Layer) 2.72 gig
DVD-4 8 cm disk, 2 sided/2 Layer) 4.95 gig
DVD-5 12 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer 4.37 gig
DVD-9 12 cm disk, 1 sided/2 Layer) 7.95 gig
DVD-A DVD-Audio Proposed replacement for CD's. Has up to 8 channel surround, high bit & sample rates + graphics & movies

DVD-R 1.0 DVD-Recordable WORM 12 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 3.68 gig

DVD-R 2.0 DVD-Recordable 12 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 4.37 gig; 8.75 gig for rare 2 sided discs
DVD-RAM 1.0 12 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 2.4 gig; 4.8 gig for 2 sided
DVD-RAM 2.0 12 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 4.37 gig; 8.75 gig for 2 sided
DVD-RAM 2.0 3 8 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 1.36 gig; 2.47 gig for 2 sided
DVD-ROM Computer
DVD-RW 2.0 DVD-ReWritable 12 cm disk, 1 sided/1 Layer) 4.37 gig; 8.75 gig for rare 2 sided discs
DVD-V DVD-Video Most common form of DVD, Better than VHS picture + surround sound
DVE Video Digital Video Effects
dynamic microphone Microphones Vibration of the diaphragm in a dynamic microphone causes an electrical conductor to move in a magnetic field, this
creates an electrical signal by induction.
dynamic range Analog Ratio of the loudest sound a system can handle with acceptable distortion to either the quietest sound perceivable or
the noise floor. Generally expressed in dB's.
dynamics unit Fx Units dynamic range controlling devices Eg Compressor, Expander & Gate
early reflections acoustics Discrete delayed versions of a sound arriving after the Direct sound but before the diffused reverberant ones. If delays
are 50ms> an echo will be heard
EBCDIC Computer Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, a standard 8-bit character code used in computing and data
transmission. See BCD
echo Computer data sent from 1 device to another is returned to the source. Used for data integrity checking.
Edge numbers Film Alpha numeric code. Typically at 20 frame intervals on 16mm & 16 frame on 35mm Camera film. Placed at edge of film
outside the picture area
EDL Film Edit Decision List A text file that is human & machine readable showing Timecode start & end points for each
clip/segment used in an edited programme.
Eg exempli gratia (Latin) for example
Alchemea The Audio Engineers Dictionary

electret microphone Microphones Condenser or capacitor microphone with the capsule permanently charged so no external polarizing voltage is needed.

Electron Electronics negatively charged particle circling the nucleus of an atom

E-Mail Computer electronic mail. Messages delivered over a network, including the Internet.
Emphasis Digital to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of CDs or DAT a high frequency boost (called Emphasis) is applied on record & a
corresponding high frequency rolloff (called De-emphasis) is applied on playback. A flag in the subcode section of the
CD/DAT tells the player when to use de-emphasis.
emulation Computer Software used to translate instruction written for 1 type of CPU/operating system to run on another system. Eg
SoftWindows allows Macs to run PC programs.
Encryption Computer altering data to make it unreadable unless you have the Key to decrypt it
ensemble Group of musicians performing together
Entropy coding Digital A/D encoding in which short words are substituted for the most often used data values & long words substituted for
infrequently used values. Used in Lossless data reduction Eg Huffman Coding

Envelope Synthesis Name given to the linear stages of one parameter varying over time. Can be applied to any parameter Eg: volume
envelope. See ADSR.
EOX MIDI End Of SyseX - message indicating the end of manufacturer specific transmission.
EPROM Computer Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory; Read only memory chip that retains its information until it is exposed to
ultraviolet light though a small clear window. Often used to upgrade firmware

equalization (EQ) The use of filters to alter the frequency response of a system
error correction Digital The use of extra bits Eg parity bits to check the validity of the data being sent
Eustachian tube The Ear Tube between middle ear and the pharynx that serves to equalise air pressure on both sides of the eardrum

Even Harmonics acoustics Harmonic in a complex wave that has a 2:1 or other even ratio to the fundamental
exa SI Units prefix Symbol E Eg exagram (Eg) = 1000000000000000000grams Or 10^18
Exciter Fx Units Fx Processor which creates & adds upper harmonics
Expander Fx Units Unit that increases dynamic range by attenuating quiet signals. Helps minimize background noise on a performance.

extended character set Computer Extension to the ASCII 128 character set. Unfortunatly the extensions tend to be operating system specific unlike ASCII.

FAQ Frequently asked questions.

FAT Computer File Allocation Table
femto SI Units prefix Symbol f Eg femtogram (fg) = 0.000000000000001grams Or 10^-15
field Video with the normal interlaced video method each picture frame comprises 2 fields, one with only the even No lines the
other only odd number lines
file Computer A named collection of data, usually stored on a disk drive.
file compression Computer Eg WinZip. Software to make files smaller with no loss of data. The file will need to be re-expanded before it can be used.
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file suffix Computer Typically 3 letters after the filename that indicate what type of file & therefore what application is needed to run the file.
Eg xxx.DOC is a MS Word document, xxx.MID is a MIDI file
filename Computer 8 to 255 {depending on the Disk operating system} alphanumeric characters used to name a file.

filter Circuit that attenuates certain portions of the audio frequency spectrum
firewall Computer A secure gateway that protects a network from unauthorised access by making the machines behind the firewall
Firewire Computer Most popular name {(r) Apple Computer} for IEEE1394, a High speed 400 megabits per second Plug & play Serial
connection {Sony call it I.LINK,(r)}
flame Computer Derogatory & often offesive comment re an E-mail. A flame war being an on line argument/row.
Flanging Comb fitering effect originally achieved by mixing 2 tapes playing the same recording in sync and by touching the flanges
of the tape spool so as to slow down one of them. The results causes predominantly a heavy phasing effect.

