Peighambardoust2010 PDF
Peighambardoust2010 PDF
Peighambardoust2010 PDF
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Article history: Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are considered to be a promising tech-
Received 27 July 2009 nology for clean and efficient power generation in the twenty-first century. Proton
Received in revised form exchange membranes (PEMs) are the key components in fuel cell system. The researchers
26 April 2010 have focused to reach the proton exchange membrane with high proton conductivity, low
Accepted 4 May 2010 electronic conductivity, low permeability to fuel, low electroosmotic drag coefficient, good
Available online 19 June 2010 chemical/thermal stability, good mechanical properties and low cost. These are classified
into the “iron triangle” of performance, durability, and cost. Current PEMFC technology is
Keywords: based on expensive perflourinated proton-exchange membranes (PEMs) that operate
Polymeric electrolyte effectively only under fully hydrated conditions. There is considerable application-driven
Proton exchange membrane interest in lowering the membrane cost and extending the operating window of PEMs.
Fuel cell PEMFC system complexity could be reduced by the development of ‘water-free’ electrolytes
Nafion that do not require hydration. It also enables the PEMFC to be operated under ‘warm’
Composite membranes conditions (i.e. above 100 C) thus further improving its efficiency. Capital cost could also
be further reduced because at warmer conditions less Pt could be used. This paper presents
an overview of the key requirements for the proton exchange membranes (PEM) used in
fuel cell applications, along with a description of the membrane materials currently being
used and their ability to meet these requirements. A number of possible alternative
candidates are reviewed and presented in this paper. Also discussed are some of the new
materials, technologies, and research directions being pursued to try to meet the
demanding performance and durability needs of the PEM fuel cell industry. The alternative
PEMs are classified into three categories: (1) modified Nafion composite membranes; (2)
functionalized non-fluorinated membranes and composite membranes therein; and (3)
acidebase composite membranes. Several commonly used inorganic additives are
reviewed in the context of composite membranes. Finally, the general methods of the
measuring and evaluating of proton exchange membrane properties have been investi-
gated such as proton conductivity, ion exchange capacity, water uptake, gas permeability,
methanol permeability, durability, thermal stability and fuel cell performance test.
ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Green Research Centre, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran. Tel.: þ98 2177491223; fax: þ98
E-mail address: (S. Rowshanzamir).
0360-3199/$ e see front matter ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
9350 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
1. Introduction
Table 1 e Operating and applicable properties of five main types of fuel cells.
Type of Operating Power Density Fuel Efficiency Lifetime Capital Cost Area of
Fuel Cell Temp. ( C) (mW/cm2) (Chem. to Elec.) (hr) ($/kW) Application
membrane matrix. Cation exchange membranes contain studies have been done on reducing the cost of fuel cell
negatively charged groups, such as eSO3, eCOO, ePO2 3 , membranes. Much of the research on new materials for
ePO3H, eC6H4O, etc., fixed to the membrane backbone and PEMFC membranes, while promising, may be too far away
allow the passage of cations but reject anions. While anion from commercialization to meet this timeframe, and could
exchange membranes contains positively charged groups, such be the next generation technology. Today’s research is
as eNHþ þ þ þ þ þ
3 , eNRH2 , eNR2H , eNR3 , ePR3 , eSR2 , etc., fixed to the based on materials that can accelerate commercialization of
membrane backbone and allow the passage of anions but reject fuel cell. This paper is a review of past and present research
cations [5,6]. in the field of development of proton exchange membranes
According to the connection way of charge groups to the for fuel cell to achieve better performance, higher durability
matrix or their chemical structure, ion exchange membranes and lower cost.
can be further classified into homogenous and heterogeneous
membranes, in which the charged groups are chemically
bonded to or physically mixed with the membrane matrix, 2. Proton exchange membranes for fuel cell
respectively. Homogenous ion exchange membranes have applications
good electrochemical properties but don’t have any required
mechanical strength, while, the heterogeneous ion exchange As mentioned above, in general Membrane is the core
membranes have a good mechanical strength but the elec- component of the PEM fuel cell. Triple roles of the polymeric
trochemical Performance of these membranes are weak [7]. membrane in the PEM fuel cells are as follows: charge carrier
The other difference between homogenous and heteroge- for protons, to separate of the reactant gases, and electronic
neous ion exchange membranes is related to their dimen- insulator for not passing of electrons through the membrane
sional stability that the heterogeneous ion exchange (due to have a negative charge from SO 3 and electron repel-
membranes have a good dimensional stability compared with ling). In 1970s, DuPont developed a perfluorosulfonic acid
homogenous ion exchange membranes [8]. called “Nafion” that not only showed a two-fold increase in
During the past few years, many advances have been the specific conductivity of the membrane but also extended
made but there are still technical and economic obstacles in the lifetime by four orders of magnitude (104e105 h). This
the commercialization of fuel cell. In this regard, many soon became a standard for PEMFC and remains so till today.
efforts have been made to develop membranes for PEMFC’s The Dow Chemical Company and Asahi Chemical Company
with improved performance and durability. Also, other synthesized advanced perfluorosulfonic acid membranes
Fig. 2 e Types of the ion exchange membranes based on their development time (reprinted with permission from [8]).
9352 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
Fig. 5 e The Schematic design of the Vehicular Mechanism as proton conduction in (a) pristine membranes and (b) polymer/
nano-particle composite membranes (reprinted with permission from [13,17]).
9354 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
Fig. 6 e Classification of membranes based on materials (perfluorinated, partially fluorinated and non-fluorinated) and
preparation method (acid-base blends and others) (modified with permission from [10]).
Fig. 7 e Nafion membrane and its preparation scheme (reprinted with permission from [3]).
compounds [27]. Polyaromatics are often preferred for fuel cell considered for fuel cell membranes involve incorporation of
application due to their thermal stability. Also, the poly- an acid component into an alkaline polymer base to promote
aromatics from oxidant point of view are stable in the acidic proton conduction [10].
medium. The structures of prominent acidic and basic polymers and
their complexes are given in Fig. 9.
4.3. Acidebase complexes The phosphoric acid-doped polybenzimidazole (PBI/H3PO4)
membrane seems so far the most successful system for high
Acidebase complexes have been considered as a viable temperature PEMFC preferably under ambient pressure. It has in
alternative for membranes that can maintain high conduc- recent years motivated extensive research activities covering
tivity at elevated temperatures without suffering from dehy- polymer synthesis, membrane casting, physicochemical char-
dration effects. In general, the acidebase complexes acterizations and fuel cell technologies. Acid-doped PBI
Fig. 8 e Chemical structure of polymer electrolyte membranes based on hydrocarbon polymers (reprinted with permission
from [16]).
9356 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
Fig. 9 e Structure of basic polymers (aed) and acidic polymers (e, f) (reprinted with permission from [10]).
membranes have been extensively characterized. Related fuel For example, at 450% doping and a temperature of 165 C,
cell technologies have been developed and high temperature the conductivity of PBI membrane was about 4.6 102 S/cm.
