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Eternal Gardens V IAC

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Supreme Court of the Philippines

247-A Phil. 518

G.R. No. 73794, September 19, 1988

This is a special civil action for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus seeking to set
aside the two resolutions of public respondent First Special Cases Division of
the then Intermediate Appellate Court in AC-G.R. No. 04869 entitled "North
Philippine Union Mission of the Seventh Day Adventists versus Hon. Antonia
Corpus-Macandog, Presiding Judge, Branch CXX, Regional Trial Court,
Caloocan City and Eternal Gardens Memorial Park Corporation,": (a) dated
September 5, 1985 (Rollo, pp. 21-25) reconsidering its Decision[1] of February
27, i 985 (Rollo, pp. 38-48) and ordering petitioner to deposit whatever amounts
due from it under the Land Development Agreement, and (b) dated February
13, 1986 (Rollo, p. 27) denying for lack of merit petitioner's motion for

Petitioner Eternal Gardens Memorial Parks Corporation and private respondent

North Philippine Union Mission Corporation of the Seventh Day Adventists
(MISSION for short) are corporations duly organized and existing under and
by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.

They executed a Land Development Agreement (Rollo, pp. 179-182) on

October 6, 1976 whereby the former undertook to introduce and construct at
its own expense and responsibility necessary improvements on the property
owned by private respondent into a memorial park to be subdivided into and
sold as memorial plot lots, at a stipulated area and price per lot. Out of the
proceeds from the sale, private respondent is entitled to receive 40% of the net
gross collection from the project to be remitted monthly by petitioner to private
respondent through a designated depositary trustee bank. On the same date
private respondent executed in petitioner's favor a Deed of Absolute Sale with
Mortgage (Rollo, pp. 183-186) on the lots with titles involved in the land
development project. The deed was supplemented by a Sale of Real Property
with Mortgage and Special Conditions dated October 28, 1978 (Rollo, pp. 189-3
94). The amounts totalling about P984,110.82 paid by petitioner were to be
considered as part of the 40% due private respondent under the Land
Development Agreement. All went well until Maysilo Estate asserted its claim
of ownership over the parcel of land in question. Confronted with such
conflicting claims, petitioner as plaintiff filed a complaint for interpleader (Rollo,
pp. 169-179) against private respondent MISSION and Maysilo Estate,
docketed as Special Court Case No. C-9556 of the then CFI of Rizal, Branch
XII, Caloocan, alleging among others, that in view of the conflicting claims of
ownership of the defendants (herein private respondent and Maysilo Estate)
over the properties subject matter of the contracts, over which plaintiff
corporation (herein petitioner) has no claim of ownership except as a purchaser
thereof, and to protect the interests of plaintiff corporation which has no
interest in the subject matter of the dispute and is willing to pay whoever is
entitled or declared to be the owners of said properties, the defendants should
be required to interplead and litigate their several claims between themselves
(Rollo, p. 177).

An order was issued by the presiding judge[2] requiring defendants to interplead

on October 22, 1981. MISSION filed a motion to dismiss dated November 10,
1981 for lack of cause of action but also presented an answer dated November
12, 1981. The motion to dismiss was denied in an Order dated January 12,
1982. The heirs of Maysilo Estate filed their own answer dated November 11,
1981 and an amended answer dated October 20, 1983 thru the estate's special
receiver. The heirs of Pedro Banon filed an "Answer in Intervention with
Special and Affirmative Defenses" dated October 24, 1983, while LiliaB.
Sevillaand husband Jose Seel in filed their "Answer in Cross-claim" dated
October 31, 1983 (Rollo, p. 30). The heirs of Sofia O'Farrel y Patino, et al. filed
their Answer in Intervention dated November 10, 1983.

However, earlier on November 21,1982, private respondent presented a motion

for the placing on judicial deposit the amounts due and unpaid from petitioner.
Acting on such motion, the trial court[3] denied judicial deposit in its order
dated February 13, 1984, the decretal portion of which reads:

"PREMISES CONSIDERED, all or the full amount the plaintiff,

Eternal Gardens Memorial Parks Corporation have already paid the
North Philippine Union Mission Corporation of the Seventh Day
Adventist is hereby ordered to deposit the same to this Court within
thirty (30) days from receipt of this order considering that real or
true owner of the subject properties in question, due hearing of this
court has yet to be undergone in order to decide as to who is the true
owner which is a prejudicial question. Hence the motion dated
November 21, 1983 of the NPUM for the Eternal Gardens
Corporation to deposit the balance due and unpaid is hereby ordered
denied and the opposition thereto dated December 19, 1983 is
hereby ordered granted.