Fletcher Munsen Curves acoustics aka Equal loudness curves, statistical analysis of human subjective impression of loudness V frequency

floating point Computer radix or a decimal point that does not occupy a fixed position within a given word
floppy disk Computer Removable data storage. Generally < 2Mb. Older disks of 8 or 51/4 diameter were floppy the current 3.5 discs have a
hard shell.
floptical drive Computer Derived from FLoppy OPTICAL. A disc drive using a mixture of Laser & magnetic techniques. Up to 1.3g in size

FM Synthesis Frequency Modulation Synthesis. When one waveform modulates another to create a new one. Repeated many times in
order to reproduce real organic sounds.
folder Computer A collection of Document and program files can be stored in folders. In DOS & early Windows was called a directory.

Foley Film Post syncing Fx.Eg footsteps or rustling clothes, in sync with the picture. Named after Jack Foley one of its first
FPGA Computer Field Programmable Gate Array; Chip with thousands of programmable logic gates, often used for prototypes & custom
designs Eg DSP
fps Film TV Frames Per Second
Freemidi MIDI Similar system to OMS.
freeware Computer Software that the author/owner licences one to use without charge
Frequency Number of cycles in a periodic wave per second; measured in Hertz {Hz}
FTP Computer File Transfer Protocol. Part of TCP/IP data tranmission protocol designed for binary files rather than Text

Fundamental Frequency acoustics The perceived tone or pitch of a complex waveform (IE one consisting of multiple frequencies)
gain Electronics amount of amplification generally expressed in dB's

game port Computer Uses a 15pin D connector, for analog joystick control. On a PC also MIDI I/O
Gate Fx Units a dynamics unit that greatly reduces signal level output when the input signal falls below a set threshold level
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Gateway Computer Link between two different kinds of network with the ability to modify IP addresses and route signals.

Gflop Computer Giga Flop = 100,000,000 Floating point mathematical operations per second
GIF Computer Graphical Interchange Format; Graphics format from CompuServe (r) 256 colours IE 8bits/ pixel. Popular on WWW

giga SI Units prefix Symbol G Eg gigagram (Gg) = 1,000,000,000grams Or 10^9

Gigabyte Computer 1,073,741,824 Bytes {1024^3} or 2^30 {sometimes = 1,000,000,000}
Glass Master Computer Glass Mastering is the process of transferring the CD master (either on PCM-1630 tape, recordable CD, or Exabyte tape)
to a physical image of the pits that are on the finished CD. The glass master is a glass plate, about 10 in diameter, coated
with a light-sensitive material. During glass mastering, a laser etches very tiny pits on the material. When the master
tape is played, its digital signals are converted to the EFM coding format for the CD, and that signal is fed to the special
laser cutter. The glass master is very delicate, and cannot be played. Succeeding steps in the process, called Father,
Mother, and Stamper, result in the metal forms which are capable of hot molding thousands of compact discs on the

gobo A baffle {US Eng but also used in UK}

Google Computer The best search engine I have found
Googol Computer 10^10 IE 1+ 100zeros
ground {US Eng but widely used in UK} {UK Eng= Earth} aka Zero Volts A connection, Eg from the chassis to Terra Firma to
remove mains voltage in a fault condition or RF interference
GUI Computer Graphical User Interface. Was know as WIMP; Windows, Icons, Mouse & Pointer. Eg Mac Os & MS Windows

Guide track Film G/T; sync recording of dialogue etc but where it assumed the track will not be of usable quality generally because of
technical reasons
gun mic Microphones Highly directional though mostly at higher frequencies. Widely used for speech recording for Film/TV

Haas effect Acoustics If two sound waves identical apart from a delay to 1 of them are created only the earlier of the 2 will be heard. Unless
delay is greater than about 30 ms then discrete echoes are heard.
HAL Computer Hardware Abstraction Layer; part of the operating system that lets programs communicate directly with hardware rather
than though an API. hard work to program but can run much faster

handshaking Computer The use of bi-directional data flow to confirm the successful transmission of data
hard disk Computer hardware usually inside the computer to store data as magnetic patterns on rigid magnetic discs. Was know as a
Winchester disk
hardware Computer physical or 3 dimensional components of a computer system Eg Disks, case, PSU etc
Harmonics Acoustics aka Overtones. Most waveforms consist of the fundamental note + a number of other frequencies or harmonics that
define the timbrel character of the sound
Harmonizer Pitch Shifter (r) Eventide. Can sample and playback at a different pitch/speed any input sound virtually in real-time. Good
for making artificial harmonies.
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Hayes AT command set Computer Commands devised by modem manufacturer Hayes. Are de facto standard for software which controls modem
hecto SI Units prefix Symbol h Eg hectogram (hg) = 100grams Or 10^2
Helmholtz resonator reactive, tuned, sound absorber usually employing slats or perforations over a cavity.
Hertz Unit for Frequency (Hz) same as Cyles per second (cps) named after Heinrich Hertz
Hexadecimal Computer Base 16 numbering system. Uses 0-9 then the letters A-F for the 16 characters.
HF High Frequencies
High Resolution Controller MIDI Midi message combining 2 data bytes (MSB and LSB) to express one 14 bit value (16384 possibilities)

highpass filter HP;=Bass cut

hole in the middle bad central phantom image in stereo playback.
host Computer a computer acting as a server (to a client)
HRTF Acoustics Head Related Transfer Function; the Eq'ing effect caused principally by our outer ear that changes vis-�-vis the angle
from which the sound originates
HTML Computer Hypertext Markup Language. A text document that contains embedded tags to control formatting Eg cause text after
that point to be in bold.
HTTP Computer Hypertext Transport Protocol. Used on the WWW to make hypertext links.
hypercardioid Polar pattern (Eg of a Mic), -9dB @900
hypertext Computer A document containing links to other documents.
Hz Analog Hertz same as CPS
I/O Computer Input / Output
IE Id Est (Latin) that is to say
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
impedance Opposition to the flow energy in any system using oscillating energy. Eg Sound or AC signals.
incus The Ear One of 3 ossicles that convey eardrum vibrations to the cochlea
inductance Electronics Symbol L; ability of a conductor to store energy as a magnetic field

