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Lehninger PPT Ch10

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Lipids: Structurally Diverse Class

Organic molecules that are characterized by low

solubility in water, that is, are relatively hydrophobic.
FIGURE 10–2a The packing of fatty acids into stable aggregates. The extent of packing depends on
the degree of saturation. (a) Two representations of the fully saturated acid stearic acid, 18:0 (stearate
at pH 7), in its usual extended conformation.
FIGURE 10–3 Glycerol and a triacylglycerol. The mixed triacylglycerol shown here has three
different fatty acids attached to the glycerol backbone. When glycerol has different fatty acids at C-1
and C-3, C-2 is a chiral center (p. 17).
FIGURE 10–9 (part 1) Glycerophospholipids. The common glycerophospholipids are
diacylglycerols linked to head-group alcohols through a phosphodiester bond. Phosphatidic acid, a
phosphomonoester, is the parent compound. Each derivative is named for the head-group alcohol (X),
with the prefix “phosphatidyl-.” In cardiolipin, two phosphatidic acids share a single glycerol (R1 and
R2 are fatty acyl groups). *Note that the phosphate esters in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate each
have a charge of about -1.5; one of their —OH groups is only partially ionized at pH 7.
FIGURE 10–17 Cholesterol. In this chemical structure of cholesterol, the rings are labeled A through
D to simplify reference to derivatives of the steroid nucleus; the carbon atoms are numbered in blue.
The C-3 hydroxyl group (shaded blue) is the polar head group. For storage and transport of the sterol,
this hydroxyl group condenses with a fatty acid to form a sterol ester.
FIGURE 10–22d Some other biologically active isoprenoid compounds or derivatives. Units
derived from isoprene are set off by dashed red lines. In most mammalian tissues, ubiquinone (also
called coenzyme Q) has 10 isoprene units. Dolichols of animals have 17 to 21 isoprene units (85 to 105
carbon atoms), bacterial dolichols have 11, and those of plants and fungi have 14 to 24.
Biological Functions of Lipids
• Storage of energy
– Reduced compounds: lots of available energy
– Hydrophobic nature: good packing
• Insulation from environment
– Low thermal conductivity
– High heat capacity (can “absorb” heat)
– Mechanical protection (can absorb shocks)
• Water repellant
– Hydrophobic nature: keeps surface of the organism dry
• Prevents excessive wetting (birds)
• Prevents loss of water via evaporation
• Buoyancy control and acoustics in marine mammals
– Increased density while diving deep helps sinking (just a hypothesis)
– Spermaceti organ may focus sound energy: sound stun gun?
More Functions
• Membrane structure
– Main structure of cell membranes
• Cofactors for enzymes
– Vitamin K: blood clot formation
– Coenzyme Q: ATP synthesis in mitochondria
• Signaling molecules
– Paracrine hormones (act locally)
– Steroid hormones (act body-wide)
– Growth factors
– Vitamins A and D (hormone precursors)
• Pigments
– Color of tomatoes, carrots, pumpkins, some birds
• Antioxidants
– Vitamin E
Lipids can provide pigment; I had to leave this one in,
it is to crazy not too!
Classification of Lipids
● Based on the structure and function
• Lipids that do not contain fatty acids: cholesterol, terpenes, …
• Lipids that contain fatty acids (complex lipids)
– can be further separated into:

Some common types of storage and membrane lipids.

