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Mycetoma-Like Chromoblastomycosis: A Diagnostic Dilemma: Tropical Medicine Rounds

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Tropical medicine rounds

Mycetoma-like chromoblastomycosis: a diagnostic dilemma

Ameena Jaleel, MBBS, Machiyanickel I. Celine, MBBS, MD, Kunjumani Sobhanakumari,
MBBS, MD, Sadeep M. Sadanandan, MBBS, MD, Puthenpurayil E. Shanimole, MBBS, MD,
and Susna Sobhana Surendran, MBBS

Department of Dermatology and Abstract

Venereology, Government Medical College, Objectives Mycetoma and chromoblastomycosis are subcutaneous fungal infections
Kottayam, Kerala, India
caused by pigmented fungi, common in the tropics and subtropics. Here we report a
pregnant woman who presented with a swelling around the ankle joint which was clinically
Ameena Jaleel, MBBS diagnosed as a case of mycetoma; however, further investigations revealed it to be a case
Department of Dermatology and of chromoblastomycosis.
Venereology Methods 24 year old primigravida presented with an indurated swelling around the ankle
Government Medical College
joint with multiple nodules and sinuses draining serosanguinous discharge. There was no
Gandhinagar P.O. Kottayam 686008
improvement with antibiotic therapy or surgical debridement. Patient was investigated in
India detail including radiographs, KOH smear, pus culture and biopsy for histopathology and
E-mail: fungal culture.
Results o grains were identified from the discharge and KOH smear was negative for
fungal elements. Pus culture revealed no bacterial growth. On the other hand,
doi: 10.1111/ijd.13499
histopathology and fungal culture confirmed it to be a case of chromoblastomycosis
caused by Fonsecaea pedrosoi. Treatment was initiated with terbinafine 250 mg daily, and
patient showed excellent response within 6 months of therapy.
Conclusion This unusual mycetoma-like presentation of chromoblastomycosis has not
been previously reported in literature and may be attributed to the altered immune status in
pregnancy. This should alert the clinician about the need to be vigilant of the atypical
presentations of well-known dermatological conditions, especially in special situations like

to increase in size causing considerable discomfort to the

patient despite antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement.
Mycetoma is a chronic suppurative granulomatous disease Examination revealed a diffuse indurated swelling around the
affecting the skin and subcutaneous tissue which is common in ankle joint with sparing of the anterior part (Fig. 2a,b). There
the tropics and subtropics. It was John Gill who first described were multiple papules and nodules with sinuses draining
the clinical features of the disease in the year 1842 in Madurai1, serosanguinous and purulent material on the surface. Regional
the city after which it was named Maduramycosis. It includes lymph nodes were not enlarged. Systems were within normal
two main groups – actinomycetoma caused by aerobic actino- limits. Based on the above clinical picture, we made a presump-
mycetes and eumycetoma caused by true fungi2. We report a tive diagnosis of mycetoma and performed further investiga-
very rare and unusual case of mycetoma-like presentation tions.
caused by Fonsecaea pedrosoi which is a common causative Routine blood and urine examinations and radiograph of the
agent of chromoblastomycosis. right ankle and chest showed no abnormalities. No grains were
identified from the discharge obtained from a saline dressing
kept overnight, and a KOH smear showed no organisms. Pus
Case report
culture revealed no bacterial growth. Biopsy from the area
A 24-year-old primigravida in her seventh month of gestation showed numerous neutrophilic microabscesses and tuberculoid
attended the dermatology outpatient clinic with a rapidly enlarg- granuloma with giant cells and lymphocytes. Numerous thick-
ing, painful swelling on the right ankle of ‘2 months’ duration. walled brownish spherical sclerotic bodies were present both
There was no history of any preceding trauma or surgical proce- inside and outside the giant cells suggesting the picture of chro-
dures. The patient had no comorbidities. The lesion continued moblastomycosis (Fig. 1a). No grains or fungal hyphae could 1

ª 2017 The International Society of Dermatology International Journal of Dermatology 2017

