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(For students admitted from the

academic year 2015-16 onwards)

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203
Chennai, India

R.1.0 Admission
R.2.0 Structure of MBA Programme
R.3.0 Faculty Advisor
R.4.0 Class Committee
R.5.0 Registration and Enrollment
R 6.0 Compensatory Courses
R.7.0 Maximum duration of the programme
R.8.0 Temporary withdrawal from the programme
R.9.0 Discipline
R.10.0 Attendance
R.11.0 Assessment procedure
R.12.0 End Semester Examination
R.13.0 Course Wise Grading of Students
R.14.0 Method of Awarding Letter Grades
R.15.0 Declaration of Results
R.16.0 Review of answer scripts
R.17.0 Grade Card
R.18.0 Academic Dishonesty
R.19.0 Eligibility for Award of the MBA Degree
R.20.0 Change of Regulations

(For students admitted from the academic year 2015

R.1.0 Admission

R.1.1 The number of seats in MBA programme for which admission is to be

made in the Faculty of Management will be decided by the Board of
Management of SRM University.

R.1.2 Admission to the MBA programme in any academic year will be based
on the results of SRM Entrance Examination (SRM EE) in that year and
the percentage of marks / CGPA obtained in specified subjects of the
qualifying examinations (R.1.5).

R.1.3 The eligibility criteria, in accordance with R.1.5, for appearing at SRMEE,
as well as the criteria to be satisfied to apply for direct admission in any
year will be decided by the Admission Committee and forwarded to the
applicants along with the relevant application forms.

R.1.4 The Admission Committee will decide on the procedure for conducting
the SRMEE. Subject to a minimum performance criteria in the SRMEE,
as decided by the Admission Committee from year to year and the
percentage of marks / CGPA obtained in specified subjects of the
qualifying examinations (R.1.5).The Admission Committee will prepare a
merit list. According to the merit list the Committee will offer admissions
through counseling taking into account the available seats.

R.1.5 Eligibility Criteria

(i). The minimum percentage of marks / CGPA will be as prescribed
by the University. The eligibility criteria for appearing at SRMEE, as
well as the criteria to be satisfied to apply for direct admission in
any year will be decided by the Admission Committee. The criteria
will be set out in an information brochure and forwarded to the
applicants along with the relevant application forms. The qualifying
degree should be from a university recognized by this university.

(ii). Candidates appeared in MAT examination conducted by AIMA and
other competitive admission test conducted by respective institute
are also eligible for admission.
(iii). At the time of admission, a candidate should have appeared /
passed in the final examination of the qualifying examinations.

R.1.6 Notwithstanding the above, the actual admissions will be based on the
rules and regulations of the UGC/Competent authorities.

R.1.7 Candidates have to fulfill the medical standards required for admission
as set out by the Admission Committee.

R.1.8 The selected candidate will be admitted to the MBA programme after he
/ she fulfills all the admission requirements as indicated in the letter of
admission after payment of the prescribed fees.

R.1.9 In the matter of admission to the MBA programme the decision of the
Admission Committee is final.

R.1.10 If, at any time after admission, it is found that a candidate has not
fulfilled all the requirements stipulated in the offer of admission, the
Director/ Dean of Faculty of Management may revoke the admission of
the candidate and report the matter to the Vice Chancellor.

R.2.0 Structure of MBA Programme

R.2.1 The complete programme will consist of 6 categories:

1) Core courses
2) Functional and industry based elective courses like
Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, System, Operations,
ERP, Retail, Pharma, Hospitality, Hospital and Health Care, Agri
Management, Media and Communication Management, Project
Management, Auto Industry, Banking, Financial Services
Insurance etc.,
3) Summer internship
4) Surprise test, cycle test and model exam
5) Mini project and Viva Voce and
6) Industry Elective.

R.2.2 MBA programme will have a curriculum and course contents (syllabi) for
the courses approved by the Academic Council.

R.2.3 Credits are assigned to the courses based on the following general
One credit for each lecture (L) period;
One credit for two or less tutorial (T) periods;
One credit for two laboratory/practical/project/seminar (P) periods
Theory based courses are that with ‘L’ & ‘T’ or ‘L’ alone or ‘T’ alone.
Courses with theory and practical components are that with ‘L’, T’ & ‘P’
or ‘T’ & ‘P’ or ‘L’ & ‘P’.
Courses with only practical component are that with ‘P’ alone.

R.2.4 The curriculum of MBA programme is designed to have a total of 76

credits for the award of the MBA degree.

R.2.5 The medium of instruction, examination will be in English.