PEMFC has been successfully demonstrated at temperatures of It was also observed that at very high levels of doping (around
up to 200 C under ambient pressure. No gas humidification is 1600%), the conductivity could reach 0.13 S/cm. A fuel cell was
mandatory, which enables the elimination of the complicated operated with a doped PBI/H3PO4 membrane at 190 C and
humidification system, compared with Nafion cells. Other atmospheric pressure yielding a power density of 0.55 W/cm2
operating features of the PBI cell include easy control of air flow and a current density of 1.2 A/cm2 [32].
rate and cell temperature (in a wider range) [28]. Kerres et al. made sPEEK/PBI membranes were composed
To date, many studies have been carried out to develop of sulfonated poly(etheretherketone) sPEEK as the acidic
alternative membranes with good fuel cell performance and compound and poly (benzimidazole) PBI as the basic
low cost. Among those alternatives, acidebase polymer blends compound. The membranes showed good proton conductiv-
are promising materials. The interactions between acid and ities at ion-exchange capacities IEC of 1, and they showed
base polymers, such as ionic crosslinking (electrostatic forces) excellent thermal stabilities (decomposition temperatures
and hydrogen bonding bridges, contribute markedly to the >270 C). Also, the membranes were tested in a H2 membrane
control of membrane swelling without a decrease in flexibility. fuel cell and showed good performance [146].
Therefore, these membranes have low water uptake, reduced Vargas MA et al. have synthesized a new protonic
crossover, high proton conductivity, good thermal stability, conductor gel (PVAL/H3PO2/H2O) using PVAL (polyvinyl
and high mechanical flexibility and strength [29]. alcohol) and H3PO2 (hypophosphorous acid) as prime chem-
For application in fuel cells, a series of hybrid acidebase icals; the common solvent was water. The gels are transparent
polymer membranes were prepared by blending sulfonated and have good mechanical properties. With this system they
poly (2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (sPPO) with 3-ami- have reached the highest electrical conductivity at ambient
nopropyl) triethoxysilane (A1100) through a solegel process. and subambient temperatures in this type of material repor-
Experiments have shown that, the acidebase interaction ted up to now in the literature (in the order of 101 S cm1).
improves not only the membrane homogeneity and thermal The variation of the electrical conductivity with temperature
stability but also the mechanical strength and flexibility [29]. and acid concentration was studied. The highest open fuel cell
The novel acidebase membranes composed of acidic voltage, measured at 23 C was 435 mV. The performance of
sulfonated polymers (sPPENK, sPPESK and sPBEK) and basic the fuel cell improved when it was fed with humidified
polyetherimide (PEI), prepared and showed excellent resis- hydrogen [94].
tance to swelling, thermostability, hydrolysis resistance and The most important blends in the preparation of acidebase
oxidative resistance with highly proton conductivity. complex are presented in Table 3. The main advantage of
Accordingly, they are expected promising fuel cell proton using high temperature specialty polymers is related not only
exchange membrane materials in the future [30]. to the thermal stability, but more to the expected stability in
The conductivity of acidebase complex membrane does oxidative, reducing and acidic environments.
not depend on humidity in contrast to Nafion but it is
strongly sensitive to the doping level of complex. In general,
the conductivity of the acidebase complexes is sensitive to 5. Fabrication and preparation methods of
the doping level and temperature. The extent of doping of the proton exchange membranes
alkaline polymer is defined as a phosphoric acid mole percent
per any repeating unit of polymer. As the doping increases, The development of cost-effective and functional materials
the distance between the clusters of acid sites decreases and and components for the polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) is
the anion moieties support the proton hopping between an important stepping stone towards the commercialization
imidazole sites. Data reported by Bouchet et al. also supports and market introduction of this technology. In addition to the
a Grotthus mechanism for PBI membrane doped with phos- noble metal catalyst, the proton exchange membrane (PEM)
phoric acid as acidebase complex (PBI/H3PO4) [31]. material is a major contributor to the cost of the membrane
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4 9357
1 sPEEK/PBI [10] 90/10 High temperature Short-term tests (300hr) Higher voltages of
tolerance at 350 C; yield comparable 650 mV obtainable at
thermally stable; performance to High current densities of
good miscibility Nafion 112 1000 mA/cm2 for Hydrogen
fuel cell
2 PVA/H3PO4 Highly doped Good mechanical With decreasing acid Low open cell voltage
Strength concentration, grotthus (a max. of 436 mV With
transport mechanism very low current Density of
decreases Mechanism 1 mA/cm2) Maximum
likely at low temperatures conductivity of 101 S/cm at
100 MV
3 PBI/H3PO4 500% doping Good mechanical Doped PBI shows greater Conductivity of 6 102 S/cm
Strength; potential for fuel cell achievable
thermally stable operating at moderate
electrode assembly (MEA). The state-of-the-art technology is 50e100 US $m2 [38]. The process for the preparation of the
mostly based on perfluorinated membrane materials, such as new polymer electrolyte membrane by irradiation grafting as
Nafion (DuPont, USA), Flemion (Asahi Glass, Japan) and shown in Fig. 10, in which three steps are as follows: In first
Aciplex (Asahi Kasei, Japan), and composites. These mate- step the polyethylene tetrafluoro ethylene (ETFE) films were
rials are expensive due to the complex fluorine chemistry pre-irradiated in argon gas at room temperature. In this step,
involved in the fabrication [33]. Therefore, the development of the ETFE films were activated in a pre-irradiation step and
the membranes with low cost and higher performance is then grafted with monomers in a subsequent step (second
necessary. Today, the new membranes as a substitute for the step) which is named substitution stage. Finally, the grafted
Nafion membranes that are including the membranes with ETFE films were sulfonated in a chlorosulfonic acid solution to
hydrocarbon polymer matrixes, inorganic e organic hybrid introduce the sulfonic acid groups into the membranes which
membranes, acidebase complexes and grafting membranes is followed by hydrolysis in distilled water. Characterization of
by irradiation. The radiation grafting method is of interest and the new polymer electrolyte membranes was carried out by
suitable method for the preparation of proton exchange means of the Fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR) and ther-
membranes for fuel cell and other electrochemical applica- mogravimetric analysis (TG-DTA) [38]. The dimensional unit
tions. Generally, there are four methods for fabrication and of the irradiation in the preparation of the polymer electrolyte
preparation of the proton exchange membranes are as membranes by grafting method is kGy that is defined as an
follows: (1) grafting polymerization method with using of the extent of absorbed energy by polymeric membrane in terms of
g-ray irradiation, (2) grafting polymerization method with kJ per gram of polymer is grafting (1 kGy ¼ 1 kJ/gr membrane).
using of the plasma, (3) the Crosslinking method, (4) solegel The irradiation rate is defined by kGy in hour or kGy/hr.
method and (5) direct polymerization of monomers. In follow, Radiation-induced graft polymerization is a well-known
the above methods are explained in detail [34e35]. method for the modification of the physicochemical proper-
ties of materials, and is of particular interest for achieving
5.1. Irradiation grafting polymerization method specifically desired properties as well as excellent mechanical
properties [39]. The mass-based degree of grafting DGm is
Graft polymerization, by means of electron-beam, g-ray, and defined as percent of the weight difference between polymeric
ultraviolet (UV) light irradiation or by plasma, is a convenient films before and after of the grafting action which is calculated
method for the preparation of ion exchange membranes according to:
because a rapid formation of active sites on an appropriate
Wg W0
polymer matrix can be achieved [36]. The radiation-grafted DGm ¼ 100 (1)
membranes have been reviewed by Nasef and Jegzey [37]. The
advantages of radiation-grafted membranes include the lack where W0 and Wg are the weights of the film before and after
of need for chemical initiators or catalysts, the easy prepara- grafting, respectively [35].