• All the lipid types shown here have either glycerol or sphingosine as the backbone (light red screen), to
which are attached one or more longchain alkyl groups (yellow) and a polar head group (blue). In
triacylglycerols, glycerophospholipids, galactolipids, and sulfolipids, the alkyl groups are fatty acids in
ester linkage. Sphingolipids contain a single fatty acid, in amide linkage to the sphingosine backbone.
The membrane lipids of archaea are variable; that shown here has two very long, branched alkyl chains,
each end in ether linkage with a glycerol moiety. In phospholipids the polar head group is joined
through a phosphodiester, whereas glycolipids have a direct glycosidic linkage between the head-group
sugar and the backbone glycerol.
Fatty Acids
• Carboxylic acids with hydrocarbon chains containing between
4 to 36 carbons
• Almost all natural fatty acids have an even number of carbons
• Most natural fatty acids are unbranched
• Saturated: no double bonds between carbons in the chain
• Monounsaturated: one double bond between carbons in the
alkyl chain
• Polyunsaturated: more than one double bond in the alkyl
Fatty Acid Nomenclature
• Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients
– Humans need them but cannot synthesize them
– Including ALA, DHA, and EPA
• Although DHA and EPA can be synthesized from ALA
Fatty Acid Nomenclature
• Two conventions for naming
fatty acids. (a) Standard
nomenclature assigns the number
1 to the carboxyl carbon (C-1),
and α to the carbon next to it. Each
line segment of the zigzag represents
a single bond between adjacent
carbons. The position of any double
bond(s) is indicated by Δ followed by
a superscript number indicating
the lower-numbered carbon in the
double bond. (b) For
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs),
an alternative convention numbers
the carbons in the opposite direction,
assigning the number 1 to the methyl
carbon at the other end of the chain;
this carbon is also designated ω
(omega; the last letter in the
Greek alphabet). The positions of
the double bonds are indicated
relative to the ω carbon.
Conformation of Fatty Acids
• The saturated chain tends to adopt extended conformations
• The double bonds in natural unsaturated fatty acids are commonly in cis configuration,
which kinks the chain

• The packing of fatty acids into

stable aggregates. The extent
of packing depends on the
degree of saturation. (a) Two
• of the fully saturated acid
stearic acid, 18:0 (stearate at
pH 7), in its usual extended
conformation. (b) The cis
double bond (red) in oleic acid,
18:1(Δ9) (oleate), restricts
rotation and introduces a
rigid bend in the
hydrocarbon tail. All other
bonds in the chain are free
to rotate.
Melting Point and Double Bonds

• Saturated fatty acids pack in a fairly orderly way

– extensive favorable interactions
• Unsaturated cis fatty acid pack less orderly due to the kink
– less-extensive favorable interactions
• It takes less thermal energy to disrupt disordered packing of unsaturated fatty acids:
– unsaturated cis fatty acids have a lower melting point