R.2.6 Career Advancement Courses

These are mandatory courses designed to provide the necessary inputs
to the students to facilitate their employability in their chosen domains,
to start entrepreneurial ventures or to enable them to pursue research.

R.3.0 Faculty Advisor

R.3.1 To help the students in planning their courses of study and for getting
general advice on the academic programme, a certain number of
students will be assigned to a Faculty advisor.

R.4.0 Class Committee

R.4.1 Every class (comprising of sections) of the MBA programme will have a
class committee consisting of faculty and students. The class
committees for the programme of each semester will be constituted by
the Dean.

R.4.2 The constitution of the Class committee for the programmes of each
semester will be as follows:
• All teachers of the courses
• Two students of the class to be chosen by the student of the class.
• One professor, preferably not associated with teaching of the class,
to be nominated by the Dean to act as the Chairman of the Class
• Faculty Adviser(s) of the respective class.

R.4.3 The basic responsibilities of the class committee are:

• To review periodically the progress of the classes,
• To discuss problems concerning curriculum and syllabi and the
conduct of the classes.
• The method of assessment in the course will be decided by the
teacher in consultation with the class committees and will be
announced to the students at the beginning of the semester.
• The class committees shall meet at least twice in a semester, once
at the beginning of the semester and once towards the end of the

R.5.0 Registration and Enrollment

R.5.1 Students are enrolled after they pay the prescribed fees. Registration
and enrolment will be controlled by the office of the Faculty of
Management. For a student to attend classes he/she has to complete
both registration and enrolment. All students shall formally register for
the courses every semester to undergo course work.

R.5.2 From the second semester onwards all students have to enroll on a
specified day at the beginning of a semester. A student will be permitted
to enroll only if he/she has cleared all dues to the University, Hostel,
Library etc. up to the end of the previous semester, and he/she is not
debarred for enrolment by a disciplinary action of the University.

R.5.3 The registration sheet contains the course number, course name,
number of credits and category for each course taken in that semester.
The student makes the choice of course in consultation with his/her
Faculty adviser.

R 6.0 Compensatory Courses

Compensatory Courses are meant for students who, due to some

unavoidable reasons, have not earned 75% attendance during the
normal course of study and are detained from appearing in the end
semester examination. These courses offer an opportunity for the
students to have necessary teaching input which they may have
missed out.

R.6.1 Compensatory courses may be offered by the department with the

approval of the Director/Dean of the Faculty of Management to
students detained for lack of attendance in the respective courses
(Grade I only 13.1). The course will be conducted during the regular
academic session either during the weekends or in the evenings after
the regular classes as decided by the Director/Dean of the Faculty of
Management and the number of hours that will be conducted will be
75% of the hours specified in the curriculum for a course.

R 6.2 Compensatory courses will be announced by the Director/Dean of

the Faculty of Management of after the publication of results of end
semester examinations of odd/even semester and the conduct of
these courses will not go beyond the last working day of the
semester. A student will have to register for compensatory courses
within the time stipulated in the announcement by paying the
prescribed fees. No students should register for more than two
compensatory courses offered during a semester and totally not
more than 6 courses in the normal duration of the study.

R 6.3 The evaluation process for compensatory courses consists of only

end semester examinations and no internal assessment process.
Student shall have to score the passing minimum in the end
semester examination only and full weight age will be given to marks
scored thereof.

R 6.4 Withdrawal from Compensatory courses is not permitted.

R.6.5 Student who has obtained F or Ab grade in a course shall not

register for compensatory courses.

R.7.0 Maximum duration of the programme

R.7.1 Each semester shall normally consist of 90 working days or 450 hours.
A student is ordinarily expected to complete the MBA programme in four
semesters for regular programme. However a student may complete the
programme at a slower pace by taking more time but in any case not
more than 8 semesters under regular programme excluding semesters
withdrawn on medical grounds etc. as per R.8.1.

R 7.2 In compliance with the rules and norms of UGC, no student will be
allowed to complete the MBA degree in less than 4 full-semesters.

R.8.0 Temporary withdrawal from the programme

R.8.1 A student may be permitted by the Director/Dean of the Faculty of
Management to withdraw from the programme for a semester or longer
for reasons of ill health or other valid reasons. Normally a student will be
permitted to discontinue from the programme only for a maximum
continuous period of two semesters or the aggregate of individual
discontinuation not exceeding two semesters

R.9.0 Discipline
R.9.1 Every student is required to observe discipline and decorous behavior
both inside and outside the campus and not to indulge in any activity that
will tend to bring down the prestige of the university.