2 Tropical medicine rounds Mycetoma-like chromoblastomycosis Jaleel et al.

(a) Discussion
Dematiaceous or pigmented fungi cause a variety of subcuta-
neous fungal diseases – mycetoma, chromoblastomycosis, and
pheohyphomycosis being important among them. Mycetoma
presents as a chronic indurated swelling with discharging
sinuses usually involving the lower extremities. The hallmark
triad of the disease is tumefaction, fistulization of the abscess,
and extrusion of colored grains.3,4 Grains, also known as sclero-
tia, are aggregates of the fungal hyphae or bacterial filaments,
sometimes embedded in tough, cement-like material.5 It extends
and slowly invades the subcutaneous tissue, fat, ligaments,
muscle, and bone. The infection is not self-curing and, if
untreated, leads to massive lesions, which may in the end
necessitate surgical amputation.6 Madurella mycetomatis,
Madurella grisea, pseudallescheria boydii, leptosphaeria sene-
(b) galensis, and Acremonium are some of the important fungal
agents causing eumycotic mycetoma, whereas Nocardia, Actino-
madura, and Streptomyces are common agents causing actino-
mycotic mycetoma. Histologically, there is chronic inflammatory
reaction with suppurative granuloma formation and granules
containing either thick-walled septate hyphae as in eumycotic
mycetoma or fine branching interlacing filaments as in actinomy-
cotic mycetoma.
Chromoblastomycosis, on the other hand, presents as a
hypertrophic verrucous plaque at sites prone to trauma com-
monly on feet, legs, arms, face, and neck.7 It may ulcerate or
(c) develop atrophy and scarring. Satellite lesions are produced by
scratching, and there may be lymphatic spread to adjacent
areas. It can also present in varied morphologies like nodular,
tumoral, cicatricial, plaque, and verrucous.8–10 The common cau-
sative agents include Fonsecaea pedrosoi, Cladophialophora
carrionii, Phialophora verrucosa, Rhinocladiella aquaspersa, and
Fonsecaea compacta. Irrespective of the species, the pathogen
can be demonstrated as deeply pigmented thick-walled muriform
or sclerotic bodies. They are seen either in giant cells or neu-
trophilic abscesses in histopathology.11 Demonstration of muri-
form body in scrape smear, histopathology, or in aspiration
cytology is diagnostic of chromoblastomycosis.12
In our case, although the clinical presentation showed close
resemblance to mycetoma, typical granules were not demon-
Figure 1 (a) Skin biopsy showing granuloma in the dermis with
strated, which pointed against a diagnosis of mycetoma. Diag-
Langhans giant cell containing sclerotic body (H&E; 940). (b) Gray-
black velvetty colonies on tube culture with a jet black reverse. (c) nosis of chromoblastomycosis was confirmed through
Microscopy showing septate hyphae with sympodial and acropetal histopathology, which showed sclerotic bodies, and fungal
type of conidiation (lactophenol cotton blue mount, 940) culture, which demonstrated the causative agent Fonsecea
be seen. Specimens were also sent for fungal and mycobacte- The reason for such an altered presentation may be related
rial culture. Within 3 weeks, culture in Sabouraud’s dextrose to the underlying immunological mechanism. It is assumed that
agar showed olive gray colonies with jet black in reverse genetic susceptibility of the host, virulence of the organism, and
(Fig. 1b), and lactophenol cotton blue mount of the same host immunity are important factors determining the clinical and
showed septate branching hyphae with sympodial histological presentation of the disease. Tsuneto et al.13 have
(Rhinocladiella) and acropetal (cladosporium) type of conidiation enumerated the role of HLA-A29 A in susceptibility to chro-
typical of Fonsecaea pedrosoi (Fig. 1c). moblastomycosis. Though the first line of defense against fungi

International Journal of Dermatology 2017 ª 2017 The International Society of Dermatology

Jaleel et al. Mycetoma-like chromoblastomycosis Tropical medicine rounds

(a) levels of IL-10 and low IFN-c, whereas mild forms are associ-
ated with low levels of IL-10 and higher IFN-c, thereby indicating
a crucial role of IFN-c and CD4 + T lymphocytes in the immune
response against chromoblastomycosis.
Pregnancy is associated with immunosuppression often sub-
jecting the patient to increased risk of infection. There is a shift
in the immunological profile toward Th2 response in pregnancy
with elevated IL-10 levels,16 and it would be reasonable to pos-
tulate that this shift in immunological profile accounted for the
severe form of the disease with deeper tissue involvement and
rapid progression of the condition.
Dematiaceous fungi are increasingly being recognized as an
important pathogen in human infections especially in the past
few decades. A case of disseminated Phaeohyphomycosis
because of Exophiala spinifera during pregnancy was reported
by Ricardo et al.,17 and a case of concurrent mycetoma and
(b) chromoblastomycosis was reported by Murthy et al.,18 but a
mycetoma-like presentation of chromoblastomycosis is yet to be
reported. It is said that chromoblastomycosis and pheohy-
phomycosis represent two poles of a spectrum of disease
caused by pigmented fungi.19 So, we assume that the spectrum
of diseases caused by dematiaceous fungi has no strict boun-
dries, and a mycetoma-like presentation may be induced by
F. pedrosoi during immunosuppression. Interestingly, Exophiala
jeanselmei is a black fungi which is known to cause all three
Both itraconazole and terbinafine have been used success-
fully in the treatment of chromoblastomycosis. Potassium
(c) iodide is another effective drug for chromoblastomycosis
caused by F. pedrosoi. The therapeutic responses to itracona-
zole and ter-binafine are thought to be better if the causative
agent is C.carrionii.20 Other options include surgical excision,
cryotherapy, local application of heat, and CO2 laser vaporiza-
tion. They are useful only in smaller lesions. Our patient was
treated with terbinafine 250 mg daily in the postnatal period,
and she showed an excellent response within 6 months
(Fig. 2c).


Figure 2 (a & b) Indurated swelling with multiple discharging This unusual clinical setting reiterates the need to be vigilant
sinuses around right ankle. (c) After 6 months of treatment with about the atypical presentations of well-known dermatological
Terbinafine conditions, especially in special situations like pregnancy. It also
emphasizes the need for appropriate investigations in every
are the dendritic cells, studies have shown that the immunologi- case even if the diagnosis seems straight forward. Being a case
cal response in chromoblastomycosis is primarily T-cell medi- report, our findings have limitations, and we need further reports
ated. In 2003, D’Avila  et al.14 suggested that patients to confirm the new findings.
presenting with verrucous plaques have Th2 immunological
response characterized by suppurative granulomas with several
fungi cells, while those with erythematous atrophic plaques References
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al.,15 severe forms of the disease are associated with high Neurosurg 2007; 109: 516–519.

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International Journal of Dermatology 2017 ª 2017 The International Society of Dermatology

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