infrasound acoustics LF below audible range

inner ear The Ear cochlea
integer maths a whole number IE not including a fraction
intensity Amplitude
intensity Acoustics intensity is the sound energy flux per unit area.
Intensity Probe Acoustics 2 closely spaced pressure mics used, from which is calculated sound velocity = their difference (corrected for air density
& mic spacing) X Averaged sound pressure of the 2 mics.
intensity stereo Conveying the direction from which a sound originates purely by level differences Eg A coincident stereo Mic pair, a pan
interaural acoustics Difference in information received by a pair of ears
interference Electronics Unwanted crosstalk, generally by induction, into a system

interference Acoustics Constructive or destructive summing of 2 or more sound waves

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Interlace Video To get a reasonably low bandwidth & a tolerable flicker rate it was decided to split each picture into 2 fields, using odd &
then even lines
inverse square law Acoustics The intensity of sound diverging spherically from a point in free space decreases inversely as the square of the distance.
Sound pressure, varies as the first power of the distance. Thus sound pressure decreases 6 dB with each doubling of the
distance in free space.
Ion Electronics Electrically charged atom(s) with an unequal number of protons (positively charged particle in an atom's nucleus) and
electrons (negatively charged particle circling the nucleus)
IRQ Computer Interrupt ReQuest; each of the many devices in a computer has to issue an Interrupt to have a turn at using the CPU

ISDN telecom Integrated Services Digital Network; 64kb/sec down same cable as POT
ISO International Standards Organisation
Java Computer Programming language not tied to a specific operating system.
Java Script Computer Unrelated to Java but a programming language much used on the WEB
Jitter Computer Timing variations Eg in a digital audio clock.
JPEG Computer Joint Photographic Experts Group, Data reduced Graphics format popular on the WWW. Unlike GIF can suport photo
quality images
kB Computer Kilobyte. 1024 Bytes 2^10 Sometimes = 1,000 Bytes
Keykode Film Digital, machine readable alpha numeric code on original negative. Like the human readable edge numbers

kilo SI Units prefix Symbol k Eg kilogram (kg) = 1000grams Or 10^3

KVM switch Computer Keyboard Video Mouse; means of making 1 KVM control many Computer
LAN Computer Local Area Network. A collection of interconnected Computer within a few hundred metre area
LCD Electronics Liquid Crystal Display

LED Electronics Light Emitting Diode; semi-conductor that glows

LF Low Frequencies. If audio this means Bass

LFO Low Frequency Oscillator
Lightworks (r) Film Microprocessor based non linear editing system for pictures & sound
Linux Computer UNIX-like operating system originally developed by Linus Torvalds, It's open source IE freeware
live acoustic Acoustics Reverberant space or room
Local Control MIDI Internal message sent from a keyboard to its own in-built sound module.
log on Computer Connecting to a host computer.Generally with password protection
lowpass filter Electronics LP; = Top or high frequency Cut

LPCM Digital Linear Pulse Code Modulation. Common system of encoding an analog signal where the amplitude of the signal sampled
at the Nyquist rate is directly converted to a binary number. Eg as on CD

LPF Electronics Low Pass Filter: will remove High Frequencies. Very popular in current dance music when swept.
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LSB Digital Least Significant Byte or Bit depending on context.

LTC Digital Longtitudinal Time Code; the most common physical form for SMPTE/EBU t/c to take. For recording on a normal analog
soundtrack. See MTC, VITC
Luminance Video Black & White information of a video signal. Abbreviated as Y
LZW Digital Limple Ziv Welch, lossless data reduction algorithm
M&E Film Music & Effects (track) As the final mix of a film but minus dialogue Sometimes aka International version

Mac OS Computer Apple Macintosh (r) Operating System

MacBinary Computer File format that combines Macintosh Finder info with the data and resource forks
Macintosh (r) Computer Personal computer introduced in 1984 by Apple.
Macrovision (r) Video Video copy protection that rapidly modulates colourburst signals and pulses the vertical blanking signal in order to make
videotape copies of protected material unwatchable
malleus The Ear 1 of 3 ossicles that convey vibrations to the oval window of the cochlea
masking Process by which the threshold of audibility of one sound is raised by the presence of another sound

MB Computer Megabyte 1,048,576Bytes (2^20) Sometimes = 1,000,000 Bytes & sometimes either number of bit/sec

Mb Computer Megabit 1,048,578 Bits Or 131,072.25 Bytes Not consistently written so may mean Bytes
MDM Modular Digital Multitrack. Eg Adat, DTRS typically low cost 8Track ATR's that can be easily synced together to form say
128 track capability
meatus The Ear Ear Canal
median plane Straight ahead. The vertical plane equidistant from the two ears bisecting the head
mega SI Units prefix Symbol M Eg megagram (Mg) = 1,000,000grams Or 10^6
Metadata Computer data about data.
Metafile Computer An image file that can contain a mix of bitmapped or raster image data & vector info.
micro SI Units prefix Symbol � Eg microgram (�g) = 0.000001grams Or 10^-6
micron Commonly used {in theory obsolete} name for �m Eg millionth of a metre = 0.000001m Or 10^-6

microphone microphones Device that transduces air vibrations into corresponding electrical signals. Aka Mic