R.9.2 Any act of indiscipline of a student will be considered first by the

Discipline and Welfare Committee for necessary action. If the issue
demands more serious consideration, the indiscipline will be reported to
the Director/ Dean of the Faculty of Management who will refer it to the
discipline and welfare committee of the University, constituted by the Vice

The committee will enquire into the charges and recommend suitable
actions if the charges are substantiated. The Director/Dean will take
appropriate action based on the recommendation of the Committee.

R.9.3 Director/Dean of the Faculty of Management may suspend a student
pending inquiry depending upon the prima facie evidence. If on
completion of inquiry the student is declared innocent, he /she shall be
given attendance during the period of suspension

R.9.4 Appeal: The student may appeal to the Vice Chancellor whose decision
will be final and binding.

R.10.0 Attendance

R. 10.1 Attendance is the physical presence of the student in the class /

laboratory / field work. It is a well-observed fact that the students who
score good grades are those who attend the class / laboratory / field
work, regularly. Therefore, the students must strive to attend all the
classes without fail.

R.10.2 Every faculty member handling a course will take attendance till the last
instruction day in the semester. The percentage of attendance,
calculated up to this point, will be indicated by a code number/letter as
Attendance rounded to Code
95% and above H
85 to 94% 9
75 to 84% 8
Below 75% L

R.10.3 A student must maintain an attendance record of at least 75% in

individual courses, exclusive of leave of absence due to medical
reasons, on-duty, extra-curricular / extramural activities, permitted
assignments such as job interviews, unforeseen emergencies etc.
Without the minimum attendance of 75%, in any course, students
become ineligible to appear for the end semester examination in that
course. His / Her registration for that course will be treated as cancelled,
and he/she shall be awarded ‘I’ grade (I stands for Incomplete or
registration cancelled for want of minimum attendance) in that course.
This grade shall appear in the grade card until the course is successfully
The student should register for and repeat the entire course when it is
offered next.
R.10.4 A student must strive to attend all the classes without fail. However, the
minimum attendance requirement of 75% allows a student the facility to
use the balance 25% to account for illnesses, permitted assignments
such as job interviews, inter university sports meets, inter-
collegiate/inter-university competitions, accidents, unforeseen
emergencies etc. An attendance of 75% in a course (except in cases
governed by R.10.6) is considered to be the minimum required for a
student to get just enough input on the course syllabus through class
room contact hours to make him / her eligible to appear in the end
semester examination for that course.
It is the responsibility of each and every student to keep track / monitor
his / her percentage of attendance for each course and ensure that he /
she satisfies the attendance norms prescribed by the university. If the
student finds any discrepancy / error in the attendance status, he /she
should immediately bring it to the attention of the concerned faculty
member and seek redressal

R.10.5 The teacher shall prepare the particulars of all students who have
attendance less than 75% in his / her course. Copies of the same should
also be sent to the Director/Dean Faculty of Management. The students
who have less than 75% attendance will not be permitted to appear in
end semester examination.

R.10.6 Condonation of Attendance: In rare and genuine cases, a committee

consisting of Director / Dean Faculty of Management will examine the
case, based on the documents submitted by the student, facts and
circumstances. Assessment will be done, by the committee, on the
merit of the case and spell out their recommendation to the Vice
Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor, based on the recommendation of the
committee may then give condonation of attendance, only if the Vice
Chancellor deems it fit and deserving but in any case the condonation
cannot exceed 10%.

R.11.0 Assessment Procedure

R.11.1 The complete academic performance of a student is evaluated in-house

by the concerned teacher / department except in the case of project
work where an external examiner shall be nominated for the viva voce.

R.11.2 The student’s performance in each course, in general, is evaluated
based on in-semester continuous assessment (internal assessment)
and end-semester examination.
An in-semester continuous assessment (also known as internal
assessment / comprehensive assessment) is spread through the
duration of course and is done by the teacher teaching the course. The
assessment is done through various means including:
1. Written tests
2. MCQ based quizzes
3. Presentations
4. Projects
5. Field visits
6. Seminars
7. Group discussions/activities etc

The end-semester examination shall have assessment from the

following perspective with respect to all courses:

1. Evaluation with respect to knowledge.

2. Evaluation with respect to Understanding.
3. Evaluation with respect to skill.
4. Evaluation with respect to Applications
5. Higher Order Thinking Skills

R.11.3 The assessment method is further detailed below:

(a). Theory courses - Course without any practical component-

Assessment tool Weightage Remarks

Duration –100 minutes
Cycle test I 10%

Surprise Test 5% Duration – 50 minutes

15% Duration – 180 minutes
Individual Project to be submitted
by the student and
Mini Project 15%
Presentation/Viva-Voce supervise
by the concerned faculty