"The contract between the Eternal Gardens Corporation and the

North Philippine Union Mission dated October 16, 1976 is ordered
and declared ineffective as of today, February 13, 1984 because the
subject matter of the sale is not existing between the contracting
parties until after the question of ownership is resolved by this court.
The court will order the revival of the contract if the North
Philippine Union Mission will win.

"If not, the declared winner among the intervenors will be the party
to enter into a contract of sale with the plaintiff as aforementioned."
(Rollo, p. 66).
Another order dated October 26, 1984 was issued amending the February 13,
1984 order and setting aside the order for private respondent's deposit of the
amounts it had previously received from petitioner, thus:


CONSIDERATIONS the order of February 13, 1984, is hereby
ordered amended, reconsidered and modified by this same Court as
"(a) The order directing the NORTH PHILIPPINE UNION
to deposit the amounts it received under the implementation of the
LAND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT which is not questioned
by the plaintiff, Eternal Gardens, is hereby ordered set aside for the
reason that the titles to ownership, the North Philippine Union
Mission Corporation of Seventh Day Adventists on the lots subject-
matter of the aforesaid agreement is not established invalid, and the
alleged titles of intervenors are not proven yet by competent

"(b) The motion to require Eternal Gardens to deposit the balance

under the Land Development Agreement is likewise hereby ordered
denied considering the fact the aforesaid plaintiff had not denied its
obligations under the aforesaid contract; and

"(c) The trial or hearing is hereby ordered as scheduled to proceed on

November 29, 1984 and on December 6, 1984 at 8:30 in the morning
per order of this Court dated October 4, 1984 in order to determine
the alleged claims of ownership by the intervenors and all claims and
allegations of each party to the instant case will be considered and
decided carefully by this court on just and meritorious grounds.'1
(Rollo, p. 39)

Said Orders were assailed twice in the Intermediate Appellate Court (Court of
Appeals) and in the Supreme Court as follows:

In G.R. No. 73569 it appeared that on January 11, 1985, MISSION filed a
motion to dismiss the Interpleader and the claims of the Maysilo Estate and the
Intervenors and to order the Eternal Gardens to comply with its Land
Management with MISSION.

On January 28, 1985, the trial court passed a resolution, the dispositive portion
of which reads:

"WHEREFORE, premises considered, this Court, after a lengthy,

careful judicious study and perusal of all the stand of each and
everyone of all the parties participating in this case, hereby orders the
dismissal of the interpleader, and the interventions filed by the
intervenors, heirs of Pedro Banon, heirs of O'Farrel, heirs of Rivera,
heirs of Maria del Concepcion Vidal, consolidated with the Maysilo
Estate as represented by receiver Arturo Salientes, the heirs of
Vicente Singson Encarnacion, and Lilia Sevilla Seeling.

"This Court likewise orders the plaintiff, Eternal Gardens Memorial

Parks Corporation to comply with the Land Development
Agreement dated October 6, 1978, it entered into with the North
Philippine Union Mission Corporation of the Seventh-Day
Adventists." (Rollo. p. 68).

The heirs of the Maysilo Estate moved for reconsideration of the

aforementioned order of dismissal, the hearing of which was requested to be
set on February, 28, 1985. However, the trial judge, on February 14, 1985 issued
the following orders:

"Considering Motions for Reconsideration filed, the Court resolves

that the same be GRANTED and instead of a hearing of the said
motions on February 20, 1985, at 8:30 a.m., a hearing on the merits
shall be held." (Rollo, p. 68)

In spite of the February 14, 1985 order, MISSION filed on March 6, 1985 a
motion for Writ of Execution of the resolution of January 28, 1985. This was
denied on June 25, 1985. The said court further set the case for pre-trial and
trial on July 18, 1985.