Microprocessor Computer A CPU, Central Proccessing Unit, the computational engine or brain.
microtone a musical interval less than a semi-tone on the equal tempered scale
middle ear The Ear Portion of the ear between the eardrum and the cochlea.
MIDI MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface; sends performance data not actual sounds
MIDI channel MIDI 16 available per MIDI port. Each channel can carry it's own independent information.
MIDI Clock MIDI A systems common message sent out on every beat. Used by software sequencers to control drum machines,
arpeggiators and any other timing dependent devices.
MIDI Connector MIDI 5 pin DIN plug, all 5 pins being in a 1800 Semi circle. Only 3 pins used
MIDI In MIDI Port receiving MIDI messages from the outside world.
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MIDI Interface MIDI Hardware generally with multiple MIDI In and Out ports, each carrying 16 channels of information. Often connected to
the computer via USB
MIDI Modes MIDI 1: omni polyphonic 2: omni monophonic 3: responds to 1 channel polyphonically 4: responds to 1 channel
MIDI Out MIDI Port sending MIDI messages generated within the unit to the outside world.
MIDI Thru MIDI Port re-transmitting incoming MIDI messages to the outside world.
mid-side microphones See MS

milli SI Units prefix Symbol m Eg milligram (mg) = 0.001grams Or 10^-3

MIME Computer Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions. A standard for sending Binary files in ASCII form via the Internet.

mixdown Process in which a multichannel recording is combined into 1, 2 or more channels for loudspeaker or headphone
MLP Digital Meridian Lossless Packing, Lossless data reduction algorithm. Part of the DVD-A specification
MMC MIDI MIDI Machine Control - Systems Common messages carrying transport information via the MIDI protocol

modem Computer MOdulator/DEModulator. Hardware to allow digits to be sent via a Plain Old Telephone line.
modes Acoustics Low-frequency resonances (modes) prominent in small rooms
mono Contraction of monophonic / monaural
mono compatibility An acceptably low level of distortion (particularly Comb Filtering) where a stereo mix is heard as a mono sum of the L+R
Monophonic MIDI Not polyphonic. Can only play one note at a time.
Monophonic Mono, sound recording carrying 1 channel of information.
Monotimbral MIDI Not multitimbral. Can only play one sound at a time. Responds according to one of the 4 MIDI Modes.

mouse Computer Mechanical device to control an on screen pointer. 1 or more buttons can select control options.

Mp3 Digital MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3. Lossy data reduction scheme for mono or stereo
MPEG Film Moving Pictures Expert Group
MS Microphones Intensity Stereo technique where information is conveyed as a Sum (L+R, the Main channel) & Difference (L-R, the side
channel). As a Mic technique the Main pickup will be via any Mic pointing at sound source & Side by a L/R facing Fig 8
MS (r) Computer Microsoft. Software corporation responsible for DOS, Windows + applications such as Word/Excel

MSB computer Most Significant Byte or Bit depending on context is the one representing the greatest quantity
MSN Computer Multiple Subscriber Number; an ISDN line can have more than one number associated with it, useful for directing calls to
specific bits of kit - phone, fax, PCs etc.

MTC MIDI MIDI Time Code - systems common message sending Hour Min Sec Frames information via MIDI protocol.
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multiscan Computer A VDU or monitor that can handle a range of frame or refresh rates.
Multitimbral MIDI Electronic instrument capable of playing different sounds simultaneously, each sound responding to a
particular MIDI channel
Mumetal nickel alloy, 17%iron, 5% copper and 2% chromium by weight. Has high magnetic permeability and is used
esp. in transformer cores and magnetic shields.
Nagra Film Highly regarded portable 1/4 professional audio recorder (r) Kudelski {means Record in Polish}

nano SI Units prefix Symbol n Eg nanogram (ng) = 0.000000001grams Or 10^-9

netiquette Computer NETwork etIQUETTE. the polite way to talk over the internet
network Computer Number of Computer linked together via a LAN, the Internet etc
newbie Computer Someone who is new to the Internet or a newsgroup
Nibble Computer Half a Byte, 4 Bit word {can be spelled Nybble}
NIC Computer Network Interface Card, allows data communication between Computer on a Network
NLE Film Non Linear Editor. Uses random access digitised images & sound on a CPU based system, to produce an EDL
or if material digitised at sufficient quality, a finished programme

noise acoustics Sound without a perceived pitch

noise floor The inherent noise of a circuit or system with no intentional signal passing though it
Noise shaping Digital type of Dither. The sound of the noise is filtered to make it less obtrusive whilst still linearizing the system.

Normalization Digital DSP operation where the gain of all program material is adjusted so the peak level will be 0 dBFS. {often a
value other than 100% can be set}
NOS Microphones Stereo Mic technique. 2 Cardiods spaced 300mm @ 900 angle. Ex Dutch state broadcast Co of same name

NTSC Video National TV standards Committee. And their method of encoding Colour information with Luminence (B&W)
Used in Americas, Japan. Jokingly = Never Twice the Same Colour
Null Modem Computer a RS232 [or other serial cable] connecting cable that has the Send & return (also posibly CTS & CTR) wires
crossed over
Nybble Computer Half a Byte, 4 Bit word {can be spelled Nibble}
Nyquist Rate Digital Nyquist Theorem is a mathematical proof that a band limited analog signal can be accurately encoded if the
sampling rate is at least twice the highest analog frequency
oblique modes Acoustics Modal resonances of a room that involve all six wall surfaces

Octal Computer Base 8 numbering system. Uses 0-7 for the 8 characters.
octave acoustics An interval between two frequencies having a ratio of 2:1
Odd Harmonic Acoustics Harmonic in a complex wave that has a 3:1 or other odd ratio to the fundamental