• The packing of fatty acids

into stable aggregates. The
extent of packing depends on
the degree of saturation. (c)
Fully saturated fatty acids in the
extended form pack into nearly
crystalline arrays, stabilized by
many hydrophobic interactions.
(d) The presence of one or more
fatty acids with cis double bonds
(red) interferes with this tight
packing and results in less stable
These are important food groups!
Everything taste better with bacon!!!!
• Trans fatty acids form by partial
dehydrogenation of unsaturated fatty
– Done to increase shelf life or
stability at high temperature of oils
used in cooking (especially deep
• A trans double bond allows a given fatty
acid to adopt an extended conformation
• Trans fatty acids can pack more
regularly and show higher melting
points than cis forms
• Consuming trans fats increases risk of
cardiovascular disease
– Avoid deep-frying partially
hydrogenated vegetable oils
– Current trend: reduce trans fats in
foods (Wendy’s, KFC).
Triacylglycerols; Non-polar
• Majority of fatty acids in
biological systems are found in the
form of triacylglycerols
• Solid ones are called fats
• Liquid ones are called oils
• The primary storage form of lipids
(body fat)
• Less soluble in water than fatty
acids due to the lack of charged
carboxylate group
• Less dense than water: fats and
oils float
• The mixed triacylglycerol shown
here has three different fatty
acids attached to the glycerol
backbone. When glycerol has
different fatty acids at C-1 and C-
3, C-2 is a chiral center
Fats Provide Efficient Fuel Storage
• The advantage of fats over polysaccharides:
– Fatty acids carry more energy per carbon
because they are more reduced
– Fatty acids carry less water per gram
because they are nonpolar
• Glucose and glycogen are for short-term
energy needs, quick delivery
• Fats are for long-term (months) energy needs,
good storage, slow delivery
• Cross section of human white adipose tissue.
Each cell contains a fat droplet (white) so
large that it squeezes the nucleus (stained
red) against the plasma membrane.
• Waxes are esters of long-chain saturated and
unsaturated fatty acids with long-chain alcohols
• Insoluble and have high melting points
• Variety of functions:
– Storage of metabolic fuel in plankton
– Protection and pliability for hair and skin in vertebrates
– Waterproofing of feathers in birds
– Protection from evaporation in tropical plants and ivy
– Used by people in lotions, ointments, and polishes
Structural Lipids in Membranes (Polar)
• Contain polar head groups and nonpolar tails (usually
attached fatty acids)
• Diversification can come from:
• modifying a different backbone
• changing the fatty acids
• modifying the head groups
● The properties of head groups determine the surface
properties of membranes
● Different organisms have different membrane lipid
head group compositions
● Different tissues have different membrane lipid head
group compositions
• Primary constituents of cell membranes
• Two fatty acids form ester linkages with the first and second hydroxyl groups of L-
• Head group is charged at physiological pH
L-Glycerol 3-phosphate, the backbone of
phospholipids. Glycerol itself is not chiral, as it has a
plane of symmetry through C-2. However, glycerol is
prochiral—it can be converted to a chiral compound by
adding a substituent such as phosphate to either of the —
CH2OH groups. One unambiguous nomenclature for
glycerol phosphate is the D, L system, in which the
isomers are named according to their stereochemical
relationships to glyceraldehyde isomers. By this system,
the stereoisomer of glycerol phosphate found in most
lipids is correctly named either L-glycerol 3-phosphate or
D-glycerol 1-phosphate. Another way to specify
stereoisomers is the sn (stereospecific numbering) system,
in which C-1 is, by definition, the group of the prochiral
compound that occupies the pro-S position. The common
form of glycerol phosphate in phospholipids is, by this
system, sn-glycerol 3-phosphate (in which C-2 has the R
configuration). In archaea, the glycerol in lipids has the
other configuration; it is D-glycerol 3-phosphate.
General Structure of
• Unsaturated fatty acids are commonly found connected to C2
• The highly polar phosphate group may be further esterified by an alcohol; such
substituent groups are called the head groups

Glycerophospholipids. The common glycerophospholipids are

diacylglycerols linked to head-group alcohols through a phosphodiester
bond. Phosphatidic acid, a phosphomonoester, is the parent compound.
Each derivative is named for the head-group alcohol (X), with the prefix
“phosphatidyl-.” In cardiolipin, two phosphatidic acids share a single
glycerol (R1 and R2 are fatty acyl groups). *Note that the phosphate
esters in phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate each have a charge of
about -1.5; one of their —OH groups is only partially ionized at pH 7.
Examples of Glycerophospholipids
• Phosphatidylcholine is the major component of most eukaryotic cell membranes
• Many prokaryotes, including E. coli, cannot synthesize this lipid; their membranes
do not contain phosphatidylcholine

The molecular structures of two types of membrane lipid classes are similar.
Phosphatidylcholine (a glycerophospholipid) and sphingomyelin (a sphingolipid)
have similar dimensions and physical properties, but presumably play different
roles in membranes.
Ether Lipids: Plasmalogen
• Vinyl ether analog of
• Common in vertebrate heart
• Also found in some protozoa
and anaerobic bacteria
• Function is not well
understood Ether lipids. Plasmalogens have an ether-linked
– Resistant to cleavage by alkenyl chain where most glycerophospholipids have
common lipases but an esterlinked fatty acid. . Platelet-activating factor
has a long ether-linked alkyl chain at C-1 of glycerol,
cleaved by few specific
but C-2 is ester-linked to acetic acid, which makes the
compound much more water-soluble than most
– Increase membrane glycerophospholipids and plasmalogens. The head-
rigidity? group alcohol is ethanolamine in plasmalogens and
– Sources of signaling choline in platelet-activating factor.
– May be antioxidants?
Ether Lipids: Platelets-Activating Factor
• Aliphatic ether analog of phosphatidylcholine
• Acetic acid has esterified position C2
• First signaling lipid to be identified
• Stimulates aggregation of blood platelets
• Plays role in mediation of inflammation