It was elevated on certiorari and mandamus to the Intermediate Appellate Court

(Court of Appeals), docketed as AC-G.R. Sp. No. 06696 "North Philippine Union
Mission of the Seventh Day Adventists, vs. Hon. Antonia Corpus-Macandog, Presiding
Judge, Branch CXX, Regional Trial Court, Caloocan City, Eternal Gardens Memorial
Parks Corporation, and Heirs of Vicente Singson Encarnacion." It was raffled to the
Second Special Division. MISSION assailed the February 14, 1985 and June 25,
1985 orders as violative of due process and attended by grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction.

The petition was however dismissed in the decision of said Appellate Court,
promulgated on December 4, 1985, the dispositive portion of which reads:

"WHEREFORE, for want of merit the petition for certiorari and

mandamus under consideration cannot be given due course and is
accordingly, DISMISSED, without any pronouncement, as to costs.
The restraining order embodied in Our Resolution of July 31, 1985,
is hereby lifted." (Rollo, G.R. No. 73569, p. 232).

The private respondent challenged the above decision in the Supreme Court in
G.R. No. 73569. In its resolution dated June 11,1986, the Supreme Court
denied the petition for review on certiorari for lack of merit, as follows:

"G.R. No. 73569 (North Philippine Union Mission Corporation of the

Seventh Day Adventists vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, et al.) considering
the allegations, issues, and arguments adduced in the petition for
review on certiorari, the Court Resolved to DENY the same for lack
of merit." (Ibid., p. 263)

Said resolution has become final and executory on July 16, 1986. (Ibid, p. 269)

Earlier in 1983, the heirs of the late spouses Vicente Singson Encarnacion and
Lucila Conde filed Civil Case No. C-l 1 836 for quieting of title with Branch
CXXII, Regional Trial Court, Caloocan City, where petitioner and private
respondent were named as defendants.

Said case is still pending in the lower Court.

In the case at bar, G.R. No. 73794, MISSION, herein private respondent filed a
petition for certiorari with the then Intermediate Appellate Court docketed as
AC-G.R. No. 04869 praying that the aforementioned Orders of February 13,
1984 and October 26, 1984 of the Regional Trial Court be set aside and that an
order be issued to deposit in court or in a depositor/ trustee bank of any and
all payments, plus interest thereon, due the private respondent MISSION under
the Land Development Agreement, said amounts deposited to be paid to
whomever may be found later to be entitled thereto, with costs. (Rollo, G.R. No.
73794, p. 38)

The Intermediate Appellate Court, acting through its First Special Cases
Division,[4] dismissed the petition in its decision on February 27, 1985 (Rollo,
pp. 38-48). In its Resolution[5] promulgated on September 5, 1985, the Court
however, reversed its decision, thus:
"WHEREFORE, the Court reconsiders its decision of February 27,
1985, and sets aside the questioned portions of the respondent
Court's orders of February 13 and October 26, 1984. The private
respondent is hereby ordered to deposit whatever amounts are due
from it under the Land Development Agreement of October 6, 1976
with a reputable bank to be designated by the respondent court to be
the depository trustee of the said amounts to be paid to whoever
shall be found entitled thereto. No costs." (Rollo, p. 25)

Eternal Gardens moved for a reconsideration of the above decision but it was
denied for lack of merit in a resolution promulgated on February 13, 1986,
which states:

"The private respondent Eternal Gardens Memorial Park

Corporation's Motion for Reconsideration of the Court's resolution
promulgated September 5, 1985 requiring it 'to deposit whatever
amounts are due from it under the Land Development Agreement of
October 6, 1976 x x x,' which was strongly opposed by the petitioner
North Philippine Union Mission of the Seventh Day Adventists, is
hereby denied for lack of merit, reiterating as it does, the very same
issues and arguments that were passed upon and considered by the
Court in the very same resolution sought to be reconsidered.'" (Rollo,

Hence, this petition.

On July 8, 1987, the Third Division of this Court issued the following

"x x x the court RESOLVED to give due course to this petition and
require the parties to file memoranda.