Off line Editing Film Use of random access digitized images & sound on a CPU based sytem (a NLE) or less common sub
broadcast quality VTR's, to produce an EDL
offline Computer Not connected to a network, IE only using data on a local machine
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offline Video Using a low resolution Work copy of a master recording to make edit decisions & produce an EDL

offline reader Computer Software to gather e-mail or Usenet news on connection to an on-line service, then disconnect from the
service, allowing the user to read mail offline
OMF computer Open Media Framework; Data format from Avid/Digidesign used for exchange of edited image and sound data
between NLE systems
Omni MIDI Not channel specific. Will execute any messages coming on any of the 16 channels
omnidirectional Microphones microphone with uniform sensitivity to sound arriving from all directions IE will have a circular polar pattern

OMS MIDI Open Music System. Macintosh based MIDI studio manager created by the defunct Opcode, Obs in Mac OS X
and above.
online Video Video edit using full broadcast quality VTR's possibly driven from an EDL see AutoConform
onomatopoeia a word that sounds like what it is describing Eg WOW, Tick, Purr, Swish
operating system Computer A set of special programs and routines a computer uses to perform basic tasks like starting up the computer
and managing files. DOS, Mac OS, Windows XP and UNIX are operating systems.

ORTF Microphones Stereo Mic technique. 2 Cardiods spaced 170mm @ 1100 angle. Ex French state broadcast Co of same name

OSS Microphones Optimum Stereo Signal; aka Jeklin Disk. Uses a pair of omnidirectional mics 165mm apart with dividing baffle

ossicles The Ear 3 bones of the middle ear (malleus, incus, stapes) provide mechanical linkage between the eardrum and the
oval window of the cochlea
outer ear The ear See pinna
oval window The ear Membranous window of the cochlea to which the stapes ossicle is attached
PAL Video Phase Alternate Line. Method of encoding Colour information with Luminence (B&W) Used in most of Europe,
China, SA, & Australasia.
Panavision Film Manufacturer of lenses & cameras for a Widescreen film format compatible with CinemaScope. 2.35:1 aspect
panpot Electronics Variable resistance level control, which can place a mono signal anywhere between the two channels of a
stereo mix
Parallel Computer concurrent or simultaneous events Eg transmission of several data bits at the same time down a multicore
parametric equalizer Eq having a variable bandwidth (or Q) and adjustable boost/cut at a selected centre frequency

Parity Computer Error checking Bit(s) added to a word to make it an odd or even number (OddParity/EvenParity)

Path Computer The location of a file on a storage device such as an FTP site, hard disk, or floppy disk.
PC Computer Personal Computer. Generally an IBM-compatible
PCM Digital Pulse Code Modulation. A/D encoding where the amplitude of the signal sampled at the Nyquist rate is directly
converted to a binary number. Eg as on CD
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PCMCIA Computer Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. The size of a credit card, these devices can be
inserted into Computer & the M5000 Reverb to provide removable storage space, network or soundcard
facilities etc aka PC Card
Pentium Computer Intel CPU originally called the 80586 {it came just after the 486}
Perceptual coding Digital Lossy data reduction scheme that remove information that it is assumed is masked by the remaining audio

periodic wave Having a regularly repeating or cyclic pattern, Eg pedulum; if audible results in a pitched sound or tone.

periphonic Surround Sound all round surround. 3600 on horizontal & vertical axis

permalloy PERMeable ALLOY. A nickel-iron alloy which has very high magnetic permeability.
peta SI Units prefix Symbol P Eg petagram (Pg) = 1000000000000000grams Or 10^15
phantom image Creating an apparent sound source/location between a pair of loudspeakers by feeding the same sound to
both speakers. See Intensity Stereo
phantom power microphones Means of supplying DC power (usually 48V) to a mic down the same 3 core cable as sends audio to the desk.
Audio being sent as the difference in voltage between the twisted pair & DC as 0V to the screen & the +48v
being applied to both wires in the pair.
phase The time relationship between two signals of the same frequency expressed as degrees of a circle. 1800 out of
phase means when 1 signal is at max positive amplitude the 2nd is at max negative level IE they cancel each
Phaser Fx Unit Unit that sweeps through a range of frequencies at a set rate (LFO), emphasizing the center frequency.

phasiness Audible comb filter distortion

Phono Connector {UK Eng} Low cost coaxial connector for domestic audio & video {in US Eng known as RCA connector}

pico SI Units prefix Symbol p Eg picogram (pg) = 0.000000000001grams Or 10^-12

Pink Noise Random noise having equal power energy per octave As lower Octaves have less Hz in them than higher
ones, Pink noise has a 3db/Oct boost compared to White Noise. Called Pink because Red light = a low freq &
Blue High.
pinna The Ear Outer ear. Directional cues result from the reflection of sound from the folds of the pinna.
pitch Subjective perception of frequency
pixel Computer PICture Element or single dot in a bitmap. May be square or rectangular requires 1 to 40bits to convey

platform Computer Eg Mac or PC, software for 1 type not usable on another. But a network often allows cross-platform use

polar pattern Graphical representation of Level/amplitude against angle

polynomial maths a sum of one or more terms each consisting of a constant multiplied by one or more variables raised to a
positive (or non-negative) integral power (e.g. 3 + 4xy2).
Polyphony MIDI Number of notes that can be played/sustained simultaneously
Poly-press MIDI Polyphonic Aftertouch. Pressure information for each key.
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POP Computer Point of Presence. Multiple modems at a Internet Service Providers site giving access to the internet via a local
phone call.
POP Computer Post Office Protocol. Used for storing & access to E-mail
Pop filter a screen mounted in front of a microphone to stop blasts of air (eg from a vocalist) whilst being near
acoustically transparent
Port Computer Socket on a PC where communications cables are connected. Eg Comms, printer, USB port