tion from the already prefabricated base film, and the easy
control of the degree of grafting and ion exchange capacity of 5.2. Crosslinking method
the membranes. The grafting can be initiated by high-energy
irradiation such as g-ray, electron-beam and swift heavy ions. As in previous sections mentioned, perfluorosulfonic acid
The base film in the polymer electrolyte membrane is a func- membranes such as Nafion are used as a proton exchange
tion as hydrophobic host that constrains the membrane membranes for fuel cell applications [40]. Nafion has excellent
swelling in water and provides the mechanical strength and proton conductivity, but it has been found that over 40% of
dimensional stability. In addition, the price of commercial methanol can be lost in direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) across
radiation-grafted membranes is said to be in the range of the membrane due to excessive swelling [41]. To improve the
9358 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
Fig. 10 e Preparation of the new polymer electrolyte membranes by irradiation grafting method (reprinted with permission
from [38]).
performance of a DMFC, it is necessary to reduce the loss of fuel 5.3. Plasma grafting polymerization method
and methanol crossover across the polymer electrolyte
membrane in the fuel cell [42e43]. It is lead to increase of the The grafting polymerization by plasma is one of the methods
proton conductivity of the proton conductive polymer for preparation of proton exchange membranes for applica-
membranes and as a result the produced voltage per consumed tions in miniaturized fuel cells. Plasma polymerized films
current density increase in the unit fuel cell. Therefore, from exhibit a high degree of crosslinkage and are pinhole free even
the crosslinking method can be used to obtain three dimen- for films of only a few hundred nanometer in thickness, in
sional networks in membrane structures in order to reduce the contrast to conventionally polymerized films. Hence, a sharp
methanol crossover through membrane [44]. In the cross- reduction of the methanol permeability and a decrease in the
linking method for preparation of the proton exchange resistance of a fuel cell electrolyte membrane is achieved by
membranes, the membranes without charged sites are using plasma polymerized electrolytes. The overall
changed into proton exchange membranes by crosslinking in membrane resistance also will be reducing by plasma poly-
presence of the organic charged groups. The creation of merization method due to the lower thickness of the ion
crosslinking caused to improve the chemical and thermal exchange membrane (in about 1 mm) [46]. By increasing the
stability of ion exchange membrane. Fig. 11 shows the plasma energy in this polymerization, ionic conductivity of
proposed reaction mechanism of PVA and PSSA MA for prep- membrane will be reduce due to the higher degree of cross-
aration of the crosslinked proton exchange membranes [45]. linking, because the transferring of water molecules is so
hard. The plasma polymerized electrolyte membranes have
been developed by using tetrafluoro ethylene to generate the
polymeric backbone of an ion-conductive membrane and
vinylphosphonic acid to incorporate acid groups, which are
responsible for the proton conductivity [47]. In Fig. 12 has been
shown the major differences between a monomer, a conven-
tional polymer and the polymer prepared by plasma poly-
merization. The structure of the prepared polymer in plasma
polymerization is a quietly dense which this matter caused to
severely reduction of the methanol crossover in the usage of
this polymer as a membrane in direct methanol fuel cells.
Fig. 12 e Differences between a monomer, a conventional polymer and the polymer prepared by plasma polymerization.
been formed from dispersing colloidal particles (with the size proton exchange membranes. The membranes are prepared
about 1e100 nm) in liquid and gel from rigid and continuous directly from the polymerization of possible monomers such
network with pores under micrometer size and polymer chains as styrene and di-vinyl benzene, followed by sulfonation. The
which have the average length greater than micron too. The polymerization mostly takes place in an inert matrix through
sols are usually prepared by using of the metallic alkoxides. monomer soaking or pore can filling. It has been noted that
With regard to this, the metallic organics are insoluble in the sometimes, the polymerization is directly conducted from
water, but these alkoxides solved in the alcoholic solution. The sulfonated monomers without the post-sulfonation step [49].
polymerization reaction begins by adding of water in sol. This
process will be done by two main reactions as hydrolysis and
condensation. These reactions are as follows:
6. Modification of the proton exchange
Hydrolysis reaction: M e O e R þ H2O / M e OH þ R e OH membranes in fuel cell applications
Fig. 13 e General scheme of the hydrolysis and condensation processes (reprinted with permission from [49]).
9360 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
another serious drawback. Conductivity at higher tempera- strength and also creation of the self-humidity of the
tures (up to 100 C) is reduced than lower temperatures [12]. membranes in elevated temperatures.
Also, the phenomena related to membrane dehydration, As mentioned in above, Nafion, the conventional proton
reduction of ionic conductivity, decreased affinity for water, conducting polymer electrolyte membrane is expensive,
loss of mechanical strength due to softening of polymer mechanically unstable at temperatures above 100 C, and
backbone and increased parasitic losses through high fuel conductive only when soaked in water, which limits fuel cell
permeation are observed at temperatures above 80 C. With operating temperatures to 80 C, which in turn results in lower
regard to the application in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC), fuel cell performance due to slower electrode kinetics and low
Nafion exhibits a high methanol permeability greater 80,000 CO tolerance [71]. Thus, the development of membranes
Barrers at 80 C, which drastically reduces the DMFC perfor- which are mechanically and chemically stable at higher
mance and renders it unsuitable for DMFCs [52]. Efforts are temperatures (above 100 C) is an active area of research for
directed to eliminate the disadvantages such as crossover producing economical fuel cells. A wide range of the fillers
problems and loss of hydration above 100 C. Despite its such as SiO2, zirconium phosphate, phosphotungestic acid
shortcomings, Nafion is still the polymer of choice for most [72e73], molibdophosphoric acid, suspending SiO2, organi-
PEFC and DMFC applications. However, it is likely that Nafion cally modified silicates, silane based fillers and zeolites are
will be replaced by an alternative membrane in the future [53]. used for the preparation of the Nafion-based composite
In order to overcome few of the disadvantages of the PFSA proton exchange membranes. Composite membranes are
membranes enumerated above, the authors are also carrying shown the promising characteristics such as lower H2, O2 and
out research work to identify promising alternatives [54e55]. methanol crossover, good thermal stability, increased proton
Basically, there are two ways to enhance the properties of conductivity, and higher water uptake. In the following
proton exchange membrane: Polymeric blend membranes sections, the types of the modified proton exchange
and polymer/inorganic composite membranes. The latter is membranes in the PEM fuel cells are investigated.
easier to fabricate. This type of composite can be configured in
a number of ways: 6.1. Modified Nafion membrane with inorganic oxides
MO2 (M ¼ TieSieZr)
- Both polymer and inorganic components can be ionically
conductive; An increase of the cell temperature produces enhanced CO
- Ionic polymer with inorganic filler for mechanical support; tolerance in PH-PEFC, faster reaction kinetics and reduced
- Ionic polymer with water-retaining inorganic filler; heat-exchanger requirement. The main problem for PEFC
- Ionically conductive inorganic additive with supporting operation above 100 C is the loss of proton conductivity of the
polymer [56]. perfluorosulphonic electrolyte due to the lower-water content
with a consequent decrease of the cell performance. For all
This partial list only covers a few of the possible combi- these reasons, great interest has been focused on the devel-
nations. Polymer inorganic composite membranes are inter- opment of alternative membranes able to work above 100 C.
