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Solar Rooftop Opportunities and Challenges

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Renewable energy is being seen as a transformative solution to meet growing energy needs, both
globally and nationally. India ranks amongst the highest recipients of solar irradiation in the world with
average solar irradiation of 5.10 kWh/m2. Given the high amount of solar irradiation with more than
300 sunny days, solar energy has emerged as a preferred choice to meet the country’s increasing
energy requirements. There has been increasing focus on development of solar energy in India for
reasons such as limited and depleting reserves of conventional energy generating fossil fuels, their
impact on environment as well as on economy, apart from issues of high losses in transmission and
distribution and need for a diversified basket of energy generation sources. In recent years,
particularly with the adoption of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), the Jawaharlal
Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), and solar policies by several states, India has taken several
steps towards increasing the share of renewable energy in its energy mix. The Government of India
June 2015

has announced a target of 100 GW of solar energy generation capacity by 2022 out of which 40 GW is
expected to be achieved through decentralized and rooftop scale solar projects.


An SPV rooftop system consists of solar panels installed on the roof of any residential, commercial,
institutional and industrial buildings for generation of electricity. There can be two types of SPV
rooftop systems: (i) SPV rooftop system with storage facility and (ii) Grid connected SPV rooftop
• SPV rooftop system with storage facility: Such rooftop systems use a battery for storage of power.
This can be utilized even during night when the sun is not available.
• Grid connected SPV rooftop system: In a grid connected rooftop system, the DC power generated
from SPV panel is converted to AC power using power conditioning unit and it is fed to the grid.
These systems generate power during the day time which is utilized fully for powering captive loads
and excess power is fed to the grid. In case solar power is not sufficient due to reasons like cloud
cover, the captive loads are served by drawing power from the grid. The grid connected SPV
rooftop systems can work on net-metering basis or gross metering.
In a net-metering basis system, surplus power generated after captive consumption is transferred to
the grid at a pre-determined tariff. In a Gross metering system, the government offers a tariff for
purchase of the entire solar power generated from such plants. However, unit cost of electricity
generated from such SPV rooftop systems will be higher compared to large scale projects and hence
power purchase from small plants might not be preferred by utilities for fulfilling their renewable
power purchase obligations.

Solar Rooftop: Opportunities & Challenges 1

• Savings in transmission and distribution loss for power not fed into the grid.
• No requirement of additional land for setting up the solar system
• Self-consumption may result in reduction of system congestion
• Local employment generation
• No storage losses leading to effective utilization of power


The global PV installed capacity reached more than 100GW till 2013 with large capacities of PV installations in
countries like Australia, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain and USA. Major SPV installations in countries like
Germany, Japan and USA have been on rooftops. As depicted in the graph below, for the six countries with
leading PV installations, rooftop installation forms about 56% of the total PV installation.

[SPV installed capacity till March 2013]

Source: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

SPV rooftop installations in these countries have been driven by incentives offered through various schemes
leading to faster parity compared with conventional power tariffs which facilitated growth.

[Support schemes for SPV rooftop systems in various countries]

Nature of Schemes Germany Italy USA Japan Australia India
Direct capital subsidy √ √ √ √ √
Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO) √ √ √ √ √
Solar specific RPOs √ √
Financing scheme √ √ √ √ √
Tax credits/ tax benefits √ √ √ √ √ √
Net-metering/net-billing √ √ √ √ √ √
Source: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Solar Rooftop: Opportunities & Challenges 2

Feed in Tariff (FiT) and capital subsidies have been the dominant schemes offered by various countries. While
the FiT scheme facilitated growth of SPV rooftop systems in Germany and Japan, SPV market of USA witnessed
accelerated growth largely on account of tax credits and rebates. The Indian SPV rooftop market is relatively at
a nascent stage with just under 300 MW of installed capacity till the end of 2014 against targeted installed
capacity of 40 GW by 2022.