Portamento Music Pitch slide (over a certain length of time) between consecutive notes.
POST Computer Power On Self Test. Initial part of the boot proccess where the BIOS checks the system.
Post Production Film Work carried out after principal movie shoot is over IE picture & sound editing, digital Fx / CGI, ADR, Mix &
Post Sync Film recording an audio performance, in sync with picture, at a time after the original pictures were shot. IE ADR or
POT telecom Plain Old Telephone, an analog phone line
Pot Electronics see potentiometer

potentiometer Electronics Potential Difference dividing network. Variable resistor arranged as a resistor with a 3rd connection that can
tap into the resitance at any point.
POV Film Point Of View, IE a subjective shot as though the camera is a person
PowerPC Computer CPU developed by Apple, IBM & Motorola. Used in the latest Macs
PPP Computer Point to Point Protocol. Allows TCP/IP connection to the internet
PQ Coding Computer A CD contains subcode areas, named with a letter, from P to W. The key subcode areas are named P & Q,
containing the location of each track on the CD, whether the track contains Emphasis and whether copying is
permitted. P&Q coding is part of the mastering proccess.

precedence effect See Haas effect

presence Eq, typically a boost around 2-5kHz that has the effect of making speech/vocal sounds appear closer to the
pressure gradient Microphones Eg Fig 8 ribbon microphone. The force acting on the diaphragm is proportional to the differences between the
pressures on both sides of the diaphragm. Also called a velocity microphone because its output depends on
the air particle velocity at the diaphragm or ribbon

pressure microphone Microphones Responds to changes in air pressure & not particle movement. Will have an Omnidirectional polar pattern

Print though transfer of magnetism from 1 layer of an analog tape recording to the next layers. Heard as a pre or post echo
Pro Tools Digidesign(r) digital audio workstation. Uses plug-in software controlling inbuilt DSP chips
program Computer same as an application or Executable file {UK & US eng} in US sole spelling so also TV program etc

programme {UK Eng} Eg TV, Radio, Concert but not Computer where US spelling used IE Program
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protocol Computer An agreed set of software instructions that allow different devices to communicate with each other

Proton Electronics positively charged particle in an atom's nucleus

Proximity effect Microphone The bass or LF increase when sound source close to a directional mic.The particle velocity aspect increases
with the reciprocal of the square of the distance from the source, whilst the pressure continues increasing with
the reciprocal of the distance.
proxy Computer A server acting as a secure gateway between 2 networks.
psychoacoustics Acoustics Study of the interrelationships between the human hearing mechanisms & acoustics

PZM Microphones Pressure Zone Mic, (r) Crown {USA} for a boundry layer mic

Q Analog Quality Factor; In a filter or Eq circuit defines bandwidth therefore slope. High Q = narrow bandwidth

quadratic residue Acoustics sound diffuser panel. From research by Manfred Schroeder based on a Modulo number sequence
Quicktime Computer Movie and JPEG viewing system originally written for Apple Mac now on PC too.
RAM Computer Random access Memory. High speed Read/Write caplable memory. Electronic working space into which the
current application & the operating system is loaded. Data disappears when power is removed.

rarefy Analog Make or become less dense or solid, esp. by expansion

raster image Computer Another name for a Bitmap picture
RDAT Digital obsolete name for DAT, short for Rotating head Digital Audio Taperecorder
refraction Acoustics Bending of a sound wave as it passes though media of different densities

refresh rate Computer Eg 72Hz = the number of times /sec the display on a VDU is updated. Less than 70Hz & the picture visibly
Reissner's Membrane The ear With basilar membrane, Reissner's Membrane divides the cochlea into three longitudinal chambers.

Release Synthesis Time taken for the parameter to fall from sustain level to 0 once key is released.

Release print Film Film played in a Cinema. Normally 35mm Consists of reels approximately 20 minutes long which are played
consecutively without interruption either by alternating between two projectors, or by splicing the individual
reels together into one large reel called a platter. Played at 24 fps, there being 16 frames per foot

Resonance Acoustics Increase in the acoustic pressure in an enclosed (or partially enclosed) space as a result of the dimension of
the space interacting with the wavelength of the signal. Acoustical resonance in a room will occur at
frequencies where the wavelength = the distance between two opposite, plane, parallel surfaces.(IE walls)

reverberation time extension of acoustical events in a room generated by multiple sound reflections
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RF Electronics Radio Frequencies Not solely the transmitted output of a Radio station but particularly regarding
electromagnetic interference any high frequency noise
RGB Red Green Blue the 3 Primary colours from which all colours can be formed
RIAA Recording Industry Association of America; Re Vinyl disc playback = the standard replay Eq curve

ribbon microphone Microphones Type of Dynamic Mic the diaphragm being a ribbon of metal laying in a magnetic field. Normally has Fig 8
Polar pattern
ROM Computer Read Only Memory
room tone film aka Buzz track Low level (hopefully) background noise atmosphere
round window the ear Window in the cochlea opening into the middle ear that acts as a pressure release on the fluid of the inner ear.

RT60 Acoustics Reverberation; time taken for a single sound to diminish by 60dB

Rushes Film {Uk Eng} a print of the previous days shoot. Traditionally will become the C/C {In US English called Dailies}

S/PDIF Computer Digital audio interface, shorthand for Sony-Philips Digital Interface to IEC-958 Standard. 2 Channels Max
24Bit, generally uses phono {RCA} (coaxial) connector.
SACD Digital Super Audio CD, Sony (r) system using a DVD disk & 1 bit Delta modulation Direct Stream Digital (DSD)
Competitor to DVD-A
SASS Microphones Stereo Ambient Sampling System trade name of a stereo mic technique using 2, head spaced & angled PZM's
with a centre baffle
Sawtooth wave Synthesis Cyclic ascending or descending linear transition between a high level and a low level. Return to original level
occurs in no time. Contains an infinity of (odd and even) harmonics. Looks like a saw, hence the name.