esting because many of the inorganic additives used are able Several approaches have been used to overcome this problem,
to operate at much higher temperatures than the pure such as the use of thermally resistant polymers or the intro-
polymers. Some of the possible advantages of incorporating duction of a hygroscope and/or proton conductor material as
inorganic compounds into composite membranes include, filler in the polymeric perfluorosulphonic matrix. In the latter
enhanced proton conductivity, water retention at high case, the inclusion of inorganic fillers improves the mechanical
temperatures, and mechanical support [57]. Rikukawa and properties, the membrane water management and also
Sanui [12] suggest that in order to produce materials that are contributes to inhibiting the direct permeation of reaction
less expensive than Nafion, some sacrifice in material life- gases by increasing the transport pathway tortuousness
time and mechanical properties may be acceptable, provided [48,74]. Modified Nafion membranes containing inorganic
the cost factors are commercially realistic. Hence the use of fillers such as SiO2, TiO2, ZrO2 [60,75e80 and other compounds
hydrocarbon polymers, even though they had been previ- characterized by water retention capacity or by proton
ously abandoned due to low thermal and chemical stability, conduction as hetero-poly-acids (PWA, PMoA, SiWA) or layered
has attracted renewed interest. Therefore, the efforts to zirconium phosphate [58,81e85] are valid materials to use as
develop these higher temperature membranes include polymer electrolytes in a medium temperature PEFC. There-
modification of the conventional host polymers, e.g., via fore, in general, the so-called ‘high-temperature membranes’
incorporation of various hygroscopic inorganic nanosized can be developed via modification of the polymer host
particles or by developing alternate new polymer systems membranes with (1) hygroscopic oxides such as SiO2 and TiO2
[58e70]. The most important goals of modification of the to increase water uptake; (2) inorganic solid acids such as ZrO2/
proton exchange membranes in PEM fuel cells can be SO24 to increase the water uptake as well as the concentration
mentioned such as preparation of the proton exchange of acid sites; and (3) inorganic proton conductors such as
membranes with lower cost compared to the fluorinated hetero-poly-acids to enhance further proton conductivity
membranes, the desirable water uptake and retain in the using inorganic-assisted proton transport together with high
elevated temperatures, desirable proton conductivity in the water uptake and high acid concentration in the membrane
higher temperatures, the lower extent of the reactant [86e89]. The method of preparation of the ZrO2, SiO2 and TiO2
gaseous and methanol crossover through the membrane, composite proton exchange membranes was based on the in
improved thermal stability, higher mechanical and chemical situ solegel synthesis methods [67]. In this procedure, the host
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4 9361
Fig. 14 e Water uptake vs. activity of water vapor for nanocomposite of Nafion - MO2 and Nafion membrane at
temperatures a) 90 C and b) 120 C (reprinted with permission from [90]).
proton exchange membrane serves as a template that directs activity. The increase in the conductivity of Nafion - ZrO2
the morphology, particle growth, and size of the oxide in the solegel nanocomposites is the combined result of higher water
PEM matrix, resulting in nanosized particles. Fig. 14 shows the uptake as well as acidity. Hence, from water uptake, ion
water uptake measurements for the nanocomposite exchange capacity and conductivity results, it is evident that
membranes at 90 and 120 C, respectively. At both tempera- higher water uptake does not inevitably result into higher
tures, all Nafion-MO2 nanocomposite exhibited better water conductivity. It is not only the total water uptake, but also the
uptake at a given relative humidity (RH) than unmodified distribution of water between surface and bulk that deter-
Nafion membrane. The enhanced water uptake can be mines conductivity [88]. Bulk water is much more effective in
attributed to the hydrophilic nature of the acidic inorganic proton conduction. The fuel cell performance of a single cell
additives within the pores of Nafion membrane and the with all four types of membranes under fully humidified and
increased acidity and surface areas of nanoparticles. The basic dry conditions is shown in Fig. 16. Since sulfated zirconia is
sorption trend at both temperatures was similar, with water acidic, it causes higher water sorption in the nanocomposites
uptake increasing from silica to Titania to Zirconia nano- [90]. Composite membranes have a lower resistivity than
composites. This is in order of increasing acid strength. Higher Nafion under fully humidified conditions and give better I-V
water uptake and enhanced acidity result in greater proton performance in fuel cells. Also, water sorption into Nafion-
conductivity, which would presumably result into better fuel based membranes increases with increased temperature [91].
cell performance under hot and dry conditions [90].
Fig. 15 shows the conductivity measurements for the 6.2. Modified Nafion membrane with types of clays
nanocomposite membranes at 90 and 120 C, respectively, as
compared to Nafion membrane. At both temperatures, Among the inorganic compounds suitable for the organic
Nafion ZrO2 solegel nanocomposite showed higher conduc- matrix, the clay family is a promising candidate. Indeed,
tivity than Nafion for over the complete range of water layered silicate, like smectite clays, show attractive
Fig. 15 e Conductivity vs. activity of water vapor for nanocomposite Nafion - MO2 and Nafion membrane at temperatures
a) 90 C and b) 120 C (reprinted with permission from [90]).
9362 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
Fig. 16 e The cell performance of Nafion-112 vs. Nafion - MO2 solegel, composite membrane. Oxygen and Hydrogen at 2.0
and 1.3 times stoichiometric flows, respectively, P [ 1.0 atm, THumidifier [ 80 C, under a) fully humidified condition at 80 C
and b) dry condition at 110 C (reprinted with permission from [90]).
hydrophilic properties and good thermal stability at high higher with composite membranes (87 and 70%) than with the
temperature [92,93]. The layered silicates commonly used for perflourinated membranes (50% for recasted Nafion and 30%
PEM fuel cell applications are Laponite (Lp) or Montmorillonite for Nafion-117) while the thickness expansion stays compa-
(MMT) made of silica tetrahedral and alumina octahedral rable (18 2%). This relevant difference in water uptake is due
sheets which have advantageous hygroscopic properties to the high water adsorption capacity of this kind of Laponite
[95e99]. Indeed, the monovalent ions located between the clay [100].
layers allow the absorption of polar solvent, like water, with This observation suggests that the water retention of the
good retention capacity. The smectite clays are so usually inorganic phase is responsible for the improved water reten-
named “swelling” clays. These synthetic (Lp) or natural (MMT) tion of the hybrid membranes. Because proton conduction is
inorganic materials incorporated into a polymer membrane directly related to the water content, it is important to deter-
help to prevent the loss of the hydration water at high mine, for membranes presenting some interesting water
temperature but also under low relative humidity environ- retention capacities, the dependence of their proton conduc-
ment. Nevertheless, the addition of clay, which is a poor tivity with the environment conditions, like temperature and
proton conductor, inside Nafion, which is highly proton humidity level. Fig. 17 shows the results of conductivity
conductive, can lead to a reduction of the global proton measurements for different relative humidity conditions
conductivity of the membrane [100]. If a comparison is made (from 50 to 100% RH) at 25 C for Nafion-115 and for hybrid
with commercially available Nafion membranes, the addi- membranes. From Fig. 17, it can be noted that the proton
tion of a small amount of montmorillonite salts to per- conductivity of the Nafion/Lp-g membrane is higher than the
fluorosulfonic acid (PFSA) membranes leads to the reduction one of the Nafion-115 whatever the relative humidity
of the methanol crossover and, concurrently, a decrease of conditions, and is higher than the one of the Nafion/Lp
conductivity [98]. Organic modification was done with the between 70 and 98% RH. The decrease of the proton conduc-
following objectives: (1) to have a better compatibility with the tion with relative humidity is faster for commercial
polymer, i.e., to have a good interface bonding between membrane than for hybrid ones [107]. The improvement of the
polymer and silicates/Aerosils; [101] (2) to decrease methanol composite membrane behavior has been previously evi-
permeability; (3) to aid the proton conductivity of the whole denced by ex situ analysis and has to be evidenced now in fuel
composite membrane system [102]. Table 4 reports the water cell. Then, Nafion/Lp-g hybrid membranes are tested in a fuel
uptake, and the thickness of the dry (Td) and fully hydrated cell test station at different operation conditions, changing for
(Tw) states of hybrid membranes filled with Laponite type of example, the cell temperatures (80e120 C), the reactant gases
the clay. As shown clearly in Table 4, the water uptake is (H2/O2 and H2/air), and the gas pressures (3e4 bar) in order to
Table 4 e Thickness in dry and wet states (Td and Tw) and corresponding thickness expansion and water uptake (Wut) for
Nafion and for hybrid membranes at room temperature.