Assessment tool Weightage Remarks
Active participation in class:
Raising doubts and questions /
5% Taking initiative/ Participating in
discussion / Seminar presentation
/ Notes making
Total in-
semester 50%
End semester
50% Duration – 3 hours

(b) Courses with only practical component

(i) Laboratory courses

Weightage Remarks
Assessment components:
Carrying out Every experiment will carry marks for Observation,
laboratory Collection of Data, Analysis, Interpretation,
work and Inference and prompt submission of Record of
submission Work done.
of record 20% Marks for Model Examination and Viva

Total in-
semester 60%
The nature of the end semester examination shall
be informed to the students at the commencement
of the course. The end semester examination will
End semester
40% be conducted only after the last working day of the
semester. The student has to appear for the end
semester examination and “Ab” grade will be
awarded for non appearance.

R 11.4 Project Evaluations
MBA Projects as for as possible should be corporate based,
research orientated and socially relevant engagements. Every
student is expected to complete this requirement successfully in

R 11.4.1 The students have to undergo a Summer Internship (MB 15301) in

a business organization for a period of 8 weeks during summer

All the students should submit their internship report to the Faculty
of Management and a Viva voce examination will be conducted by a
team consisting of the External Experts from the industry. The
Weightage for the evaluation shall be for 100 marks.

R.11.4.2 Industry Elective (MB15401) will be offered by the practitioners in

the industry. Students in groups will be coached, monitored and
mentored by the practitioners in the industry. The theoretical
framework for each of such groups will be developed by the
practitioner in consultation with Faculty of Management stating the
objectives, units of contents, action plan specifying number of days
for each. This kind of a live project shall be monitor with periodical
feedbacks given by practitioner, leading to the submission of
project report certified by practitioner to the department.

R 11.4.3 The evaluation of the Industry Elective is done in two phases

aggregating to marks 300 on the basis of criteria stipulated by the
Faculty of Management. In Phase I, 150 marks awarded by external
practitioners under whose supervision the project is carried out. In
phase II, the balance 150 marks is awarded by way of Project Viva,
evaluated by External Expert along with an internal faculty member.

Assessment Tool % of Marks Percentage Marks
Attendance of
Phase I Attendance 75 5
Assessment 76-80 10
by External 81-85 15 10% 30
Practitioner 86-90 20
91-95 25
96-100 30
I Review 30 30% 90
II Review 30
III Review 30
Innovation / 10% 30
Total Marks awarded by External 50% 150
Phase II Evaluation of Report & Viva by 50% 150
Viva External experts and Faculty member
Grand Total 100% 300

R.11.4.4 Whenever there is a deviation from procedures stated under 11.3,

as warranted by the unique nature of the course, the same will be
specified by the concerned Course Coordinator and approved by
the Director /Dean Faculty of Management.

R.12.0 End Semester Examination

R.12.1 There will be an end semester examination for three hours duration
in each lecture based course.

R.12.2 The examination at the end of a particular semester will be

conducted for the courses of all odd and even semesters. A
student should have appeared for the end semester examination of
the prescribed course of study to be eligible for the award of grade
in that course.

R.12.3 To pass in any course it is mandatory that a student should get 50
% marks in the end semester examination and also 50% marks
(overall) in the internal assessment and end semester marks put

R.12.4 Students who have secured F or Ab, or I grade in a particular

course can reappear when the end semester examination for that
course is again conducted provided they satisfy other eligibility
conditions such as lack of attendance overcome by attending
Compensatory courses (R.6.0) and temporary withdrawal from the
programme (R.8.0) and Discipline(R.9.0). Students who have
secured F or Ab or I grade in courses with practical component
shall appear in the end semester examinations of both the theory
and practical components.

R.13.0 Course Wise Grading of Students

R.13.1 Letter Grades and Grade Points (GP)

Based on the aggregate of marks obtained through internal
assessment and external assessment, each student is awarded a
final letter grade at the end of the semester, in each Course. The
letter grades and the corresponding grade points, as
recommended by UGC, are as follows:

Letter Grade Grade Points Normalized Mark range

O 10 95-100
A+ 9 90-94
A (Very 8 85-89
B+ (Good) 7 75-84
B (Above 6 65-74
C (Average) 5 55-64
P (Pass) 4 50-54
F (Fail) 0 <50 Failure due to
insufficient marks in the
Letter Grade Grade Points Normalized Mark range
Ab (Absent) 0 Failure due to non-
appearance in the
I 0 Failure due to insufficient
(Incomplete) attendance in the course.

R.13.2 A student is considered to have successfully completed a course

and earned the credits if he / she secured a letter grade other than
F or Ab or I in that course. A letter grade F or Ab or I in any
course implies a failure in that course.