"'In the meantime, to avoid possible wastage of funds, the Court

RESOLVED to require the private respondent[6] to DEPOSIT its
accruing installments within ten (10) days from notice with a
reputable commercial bank in a savings deposit account, in the name
of the Supreme Court of the Philippines, with the details to be
reported or manifested to this Court within ten (10) days from the
time the deposit/ deposits are made, such deposits not to be
withdrawn without authority from this Court." (Rollo, p. 162).

Petitioner's-Memorandum With Prayer for the Deferment of Time to Make

Deposit (Rollo, p. 21 8-236) was filed on July 14, 1987. Its prayer was granted
for a period often (10) days for the purpose, in the resolution of July 29, 1987
(Rollo, p. 238). Private respondent filed its Opposition to Deferment of Time to
Make Deposit (Rollo, pp. 239-253) on July 24, 1987 to which petitioner filed its
Reply to Opposition on August 4, 1987 (Rollo, pp. 256-267). Both were noted
by the Court in its resolution dated September 7, 1987 (Rollo, p. 270). On
August 25, 1987, private respondent filed its Rejoinder to Petitioner's Reply to
Opposition (Rollo, pp. 271-292).

Petitioner filed its Supplemental Memorandum with Reply to Opposition (To

Deferment of Time to Make Deposit) on

August 31, 1987 (Rollo, pp. 294-313) and a Sur-rejoinder on September 1, 1987
(Rollo, pp. 304-315).

The main issues in this case are:

Whether or not respondent Court of Appeals abused its discretion

amounting to lack of jurisdiction in reconsidering its resolution of
February 27, 1985 and in requiring instead in the resolution of
September 5, 1985, that petitioner Eternal Gardens deposit whatever
amounts are due from it under the Land Development Agreement
with a reputable bank to be designated by the respondent court.


Whether or not the dismissal of AC-G.R. SP No. 06696 (North

Philippine Union Mission of the Seventh Day Adventists vs. Hon. Macandog,
et al.) by the Second Special Cases Division of the 1AC which was
affirmed by the Supreme Court in G.R. No. 73569 constitutes a basis
for the dismissal of the case at bar on the ground of res adjudicata.


There is no question that courts have inherent power to amend their

judgments, to make them conformable to the law applicable provided
that said judgments have not yet attained finality (Villanueva v. Court
of First Instance of Oriental Mindoro, Pinamalayan, Branch II, 119 SCRA
288 [ 1982]). In fact, motions for reconsideration are allowed to
convince the courts that their rulings are erroneous and improper (Siy
v. Court of Appeals, 138 SCRA 543-544 [1985]; Guerra Enterprises Co.,
Inc. v. CFI of Lanao del Sur, (32 SCRA 317 [1970]) and in so doing,
said courts are given sufficient opportunity to correct their errors.

In the case at bar, a careful analysis of the records will show that petitioner
admitted among others in its complaint in Interpleader that it is still obligated
to pay certain amounts to private respondent; that it claims no interest in such
amounts due and is willing to pay whoever is declared entitled to said amounts.
Such admissions in the complaint were reaffirmed in open court before the
Court of Appeals as stated in the latter court's resolution dated September 5,
1985 in A.C. G.R. No. 04869 which states:

"The private respondent (MEMORIAL) then reaffirms before the

Court its original position that it is a disinterested party with respect
to the property now the subject of the interpleader case x x x.

"In the light of the willingness, expressly made before the court,
affirming the complaint filed below, that the private respondent
(MEMORIAL) will pay whatever is due on the Land Development
Agreement to the rightful owner/owners, there is no reason why the
amount due on subject agreement has not been placed in the custody
of the Court." (Rollo, p. 227).

Under the circumstances, there appears to be no plausible reason for

petitioner's objections to the deposit of the amounts in litigation after having
asked for the assistance of the lower court by filing a complaint for interpleader
where the deposit of aforesaid amounts is not only required by the nature of
the action but is a contractual obligation of the petitioner under the Land
Development Program (Rollo. p. 252).

As correctly observed by the Court of Appeals, the essence of an interpleader,

aside from the disavowal of interest in the property in litigation on the part of
the petitioner, is the deposit of the property or funds in controversy with the
court. It is a rule founded on justice and equity: "that the plaintiff may not
continue to benefit from the property or funds in litigation during the pendency
of the suit at the expense of whoever will ultimately be decided as entitled
thereto." (Rollo, p. 24).