Sample Dry State, Fully hydrated state Thickness
Td (mm) Expansion (%)
Tw (mm) Wut (wt.%)
Fig. 21 e SEM micrographs of the surface zeolite powders: (a) NaA zeolite, (b) Mordenite, (c) ETS-10 and (d) Umbite (reprinted
with permission from [119]).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4 9365
Fig. 25 e X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) of (a) Nafion and (b) Nafion/PANi-5 composite membranes measured after
immersion in different methanol concentrations (reprinted with permission from [139]).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4 9367
Fig. 28 e Proton conductivity versus PAN (MW [ 150,000) a Weight ratio of sPEEK against PAN.
in composite membranes (reprinted with permission
from [145]).
SEM images in Fig. 29 showed the microstructure change of
these blended membranes. The size of the PAN regions
ratio decreased with increasing of PAN content in blended increased with the content of PAN below 10%. At 20e30%, the
membranes [145]. phase inversion was clearly observed through the elemental
In Fig. 28, proton conductivity of blended membranes first distribution maps. In the maps, the bright white region cor-
increased with the addition of PAN. As shown in Fig. 28, above 5%, responded to the sulfur/oxygen rich phase, i.e. sPEEK. At 20
the conductivities decreased quickly. This could be due to larger and 30%, the bright white region was isolated by the darker
PAN regions in the blended membranes blocking the proton PAN phase. Methanol permeability of these membranes are
transport. When PAN was 20 or 30%, there was a phase inversion listed in Table 6 and compared to Nafion-117. The sPEEK
between PAN and sPEEK, and PAN became the continuous phase. membrane without PAN displayed methanol permeability of
Therefore, proton conductivity would be further reduced. The 39% of Nafion-117. The blended membranes with thermally
dilution of sPEEK in blended membranes might be another reason treated PAN resulted in lower methanol permeability because
for the drop of proton conductivities [145]. the microsized dispersion of rigid ladder PAN chains
Fig. 29 e (a) SEM of composite membranes with 1, 2 and 5% PAN (MW [ 150,000). (b) Elemental distribution maps through
SEM of composite membranes with 10, 20 and 30% PAN (MW [ 150,000) (reprinted with permission from [145]).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4 9369
Table 7 e Methanol permeability of composite membranes from sPEEK and PAN with different MW (sPEEK:PAN [ 80:20).
Membranesa Properties
a MW of PAN.
prevented methanol from transferring through the of the cross-section of Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40 -SiO2/Nafion
membrane. At 5 wt.% PAN, the methanol permeability was membrane. It can be seen that the Si and Cs elements were
only 20% of that of Nafion-117 while the proton conductivity dispersed homogeneously along the cross-section of the
was similar. Hence, methanol permeability and hot water membrane (Fig. 30). It means that the Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40/SiO2
swelling of blended membranes were significantly reduced particles were uniformly dispersed in the membrane [156].
while proton conductivity was increased to be competitive to Fig. 31 shows the polarization curves of cells with
Nafion-117. These properties would make it a candidate as Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40-SiO2/Nafion e proton exchange membrane
a possible low cost alternative to Nafion-117. and Nafion NRE-212 membrane operated under fully
As shown in Table 7 we found that the methanol perme- humidified condition with the cell temperature at 60 and
ability increased with PAN molecular weight (MW). The 80 C, respectively. The cell performance with the
possible reason is that there are more molecular chains in Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40-SiO2/Nafion was better than that with the
PAN with lower MW than in PAN with higher MW at the same NRE-212. Fig. 31 shows the effect of Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40/SiO2
weight. Thus, the amount of ladder chains formed during heat particles addition into Nafion matrix in composite membrane
treatment is greater and occupies larger space, which results than the pristine Nafion. From the Tafel slope of the polari-
in a stronger effect of blocking methanol [145]. zation curves, the conductivity of the composite membrane
was greatly improved by the addition of the Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40/
6.6. Modified Nafion membrane with proton conductive SiO2 particles [156]. Fig. 32 shows the polarization curves of H2/
materials (heteropolyacids) O2 fuel cells with Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40-SiO2/Nafion and Nafion
NRE-212 membrane operated under fully humidified and un-
The proton exchange membranes (PEMs) currently used in humidified conditions at 60 C. The fuel cell performance were
fuel cells, such as Nafion membranes, are highly proton decreased when the fuel cell were operated with dry gas
conductive and chemically and physically stable at moderate compared to that operated with fully humidified gas. The
temperatures [40,147]. However, these preferable properties decrease of the cell performance with Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40-SiO2/
are deteriorated above their glass transition temperature (Tg) Nafion is slighter than that with NRE-212 membrane. The cell
ca. 110 C. Additionally, they require adding water to humidify performance under dry gas conditions was obviously
the fuel and oxygen in order to maintain the membrane’s improved which is because of the addition of
proton conductivity. The humidifier will make the whole Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40/SiO2 as hygroscopic material dramatically
system complex and large. Therefore these needs promote the increased the water content in the membrane, and increase
research and development self-humidifying membranes for the proton conductivity as well. Meanwhile, the SiO2 particles
PEMFC [3]. Up to now, many materials such as Pt, metal play an important role in maintenance the water produced in
oxides, Pt/SiO2, hetero-poly-acid, and ZrHSO4 were highly the self-humidifying membrane in situ at high temperature
dispersed into Nafion or sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) due to their hygroscopic property and to release the water
(sPEEK) resin to fabricate self-humidifying membranes once the proton exchange membrane needs it. The new self-
[75,148e152]. Heteropolyacids (HPA) with Keggin anion struc- humidifying membrane was considered to be a very prom-
tures have received the most attention due to their simple ising membrane for PEM fuel cells [156].
preparation and strong acidity in development of composite
membranes for PEMFCs [153,81,58]. But the major factor limit 6.7. Modified Nafion membrane with polymeric
the performance of Nafion/HPA composite membranes is the acidebase complexes
extremely high solubility of the HPA additive in aqueous
media [81,155]. Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40 is insoluble in water and The typical membranes (DuPont’s Nafion series or other per-
organic solvents and has micro and mesopores with a high fluorosulfonic acid membranes) only perform properly below
surface area. The Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40/SiO2 particles which were 100 C because that the membranes dehydrate at higher
expected to increase the proton conductivity of the membrane temperature and the proton conductivity decays sharply
and catalyze the recombination of H2 and O2. The single cell [157e158]. Therefore, many different approaches have been
(electrode area ¼ 5 cm2) with these proton exchange carried out to develop novel PEM membranes for high
membranes exhibited better performance than that with the temperature operation. The novel composite membrane was
commercial Nafion (NRE-212) membrane under fully synthesized according to the acidebase polymer complexes
humidified and dry conditions. Fig. 30 shows the EDX results concept developed by Kerres et al. [157], which consists of
9370 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
Fig. 30 e EDX analysis result of Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40-SiO2/Nafion membrane: Si element (top left); S element (top right); Cs
element (bottom left); the region used for the EDX analysis (bottom right) (modified with permission from [156]).