SCMS Digital Serial Copy Management System; generally pronounced Scums. System to allow 1 digital copy only of a CD
SCSI Computer Small Computer System Interface. Parallel connection 8 or 16bit wide @ various speeds either Balanced
{Know as Differential} or unbalenced Popular on Samplers, used with some Disc drives. Will probably be
superseded by USB & Firewire.
SDDS Film Sony Dynamic Digital Sound; 7.1 channel Surround system for cinema, uses data reduction

SDS MIDI MIIDI Sample Dump Standard; protocol to allow Audio data & loop info to be sent (very slowly) over a MIDI
SECAM Video Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire; French system to encode colour information with luminence (B&W) 625
lines. 50Hz - 6MHz bandwidth
self noise Electronics Inherent noise floor of microphone or electrical circuit/component

Sequencer MIDI a program that can record, manipulate & play MIDI performance data
Serial one after another. Daisy chain connection Eg for digital 1 bit at a time.
server Computer Host computer that supplies files & services like printers to client Computer
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shareware Computer Software that the author/owner licences one to use without mandatory charge
Silicon Chip Computer An Integrated Circuit (IC) a collection of circuit elements such as transistors & capacitors fabricated on 1 piece
of silicon
simple harmonic motion Eg a pendulum. If plotted on a Time/Amplitude graph shows a Sine wave

sine wave Result of simple harmonic motion and uniform linear motion. It is the only waveform that has no harmonics.
Called a sine wave because the displacement is proportional to the sine of the angle.

SLIP Computer Serial Line Internet Protocol. Allows TCP/IP connection to the internet
SMTP Computer Simple Mail Transport Protocol. Used for sending & receiving E-mail
software Computer Binary coded instructions. Eg applications & operating systems
sonic Pertaining to sound
sound pressure level sound pressure referred to a standard level, the threshold of hearing; expressed in dB
SoundField microphone Microphones Mic with 4 capsules set in a regular tetrahedron. See ambisonic, B Format

spatial Pertaining to space.

speed of sound see velocity of sound
spot microphone microphones Mic placed close to a performer to augment a main stereo/ surround Mic

Square wave Regular oscillation between 2 fixed levels. The transition theoretically occurs in no time. Thus contains an
infinity of (odd) harmonics.
standing wave When a wavelength = the distance between a pair of walls (or it fits X number of times) the wave will have no
apparent velocity
stapes The Ear 1 of the 3 bones in the middle ear
Star Network MIDI Parallel connection (Eg of MIDI devices using a Thru Box)
Status Byte MIDI Starts with a 1, indicates type of message on 3 bits (8 types possible) and channel on 4 bits (16 possibilities).

stereo (from Greek) meaning solid, IE with depth, breadth and height implied
stereoscopic Optics Ability of eyes/brain to perceive depth / distance
stimulus Something that causes a sensation
Subband Digital aka Critical Bands, approximately 1/3rd Octave frequency band used in Perceptual coding
Sustain Level at which the parameter will stabilise for as long as the note is sustained once decay is over.

SVA Film Stereo Variable Area; Used in Dolby Stereo/Pro Logic, 2 soundtracks in the space previously used for 1, See
Variable Area
SVGA Computer Super Video Graphics Array. VDU monitor standard for the PC etc gives a picture 800x600 Pixels in size

sweet spot Optimum listening position for multi loudspeaker playback.

Sync Pip Film Exactly 1Fm of 1kHz tone is put at a point 2seconds (3ft of 35mm cinema film) before 1st frame of picture.
Alchemea The Audio Engineers Dictionary

SYSEX MIDI System Exclusive, machine code transmitted within the MIDI protocol specific to each manufacturer.

sysop Computer SYStem OPerator. Person who runs a bulletin board or on-line service
Systems Common MIDI Messages which are not channel specific. Includes SYSEX.
TA Computer Terminal Adaptor; as a Modem allows digital comunication over an analog line a TA interfaces a computer to
an ISDN line
tangential mode Acoustics Room resonance that involves four of the six surfaces of a room.

TAO Computer Track At Once you can write 1 track do something else then another track aka Multisession

TCP Computer Transmission Control Protocol. See TCP/IP

TCP/IP Computer Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Protocol system including TCP, IP, SMTP, FTP, Telnet and
many other network protocols
Telecine Film Machine to convert Film images & sound to TV compatible Video & Audio
Temporal Pertains to Time
tera SI Units prefix Symbol T Eg teragram (Tg) = 1000000000000grams Or 10^12
terminal Computer A VDU & Keyboard with access to Server is a Dumb Terminal. A smart Terminal also has a CPU

Tetrahedron maths A 4 sided solid

Text Computer Data consisting of standard ASCII or ANSI characters only
TFT Computer Thin Film Transistor display. As in the display on our Euphonix, Protools or the SSL G4
threshold Level/amplitude at which a stimulus is just strong enough. Eg Threshold of hearing = just audible

Thru Box MIDI Box with one MIDI In and multiple MIDI Thru ports.
THX Film Tomlinson Holman Experiment; A set of playback specifications laid down by Lucasfilm Ltd & licensed to movie
theatres & manufacturers of home cinema equipment.
timbre Perceived tonal quality of a sound based on the pitch and harmonic content.
transducer Device that converts one form of energy into another. Eg a Microphone converts sound to volts.