R.13.3 A course successfully completed cannot be repeated.

R.14.0 Method of Awarding Letter Grades.

R.14.1 The internal marks awarded to the students are first normalized
and combined with the normalized marks of end semester
examination. Subsequently letter grades are awarded for the
normalized marks as indicated in the table under section R13.1:
The detailed methodology of normalization of internal marks as
well as marks in the end-semester examinations shall be
formulated by the Controller of Examinations.
R.14.2 To pass in a course with earnable credits a student has to score a
minimum of 50% of the total normalized marks secured in both the
internal and end semester examination.
Grades Ab and I will be as per R. 13.1

R.15.0 Declaration of Results

R.15.1 Normalized marks are referred to the Result Passing Board for the
finalization of results. Controller of Examinations assigns letter
grades and announces the results.
R.15.2 The Ab / I grade once awarded stays in the record of the
student and is deleted when he/she completes the course
successfully later The grade acquired by the student will be
indicated in the grade card of the appropriate academic year with
an indication of the month and the year of passing of that course.

R.15.3 ‘F’ grade obtained by a student will be deleted in the grade
card once that course is successfully completed. The pass
grade acquired by the student will be indicated in the grade card
of the appropriate year with an indication of the month and the
year of passing. The CGPA will be accordingly revised.

R.16.0 Re-view of answer scripts

In case any student feels aggrieved on the final outcome of the
assessment in any course, the student shall apply to the Controller
of Examinations, along with the prescribed fee, for the review of
end semester examination answer script, within the stipulated time
after the announcement of the results of the examinations. The
Controller of Examinations shall facilitate the review of the answer
script jointly to be carried out by the student and the faculty
detailed for this purpose. If any discrepancy is noticed during
review the same shall be rectified and the originally awarded grade
accordingly amended.

R.17.0 Grade Card

R.17.1 The grade card issued by the Controller of Examinations to each

student, after the announcement of the results will contain the
a. The credits for each course registered for that semester,
b. The letter grade obtained in each course
c. The attendance code in each course
d. The total number of credits earned by the student up to the end
of that semester in each of the course categories
e. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of all the courses
taken from the I semester onwards for regular students.

R.17.2 Computation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

(i) The SGPA will be calculated according to the formula


Where Ci = credit for the ith course, (GP)i = the grade point
obtained for the ith course (refer R.16.1) , n = total number of
courses and the sum is over all the courses taken in that
semester, including those in which the student has secured F,
Ab and Igrades.

(ii) For the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) following

formula is used:


Where Si = Sum of credits in ith semester, (SGPA)i =

Semester Grade Point Average earned in i th semester and r =
number of semesters and the sum is over all the semesters
under consideration.

(iii) The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points
and reported in the transcripts.

R.17.3 Class/Distinction will be awarded to the students after they

successfully complete the
MBA programme as per the norms stipulated in the following
Regular students

Category CGPA Class /

(From I-IV semesters) Distinction
Students who ≥ 5 & < 5.5 Pass
successfully Second
≥ 5.5 & < 6
complete the Class
MBA programme ≥ 6 & < 8.5 First Class
within the time ≥ 8.5 (without F, Ab or I or First Class
duration of 4 temporary withdrawal-R.7.0 with
semesters in any Semester) Distinction
(R.7.0) ≥ 8.5 (with F, Ab or I in any
Semester but obtained pass
grade (O to P) subsequently) First Class

Category CGPA Class /
(From I-IV semesters) Distinction
Students who ≥ 5 & < 5.5 Pass
cannot complete Second
≥ 5.5 & < 6
the MBA program Class
in 4 semesters
but complete it
within the time ≥6 First Class
duration of 5
Students who
cannot complete
the MBA program
in 5 semesters
but complete it ≥ 5 & < 5.5 Pass
within the time
duration of 8

R 18.0 Academic dishonesty

When a student is found responsible for a violation of the SRM code of

conduct pertaining to academic dishonesty (Malpractice in
Examinations), the Office of Controller of Examinations will initiate action
based on the pre-approved procedures. Appropriate penalty or
punishment will be awarded to the student and communication sent to
Dean / HoD of Faculty of Management.

R.19.0 Eligibility for Award of the MBA Degree

R.19.1 A student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of the MBA
degree if he/she has
a. Registered and successfully completed the courses and projects as
per the curriculum.
b. Successfully acquired the required credits as specified in the
curriculum corresponding to the branch of his/her study within the
stipulated time duration.
c. No disciplinary action pending against him/her

R.20.0 Change of Regulations

R.20.1 Any regulation can be modified by the Academic Council of SRM



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