mixing polymeric acid with polymer bearing basic sites. study was shown in Fig. 33. The sulfonic acid groups of Nafion
Phosphoric acid-doped polybenzimidazole (H3PO4/PBI) and interact with the N-base of PBI either by formation of hydrogen
H3PO4/PBI/silica nanocomposite membranes have been bridges or by protonation of the basic N-sites. In the polymer
investigated intensively and used more successfully [160e161] complex, Nafion not only plays as a crosslinking agent but also
in high temperature PEMFC because of the excellent thermo- improves the chemical stability of the polymer matrix. The
chemical stability, lower gas permeability [162] and mechan- transformation of Nafion resin from Hþ form to Naþ form was
ical property of PBI, and good proton conductivity after doped the most important step for the composite membrane fabri-
with H3PO4 at elevated temperature (200 C) [163,164]. The cation. NafioneNa in the NafionePBI composite membrane
formation of acidebase polymer complex presented in this was protonated and then interacted with PBI component
Fig. 31 e Fuel cell performance of the Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40- Fig. 32 e Fuel cell performance of the Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40-
SiO2/Nafion self-humidifying membrane and NRE-212 at 60 SiO2/Nafion self-humidifying membrane and NRE-212 at
and 80 C under fully humidified conditions (modified with 60 C under fully humidified and un-humidified conditions
permission from [156]). (modified with permission from [156]).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4 9371
Fig. 35 e The steady state performance and open current voltage (OCV) variations of single cell with H3PO4/NafionePBI
composite membrane (a) and H3PO4/PBI membrane (b) during life test (reprinted with permission from [165]).
‘Wet’ weights (Wwet) of the membranes are first measured after conductivity and water uptake both rely heavily on the
equilibrating with water at different temperatures or upon concentration of ion conducting units (most commonly
exposure to water vapor at various pressures. The membrane sulfonic acid) in the polymer membrane. The ion content is
samples are then dried at a temperature above the boiling point characterized by the mass of dry membrane per molar equiv-
of water for a particular period of time and their ‘Dry’ weights alents of ion conductor and is expressed as EW with units of
(Wdry) measured. The total water content (Wuptake%) is deter- grams of polymer per equivalent or as IEC with units of milli-
mined from the difference between the wet and the dry mass of equivalents per gram (mequiv. g1 or mmol g1) of polymer.
the membranes as follows [1]: Varying the ion content of the membrane can control both its
water uptake and conductivity. While it is desirable to maxi-
Wwet Wdry
Water Uptake ¼ 100 (6) mize the conductivity of the membrane by increasing its ion
content (decreasing equivalent weight), other physical prop-
If tw and td are the thicknesses of wet and dry membranes, erties must be considered. Too many ionic groups will cause
respectively, the membrane swelling ratio may be calculated as: the membrane to swell excessively with water, which
tw td compromises mechanical integrity and durability.
Swelling Ratio ¼ 100 (7)
td IEC of membranes is determined by titration at room
temperature. The membranes in the acidic forms (Hþ) are first
The membrane water content parameter, ‘l’, the number of
converted to the sodium forms by immersing the membranes
moles of water per mole of acidic group can be calculated:
in NaCl solutions to exchange the Hþ ions for Naþ ions by
NH2 O Wwet Wdry
l¼ ;l ¼ (8) following equation:
NSO3 18 IEC Wdry
R H þ Naþ /R Na þ Hþ
IEC is the ion exchange capacity of the membrane. Water
uptake curves are generally represented as number of water the exchanged Hþ ions within the solutions are titrated with
molecules per sulfonic acid group ‘l’ versus thermodynamic 0.01 N NaOH solutions. IEC values may be calculated from the
water activity or relative humidity, which is the ratio of water titration result using the formula [188]:
partial pressure and saturation partial pressure of water
Consumed ml of NaOH Molarity of NaOH
(Fig. 36). The factors that affect the extent of the water uptake IEC ¼ meguiv: g1
Weight dried membrane
of a membrane are temperature, ion-exchange capacity, and
pretreatment of membrane, the physical state of absorbing
water, whether it is in liquid or vapor phase, and the elastic
modulus of the membrane. A major objective in the nano- 7.4. Methanol permeability measurement through the
composite and hybrid membrane research is to determine proton exchange membranes
which chemical attributes of the composite membranes
improve water level at elevated temperature and thereby The study of the methanol mass transport through DMFC
improve PEMFC performance [15]. membranes is very common due to its detrimental effect on
the DMFC performance (reduced coulombic efficiency). Even if
7.3. Ion exchange capacity measurement by using of the not accounting for the anode catalytic reaction and the elec-
titration method troosmotic drag mass transfer, the methanol permeability in
the proton exchange membranes is usually evaluated by
IEC or EW is the measure of relative concentration of acid pervaporation and diffusion cell experiments [189]. For
groups within polymer electrolyte membranes. Proton methanol permeability experiments, most researchers use
Fig. 36 e (a) Equilibrium water uptake or isotherm curve for Nafion at 300 K. The shaded line corresponds to coexistence
with liquid water (l [ 22), (b) Conductivity vs. water-uptake curve at 300 K. The shaded area corresponds to coexistence
with liquid water (l [ 22) (reprinted with permission from [15]).
9374 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
a side-by-side diffusion cell, where the proton exchange the membrane was dried under vacuum at appropriate
membrane is sandwiched between donor (upstream side) and temperature for more than 1 h. All the measurements were
receptor (downstream side) compartments [16]. The donor performed when the other chamber of the cell was main-
compartment is charged with methanol (w1e2 M) and the tained under vacuum and the measured gas permeability is
concentration of methanol is measured on the downstream regarded as for dry membranes [198].
side as a function of time. The permeability can be determined
from the slope of the early time data [190] where a variety of 7.6. Durability measurement of proton exchange
detection methods have been used, including gas chroma- membranes
tography [191] refractometry [192e194] and FTIR-ATR spec-
troscopy [190,195e197]. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are very
promising as environment-friendly energy supplier.
However, their durability and cost are the key issues that
7.5. Gas permeability measurement through the proton
should be solved for practical applications. Now the research
exchange membranes
emphasis has shifted from improving the initial performance
(“beginning-of-life”) to enhancing fuel cell reliability and
The gas permeability of the membranes was measured by
lifetime and to making fuel cell cost competitive. Proton
means of a two chambers cell as shown in Fig. 37. A sample
exchange membranes (PEMs) are the key components in fuel
membrane was fixed by porous carbon plates with the
cell system, which limit the lifetime of the whole PEMFCs.
membrane edges sealed by Viton (DuPont) gaskets. During
Thus enhancement of the durability of the PEMs is critical to
the measurement, a pressure difference of up to 1 106 Pa was
the lifetime and commercial viability of the PEMFCs. In the
applied to the membrane. The gas pressure of each side of the
last decade, the membrane degradation mechanism studies
membrane was monitored via pressure sensors. The
became the focus of attention. To sum up the recent pub-
temperature was controlled with an oil bath by immersing the
lished reports, the membrane degradations are mainly clas-
cell system in it. For the measurement of the gas permeability
sified as chemical/electrochemical degradation and physical
coefficient, Ƥ, one chamber of the cell was filled with pres-
degradation. As for the former degradation, hydrogen
surized gases while the other was always kept under vacuum.
peroxide and its decomposition intermediate products HO
The gas diffused through the membrane under the driving
and HO2 with strong oxidative characteristics generated
force of pressure. The mole number of the gas, n, passed
during the fuel cell operation have been considered as one of
through the membrane can be calculated from the decreased
the important factors resulting in the membrane degrada-
pressure Pd on one side of the membrane within a certain time
tion. The formation of H2O2 has been confirmed using
(t in s) by using the equation:
a microelectrode in an operating fuel cell [199] and detected
Pd $V in the outlet stream of the cell with Nafion membrane by
n¼ ðmolÞ (10)
R$T Scherer [200].