India has advantage in terms of higher solar irradiation compared to these countries. As per report published
by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), the residential segment in India has a potential for
25,000 MW of SPV rooftop systems considering average rooftop system of 1-3 kW capacity. If we include
commercial buildings, shopping complexes and offices, it can further translate in to huge potential for SPV
rooftop systems in India.
[Country wise solar irradiation data]

Source: Compiled by CARE

The Government of India launched JNNSM in 2010 to promote solar energy in India and Phase I (2010-13) of it
was largely focused on large-scale grid connected solar power projects. But, India has lagged behind in the
deployment of SPV rooftop system due to lack of distinct policy framework and infrastructure support to
address requirement of small scale decentralized SPV rooftop systems. Subsequently, the Government of India
has also recognized the importance to promote SPV rooftop system in Phase II of JNNSM and various states
have also announced policy to encourage installation of SPV rooftop systems as discussed in subsequent


The Government of India initiated JNNSM under the purview of NAPCC with an objective to promote
ecologically sustainable growth and at the same time address the country’s energy security challenges. Phase I
(2010-2013) of JNNSM focused largely on ground-mounted grid connected solar projects where as under
phase II (2013-2017), government has put emphasis on off-grid and decentralized solar applications with an

Solar Rooftop: Opportunities & Challenges 3

objective to promote grid connected SPV rooftop and small SPV power generating plants among residential,
community, institutional, industrial and commercial establishments. Government aims to achieve a target of
40 GW of solar power from SPV rooftop system out of the total expected target of 100 GW solar capacity by
2022, and the final guidelines are being worked out.

The Ministry of Finance has issued an advisory to all public sector banks to encourage home loan/ home
improvement loan seekers to install SPV rooftop systems and include the cost of such equipment in their
home loan proposals. Eight public sector banks have already issued instructions to its branches for the same.

Salient features of MNRE scheme for off-grid & decentralized solar applications
• Central Financial Assistance (CFA) up to 15% of the benchmark cost (fixed by MNRE on yearly/half yearly
basis) will be provided by MNRE for grid connected rooftop and small solar power plants as per revised
guidelines issued in January 2015.
• In some special category States/Union Territories like Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Lakshadweep and North Eastern states, CFA up to 70% can be provided.
• Various agencies like state nodal agencies, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) and channel partners
(vendors/suppliers of solar equipment, system integrators, project developers, renewable energy service
providing companies, etc.) will be involved in program implementation for rapid up-scaling.
• Provisions like accelerated depreciation, tax holiday and concessional import duty/ excise duty exemption
are provided by the government for grid connected SPV rooftop projects.
• MNRE has also suggested various business models like solar installations owned by consumer/ owned,
operated and maintained by third party/ owned by the utility for smooth operation of rooftop and small
solar power plants.
• 360.81 MW of grid-interactive SPV rooftop projects have been sanctioned under MNRE Rooftop Scheme as
on April 20, 2015.

State Government Initiatives/Policies to promote SPV rooftop systems

Apart from central government policies, various states have also announced state specific policies and
undertaken initiatives for promoting SPV rooftop systems. Some of the initiatives taken by state governments

Solar Rooftop: Opportunities & Challenges 4

Metering Incentive from
State rooftop Scheme Present solar tariff Target segment
mechanism state*
Excess energy sold to utility at All 3 phase
Andhra Not Grid Net
average pooled purchase cost NA service
Pradesh specified connected metering
(APPC). consumers
commercial &
Both gross
Not Grid FiT rate of Rs.4.35/kWh. Energy industrial
Chhattisgarh & net NA
specified connected banking is allowed rooftops and
Roof owners
30 MW Rs.9.63/kWh (with accelerated get lease rental
Grid Gross commercial,
Gujarat across 6 depreciation (AD)), and project
connected metering industrial &
cities Rs.10.76/kWh (without AD) developer gets
FiT for 25 years
Off grid and Both gross
400 MW Rs.9.56 (without subsidy),
Karnataka grid & net NA All consumers
by 2018 Rs.7.20 (with subsidy)
connected metering
Not Grid Net capital subsidy
Kerala NA All consumers
specified connected metering from state
Not Grid Net Rs.7.50/kWh (without AD); Rs.
Rajasthan NA All consumers
specified connected metering 6.63/kWh (with AD)
50 MW for
based incentive
(GBI) of
customers and
Rs.2/kWh for
300 MW for
first 2 years,
350 MW Grid Net Self-consumption and energy government
Tamil Nadu Rs.1/kWh for
by 2015 connected metering banking for one year buildings
the next 2
years and
schemes for rural
& urban lighting
for subsequent
2 years.
Both gross
Not Grid
Uttarakhand & net NA NA All consumers
specified connected
Consumer tariff applicable to
18 MW and small Net
West Bengal net energy supply. Energy NA All consumers
by 2017 PV metering
banking allowed for a year
(i)Public building: FiT; (ii)
Both gross
Off grid and cluster of private buildings: FiT;
50 MW metering
Haryana Grid (iii) individual buildings: for NA All consumers
by 2017 and net
connected captive use. Energy banking
allowed for a year
20 MW Both gross
Uttar Grid Consumer tariff applicable to
by 2016- &net NA All consumers
Pradesh connected net energy supply.
2017 metering
Tariff based bidding with tariffs
Not Grid Net
Punjab in the range of Rs.7.20/kWh- NA All consumers
specified connected metering
Rs.8.75/ kWh
NA: Not Applicable; *Incentives over and above the capital subsidy from MNRE
Source: MNRE and Various State Policies