The case at bar was elevated to the Court of Appeals on certiorari with
prohibitory and mandatory injunction. Said appellate court found that more
than twenty million pesos are involved; so that on interest alone for savings or
time deposit would be considerable, now accruing in favor of the Eternal
Gardens. Finding that such is violative of the very essence of the complaint for
interpleader as it clearly runs against the interest of justice in this case, the
Court of Appeals cannot be faulted for finding that the lower court committed
a grave abuse of discretion which requires correction by the requirement that a
deposit of said amounts should be made to a bank approved by the Court.
(Rollo p. 25).

Petitioner would now compound the issue by its obvious turnabout, presently
claiming in its memorandum that there is a novation of contract so that the
amounts due under the Land Development Agreement were allegedly
extinguished, and the requirement to make a deposit of said amounts in a
depositary bank should beheld in abeyance until after the conflicting claims of
ownership now on trial before Branch CXXII RTC-Caloocan City, has finally
been resolved.

All these notwithstanding, the need for the deposit in question has been
established, not only in the lower courts and in the Court of Appeals but also in
the Supreme Court where such deposit was required in the resolution of July 8,
1987 to avoid wastage of funds.


The claim that this case should be barred by res judicata is even more untenable.

The requisite of res judicata are: (1) the presence of a final former judgment; (2)
the former judgment was rendered by a court having jurisdiction over the
subject matter and the parties; (3) the former judgment is a judgment on the
merits; and (4) there is between the first and the second action identity of
parties, of subject matter, and of causes of action (Arguson v. Miclat, 135 SCRA
678 [1985]; Carandang v. Venturanza, 133 SCRA 344 [1984]).

There is no argument against the rule that parties should not be permitted to
litigate the same issue more than once and when a right or fact has been
judicially tried and determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, so long as
it remains unreversed, it should be conclusive upon the parties and those in
privity with them in law or estate (Sy Kao v. Court of Appeals, 132 SCRA 302

But a careful review of the records shows that there is no judgment on the
merits in G.R. No. 73569 and in the case at bar, G.R. No. 73794; both of which
deal on mere incidents arising therefrom.

In G.R. No 73569, the issue raised is the propriety of the grant of the motion
for reconsideration without a hearing thereon and the denial of the motion for
execution, while in the case at bar, what is assailed is the propriety of the order
of respondent appellant court that petitioner Eternal Gardens should deposit
whatever amounts are due from it under the Land Development Agreement
with a reputable bank to be designated by the Court. In fact, there is a pending
trial on the merits in the trial court which the petitioner insists is a prejudicial
question which should first be resolved. Moreover, while there may be identity
of parties and of subject matter, the Land Development Contract, there is no
identity of issues as clearly shown by the petitions filed.

PREMISES CONSIDERED, (a) the petition is DISMISSED for lack of

merit; (b) this case (together with all the claims of the intervenors on the
merits) is REMANDED to the lower court for further proceedings; and (c) the
resolution of the Third Division of this Court of July 8, 1987 requiring the
deposit by the petitioner (see footnote No. 6) of the amounts contested in a
depositary bank STANDS (the Motion for Reconsideration thereof being
hereby DENIED for reasons already discussed) until after the decision on the
merits shall have become final and executory.


Melencio-Herrera (Chairperson), Padilla, Sarmiento, and Regalado, JJ., concur.

[1] Penned by Justice, Nathaniel P. De Pano, Jr. concurred in by Justices Isidro

C. Borromeo and Carolina C. Griflo-Aquino.
[2] Judge Fernando A. Cruz.

[3] Regional Trial Court, Caloocan City, Branch CXX, presided over by Judge
Anlonia Corpus-Macandog.
[4] Justice de Pano, Jr. penned the Decision which was concurred in by Justices
Borromeo and Grifto-Aquino.
[5] Penned by Justice Nathaniel P. de Pano, Jr. and concurred in by Justices
Isidro C. Borromeo, Luis A. Javellana.
[6] Should be "petitioner." see Petitioner's Memorandum, dated July 13. 1987.
Rollo p. 218.

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