Ether lipids Platelet-activating factor has a long ether-linked alkyl chain at C-1 of glycerol, but
C-2 is ester-linked to acetic acid, which makes the compound much more water-soluble than most
glycerophospholipids and plasmalogens. The head-group alcohol is ethanolamine in
plasmalogens and choline in platelet-activating factor.

• The backbone of sphingolipids is NOT glycerol

• The backbone of sphingolipids is a long-chain amino
alcohol sphingosine
• A fatty acid is joined to sphingosine via an amide
linkage rather than an ester linkage as usually seen in
• A polar head group is connected to sphingosine by a
glycosidic or phosphodiester linkage
• The sugar-containing glycosphingolipids are found
largely in the outer face of plasma membranes
• Sphingolipids. The first three
carbons at the polar end of
sphingosine are analogous to
the three carbons of glycerol
in glycerophospholipids. The
amino group at C-2 bears a
fatty acid in amide linkage.
The fatty acid is usually
saturated or
monounsaturated, with 16,
18, 22, or 24 carbon atoms.
Ceramide is the parent
compound for this group.
Other sphingolipids differ in
the polar head group (X)
attached at C-1. Gangliosides
have very complex
oligosaccharide head groups.
Standard symbols for sugars
are used in this figure, as
shown in Table 7–1.
• Ceramide (sphingosine + amide-linked fatty acid) +
phosphocholine attached to the alcohol
• Sphingomyelin is abundant in myelin sheath that surrounds some
nerve cells in animals

The molecular structures of two types of membrane lipid classes are similar.
Phosphatidylcholine (a glycerophospholipid) and sphingomyelin (a sphingolipid)
have similar dimensions and physical properties, but presumably play different
roles in membranes.
Sphingomyelin is structurally similar
to phosphatidylcholine

The molecular structures of two types of membrane lipid classes are

similar. Phosphatidylcholine (a glycerophospholipid) and sphingomyelin (a
sphingolipid) have similar dimensions and physical properties, but
presumably play different roles in membranes.
Glycosphingolipids and Blood Groups
• The blood groups are determined in part by the type of
sugars located on the head groups in glycosphingolipids.
• The structure of sugar is determined by an expression of
specific glycosyltransferases
– Individuals with no active glycosyltransferase will have the O
– Individuals with a glycosyltransferase that transfers an N-
acetylgalactosamine group have A blood group
– Individuals with a glycosyltransferase that transfers a galactose
group have B blood group
Glycosphingolipids determine blood groups
• Glycosphingolipids as
determinants of blood
groups. The human blood
groups (O, A, B) are
determined in part by the
oligosaccharide head groups
of these glycosphingolipids.
The same three
oligosaccharides are also
found attached to certain
blood proteins of individuals
of blood types O, A, and B,
respectively. Standard
symbols for sugars are used
here (see Table 7–1).