Transient Acoustics Abrupt change in signal amplitude at the start of a sound Eg percussion

Tympanic membrane The Ear Eardrum

Ultrasonic Acoustics Above audible range generally taken to be >20 kHz

U-Matic Video 3/4in Cassette based Video format from Sony. Also used for Stereo Digital Audio
Unbalanced Line Electronics A coaxial cable with the outer screen at 0 volts or ground potential & an AC signal carried by the central
conductor. Used for domestic & Semi-Pro equipment.
unidirectional microphones Microphone whose sensitivity is dominant in one direction. Implies a Cardioid polar pattern
Alchemea The Audio Engineers Dictionary

unity Gain Electronics an electronic system where the signal is output at the same level as is input

UNIX Computer Operating system, generally command line. Nearly all big servers run Unix
URL Computer uniform resource locator. Syntax to describe WEB locations. Eg

USB Computer Universal Serial Bus.Hot swappable, serial computer connection. Vers 1.1
User Bits Timecode SMPTE/EBU timecode has 32 bits (generally arranged as 8x 4bit words) for any information, including a
second set of timecode values, the user wishes.
uuencode Computer Popular method of sending Binary files via ASCII based E-mail. Originally a UNIX application

Variable area Film Analogue optical soundtrack. The Soundtrack area is either black or clear, the width of the clear portion varying
with amplitude. See variable density
Variable density Film Analog Optical soundtrack, shading, opacity or density of the track varies with sound amplitude change.

VBAP Surround Sound Vector Based Amplitude Panning, aims to create phantom images between playback loudspeakers by splitting
a single signal between them & varing the level.
VCA Electronics Voltage Controlled Amplifier; a circuit or IC the gain of which is controlled by a DC voltage. Much used in
Dynamics units & mix automation
VCO Electronics Voltage Controlled Oscillator

VDU Computer Visual display Unit. A computer monitor

velocity of sound acoustics Speed of sound in air @ 0degC & 50% relative humidity is 331.6 m/s. As speed is proportional to the square
root of absolute temperature = about 12 m/s greater at 20degC. It's nearly independent of frequency, slowing
down slightly with frequency. Will be altered by wind velocity. The formula to give a good approximation for the
speed of sound in other gases at standard temperature and pressure can be obtained from c = sqrt (gamma x
P / ?) where gamma is the ratio of specific heats, P is 1.013E5 Pa and ? is the density. {? = Greek letter rho}
Sound travels much faster in solids, typically about 5,000m/s.

Vertical Sync Video Sync pulse at start of each field of a TV image, 50Hz {Europe etc} or 59.94 {Americas etc}
VGA Computer Video Graphics Array. VDU monitor standard for the PC etc gives a picture 600x480 Pixels in size

VGA connector Computer 15 pin sub miniture D connector of same size as standard 9pin D connector. Carries separate Red Green Blue
+ sync + audio signals
VHS Video Video Home System; Cassette based, 0.5 tape generally CrO2 type
VITC Timecode Vertical Interval Time Code. On a video image, a pair of lines (generally outside normal viewing area) can be
used to carry Timecode Including user bit information. T/c will be readable even when tape stationary

Vocoder Fx Unit Unit that analyses the frequency content of an exciter signal (usually voice) in real-time (FFT) and reproduces
this spectrum on another sound (carrier: guitar, synth) with a dynamic graphic equalizer. Makes instruments
talk. Very popular effect.
Alchemea The Audio Engineers Dictionary

VRAM Computer Video RAM. Even faster than regular RAM

VTR Video Video Tape Recorder
WAN Computer Wide Area Network. Network covering a large area Eg many buildings
Watt Electronics Unit of electric power =one joule per sec. Or 1 Amp DC & load resistance of 1 Ohm

wave form Shape of a signal wave.

wavelength Distance between successive similar points on a wave.
White noise Acoustics Equal probability of any frequency component.Sounds like Intense hiss. White is an analogy to light where
equal frequency content gives white light (see pink Noise)
Wild Track Film Wild = not synchronized to picture. Audio recording made without the camera running
wildcard Computer as in the game of Poker. But a single Character is equivilent to a range of characters. Eg * mean any number
of char, ? Means any single char.
Windows 2000 Computer Microsoft 32 bit graphically based operating system. Developed from Win NT
Windows 95 Computer Microsoft 32 bit graphically based operating system.
Windows 98 Computer Microsoft 32 bit graphically based operating system.
Windows NT Computer NT = New Technology. 32bit operating system from Microsoft (r)
Word Computer Collection of Bits eg 8bit or a Byte size word
WORM Digital Write Once Read Many, Eg CD-R & DVD-R IE data storage with no Re-Writing possible
Wow and Flutter Analog Wow {an onomatopoeia} is low frequency speed/pitch variations to replayed audio, Flutter being high speed
WWW Computer World-Wide Web, like a LAN or WAN but covers the world
X.25 Computer A networking protocol
Xmodem Computer A File transfer protocol, able to transfer binary files, has error correction
XVGA Computer XtraSuper Video Graphics Array. VDU monitor standard for the PC etc gives a picture 1024x768 Pixels in size

Y Video Luminance or B&W part of a video signal. Confusingly in Graphic /print media It's Yellow as in YMCK

Ymodem Computer file transfer protocol, able to transfer binary files, has error correction.
yocto SI Units prefix Symbol y Eg yoctogram (yg) = 1E-24grams Or 10^-24
yotta SI Units prefix Symbol Y Eg yottagram (Yg) = 1E+24grams Or 10^24
Z Electronics Symbol for Impedance measured in Ohms at a specific frequency (often 1kHz)

zepto SI Units prefix Symbol z Eg zeptogram (zg) = 1E-21grams Or 10^-21

zetta SI Units prefix Symbol Z Eg zettagram (Zg) = 1E+21grams Or 10^21
Zmodem Computer a file transfer protocol, able to transfer binary files, has error correction.
Electronics Ohm, unit used to measure resistance & Impedance frequency, the perception of pitch also can be affected by
Ω other factors such as intensity and spectrum.
wall of sound A theoretical concept employed by early workers in stereo at Bell
Laboratories; a two-dimensional wavefront.
XY stereo The arrangement of two directional microphones in a coincident stereo
Alchemea The Audio Engineers Dictionary


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