where R is the gas constant, T the temperature in Kelvin and V Therefore, the membrane durability was evaluated by both
is the volume of the gas chamber. The gas permeability ex situ Fenton test [201] and in situ OCV accelerated test [202].
coefficient, Ƥ, can then be calculated: Membrane samples were respectively immersed in 50 ml
Fenton solution (3 wt.% hydrogen peroxide solution and
n$L 20 ppm Fe2þ). The durability tests were carried out at 80 C for
P¼ mol cm cm2 s1 Pa1 (11)
where L (in cm) is the membrane thickness, A (in cm2) the area
of the membrane for gas diffusion and Pd (in Pa) is the pressure
difference through the membrane. Before the measurement,
Fig. 37 e The Cell for gas permeability measurements Fig. 38 e Example of a polarization curve showing the
(reprinted with permission from [198]). typical losses in a polymer-electrolyte fuel cell.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4 9375
Table 8 e Advantages and disadvantages of the different modifications on Nafion as the perflourinated proton exchange
Modification Filler Type Advantages Disadvantages Suitable
Methods Application
Inorganic SiO2, TiO2, ZrO2 - Higher water uptake - Lower proton conductivity PEMFC
Oxides, MO2 [60,67,75e80,90,233] - Better fuel cell performance - Higher membrane cost
(M ¼ TieSieZr) ZrO2/SO24 [86e89] in higher temperatures
- Higher membrane retention
- Lower water Swelling
Clays Laponite (Lp), - Lower methanol crossover - Lower proton conductivity DMFC
Montmorillonite - Lower membrane cost
(MMT) [95e100] - Higher thermal stability
MMT modified with - Higher membrane selectivity
POPD400-PS [109]
Zeolites NaA zeolite, ETS-10, - Higher thermal stability - Poor mechanical properties DMFC
Umbite, Mordenite [111,119] - Stable fuel cell performance in - Higher membrane cost
higher temperatures - Lower proton conductivity
- Lower methanol crossover
- Higher membrane selectivity
Conductive Polyaniline (PANi) - Lower methanol crossover - Lower proton conductivity PEMFC, DMFC
Polymers [127e133,137e138] - Higher membrane selectivity - Lower water uptake
Polypyrrole (PPy) [125] - Lower water swelling
- Higher membrane cost
Polymer sPEEK/PBI [40] - Better mechanical properties - Lower proton conductivity DMFC
Blend Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/ - Easier MEA fabrication - Higher membrane cost
Membranes Polyphosphazene [143e144] - Lower methanol crossover
sPEEK/PAN [145] - Lower water Swelling
- Improved thermal stability
Proton Pt/SiO2, ZrHSO4 [75,148e152] - Higher proton conductivity - Higher leaching rate PEMFC
Conductive Heteropolyacid (HPA) - Self-humidifying properties - Higher membrane cost
Fillers [58,153e154,81,156] - Better fuel cell performance
in higher temperatures
AcideBase PBI/H3PO4 [159] - Better fuel cell performance - Higher membrane cost PEMFC
Complexes PBI/H3PO4/Silica [160e164] in higher temperatures
Nafion/PBI/H3PO4 [165e166] - Excellent thermo-chemical
- Lower gas permeability
- Better mechanical properties
- Higher proton conductivity
150 h prior to fluorine ion characterization, the Pt wire was Effective strategies should be taken to improve the
immersed into the analyte solution to decompose the residual membrane durability. The passive approach is to improve
hydrogen peroxide, which was to assure of the accurate and polymer stability, such as synthesis of short side chain poly-
reproducible results. mers [206,207], novel hydrocarbon polymer electrolytes [208],
There are two different pathways for the H2O2 generation or composite membrane with PTFE [209]. The active approach
and the free radical species: (1) generating at the cathode due to is to suppress the free radicals attack, such as avoiding H2O2
the electrochemical two-electron reduction of oxygen [203] or formation, destroying H2O2 [210e213] or scavenging the free
the chemical combination of crossover hydrogen and oxygen radicals [214,215]. Trogadas and Ramani [211] prepared Pt/C/
at the cathode (mechanisms 1e4) and (2) generating at the MnO2 hybrid catalyst to minimize the effect of reactive oxygen
anode due to the chemical combination of crossover oxygen species at fuel cell operation condition. Though the hybrid
and hydrogen at the anode (mechanisms 4e7) [204,205]. catalyst can mitigate the generation of hydrogen peroxide, the
activity of the catalysts is poor at the same time. Zhao and
(1) O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e / H2O2 et al. have been designed a multifunctional catalyst which can
(2) H2O2 þ M2þ / M3þ þ HO þ HO decompose H2O2 and scavenge the free radicals on the
(3) HO þ H2O2 / H2O þ HO2 (hydrogen peroxide radical surfaces of the nanoparticles. Since the scavenging catalyst is
attacks PEM) nonconductive, the cell performance may reduce with the
(4) H2 þ O2 / [O] þ H (on Pt surface) nanoparticles dispersion. Thus, the proton conductivity was
(5) H2 / 2H (via Pt catalyst) also considered. In their study, they have been investigated
(6) H þ O2 (diffused through PEM to anode) / HO2 the effects of the multifunctional catalyst composed of
(7) HO2 þ H / H2O2 (diffused into PEM) a metal oxide with variable valence, cerium nanoparticles,
9376 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4
Table 9 e Advantages and disadvantages of the different modifications on sPEEK as the non-fluorinated proton exchange
Modification Methods Filler Type Advantages Disadvantages Suitable
Inorganic SiO2 [225], TiO2 [174], - Higher thermal stability - Lower proton conductivity PEMFC, DMFC
Oxides, MO2 ZrO2 [229] - Lower methanol crossover - Higher membrane cost
(M ¼ TieSieZr) - Higher water uptake
- Lower water Swelling
Clays Silica-SO3H [224] - Higher chemical and - Lower proton conductivity DMFC
Modified nano-silica [225] mechanical stability
Organo modified MMT [226] - Lower methanol crossover
Lapinte, MCM-41 [227] - Lower membrane cost
Modified MMT with - Higher water retention properties
Krytox [232]
Zeolites b-zeolite [221] Modified - Lower methanol crossover - Lower proton conductivity DMFC
zeolite with ZrP [222] - Higher thermal stability - Higher membrane cost
H-type of b-zeolite [223] - Better fuel cell performance in
higher temperatures
- Lower membrane swelling -
Higher mechanical stability
Conductive Polypyrrole (PPy) [228] - Lower methanol crossover - Lower proton conductivity DMFC
Polymers - Better DMFC performance - Higher membrane cost
- Higher thermal stability
Proton Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40 [155] - Higher proton conductivity - - Higher leaching rate PEMFC
Conductive Tungstophosphoric acid [220] Better self-humidifying properties - Higher membrane cost
Fillers phosphatoantimonic acid [230] at high temperatures
Phosphotungestic acid [231] - Chemical and physical stability
- Better fuel cell performance in
higher temperatures
- Higher water uptake - Higher
IEC amounts
and a solid acid, cesium substituted 12-tungstophosphoric, in improvement in thermal degradation temperature as
PEMs [216]. compared with Nafion. A systematic investigation on the
thermal behavior of nanocomposite and hybrid membranes
7.7. Thermal stability of measurement of proton would thus give more insights into their stability at high
exchange membranes temperatures. Although informative, these thermal stability
results can hardly be used to predict the long-term durability
One of the major issues to be addressed in the development of of these membranes. Therefore, the degradation of the proton
proton-conducting nanocomposite and hybrid membranes exchange membranes mostly was investigated by Thermog-
for fuel cell applications is their high temperature stability. It ravimetric analysis (TGA). The primary degradation in degra-
arises primarily due to the fact that the sulfonic acid side dation mechanism of theses membranes is the degradation of
chains in backbone polymers such as Nafion and other polymeric backbone of membranes and the secondary
sulfonated hydrocarbon membranes undergo desulfonation degradation is the degradation of the pendant groups or
with increase in temperature. While the sulfonic acid groups inorganic compounds inside the membranes in higher
in Nafion are stable up to a temperature of 280 C in air temperatures than the primary degradation.