Defects in the turnover of membrane
lipids lead to a number of diseases

1 Pathways for the

breakdown of GM1,
globoside, and
sphingomyelin to
ceramide. A defect in the
enzyme hydrolyzing a
particular step is
indicated by ; the
disease that results from
accumulation of the
partial breakdown product
is noted.
Sterols and Cholesterol
• Sterol
– Steroid nucleus: four fused rings
– Hydroxyl group (polar head) in the A-ring
– Various nonpolar side chains
• The steroid nucleus is almost planar
• Cholesterol. In this
chemical structure of
cholesterol, the rings are
labeled A through D to
simplify reference to
derivatives of the steroid
nucleus; the carbon atoms
are numbered in blue. The
C-3 hydroxyl group
(shaded blue) is the polar
head group. For storage
and transport of the
sterol, this hydroxyl group
condenses with a fatty
acid to form a sterol
Physiological Role of Sterols
• Cholesterol and related sterols are present in the
membranes of most eukaryotic cells
– Modulate fluidity and permeability
– Thicken the plasma membrane
– Most bacteria lack sterols
• Mammals obtain cholesterol from food or synthesize
it de novo in the liver
• Cholesterol, bound to proteins, is transported to
tissues via blood vessels
– Cholesterol in low-density lipoproteins tends to deposit
and clog arteries
• Many hormones are derivatives of sterols
Steroid Hormones
• Steroids are oxidized derivatives of sterols
• Steroids have the sterol nucleus, but lack the alkyl
chain found in cholesterol
• More polar than cholesterol
• Steroid hormones are synthesized from cholesterol
in gonads and adrenal glands
• They are carried through the body in the
bloodstream, usually attached to carrier proteins
• Many of the steroid hormones are male and female
sex hormones
Steroid Hormones
• Steroids derived from
cholesterol. Testosterone, the
male sex hormone, is produced
in the testes. Estradiol, one of
the female sex hormones, is
produced in the ovaries and
placenta. Cortisol and
aldosterone are hormones
synthesized in the cortex of the
adrenal gland; they regulate
glucose metabolism and salt
excretion, respectively.
Prednisone and prednisolone are
synthetic steroids used as
antiinflammatory agents.
Brassinolide is a growth
regulator found in vascular
Biologically Active Lipids

• Are present in much smaller amounts than storage or

structural lipids

• Play vital roles as signaling molecules between nearby


• Lipid soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K)

Arachidonic Acid Derivatives
as Signaling Lipids
• Enzymatic oxidation of arachidonic acid yields
• Prostaglandins (inflammation and fever)
• Thromboxanes (formation of blood clots)
• Leukotrienes (smooth muscle contraction in lungs)
Vitamin D regulates calcium uptake

Vitamin D3 production and metabolism. (a) Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is produced in

the skin by UV irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol, which breaks the bond shaded
light red. In the liver, a hydroxyl group is added at C-25; in the kidney, a second
hydroxylation at C-1 produces the active hormone, 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. This
hormone regulates the metabolism of Ca2+ in kidney, intestine, and bone.
Vitamin A (Retinol)
Vitamin A1 and its precursor and • Involved in visual pigment
derivatives. (a) β-Carotene is the • Precursor for other hormones involved in
precursor of vitamin A1. Isoprene signaling
structural units are set off by dashed
red lines. Cleavage of β-carotene yields
two molecules of vitamin A1 (retinol) (b).
Oxidation at C-15 converts retinol to the
aldehyde, retinal (c), and further
oxidation produces retinoic acid (d), a
hormone that regulates gene expression.
Retinal combines with the protein opsin
to form rhodopsin (not shown), a visual
pigment widespread in nature. In the
dark, retinal of rhodopsin is in the 11-cis
form (c). When a rhodopsin molecule is
excited by visible light, the 11-cis-retinal
undergoes a series of photochemical
reactions that convert it to all trans-
retinal (e), forcing a change in the shape
of the entire rhodopsin molecule. This
transformation in the rod cell of the
vertebrate retina sends an electrical
signal to the brain that is the basis of
visual transduction.
Vitamin E, K, and other lipid quinones
are antioxidants
• Some other biologically
active isoprenoid
compounds or
derivatives. Units
derived from isoprene are
set off by dashed red
lines. In most mammalian
tissues, ubiquinone (also
called coenzyme Q) has 10
isoprene units. Dolichols
of animals have 17 to 21
isoprene units (85 to 105
carbon atoms), bacterial
dolichols have 11, and
those of plants and fungi
have 14 to 24
Polyketides are biologically active lipids
with medicinal uses

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