Solar Rooftop: Opportunities & Challenges 5


• Majority of the states have adopted net metering policy over FiT for SPV rooftop systems as it focuses
more on self-consumption and energy banking instead of selling power to utilities.
• Excess generation is either not paid for or is paid at APPC or can be banked for a limited period.
• More than 285 MW of SPV rooftop projects have already been commissioned across various states in India
which included 35.9 MW under MNRE scheme.
• Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Karnataka are the leading states in terms of rooftop installations.
• Commercial power tariffs are higher in states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala for
commercial and industrial user segment and hence the solar power produced at the location of
consumption is already at par with commercial tariffs. Furthermore, commercial and industrial users can
also avail accelerated depreciation benefits on grid interactive SPV rooftop systems.
• States like Tamil Nadu have witnessed higher SPV rooftop installations due to power shortage, parity of
solar power with commercial rates for industrial segment as well as incentives from state government
whereas installations in power surplus states like Gujarat are being driven by incentivising tariffs and
providing long term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) under Public Private Partnership (PPP) model.


Despite incentives from central and state governments, many challenges exist for development of SPV rooftop
market. Some of these are:
• High upfront cost involved in putting up solar panels on rooftops though PV module prices have declined
by about 50% globally since 2011. Cost of PV module forms about 50% of the SPV rooftop cost and
presently installation of 1 kW costs around Rs. 1 Lakh without battery back-up and without considering any
subsidy. Hence, cost remains higher for many consumers (especially house hold)
• Cost of assembly parts such as batteries, inverters etc. for power storage
• Power from multiple small solar projects poses challenge to grid stability
• Apprehensions in financing solar projects mainly due to limited track record in India
• Limitations in FiT approach due to issues of monitoring & verification to avoid misuse of system from
feeding subsidised fuels
• Lack of technical specification like voltage, flicker, and synchronization for net-metering system
• Challenges with respect to grid integration with likelihood of reversal of power flow across the network
and erratic behaviour of low voltage protection systems.
• Lack of awareness among consumers

Solar Rooftop: Opportunities & Challenges 6


Globally, major PV installations have been on rooftops in countries like Germany, Japan and USA. Given the
global trend, high solar irradiation, growing energy demand & power deficit issue and abundance of rooftops
for SPV systems installation, SPV rooftop system seems a logical alternative choice to meet India’s energy
Solar power has already achieved parity with commercial power tariffs for industrial and commercial segment
in many states in India. However, SPV rooftop installations are at very nascent stage in India as against
targeted SPV rooftop installations of 40 GW by 2022 and hence, capital subsidy alone may not be the solution
to achieve targeted installations but comprehensive solar solutions is the need of the hour.
Implementation of SPV rooftop systems can be accelerated if solar solutions are easily available and accessible
as a complete package; easy financial assistance is available and there is increasing awareness amongst
consumers about its economic/environmental benefits. Promoting SPV rooftop for self-consumption could be
the most important step towards popularising SPV rooftop. Large participation across the consumer segment
may be achieved through creating awareness about benefits supported by synchronisation between stake
holders i e Government nodal agencies, consumers and system integrators.
Furthermore, government policies should also put emphasis on encouraging power generation through
decentralised SPV rooftop systems at the point of consumption rather than only providing capital subsidy. One
of the ways could be through providing generation based incentives for end-users including the house hold
segment which can drive growth of SPV rooftop systems without putting any additional burden on distribution
and transmission infrastructure while at the same time achieving targets for renewable energy installations.

Vishal Joshi Anuja Parikh
Manager Analyst
91-79-40265613 91-79-40265616

This report is prepared by the Ratings Division of Credit Analysis & Research Limited [CARE Ratings]. CARE Ratings has taken utmost care to ensure
accuracy and objectivity while developing this report based on information available in public domain. However, neither the accuracy nor completeness
of information contained in this report is guaranteed. CARE Ratings is not responsible for any errors or omissions in analysis/inferences/views or for
results obtained from the use of information contained in this report and especially states that CARE Ratings (including all divisions) has no financial
liability whatsoever to the user of this report.

Solar Rooftop: Opportunities & Challenges 7

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