[215,217,218], the degradation temperature of sPEEK is repor-
ted to be in the range of 240e330 C. Desulfonation is in 7.8. MEA testing in fuel cell performance test system
general studied by means of thermogravimetric analysis
(TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), Fourier-transform The development of new or modified PEMs with improved
infra-red spectroscopy (FT-IR) and TGA-mass spectrometry characteristics for fuel cell applications requires a quantita-
(MS). In Nafion-based composites this decomposition tive determination of their electrochemical performance
behavior is attributed to the loosening of sulfonic acid groups under relevant fuel cell conditions. The most straightforward
present in the unmodified Nafion membrane [219]. It was also approach for this is to construct a membrane electrode
observed that the temperature at which this decomposition assembly (MEA) and measure the cell parameters in a single
occurs shifts with the nature of inorganic additive within the cell configuration. A membrane electrode assembly includes
pores of Nafion membrane. For example, sharp thermal an anode, a cathode, a membrane disposed between the
degradation of the unmodified Nafion occurs at about 325 C, anode and the cathode and an extended catalyst layer
whereas for Nafion-ZrO2, and Nafion-SiO2 solegel between the membrane and the electrodes. The conversion
membranes, degradation temperature shifts to about 360 C efficiency of MEA depends on many factors including type and
and 470 C, respectively [90]. The TiO2 incorporated thickness of both membrane and gas-diffusion material,
membranes on the other hand are reported to show not much nature of binder used in the electrodes and the binder to
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 4 9 e9 3 8 4 9377
catalyst ratio apart from the operation conditions (tempera- technical challenge is up-scaling single cell performance to
ture, pressure, flow rates, humidification of reactant gases). In multi-cell stacks [197].
addition, the ability to collect data from an operating elec-
trochemical system can be alluring. Single cell testing is
relatively straightforward and operation conditions can be 8. Conclusions
accurately monitored as it allows specific control over
humidity, reactant flow and temperature. Cell performance is Today energy crises and environmental pollution has turned
often described by the polarization curve, i. e., and cell voltage into a great problem for human. For solving these problems
vs. current density. A typical curve is shown in Fig. 38. In vast efforts to replace fossil fuels with other energy sources
general three main polarization losses can be identified: (a) such as its connotation clean fuel have been taken. Fuel cells
activation overpotentials, arising from charge transfer and due to their particular properties are on the verge of creating
other reaction kinetics; (b) ohmic losses, arising from the a vast revolutionary change in the field of electricity. In the
electrical resistances of the cell materials and interfaces and PEM fuel cells, from solid polymer electrolytes which have the
(c) mass transport overpotentials, arising from the limitations ability to transfer of proton, has used as membrane. Ion
of mass transport. At low current densities, the shape of the exchange membranes especially proton exchange membrane,
curve is primarily determined by activation polarization, has an important role in the proton transferring in PEM fuel
which gives it the characteristic logarithmic shape. It plays an cells electrolyte. The desirable ion exchange membrane
important role if the reaction rate on the electrode surface is should be have the higher perm selectivity, suitable proton
restricted by sluggish electrode kinetics. Similar to a chemical conductivity, good mechanical and chemical stability and the
reaction, the electrochemical reaction has to overcome an factors affecting the performance of the suitable proton
activation barrier. This barrier usually depends on the elec- exchange membrane are as follows: sufficient hydration and
trode material (electrocatalyst). When pure hydrogen is used thickness of the membrane. Cation exchange membranes
as fuel, the activation losses of the anode are negligible, were obtained from the attachment of the acidic functional
because the rate of the hydrogen oxidation reaction is orders groups and the anion exchange membranes from the attach-
of magnitude higher than the rate of the cathode reaction. ment of the alkaline functional groups into polymer backbone
Hence, the main source of activation overpotential is the of membrane. The reduction of the membrane thickness
cathode, which means the oxygen reduction. When current caused to increase of the membrane proton conductivity but
density increases, the shape of the curve becomes approxi- also leads to increase the fuel crossover through the
mately linear, reflecting the effect of ohmic losses. This is membrane. The fluorinated membranes due to their high cost,
caused by both the resistance due to the migration of ions low proton conductivity in higher temperatures and higher
within the electrolyte and the resistance due to the flow of methanol crossover caused to develop the composite
electrons. It can be expressed by the product of cell current (I ) membranes. Therefore, the most important goals of modifi-
and the overall cell resistance (R, including electronic, ionic cation of the proton exchange membranes in PEM fuel cells
and contact resistances). When current density is increased can be mentioned such as preparation of the proton exchange
further, the curve begins to bend down due to mass transport membranes with lower cost compared to the fluorinated
overpotentials, which result from limitations in the avail- membranes, the desirable water uptake and retain in the
ability of reactants at the catalyst surfaces. The main source of elevated temperatures, desirable proton conductivity in the
losses is the cathode side again, because the diffusivity of higher temperatures, the lower extent of the reactant gaseous
oxygen is significantly lower than that of hydrogen, due to the and methanol crossover through the membrane, improved
larger molecular size of oxygen. thermal stability, higher mechanical and chemical strength
Fuel cell efficiency on the other hand is directly propor- and also creation of the self-humidity of the membranes in
tional to the power density (in W cm2), which can be linked elevated temperatures. For example, the introduction of the
directly to the chemistry of the polymer membrane. Higher metallic oxides such as MO2 into polymer matrix of the proton
achievable power density directly translates to smaller, thus exchange membrane caused to increase the water uptake and
less expensive fuel cells. Thus, a swift comparison of the retention property and then increase the proton conductivity
obtained data against those obtained with unmodified of membrane in elevated temperatures which this increase in
membranes will provide useful information on the influence the water uptake is related with the acidity of these oxides.
of inorganic phase on the nanocomposite efficiency. Their The clays modified with sulfonic acid groups caused to
effectiveness as a catalyst binder may be evident from an increase the membrane IEC and then the proton conductivity
investigation on the interfacial effects of membrane on elec- and membrane performance increases in fuel cells at elevated
trodes and catalysts. In the case of Class I membranes inten- temperatures. Although the polymer-zeolite composite
ded for high temperature operations, apart from IeV membranes have the lower values of proton conductivity than
measurements, the methanol crossover flux vs. methanol Nafion, but polymer-zeolite composites show a more stable
feed concentration can be collected; the suitability of the performance at high temperatures. Also, the lower extent of
membrane for DMFC applications may be accessed from these the methanol permeability of the polymer-zeolite composite
data. The long time stability of the membranes against membranes with their lower proton conductivities caused to
different operating conditions may also be studied. In short, increase their selectivity in direct methanol fuel cell applica-
membrane electrode assembly (MEA) testing will be of great tions. The incorporation of the heteropolyacids into polymer
advantage to fine tune the hybrid membrane properties in matrix of membranes not only caused to increase the
order to give them commercial viability. However, a major composite proton conductivity, but also due to retention
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